
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
bradm_that latest post to the list sure looks like someone asking to have their homework done for them00:48
dns__sounds like it, we could link to the linux.conf.au presentations when they are published00:52
sagacididn't come through the moderation line 00:54
benonsoftwareI am a Ubuntu Member now :p00:55
sagacigood work00:57
benonsoftwaresagaci: Thanks :P00:58
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head_victimbradm_: I actually thought that email came though on a different mailing list, did a double take when I saw it was the loco one (I'm used to requests like that on -users)05:40
benonsoftwarehead_victim: I got Ubuntu Membership this morning :P05:41
head_victimbenonsoftware: congratulations05:41
head_victimYou'll have to decide what cloak is is priority now :P05:42
benonsoftwareWell I have (soon to be) 3 to choose from :P05:42
head_victimWhat's the 3rd one?05:43
benonsoftwareI'm going to apply for a GRF-f for BM Designs05:43
head_victimI don't even know what that refers to sorry.05:44
benonsoftwareMe and a friend have made a website design group :P05:44
head_victimOh and you're going to try and make it a freenode project?05:45
head_victimFair enough then05:45
hot_wheelzhi guys06:07
benonsoftwareHello hot_wheelz06:08
hot_wheelzwhat is linux dvb channel again i lost it?06:09
hot_wheelzbenonsoftware hi06:09
hot_wheelzsorry dropped off a sec06:10
benonsoftwareI'm not really sure06:15
hot_wheelzbenonsoftware ok06:15
hot_wheelzback again guys06:38
hot_wheelzdoes anyone know much about http://www.ubuntu.com/tv06:38
hot_wheelzi'm guessing it could become like an officailly suppported mythtv distro right06:41
head_victimhot_wheelz: it's really only in idea stage at the moment from what I understand. I don't think there are any concrete plans to use any specific software to make it happen yet07:05
sagacihot_wheelz: basically, canonical-backed07:05
bradm_there is actual code out there for the ubuntu-tv stuff07:19
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head_victimWell there you go, looks a lot more detail than I saw a little while ago. I thought I read a few things, but apparently nothing with much content.07:22
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head_victimbenonsoftware: I know sagaci has set up his sftp on people.u.c recently so might be able to help wiht issues if he's around. I'd offer help but that's one of the things I've never actually used.07:38
benonsoftwarehead_victim: Thats ok :p07:49
sagaciyou just need an ssh key on your lp account that's attached to the computer you're on07:53
sagaciand then just do $ sftp jpickett@people.ubuntu.com07:53
benonsoftwaresagaci: I do that and then I cd to the public_html folder and theres nothing there07:54
sagacithat's where you put your stuff07:54
benonsoftwaresagaci: Ah, sorry all of that folder I put stuff in, Thanks07:54
head_victimTeam work :)07:55
benonsoftwarehead_victim: Did you say you are going to the q UDS?07:56
head_victimbenonsoftware: nah, can't afford it07:56
benonsoftwareI would love to go too but same as you :P07:56
benonsoftwareSay if I have a sub folder test there how do I remove it, rm -r test doesn't work08:00
sagacimake sure the folder is empty and then rmdir08:01
benonsoftwareI get Couldn't delete file: Failure08:02
sagaciworks fine for me :/08:03
benonsoftwareLucky :/08:03
head_victimI don't have anything exciting to keep on mine :P08:05
sagacias I said, just make sure the directory you're rmdir'ing is empty08:05
sagaciI'm keeping latest templates for translation there now08:05
head_victimHah you're so far into it now it's great. I am ok with rosetta and a little bit of POEdit but buggered if I know how you're doing what you are now, so far above my head.08:06
benonsoftwareMines empty when I try to delete the folder08:06
sagacihead_victim: it's a bit tedious but at least all the strings are being corrected08:07
sagaciit should be flawless by april08:07
sagacihaving said that, strings like Co&lor won't be picked up08:08
sagacibut they will be in the distant minority08:08
head_victimsagaci: I notice in the newsletters enAU is now topping translations, that in itself is awesome, you and jaddi really kicked it up a notch last cycle08:08
head_victimsagaci: yeah you'll probably only find them in testing.08:08
sagaciyep, I'm guestimating there might be ~500 strings that may need a tweak, but nothing that will confuse the user, since it's only en_AU08:09
sagaciI'll do a tute :)08:09
head_victimYeah we need to move focus from string changes to error detection08:10
head_victimNot a bad problem to have mind you08:10
sagaciIt may be time to enforce a two-pass policy08:10
sagacibut I don't think that is technically possible08:11
head_victimsagaci: yeah I think 2 pass would be worth considering, people still get karma for that.08:12
sagacikarma karma karma08:12
sagaciI was hoping for a letter from sabdfl when I passed 100,00008:13
sagacia generic letter, mind you08:13
head_victimWell you are second on the Ubuntu project in Launchpad afterall08:13
sagaciit's going to fall pretty steadily08:14
head_victimMartin Pitti is the only other contributor rated higher across all Ubuntu.08:14
* benonsoftware knows someone who is trying to contact the sabdfl08:14
head_victimIt's not hard to contact the man, he's in public meetings :)08:14
sagaciwith IRC bodyguards08:15
benonsoftwareYeah, his trying to contact him via phone08:15
benonsoftwareI have been PMing the person all day :P08:15
benonsoftwareNo Answer08:15
head_victimYou do realise it's just breaking morning in the UK right?08:15
head_victimSo all day for us has been all night........08:16
benonsoftwareYeah, thats what I said too him :p08:16
sagaci6:15am, should be08:16
head_victimsagaci: he also does a Q&A pretty much every cycle08:16
benonsoftwarehead_victim: Yeah, but at 1AM our time :P08:16
sagaciyeah, have never seemed to have attended any of the sessions08:17
head_victimI've sat in on a few.08:17
sagaciflicked through the logs after08:17
head_victimbenonsoftware: you have to get used to timezones if you're going to be involved in anything international :)08:17
benonsoftwarehead_victim: They make my head spin :P08:17
benonsoftwareMost people in TouchLay are +1 :(08:17
head_victimI'm quite used to them, my workplace operators 24/7 anway08:19
sagacido you use UTC at work?08:19
head_victimNah we always use local time, we deal with customers so it's always displayed in their time.08:20
head_victimSo one call yuo're saying it's 4am the next you're saying it's 8am, etc.08:20
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sagacihead_victim: uploading a tute on fixing en_AU strings to youtube now12:41
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