
cndRAOF, will you be following up on the xkeyboard-config security issue?00:19
RAOFcnd: Yes.00:19
RAOFWe can fix it without an X patch, just a fixed xkeyboard-config.00:20
RAOF(Because the ability to turn on that behaviour is awesome)00:20
cndactually, I needed that functionality last week :)00:21
cndwhen I hit that bug in the server that was using the wrong timestamps to verify AllowEvents requests00:22
cndsilly me, I obviously just needed to hit ctrl+alt+KP_Multiply00:22
RAOFI, sadly, don't have a KP_MULTIPLY :(00:24
cndI was going to comment the same, until I glanced over and was reminded how beastly behemoth is00:24
cndsadly, I *did* have KP_Multiply last week, even on the machine I was testing with00:25
cndRAOF, I'd like to upload a version of synaptics with MT00:30
RAOFMake it so.00:30
cndmy thoughts are to squash all the patches I pushed out to the list today into one big 127_xi22.patch00:30
cndsound good?00:30
RAOFSounds reasonable.  Once those patches are accepted we'll nab a newer upstream snapshot?00:31
cndI don't really know if they'll be accepted in their current form00:31
cndsee email 0/600:31
cndbut I think it's the best we're going to get before feature freeze00:31
RAOFThat's Feb, right?00:34
cndI'm afraid that either this patch set is acceptable, or major synaptics overhaul will be needed00:36
RAOFAh, yeah.  The rebuilding eventcomm thingy.00:36
cndI've asked whot about it a few times in passing this week00:36
cndhe seems too busy to think about it much00:36
cndso I just pushed out what I've got00:36
RAOFYeah, I've seen that.00:37
cndRAOF, we really should send a patch upstream to make xtst usage optional at configure time for syndaemon00:42
cndit's annoying having to install, remove, install, remove libxtst-dev00:42
cndeach time I switch between building synaptics and anything else00:43
RAOFThat sounds good.  You can't chroot it, though?00:43
RAOFI mean, do all your test-builds in the source tree, with libxtst-dev installed, and then build packages in an schroot.00:44
cndbuilding in chroots is so much slower :)00:44
cndargh, bash keeps segfaulting on me in precise00:45
cndmake check in utouch-frame and xserver-xorg-input-synaptics results in:00:45
cnd/bin/sh: line 5: 12477 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) ${dir}$tst00:45
RAOFBuild on tmpfs, with a local mirror.  It's not *that* much slower :)00:46
RAOFExcept the first time, when it's populating the cache.00:47
cndthat's too fancy for me00:47
cndthe more it takes for me to set things up, the less likely it is I'll remember when my hard drive dies00:47
* RAOF should really clean up his sbuild config for that and submit it as a patch upstream.00:47
cndok, new xorg-server and xserver-xorg-input-synaptics are uploaded with MT support for trackpads00:49
cndRAOF, do you want to organize some last minute smoke testing after they finish building?00:50
cndthe synaptics stuff is all brand spankin' new00:50
RAOFYes, please.  That would be swanky.00:50
cndI'll send an email to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-x00:51
RAOFMmmm, segfaults in the testsuite.00:59
cndon the buildds too...01:03
cndwow, the archive buildds are fast01:04
cndxorg-server is already done for amd64 and i38601:04
RAOFThey're like 18 core super awesomes.01:04
RAOFDear server-side XCB.  Why don't you exist?01:07
brycesarvatt was saying the reason the buildds were unavailable to ppas was the result of a glitch in a script failing to reassign them back to ppa duty, that has been fixed now01:08
cndI'm noting also that it took the buildds 5 minutes, 6.1 seconds to build xorg-server on amd6401:15
cndincluding the udeb01:15
cndthat's way faster than I remember them building on any buildd01:16
* cnd wonders if they turned on DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=<n>"01:16
RAOFI'm pretty sure they do.01:17
cnddowngrading bash to oneiric doesn't fix things...01:29
RAOFI don't think it's bash segfaulting; I think it's your test segfaulting.01:31
RAOFcnd: I'm pretty sure that's an artefact of the way autotools runs the tests; when they segfault, they look like that.01:32
RAOFMan, wouldn't it be awesome if we had developer tools that didn't occasionally lock up? :/01:33
cndahh yes, eventcomm-test is segfaulting01:33
cndlet's see what's wrong01:34
cndI guess I have a bug in my utouch-frame testsuite too :)01:34
