
adam_groaksoax: around?00:47
smoserhallyn, around?01:05
roaksoaxadam_g: here01:11
twbAnyone familiar with cupsd to cupsd interactions?  I want a second opinion re http://paste.debian.net/152910/, and ##cups is asleep01:17
cwillu_at_worktwb, stick a small box on the laptop segment to provide the discovery to its hardcoded connection to the actual server?01:29
twbcwillu_at_work: the issue is how do I even tell the cupsd to talk to one another01:30
cwillu_at_workhmm, actually, why can't you just add BrowserPoll server to the laptops local config?01:31
cwillu_at_workthat seems to be "a way to simply tell a laptop cupsd "there is a another cupsd at, go talk to it" ?"01:32
* cwillu_at_work highlights twb 01:33
twbbecause CUPS proto is push-based UDP broadcast01:35
twbThe other one is supports is DNS-SD but that's Hairy and I don't want to install avahi01:35
cwillu_at_workAnd this is a third01:35
twbHmm, /me looks at docs again01:35
cwillu_at_workman cups-polld and the referred cupsd.conf01:35
twbThanks, man, I don't know how I missed that01:36
twbWow that seems to Just Work01:37
twbWell, if I call it by hand... it isn't Just Working from cupsd.cnf01:39
cwillu_at_workyou cleared out the old settings?01:40
cwillu_at_workBrowseInterval 0 for instance?01:40
twbI hadn't even typed in any of that yet01:40
twbJust a minute01:40
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twbOK this works: /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-polld printserver 631 60 12345601:41
cwillu_at_worktwb, fallout from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=720921 maybe?01:46
uvirtbotbugzilla.redhat.com bug 720921 in cups "cups-polld busy-loops in recvfrom() after suspend/resume" [Unspecified,Closed: errata]01:46
twbOK, got it01:46
twbYou have to have "Browsing On" and not misspell "BrowsePoll", and use IP or enable hostname resolution01:47
smoserhallyn, merge proposal made for bug 918946, actually tested fix. well, not *pure* test, but pretty close01:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 918946 in lxc "cannot run libvirt in an 'lxc create -t ubuntu' container" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91894601:48
twbcwillu_at_work: ^^ FYI01:52
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cjsWhen I run "sudo aptitude update" it seems to work ok, and I don't see any obvious error messages, but on one of my systems it always exits with an error code (255) rather than 0. What's causing this?02:23
cjs(And how do I fix it?)02:24
cjsAh, the bugger just wasn't printing out error messages that apt-get does print.02:25
hallynsmoser: i'll test it and upload tomorrow, thx03:06
niksofthello, any devs in here?03:10
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tdnSpamapS, mplayer. I have already installed it.06:00
tdnSpamapS, but sound does not work.06:00
tdnSpamapS, I can play video in the console though.06:00
twbtdn: mplayer -vo fbdev06:23
dravekxwho feels like helping me out with a webserver setup? :D06:28
ChmEarlthere you have been helped ;)06:34
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salientdigitalPardon the intrusion from a relative noob, but I'm wondering if someone might help me troubleshoot postfix07:34
salientdigitalI can send out from command line but mail sent from other domains never seems to arrive. maybe it's a dns or firewall issue. I'm not too sure.07:41
dravekxpostfix :S07:45
salientdigitali'm not opposed to switching to whatever07:45
salientdigitalports 110 and 25 are listening07:46
salientdigitalI just followed the very basic steps at http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-bsd-postfix-forward-email-to-another-account/07:46
salientdigitalI really just need a couple of forwarders quite honestly07:47
greppysalientdigital: does anything show up in the logs?07:55
salientdigitaltail -f /var/log/mail.err    <nothing>07:57
salientdigitalthat right07:57
greppyor /var/log/mail.log07:57
greppydid you setup the MX record in DNS?07:58
salientdigitalah there's some logging here yes07:58
salientdigitalfrom the test i sent out though it looks like07:59
greppyso it works from the box, but mail sent to it never arrives?07:59
salientdigitalyes i can send out but not receive07:59
salientdigitalthat's the symptom08:00
salientdigitalthe problem may not be postfix but in between08:00
greppydid you setup the mx record in DNS to point to your server?08:01
salientdigitalif it were working right, shouldn't I be able to tail -f /var/log/mail.log and see the incoming within a few seconds?08:02
greppyseconds or minutes, depending, mail is not IM :)08:02
salientdigitalI believe the MX record is setup right08:02
greppywhat domain are you trying to send to?08:03
salientdigitali have a CNAME mail. pointing to @08:03
salientdigitalMX is mail.08:04
salientdigitalI had a CPanel server before, I just ported a couple of my sites to an Amazon EC2 instance08:04
greppytwo problems...08:05
salientdigitalok… educate me o smart ppl08:05
greppyI *think* there are issues with running a mail server on EC2, I know that people have run into issues in the past, not sure if there was a work around or setting...08:05
salientdigitalhm, i wondered about that08:05
greppyand: The host name must map directly to one or more address record (A, or AAAA) in the DNS, and must not point to any CNAME records08:06
salientdigitalI can change that08:06
greppyso simply: make an A record to mail.whatever08:06
