
rick_h@#$#@ it's cold out there12:05
rick_hfreezing morning12:05
mydogsnameisrudyyep -0 here in the UP12:05
rick_h2 here12:06
rick_hcleaned off the wife's windows on her car and realized I should have taken the time to get gloves out12:06
mydogsnameisrudywifes car is in the garage with heat ;)12:07
* llua takes mydogsnameisrudy's heat12:09
mydogsnameisrudyfinds it amazing that people can get on irc channel and no nothing about linux ;)12:19
mydogsnameisrudyor about computers12:19
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: People still use teephones without knowing about VOIP, PBXes, or switches. :)12:31
snap-lIRC is just a communication's medium12:31
mydogsnameisrudyim still amazed at what they say ;)12:32
snap-lAh, first check12:32
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: Well, that's a different matter. :)12:32
snap-lBut that's also like being amazed there's stupid people out there. ;)12:33
mydogsnameisrudythere is? doh12:33
snap-l(not saying those folks are stupid, because we all start somewhere)12:33
mydogsnameisrudyya i guess12:33
mydogsnameisrudyi have much to learn too so12:33
snap-lI remember the first time the network admin at Wayne State called me into his office12:34
snap-labout something I posted on Usenet.12:34
mydogsnameisrudywere you bad?12:35
snap-lSomeone said something on the Internet that I didn't agree with12:37
snap-lso I quoted the entire posting, and added two words to the bottom:12:38
snap-l"Blow Me"12:38
mydogsnameisrudyand you called them oh lol12:38
snap-lthat's when I learned about crossposting12:38
snap-lbecause the one newgroup (alt.cdrom) seemed appropriate for such talk12:38
snap-lhowever, alt.caving was not12:38
snap-land someone from alt.caving sent a note to our admin letting him know of my bad behavior12:39
snap-lhe thought it was hilarious12:39
snap-lbut of course let me stew a while thinking I was in troule12:39
snap-lSo yes, we all start somewhere12:39
mydogsnameisrudyy0ur just bad thats all lol12:40
snap-lWell, I won't argue that. ;)12:40
snap-lhttps://shop.cariboucoffee.com/asp/shop/detail.asp?c=1&p=1102 <- I must try this12:49
brouschwow, i started digging into this one and there are so many layers of pain http://askubuntu.com/questions/97023/how-do-i-configure-pydevpython-3-2pygtk12:50
WolfgerMorning. Love the "blow me" story, snap-l12:54
mydogsnameisrudyits is to the point indeed12:55
mydogsnameisrudyanyone running kde im wondering how to make terminal come up with ctl alt t or if i should even do that13:03
WolfgerI'm not sure offhand. I use the Yakuake terminal, and that has a configurable hotkey (f12 by default).13:06
brouschmydogsnameisrudy: good question. i just did it13:06
brouschsystem settings -> shortcuts and gestures13:07
brouschhighlight "Custom Shortcuts"13:07
mydogsnameisrudyim there13:07
brouschright-click in the white area under the list13:07
brouschNew->global shortcut13:07
mydogsnameisrudyah there it is thx13:08
brouschgot it?13:08
mydogsnameisrudyim trying13:08
mydogsnameisrudy;) thx13:08
brouschNP. i;ve been wanting to do that but had been too lazy to try ;)13:09
Wolfgerglad to see laziness is overcome by a desire to be helpful13:09
mydogsnameisrudywhat do you put in the action tab under command/url13:11
brouschone good thing has come out of unity!13:12
mydogsnameisrudyah nice thx13:13
Wolfgerbest thing to ever happen to Kubuntu13:15
mydogsnameisrudyforcing myself to learn kde13:16
brouschonce you learn to move panels and widgets around you're all set13:16
mydogsnameisrudyjust hard to find things13:16
brouschtry alt+f213:18
brouschbrings up a little boc you can type in and it filters/searches for you13:18
mydogsnameisrudyright click / run command13:38
brouschyep, same thing13:39
ColonelPanic001<3 KDE14:21
ColonelPanic001I like to make windows key + spacebar bring up krunner14:22