cndI see the issue01:35
cndthings should be all better now01:47
cndRAOF, when do you think the xkeyboard-config issue will be fixed?01:48
cndI'm writing up the email to the lists for smoke testing01:48
cndif it'll be fixed in a jiffy, I'll not mention it so as not to cause confusion01:48
cndbut if not, then I'll leave a note about it01:48
RAOFIt should be fixed in a jiffy, I think.01:49
cndok, my definition of jiffy is in the next couple hours01:49
cnddo we have the same definition :)01:49
* cnd would love to hold you to the kernel definition of a jiffy01:50
cndoh, too late...01:50
cndI decided to be safe and mention the security hole02:01
cndok, I'm out of here02:01
cndleaving on a high note :)02:01
cndsee you all tomorrow, unless you're one of those weirdos on the other side of the dateline :)02:02
RAOFAh.  1pm.02:03
RAOFSo *that's* why I'm hungry!02:03
cndRAOF, I just noticed your wacom upload04:47
cndwas it straightforward to fix?04:47
RAOFIt was just a matter of convincing wacom that input abi 15 didn't mean the options abi was available.04:48
RAOFYou'll see the diff is pretty small.04:49
RAOFOf course, I don't *have* a wacom device, so I'm not sure that it actually works ☺04:50
cndsame here :(04:54
RAOFtjaalton: Oh, hey.  You might think that pkg-xorg can push to your xf86-input-wacom repository on alioth, but all the subdirectories of object are missing write permissions for the group.04:59
tjaaltonRAOF: oh boo04:59
cndtjaalton, I can never figure you out, is it really early in your day, or really late?05:01
tjaaltoncnd: really early this time :)05:01
cndheh, ok05:01
tjaaltonRAOF: ok, it's busted then, now I can't change the permissions on objects owned by you :)05:02
RAOFI can change those.05:02
tjaaltoncnd: don't worry, just got here05:02
RAOFAnd now we win!05:03
RAOFWell, um, for a while.05:04
tjaaltonif only ron would be willing to move -wacom under collab-maint or sth05:05
tjaaltonor <gasp> pkg-xorg05:05
tjaaltonRAOF: actually, the faulty bit is the default umask, i think. and that's hard to fix properly05:06
tjaaltonso that it doesn't mess the other repos05:06
tjaaltonoh and I have wacom05:11
tjaaltonalso, 0.13 is released but I can do that later05:16
tjaaltonRAOF: is this all going in today or next week?05:36
tjaaltonI've still the xorg changelog to update and push to staging05:37
RAOFtjaalton: Next week, I think.05:39
RAOFtjaalton: We can get a little smoke testing over the weekend, and push on Monday.05:39
RAOFWell, over *my* weekend.  Over other people's Friday :)05:40
tjaaltonis the newest stuff on a private ppa?05:40
tjaaltonor was that only used for builds05:40
tjaaltonoh, new emails05:42
tjaaltoncnd: you didn't mention where the stack is, though I'm assuming it's x-staging still :)05:44
Sarvatttjaalton: whoops, https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging05:45
tjaaltonaha, not that private, good05:45
RAOFIt needed to be a canonical-only team to get access to the non-virtualised PPA, but it's public.05:58
tjaaltonupgraded to current staging, all is well07:31
RAOFtjaalton: Are you using an amd64 box?07:35
RAOFtjaalton: I suspect that nvidia-{current,173} amd64 in there are broken, because it seems you can't build the source package properly on i386.07:36
tjaaltonRAOF: yep, intel though07:37
ricotzRAOF, good afternoon :)08:37
ricotzRAOF, do you mind syncing pixman? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pixman/+bug/91887308:38
ubot4`Launchpad bug 918873 in pixman (Ubuntu) "Sync pixman 0.24.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]08:38
tjaaltoni can do that08:48
ricotztjaalton, thanks! :)09:11
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tjaaltondoing the xorg changelog update now, then push it to the staging repo15:07
Sarvattricotz: ugh, 2 hour queue for openchrome/qxl/mga18:55
Sarvattand geode18:55
SarvattRAOF: I think you might like anno 2070 btw19:10
bryceSarvatt, ideas on bug #918769?  seen any dell vostro 360's?19:31
ubot4`Launchpad bug 918769 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X blink with Vostro 360 and Ubuntu Oneiric and Precise (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91876919:31
Sarvattbryce: eDP19:32
Sarvattif the system has a video input board, it uses an hdmi display internally, if not it uses eDP, that system was a nightmare19:33
bryceso disable that in xorg.conf?19:33
