
jaysenDoes anyone know why the new gnome 3 Documents Application (mentioned in http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.2/) is not in ubuntu 11.10 running gnome 3.2.1?00:46
jaysena martini please Maaz00:48
jaysenMaaz martini00:48
* Maaz shakes up a vodka and gin mixed Martini for jaysen00:48
inetproGood morning 05:04
cocooncrashGood evening05:12
superflyohi cocooncrash! :-)07:16
cocooncrashsuperfly: ohi07:16
superflycocooncrash: are you guys settled yet?07:16
cocooncrashsuperfly: Almost. Just need to assemble some more furniture.07:17
superflyor getting settled, at least07:17
cocooncrashAnd find a TV.07:17
superflycocooncrash: and mrs_cocooncrash, is she looking for work, or chilling for the moment?07:17
cocooncrashsuperfly: She can't yet, has to get work authorisation first07:17
cocooncrashSo she's just chilling07:18
superflyoh right, was wondering about that07:18
zerefk guys, I've setup ICS through my debian box to my ubuntu box, but no connection09:45
zerefi've tried manually putting in then settings in the interfaces file but no luck09:46
zerefan i missing something?09:46
zerefbtw, coonection works when i plug in a windows machine..09:48
nuvolarizeref: ICS?10:34
zerefinterbet conneciton sharing10:44
nuvolarizeref: how did you achieve that?12:03
* nuvolari uses firestarter :P really easy12:03
zerefnuvolari: ??12:20
nuvolarizeref: I meant, what do you use to do ICS12:30
zerefnetwork manager12:37
zerefif you uisng say wlan0 and want to share it with other comp. set eth0 to shared with other computers12:37
Kilosmiddag almal13:29
Kiloset al too13:29
Kilossee you all tonight13:32
nuvolarizeref: ah. Well, I don't trust nm anymore13:47
nuvolari*any more13:47
=== zeref is now known as zeref-lappy
Kiloshiya kbmonkey and other peeps18:10
Kilosgeeky types18:10
Kiloslol @ zeref-lappy 18:11
Kilosyou upgraded18:11
kbmonkeyKilos o/18:12
kbmonkeyhows the head feeling?18:13
Kilosnot too bad tonight lad18:14
Kiloswhats news18:14
Kiloslo Tonberry 18:15
kbmonkeyI have assembled my desktop i'm love having it back man. love it.18:15
Kilosyeah lappies arent lekker18:15
kbmonkeysee it has my virtual machines18:16
Kiloswhat you have in virtuals?18:16
kbmonkeyvirtual Ubuntu Maverick 10.10, and setting up one for CentOS18:17
* Kilos loves maverick18:18
kbmonkeylo Tonberry 18:18
* Tonberry loves people testing new fibers18:18
kbmonkeyis there a text result? ;)18:19
Tonberrydont think i can copy out of iftop18:19
Tonberryand im downloading with firefox so that wont give nice results18:19
Kilosya you can18:19
Kilosnot easy though18:20
Kilosdrag carefully18:20
kbmonkeyis okay, elinks can download the image :)18:20
Kilosoh my you craSHED18:21
kbmonkeywow Tonberry 18:21
kbmonkeyno I closed the wrong window XD18:21
Tonberryi think im being limited by the server on the other side18:21
Kilosinternet very sick today18:22
Tonberryits a new 10gb fiber with 1gb internet18:22
* kbmonkey changes openbox theme to outline active window better18:22
Tonberryso i'm not getting nearly all of it18:22
kbmonkeythanks for that Tonberry, now I need a cold shower to cool down :<18:24
Kiloslol what is it kbmonkey 18:24
zeref-lappywhy is the net sooo slow.....18:27
Kilosbeen bad all day zeref-lappy 18:27
Kilos8ta and voda18:28
zeref-lappybtw does 8ta wokr in linux?18:28
Kiloswhat you mean does it work?18:29
Kilosits just another broadband provider18:29
zeref-lappyas in if you plug in the usb will linux regonise etc18:29
Kilosyou might need to tell your nm what to do in older releases18:30
Kiloslinux sees the modem first then18:30