greppythen make your mx record point to mail.whatever.08:07
greppybut trying to telnet to on port 25 gets no response, so something is stopping you there.08:07
salientdigitalyeah i tried that too and thought it was cox (my isp)08:08
greppywhich it could be.08:08
greppyas well that is.08:08
salientdigitali know cox blocks port 2508:09
greppylots of ISPs do08:09
greppyit's amazing how much SPAM is stopped by blocking access to port 25. sadly :(08:09
salientdigitalit would make more sense to me that amazon would block outbound mail than inbound though08:11
salientdigitalif it were that08:11
osmosisany git experts around?i just did a   git add myfile;   git commit -m 'a msg';     and now myfile has disappeared. nowhere to be found08:14
osmosisgit filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm get_flo.py' HEAD; git add get_flo.py; git add get_flo_privateinfo.py; git commit -m 'adding files'08:15
salientdigitalI thought I read somewhere that firewall is not enabled by default, or configured with all ports open. Is that still true for 10.04LTS?08:21
salientdigitalI get the same default output as shown on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo08:21
Deathvalley122lol greppy not my ISP they allow port 25 they allow a lot of things08:35
Tm_Tuh nice, inetd eating all cpu (:08:48
cwillu_at_workit does that08:48
cwillu_at_workwhat are you running through it?08:49
Tm_Tshouldn't be anything atm, which is why I'm amused08:49
cwillu_at_workbut you do actually have services running through it (just not at the moment)?08:50
greppyDeathvalley122: I didn't say all of them did, but lots do, it comes down to man power dealing with all of the spam complaints from malware running on customers computers.08:50
cwillu_at_workstrace would probably give a good clue08:50
Tm_Tcwillu_at_work: shouldn't, and it got killed already08:51
Deathvalley122well actually08:51
Deathvalley122the only thing they block is port 2208:51
Tm_Thave to investigate it next time if I have time08:52
cwillu_at_workeven just grabbing a few seconds of the strace activity to a file before killing it would probably give enough info08:52
greppyDeathvalley122: they block ssh? that's new to me.08:56
Deathvalley122thats about it08:57
_rubenblocking port 22 only .. i bet the one who put that block into place typo'ed 25 ;)09:01
Deathvalley122nah they blocked cause it poses a security risk09:02
Deathvalley122so they say09:02
Deathvalley122I don't use the standard ssh port anyways though lol09:03
_rubenso they block 22 but not 23 .. odd sense of security risks there...09:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #919105 in nova (main) "Incomplete packaging for nova-rootwrap" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91910509:36
gumbahhi all! i'm having trouble installing iotop on Ubuntu 9.10 karmic :-(10:34
gumbahrunning "sudo apt-get install iotop" gives an error "Failed to fetch .... 404 not found [IP: .....]"10:34
gumbahanyone any ideas on how to fix this?10:34
* Deathvalley122 whys you are running such a old version of ubuntu10:35
koolhead17gumbah: It was supported until April 201110:37
gumbahyeah it's pretty old, but is there anything i can do to make it work on this old version?10:38
_rubenedit /etc/apt/sources.list and point to old-archive.ubuntu.com instead10:42
gumbah_ruben: thanks, you mean all of the lines in there? or just specific ones?10:45
gumbah_ruben: got it to work! (using old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu btw not old-archive.ubuntu.com but thanks for pushing me in the right direction!)10:55
koolhead17gumbah: if your using a production server it would be advisable to upgrade your release for security fix and updates11:02
jamespagexranby, morning11:02
jamespageany change you could help me out with bug 91913711:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 919137 in openjdk-6 "hadoop teragen generates - fatal error: caught unhandled signal 11 with zero JVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91913711:03
jamespagechance even :-)11:03
RoyKgumbah: I'd upgrade to lucid 10.04 if I were you - that's supported until april 2015 - less hassle11:04
gumbahkoolhead17: is that easy to do? It's not really a production server, but it is "in the wild" so to speak. Can i assume all the software running on it to just work after upgrading? Kind of a noob with these things :-((11:04
xranbyjamespage: yes. the best fix are to update openjdk-6 to the latest icedtea6-hg we have fixed around 3-4 of similar bugs during the last week11:04
jamespagexranby, sweet - I'll hassle doko instead!11:05
jamespageI saw some stuff on the mailing list which looked similar...11:05
jamespagebut wanted to check11:05
xranbyyour build are based on sourcecode from 03 Jan11:05
jamespagerbasak, you prob need to be aware of the above as well11:06
xranbyjamespage: http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea6/  most changesets by me and aph deal with the zero thumb2 jit11:06
koolhead17gumbah: if you dont have a custom configuration then you can sandbox and try same before trying on live system11:07
jamespagexranby, nice - good work getting the zero/thumb2 stuff up and running BTW11:07
jamespagexranby, does that mean that you are not so foccused on JamVM now?11:07
xranbyjamespage: i have no active jamvm bugs to track :)11:07
gumbahkoolhead17: sounds great, but not sure how to do that... i'll try to search for it though, thanks!!11:08
