
merlin1991hm muon keeps segfaulting on start00:02
merlin1991more exactly, muon-installer does that00:02
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
KezrykCan someone tell me why i can not login after i install Kubuntu. i enter info exactly but it stays on login00:38
KezrykAnyone even here00:40
BarkingFishKezryk: Yes, we're here00:41
KezrykIs support here00:41
BarkingFishNot always watching the channel though, some of us are in a lot of different places :)00:41
BarkingFishYes, this is the support channel.00:41
BarkingFishSo you're trying to login, right?  Which display manager are you using? KDM?00:42
KezrykI am trying to install Kubuntu, i have always been mswindows user, but want to try linux and i cant login after i install it00:42
BarkingFishSo you have installed it, but now you can't logon, is that correct?00:43
Kezrykwhat ever th default is00:43
BarkingFishOk. I will tell you firstly, how to restart the display manager.00:44
BarkingFishwait until I have explained this, before you do it.00:44
Kezrykok actually just reinstalling it00:45
Kezrykfor the umteenth time00:45
BarkingFishkeep this information though, just in case00:45
BarkingFishYou need to press CTRL, ALT and F1 together, and try to login on a terminal.00:45
popitnowMaybe you should also try to log in with a text terminal00:45
BarkingFishif you can login there, type in   sudo service kdm restart  and hit enter00:45
Kezrykterminal server from windows will work??00:46
BarkingFishno, you need to do this from linux00:46
KezrykI am totally green on linux00:46
BarkingFishonce it's installed, you can do this even if you cannot login to kubuntu's desktop00:47
BarkingFishKezryk: I guessed, since you said you were an mswindows user, which is why I'm teaching you :)00:47
BarkingFishI'm ex-windows user too, left at Windows XP and came onto linux, never went back.00:48
KezrykI like the looks of Kubuntu so far as i have seen it. but dont know how to do a darn thing00:49
BarkingFishSo if once you've installed kubuntu, you follow the instructions I just gave you, see if you can login on a terminal. If not, you need to come back to us :)00:49
BarkingFishBut stay here for now, in case you have any other questions. We don't bite. (much) :)00:50
Kezrykok, thx00:50
BarkingFishif you can't login, incidentally, you need to come back to the GUI (the graphic bit)  - press CTRL, ALT and F7 or F8 to do that.00:51
BarkingFishThat's why I tell people to wait until I've explained it all to them, because if they just jump in and go straight to the terminal, a lot of them don't know how to get back :D00:51
KezrykMakes sense00:53
Kezryksomeone told me earlier to do the CTRL,ALT,F1. but nothing happened and i left too soon i guess00:53
ScottyKdoes Kubuntu require an extra package to play movie DVD's? Dragon Player, VLC and bangrang will not play a DVD. Thanks00:59
James147ScottyK: install kubuntu-restriced-extras01:00
ScottyKJames - Thanks..01:01
ScottyKDoes the system require a reboot to get this to work?01:04
KezrykOk BarkingFish, i know now why i couldnt login.01:19
Kezrykis there something like automatic update for kubuntu??01:24
popitnowyes but you have to configurate an internet acces first....it's called package manager01:25
popitnowthe default one is "muon package manager"01:25
gerihi how can i see the boot menue in kubuntu?01:25
popitnowdo you mean GRUB ?01:26
geriyeah before booting the kernel01:26
gerii want to choose the kernel01:26
James147geri: shift should show the menu in grub201:27
gerii have grub101:27
gerii think :D01:27
gerishift didnt work01:27
James147geri: what version of kubuntu are toy on (kubuntu hasent use grub1 in along time)01:27
gerii have ubuntu :D01:27
gerishoudl iset this? http://openpaste.org/2730025401:28
James147then you should have grub2 ^^ you can force grub to always show the menu by editing /etc/default/grub and running "sudo update-grub" (or was it "grub-update"...)01:29
gerimy grub.cfg: http://openpaste.org/76Bc943e01:29
geriJames147, what should i change there?01:31
gerihidden timeout is 001:31
James147geri: you should edit /etc/default/grub01:32
gerii opend it01:32
gerienable grub_gfx_mode?01:32
James147geri: comment out "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=5" and "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true" then run update-grub01:33
geriotherwize its not effective?01:34
gerihidden_timeout is 0 here01:36