ColonelPanic001little easier14:22
mydogsnameisrudyjust got used to it in gnome14:25
mydogsnameisrudyoh krunner is the run command ?14:26
ColonelPanic001well, whatever works. I just though it was a bit of a reach to do alt+f2 for something I use frequently14:26
ColonelPanic001the "run stuff" box14:27
mydogsnameisrudyjust wanted the terminal but can see using krunner more also14:27
ColonelPanic001install "yakuake", maybe14:28
ColonelPanic001terminal window that slides in/out of the desktop with f12 (or whatever key you set)14:28
Wolfger<3 yakuake14:30
rick_hI used to be a big yakuake fan years ago14:30
mydogsnameisrudyah so it sits on the top of screen all the time14:40
ColonelPanic001f12 brings it in and out, but it's always on top when visible, yeah14:41
snap-lI really wish I didn't see NSFW concepts when I see the word yakuake14:42
brouschsnap-l: some things cannot be unseen14:48
ColonelPanic001at least now I know it wasn't just me14:50
mydogsnameisrudywhat is unsafe?14:53
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: Trust us when we say that ignorance is bliss14:54
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm dont like being stuped ;)14:54
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: Well, I don't want to be your corrupting influence. ;)14:55
mydogsnameisrudyah well to late now14:55
brouschlet's just say certain japanese perversions share a similar name14:57
mydogsnameisrudyok so its unGodly i get it14:58
snap-lIn a manner of speaking, yes.15:01
brouschdepends on your god i guess15:01
snap-lIt's Michigan. We only have one worth mentioning. ;)15:02
mydogsnameisrudy;) only 1 God in my book15:02
* snap-l slaps himself with a CoC15:02
brouschdepends on your book i guess15:02
brouschi was gonna say "depends on your version of the bible i guess", but that's something that is probably consistent between them ;)15:04
Blazeixi'd be surprised if the bible actually has any provisions against it.15:05
Blazeixthat'd be awfully specific15:05
snap-lBlazeix: Always so helpful, you are. ;)15:05
brouschwell i'm sure the catholics disapprove15:06
snap-lnot only because it's technically correct, but now you'll have be checking to see if it's actually correct.15:06
mydogsnameisrudyare we talking about lust?15:06
ColonelPanic001"Thou shalt not learn new sexual positions from Japanese videos on the Internet (thou shalt figure out what that means in a few thousand years). No srsly, cut that out."15:06
snap-lColonelPanic001: I believe in the greek translation, it clearly states 4chan, which was misinterpreted by the early biblican scholars.15:07
brouschBut Onan knew that the offspring would not be his. So whenever he went in to his brother's wife he would waste the semen on the ground, so as not to give offspring to his brother. And what he did was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and he put him to death also.15:08
brouschi think that covers it15:08
mydogsnameisrudywoooo yep15:08
* ColonelPanic001 must discontinue this line of discussion in the channel15:09
brouschalthough the answers here are surprisingly insightful http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=100606011974015:10
brouschsurprising because it's yahoo answers15:11
mydogsnameisrudyis this offtopic?15:12
ColonelPanic001if we're talking about it, it's the topic15:13
mydogsnameisrudyok good ;)15:13
brouschi don't think we are on-topic more than 5% of the time ;)15:13
mydogsnameisrudybeen on #ubuntu to much i guess15:13
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: We're pretty laid back in here15:14
snap-lmostly because I think greg-g is the only one with the ability to get ops15:14
snap-lI wonder if the one part of sqlalchemy that's missing is what the file should look like once you're done with the tutorial: http://stackoverflow.com/a/860614/53588315:28
