
ActionParsnipjorge: if you also run:   alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted00:00
DarkStar11ActionParsnip: thx00:00
jorgeActionParsnip: Yep I already checked that, and it's all fine00:00
niksofturlin2u, any ideas as to avenues to pursue?00:01
urlin2uniksoft, I wouldn't even know to be honest.00:02
resusthat didn't help me00:02
resusi don't know where to install grub00:02
niksoftsigh, i'll kick around some channels in a bit then, see if i can catch some server or kernel guys00:02
Jordan_Uresus: Follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot00:03
urlin2uresus, in the mbr generally, can you run this script and pastebin the results.txt.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/00:03
urlin2uresus,  check the link Jordan_U gave first though that may do it00:04
resusso this is what the system is supposed to look like00:06
resusthis boots00:06
resuscan you tell me where exactly is grub supposed to be installed from this output?00:06
resusthere is /boot on /dev/sda200:07
resusand /boot/efi on /dev/sda100:07
urlin2uresus, pesonally I'm not familiar with efi, or lvm sorry00:09
resusit clearly says no bootloader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda00:09
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KezrykCan someone tell me why i can't login on Kubuntu disto 11.1000:23
Kezrykomg this sucks00:25
urlin2uKezryk, you need to give some details.00:26
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daemonhey I run a throw off from ubuntu (backtrack linux 5 rc1, which is really Ubuntu Lucid LTS.00:27
pangolin!language | reflian00:27
ubottureflian: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:27
daemonis there anyway to install anything like FreeBSD's ALTQ/PF00:27
aBoundHey does anybody know how I can check which printers are supported for Ubuntu?00:27
KezrykI am installing Kubuntu for the first time i set all passwords on installation but it wont let me log in00:27
daemonfor limiting throughput through links and sharing bandwidth fairly00:27
urlin2udaemon, this is ubuntu support.00:28
daemonurlin2u, indeed00:28
urlin2u!backtrack > daemon00:29
ubottudaemon, please see my private message00:29
daemonah ty00:29
ubottudaemon: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:31
OerHeksaBound, check openprinting.org00:31
aBoundOerHeks, I don't know if you know this but I have a wifi printer do you know if I would have to connect remotely or just by connecting the laptop to the printer and it'll work.00:32
almoxarifeKezryk: ask the question in #kubuntu00:33
OerHeksaBound, i don't know either with no info of what printer00:34
aBoundOerHeks, It's a lexmark but a wireless lexmark I was just curious as in. If it needed to be connected remotely for the wireless printer to work.  I'll figure it out I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers00:35
OerHeksaBound, lexmark produces more than one model.. be more specific plz.00:36
aBoundOerHeks, I'll have to go check the name of it real quick.00:36
aBoundBeen to lazy to try to see if the driver is in the kernel.00:37
=== angela is now known as angela-
aBoundOerHeks, Lexmark Pinnacle Pro 901.00:38
TheHumanScienceim a newbie to xchat. how can i find out how to install the latest version of firefox?00:38
aBoundTheHumanScience, Which version of Ubuntu are you using?00:38
angela-hij all an enyone tell me why i dont have access to ngircd.conf its sets that i dont have anove prioritie00:39
scarleoTheHumanScience, http://www.mozilla.org/00:39
angela-meens olso that i bin removete of the sudo list00:40
aBoundscarleo, That gives him the source he'll have to compile it that way.00:41
aBoundTheHumanScience, I notice 9.0.1. is known to crash but you'll have to add a PPA to update firefox.00:41
aBoundTheHumanScience, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:42
aBoundTheHumanScience, Make sure the semicolon isn't in the command.00:42
jaysenDoes anyone know why the new gnome 3 Documents Application (mentioned in http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.2/) is not in ubuntu 11.10 running gnome 3.2.1?00:42
TheHumanScienceI added the ppa00:43
aBoundTheHumanScience, You have to execute the other two commands in the terminal. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:45
=== imwhoha is now known as jimwhoha
aBoundTheHumanScience, Make sure firefox is closed and if it doesn't upgrade firefox use the command: sudo apt-get install firefox00:46
=== no-q0rban is now known as q0rban
blackboxI have just attached a GPS garmin to my  computer via usb.... It shows up as a mass storage device and I am able to traverse the folder on it (i.e drwx------ 11 nate nate   4096 1969-12-31 19:00 .00:52
blackboxdrwx------  2 nate nate   4096 1980-01-01 00:00 Vehicle00:52
blackboxdrwx------  2 nate nate   4096 1980-01-01 00:00 JPEG00:52
blackbox-rw-r--r--  1 nate nate  25214 2007-09-12 10:03 nuvi_drive.ico00:52
blackbox-rw-r--r--  1 nate nate 119664 2008-05-06 03:08 .VolumeIcon.icns00:52
FloodBot1blackbox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
blackboxdrwx------  2 nate nate   4096 2009-06-20 18:59 keyboards00:52
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guest__nick anoan271200:55
blackboxthis is what I mean http://pastebin.com/d3pXGUcU00:55
PhireB0mb3rWhat is the web app for the help.ubuntu.com site?00:55
CT1Hi all.  Is there a package (or a feature in audacity) that plays a certain tone... changeable (subtly) via a GUI slider?  I'm interested in finding out the frequency of the (yes, I may be "mental") constant buzz/hum I hear.  It's essential in deciding if I should be "committed" or if the tone is related to UK AC frequency and its harmonics.00:55
genesisbotHello everyone00:56
genesisbotlol CTI00:56
blackboxAnybody know of software that allows you to use your GPS on your computer instead of just in your car.... I.e best software to locate stuff ...etc00:57
blackboxI am on a linux distro like ubuntu , kubuntu , or wattos00:58
Raystonyou can pirate the official garmin software and run it through VirtualBox01:00
Raystonkinda a pain01:00
alien2050CT1: have a look at ladspa, there's a lot of plugins available and one is a tone generator01:00
CT1genesisbot: Thankfully the humorous side of my question was duly noted.  The subtle hint of it being a real question was perhaps lost in it's "insanity"01:01
genesisbotCT1: not at all i just thought how you asked was funny01:02
orlokheh tone generators01:02
TheHumanSciencethanks abound01:03
orlokCT1: got a spectrum analyser?01:03
orlokCT1: on my phone, i have Audelicious01:03
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orlokCT1: its for Maemo only though01:04
orlokCT1: i know Winamp used to be able to play tones as well01:04
CT1alien2050: audacity has a tone generator, but (I assume is the same case with ladspa) generates constant tones you choose.  I want a "slider" to pick. yes I have perfect pitch, but it's "relatively perfect" :p01:05
hellfireHello, I am trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu. When I click to install I just get a black screen with a blinking line...I am new to this all, what do I do?01:05
alien2050CT1: you want to pick the frequency ? with a slider ? Check out puredata, it should be what you're looking for01:06
urlin2u!nomodeset > hellfire01:06
ubottuhellfire, please see my private message01:06
genesisbotCT1: the sound your hear is the tiny hairs in your ear vibrating or repairing them selfs01:07
orlokCT1: freshmeat has a few hits but none of them mention a slider01:08
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CT1genesisbot: They must be doing very well at that.  Nose hairs too.  Still no closer to my goal.01:08
genesisbotCT1: do you have an iphone cause i have an app that allows you to slide a ringer it starts quite and end a very annoying loud ring01:09
=== saint_ is now known as Guest10640
TheHumanScience i got firefox 9.0.1 installed on 10.04 Lucid, but those ugly arrows (the back and forward) on the browser still look generic. anybody know how to make them look they are supposed to?01:10
hellfireurlin2u I just tried nomodeset and the same thing happened.01:11
tawm_afkTheHumanScience: have you played around with the firefox plugins and skins?01:11
CT1genesisbot: Amplitude isn't what I'm after.  I want to slowly and audibly adjust frequency to find what that buzzing might be01:12
=== tawm_afk is now known as ohHaiImTawm
urlin2uhellfire, you might try the alternate cd install it is a text install01:12
orlokCT1: you could learn python :)01:12
TheHumanScienceyes, but nothing01:12
orlokCT1: use a pygame slider or buttons to adjust.. something..01:12
Zahradais there any aiming date for wayland?01:13
ohHaiImTawmTheHumanScience: is there a reason you need to stay on 10.04?01:13
funnyfingersanyone know how to get sed to overwrite a file with the output redirect?  I get a blank file if the file exists but it works fine to a new file.01:14
funnyfingersah I think I understand why:)01:14
alien2050Q: is there a way to "pin" a program to a specific spot on the desktop and ensure it never moves even if child programs try to create new windows, or if the program exits and starts again? something like wmctrl but that would ensure the window of a certain app is "frozen"... wondering01:14
TophageI'm new to irc, where would one find help with ubuntu?01:14
TheHumanScienceyea, it seems the most stable. don't like the interface of Natty, and Meekrat was buggy01:14
hellfireurlin2u: 7th time is a charm, I got it.01:15
ZahradaDon't mind me, I only asked a question :P01:16
ZahradaActually, don't mind me. I had a few..01:16
jason2007quick question, how do i change asclock themes?01:16
PhireB0mb3rWhat is the help.ubuntu.com site CMS?01:16
fancyboneHas anyone ever managed to install bip on Ubuntu 10.04?01:17
WargasmTophage this is the place, whats your question01:17