KezrykWhat is the terminal command to initiate an update?02:49
DarthFrogKezryk: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" all on one line.02:58
hellslingerhow do I tell upowerd to log verbosely?03:33
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Kezrykany reason i cant type in terminal but i can everywhere else04:21
KezrykErr better yet i cant type the password in terminal mode04:21
geriJames147, why is a run update-grub necessary?04:27
Geraldhow can i see the boot menue in ubuntu? i already comment out "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=5" and "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true" .... is that all?04:45
reukkuis it safe to install kernel 3.2.1?04:48
reukkuor 3.1.10?04:50
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
muh2000i installed kubuntu-ppa for kde4.7.405:30
muh2000but the apps are still at 4.7.3 ?!?!? wtf?!?05:31
Geraldhow can i see the boot menue in ubuntu? i already comment out "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=5" and "#GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=true" .... is that all?05:41
=== Gerald is now known as geri
muh2000i installed kubuntu-ppa for kde4.7.4   but kmail2 is still 4.7.3 ?!?06:04
dasKreechKDE 4.8!06:05
muh2000dasKreech: what are you trying to tell me?06:07
dasKreechTry the KDE 4.8 PPA?06:11
muh2000dasKreech: isnt it even more beta?06:12
dasKreechKinda RC but ....06:12
dasKreechIt's coming out in 5 days06:13
muh2000and where is the 4.8ppa?06:13
muh2000add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta && apt-get dist-upgrade   and it says nothing to upgrade?06:15
muh2000wait i fogot "apt-get update"06:17
muh2000now it is updating.06:17
muh2000by doing this all the future updates will be rc/beta unless i remove that ppa again?06:18
Tm_Tmuh2000: if rc/betas are newer than stable release, yes06:19
muh2000Tm_T: and when there is a stable release it will upgrade to the stable release?06:20
Tm_Tapt-get uses the newest available if possible, repositories just enables them as sources06:20
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JabberwockyA19I'm stuggling to 'add more sensors to my plasmoid temperature monitor widget'08:11
JabberwockyA19lm-sensors shows cpu (per core) and gpu, where the widget only shows my gpu08:12
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GarGarOzzchanserv irc.freenode.net10:46
martellwhere do i find file associations in oneiric ocelot ?10:51
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freedvdhello, which dvd player is best suited to read interactive DVD's on kubuntu?11:59
freedvdi added the package sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc but now sudo apt-get update fails12:11
freedvdhow can i rmeove it?12:11
jussi!info ppa-purge12:19
ubottuppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB12:19
jussifreedvd: ^^12:19
datruth_I am having an issue resuming my computer from sleep mode in 11.10 on as asus g74s anyone have this issue?12:51
seshagiri_Hey could some one help me out of the problem while installing man-db. I have pasted the error report here -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/537758/13:01
datruth_I am having an issue resuming my computer from sleep mode in 11.10 on as asus g74s anyone have this issue?13:03
seshagiri_Well thanks i fixed it myself!13:05
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
BluesKajHi all13:46
gnathanhi, I'm trying to upgrade to oneiric but having some problems, wonder if anybody could help14:42
gnathanthe upgrade process seems to be obscured by ubuntu14:42
gnathanI'm not sure why, maybe at some point when I installed gnome or something14:42
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BluesKajgnathan,  describe "obscured" , not sure what you mean14:52
Geraldwhen is it necessary to call blacklist before i do modprobe?14:53
ShishKababI'm trying to install Kubuntu 11.10 on my laptop. The live CD does detect my wireless network card (it shows up in iwconfig as wlan0), but somehow I can't scan for or connect to networks in the Network Manager. Also, 'iwlist wlan0 scan' returns an error. Is there anything I can do about it before installing or should I install on a wire and solve the problem later (maybe by downloading some extra drivers)?14:57
BluesKajGerald,  blacklist if needed just before you modprobe the module you want to use , then reboot if necessary14:57