jamespagexranby, well I can raise a few from this testing; hadoop just breaks badly - all sorts of problems...11:08
xranbyjamespage: the only jamvm issues i have seen looks kernel related, how the kernel handle pagefaults11:08
xranbyoh interesting11:08
xranbyjamespage: apt-get install hadoop and then what?11:09
jamespagexranby, still PPA ATM11:09
jamespagewon't make the main distro this release11:09
jamespagebut we do have it building for armel and armhf (the native integrations that is)11:09
jamespageapt-get install hadoop-conf-pseudo should get you up and running11:10
xranbyjamespage: what do i need to trigger bugs?11:10
jamespagefor JamVM - just follow the steps in bug 919137; but don't switch the default JVM11:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 919137 in openjdk-6 "hadoop teragen generates - fatal error: caught unhandled signal 11 with zero JVM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91913711:12
jamespageI've only had this working on arm inthe last couple of days!11:13
jamespagexranby, note that it does break all of the data that hadoop stores in it filesystem11:14
xranbysounds bad11:14
jamespageso to clean out shutdown all of the daemons and the sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/hadoop/cache/*11:14
jamespagethen sudo dpkg-reconfigure hadoop-conf-pseudo11:14
xranbyjamespage: have you tested on armel as well?11:17
jamespagexranby, I did but not the terasort - just a basic mapreduce test11:18
jamespageI will try armel as well11:18
rbasakthanks jamespage11:22
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xranbyjamespage: how much disk space do the benchmark require?11:23
jamespagexranby, let me look11:24
jamespagearound ~20GB I think - it uses compression11:24
xranbyOK, hmm if yahoo managed to sort 1 TB of data in 209 seconds.. i wonder how fast my panaboard sort :)11:25
xranbyhopefully i will be able to pass the benchmark before next uds11:25
xranbyi am not exactly running a 3800 node cluster here11:26
xranbyjamespage: thank you for this benchmark quest11:27
jamespagexranby, well I'm still trying to generate a dataset to sort - about 1% = 1 min at the moment11:28
Davieyrbasak: do you have bugs open, that block juju on arm?11:31
rbasakDaviey: bug 91439211:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 914392 in juju "LXC local provider does not respect 'series' (only installs oneiric)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91439211:31
rbasakDaviey: the problem is that I find a blocker, fix it, then find another blocker. But I don't know about the subsequent blockers until the previous blockers are cleared11:32
rbasak(I can fix this one myself to get around the issue for now)11:32
Davieyrbasak: is that an arm blocker, or a general issue?11:32
rbasakgeneral issue, but more important for arm since the local environment breaks on armhf as oneiric has no armhf.11:32
Davieyrbasak: can you raise bugs as you find them, even if it means s/oneiric/precise that hard coding?11:32
rbasakI don't follow11:33
Davieyif you link bugs you find to the blueprint, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-arm-service-orchestration that would float my boat.11:33
rbasakI have been raising bugs as I find them, but I don't understand the second half of your question11:33
rbasakyeah the bug is already linked :)11:33
Davieyrbasak: you are blocked because series is hard coded to oneiric still?11:34
Davieysurely you can sed the hard coding to precise?11:34
rbasakyes that's the plan11:34
Davieyto progress?11:34
rbasakI'm not personally blocked right now, I have loads to get on with. So when I hit this I worked on something else.11:35
Davieyrbasak: what is the difference between "Test juju/java/zookeeper on ARM †₁" and "Test juju/java/zookeeper on ARM †₁" ?11:35
Daviey"Investigate running an ARM-based juju environment †₁"11:35
Davieyis that using juju from an arm machine and using juju TO an arm machine?11:36
rbasakOriginally I thought I could break getting juju working on arm into pieces, since the zookeeper instance was potentially a blocker but it would be able to run on x86 without hurting the arm story too much11:36
rbasakNow it seems that it is easier to work on this in a local environment working on the thing as a whole all at once11:36
rbasakYes - I was making the from/to distinction11:36
rbasakI didn't feel that I should just delete work items, so when I revised it I left them there, put them side by side and expect to mark them all done at once as soon as juju is working on arm11:37
Davieyrbasak: can i mark them INPROGRESS?11:37
Davieyjamespage: sorry, can you comment on cloud-images, "update image promotion process to integrate with Jenkins automated testing"?  I think you did tell me the other day...11:44
Daviey( it's a utlemming_afk WI )11:44
jamespageDaviey: I can't see that happening this release TBH so probably best to POSTPONED11:44
Davieyjamespage: ok, thanks .. what about reporting the current testing back to the iso tracker?11:45
Davieyie, the testing status.11:46
DavieyNow the tracker has an API?11:46
rbasakDaviey: from yesterday: <janimo> rbasak, does openmpi 1.5 have features you want for server? The BP is not clear about whether you want to replace 1.4 or have both versions (1.5 is labeled beta by upstream)11:46
rbasak<janimo> since if you want 1.5 arm FTBFS should not be a blocker and we should have it synced from experimental so it gets enough testing11:46
