
benonsoftwareI am wondering if I could please get a Ubuntu Cloak?02:09
pangolinbenonsoftware: link to LP02:11
benonsoftwarepangolin: https://launchpad.net/~benny02:11
pangolinircc new members looking for cloaks :)02:11
pangolincongrats benonsoftware :)02:12
benonsoftwarepangolin: Thank you02:12
pangolinbenonsoftware: just hangout here and sooner or later someone will get you that cloak02:16
tgreerhi guys, any ubuntu ops about?02:40
Unit193Is this about #ubuntu-se-offtopic?02:40
pangolintgreer: I am an #ubuntu op02:41
tgreeryou just dont have any privs for #ubuntu-es-offtopic ?02:41
pangolini don't need to be added to the access list just gimme temp +o and I'll remove them02:42
tgreerwell there's no entry in there for freenode/staff so I can't do much02:42
TiMiDoif i want to be an op for example in the #Ubuntu-es and #ubuntu-es-offtopic so i can have access just in case this annoying stuff happen once again, with the little kids, floods02:43
tgreerTiMiDo: you need to speak to #ubuntu-irc and have the Ubuntu IRC council deal with it02:43
TiMiDotgreer, why I'm saying this is because in those channel i am active,02:44
pangolin!canibeanop > TiMiDo02:44
ubottuTiMiDo, please see my private message02:44
tgreer!canibeanop > tgreer02:51
ubottutgreer, please see my private message02:51
* tgreer nosies02:51
pangolinmore then welcome to look around :)02:53
tgreerheh was just curious as to what it said02:55
pangolinand you thought it was hard to become staff02:58
tgreerwas pretty much tl;dr :P02:58
pangolinthat is the test, if you make it threw all the documentation you can have ops02:59
tgreerif i had time, but i dont.. heh02:59
tgreeralso see /query chanserv access list #ubuntu-es-offtopic03:01
tgreerfor who has/can grant ops03:01
pangolinyup, tried getting someone from council but none around03:02
tgreerif they want to put an entry in for the freenode staff cloak we can assist, but thats their call03:04
pangolinyeah i will mention it to m4v03:04
tgreerI'm about for another 5 hours, but theres always staff about03:05
TiMiDoi try also to msg him,03:05
TiMiDobut he is away,03:05
=== jimmacdonald is now known as jimmacdonald|awa
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
TiMiDocan someone activate my cloak?04:58
pangolinTiMiDo: link to LP account04:59
pangolinIRCC we benonsoftware and TiMiDo both wanting @ubuntu/member04:59
pangolinok now just wait in here and they will get to it soon04:59
TiMiDooh thank you once again pangolin05:00
pangolinVery welcome.05:00
pangolinerr we have*05:00
Unit193Good middle-of-the-night, AlanBell :)08:19
Unit193AlanBell: benonsoftware wanted a members cloak now that he's a member08:19
AlanBellhi benonsoftware08:19
Unit193Didn't know if you saw, just trying to help08:20
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/benonsoftware cloak for benonsoftware please08:23
bkerensaHi AlanBell08:31
AlanBellhi bkerensa08:31
AlanBellmorning christel08:50
christelAlanBell: benonsoftware done :)08:52
AlanBellthanks christel08:52
ashamsAlanBell,  Hi, can I get Ubuntu cloak?09:57
Unit193Can you link your launchpad please?09:57
ashamsUnit193, hi unit, nice to see you: here's it https://launchpad.net/~ashams09:58
Unit193Congrats! (He'll just have asked you, figured I'd make it a bit easier)09:58
k1l_well, then we need to wait for the IRCC to confirm :)09:59
ashamsUnit193, thanks buddy :-)09:59
Unit193Yeppers, but I can't actually do anything :P  Just wait for him to show10:00
MyrttiAlanBell, topyli, funkyHat, Pici10:09
Tm_TUnit193: you can ping IRCC though (:10:13
Unit193Tm_T: Yep, but Alan was just around, and that didn't go well last time10:13
AlanBellhi ashams10:52
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/ashams cloak for ashams please10:53
christeldone :)10:53
ashamsAlanBell, thanks :-)10:55
TiMiDocan someone activate my cloak?12:49
AlanBellhi TiMiDo12:49
k1lcan you link your launchpad profile, TiMiDo ?12:50
TiMiDohi AlanBell12:50