BluesKajShishKabab,  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up , then, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid , then try to connect .14:59
gnathanBluesKaj: thanks, erm, I'm not exactly sure either, but when I try the various things that should supposedly lead to a KDE upgrade option, I either get nothing or an option to upgrade Ubuntu15:01
gnathanand when I do cat /etc/issue I get "Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS"15:01
gnathanwhen in fact, the only OS I have "officially" installed is kub15:02
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gnathanfor example, if I try "sudo update-manager -d" the upgrade option that is presented to me is "new Ubuntu release '12.04' is available"15:04
ShishKababBluesKaj: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up says 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory'15:04
gnathanand if I do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it just says, nothing to install15:04
BluesKajgnathan,  did you remove ubuntu-desktop previous to the upgrade then , update and ugrade with apt , then run sudo do-release-upgrade15:04
gnathan(even with update)15:04
gnathanno, I didn't know to do that15:05
gnathanI can try it15:05
gnathanok I tried with apt and got "Package ubuntu-desktop is not installed, so not removed"15:05
BluesKajthe upgrade OS command is sudo do-release-upgrade , the dist-upgrade just upgrades the desktop and packages with the present OS15:06
BluesKajgnathan,  ^15:06
gnathanI just tried do-release-upgrade, again, it did nothing15:06
gnathanChecking for a new ubuntu release15:06
gnathanNo new release found15:06
BluesKajlsb_release -a15:07
tayfundoes anyone know how to disable touchpad while typing ?15:08
=== savio is now known as RocknRolla
gnathanLSB Version:    core-2.0-ia32:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-ia32:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-ia32:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-ia32:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-ia32:core-4.0-noarch15:08
Peace-tayfun: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/ubuntu-automatically-disable-touchpad.html15:08
gnathanDistributor ID: Ubuntu15:08
gnathanDescription:    Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS15:08
gnathanRelease:        10.0415:08
gnathanCodename:       lucid15:08
FloodBotK3gnathan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
BluesKajShishKabab,  wlan0=dhcp , then , sudo dhclient wlan015:09
BluesKaj!LTS | gnathan15:09
ubottugnathan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)15:09
gnathanBlues: yes, but I don't remember ever installing ubuntu specifically15:10
tayfunPeace: thank you a lot !15:10
gnathanI have no idea why it's saying that. I run KDE, and as far as I know kubuntu.15:10
Peace-tayfun: well thank google   i jut googled your question15:11
RocknRollalucid support everything15:11
gnathanit's just that I'd rather not do a fresh install if there's something simple I can do to get the automatic upgrade option back15:11
tayfunPeace : i actually google and tried them but could not worked yet15:12
BluesKajgnathan,  gnathan you can't upgrade to oneiric directly , you need to do a clean install , jumping OS releases can be done but you have to go to 10.10 , then 11.04 . then 11.10...better to just back up your data and download the iso15:12
Peace-tayfun: webup8 is a good webiste it should work15:13
Peace-tayfun: good luck15:13
gnathanBlues: ok, I'll do that. I have no idea what happened here, but thanks for the help :)15:13
ShishKababBluesKaj: I see 'RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory' and the process keeps running. I still get the same errors for ifconfig and iwlist.15:14
BluesKajShishKabab,  what does iwconfig tell you15:14
BluesKajShishKabab,  also what wifi chip , you may need to load the module/driver15:15
ts2gnathan: fyi, Kubuntu is Ubuntu, what most people call "Ubuntu" is really Ubuntu with Gnome/Unity. same project, different UIs. If you want to upgrade to Oneiric you must upgrade to Maverick, then Natty, then Oneiric. Or you can wait a couple of months for the next LTS release (Precise) and you'll be offered an upgrade then15:16
ShishKababBluesKaj: It's a BCM43xx chip. I tried modbrobe bcm<tab>, and that shows bcm203x, bcm3510, bcm5974, bcma and bcm_wimax.15:18