rbasakDaviey: did you sync openmpi? Do we want to commit to 1.5 in the archive for all architectures?11:46
rbasakDaviey: decide if we want to have 2 versions in universe, i.e. -stable and -feature: TODO11:46
=== jtv-eat is now known as jtv
Davieyrbasak: i don't have knowledge of that package... but as 1.5 is a requirement, providing it doesn't have obv. regressions - we should simply replace IMO.11:48
rbasakwith a 1.5really1.4 if it turns out to be a bad idea? :)11:48
rbasakthere are 75 rdepends11:49
Davieyrbasak: poll janimo for direction, he has history11:51
DavieyI've never used it :)11:51
Davieyrbasak: i don't fancy changing the 75 rdepends to depend on "openmpi | openmp-beta" etc.11:52
rbasakthe rdepends look a bit more complex than that as well11:53
rbasakPackage: mpi-default-dev11:53
rbasak This package depends on the development files of the recommended MPI11:53
rbasak implementation for each platform, currently OpenMPI on all of the platforms11:53
rbasak where it exists, and LAM on the others.11:53
rbasakDaviey: I think I'll just proceed in a PPA for now - maybe I can get stakeholders to test from there?11:55
jamespageDaviey: lemme see about that last item11:57
jamespageI think jibel was looking at it generally for ISO testing as well11:57
jamespageDaviey: with regards to that open-vm-tools merge; its described as a merge (so has a 1ubuntu1 version number)11:58
jamespagebut the upstream versioning is diff between Debian/Ubuntu so I think its really a re-sync of the packaging?11:58
jamespageso should have 0ubuntu1 versioning11:58
jamespagewell maybe - maybe I'm being picky :-)11:59
Daviey"maybe" :)11:59
Davieyjamespage: either way, it's not me putting my name to sponsoring it :P12:00
jamespageyeah I know12:00
Davieysmb: Hmm, how much xen work have you been doing this cycle?12:11
Davieysmb: If you are doing it anyway.. would you mind doing the "Test" work items on, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-xen ? :)12:11
koolhead17lynxman: hellos!! :)12:27
lynxmankoolhead17: heya12:30
Italian_PlumberA user,when first created, has no password, and therefore cannot login.  Is this correct?12:39
pmatulisItalian_Plumber: some form of authentication is required by default12:47
Italian_Plumberrequired to log in or required to create the users?12:52
pmatulisItalian_Plumber: yes, and yes (if not using the root user to create)12:55
Italian_Plumberso if I have a new user I don't yet want to be able to login, not setting a password is okay/13:02
pmatulisItalian_Plumber: yes13:04
Italian_Plumberokay coolies.  Thanks13:04
pmatulisItalian_Plumber: how are you creating the user?13:04
Italian_Plumbersudo useradd -m -g admin -s /bin/bash newusername13:04
pmatulisItalian_Plumber: you can also set a p/w and then lock the account (see 'man usermod' with -L and -U switches)13:09
Italian_Plumberis there a way to require the user to change the password at the next login?13:18
lynxmanjamespage: ping13:24
cwillu_at_workItalian_Plumber, man passwd, hit slash, type next<enter>, and hit n once or twice13:40
Italian_Plumberthanks cwillu_at_work13:45
cwillu_at_workItalian_Plumber, and "apropos" is a handy search function to find man pages on a given topic13:46
cwillu_at_work(a bit limited in that it only searches the titles and descriptions, but still)13:46
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Italian_Plumbergreat.  Thanks again for your help.13:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #919201 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.4 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91920114:02
zulttx: ping14:09
lynxmanzul: morning :)14:10
zulhey lynxman14:10
ttxzul: piong14:11
zulttx: still the same thing happens on a single node system14:11
zulttx: no other command is failing14:11
jamespagelynxman, pong14:11
ttxzul: do you see other commands succeed ?14:12
zulttx: yeah iptables run fine14:12
lynxmanjamespage: shall we proceed to review? :)14:13
jamespagelynxman, coolio14:13
jamespagelemme just digout14:13
ttxand you do have the DnsmasqFilter entry in nova/rootwrap/compute.py and nova/rootwrap/network.py14:13
zulhold on14:14
lynxmanjamespage: let me know when you're ready :)14:14
zulttx: yep14:15
ttxzul: what happens if you run (as your user) the same command ? sudo nova-rootwrap X=Y Z=A dnsmasq bla bla14:16
ttxon my setup it passes14:16
b930913What relay value do I put into my MTA so that I can send my mail through it, but it can't be hijacked?14:20
ttxzul: just a sec14:22
zulttx: i think i might have figured it out14:22
zulttx: figured it out, thanks for pointing in the right direction14:22
ttxthe error is that it can't find dnsmasq...14:22
ttxzul: what was it ?14:23
zulright....my sudoers was messed up14:23
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smoserhallyn, fwiw, i found documentation on libvirt htat has a list of devices needed for guests14:23
smoserlook for 'hpet' there.14:23
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ttxzul: you sure ? because the error you get manually (can't find dnsmasq) looks different from the one you get from Nova (unauthorized command = no filter matched)14:25
ttxzul: does it work for you now ?14:25
zulttx: yes14:25
ttxok then :)14:25
zulttx: i suck14:25
ttxzul: i can't confirm that without knowing the cause of your issue :)14:26
zulttx: yeah the cause of my issue is me14:26
ttxzul: filed a bug about using pyremove/pyinstall in packaging to install node-spcific filters14:26