brouschi heard that the sqlalchemy docs are total crap so you should just not use it15:29
rick_hsnap-l: add it as a patch to examples: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/orm/examples.html15:31
snap-lI may do that.15:31
snap-lsince it seems to be my biggest stumbling block15:31
rick_hyea, it's not huge, and there's a place for examples15:32
rick_hand doctests can diaf!15:35
snap-lruh roh15:35
rick_hany time someone tells you the right answer is a doctest, send them to me for the @#$#@$#@ off statement they have coming to them15:35
snap-lThat's part of the reason I stopped reading the Python Testing Beginners Guide book15:36
snap-lstarts off with doctests15:36
snap-lPicked up the cookbook since that's more what I'm looking for15:36
brouschsnap-l: i did the same thing15:38
brouschwell, not the cookbook, but stopped reading15:38
rick_hjust get past it15:38
rick_htests are good, and doctests look pretty, but they're @#$#@ pita to debug/work with15:39
brouschlater chapters refer back to the doctests so you have to read them anyways15:39
rick_has long as they pass it's great15:39
snap-lWe're wimps. ;)15:39
rick_htest up wimps :)15:39
brouschtesting is for wimps!15:39
brouschreal men edit code on the production server!15:40
brouschnone of this mamby-pamby will-it-run-oh-i-better-test-it crap. i know it will run because i wrote it and i am infallible!15:40
* rick_h adds brousch to the canonical blacklist15:41
rick_hcarry on :)15:42
snap-lI knew it!15:44
Wolfgerbrousch: So the moral of the story of Onan is that you should get your brother's wife pregnant or god will strike you down?15:45
brouschno, you should do what god tells you to even if you don't want to15:45
snap-lWolfger: And when sleeping dogs get nice and comfy, Wolfger arrives with the cymbals.15:46
Wolfgersorry. Was afk originally, and scrollback calls to me :-)15:47
rick_hwoot! #achivement unlocked, call a guy a she in irc based on nick15:48
snap-lLet me guess: balloons?15:48
rick_hheh no15:49
Wolfgerrick_h: Hey, it's all assumptions until you are specifically told... Why would assuming female be any less correct than assuming male? ;-)15:49
Wolfgersome names just sound very male, like _stink_, and some sound very female, like ubuntulog215:54
* _stink_ flexes15:57
snap-lmy eyes!15:59
_stink_that's right.16:00
Wolfgermy nose!16:03
brouschmy ass!16:03
Wolfgernot going there...16:04
brouschthank goodness16:05
WolfgerAskUbuntu question of the day, "internet unusable" :-)16:22
ColonelPanic001"this is the normal state of the Internet"16:27
mydogsnameisrudyim lookin for a way to not use kwallet for the wifi password at login?17:12
rick_hsudo apt-get install kwallet :P17:12
rick_hsudo apt-get remove kwallet17:13
rick_hthat's less funny now sorry17:13
rick_hbah, need to take a lunch break soon17:13
mydogsnameisrudykwallet sucks?17:13
rick_hI don't run any of that stuff17:13
rick_hso no idea I guess17:13
mydogsnameisrudythe wifi will still work?17:13
rick_hprobably shoudn't remove it. It'll probably want to yank out half of kde17:14
mydogsnameisrudyok google more i guess17:15
rick_hyea sorry, I'm not helpful17:15
jrwrenrick_h: pong from yesterday or 2 days ago? :)17:24
rick_hjrwren: nvm, regex ? I got straight17:24
rick_hand then last night got told I didn't need to do it that way at all so I'm set, thanks17:25
nixternalmydogsnameisrudy: you need to use a blank password to stop that kwallet crap17:42
rick_hnixternal: hey how goes?17:42
snap-lI <3 that Windows puts authenticity of the Windows install over security.17:42
nixternalwasabi rick_h17:42
snap-lHey nixternal, the prodigal blue-haired stepchild wrangler. ;)17:43
nixternaldownload & build dwm, be done with that desktop environment crap17:43
snap-lNow now. :)17:43
rick_hdwm now?17:44
nixternalyeah, way to fast and useful not to use17:44
