
dzhohuh, look where haiku, inc is based00:01
paultaghumm, new york02:06
thafreakSo, I made it to an ALUG "meeting" last night14:42
thafreakaparently they do two a month, and the second one is more just an informal dinner...kinda like ubuntu hours are14:43
thafreakand that's the one I made it to14:43
thafreakPretty much all the faces were familiar, I'm pretty sure they were all OLF regulars.14:43
thafreakAnyone in here attend ALUG? (Akron)14:44
dzhothafreak: that sounds like the kind of mtg I'd like to go to.14:48
dzhoLUGOR has a sit-down, presentation-oriented mtg, then a Beverage SIG afterwards.14:48
thafreaklugor? oregon?15:22
dzhogoogle gives it pretty good props15:35

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