zulttx: yeah i saw it and added it to the packaging already14:27
* ttx goes back to FOSDEM slideware design14:27
zulill push the fixes to the ubuntu branches today as well14:27
jamespagelynxman, I have you MP infront of me now14:41
jamespagelynxman, sorry but can be defer for 30 mins or so?14:44
hallynsmoser: all right so we may as well also add 10:232 (/dev/kvm)14:45
lynxmanjamespage: sure! :)14:45
hallynsmoser: want to update your tree?14:45
lynxmanjamespage: (replied in wrong channel)14:45
jamespagelynxman, great - thankyou14:45
lynxmanttx: make sure they're cool14:46
jamespagelynxman, confused me for a bit then!14:46
ttxlynxman: my slides are usually better than my speech.14:46
lynxmanttx: so they'll be excellent ;)14:47
ttxtaht's one way to look at it14:48
Davieylynxman: wow, do you want a vacuum cleaner to make it easier to suck up to ttx? :)14:49
lynxmanDaviey: hey I like his slides14:50
lynxmanDaviey: where are your cool slides Daviey?14:50
MagicFabzul, ping14:50
zulMagicFab: pong14:51
ttxlynxman: we'll soon see how cool his Orchestra slides are14:51
Davieylynxman: I have people to create them for me,14:51
lynxmanDaviey: so you're basically delegating the cool14:51
zulDaviey: delegation?14:54
Davieyyeah right14:56
smoserDaviey, yesterday you said you used devstack15:03
smoserhow did you get around the mysql migrate db errors?15:03
Davieysmoser: on oneiric or precise?15:07
smoserof course15:07
adam_gsmoser: myisam15:07
adam_gsmoser: configure mysql to use myisam as the storage engine before you do any of the migrations15:07
Davieysmoser: I had to use oneiric in the end.15:07
smoseradam_g, i'm too stupid to know exactly how, and i suspect you do15:08
smoserwhat should i do?15:08
adam_gbug #90787815:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 907878 in nova "migration 064 causes IndexError: list index out of range" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90787815:08
adam_gthis is that regression i was telling you about last week15:08
adam_gunfortunately the fix as been stewing on gerrit for the last week15:09
smoseradam_g, so you're saying that branch should make this work for me ?15:10
adam_gsmoser: it should, yes15:10
adam_gas a work around ive been deploying mysql configured for myisam15:10
adam_gbefore running devstack, install mysql and set default_storage_engine = MyISAM15:11
adam_gin my.cnf15:11
adam_gif you find that branch fixes, feel free to +1 it15:11
lynxmansmoser: ping15:24
smoserlynxman, here.15:25
lynxmansmoser: since you're my living walking shell script autocorrect :)15:25
lynxmansmoser: I was wondering before I get into a sed madman mission, how would you replace a tag inside a file with the content of another file, it'll just be piped to a third one15:25
smoserlynxman, i think i'm not understanding15:28
smosersed -i s,SOMETHING,SOMETHINGELSE,15:29
smosersed -i s,SOMETHING,$(cat SOMEFILE),15:29
smoserbut that will have issues with ',' in SOMEFILE15:29
lynxmansmoser: yeah that didn't work15:29
lynxmansmoser: found a solution though, just right now15:29
lynxmansmoser: sed -e "/SOMETHING/r FileB" -e "/SOMETHING/d" FileA15:30
lynxmansmoser: that works beautiful15:30
* lynxman declares himself a sed madman15:30
smoserwell, assuming 'SOMETHING' doesnt occur in FileB15:31
smoseri'd think15:31
smoserbut 'r' is something i didn't knwo of. thats helpful.15:31
lynxmansmoser: yeah, I'm writing this one to my list of tricks15:31
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jamespagelynxman, back now - sorry bit longer than expected16:00
lynxmanjamespage: no worries16:02
jamespagelynxman, so did my comments make sense?16:02
lynxmanjamespage: yes, although they differ with what Daviey suggested16:03
lynxmanjamespage: so my question is... how would you do it? :)16:03
hallynsmoser: I'm working on my own tree, no sense updating yours.  thx16:03
jamespagelynxman: so how do you generate the upstream snapshot from github16:04
jamespagesorry git/16:04
lynxmanjamespage: ./debian/rules get-orig-source16:04
jamespagelynxman: dh: Unknown sequence get-orig-source16:05
jamespagethat target does not exist16:06
lynxmanffs... *grumbles*16:06
lynxmanjamespage: sorry, got bzr screwed :)16:07
jamespageso assuming that target exists :-)16:07
* lynxman switfly kicks bzr into the right direction16:07
jamespageI would run that to grab the latest upstream snapshot16:08
lynxmanjamespage: it does in my machine16:08
lynxmanjamespage: exactly16:08
jamespageand then run bzr merge-upstream --version XXX ../ipxe_XXX.orig.tar.gz16:09
jamespagethat way pristine-tar can checkout the tarball from the branch16:09
lynxmanjamespage: okay pull now (lp:~lynxman/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/newsnapshot)16:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #264200 in lm-sensors (main) "lm-sensors not recognized." [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26420016:11
jamespagelynxman, right - so pulled that in16:15
jamespagegood - I can now get an orig.tar.gz16:15
jamespageHow did you merge that into the bzr tree?16:15
lynxmanjamespage: hm?16:16
jamespagelynxman: well I assume that the branch contains the code for the require upstream snapshot?16:17
lynxmanjamespage: correct16:17
jamespagelynxman, so how did you get the contents of the orig.tar.gz into the branch?16:17
lynxmanjamespage: just regular bzr checkin16:18
jamespagelynxman, right - so thats where bzr merge-upstream is your friend16:18
