
mdeslaurbjf: I was told you maintain this page: http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-p-tracking-bugs.html00:29
mdeslaurbjf: it seems to be borked at the moment00:30
bjfmdeslaur: crap!00:30
bjfmdeslaur: it's slightly more sane but it's still being looked at01:09
mdeslaurbjf: hrm, yes, seems to be stuff still missing...ie: security01:32
mdeslaurbjf: of course, I _could_ pretend all our bugs are fixed :)01:32
bjfmdeslaur: it's back, i'll keep an eye on it02:43
mdeslaurbjf: awesome, thanks!03:18
niksofthi, any devs in here who have a few minutes?03:24
=== Gerald is now known as geri
* apw waves to cking and smb09:41
apw... and the tumbleweeds09:42
ppisati whom shall i prod to get the new omap4 kernels moved into the archive?09:59
ppisatibtw, tumbleweeds FTW! :)09:59
apwppisati, i think they all just got done10:01
apwppisati, i just asked for some of the main ones and they all got done by the looks of it10:02
apwppisati, indeed rmadison seems to indicate nothing in proposed10:03
apwit would have possibly occurs visibly 4m ago though10:05
ppisatiapt-get upgrade still suggets a 3.2.0-1403 instead of 3.2.0-140410:05
ppisatiuhm ok10:05
apwit might be mirroring delays then10:05
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ppisation my desktop:10:32
ppisati[flag@newluxor ~]$ apt-cache show linux-image-3.0.0-14-generic | grep Filename10:32
ppisatiFilename: pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-3.0.0-14-generic_3.0.0-14.23_amd64.deb10:32
ppisatiwget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-3.0.0-14-generic_3.0.0-14.23_amd64.deb10:33
ppisatifind the file and download it10:33
ppisatibut it's not the same for arm10:33
ppisatiapt-cache show linux-image-3.2.0-1403-omap4 | grep Filename10:33
ppisatiFilename: pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4/linux-image-3.2.0-1403-omap4_3.2.0-1403.5_armel.deb10:33
ppisatiwget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4/linux-image-3.2.0-1403-omap4_3.2.0-1403.5_armel.deb10:34
ppisatiERROR 404: Not Found10:34
ppisatiwell, actually the entire directory "linux-ti-omap4"10:34
ppisatidoesn't contain any .deb10:34
ppisatijust .dsc and .tar.gz10:34
apwthey've not gone to universe again have they?10:35
ppisatiah right10:35
ppisatididn't check universe10:35
apwor are they ports10:35
ppisatiwell, in ports.ubunt.com, i can find the .deb10:36
ppisatibut under pool/main/l/linux-meta-ti-omap4/10:36
apwok so i think that makes sense10:36
ppisatiwhile pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4 doens't exist at all10:37
apwoh no that doesn't10:37
apwif its meta only10:37
ppisatiit does exist10:37
ppisatiit does exist10:37
ppisatibut cut&paste10:37
ppisatibtw, did you see linux-backports-modules-2.6.32?10:40
apwppisati, whats up with 2.6.3210:53
ppisatibroken build10:53
ppisati/build/buildd/linux-backports-modules-2.6.32-2.6.32/debian/build/build-generic/compat-wireless-3.2/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c: In function 'if_usb_suspend':10:53
ppisati/build/buildd/linux-backports-modules-2.6.32-2.6.32/debian/build/build-generic/compat-wireless-3.2/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c:1139: error: implicit declaration of function 'olpc_ec_wakeup_clear'10:53
ppisati/build/buildd/linux-backports-modules-2.6.32-2.6.32/debian/build/build-generic/compat-wireless-3.2/drivers/net/wireless/libertas/if_usb.c:1141: error: implicit declaration of function 'olpc_ec_wakeup_set'10:53
apwppisati, ahh that i think is ogasawaras baby .. 10:54
ppisatioky doky10:54
htorquebryce: about bug 899159 - i can't seem to be able to cause the right gpu hang anymore. i tried for an hour and only got 0x7a000002 hangs (the one that's supposed to be fixed in xorg-edgers). should i still confirm it's gone with the ppa?11:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 899159 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[snb-gt2] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x7b009004 [Needs mesa 7.11+git]" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89915911:03
ppisatino, the kernel is not there yet12:27
ppisatiwith whom shall i talk?12:27
apwppisati, if you are talking to me there, then i normally talk to pitti12:33