ohHaiImTawmTheHumanScience: http://askubuntu.com/questions/87279/why-doesnt-firefox-obey-my-icon-theme01:17
ohHaiImTawmmay be the firefox application icon01:18
ohHaiImTawmbut may give you some leads on where to go01:18
fancybonealternatively, I see that it's avialable as part of aptitude on 10.10, but I have no idea how to add it to my 10.04 distro01:18
CT1orlok:  GENIUS! I know substantial python and limited pygame. Off to uncover the bane of my existence, the endless, harrowing...[insert some other words I'd use if I still had M$ word's "synonyms" here]  No ready made remedy?  Python it shall be.  Farewell to you all.01:19
orlokCT1 : Wow.. i was actually joking!01:19
orlokCT1: I use it to control hardware..01:20
orlokCT1: You could start playing with arduino gear too01:20
genesisbotorlok CT1 is just being a big baby01:20
Wargasm!ask | Tophage01:21
ubottuTophage: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:21
Wargasmclose enough01:21
CT1orlok:  I'll do the arduino thing when I need to sync returning home with turning on the heating :p01:22
orlokCT1: just that it would let you have a physical, battery powered tone generator, with physical knobs/sliders to control it01:22
fancyboneor, okay, let's settle for disabling the "warnings as errors" when running ./configure01:24
fancybonebecause --disable-Werror just says "configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-Werror01:24
TophageI've had a program in the Get Software Center stuck at "applying changes" for about half an hour without it moving a bit and it has no 'x' button to cancel anymore. Any suggestions?01:25
CT1orlok: Not that I'm a stranger to soldering, but I'd prefer a software (preferably written by someone else) approach.  The humming/buzzing ceases not.01:28
orlokCT1: got a spectrum/frequency analyser?01:28
orlokCT1: i know my phone has one.. doesnt help you though :)01:28
genesisboti said that already01:29
WargasmTophage I'm going to try to help you but I don't know how well it will work01:29
tucemiuxanyone know of a lotus notes client for windows that is free?01:29
WargasmTophage I've never done it myself01:30
tucemiuxwar - youre the nuub that i've camped in UrT?01:30
Wargasmtucemiux ???01:30
tucemiuxwar if you dont know what im talking about they nevermind01:30
bazhang!ot | tucemiux01:31
CT1orlok: I have CoolEdit in my XP virtual machine. I assume audacity has similar (if not more features).  Hardware-wise? nothing!  I donated all my hardware when I left the country01:31
ubottutucemiux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:31
tucemiuxTHEN nevermind01:31
tucemiuxbazhang, you know of a lotus notes client for windows that is free?01:31
bazhangtucemiux, ##windows for windows issues. chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:31
tucemiuxbazhang, you know of a lotus notes client for ubuntu that is free o.O01:31
tucemiuxi meant to say ubuntu01:32
WargasmTophage you still there?01:33
tucemiuxok well im headed to the zombie server, lata01:34
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Wargasmwell at least I learned how to use the command01:38
ohHaiImTawmI'm having issues with setting up slapd 2.4.25-1.1 the current openldap server package for 11.10. when I apt-get the package it doesn't drop a default .conf file in /etc/ldap/ and it doesn't write anything to /usr/local/ (sub)dirs. it does give me a man page01:38
=== JeepinLennox is now known as ClearInCalifia
ChristianK201Dear all, I'm new to ubuntu. I'm trying to install Anki from http://ankisrs.net/#linux . What do I do with the .tgz file once I downloaded the file?01:43
Rukorozhi, im running a 64-bits live cd, and im getting alot of disk errors, i have already installed ubuntu, but i cannot even run it,01:44
trismChristianK201: anki is in the repo, sudo apt-get install anki;01:44
Rukorozaand, im trying to check and fix the HDD, but i can't, im stuck at gparted and i keep getting these disk messages on console....01:44
ohHaiImTawmRukoroz: can you post the errors?01:44
MadHaTTrrHow would I go about upgrading GRUB 1.98 to 1.99?01:44
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Rukorozis infinite...01:45
Rukorozand always the same01:45
RukorozohHaiImTawm: how?01:45
MadHaTTrr"sudo apt-get install testdisk"01:45
RukorozMadHaTTrr: wat?? -.-01:45
ohHaiImTawmat the command line type MadHaTTrr's command01:46
MadHaTTrrtestdisk scans disc(s) for errors and fixes them (if possible)01:46
Rukorozok :)01:46
Rukorozwait, but, how ican scan if gparted is stuck and i keep getting these messages in console??01:46
ohHaiImTawmit it spits back errors you don't understand you can copy/paste them in the channel or if there are tons drop em in pastebin http://pastebin.com/01:46
Rukorozand umm,  smart says that i have 66 bad clusters01:46
ohHaiImTawmctrl+c will stop the gparted command01:47
MadHaTTrrI'm running Backtrack 5 (Ubuntu 10.04) and it gets lost each time I boot from my 11.10 ext HDD01:47
Rukorozok, umm, im running gparted gui here01:47
MadHaTTrrI believe it's a GRUB discrepancy and I want to upgrade BT5's GRUB to 1.9901:47
tessaraktanyone knowledgable in mysql here?01:47
Rukorozand i keeep getting these errors, how i can paste these here?01:47
GRMrGeckoLet me ask the most asked question. Can you install Office 2010 on Ubuntu using wine? I read problems with the installer and read about workarounds such as copying the disk on windows than mounting it on linux.01:47
Rukorozno way to copy messages from console :((01:48
tessaraktsudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 allows one to set a new root password01:48
tessaraktbut MySQL does not accept the set password afterwards :-(01:48
ohHaiImTawmRukoroz: you might be able to dig through /var/log/syslog01:48
MadHaTTrrno need for M$ Office when "sudo apt-get install libreoffice" does everything you need01:48
RukorozohHaiImTawm: wait, is too much??01:48
lowkietessarakt, flush-priviledges01:48
GRMrGeckoMadHaTTrr: The problem we have with LibreOffice is sending documents back to Microsoft Office.01:48
ohHaiImTawmsudo tail -f /var/log/syslog01:48
Rukorozthink i will run dmesg, is that great?01:48
GRMrGeckoAlso... It doesn't fit Accounting needs.01:49
MadHaTTrrmake sure you save with compatibility settings01:49
ohHaiImTawmdmesg should work too01:49
GRMrGeckoMadHaTTrr: What?01:49
tessaraktlowkie: so restarting the mysql server is not enough?01:49
RukorozohHaiImTawm: how i paste all of it directly to pastebin??01:49
MadHaTTrrWhen you save, make sure you don't save it in libreoffice's .osd format01:49
tessaraktI wonder why dpkg-reconfigure does not do that?!01:49
ohHaiImTawmcopy and paste01:49
lowkietessarakt, that will work too01:49
MadHaTTrrthere are several legacy options to save the files01:49
Rukorozoh lol01:49
GRMrGeckoMadHaTTrr: We save as Doc or Xls01:50
GRMrGeckoand it still makes problems01:50
=== Shadows` is now known as SoulShadow
Rukorozok, im running dmesg01:50
ohHaiImTawmpastebin is pretty strait forward ;)01:50
GRMrGeckolike formatting01:50
MadHaTTrrlike what?01:50
almoxarifeRukoroz: install 'pastebinit', aftwards run that which causes the errors followed by '| pastebinit' should get a link, share it01:50
tessaraktwell, it doesn't01:50
GRMrGeckoMadHaTTrr: The person I work for does not want me to have them use Libreoffice.01:50
Rukorozok thanks :D almoxarife01:50
MadHaTTrrI'd play around with the various save formats, found in libreoffice's preferences01:50
lowkietessarakt, I have never reconfigured with the package manager.  Try http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-unix01:51
Rukorozbut wait, ican install it fine on a live cd?01:51
Rukorozim chatting right from livecd!01:51
almoxarifeRukoroz: should01:51
tessaraktmysql stop/waiting     mysql start/running, process 546701:51
GRMrGeckoMadHaTTrr: My question isn't what should I use other than Microsoft Office01:51
ohHaiImTawmRukoroz: if you have network connectivity it will01:51
tessaraktthat's what dpkg-reconfigure does afterwards01:51
Rukorozyeah :)01:51
GRMrGeckoIt's can I run Microsoft Office 2010.01:51
GRMrGeckoShould I download Trial and test?01:51
almoxarifeGRMrGecko: why not try the install with wine, worse case it crashes01:52
tessaraktIt's quite annoying that you only get advice to use a workaround and yet another workaround01:52
tessaraktbut no-one knows whether it works how it is supposed to work ...01:52
MadHaTTrrbetter than having no options01:52
ohHaiImTawmGRMrGecko: I've never heard anyone run MSOffice well from wine. My knowledge is a bit dated thought.01:52
lowkietessarakt, I know that one I showed you work01:52
MadHaTTrrany GRUB experts in here?01:52
MadHaTTrror Backtrack users?01:53
tessaraktyes - but the Ubuntu way would be dpkg-reconfigure01:53
xangua!backtrack | MadHaTTrr01:53
ubottuMadHaTTrr: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:53
tessaraktUPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('MyNewPass') WHERE User='root'; - I can try again, but that DID NOT work for me01:53
genesisboti use backtrack01:53
tessaraktbecause there was no root user in that table01:53
MadHaTTrrdon't wanna register01:54
lowkietessarakt, what user do you use then?01:54
Rukorozalmoxarife: wait, what's the package name of that?01:54
bazhangMadHaTTrr, bt is not supported here. please dont ask again01:54
MadHaTTrrgenesisbot, what GRUB version do you run?01:54
almoxarifeRukoroz: pastebinit01:54
tessaraktnone, yet01:54
RukorozohHaiImTawm: hmm, dmesg is fine?01:54
tessaraktI'm just trying to set up MySQL01:54
Rukorozbecause errors are there :P01:55
MadHaTTrrmy question is not so much a question about BT5, but upgrading GRUB01:55
bazhangMadHaTTrr, #backtrack-linux01:55
lowkietessarakt, a root user is created by default.  It's in the mysql database, in the user table.01:55
rypervencheMadHaTTrr: Why do you want to upgrade?01:55
MadHaTTrrit conflicts with my Ubuntu 11.10 ext HDD01:55