jamespageit will merge the orig.tar.gz into the branch and tag it correctly so that pristine-tar can check it out later16:18
lynxmanjamespage: aha :)16:18
jamespagethat way when someone sponsors your work ALL they need is the branch16:19
jamespagelook at bzr tags16:19
* lynxman wonders why nobody told him this before16:19
jamespagelynxman, the upstream-* ones are important here16:19
jamespageyou might want to redo your branch from lp:ubuntu/ipxe and follow that process instead.16:19
lynxmanjamespage: okay!16:20
jamespagebzr push --overwrite lp:~lynxman/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/newsnapshot will drop whats already proposed...16:20
jamespageso the last bit was about patches16:20
lynxmanjamespage: alright, will redo the branch and resubmit for review :)16:29
lynxmanjamespage: thanks!16:29
hallynsmoser: starting qemu domains inside lxc is going to continue to not work, btw.  devpts again.16:43
LcawteHi, I'm having problem with sshing out of my 11.10 server... I get the following...16:44
Lcawtelewiscawte@lcserv:~$ ssh lcawte@translatewiki.net16:44
LcawteSegmentation fault16:44
zulhallyn: devpts?16:48
hallynzul: devpts16:48
zulhallyn: what about it?16:49
hallynzul: libvirt does 'mount -t devpts devpts $container_path/dev/pts'16:49
zulhallyn: ahhh....that sounds like fun16:49
hallynif you do that inside a container, yo'ull end up with the host's devpts mounted at $contaienr_path/dev/pts, which is not what libvirt wanted16:49
hallynwhich again is exactly what my kernel patch is supposed to fix.  if i could just get it to not crash.16:49
smoserhallyn, i did do it16:53
hallynstart qemu/16:53
smoserit worked. i saw it boot16:53
hallynin qemu?16:53
hallynor in libvirt-lxc?16:53
hallynoh wait, the devpts i was thinking of is in libvirt-lxc only, maybe.  oh whatever.16:54
smosercanonistack instance -> lxc create -t ubuntu -n mycontainer -> mycontainer libvirt start16:54
smoserunless you're differenciating between qemu and kvm16:54
smoseri had issues with one or hte other.16:54
hallynok, cool then.16:55
LcawteAnyone got any idea whats up with my ssh client then?17:33
smoserutlemming_afk, join openstack-dev17:43
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lynxmansmoser: ping17:44
utlemmingsmoser: done17:44
lynxmansmoser: nevermind17:45
zullynxman: you going to be around later?17:45
smoserutlemming, i dont see you there.17:45
lynxmanzul: quite possibly17:46
smoseroh, lynxman, you don't need me now that you found the sed man page.17:46
smoseri see how it is17:46
zullynxman:  you want to do some reviews?17:46
lynxmansmoser: lol it was a cloud-init related problem ;)17:46
lynxmansmoser: still is17:46
lynxmanzul: yes!17:46
lynxmansmoser: just trying to collect more info before wasting your time17:46
zullynxman: ok cool ill start lining them up for you17:47
lynxmanzul: yay \o/17:47
smoserutlemming, ....17:48
utlemmingsmoser: looking right now :)17:48
smoserok. both my irc client and '/whois utlemming' say you are not in #openstack-dev17:49
smoseryou're making me question myself17:49
utlemminglol...I thought you meant mailing list not irc17:50
utlemmingnow I'm there17:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #919312 in postfix (main) "SRU tracking bug for postfix 2.8.5 -> 2.8.7 for natty/oneiric" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91931217:51
zuladam_g: yo17:56
adam_gzul: so glance has changed config layout again17:56
zuladam_g: ok17:56
adam_gzul: which we're picking up on in the QA lab17:56
adam_gzul: i wanna fix packaging, wtf do i check upstream now? ~openstack-ppa has no branches17:57
zulupstream packaging?17:57
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adam_gzul: ok, so those branches is what the openstack-ppa packages use?17:58
zuladam_g: afaik yes17:58
adam_gah, ok. thanks17:58
zuladam_g: did the qa lab branches pick up the changes?17:58
adam_gzul: what do you mean? the packaging hasn't been updated anywhere to account for the paste deploy config being now split between two config files, for api and registry17:59
zuladam_g: ok17:59
adam_gzul: packages install okay, charms deploy okay, but the services never start because config is missing.. which we pick up on in the post-deploy, 'prepare cloud' test (ie, publish an image into glance)17:59
adam_gzul: with the pkging branches at ~openstack-ubuntu-testing, am i now able to just pull one and 'bzr bd -S' to grab upstream source automagickly?18:01
zuladam_g: yeah you should be able to18:01
adam_gneat thanks18:01
zullynxman: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810930/ (nova)18:02
zuladam_g: at least nova is working properly now18:02
zuladam_g: if you send me a patch then i can get it uploaded today18:04
adam_gzul: is there a new snapshot going out today?18:05
zuladam_g: its friday18:06
adam_gjeez it is18:06
zuladam_g: oh are you trying the nova instal?18:09
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
parasiticpestHello. I have a really basic question, I'm kinda new to this. I bought a VPS recently, which only gave me access via root. Fine - I created a new user, added to admin group, set up a passwd, etc. Now I try ssh user@server.com, which asks for password. I enter the password, then it gives me a welcome message and immediately hangs up ("connection closed"). How would I troubleshoot this?18:21
lynxmansmoser: does EC2 has some kind of limitation in user-data size?18:24
lynxmansmoser: hmm interesting18:24
smoserarbitrary suck. which forces need for #include18:24