ppisatianyone who knows, ok, i'll talk to pitti12:34
tgardnerherton, how about adding an example to the maint-upload-mail help message ?13:04
hertontgardner, I'm not against it, would be better indeed to have one13:05
hertonI'll put one in13:06
tgardnerherton, there are enough options to that script that an example would help.13:06
tgardnerespecially because python is pretty unhelpful when it crashes13:07
tgardnerpaolo, apw, I uploaded the Precise meta packages for linux-ti-ompa4 and linux13:17
ppisatiam i wrong or the headers are still stuck @ 1403?13:44
tgardnerppisati, http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4/linux-headers-3.2.0-1404-omap4_3.2.0-1404.6_armhf.deb looks right14:09
ppisatitgardner: just saw, but can't be upgraded14:11
ppisati"The following packages have been kept back: ..."14:11
ppisatiamong which there's the linux-headers14:11
tgardnerppisati, perhaps because the publisher hasn't run yet and meta is still in flight ?14:12
tgardnerthough I assume you're using the meta package I just uploaded....14:12
ppisatitgardner: yes, i'm using meta14:13
ppisatiii  linux-headers-omap4          
ppisatilet's see when the new one is available14:13
tgardnerppisati, it appears to be right in the archive: 'rmadison -S linux-ti-omap4|grep precise|grep linux'14:17
tgardnerppisati, looks like the tools meta package binary went to universe, but everything else is OK: 'rmadison -S linux-meta-ti-omap4 | grep precise'14:21
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hallynyikes i'm getting flooded in syslog by oopses from /build/buildd/linux-3.2.0/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/rc.c:697 ath_rc_get_highest_rix.isra.19+0x15c/0x1e0 [ath9k16:15
brycehtorque, hmm17:11
brycehtorque, yeah there can be some variance in the id's returned  I guess.  Verify the ppa solves the 0x7a000002 bug at least17:12
htorquebryce: i was just surprised that i didn't get any crash files (apport was definitely running). updating now.17:13
htorquebryce: should i be able to do a full upgrade? dist-upgrade wants to remove xorg, xserver-xorg, and co. a partial upgrade didn't suffice to get rid of the 0x7a000002 hangs.17:31
Sarvatthtorque: i'm transitioning it to xserver 1.12 at the moment, dont upgrade17:35
Sarvatti put a huge warning that shows up when you add the ppa, guess that wasn't enough :)17:36
brycehtorque, ok, in that case use the x-staging ppa17:36
htorqueSarvatt: thanks for the info. i'll ppa-purge and https://launchpad.net/~bryce/+archive/lp83013617:36
Sarvattbryce: damage is done, can't ppa purge it at the moment17:36
htorqueor that :)17:36
bryceSarvatt, x-staging has new mesa right?17:36
Sarvattppa-purge doesn't work with multiarch17:36
bryceno?  hrm17:36
Sarvatthtorque: it'll be a few hours until everything builds, sorry about the trouble but theres no other way around the transition17:37
htorqueSarvatt: hehe, yeah, reading warnings... totally my fault, but i'm fine with breakage.17:38
ohsixi'm not, omg!17:39
htorquebryce: is your ppa for bug 830136 fine if i should be able to fix the mess? :-)17:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 830136 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[sandybridge-m-gt2+] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x7a000002" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83013617:39
jsalisburyapw, I have a git question.  Is it possible to do multiple bisects in the same mainline linux src tree?  For example, I created two branches, one for each bug.  I started a bisect in one branch, but running 'git bisect log' in the other branch shows the bisect logs from the first branch.17:41
ohsixSarvatt: is there a way to sign up and be notified when you change the ppa description?17:43
Sarvattohsix: i wish17:43
Sarvatteven better i wish i could stop publishing, but disabling publishing means new uploads wont build against the new packages and theres a big dependency chain in the x stack17:44
Sarvattneed to build protos, then libs against those protos, then xserver against all that, then drivers against the new xserver17:45
ohsixcan you add a new fake series to do the build, then move it?17:45
tgardnerjsalisbury, I don't think so. you'll have to clone the tree and run your second bisect out of that one.17:47