almoxariferypervenche: !ot01:55
Rukorozalmoxarife: wait, how come i get invalid package??01:55
MadHaTTrrmy BT5 install disappears when I boot Oneiric01:55
Rukorozunable to locate**01:55
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almoxarifeRukoroz: pastebinit01:56
almoxarife!info pastebinit01:56
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 480 kB01:56
Rukorozi typed sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:56
Rukorozand it says01:56
RukorozE:Unable to locate package01:56
rypervenchealmoxarife: It was a question meant for help, if it was something I could help with. No need for that.01:56
tessaraktwell, this is a vserver01:56
Rukorozaff, unvierse component not available in live cd????01:57
tessaraktcreated from an image by the hosting provider01:57
Rukorozalmoxarife .....01:57
tessaraktmaybe they did something strange01:57
tessaraktyou know, I know what I saw01:57
MadHaTTrrfor all intents and purposes, I'm running 10.0401:57
almoxariferypervenche: yeah there is, do your backtrack help in #backtrack01:57
MadHaTTrrhow would you upgrade 10.04's GRUB to 1.99?01:57
pangolinMadHaTTrr: but you're not really01:57
MadHaTTrrirrelevant, I want to upgrade the bootloader01:57
almoxarifeRukoroz: i dont think you have all repos avail01:57
pangolinMadHaTTrr: ask #backtrack-linux01:58
rypervenchealmoxarife: I will help whomever I wish. However, I agree, he would do best to ask his question in #backtrack-linux.01:58
lowkietessarakt, ?01:58
Rukorozalmoxarife: ok, what to do?01:58
Rukorozalmoxarife: to enable this in livecd01:58
almoxariferypervenche: no, you wont, not if is not related to ubuntu01:58
tessaraktI guess it is that strange Parallel Plex Panel01:58
tessaraktit misconfigures all kinds of stuff ...01:59
almoxarifeRukoroz: how do you go about installing in live?01:59
Rukorozidk lol, i can run no OS in this HDD so......01:59
lowkietessarakt, can't help you there…I only do mysql through shell and phpmyadmin01:59
mystoganhi guys, so i've got an internet conection on my debian box, and i'm trying to share it with my ubuntu box via eth0, but no luck, what settings should ubuntu have?02:00
Rukorozalmoxarife: ok, any idea then??02:00
almoxarifeRukoroz: no02:00
Rukorozalmoxarife:  think im posting dmesg command to pastebin02:01
almoxarifelive-cd installs to ram? yes or no?02:01
lowkiemystogan, set the ubuntu box's default route to the debian box02:01
mystogan?? where?02:01
mystogannetwork manager?02:02
lowkiemystogan, /etc/network/interfaces…or route cmd02:02
Rukorozhttp://pastebin.com/uR3tFedn <-- dmesg of live cd session, hdd badly, gparted stuck, it started running at about, 1000 of the dmesg time, SMART says i have 66 bad clusters02:04
StarFire-Alphai'm here02:05
mystoganok, lowkie, so in interfaces file so i have to set the ip or will the other box do it for me?02:05
mystoganas in static or dhcp?02:05
Rukorozanyone matters my hdd serious problem???02:05
=== jaysen is now known as Guest58753
lowkiemystogan, set it to static to get it working…then worry about dhcp config02:06
Rukorozalso, disk utlity when i click on check file system, it says file system NOT clean, when umnounted, and another error when it's mounted, it talks about idk no online slot?02:07
googler32Hi, I downloaded the 64 bit iso for ubuntu - on a computer that support LM cpuflags aka 64 bit. However upon installing it still shows at i68602:09
jaarhola !!!02:09
h00kgoogler32: yeah, it may be i686, but that doesn't mean it's a 64bit02:10
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googler32h00k: Well actually it means it's not.02:10
googler32My question is why is this happening despite my processor support 64bit and me having used the 64 bit iso02:10
ohHaiImTawmRukoroz: I need to get going but investigate the other hard drive utility that was mentioned to you and run that on the hard drive while its unmounted to see if it can repair the bad sectors02:11
blackshirtwhat is the mean "no caching" on description of tinyproxy http proxy server ?02:11
psusigoogler32, what shows i686?02:11
xanguagoogler32: uname -m ; what does it show¿02:11
RukorozohHaiImTawm: ok, but im not able to run that if repo for that is universal, because livecd have that disabled :(02:12
RukorozohHaiImTawm: im trying to fix this using livecd, is all i got here :)02:12
googler32xangua: i68602:12
psusigoogler32, then you didn't download and install the 64bit version...02:12
googler32Im going to recheck but I know I did!02:12
xanguagoogler32: then you downloaded and installed the 32bit ubuntu version02:13
googler32I suppose so02:13
xanguagoogler32: it can't change magically ;)02:13
ohHaiImTawmRukoroz: hrm can you try installing it from a tarball from the utilitie's website? It'll take more time than an apt-get but it may work02:13
Rukorozcmon, i don't wanna lose all files, if im not able, then i gotta format this :(02:13
psusiRukoroz, so enable universe02:14
RukorozohHaiImTawm: ok, and sorry the pastebin is cut, sure, imma inst in other ways :)02:14
Rukorozpsusi: lol, how to enable it on livecd 11.10?02:14
RukorozohHaiImTawm: link?02:14
psusiRukoroz, either by ticking the box to enable it in synaptic or editing /etc/apt/sources.list02:15
xanguaRukoroz: Software Center, Edirt, Sources02:15
RukorozohHaiImTawm: and please let it be not too complicated :)02:15
Rukorozpsusi: dude, synaptic is not anymore in 11.10 so, soft center :P02:15
almoxarifeRukoroz: synaptic is avail, if you install it02:16
psusistill used to using synaptic myself...02:16
andre4si installed today the 11.10 on my ppc (ibook g4) and the installer runs fine, on the first reboot it hangs after running the kernel on the initramfs and gave me 100 errors like "fatal: could not load /lib/modules/ no such file or directory"02:17
andre4sanybody knows how to fix this bug?02:17
andre4sthe file modules.dep exists in the known directory02:18
lowkiemystogan, yes?02:18
viteHi everyone has ubuntu server 12.04 been released02:18
lowkieit's a bit early02:19
xanguavite: is it already april¿02:19
psusivite, is it already 4/12/2012?02:19
mystoganlowkie: still no luck. what was the other command using route?02:19
Rukoroz_sorry, X reset02:19
=== WintersInstallin is now known as RichardWinters
Rukoroz_ok, what were saying?02:19
Rukoroz_sorry lost all trace :(02:20
lowkiemystogan, route delete….route add mask gw debianbox02:20
=== Rukoroz_ is now known as Rukoroz
viteso i get prepared how would I go around upgrading from 11.10 to 12.0402:21
lowkieapt-get diet-upgrade02:21
Ruokazekhello, ohHaiImTawm it's the old user02:22
Ruokazekrukoroz, why i got banned???02:22
vitelowkie just like that and everything automatically runs?02:22
andre4snobody any idea how to fix my modules.dep bug?02:22
RuokazekohHaiImTawm: hi, now, i got to install, testdisk??02:23
lowkievite, I prefer clean installs…but I have used it twice in production with no errors02:23
johtsoHmm, I'm running a simple development server on localhost.. and for some reason it's seeing all incoming GETs as POSTS.. is there some way to see what's going on? I have wireshark running, but I'm not sure how to interpret it..02:24
andre4swhy is the file missing?02:24
andre4sis it a kernel bug?02:24
andre4si do not understand the need of the initramfs02:25
andre4scan anybody explain it to mee02:25
psusijohtso, how to interpret it?  well does it show a GET command or a POST command?02:25
Ruokazekhelp, why apt-get is making a malformed source.list file????02:26
Ruokazekwhen i run sudo apt-get update?02:26
psusiRuokazek, apt-get does not make sources.list, it reads it02:26
johtsopsusi: it shows TCP packets02:26
Ruokazekpsusi: ok, what i can do in live cd?02:26
psusijohtso, right click and there's an option to assemble the tcp stream or something and show you the text02:26
Ruokazekbecause im trying to install some package02:27
Ruokazek!info testdisk02:27
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-2 (oneiric), package size 1558 kB, installed size 4612 kB02:27
psusiRuokazek, so... install them?02:27
Ruokazekyeah, im not able --.-02:27
Ruokazekeven if universal enabled :(02:27
psusiwhy not?02:27
Ruokazeki have this02:28
blackshirt!info tinyproxy02:28
ubottutinyproxy (source: tinyproxy): A lightweight, non-caching, optionally anonymizing HTTP proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2-2 (oneiric), package size 59 kB, installed size 264 kB02:28
RuokazekW: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)/dists/oneiric/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'restricted/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)02:28
Ruokazekand it finishes with02:28
psusiRuokazek, so?  that's just a warning saying it can't find the cd...ignore it02:28
RuokazekE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.02:28
xanguaRuokazek: disable cd  in Software Center, Edit, Sources02:29
Ruokazekaff ok02:29
Ruokazeki enabled all sources :P02:29
dubellzif any active ops here can take a look at #ubuntu-es-offtopic , there's a flooder there, not sure if you share access lists though02:29
psusiwell you can disable the cd source to get rid of the warning, or you can just ignore it... it isn't hurting anything02:29
Ruokazekidk, looks like sources are locked???02:30
Ruokazekuniversal, etc got disabled again02:30
Ruokazekit still not finding testdisk, help!02:30
apersonI noticed lately that ubuntu no longer has /dev/shm/ listed as a tmpfs.  Is there a reason for this?02:31
psusiRuokazek, you'll have to be less vague... enable the universe, apt-get update, apt-get install testdisk02:31
Ruokazekpsusi: found an iusse, the sources are kind of blocked?02:31
Ruokazekyes i did02:31
Ruokazeklooks like it gets disabled02:31
psusiRuokazek, why do you say that?02:31
Ruokazekok here it goes02:32
johtsopsusi: hmm, I am seeing a GET request.. and the server responding with a 405 method not allowed02:32