mydogsnameisrudyso what just dont put a  password in there?17:44
nixternali know, it is c and not c++, but it works17:44
rick_hheh, well I'm still on awesome so c/c++ doesn't matter :)17:44
nixternalmydogsnameisrudy: open up kwallet manager, select the networking folder in there, click delete. when asked in the future for allowing networkmangler, select always, and just leave the password fields blank17:45
nixternalonly reason i can remember that is because back in the day i thought it was all cool to have 4 billion passwords to make my computer so secure, that if someone stole it, the only thing they could do is format it and put their own crap on there :p17:46
mydogsnameisrudywell for some reason kwalletmanager will not    open17:48
snap-lmydogsnameisrudy: Did you run the remove command that rick_h mentioned? Because if you did, you'll need to re-install it17:50
mydogsnameisrudyno i didnt remove17:50
nixternalyou can't remember kwallet17:50
nixternalit is part of kde-runtime17:51
nixternalgah, s/remember/remove/17:51
mydogsnameisrudygot that ;)17:51
brouschnixternal: you can't just change the password to nothing?17:59
nixternalhrmm, i don't know to be honest. you might be able to, but for the past 3 or 4 years i just use blank right from the get go17:59
brouschyou are off kde now?18:00
nixternalnot fully. i still use it more than anything else, just not all of that flashy crap and what not they have bloated it with18:00
mydogsnameisrudyok i was wrong its not kwallet it kdewallet18:01
brouschi set my wallet password to blank18:02
brouschno idea if it works though18:02
brouschi think kdewallet is just the default name for a kwallet18:03
mydogsnameisrudytryed that at login needed to put in a password .18:03
nixternalyou might have to tell the password prompt to remember the password maybe. i know it is in/around where you are playing with18:04
brouschnixternal: getting dumped on with snow?18:05
* nixternal looks out the window18:05
nixternalholy hell, yes we are18:05
nixternaldude, an hour ago it wasn't doing a darn thing18:05
brouschi cursed you18:06
nixternalthey can't make up their mind how much we are supposed to get18:06
nixternalyesterday was 5 to 8, today was 6 to 12, 2 hours ago was 5 to 10, and someone just said 10+18:06
brouschhave fun with that18:07
nixternal3-5" now18:07
nixternallight fluffy snow, nothing a leaf blower can't fix18:07
rick_hyea, too cold for the good snow18:07
snap-lnixternal: Why does that sound like the famous last words of a Darwin Award winner?18:08
brouschmydogsnameisrudy: you believe this? nixternal uses a leaf blower to shovel snow18:08
mydogsnameisrudygot it go into kdewallet hit change  password leave blank wala18:08
nixternalyeah, but instead of spending an hour snowblowing, in just 5 or 10 minutes i can use the leaf blower and clear the driveway18:08
mydogsnameisrudynot much snow i guess18:08
nixternalbrousch: when it is light & fluffy, nothing beats a leaf blower to get rid of the snow18:08
nixternali learned that trick growing up in michigan in the 1970s :D18:08
snap-lback when leaf blowers were box fans. ;)18:09
mydogsnameisrudyheated leaf blower?18:09
nixternalmydogsnameisrudy: i have used it for about a foot of snow in the past. if you get to it and don't let it sit, it will get all the way to the pavement. if you let it sit, leaf blow to get all you can, then follow up with a shovel to get the wet stuff that stuck18:09
nixternalsnap-l: well not box fans, but the big industrial fans18:10
brouschredneck snowblower18:10
mydogsnameisrudyi use a dodge 2500 4x4 with a western 8foot plow18:10
nixternalahh, 3-5" this afternoon, 3 more this evening18:10
mydogsnameisrudybut my drive is alost a 1/4 mile long18:10
mydogsnameisrudyalmm osst18:10
nixternalours is about 60' long and 30' wide18:11