ShishKababBluesKaj: And iwlist tells me a lot, what are you interested in? Is ESSID:off/any and Mode:Managed interesting?15:20
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BluesKajShishKabab,  pastebin the iwconfig pls15:24
ShishKababBluesKaj: I don't have internet on the laptop, so I can't paste it :(. I think I better plug it into a wired connection. From https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx it looks like I'll need internet anyway.15:26
ShishKababBluesKaj: I have to go to another room now, but thanks for your help!15:30
gnathants2: thanks, yes, I was aware of that: but I still thought that the automatic kubuntu upgrade would be branded as "kubuntu", rather than offering anupgrade to "ubuntu"?15:34
gnathanbecause, for instance, I dont' really want unity15:34
ts2it won't give you unity, it _upgrades_ what you have15:35
gnathanoh ok, so even though it says "ubuntu", it'll still leave me with kde?15:36
ts2I understand it's not that obvious, but Ubuntu is the OS name, Kubuntu is the "flavour"15:36
ts2kind of like how Windows does Home, Professional, whatever. Same OS, but different defaults etc15:36
ts2(except that Ubuntu flavours aren't chopped up and sold for outrageous prices)15:37
gnathanah, thanks I think your prompt about upgrading first to maverick just led me to discover the problem15:39
gnathanI didn't understand that the LTS version would only upgrade to the next LTS release15:40
ts2you can change it, it's just by default15:40
gnathanyeah, doing that that now15:40
ts2most LTS installs want to stick to LTS15:41
BluesKajgnathan,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades , this also applies to kubuntu15:42
gnathanah, great, I now have the upgrade option in kpackagekit15:42
gnathanthanks both for the help :D15:43
BluesKajyeahh , I forgot what the command is to change from a LTS to the next regular release15:45
gnathanmaybe there's a command, I edited /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades as suggested here http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-kubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-to-10.10-maverick-meerkat15:46
James147gnathan: that sounds about right, though kpackagekit (and presumably moun) could also edit that setting15:47
* ts2 coughs and points James147 and gnathan to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu15:49
James147ts2: yup, thats the gui way, the cli way is to edit the above mention file15:50
* BluesKaj always upgrades to the next releas , be it LTS or just a regular release15:51
BluesKajrunning 12.04 alpha here15:52
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GeraldBluesKaj, what happens if i dont do modprobe before?17:02
Geraldi mean blacklist...17:02
fkmHi there. I don't know, if this is the right place to ask. If not, please point me to the right channel. I have made an xorg update yesterday and since then I cannot start the desktop effects because they became to slow. Here's the update log: http://pastebin.com/9V6CTqmB17:15
Tm_Tfkm: ubuntu version?17:16
Tm_Tfkm: 11.10 Oneiric?17:17
fkmUbuntu 11.1017:17
fkmLinux medusa 3.0.0-15-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 2 17:45:26 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux17:17
mydogsnameisrudycan kwallet be deleted with out killing my wifi?17:17
martellyes, though you might have to retype your password17:19
mydogsnameisrudyit makes me type password every time i login is that normal?17:19
James147mydogsnameisrudy: you can also configure networkmanager to store passwords in a plain text file17:19
BluesKajGerald,  blackilst first then modprobe17:20
James147mydogsnameisrudy: it is if you have somehting that requires a password after login (such as wifi)17:20
mydogsnameisrudyok im going to google some then thx17:21
James147mydogsnameisrudy: if you dont want to type it in then you basically have two option, tell networkmanager to store passwords in plane text (bypassing kwallet) or create a passwordless wallet (this basically stores all passwords unencrypted and isnt recomended)17:22
mydogsnameisrudyok coming from gnome to kde im a bit confused17:23
mydogsnameisrudywhy it needs this17:23
* James147 also notes that kdes password sotage system is going to change in the next release or 2 of kde ^^ so things might change then)17:23