jsalisburytgardner, cool, I can do that.  I'll use the -reference option to save disk space.17:47
jsalisburytgardner, thanks for the help17:48
brycehtorque, the ppa for bug 830136 is really only for oneiric17:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 830136 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[sandybridge-m-gt2+] GPU lockup render.IPEHR: 0x7a000002" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83013617:49
htorquebryce: okay, in that case i'll wait. thanks!17:50
bryceSarvatt, maybe if the text were trimmed down a bit, the warnings would be more noticeable?17:50
Sarvatthtorque: so the theory is that you remove the sources, apt-get update to get rid of the sources, and for every package installed that came from the ppa you need to sudo apt-get install package/release, like this for example http://pastebin.com/ewBeCnMR17:55
Sarvattin case you want to try to fix it yourself without waiting17:55
Sarvattthat list wont work right now though, there are many libxcb libs installed also that need to be downgraded now too17:56
Sarvattand you might not have all that installed17:56
htorqueSarvatt: thanks, already on it. ppa-purge might not work, but it seems to give me the right order in which i can mark the packages for a downgrade in synaptic. should be done soon. :)17:57
Sarvattyeah the big problem with ppa-purge is it doesn't do :i386 packages, and things will be all kinds of screwed up if you leave those installed :)17:57
ohsixSarvatt: is that a technical problem or has nobody got to it yet?17:58
Sarvattunless you're on i386 and dont run into the problem :)17:58
htorquebryce: i simply didn't read the description. only i can fix that. ;-)17:58
apw jsalisbury yep what rtg said18:01
apwjs though actually now i think about it, you can git bisect log and save the output18:01
jsalisburyapw, thanks.  I'll do that from on.18:01
apwand switch to that one by running it18:01
apwthough its not quick, you could use the git bisect log output as your 'store' for each one you are doing18:01
* apw whines about how unity is GONE18:02
jsalisburyapw, hmm, right, and then restart the bisect everytime18:02
apwyeah quite slow to 'catch up' to the end each time on each tho.18:02
apwbut if space is your issue then ...18:02
jsalisburyapw, yeah.  I think I'll have a seperate tree for each bug, then use the --reference option to point to a master tree.  That way I don't risk confusing multiple bugs ;-)18:03
* tgardner --> lunch18:49
=== Gerald is now known as geri
niksofthi, is anyone actually here?20:05
bryceniksoft, nope20:17
niksoftthats what i thought20:18
_rubenthis channel is rather bursty when it comes to activity: either no action at all, or a lot of it ;)20:22
_rubengotta love them timezones/workdays/etc and all :)20:22
niksoftsorry, i generally never get a reply if i just ask the question. So i am working on an ubu server, i need it to be able to both serve at extreemely high throughput, and at extremely high tps, like higher than most people dream about in most datacenters. Does anyone have any experience with setting up the kernel stacks for 10+gbit/sec? 20:23
gerihow can i remove dynamic kernel support?20:23
_ruben10+gbps takes a bit of effort indeed, tho packet size distribution plays a large role here obviously .. is juniper looking to use linux instead of bsd? ;)20:25
niksoftlol i dont want to give in and build a bsd box, no juniper is, and will continue using bsd, though i cant comment where that's going ;)20:26
_rubenwas just a too easy remark to make ;)20:26
niksoftso max i can hit at the moment is 13 sustained and 16gbit max, with pretty huge fail rates20:26
niksoftthis is on a 5mb file... oh fif i mention its a web server?20:27
_rubenthe packetshader ppl do ~40gbps by offloading to the gpu 20:27
niksoftbut i don't hit cpu perfomance issues, it is barely touched20:27
_rubenpacketshader likely wont help there ;) 20:27
_rubenic, interrupts?20:28
niksoft24 cores, 96gb ram, no disk io20:28
niksoftyeah interrupts are around 30k20:28
_rubentcp window scaling?20:28
niksoftinfact... let me dump sysctl.conf20:28
_rubeni assume the nic(s) is/are msi-x capable?20:29
_rubenseems you got the "usual suspects" covered .. does the loadavg shoot up ?20:33
niksoftno not really20:33
