
bazhangubuntu has been around for 7-8 years?01:03
Myrtti2004 october01:03
MyrttiI know01:04
pangolinhello TiMiDo01:47
pangolinHow can we help you?01:47
TiMiDoi just got accept it, as a new Ubuntu Member, and maybe like to see, and meet people from the Ubuntu Community,01:48
bazhangcongrats TiMiDo01:49
TiMiDothank you bazhang01:49
pangolinI see, congrats! but this channel is for ubuntu channel ops and people who need to resolve bans/report issues01:49
pangolinTiMiDo: if you want an @ubuntu/member cloak you need to ask in #ubuntu-irc01:49
TiMiDoRight, thank you pangolin01:51
pangolinno problem and again Congrats :)01:51
TiMiDothank you pangolin question can i park here,01:52
pangolinWe prefer you did not.01:52
TiMiDooh okey,01:52
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
ubottuIn ubottu, Swarnava said: test is ok07:31
LjLjrib: maybe you could shed some light on TheRandom's problem... his "sudo" locks up without asking for a password, except it works under "strace". hostnames appear to be matching so that's probably not it. "lsof | grep sudo" gives a bunch of permission denied's.13:09
LjLjrib: i don't think "lsof" ever gives me permission denied errors even if i don't run it as root, is it unreasonable to suspect something nasty?13:13
jribLjL: don't know (about to walk out the door)13:13
LjLlots of ciao !list lately13:44
LjL /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@*.it13:44
Myrttigets rid of all those pesky macaronis13:45
Myrttilike LjL13:45
Myrttiit doesn't?13:45
MyrttiI need more tea, my brain is missing13:46
LjLi'd jump off that sinking ship immediately13:46
MyrttiLjL: DOH!13:46
Dave2.win 6913:50
* Myrtti walks away slowly from Dave2 13:52
Dave2I was hoping nobody would notice my failure if I kept quiet :(13:52
Tm_TDave2: in here? really?13:52
Dave2'/win 2113:52
Dave2...oh come on13:53
Tm_Tto the party!13:53
* Myrtti wraps http://niklas.laxstrom.name/page/eng/irssi in nice paper and gives it to Dave2 13:54
Myrttia PRESENT!13:54
Dave2ooh, that could actually be useful13:55
Tm_TDave2: but then we wouldn't be able to enjoy your mistyping that much /:13:55
Dave2aww :(13:55
Myrttiso instead of mistyping /win 21 you could just mistype wq13:55
Tm_Tit's not as funny13:55
Dave2I'm sure I could find some other command to miss. But I can't think of many commands I use anywhere near as much as /win.13:57
Tm_T!away > Solsun__14:00
Tm_TLjL: ^14:01
Myrttithat was the second time14:01
mneptokLjL: VADA A BORDO, COZZA!15:40
LulzCatD: it's that bad D:15:55
* LulzCat gets sad. 󠁟15:55
ikoniaLulzCat: I asked a user to stop calling me names, and you chose to then call me a racist for no reason and out of the blue15:56
ikoniado you really think that helped the channel ?15:56
LulzCatEwww rager.15:56
MyrttiU HATERZ15:59
Tm_Tfunny day today16:00
funkyHaty u hatin'16:00
Tm_Toh right, it's not thursday16:00
h00kNo. It's FRIDAY, FRIDAY16:01
Myrtti\o/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey-VNes5YQs \o/16:03
Tm_Tthat video crashes chromium tab /:16:05
Myrtticould we ban all the italians now?16:06
Tm_Tand stupid youtube for autoplaying videos /:16:06
MyrttiI've got Flash plugin disabled by default16:06
Tm_TI see any flash so rarely I keep forgetting it exists16:07
LjLmneptok: ma è buio e voglio andare a casa :(17:10
mneptokvuoi andare a casa, Schettino?17:26
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Mark__ appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)18:47
LjL@mark #ubuntu grip Making commentary on the swift scrolling of "noob" questions, missing my hint to stop, ignoring this time21:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:04
gripljl nominated me for ops?21:10
LjLnot quite.21:10
gripso lets discuss my misbehavior21:10
grip"help help my programs arent working"21:10
gripeffortless trolling21:10
gripI should be ashamed21:10
LjLwell i think you know you were trolling, no need to point it out to you21:11
gripsuch tomfoolery is unappreciated in such a serious channel!21:11
gripin all seriousness21:11
gripI get a kickout of watching noobs21:11
LjLthe channel has ~1500 people in it, and it sometimes scrolls too fast for people to follow, so there's almost zero tolerance21:11
gripif silence is what it takes to lurk in there21:11
gripthen that's what you'll get21:11
gripis that cool?21:12
LjLi'm not particularly fond of the idea of letting you back in just so you can "watch noobs"21:12
LjLthat's not what the channel is for, and you've missed your chance by not staying put in the first place21:12
LjLcome back in a week and someone will probably unban you, but not now21:12
gripcmon now21:13
gripdont do me like that soul brotha21:13
gripyou hurt me~21:13
gripyou hurt me so so bad~21:13
gripno keys for music notes~21:13
griptildes are cool~21:13
LjLthere are Unicode characters for music notes though... but, i'm sorry, decision is made.21:13
gripthere's an ubuntu question21:13
griphow to music notes21:14
griphelp help I have to use tildes for music notes21:14
LjL!info gucharmap > grip21:14
LjLgrip: now if there is nothing else, i need to ask you to leave here21:15
gripI cant even lurk the punishment room21:17
gripthats cold yo21:17
gripreal cold21:17
gripyou have legitimately hurt my feelings21:17
LjLwell warm yourself up with reading !etiqutte21:18
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops grip Well, obvious troll... whatever21:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:18
MyrttiI thought he was banned22:21
Myrttino hold on, brain malfunction22:21
MyrttiI'm not having a good day22:25

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