James147mydogsnameisrudy: its because kwallet encrpyts passwords with a master password, and thus requires it to access the passwords again... it also dose not store this password anywhere (doing so voids having it in the first palce)17:24
* BluesKaj disables the kwalletmanager , it's mostly a pita for home users17:24
mydogsnameisrudyok hmmm might let it go for now then see how it goes17:24
James147mydogsnameisrudy: However, what gnome dose that kde dose not (yet! hopefully) iss use the login password to attempt to unlock the wallet ... which is why it always asks you17:25
Peace-James147: do you know something about vlc and system wide settings  for it?17:27
Peace-James147: this sicker doesn't want read my config file form /etc/vlc/vlcrc17:27
James147Peace-: tend not to use vlc... though dose it store system wide settings like other apps?17:27
Peace-James147: nah is not kde app so...17:28
James147(or am I just to use to kde apps doing this) LD17:28
James147Peace-: there is always the hack of placing its config in /etc/skele, will basically set it up for new users :)17:29
Peace-James147: mmm but it didnt worked for me17:32
Peace-even in skel17:32
James147Peace-: skel only gets copied when creating a new user...17:33
James147so wouldnt affect existing users unfortinutly17:33
Peace-James147: dah17:35
Peace-James147: nice to know17:35
Peace-James147: well to re-read ... i forget it17:35
Peace-James147: :D ty17:35
James147Peace-: or the other way, place a symlink in /etc/skel to the config :)17:35
James147(as well as all users)17:35
Peace-James147: arch user right ?17:36
Peace-James147: i hated it intel bug :D17:37
James147intel bug?17:37
Peace-i dunno there was a bug and i got a well black screen xd17:37
Peace-i edited the kernel and it started17:37
James147not seen that ever :S17:38
Peace-James147: i guess it's for some card only17:38
hynzohi everybody17:38
hynzoI'm new here17:38
James147Welcome hynzo17:38
hynzohow are you ?17:39
James147hynzo: you might want to join #kubuntu-offtopic for general chat, this channel is dedicated to kubuntu support issues17:39
hynzoso is this a developpers community17:40
James147hynzo: no, this is a users community, #kubuntu-devel for developers talk :)17:40
hynzoI want to join kubuntu develeppers team, I'm a Qt learner17:41
James147hynzo: then you will want to join #kubutu-devel channel :)  also see http://www.kubuntu.org/community/contribute17:42
BluesKajhynzo,  then type /join #kubuntu-devel or click on the link James147 provided17:42
hynzook tank you17:43
James147hynzo: or if you want to develop for kde specifically (which will indrectly help kubuntu) join #kde and #kde-devel17:43
hynzoI didn't find any one there :)17:45
James147hynzo: people are more likly to respond to a qustion then general chat17:47
James147hynzo: also, be patience, people idlely watch these channels and can take a while to respond :)17:50
BluesKajhynzo,  I saw you join #kde , but you didn't ask a question17:51
kuruminalguem aew fala portugues????????18:07
Unit193!pt | kurumin18:09
ubottukurumin: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:09
GeraldBluesKaj, blacklist command not found18:38
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smjmsis anyone else's GTK programs being rendered with a black background? :(18:58
smjmsoh, right I should be in #kubuntu+118:59
Unit193smjms: Last I knew there was only #ubuntu+118:59
BluesKaj!blacklist | Gerald19:00
ubottuGerald: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:00
Geraldit will not load the module if i start linux?19:00
Geraldi overloading the module using dkms...19:01
BluesKajGerald,  the proper file is , /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf , use root permissions if intend to add a module , add the module to the file then reboot , you can also modprobe the correct module before reboot ing19:04
* James147 thourgh blacklist.conf was depracated and you should just use modprob.conf ^^19:05
BluesKajJames147,  it still works in 12.0419:05
* BluesKaj doesn't see an modprobe.conf file , doesn't exist19:12
James147BluesKaj: :) think i was getting my distos confused again...19:12
BluesKajJames147,  ok19:13
James147BluesKaj: but your riht, blacklist.conf on kubuntu seems to be the way19:13
BluesKajthe /etc/modprobe.d file has the dkms.conf , alsa-base.conf and several others19:15
=== Gerald is now known as geri
EngonyrHow do I switch to Kubuntu and remove almost all the default GNOME applications?19:40