Ruokazekpsusi: nevermind02:32
Ruokazeknow it's enabled :P02:32
psusijohtso, ok...02:32
skypup03lol my bad02:32
Ruokazekfinally, got rid of source blocking..02:33
skypup03hey there RickGIII, how you liking verizon fios?02:33
Ruokazekwhy windows and testdisk detect disk as it haves 298gb and why ubuntu says it haves 320gb???02:34
ariane5where i can talk about all and nothing ?02:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
Ruokazekhey, testdisk is kind of locked/froze idea??02:35
Ruokazekoh nevermind02:36
=== sjd_ is now known as ypsjd
ariane5why can i use ubuntu not windows ? ;-)02:37
Ruokazekariane5: lol, why? im able to use anything :D02:38
Ruokazekariane5: mac, windows,and linux and variants xD02:38
ariane5too many options02:39
=== _ is now known as Guest32386
ariane5specyfication is good02:39
redlegorengHi ! I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 32 bits on my new W520. I'm not sure however if the graphic card (Nvidia Quadro 2000m). The propritery driver seems to be activated by default, but i still get Unity2D only. What should I do ?02:40
pdg1redlegoreng: are you loging in automatically? ie. does it prompt you for a password when you turn the comp on?02:41
ariane5my mind can work with windows does can change it ?02:43
pdg1have you tried logging out and logging in selecting (under session) Ubuntu?02:43
pdg1assuming Ubuntu is an option instead of Ubuntu 2D02:43
redlegorengi'll try that !02:44
redlegorengmaybe i overlooked the option02:44
pdg1redlegoreng: otherwise I'm pretty sure there's a file somewhere that defines the default session02:44
RichardWintersI have a question about IRC server freenode02:44
RichardWintersdoes the server has permitted the use of Bouncer ?02:45
ariane5good work with webchat02:45
Zaukoxhello, how i can fix/scan the HDD with testdisk?02:46
Zaukoxi got 66 bad clusters....02:46
pdg1RichardWinters: unsure. i found this tho http://ericholscher.com/blog/2010/nov/5/using-znc-irc-bouncer/02:47
RichardWinterscuak !02:47
somsipZaukox: Have you done a backup yet?02:49
Rangodoes ubuntu use LVM yet?02:49
RichardWintersthats what i was talking about, thanks pdg102:49
pdg1redlegoreng: you still there?02:49
RichardWintersits time to reboot and learn ubuntu02:49
* RichardWinters is scared02:49
Zaukoxsomsip: nope, and it's badly corrupted, im on livecd, cannot run any system in hdd02:49
redlegorengthere's the ubuntu or unbutu 2d option02:49
redlegorenghowever, even if i select ubuntu, it is ubuntu 2d that loads02:50
somsipZaukox: I strongly recommend a backup as your first priority. You might do more damage in trying to repair bad blocks, and that number of bad blocks might indicate an impending HD failure02:50
Zaukoxredlegoreng: that's because the graphics do not support ubuntu but it supports u2d02:51
pdg1redlegoreng: just wondering, have you used ubuntu before? is this your first time? should I be gentle?02:51
redlegorengyes it's my first time :)02:51
Zaukoxsomsip: ok, i got 66 bad clusters from smart info, im not able to use gparted,  and im kind of stuck in testdisk....02:52
pdg1redlegoreng: you said you just installed it on a W-something02:52
pdg1what was it?02:52
pdg1laptop of some kind?02:53
Zaukoxsomsip: and zero backups, what the point of backuping a corrupted disk?02:53
Zaukoxsomsip: idea?02:53
somsipZaukox: because you have files on there that you want to keep, I assume. If you attempt to fix the bad blocks and lose all data on the disk, you might wish you'd done a backup first. And don't spam me. Give me chance to type02:53
Zaukoxsomsip: ok, sorry :P, yeah, i got two OS there. and nonee of them im able to boot, is a pain starting over, Really....02:54
pdg1redlegoreng: could be that there's some restricted graphics drivers that you need to install. or even some updates that need to take plac02:54
somsipZaukox: I understand, but it happens. You could just go ahead and do a disk repair and be fine, but there is always a risk02:55
redlegorengyes i have been googling for a while, but i didnt find clear information02:55
pdg1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedDrivers there's some info on restricted drivers02:56
pdg1who's the manufacter?02:56
slicknick5181Has anyone had experience with LTSP?02:56
pdg1n/m lenovo02:56
pdg1I'm assuming02:56
redlegorengin system settings / additional drivers, it seems that some addition driver are already installed and running02:57
nanoguyi am using ubuntu for 3 months but last week system tray is crashed and not starts now. help me02:58
Zaukoxsomsip: ik about it, nevermind if i run that risk, either if it gets worse, bye disk.....  yep, im not able to repair this, disk utility crashed when  i tired to get smart status and i tried to do check fs but it says, fs is not clean... and when it's mounted it comes with some kind of online slots not available?? umm, ideas pleaseee02:58
nanoguyso i last network applet and hp printer support help me. i am using ubuntu 10.1003:01
Zaukoxsomsip: are u there??03:01
somsipZaukox: I'm no expert on HD problems. I guess you've tried running fsck without moutning the disk? And yes I'm here, but my attention is not solely on you03:02
Zaukoxok, yes, oh aw, frogot fsck :P and oh well :P03:03
Zaukoxim running that03:03
somsipZaukox: After trying fsck, I'm out of ideas03:03
shepherdhi. how do I use vesa instead of nouveau? nouveau is being used   │ ikonia03:03
shepherd                  | by default, and X wont start up "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for  │ JorisL_4203:03
Zaukoxhmm, im new on fsck, ideas?03:03
DarkStar1Is there anyone here that knows a great deal about web services infrastructure. I want to run something by someone to get an opinion03:04
shepherdHi. I need to use Vesa instead of Nouveau. My computer is a Dell Inspiron 8100, and X fails to start "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0"03:05
pdg1redlegoreng: i also found this. I'm not sure if it'll help http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/how-to-change-default-session-in-ubuntu-11-10/03:05
DarkStar1becquse I either have an OS bug or I have a bug triggered by service provider's caching issues03:05
pdg1redlegoreng: i dont' think that one will help, sorry... I just realized that it does the same thing you did by logging out and trying to change the session03:06
Zaukoxanyone in fsck usage??03:07
Zaukoxim new using fsck....03:07
Zaukoxwhat's the fsck command i need to run to scan the whole disk?????03:09
acerimmerZaukox: greetings03:11
Zaukoxsomsip: hey, how i can make fsck scan and fix the whole disk?03:11
Zaukoxacerimmer: hey, how i can make fsck scan and fix the whole disk?03:12
somsipZaukox: 503:12
somsipcopy8 shorten10 preview1103:12
somsipGet your very own LMGTFY sticker! You know you03:12
somsipwant one!03:12
somsipZaukox: ooops.03:12
pdg1redlegoreng: I'm sorry I'm not much help... that's about all I know :P . I did find this other article about all the things you may want to do after installing Ubuntu . http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2011/09/12/to-do-list-after-installing-ubuntu-11-10-aka-oneiric-ocelot/03:13
somsipZaukox: http://bit.ly/yE6IKp03:13
acerimmersomsip: :)03:13
Zaukoxawww lol03:13
redlegorengok, thanks for your help03:14
Zaukoxaff,  somsip that google search is not verry useful for me....03:14
somsipZaukox: maybe it will inspire you to try different combinations of words. I was sat here googling for you and all you were doing was repeating the same question in IRC. Go figure.03:15
Zaukoxlol ok03:15
acerimmerZaukox: see here: http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-checkrepair-fsck-filesystem.html03:15
somsipZaukox: Like I said, I'm no expert. I understand fsck is the tool for the job. Beyond that, you need someone else to help, or to find out a little more yourself. I'm out03:15
Zaukoxyeah, i don't know to use fsck :(03:16
TiMiDoZaukox, man fsck03:17
Jeremy3DTrying to run dual monitors, one an actual comptuer monitor and one a tv with a vga output.  getting error "required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2880, 900), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1600, 1600)"03:17
Jeremy3Dbut i really dont understand what it's asking for03:17
Jeremy3Dthey're both currently set to 1440X90003:18
Jeremy3Dso the total can't be above 1600 ?03:18
acerimmerJeremy3D: does vga tv output @1440x900?03:19
Jeremy3Dhonestly not sure. i'll have to look the model up03:19
ZaukoxTiMiDo: yeah, that does not make any trick here :( that does not have info about how to run a FULL hard disk check+repair....03:19
dasnbobhave a problem with unity upgrade03:20
TiMiDoZaukox, read about it on the man page03:20
ZaukoxJeremy3D: maybe u are no able to do extended dual screen because 1440+1440 excceds the limit, can it be?03:20
Jeremy3Dit just says Resolution 1366 x 768 but i'm not sure if that's for the tv or the vga03:21
acerimmerJeremy3D: that's the exact resolution of my dell laptop...03:21
harriswhat do i type to shutdown the linux systme03:22
dasnbobwould like some help fixing some items broken during 11.10 upgrade from 11.04 in classic mode03:22
somsipharris: sudo shutdown -h now03:22
ZaukoxTiMiDo: im so noob, too bad i cannot even find a way out to make up the full scan, can it be /dev/sda?03:22
hiexpoJeremy3D, thats the fes of your laptop03:22
Zaukoxharris: or, sudo halt03:22
TiMiDoZaukox, then type, in google fsck tutorial03:23
acerimmerharris: sudo init 003:23
TiMiDoyou'll find 1000 of manuals03:23
ZaukoxTiMiDo: oh well03:23
HizQuestion:i still dont know why ubuntu change repository everytime they release. example, what is essentially difference between lucid repo and Oneiric repo?03:24
Ben64Hiz: they're different versions..03:25
HizBen64: thx reply. but lucid repo also update everyday..03:26
dasnbobI believe there were major changes in code language between   9  and 11    (lucid and oneric)03:26