niksofti am looking into msi atm20:34
_rubenalmost sounds like a really low level, like broken nic or so20:34
niksoftnah both nics work          RX bytes:8560452364 (8.5 GB)  TX bytes:431279836182 (431.2 GB)20:34
niksoft          RX bytes:8532901172 (8.5 GB)  TX bytes:430141265520 (430.1 GB)20:35
niksoftethtool doesnt seem to display MSI info at all... lets see maybe lspci will?20:35
niksoftthere it is20:36
niksoftyes msi is supported20:37
_rubentho if load's low as well as cpu usage, i doubt it'd be of any help :)20:38
_rubenas it'd help to spread the (interupt) load over the cores20:39
niksoftwell that may help20:39
niksofti mean i get sustained 30000 interrupts, and that's a fair amount of ticks if it's going to the same core20:40
_rubenwell, does for instance 'top' show just one cpu being pegged?20:40
_rubenlooking at the total load on a 24-way sys doesn't mean much :)20:40
ohsixtheres an irq top too, that will read /proc/interrupts, don't remember the name of it tho20:40
niksoftthere is a core that is used a lot more than others20:41
ohsixirqbalance (the daemon) can collect statistics too, i think20:41
niksofti am using nmon20:41
_rubenirqbalance might help things, or make it worse, from what i've read about this stuff20:41
_rubennot really sure if it takes anything special (configuration wise or whatever) to make use of msi-x20:42
niksoftirqbalance is running20:42
niksoftyeah i read that too, i will try stopping it20:42
niksoftyeah i think you have to enable it manually20:46
niksoftok one thing at a time20:49
niksoftrunning the tps test 1-10k tps on a 5kb file20:49
niksoftirqbalance off20:49
niksofthttp://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/MSI-HOWTO.txt on the msi20:50
ohsixthere are some lwn articles on napi that tell you what's important for high pps, and how to see what thet driver does with respect to it20:51
niksoftohsix, would you be able to point me in the right direction on that?20:53
ohsixlwn napi in the googles brings up some stuff; i'm looking where the in tree documentation ended up20:56
niksoftTY, also i am googling over here too20:57
ohsixmost of the fancy nics seem to have a corresponding file in Documentation/networking21:00
niksoftwait i take that back  successful transactions went up by about 30k on a 3million transaction run thre from 1-10k tps21:01
niksofti will look into that, just going to start this throughput test21:01
niksoftnot much luck on that, the most i see in there is a setup for a gig nic21:06
niksoftqlogic driver is nowhere to be found atm21:07
niksoftgrep to the rescue21:09
niksoftok greping through i have some progress, but it needs testing21:20
niksoftenabling MSI-X, at least with these preliminary results gave me a 0.8% boost on throughput on a 5mb file21:47
niksofttrying something smaller (5kb file) at 1-10k rps, lets see if that about confirms these results21:48
niksoftso i increased the buffers further, following suit with the intel 10GbE driver notes in the kernel doc (though my values are higher yet, since i have 2 10 gig and 2 1 gig interfaces21:50
niksoftmay not seem much, till you consider that it's roughly 100megabit difference21:55
hallynis there a commonly used trick for getting vmlinux back from vmlinuz?22:55
hallyn(i remember finding one a few years ago, but it was not common nor reliable)22:55
hallynlooking for a way to run gdb against the kernel from linux-image.deb...22:55
hallyn<shrug>  followed http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=415186  which is in fact what i did years ago22:59
Sarvatthallyn: it's in the ddeb23:03
hallynSarvatt: thanks, I may use that in the future - though 'fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic' did not create a ddeb23:03
hallyni suppose i should use that anyway as i appear to have no symbols23:04
hallynSarvatt: do you happen to know the rule to make the ddeb?23:20
Sarvatthallyn: afraid not, looking through this crazy build system now though23:25
hallynSarvatt: no worries, don't waste time on my account - thanks for the tip23:25
Sarvattfdr binary-generic skipdbg=false23:28
Sarvattnot sure if you need pkg-create-dbgsym installed also23:28
hallyncool will try, thx23:39

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