lynxmansmoser: got a user-data script that is not running in the instance, looks like the user-data is not being transferred18:25
lynxmansmoser: it's just 4k18:25
smoserbecause you're using --user-data and not --user-data-file18:25
lynxmansmoser: because I suck... that might be it :)18:25
lynxmansmoser: let me try again...18:26
zuladam_g: do you want me to upload the debs somewhere?18:26
zulor we should just be able to push the testing to the qa lab18:26
smoserif you were using precise, then you'd see something like this:18:26
smoser$ euca-run-instances --user-data /etc/passwd  ami-abcdefg18:26
smoserstring provided as user-data [/etc/passwd] is a file.18:26
smoserTry --user-data-file or --user-data-force18:26
lynxmansmoser: thanks :)18:26
smoserthat is present because i made that mistake many times18:27
smoserlynxman, was that what it was?18:28
lynxmansmoser: testing right now18:29
lynxmansmoser: if this works I'm so drinking myself silly18:29
smoseryou can get an instance's user-data with one of the ec2-api commands18:29
lynxmansmoser: yeah that worked :)18:30
smosermoral of the story?18:30
smoserupgrade to precise18:30
smoser(from silly macos)18:30
lynxmansmoser: rofl18:32
lynxmansmoser: I've got that command as well :)18:32
smoserbut yours does not check --user-data for file existance i suspect18:32
adam_gzul: im building packages will have a MP to ~ubuntu-server-dev soon18:35
adam_gzul:  that glance branch needs updating and fixing18:35
zulill upload glance last18:35
adam_gwell actually hold on18:36
adam_gbefore we upload anything, can we/i go through each and make sure our packaging isn't missing obvious stuff?18:36
lynxmansmoser: could be...18:37
adam_gnova is going to need a big update to packaging, i think18:37
zuladam_g: nope i already tested it here and fixed *alot* of stuff compared to last week18:37
adam_gzul: the packaging has been updated to include all of the new api changes?18:39
adam_gzul: look in nova/bin of a recent git checkout18:40
zuladam_g: yeah tested this morning and it worked fine for me18:40
adam_gzul: from which packages?18:41
zulthe ones in the lp:~ubuntu-server-dev/nova/essex18:42
adam_gzul: are those debs built somewhere?18:45
zuladam_g: i just ran the jenkins jobs18:46
adam_gzul: uh those dont mean anything ATM18:47
adam_gzul: also, openstackx needs an update18:47
zuladam_g: gah ok18:47
zulgimme a sec18:47
adam_gzul:  is this snapshot the milestone, or is that next?18:49
zuladam_g: still a snapshot18:50
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adam_gzul: https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/precise/glance/pasteconfigs/+merge/8947919:03
adam_gzul: after you merge that, if i kick off a new build in the QA lab, it will merge that in, correct?19:04
zuladam_g: yeah19:05
adam_gzul: , ah, let me know when its merged19:05
zuladam_g: im just uploading a new openstackx now gimme a couple of minutes19:05
adam_gzul: k19:05
zuladam_g: glance has been mergedd19:15
zuladam_g: openstackx has been uploaded to the archive19:16
adam_gzul: thanks19:16
zulso you should be ok for your tests now19:16
adam_gzul: kicking offf a jenkins build will pull those changes in?19:17
zuladam_g: it should19:17
zuli would run the other tests first19:17
adam_gwhat other tests?19:19
adam_gzul: looks like changes got merged into the qa build, cool.19:19
zuladam_g: good good :)19:19
zuladam_g: lemme know once you are happy then i can upload (note: im off to my in-laws later tonight (whee))19:20
* zul goes to work on quantum and melange19:20
adam_gzul: i wouldn't wait for me. theres no way for me todo a quick test like i was doing last time.19:21
zuladam_g: ok ill upload after my lunch then19:22
zulor move the packaging branches where adam_g can be a member19:29
zulDaviey/smoser/adam_g: what do you think of moving of openstack ubuntu packaging branches to a less restrictive group?19:45
smoseri'd generally be ok with that.20:00
smoserbut if its just to get adam_g in, then i think he is probably reaonsably qualified to be server-dev20:00
niksoftHi, is anyone actually here?20:05
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_rubenniksoft: such meta questions tend to be ignored by most ppl, asking an actual (on-topic and all) question tends to yield more responses20:15
niksoftwhen i ask outright, people ignore me even more, because i only ask extreeme questions :)20:19
Davieyzul: less restrictive?20:19
Davieyhow is it restricted?20:19
smoserzul, do you think that libvirt can now more easily use images ?20:20
smoserie, could we make openstack use that?20:20
zulDaviey: you have to be a member of ubuntu-server-dev20:20
smoserhallyn, what lxc function did you thikn might give us disk-attach in libvirt?20:20
zulsmoser: for lxc?20:20
zulsmoser: in theory20:20
hallynsmoser: 'virsh attach-disk'20:21
smoserDaviey, zul thinks that its too restrictive.20:21
Davieyzul: or core-dev20:21
zulDaviey: so adam_g doesnt have to ask for things to get merged20:21
smoserzul thinks the 'admin' group is also too restrictive, and installs all systems without root password20:21
Davieyzul: he *should* ask, same as i and you should ask :)20:21
smoserzul, to be fair, though, we were hoping that even if adam_g was core-dev he'd be asking for peer review20:21
Davieybut anyway, the only reason adam_g isn't in server-dev yet is because he's been too lazyto apply20:22
zulno h right? :)20:22