Zaukoxim not even able to use fsck! :(03:26
Zaukoxreally, im not able to get any soft check and fix /dev/sda!!03:26
franzksEverytime I start up Ubuntu, the brightness is always at full and the wifi and bluetooth are always on even if I turned them off before. Why is that? I'm on an Acer 4740 notebook running Oneiric03:26
Ben64Zaukox: why can't you fsck03:26
VectorXhi, i am trying to put the 'ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso' iso on a pendrive but cant find the option on 'Universal-USB-Installer-' can someone point me to what i should do ?, with unetbootin when installing it downloads most of the files again from the net so thats not working well03:27
Zaukoxfsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda03:27
ubluntuZaukox: is it mounted ..?03:27
Ben64Zaukox: you need to have the partition not mounted in order to check it03:27
Zaukoxi ran this sudo fsck -MV /dev/sda -- -a -y03:27
Zaukoxyes, is NOT mounted03:28
theoremcurious, I want to upgrade my video card, but the X config flickers when it tries to load the old drivers, is there a way to back down to non-accelerated drivers ( using beryl) so I could al least get to the GUI ?03:28
Zaukoxand im trying to scan the whole disk03:28
ubluntuuh. idk try doing one at a tim03:28
nanoguyvectorx: u may boot with same cd on virtual box and startup disk creater tool03:28
Zaukoxthat's why sda, not sdaN03:28
dasnbobguess   most of the tech help   went home.............03:28
* theorem sighs03:29
theoremZaukox: what are you trying to do ?03:29
Ben64Zaukox: pastebin the following: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and "mount"03:29
Zaukoxscan and fix the whole disk, im on live cd03:29
theorem'fix' ?03:29
theoremfsck ?03:29
VectorXnanoguy ok ty03:29
theoremfsck -y /03:29
theoremor ...03:29
theoremyou have to do it a partition at a time03:30
theoremor write a script to drive it03:30
zykotick9VectorX: have you tried using cat to the device?  not sure if alternate is a hybrid-cd or not, it should be.03:30
Zaukoxtheorem: im trying to scan the whole disk, smart says that i got 66 bad clusters, and im not able to  use gparted03:30
theoremfor i in 1..3 then \ fsck -i /dev/sda$i \ end03:30
VectorXzykotick9 trying on windows, ill give a shot to nanoguy's suggestion03:31
Ben64Zaukox: pastebin the following: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and "mount"03:31
VectorXalso how do you change the dash to the normal gnome file menu sort of thing03:31
theoremVectorX: that's on google03:31
Zaukoxok ben03:31
VectorXtheorem couldnt really find it, but ill try again once i get this disk going03:32
theorem'it' ?03:32
Zaukoxwhy fdisk ben?03:32
VectorXhow do change the dash to the menu sstem03:32
theoremfdisk shows him the partitions03:32
Ben64Zaukox: to see the partitions03:32
theoremZaukox: it's just as easy to mount / and cat /etc/fstab03:33
Ben64theorem: not really03:33
theoremjust fsck /dev/sda1  first (likely / )03:33
theoremBen64: meh .. depends how bad the drive is :)03:33
* theorem lets Ben64 drive.03:34
samijamDoes anybody know where, in Ubuntu 11.10, I can set the Guest session to use gnome-shell by default, and set other guest session defaults?03:34
Zaukoxtada: ran all of it and pasted -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/810332/03:34
Zaukoxfrogot mount :(03:35
Ben64Zaukox: i think you mean you forgot fdisk03:35
Ben64nothing changed03:35
Zaukoxshows nothing03:35
Ben64Zaukox: "fdisk -l /dev/sda" shows nothing?03:36
Zaukoxoh wait03:36
Zaukoxhere goes the pastebin03:36
Zaukoxim appending |pastebinit03:36
harrismy laptop used to boot linux from CD, now it will not boot any of my linux cds, it goes straight to windows. I have bios setup correctly. nothing is wrong with the cds. i also have a windows xp cd i want to reinstall. but it wont let me because it goes straight to windows. so my computer will not boot from any cds now. the cd reader is working fine.03:37
Zaukoxthere... see and tell me :P03:37
Ben64Zaukox: fsck won't check/fix NTFS partitions03:37
Zaukoxuh so?03:37
Ben64Zaukox: you can use fsck on /dev/sda2 though03:37
Zaukoxand swap?03:37
Ben64swap doesn't need to be checked03:37
theoremharris: edit your BIOS options03:37
samijamharris, it sounds like the cd reader is not working fine03:37
theoremharris: change your BIOS boot order.03:38
harrisbut i know its working fine03:38
Zaukoxok, so how i can run ntfs check here?03:38
samijamharris, or the bios boot order :)03:38
harrisi did reorder teh BIOS already03:38
Ben64Zaukox: you don't, you have to use windows03:38
ZaukoxBen64: i cannot boot any OS :(03:38
harriseverything was working fine just yesterday03:38
harrisnow today it misbehaves03:38
theoremharris: smells fishy. your CD drive may not be getting detected, does it work at all ?03:39
Zaukoxim on live cd, it's a little pain to reconfig it.....03:39
harrisyes i can read all files from CD drive03:39
Ben64Zaukox: try fsck on /dev/sda2 then03:39
theoremharris: you tested it ?03:39
harrisi viewed them manually03:39
lowkieharris, unplug your HD and see if you can boot of your cd03:39
theoremfollow lowkie03:39
harrisi am able to see all filed whn i insert cd03:39
theoremsee is not "use"03:40
theoremsee only reads the TOC.03:40
harrisits a laptop03:40
theoremharris: the HDD comes out.03:40
harrishow can i test it03:40
harrisok good idea03:40
harrisi can take out the HD03:40
harrisbut whats a way to test the CD reader03:40
harrisjust open soem files from CD manually?03:40
lowkieharris, please pull battery before you remove HD03:40
dasnbobguess the only interest to help is with the HD prob,,,,03:40
harrisit can short circuit if i dont remove batt?03:41
theoremthe batt keeps the bios settings alive03:41
lowkiedoubt it…but be safe03:41
ZaukoxBen64: wat the cmd for the sda2 check+fix?03:41
Ben64Zaukox: "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda2"03:42
Zaukoxok, imma paste that :P03:42
Zaukoxit's running03:43
Zaukoxlol, im blind03:43
dasnbobany help out there     for   reverting back to 'classic' mode   in 11.10        the unity desktop no to my liking03:44
Zaukoxdasnbob: hmm, try idk, some other stuff?03:44
dasnbobuses to many resources03:44
Zaukoxalso synaptic disappeard03:44
dasnbobidk ????03:45
Zaukoxdasnbob: hmm idk, try another display manager?03:45
dasnbobok      how03:45
Zaukoxi din't know*03:45
trism!notunity | dasnbob03:45
ubottudasnbob: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:45
Zaukoxoh "P\03:45
VectorXi am installing LTSP off the 'ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso' CD, come of questions on the iso, when it comes to installing software in the initial install, the installer starts to download from the net, how do i stop that and also i need to install the 386 architechture, can i put the 386 iso on the same usb in the directory and tell it to use those file ?03:46
Zaukoxidk bout that new thingy, ubottu , trism03:46
dasnbobcan't copy to save   that     but thank you03:46
ZaukoxBen64: hmm, i wonder how long it will take -.-03:47
Zaukoxim canceling it and running without paste03:47
lowkieit can run for hours03:47
dasnbobusing    Oneiric      liked   Maverick03:47
Zaukoxok there it goes Ben64  :)03:48
harrishey it works! after i took out the hard drive, it boots to CD, but, how can i reinstall my windows XP without the harddrive!?03:48
harriscan i put the hard drive into the laptop while its still on? i dont think so03:48
Zaukoxharris: u got to put back the hdd, u need to power it off and pull batt,03:48
lowkieharris, if it works with no hard drive then you have a bios/boot priority issue03:49
Zaukoxand u really need to go BIOS/CMOS setup03:49
Zaukoxhey Ben64 , wondering why this comes Error reading block 1267 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan.  Ignore error? yes03:49
Zaukox how i do repair the ntfs partition on ubuntu??03:50
lowkieZaukox, you can't…boot windows and chkdsk03:51
Zaukoxlowkie: no :(03:52
Zaukoxcorrupt boot :(03:52
lowkieZaukox, windows has a repair mode too03:52
Zaukoxlowkie: i can at least do chkdsk within win7 inst cd03:52
Zaukoxoh well03:53
Zaukoxlowkie: i cannot even run local repair mode03:53
Zaukoxthink im going to run win7 cd03:53
Zaukoxcd/dvd :P03:53
Zaukoxlowkie: really is not possible to scan ntfs in ubuntu??03:53
lowkieZaukox, ntfs support is iffy at best with linux.  It's all reversing engineering….you want to trust that to repair?03:54
Zaukoxlowkie: damn, how bad is the support here?03:54
lowkieZaukox, what do you mean?03:55
Zaukoxhow good is the ntfs disk support for check+fix in ubuntu??03:55
lowkieZaukox, there is no support for it03:56
Zaukoxdoes  the swap disk never need to be checked?03:56
lowkieZaukox, swap can be reformatted…it's only temp data03:56
Zaukoxoh, is fine then to delete it and tada, brandnew swap?03:57
lowkiedelete the partition?03:57
Zaukoxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/810347/ <--:O03:58
lowkieI would say you need a new drive03:58
Zaukoxlowkie: why? and, i kept using this pc at fully power for 7 months, and this is a netbook03:59
Zaukoxyay, it's fixing :P04:00
lowkieZaukox, once bad blocks start…it's rare for it to stop04:00
Zaukoxhmm, with the force rewite, do i get the cluster data back?04:00
Zaukoxlowkie: the bad blocking hit the booting parts badly04:00
Ben64yeah once smart messages start coming up, it means time for a new drive04:00
Zaukoxmbr is safe04:00
Zaukoxi been using this for 7 months only04:01
lowkieZaukox, warranty it then04:01
Zaukoxumm, zero warranty because i/we requested none, because foregin04:01
Ben64then get a new hard drive04:02
Zaukoxdo i keep the data fine in the clusters?04:02
Zaukoxyeah, i cannot, is expensive04:02
multipassis there any way to reset my network devices? I have a ubuntu server virtual box that says its using eth5 and eth6?04:02