mydogsnameisrudywere are you?18:11
mydogsnameisrudywindy city ok18:11
mydogsnameisrudyim 300 mile north by north east18:12
nixternalborn in benton harbor18:12
nixternalyou in the yooper18:12
mydogsnameisrudyya ah18:12
mydogsnameisrudyim in Hessel18:13
nixternalwatersmeet? no, that isn't northeast18:13
nixternalhow far are you from a best buy? :D18:15
mydogsnameisrudyis that a town ;)18:15
nixternalnow that was freakin' funny18:15
mydogsnameisrudythere is a dollor store 20 miles from me18:16
brouschthat's the closest thing?18:16
brouschhow do you have high speed internet?18:16
mydogsnameisrudyits called dish18:16
nixternalyeah, there isn't much up there man. the yooper is probably one of my favorite cycling destinations now18:16
mydogsnameisrudyi have no phone lines to my home eather18:16
snap-lmotivated pidgeons18:16
nixternalwhat color is your house? umm, it is white, with little purple spots18:17
nixternalaka pidgeon poop18:17
mydogsnameisrudylooks just like a cedar tree kind of greenish18:17
mydogsnameisrudycant see it18:17
nixternalget the freak out of here. hessel has been street mapped, but my hood hasn't18:17
mydogsnameisrudycuz there is only 3 streets ;)18:18
nixternali am waiting for an area west of me to show up on street maps. i drafted the google car on my bicycle for about 4 miles at 35MPH at the end of the summer18:19
mydogsnameisrudyum you have a bicycle?18:20
nixternalquite a few of them :)18:20
mydogsnameisrudyhmmmm rides a harley18:20
nixternaland you have a sled dog :p18:21
nixternali race bicycles and am highly addicted to it18:21
mydogsnameisrudyno redbone coon hounds18:21
nixternalit is my crack18:21
mydogsnameisrudyi sail as in water and boat18:21
nixternali used to do that when i was in the navy, but once i got out, i was tired of water18:21
nixternalstill haven't worked up the nerve to take a shower since 199818:22
mydogsnameisrudyha nice18:22
nixternalrick_h: why do you think i always get drunk when i hang out in your hood? i can't stand to smell myself18:22
nixternali figure if i can't smell, neither can you :p18:22
nixternalforgot to add a "myself" up there18:23
rick_hmissed the move to discussing smells18:24
mydogsnameisrudywhats the name of the kid in charle brown that was a big dust ball18:25
mydogsnameisrudynixternal - pigpen must be one in the same18:27
nixternalthat's better than lucy i guess18:27
nullspacenixternal: holy shit, your in the channel, talking...18:30
nixternalshut it18:31
nixternalhad to come on to link to a couple of apk's i built for ICS on android18:32
rick_hdoing android dev these days?18:32
nixternalonly when i need to18:33
Wolfgercoming to Penguicon?18:33
nixternalwhen is it?18:33
nixternali could always google it18:33
WolfgerApril 27-2918:34
WolfgerHad to check. Used to be late April, but then they switched to early May. Looks like they switched back18:34
nixternalchecking to see if there are any races that weekend18:35
brouschthere is Chicago to Detroit race that weekend18:35
Wolfgerwe'll save a special ribbon for you...18:35
WolfgerThere you go. Race on down and join the fun.18:35
nixternalyeah, no more special ribbons for me18:37
nixternalafter the 1st year, i will never do the ribbon thing again18:37
brouschtoo many paternity suits resulted?18:38
nixternalto much groping18:38
* brousch has no idea what ribbons are for18:38
WolfgerYeah, nix couldn't remember who the father was18:38
nixternalthey are to let others know you like kindy stuff, so if you find a ribbon with anything blacked out on it, don't put it on your badge18:38
nixternallooks like there are no races that weekend. might have to see if someone here wants to road trip18:39
Wolfgerbrousch: at cons, ribbons are passed out by various people for various reasons. Somebody came up with the idea of having a hook-up ribbon where you can black out certain letters printed on the ribbon, and what's not blacked out indicates your "preferences"18:39