Kilos8ta telkom broadband18:30
superflyzeref-lappy: a modem is a modem is a modem18:31
kbmonkeyah. depends what make+model the dongel is zeref-lappy 18:31
kbmonkeymost get detected in linux nowadays18:31
zeref-lappyhmmm, will have to see. bro got a 8ta usb, but had trouble using it. there was no connection18:32
superflyzeref-lappy: that could be for a multitude of reasons18:33
Kiloszeref-lappy, i am using voda sim and 8ta sim in same modem18:33
Kiloshi superfly 18:33
zeref-lappyi'll play around with itz tomoz18:34
superflyhey Kilos18:34
kbmonkeycheck ubuntu wiki on broadband zeref-lappy, troubleshooting instructions on there18:36
Kilosmaybe its being seen as a storage device18:36
Kilosneed to check that modprobe goodie18:37
magespawnHowdy all18:37
Kiloshiya magespawn 18:37
kbmonkeyhi magespawn 18:38
Kilosi forget now18:38
magespawnWhat's up?18:39
magespawnOkay then.18:40
Kilosall same magespawn 18:40
magespawnHave some news about the linux cert material18:41
magespawnMy friend said she would have a look through give some and such how best to do it and what not18:41
Kiloszeref-lappy, usb-modeswitch18:42
magespawnTyping on a touch screen here18:42
magespawnShe also had some ideas how we can do the lectures using a virtual class room18:42
Kiloswhats that magespawn 18:44
magespawnBit like orc but with one person who controls the classroom and the ability to do things like put up a virtual hand etc18:45
magespawnOrc = irc18:45
Kilosoh we had something similar about a year back18:45
kbmonkeycool magespawn :)18:45
magespawnWill see what she comes up with, maybe we could use something like moodle.18:46
kbmonkeyirc is a good place too for us with low bandwidth18:46
kbmonkeyalways wanted to try moodle18:47
kbmonkeysounds like poodle18:47
Kiloskbmonkey, you can use my channel18:47
magespawnI have an unused hosting server that we could install it on.18:47
Kilosonly three peeps there18:47
Kilosand chanserv of course18:48
kbmonkeyI like maia's idea to rotate the class 'teacher'. or even 2 per clas for robustness :D18:48
kbmonkeyyour channel Kilos ?18:48
Tonberryabout about kilos?18:49
kbmonkeyhey that's a great idea!18:49
Tonberrylittle meta?18:49
kbmonkeymeta much?18:49
kbmonkeywonder if I can request a channel?18:49
Kilosits easy to make one18:50
kbmonkeywho's in ##kilos18:50
Kilostook me a while but you guys will find it easy18:50
kbmonkeyawe thank kilos18:51
Kilosyw my friend18:51
magespawnCome have a look.18:52
magespawnI'll put something about our course up on the mailing list and the wiki18:54
kbmonkeylooked at the LPI pdf magespawn ?18:57
kbmonkeypg 6 has a timeline suggested. may be useful18:57
magespawnHave not had a full read yet, will have time tomorrow.19:04
magespawnMy friend has a masters in education that is why I have asked her to give us some help.19:06
Kilosdo she's also become masters19:07
* Kilos thought they were mistresses19:07
kbmonkeythanks magespawn :)19:08
Tonberrya mistress in education sounds interesting... 19:08
magespawnShe was pretty bored anyway.19:09
kbmonkeyTonberry ha ha19:09
magespawnDepends on the subject.19:13
magespawnGo to go see you all later.19:14
Kilostoods magespawn 19:15
Kilosgo well19:15
kbmonkeygn all, monkey over and out.19:17
Kilossleep tight kbmonkey 19:18
kbmonkeyan early night to be back early morn :]19:18
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:21
Tonberryfirefox has a max of 8 connections per proxy default limit20:35
Tonberryset that to 16 and I can pull 92mbps...20:36

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