TiMiDogood morning12:50
AlanBellhmm, your nickserv account is "student"12:50
TiMiDoyeah but i want to use timido as the cloak12:50
AlanBellso ubuntu/member/timido12:51
LjLyou should probably make "timido" your primary nick though12:51
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/timido cloak for TiMiDo please12:51
TiMiDoyeah good idea LjL12:52
christeldone :)12:52
TiMiDothank you12:53
nikoi should hl staff here12:53
MyrttiI thought it was by the account name12:53
LjLunaffiliated cloaks are12:53
AlanBellthanks christel12:57
AlanBellstaff can we please get an unaffiliated cloak for koke15:05
FuchsAlanBell: let me look into this15:05
AlanBellI have contacted him, he has expired and does not wish to renew15:07
FuchsAlanBell: done, he now has unaffiliated15:08
Fuchsyou're welcome15:09
* christel expires AlanBell 16:22
* AlanBell tickles christel16:25
Fuchsdon't break her16:42
* Tm_T huggles all16:48
andresmujicahello irc ops!  I need some help with #ubuntu-co-meeting20:20
Myrttiwhat kind of help20:22
andresmujicahi Myrtti  I need to register the channel20:22
andresmujicabut ubuntulog is op so i couldn`t take it20:23
andresmujicabecause we want to protect the channel (I'm the current contact in ubuntu-co )20:23
Myrttiwhat kind of protection are we talking about?20:23
MyrttiI'm trying to get a grasp on what the actual problem is20:24
andresmujicawe want to be able to mute and unmute the channels in order to held more productive meetings20:24
andresmujicaand we're unable to do that stuff because we can`t get access as ops on the channel20:25
MyrttiIRCC, this looks like your league stuff since you've got the +F flag20:25
popeyseems like a technical solution to a social problem20:25
andresmujicapopey, yeap that's true20:26
andresmujicahowever we`re talking with users that doesn`t even know about irc ...20:26
andresmujicaso muting this channel while someone is giving a conference or explaining some points is very useful at the moment20:28
popeyandresmujica: we lay down the rules at the start of the meeting, and have sent mails to detail how it works20:32
popeya few people turn up and maybe dont get the 'rules' but a quick pm usually sorts that out20:32
popeymuting the channel during a meeting seems less inclusive20:33
Myrttioh I see20:39
MyrttiI'm looking at the wrong access list20:39
Myrttiit is indeed unregistered20:39
andresmujicayeap Myrtti20:40
andresmujicais currently unregistered :/20:41
andresmujicaso first step is registering it ...20:41
ts2you either need to ask rt to remove ubuntulog from the channel, so you can register it. or ask a member of the IRCC to get staff to register it for you20:44
andresmujicaIRCC as in IRC Council ??20:44
AlanBellok, so only ubuntulog has ops right?20:45
andresmujicathat's right AlanBell20:45
AlanBelldo you want ubuntulog in there?20:45
ts2AlanBell: it's not registered, so the first "user" in the channel gets automatic +o mode20:45
andresmujicathat's the issue...  thks ts220:45
andresmujicaAlanBell, yes we use ubuntlog for our meeting logs20:45
andresmujicabut we need to get op access eventually to the channel20:46
AlanBellstaff can we have a bit of help with this please20:46
andresmujicaso we want to register it to avoid the ubuntulog op20:46
nikowhich channel ?20:48
AlanBellwe have ended up with a bot as first user and op20:49
AlanBellif you can remove ubuntulog we can sort it out from there, or help register the channel20:49
ts2there should be no need, staff are magical ;)20:50
andresmujicahurray for the staff :D20:50
* Fuchs transmorphs ts2 to a frog20:50
christelAlanBell: beer, soon, first one on you!20:50
* niko increase christel lag20:51
AlanBellflags #ubuntu-co-meeting andresmujica   +votsriRfA20:53
andresmujicathank you so much AlanBell  Myrtti  popey  christel ts220:57
andresmujicabest regards from Colombia !!20:57
Myrttinp :-)20:58
christelanytime andresmujica :)21:02

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