urlin2uZaukox, clone it at the least.04:02
Zaukoxand, my dad says that fully format solves it all, is he right?04:03
pnormanZaukox: If you go for no warranty, you're betting that it'll be cheaper on average to replace the drive then to return it.04:03
Ben64Zaukox: the easiest thing to do would be to format and reinstall, but the hard drive errors will still exist04:03
pnormanZaukox: there's no way to make the drive reliable again04:03
lowkieZaukox, smart errors are hardware issues…format doesn't fix hardware problems04:03
Zaukoxok, and if i do low level format?04:03
Zaukoxwat if i do lowlevel format to it?04:04
pnormanZaukox: Is it even possible to buy a drive without a warantty?04:04
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lowkieZaukox, got a small boat that could use an anchor?04:04
Zaukoxnot for me, cause i brought this in usa, im in argentina, so no warranty04:05
Zaukoxlol lowkie04:05
pnormanZaukox: What brand?04:05
Zaukoxit's an Acer Aspire One 72204:05
pnormanNot the computer, the drive04:05
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?04:06
TravisDI'm trying to use my laptop as a network bridge to share my wireless connection over ethernet. I have created a new wireless network and changed the ipv4 method to "Shared to other computers". When I try to use it, however, it keeps reconnecting and disconnecting. Does anyone know what could be going wrong?04:07
TravisDa new wired network*04:07
Zaukoxok, /dev/sda is: 320GB/298GB  hard disk (ATA Hitachi HTS43232A7A384), that's wat disk utility says04:07
TiMiDoTravisD, check dmesg04:08
Zaukoxnow i got corrupted dirs!!04:09
pnormanZaukox: According to the hitachi site you can return the *drive* to the place of purchase under hitachi's warranty if not in one of the countries listed. http://www.hitachigst.com/portal/site/en/support/warranty/04:09
TravisDTiMiDo: There are some messages saying no IPv6 routers present, some other saying eth0: link becomes ready followed by eth0:link is not ready, followed by irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X followed by eth0 NIC Link is Up<100 Mbps Full Duplex>04:09
Zaukoxnono, i got ZERO WARRANTY04:10
TiMiDoTravisD, what laptop is this,?04:10
TravisDTiMiDo: Asus EEE 1000HA04:10
TravisDer, 1005HA04:10
pnormanZaukox: Contact hitachi and tell them that the place you bought the drive from is refusing to accept it for a return.04:10
joekoI just used dd to clone a disk, how do I load the disks partition table?04:11
Zaukoxpnorman: IM NOT WARRANTY PROTECTED!04:11
pnormanZaukox: For the laptop? I'm not talking about the laptop warranty04:11
Zaukoxall of it04:11
cheakoHello, how can I remove a program from the manually installed list?04:11
lowkiepnorman, he doesn't wash to use warranty04:12
pnormanI don't believe hitachi allows its drives to be sold with no warranty04:12
lowkiewant to use*04:12
TiMiDoTravisD, how are you connecting,?04:12
TiMiDowlan0 or eth0?04:12
TravisDTiMiDo: it is connected to my wireless network on wlan0 ( I think ) and to another machine over eth004:12
Zaukoxhow long can the repair take?04:12
urlin2ujoeko, do you mean boot the new drive?04:12
TiMiDoTravisD, are you using a router?04:12
pnormanThey don't actually repair drives. they send you a new one04:13
TravisDTiMiDo: Yes, but that connection is working fine04:13
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Zaukoxno lol, im running fsck on the ubuntu partition04:13
TravisDTiMiDo: I'm actually trying to set up my netbook + a router as a repeater04:13
lowkieZaukox, I have a server that takes 42 hours to run a chkdsk on04:13
TiMiDopaste me your dmesg  paste.ubuntu.com04:13
TravisDTiMiDo: So the device trying to connect over eth0 is a router04:13
TiMiDoand give me the url04:13
TravisDTiMiDo: Sure04:13
Zaukoxlowkie: really? how big?04:13
lowkieZaukox, 2 TB full of small files04:14
Zaukoxaw awaw04:14
Zaukoxcrazy lowkie04:14
cheakoDrives have a large tendency to have a large first wave on the bathtub curve.  The company would have to deal with customers regularly in regards to this, so I'd vote for mandatory warranty on drives.04:14
Zaukoxlol wat, im here without ANY WARRANTY CMON04:14
joekourlin2u, no I mean reload the disk partition table, like when you write a new partition table using fdisk and after the write sda1 and sda2 become available04:15
TravisDTiMiDo: paste.ubuntu.com/810352/04:15
Zaukoxoh god think im losing stuff04:16
cheakolowkie: Dosn't your OS do background scanning?04:16
lowkiejoeko, have you tried "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb" …insert correct device04:16
TiMiDoTravisD, read this article, http://www.jfwhome.com/2009/08/06/perfect-ubuntu-jaunty-on-the-asus-eeepc-1005ha-and-1008ha/04:16
Zaukoxok it finished..04:16
lowkiecheako, yeah, but I do forced during maintenance windows04:17
TravisDTiMiDo: Oh. Thanks for finding that :) I just need to build those drivers and then we're good to go?04:17
Zaukoxuhhh, bad sector climbed!04:17
TiMiDofirst of all which release are you using?04:18
Zaukox133 now :(04:18
TiMiDoTravisD, are you using the atheros drivers?04:18
urlin2ujoeko, never used fdisk so  miss the point here.04:18
TravisDTiMiDo: Ubuntu 11.10 and I'm not sure about atheros drivers. How do I check?04:19
TiMiDoTravisD, paste lsmod to paste.ubuntu.com04:19
Zaukoxok pnorman , Ben64, lowkie... now it got worse, fsck finished but it end up with smart telling i have 133 bad sectors now04:19
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?04:19
lowkieZaukox, that's what we were saying04:19
Zaukox133 on the whole disk, i scanned /dev/sda2 which is ubuntu system part04:20
lowkieZaukox, 133 only scanning sda2…when you do your windows partition there could be more04:20
TravisDTiMiDo: paste.ubuntu.com/81035504:20
Zaukoxdamn, how the hell i make that go down ?04:21
lowkieZaukox, buy a new drive04:21
TiMiDoyeah you are using the ather0s drivers, ath9k04:21
ZaukoxNo!, what then? lowkie04:21
TiMiDonow TravisD man iptables and have Fun,04:21
lowkieZaukox, how well do you like live cd's?04:21
TravisDTiMiDo: Heh, no way to avoid that?04:21
Zaukoxlol, not much, unless it's presistent04:22
lowkieZaukox, I hear pen drives are cool04:22
Zaukoxand got no usb here04:22
TiMiDowhy would you avoid, that since is your Wireless driver?04:22
Zaukoxso lowkie ?04:22
lowkieZaukox, you have a hardware failure…or soon to be….software can't fix hardware04:22
TravisDTiMiDo: IP tables seem intimidating04:22
TiMiDoTravisD, join #Netfilter04:23
lowkieZaukox, just do a backup…and enjoy live cds04:23
Zaukoxcmon it's really a pain starting over :(04:23
TravisDTiMiDo: So, the problem is that I don't have it set up properly? I will join Netfilter soon04:23
flowerpotWhat is the equivalent of mkbootdisk on Ubuntu?04:23
TiMiDoyeah you need to configure it properly TravisD04:23
TravisDTiMiDo: Good chance to learn I guess :)04:24
Zaukoxwill low level format fix all this lowkie ?04:24
lowkieZaukox, low level formatting an IDE or SATA drive will destroy it04:24
TiMiDoalso check the router configuration on the local ip and configure it from there also TravisD04:24
Zaukoxlowkie: yes, and then?04:24
nosleep77flowerpot, mkboot i think04:24
lowkieZaukox, and then it will NEVER work again04:24
flowerpotI searched apt-cache for mkboot but couldn't find it04:24
flowerpotit's not in debianutils either...where is it?04:25
TiMiDoto see if the router, Firewall might be blocking it, TravisD04:25
TravisDTiMiDo: Should I use static IPs?04:25
Zaukoxlowkie: why?04:25
lowkieZaukox, it won't just destroy the data…it will destroy the drive itself04:25
Ben64Zaukox: it is impossible to fix the hard drive04:25
TiMiDofor a server, i suggest you do so, TravisD04:25
flowerpotsudo apt-cache search mkboot returns "abootimg - Tool to read/write/update android boot images"04:25
lowkieZaukox, IDE/SATA are not SCSI, MFM, or RLL drives04:25
TravisDokay, thanks TiMiDo04:25
nosleep77hmm .. :(04:25
GitNickguys im chrooted from a live cd into my broken installation, in which I managed to wipe the boot partition. How to I regen/reinstall the vmlinuz image?04:26
Zaukoxin logical terms, i bet if i do low format it will be like a brand new hdd, im right?04:26
lowkieZaukox, yes…I went back to MFM days04:26
cheakoHello, how can I remove a package from the manually installed list?04:26
TiMiDono problem TravisD04:26
Zaukoxlowkie: oh lol04:26
happymonkeyya ubuntu problem solving while drunk04:26
happymonkeyso good04:26
happymonkeylet's do it04:26
nosleep77flowerpot, do u just wanna do the dd thing04:26
cipher__has anyone here installed ubuntu on a xps15z?04:26
lowkieZaukox, do as you wish…I hope that drive has a safety on it to keep you from destroying it04:27
flowerpotnosleep77, not sure what "the dd thing" is04:27
Zaukoxsure about that lowkie ? because hmmm,04:27
happymonkeycipher__: looks like a nice machine04:27
flowerpotnosleep77, I'm learning about the Linux bootstrap process, and the book I'm reading uses mkbootimage so I was hoping to follow along. That's all.  If there's an alternative for Ubuntu, I'm all ears.04:28
nosleep77flowerpot, there's a manual way of doing it04:28
nosleep77flowerpot, i just googled and there's a buncha stuff04:28
lowkieZaukox, I have given you my advice…it's your choice if you wish to ignore it04:28
flowerpotcould you give me your google string?04:28
cipher__happymonkey: thanks, unfortunately I cannot even get it to boot from the "installation splash." I have also read the trackpad, wireless, and graphics card(s) have issues. I was just curious if there is anyone that has resolved these issues; I refuse to use windows :p04:29
nosleep77"create book disk ubuntu"04:29
flowerpotcool.  thanks nosleep7704:29
happymonkeycipher__: what graphics card do you have installed on it?04:29
lowkieZaukox, good luck04:30
Zaukoxwhy lol04:30
Ben64because you're going to break your drive even worse04:30
nosleep77flowerpot, yw04:30