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Unit193!purekde | robbit1019:40
ubotturobbit10: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »19:40
robbit10Unit193: Thanks :)19:41
_jamthe latest security update to 11.10 is giving me a dependency conflict, and when I try to run with --full-resolver, it basically wants to remove everything19:57
_jamanyone else experiencing this?19:57
BluesKaj_jam,  to remove dependency conflicts , sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends nameofpackage(s) , you may have to run this command several times to remove the depends , they''ll be listed in the terminal , or you can find them in the /var/log file as well20:01
_jamthis removes the packages, does it not?20:02
_jami'm rather reluctant to do that, given the large number of packages it wants to remove20:03
BluesKajmost of kde/kubuntu-desktop I bet , ...what's the first conflict dependency package20:04
_jamumm, hrm. ok sorry. apparently the update last night resolved this as it no longer wants to remove packages20:06
_jamdidn't notice that there was another update20:06
* BluesKaj nods20:06
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
robbit10I just switched over to Kubuntu, but i'm missing the utility that installs propietary drivers.. I have the one from Ubuntu, but it's not having root permissions. I executed apt-get autoremove after deinstalling all Ubuntu packages, so I think that might've messed up some things..20:33
robbit10the authentication part of KDE is broken.. what package should I install? kdesu?20:42
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georgehi all21:10
georgetoday muon reports that there is about 202 packages to install / update of about 1gb. is this correct or did my updater break somewhere21:12
georgehi anybody able to please assist me?21:22
BluesKajgeorge,  how long since you updated/upgraded ?21:24
georgehi BluesKaj I updated yesterday21:25
georgethere are four updates that look like kernel update and a libc-dev. but both synaptic and muon want to install 202 other packages that looks like stuff I would't / didn't use ever e.g. a lot texlive stuff and eastern fonts etc21:26
BluesKajgeorge,  try sudo apt-get update , see what it lists21:27
BluesKajI guess tou should check repos you have enabled as well21:28
georgesudo apt-get update gives this error: >21:28
georgeoops, a gpg error21:29
georgeGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A21:29
BluesKajgeorge,  that's a ppa you've added for an application , open /etc/apt/sources.list.d and remove it21:31
jonte_Hello! Is it possible to run the Kubuntu desktop from a remote machine? I don't want  to takeover the console, but want to run on a separate X11 display over ssh. I have X11 fowarding working.21:34
James147jonte_: look at tightvnc21:35
jonte_Is it more efficient than X11 over ssh?21:37
James147jonte_: much, its designed for over the network21:41
James147xforwarding isnt so much21:41
shadeslayerjonte_: I believe X was designed to be run over the network21:47
shadeslayerso X + ssh is probably the best you can get21:48
James147shadeslayer: dosnt run very fast ^^21:49
shadeslayerJames147: well, if you use -c and -Y ... maybe then?21:50
James147shadeslayer: espically over a slower connection, where as vnc tends to work faster21:50
jonte_I had a quick look at tightvnc webpage. They (only?) talk about taking over the console, that is not what I want. Like I can ssh into a box and not disturb other users I would like to do the same  with GUI.21:50
shadeslayerI've tried vnc over the internet, it was utter crap21:50
DreadtowerWhat is the keyboard shrotcut of for the application launcher please (can't find where this is configured21:51
jonte_I haven't yet found a vnc or rrdp client on Linux that could compete in responsivenes and speed with Win - Win remote desktop.21:51
jonte_supposedly bitmaps aren't very fast on X. On the other hand networks are reasonably fast compared to local networks 20 years ago...21:53
gomiboyjonte_: you need it for local network or over the internet?21:54
jonte_over the Internet, the slowest pipe is ~4Mbit/s.21:55
jonte_It just seems wrong to first "translate" X to VNC and then tunnel that through ssh. On the other hand that is a bit of the *nix way of doing things. The right tool for the right job.21:57