niksoftSo i am working on an ubu server, i need it to be able to both serve at extreemely high throughput, and at extremely high tps, like higher than most people dream about in most datacenters. Does anyone have any experience with setting up the kernel stacks for 10+gbit/sec, more specifically 20Gbps, and does anyone have any ideas how to work on getting the tps sustained at closer or over 10k?20:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #838585 in rabbitmq-server (main) "In login window, list of users includes RabbitMQ user." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83858520:30
adam_gDaviey: +120:34
RoyK[offtopic] vinyl or cd which sounds better??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5dCMz4gKLI20:35
adam_gDaviey: chuck/my point is that there are lots of trivial fixes that often need to be fixed in packages and which are blocking tons of other things. and currently chuck is the only one updating these packages, so its a bottleneck / SPOF. but yeah, i just need to apply.20:38
smoseradam_g, i can be more responsive/helpful on reviewing and sponsoring there.20:39
Davieyadam_g: yes.. We all need to get better at reviewing merge proposals20:41
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stgraberhallyn: can we please keep our LXC packaging discussions in #ubuntu-server? :)20:51
hallynmaybe we can ask him t redirect some energy to writing userspace patch to use reboot signal info patch20:52
stgraberhehe :)20:53
hallynstgraber: so i'm thinking we need a release agent...  thinking of having lxc.init set it up (as per http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel.containers/15926)20:53
hallynfor instance, if i install libvirt inside a container and shut down the container, lxc will fail to remove the cgroup bc there will be nested cgroups20:54
hallynthe release agent should automatically be called in the right order to dtrt20:54
hallynOTOH right now i don't want to mess with the cgroups any more than i have to20:56
sconklinroaksoax: (or anyone who knows cobbler) My cobbler installation stopped letting me create systems from the web UI but command line still works, nothing in the logs - where should I look?20:57
stgraberhallyn: hmm, gmane is a bit slow today... right, so the idea is that the agent gets called when the container dies, removes any nested cgroup and then the cgroup can be destroyed as usual?20:57
hallynthe kernel calls the release agent when any cgroup becomes empty, so all nested cgroups will get cleared out20:58
hallynactually, i suppose that might mess with libvirt20:58
adam_gzul: have you done keystone yet?20:59
hallynno, we might just have to do a simple path walk and rmdir from lxc itself, on shutdown20:59
zuladam_g: yeah20:59
adam_gzul: ah, okay. packaging needs to do a db sync on sqlite database on installation now.. we can fix later20:59
zuladam_g: grrrrrrrrrr.....20:59
hallynstgraber: i guess it only requires patching src/lxc/cgroup.c:lxc_one_cgroup_destroy().21:00
hallyni so don't want to add that right now21:00
hallynyeah, too late on a friday anyway, can't work out well.21:03
hallynstgraber: fwiw, i've updated ~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/lxc/lxc-create-lvm/.  what's there is what i'm testing right now (with the pathetic lp:~serge-hallyn/+junk/lxc-test), and intend to push when done21:04
ahs3hallyn: got a question on netcf...doesn't seem to be building for me; test code doesn't seem to be finding libxml2 properly: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/811169/21:10
ahs3hallyn: and it can wait till later, too :)...21:11
hallynahs3: drat.  having trouble on the ubuntu buildd's too (though it works there in sbuild)21:11
hallynahs3: yeah, let's just hold off on enabling make check for now21:12
hallyni need time to dig into these testcases21:12
ahs3hallyn: nod.  i'll see if i can figure it out if i get a chance later today21:12
hallynwhere were you building?21:12
ahs3a home system running sid -- x86-64 chroot, basically21:13
hallynwhat kernel?21:13
ahs3oh, and using git-buildpackage21:13
* ahs3 prolly needs to update that...21:14
hallynstgraber: tests pass here, i'm pushing21:36
hallynstgraber: so, fyi, my next intended steps are to (1) get devpts fix in the kernel (2) get userspace part of reboot and (3) push our patches through github over to daniel21:38
stgraberhallyn: sounds good. Once 3) is done, I think it'll be time to nag Daniel to release a new LXC, we must be close to 6 months without a release now :)21:39
hallyneh, the list is longer than that, but...21:39
stgraberwould be nice to release 12.04 with just a couple of patches on top of LXC upstream instead of "cherry-picking" 6 months of upstream activity ;)21:41
hallynbut meanwhile i'm more concerned about the kernel patch, which is not treating me right :(21:45
hallynback to it21:45
bobweaverHello there I am trying to change the name of my local server from 192.168.blah.blah    to "serv1"  is this possible ?21:46
Veovis_MuaddibI've been asked to set this up on a local server that I use for SMB shares.  I have no idea where to start, could anyone point me in the right direction please?   http://code.google.com/p/joelisester-sandbox/downloads/detail?name=pwnazon.tar.gz&can=2&q=22:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #919429 in munin (main) "Munin "IO Service Time" graph gives completely implausible numbers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91942923:01
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