Ben64you don't04:30
urlin2uZaukox, could you lay low on the cap key.04:31
happymonkeycipher__: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1776254&page=6 im.brien's post04:31
happymonkeyseems to be promising04:31
lowkieZaukox, you are screwed…accept it04:31
Zaukoxok, Ben64 ,why we are not able to reduce that!?04:31
happymonkeyZaukox: buy a new hdd04:31
Ben64Zaukox: because it is physically bad04:31
cipher__happymonkey: geforce gt 525m04:31
Zaukoxok, how come that powered on time is 53,5 days??04:32
cipher__happymonkey: will do04:32
ZaukoxBen64: and low format will fix that or not?04:32
Ben64Zaukox: thats already been answered many many times, no.04:33
happymonkeycipher__: go through that post, it might have a bad name but it looks quite promising04:33
tripelbof these flavors, can any do wireless?  <ActionParsnip> tripelb: lubuntu, Xubuntu, puppy, tinycore, puppy, slitaz04:33
happymonkeycipher__: excuse me thread04:33
=== hase is now known as footofthehare
lowkieZaukox, http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/geom/formatLow-c.html04:33
ZaukoxTELL ME WHY NOT!?04:33
harris38147 mbytes, how can i divide it to about 10 gb04:33
happymonkeyZaukox: because all caps is bad04:33
harriswhats the formula04:33
footofthehareI just installed an nvidia card in my uncles computer and I ran nvidia-xconfig, and rebooted, now all i get is a blinking screen that alternated between blank and what looks like a terminal log in04:34
footoftheharecan i fix this without a live cd04:34
urlin2u!nomodeset > footofthehare04:34
yq_hi all04:34
ubottufootofthehare, please see my private message04:34
happymonkeyfootofthehare: you need to boot into non X mode04:34
happymonkeyfootofthehare: it should be the second option available in grub04:35
happymonkeyZaukox: :)04:35
footoftheharehow do i see the grub04:35
urlin2uZaukox, try #hardrive-miracles  :D04:35
Zaukoxubottu: idk about that :(04:35
ubottuZaukox: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:35
happymonkeyfootofthehare: good question, what version of Ubuntu do you have installed?04:36
cipher__happymonkey: i am not too dogmatic about my distro -- i am a fluxbox and terminal guy -- would you honestly say there are other distros with much more compatability on major machines other than ubuntu? I wouldn't mind trying an alt. even as much as i do enjoy ubuntu..04:36
footofthehareI think his is 10.4 the lts04:36
Zaukoxurlin2u:  lol, a nothing channel04:36
happymonkeycipher__: I use Arch but I'm not too dogmatic either04:36
GhostWolfhi does anyone know what the site for themes for ubuntu? i can't remember it but there were only like maybe around 7 or so themes for ubuntu but don't remember the site04:37
happymonkeycipher__: I don't think that my distro. would help you much because the hardware in your lappi appears to be rather difficult for kernel/X to deal with at this time04:37
Zaukoxok, readerror rate is: 950563204:37
cipher__happymonkey, okY04:37
Zaukoxis that bad?04:37
cipher__give me 10 hours, it'll boot by then :p04:38
happymonkeycipher__: right on04:38
cipher__(or i will have bricked it through grub)04:38
happymonkeycipher__: just dig into the hardware you have and see what can be done04:38
cipher__well, i will see you on the other side.04:39
happymonkeycipher__: :D04:39
happymonkeycipher__: yes!04:39
happymonkeyowell the most important part is to enjoy04:39
Zaukoxok so?04:40
Zaukoxim out of ideas :((04:40
GhostWolfdoes anyone here know the site to download original ubuntu themes?04:41
GhostWolfwow.. where is everyone?04:46
Zaukoxto begin, UBUNTU IS CLEAN04:46
Zaukoxlowkie: ok, ubuntu is clean04:46
cabpahello. this is just a suggestion if gnome could include or integrate the package x-tile in gnome so that we can arrange/tile our opened windows04:47
lowkieZaukox, nice04:47
GhostWolfso can any of you help me? i'll ask my question once again, i know theres a site that has ubuntu themes that you can download it only has a like 7 or so themes. do any of you know the site?04:47
Zaukoxand, why the sector stuff is climbing?04:48
happymonkeyGhostWolf: I don't want to help you, why do you want to be like Windows 704:48
Zaukoxnow it went from 66 to 133 bad sectors04:48
happymonkeyThat's so retarded04:48
happymonkeyI can't even engage04:48
GhostWolfwhat happyface?04:48
lowkieZaukox, cuz your hard drive is upset with you for voiding the warranty04:48
GhostWolfi mean happymonkey04:48
xanguaGhostWolf: gnome-look.org04:48
Zaukoxlol, sure? i don't think so...04:48
GhostWolfxangua, i believe thats the site let me check04:48
happymonkeyGhostWolf: yes that's the site04:49
Zaukoxcan i really trust SMART info???04:49
GhostWolfno thats not it, its a different site than that.04:49
happymonkeyGhostWolf: it's been the site for more than 8 years04:49
GhostWolfhappymonkey, thats not the one im talking about04:49
Zaukoxubuntu-look.org ??04:49
pnormanIf you're having errors reading/writing to disk and smart is reporting problems, you can be pretty sure you've got problems.04:49
happymonkeyGhostWolf: why not use a theme that's more original?04:49
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?04:49
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happymonkeylooks like 704:49
happymonkeymakes me so sad04:50
GhostWolfhappymonkey, i don't like windows themes and cause i like change it up don't worry bout what i like sheesh04:50
Zaukoxpnorman: ok, im rebotting to ubuntu to see if it works....04:50
Zaukoxhmm, think im doing update from here04:50
happymonkeyGhostWolf: ok04:50
GhostWolfZaukox, that site doesn't exist04:50
pfifoDoes ubuntu have an appliction for issuing commands by voice?04:51
Zaukoxlowkie:  pnorman: can i safely update system now the ubuntu fs is clean??04:51
GhostWolfxangua, thats not the site i remember what it looks like it has only a select amount not alot of themes04:51
Zaukoxlol GhostWolf yea, idk :P04:51
GhostWolfthe site has themes like overglossed theme04:52
lowkieZaukox, backup first…then do whatever you like04:52
Zaukoxwhy lol , i don't bakup lowkie04:52
lowkieZaukox, I see lots of live cds in your future04:53
Zaukoxwhy read error rate is good even if non-zero vaule? lowkie04:53
pfifothe best backup solution is a setup that doesnt require backup04:53
Zaukoxpfifo: how's that?04:54
Zaukoxmirroring for example?04:54
GhostWolfah well i found it. btw does anyone here deal with facebook games or zynga games?04:54
Zaukoxno lol04:54
pfifoZaukox, dont generate data04:55
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
ShyGuy115Anyone around to help a newbie?04:59
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yq__\nickname bhs05:00
lowkiedepends.  what's the question/issue05:00
MrFixItWe could try :)05:00
yq__how to change my nickname here05:00
MrFixIt /nick 'newnick'05:01
* lowkie hands yq__ a /05:01
Syph3rgo to setting in ur irc app and look around05:01
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?05:01
Syph3rdont people ever check out the main settings these days05:02
BlackWebJust curious when you "ln" or make links to files whats the difference from symbolic links and hard links05:02
Syph3rgoogle may help05:03
urlin2uShyGuy115, ask your questions and we will see. :D05:03
lowkieBlackWeb, http://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html05:04
BlackWebThanks lowkie :)05:04
bhs_12hi all05:05
Syph3rwhats up05:05
TiMiDohi there bhs_1205:05
quuxmanI have a pretty straightforward apt question that's been very difficult to google: how do I query all the packages installed that are in a given release (like oneiric vs natty)05:07
quuxmanI tried to do a dist-upgrade to oneiric, but it broke my sound and video completely, so I downgraded back to natty, but there are still a bunch of packages from oneiric that are causing all sorts of dependency hell05:08
xanguaquuxman: if you want natty back you would have to do a clean install05:09
xanguadowngrade is Not supported05:09
quuxmanxangua: I've already manually removed almost all the problem packages. It was a pain in the ass05:09
Raduawehhi im running into the same problem as gparted, how i can skip or else the disk chooser durning installation....05:10
Raduawehhi im running into the same problem as gparted, how i can skip or else the disk chooser durning installation....05:11
Syph3ryou can try this command and search it with the name of the catory of app that might be problematic apt-cache search05:11
quuxmanSyph3r: name of category? How do you search by "category"?05:11
quuxmanSyph3r: and that searches all packages, not just ones installed05:12
Syph3ryou said it broke your video and sound try a number of sound apps or video apps05:12
Jeremy3Ddoes anyone have experience with ubuntu 11.10 and catalyst control  center with dual monitors?05:13
maujhsnusblive issue! Anybody know a modified version of this command if a cdrom is not being used, just the.iso ? " sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/iso/image.iso"05:20
maujhsnusblive issue! Anybody know a modified version of this command if a cdrom is not being used, just the.iso ? " sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/iso/image.iso05:25
maujhsnusblive issue! Anybody know a modified version of this command if a cdrom is not being used, just the.iso ? " sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/iso/image.is05:33
karthick87How to add network routes in ubuntu 10.10 permanently?05:34
karthick87How to add network routes in ubuntu 10.10 permanently?05:42
arathaldI'm having some strange issues when booting into the gui. It comes up with an all-white screen, completely unresponsive (though I can still change ttys). Restarting lightdm or the whole computer doesn't fix it.05:42
arathaldIt pops up a menu bar at the top for about two seconds that *looks* like the firefox menu bar (one of the options is bookmarks), but I can't get even that back.05:43