gomiboyjonte_: X is ok on local networks, you'll hardly notice (we had 100 ethernet "20 years ago" :P ) but for the internet where you need speed and security... have a look at freenx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX don't know if it's still developped though...22:06
phoenix_firebrdany security expert here?22:07
jonte_gomiboy: FreeNX sounds ok, it seems to take care of the security bit. But will it let me have a new session? I.e. wife can sit at home on facebook and I get my own login?22:13
gomiboyjonte_: yes, it was developped with thinclients in mind, you could have 20sh concurrent users on a modern desktop pc :)22:15
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DreadtowerDoes anyone know which i8s the best version control system to use with KDevelop for a console C++ application: I have a choice of subversion or CVS?22:22
James147Dreadtower: I would recomend using git :)22:22
* gomiboy is not a developper but cvs is ooold :)22:23
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RiotingPacifist_can somebody tell me where /lib64 should point on 64bit 11.10 installs is it /lib?22:46
gomiboyRiotingPacifist_: not a link here, inside i have a single link: ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 -> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so22:49
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RiotingPacifist_thanks gomiboy22:51
gomiboyyw :)22:51
DarkSmokecan someone tell me how to boot kubuntu in verbose mode?22:51
DarkSmokei mean i used to do it but i find the boot file diferent from last time i used linux22:52
gomiboyDarkSmoke: edit /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""  then sudo update-grub22:54
DarkSmokeIs there a verbose flag?22:54
DarkSmokeLike putting -v or verbose in that line or it's not used?22:54
maxhrHello, I had kubuntu installed, then installed Mandriva, which didn't make a boot menu option for Kubuntu, so I tried adding it manually, but when it loads, keyboard and mouse don't work, any fix for this?22:55
maxhrSome setting is wrong or missing in the boot manager setup, any ideas?22:58
gomiboymaxhr: pastebin your grub config from mandriva23:02
maxhrgomiboy: ok, just a moment23:05
maxhrgomiboy: I don't think there is a grub config, as mandriva uses grub legacy instead of grub2, or maybe I don't know where to find it...23:15
gomiboymaxhr: usual places are /boot/grub or /etc/grub or try in console: locate grub23:18
almoxarifegomiboy: also in /etc/default/grub23:21
almoxarifewhat is up with all the grub questions? has a kernel update effected grub?23:22
gomiboyno, he installed mandriva, which is racist and didn't put an entry for his other kubuntu installation23:24
almoxarifemandriva is a racist distro, who would of thought23:25
maxhrgomiboy: I am in /boot/grub , don't see a config file, what should it be caused23:25
almoxarifemaxhr: the config file should be /etc/default/grub, see it?23:26
maxhralmoxarife: that folder is empty23:31
gomiboymaxhr: sorry, i have to go, try in console: locate grub.conf or locate grub.cfg23:31
almoxarifemaxhr: i asssumed you had a ubuntu/kubuntu distro with grub223:33
maxhralmoxarife: yes23:35
almoxarifemaxhr: yes?23:35
maxhrI had kubuntu with grub223:36
almoxarifemaxhr: had or have?23:36
maxhrthen installed mandriva, which has grub23:36
maxhrso kubuntu is still there on the first partition23:36
almoxarifemaxhr: no idea where grub is in mandriva23:36
maxhrbut mandriva's bootloader is what I see when it boots up23:36
maxhrso I can still get kubuntu to boot up, but the mouse and keyboard don't work23:38
maxhralmoxarife: is there a way to get kubuntu to take back over the booting?23:43
almoxarifemaxhr: which is first on the drive?23:43
almoxarifemaxhr: i would think yes then, but you would need to re-run update-grub from kubuntu and i assume kubuntu has grub2  and not the legacy, i have assume alot here, be careful23:45
James147maxhr: just reinstall grub in kubuntu "sudo grub-install --recheck --no-floppy /dev/sdX && update-grub"23:46
maxhrYeah, grub2... and I think I can get kubuntu to boot properly23:46
almoxarifeJames147: some people might just put an 'x', might explain that23:47
James147where X the letter of the drive you want to install it to, normall a23:47
maxhrahh, ok, thx23:48
maxhrthat makes more sense23:49
maxhrI will try rebooting and check back23:49
Kurdistanhi is there any minimalistic kubuntu livecd?23:59

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