Sarvattnawh just saying there were problems, it was only fixed in 3.219:33
Sarvattwill take some digging but i might be able to find the backported fix for 3.0, its not going to be possible to SRU though19:33
Sarvattaka its a HUGE change19:34
brycethis guy finds it happens on  3.2.0-9.16-generic-pae 3.2.1 though19:34
Sarvattoh, hmm19:34
bryceSarvatt, did it show the same symptoms?  blinking every 10 seconds (edid polling??)19:34
Sarvattno display wouldn't turn on at all, sorry for not reading it fully :)19:35
Sarvattthat has an upstream bug..19:35
Sarvatthold on, finishing up lunch19:35
bryceeDP1 is connected19:35
Prf_Jakobhows the X server packaging comming along?19:39
brycePrf_Jakob, are you on the ubuntu-x@ mailing list?  there's been some discussion there as to its status19:39
Prf_Jakobbryce: hmm no, maybe I should get on there.19:40
brycePrf_Jakob, x-staging is available for smoke testing.  I think there's some builds we're still waiting on but I should expect the upload any day now.19:41
bryceSarvatt, I think this sounds like a good bug to have the guy test a ppa kernel on19:42
Prf_Jakobthanks for the info.19:42
cndPrf_Jakob, bryce: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/x-staging/+packages19:58
cndall green checks now19:58
cndfor those we expect to build19:58
cndwe'll probably push them on monday unless people have blocker issues19:58
cndhmm... looks like xf86-video-msm should build for armhf19:59
cndit's probably not a blocker though19:59
xrdodrxHas anyone had success removing the Xorg-Edgers PPA in Oneiric?20:01
xrdodrxThe page just says that there are issues, but not how one might fix them.20:01
xrdodrxCurrently when I try to do so apt wants to remove most installed packages20:02
Prf_Jakobcnd: ok nice, onto mesa after that?20:02
cndPrf_Jakob, tbh, I don't know anything about the video side of X20:02
cndso I don't know much about mesa, or what you're even asking :)20:02
Prf_Jakobcnd: ok fair enough.20:03
cndbryce, Sarvatt, any ideas for Prf_Jakob? ^^20:03
brycexrdodrx, htorque on #ubuntu-kernel ran into that and manually downgraded stuff to resolve it20:03
brycePrf_Jakob, yes on to mesa following that20:04
Prf_JakobCool, thanks20:04
xrdodrxbryce, do you think he'd help me if I asked him which packages he downgraded?20:04
brycexrdodrx, no idea20:05
Sarvattxrdodrx: give it another hour or so and it'll be fixed20:05
Sarvattthe message is saying dont upgrade20:05
brycehere's what he said:20:05
Sarvattunless you're using proprietary drivers that is20:05
bryce<htorque> Sarvatt: thanks, already on it. ppa-purge might not work, but it seems to give me the right order in which i can mark the packages for a downgrade in synaptic. should be done soon. :)20:05
xrdodrxwell, I can surely wait an hour20:06
xrdodrxthanks :)20:06
brycexrdodrx, yep, that's probably easiest20:06
Sarvattxrdodrx: mind pasting the output of apt-get dist-upgrade (don't accept the upgrade, just want to know whats held back)20:06
Sarvattgeode openchrome mga and qxl were just finished building and haven't been published yet, that should be the end of it20:07
Sarvattbut I might have missed something..20:08
xrdodrxSarvatt, nothing is held back20:09
xrdodrx0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:09
xrdodrxI re-added the PPA, however20:09
ricotzSarvatt, feel free to go ahead ;)20:09
Sarvattgo ahead?20:10
Sarvattlooks like apm and rendition were missed20:11
Sarvattxrdodrx: did you apt-get update after adding it again?20:11
xrdodrx0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:11
ricotzSarvatt, i mean you can upgrade to 1.1220:11
Sarvattricotz: i'm still on your 1.12 ppa so cant see what people usually see trying to upgrade20:12
ricotzSarvatt, oh, ok, i thought you arent using it20:13
Sarvattok apm and rendition uploaded, what else did we miss..20:15
Sarvattoh cool you got fglrx and nvidia-current20:16
Sarvattvirtualbox time20:17
ricotzif it compiles...20:17
Sarvattbuilding it locally first20:20
xrdodrxSarvatt, forgot to mention I'm using Oneiric and accidentally accepted an update a few hours ago to all my packages ;-)20:22
xrdodrxdist-upgrade still shows nothing hold back :o20:22
Sarvattxrdodrx: ohhh i'm sorry, the transition is only for precise, nothings been updated in oneiric in a few days20:24
Sarvattexcept unity thats building right now20:24
xrdodrxRight, the only thing that broke here is 3D acceleration.20:24