Wolfgerso, yeah, finding one pre-blacked-out on the floor and putting it on not knowing the code.... not so great :-)18:40
brouschso nixternal is upset because he left yiffing and kiltflashing open?18:41
snap-lbrousch: Let's just say the label didn't match the contents. ;)18:45
Wolfgersnap-l: inherent I/O conflict18:53
snap-ltoo much input. ;)18:54
WolfgerI've said it before, I'll say it again: Why would anybody drive a car whose initials are "Killed In Action"? http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/20/news/companies/kia_recall/index.htm?source=cnn_bin18:57
snap-lfolks who drive Found On Road Dead, or Fix It Again, Tony19:02
WolfgerI want to scream when I see *professional* writers make stupid mistakes which *professional* editors fail to catch.19:02
WolfgerSome athlete said this weekend's game is going to be a "blood bath". The writer said "right sentiment, wrong adjective. It's going to be a mud bath."19:04
Wolfger.... blood and mud are not adjectives!!!!19:04
WolfgerHow can you *write* *for* *a* *living* and not know that?19:05
snap-lWelcome to the state of public education19:07
snap-lMy mom (who was an english teacher) complains bitterly that they stopped teaching grammar in school19:07
WolfgerDid they seriously, or is she being facetious in light of the results?19:08
snap-lActually, wouldn't blood and mud be an adjective in that case?19:08
snap-lsince it describes the type of bath19:08
Wolfgerbloody and muddy would be19:09
snap-lWolfger: No, they did19:09
snap-lI think you could ask any 20-something about grammar, and they'd wonder if you were talking about Fraiser.19:09
* Wolfger weeps for the state of American education19:09
snap-l(late 20 somethings. ;) )19:09
WolfgerYeah. Young 20-something would have no idea who Fraiser is19:10
Wolfgeror grammar, or Grammar19:10
snap-lWhat's sick is they have no shared experience of syndicated TV either19:11
snap-lwhere you watched M*A*S*H because it's what was on late night when you were studying. ;)19:11
Wolfgerstudying? What's that? ;-)19:12
Wolfgerit wasn't on late, it was on at 7, and it's scary that I remember what time it was on19:12
snap-lLearning Perl got an updated printing19:34
snap-ljust got a note from O'Reilly to download the update19:34
brouschcalm down d00d19:37
brouschsorry, that was for Wolfger in the scrollback19:38
greg-gis in Dallas, TX23:36
rick_h_droidsorry greg-g23:39
greg-ghaha, yeah23:40
greg-gthough, it is 77 today :)23:40
greg-gbut I have to taxi everywhere. my hotel is way too far from the convention center, and they don't have a shuttle23:40
greg-gluckily, someone else is paying23:41
rick_h_droidwhat event is this for?23:41
rick_h_droidsomething fun?23:41
greg-gALA Midwinter Conference23:41
greg-gI'm speaking on a panel23:41
rick_h_droidah awesome23:42
greg-goo, interesting, a BP commercial about what they're doing in the Gulf after their ef up23:42
greg-g"Still Working. Still Committed" heh23:43
greg-gsorry, the culture diff is awesome down here. And to think, I lived in Nederland, TX when I was 2 - 10 years old23:43
rick_h_droidheh I was right across the TX border from 6-1623:46
rick_h_droidnot a big gan23:46
rick_h_droidbut yea, nothing like traveling around to show how different one country of people can be23:46
rick_h_droid. /gan/fan23:47
greg-gyeah, fun stuff. I love it, really.23:48
greg-gas much as I think things would be so much better if they were done my way, it is great to see how much people love being the way they are.23:49
rick_h_droidI know some of you guys tinkered with dreamhost23:49
rick_h_droidyea I really want to travel more.23:49
greg-gyeah, luckily it was a throw away password23:50

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