xrdodrxThat's why I'm either trying to downgrade or remove Xorg Edgers.20:24
Sarvattsheesh, I'm blind! ok so you want to revert xorg-edgers.. this is going to be rough :)20:24
xrdodrxI'd prefer to just downgrade it, I installed it as my Mesa was not working in default Ubuntu (certain 3D acceleration tasks crashed X)20:25
xrdodrx(and resulted in a hung GPU)20:25
Sarvattso with edgers sources enabled, run sudo ppa-purge xorg-edgers, dont accept any aptitude solutions (aka press q), you get a list of packages that need to be downgraded20:25
Sarvattwell first off, are you on amd64 or i386?20:25
Sarvattits significantly easier on i386 because ppa-purge works :)20:26
xrdodrxi5-2500, video-intel (sandy bridge graphics)20:26
Sarvattyou're going to need to downgrade/remove :i386 versions of xorg-edgers stuff20:26
Sarvatteasiest way is going to be to apt-get purge the :i386 stuff completely, let it break multiarch20:28
Sarvattbreak as in remove other :i386 stuff too20:28
Sarvattlike it'll remove wine, skype, maybe flash20:28
xrdodrxSarvatt, I shouldn't need :i386 anyway, right?20:28
Sarvattyou can always readd it after you're done but it makes it lots more complicated20:28
xrdodrxI use the new 64-bit flash20:28
xrdodrxand neither wine nor skype20:29
Sarvattcan ya pastebin dpkg -l | grep :i386?20:29
xrdodrxi have skype installed but i never use it as even the beta is very old20:30
Sarvattok one sec, let me make up a list for you to start out with20:30
xrdodrxokay. thank you :)20:31
Sarvattsudo apt-get purge libpciaccess0:i386  libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau1a:i386 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libegl1-mesa:i386 libdrm2:i386 libegl1-mesa-drivers:i386 libffi6:i386 libgbm1:i386 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libglapi-mesa:i386 libpixman-1-0:i386 20:33
Sarvattpaste what it wants to remove, will tell ya if its ok20:33
xrdodrxSarvatt, There isn't some way I can just downgrade my xorg-edgers packages?20:34
xrdodrxlike i said, official ubuntu packages were crashing X on certain video accel tasks20:35
xrdodrxhere's the paste, in any case: http://pastebin.com/Gt9s1w5w20:35
Sarvattdowngrade to what?20:35
Sarvattolder uploads?20:35
Sarvatthow much older? did it start with something recent?20:36
xrdodrxI don't really want to get rid of Xorg-edgers, I enabled it for a reason...20:36
Sarvattlaunchpad only stores 2 versions :(20:36
xrdodrxmuch more than 2 :(20:36
Sarvattxrdodrx: you may have packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/20:36
xrdodrxcurrently my X works20:36
xrdodrxI just don't have video accel.20:36
xrdodrxSo xfwm4 runs instead of Compiz.20:37
xrdodrxAnd I can't watch video20:37
Sarvattdo you see anything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log that stands out? glxinfo?20:38
Sarvatthmm, one question, do you have oneiric-proposed enabled?20:38
xrdodrxI don't think so, no.20:38
Sarvattok just making sure, was a unity update that would have killed edgers today20:39
Sarvattso glxinfo says it's using software rasterizer? can ya paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?20:39
xrdodrx^ Xorg.0.log20:40
Sarvattthat looks fine20:41
xrdodrxCompiz (opengl) - Fatal: Software rendering detected20:41
Sarvattwhat about glxinfo output?20:42
xrdodrxdifferent than usual, I'll show you20:42
xrdodrxusually it says "Tungsten Graphics"20:42
Sarvattok LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo output now20:43
Sarvatterr pastebin only got the stdout, can you paste the top few lines at the top before the name of display: :0 part here?20:44
xrdodrxthat's weird, I used a pipe20:45
xrdodrxwill do manually20:45
xrdodrxfredrick@desktop:~$ glxinfo20:45
xrdodrxname of display: :0.020:45
xrdodrxThere is nothing before name of display...20:45
SarvattLIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo20:45
xrdodrx$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo20:46
xrdodrxname of display: :0.020:46
xrdodrx(I knew I had already set LIBGL_DEBUG so I just ran glxinfo again the first time, sorry)20:46
xrdodrxSarvatt, I just killed X and Compiz works again. It seems to not wait long enough on a first boot, or something.20:48
xrdodrxPretty odd...20:48
xrdodrxI'm going to attempt another reboot to see if it happens again.20:52

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