seshagiriHey... I just want to know whether there is any MYSQL-C++ connector for Linux which supports Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit? I have come across few like mysqlcppapi, SQLC++ API etc.. But no-one of them are working for the latest version of Ubuntu. Any idea?05:49
pfifodoes GMT observe daylight savings time?05:50
McDuffypfifo GMT does not05:53
arathaldpfifo: no, it doesn't (for what it's worth, a quick google search might show this)05:53
pfifowhat is the difference between utc and gmt?05:55
arathaldpfifo: you've strayed solidly into google territory05:56
TiMiDoarathald, do not irc as root05:57
TiMiDobad idea.05:57
pfifo!google | arathald05:57
ubottuarathald: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.05:57
arathaldpfifo: utc vs gmt comes up with the answer. I'd link you, but I don't have copy and paste here05:58
arathaldTiMiDo: whoops... bad habit of logging in as root when opening a new tty05:58
TiMiDolog out05:58
arathaldthere, fixed06:00
arathaldoh, wait, now I have a cursor. just the plain 'x'06:05
arathaldstill plain white, otherwise unresponsive screen06:06
elpiratedechronhey I know this is a stupid question but I haven't been using linux lately and am giving an old computer to a friend.. But I need to remove some stuff off of it first like passwords/steam games etc(I have a dual boot set up) but I no longer have the vga cable I used to use on this computer to hook it up to my 42" LCD.. it supports 1360x768 thru vga max and now all I have is a dvi-hdmi adapter... which DOESN'T support that06:06
elpiratedechronresolution.. so when I tried to boot into windows to clean stuff up it wouldn't work.. this is the only "Monitor" I have now and no vga cable... I was wondering if someone could remind me what I can do to change the resolution in windows using ubuntu.. I tried booting to safe mode but found that the damn drivers for my wireless mouse/keyboard fail to load and as you might guess.. they are my only mouse/keyboard atm... sooo06:06
elpiratedechron any ideas?06:06
FloodBot1elpiratedechron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
elpiratedechronI don't mean to be a dick...and maybe I'm just in a bad mood....but screw you floodBOT :p06:08
elpiratedechronI know he's a bot.. I like talking to myself though06:08
urlin2uelpiratedechron, I don't think you can change the resolution in windows from ubuntu.06:08
TiMiDoelpiratedechron, please behave06:09
elpiratedechronit's a nvidia card... there's no file I can delete to force it to go to default 800x600 or something?06:09
urlin2uelpiratedechron, what is the ubuntu release, there is a dis0ply app for resolutions.06:10
urlin2uor monitores06:10
elpiratedechronurlin2u: you did read I'm not trying to change unbuntu resolution06:10
elpiratedechrontrying to change windows resolution on a dual boot06:10
urlin2uelpiratedechron, youneed ##windows then06:10
LoRdRapTuReZhi all06:11
elpiratedechronI think you fail to see the issue... I can't boot into windows normally because the resolution I was using isn't compatiable with HDMI mode for my ONLY monitor which is a 42" lcd06:11
LoRdRapTuReZanyone supports?06:11
LoRdRapTuReZi need help on my ubuntu server06:11
elpiratedechronand my mouse/keyboard drivers won't load in safe mode06:11
urlin2uelpiratedechron, this is ubuntu support not my rules.06:11
elpiratedechronI'm using unbuntu 10.04 right now06:12
elpiratedechrondual boot06:12
elpiratedechronguess I didn't make that clear enough :)06:12
LoRdRapTuReZelpiratedechron.... need help from you06:12
elpiratedechronI might be able to help... but I'm rusty on my linux right now06:12
urlin2uelpiratedechron, but your problem is windows go to their channel lots of great help there.06:12
LoRdRapTuReZi just install ubuntu 10.04 server06:13
LoRdRapTuReZthe purpose are to make a file server but its seems to be doesnt help06:13
elpiratedechronI guess... but since I can't interface at all using safe mode... and since I cna't see anything with normal boot....06:13
Flannelelpiratedechron: You should ask in ##windows, there may be some boot file tweaking that you can force a particular resolution06:13
arathaldwell, it turns out that the problem was that ubuntu was mishandling my hdmi out. pulling out the cable and resetting lightdm fixed the problem06:13
urlin2uelpiratedechron, if it has a recovery partition I would recover it anyway even if going to a friend.06:14
LoRdRapTuReZhow to configure static ip in ubuntu 10.04 server and save it.06:14
elpiratedechronI was hoping I could do some trickery using linux.. clearly you dont' have any ideas but thanks anyway.. :) I'm sure there IS a way but you just dont' seem to know it.. and I'm pretty sure if I ask here and the other linux channels I'm in somebody will have a solution... I really doubt that the windows people will be able to help :)06:14
elpiratedechronIt doesn't06:14
elpiratedechronit's a custom build06:14
arathaldelpiratedechron: the only trickery using linux is accessing windows files. anything beyond that is a windows issue06:15
msterbrewerim having a strange bug with my sansa clip when i put music on it from my linux computer06:15
msterbrewerit will play the files06:15
Flannelelpiratedechron: The "way" would be to tweak whatever windows boot files, but knowing what to tweak in them is 100% a ##windows question.06:15
msterbrewerbut when i connect it to a windows pc it shows the files arent there06:15
elpiratedechronarahald: I know that's why I was hoping there was a text file I could edit to change it but now that I think about it it's probably stored in a reg key06:15
LoRdRapTuReZhow to configure static ip in ubuntu 10.04 server and save it. can anyone help me on this?06:15
elpiratedechronso I could use wine to load them and edit them :)06:15
elpiratedechronI'll look into that thanks arathald :D06:15
LoRdRapTuReZhow to configure static ip in ubuntu 10.04 server and save it. can anyone help me on this?06:16
elpiratedechronLoRdRapTuReZ: do you have a gui installed?06:16
elpiratedechronhmmmm.. I don't remember off the top of my head.. hang on...06:17
FlannelLoRdRapTuReZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html#static-ip-addressing06:17
elpiratedechronLoRdRapTuReZ: found a fourm post :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164712706:18
elpiratedechrona few posts down it has the terminal commands for setting up static ip :)06:18
almoxarifeelpiratedechron: access a ntfs partion from ubuntu is simple, and plinking within it is as simple, making changes to a ntfs partions files is also as simple, so it does come down to your win prowess and the ubuntu tools to do it with.06:18
LoRdRapTuReZlet me try and get back to you06:18
elpiratedechronalmoxarife: i already can access the drive.. I know how to do that.. I just didn't know if there was a file but now that I thoght about it.. I'm 99% sure the resolution is stored in a registry key.. and I know how to edit them using wine06:19
elpiratedechronso I think I"m good :)06:19
almoxarifeelpiratedechron: that would be a win issue06:19
Priyankacan you help me06:24
Priyankapls reply06:24
TRAVISg_is there a way to enlarge the partition for an install of ubuntu 11.10 that is part of a dual boot? Without doing a fresh install.06:25
urlin2uTRAVISg_, yes if it is not a wubi install.06:26
TRAVISg_it was06:26
elpiratedechronalmoxarife: I don't think you read my original post carefully enough. :) I can't boot the windows partition becuase the resolution I was using last time I used this computer isnt' supported by my only monitor.. and safe mode wont' load the drivers for the only wireless mouse/keyboard I have.. but since I have a dual boot I was hoping I could do somethign in linux since I was able to edit xorg.conf using the terminal and bo06:27
elpiratedechronot to linux.. I don't want to come off as unappricative but it seems you're just trying to prove you're smarter then me or something... If you don't have a solution that's fine.. as I said as soon as I go out and smoke a cig and take a dump I'm doing this: http://forums.techarena.in/monitor-video-cards/1186512.htm .. which will involve using wine to load my reg keys and change the resolution USING LINUX!!! What I posted is06:27
elpiratedechron a valid solution to my problem... it is exactly the kind of response I was hoping for here.. Not some condescending response that it's a "windows issue" :) so thanks again but, again not to come off as unappreciative but get over yourself :)06:27
FloodBot1elpiratedechron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
urlin2uTRAVISg_, you can actualy move that wubi to a actual partition as of now it s a file in windows.06:27
urlin2uelpiratedechron, waitv let me check the world does not revolve around your selfish needs.06:28
ActionParsnipelpiratedechron: ubuntu doesn't use 'reg keys'...06:29
urlin2uTRAVISg_, here is the link for moving the wubi. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151935406:29
TRAVISg_urlin2u, is that so? I mean do you suggest just running a fresh install I could on that machine it has only been in use for a few days.06:29
* elpiratedechron facepalm06:29
elpiratedechronActionParsnip: Please read what I posted above...06:30
ActionParsnipelpiratedechron: I don'tsee that, sorry. Are you working in Wine per chance?06:30
elpiratedechronActionParsnip: exactly what I was going to do :)06:30
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elpiratedechronI thought of that myself after coming here and posting... I haven't used linux in a good while so I forgot if there was a simple way to change windows resolution using linux :)06:30
urlin2uTRAVISg_, your choice wubi is not a long term use designated per the developer.  http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/06:31
ActionParsnipelpiratedechron: you can set resolutions in winecfg06:31
TRAVISg_urlin2u, thanx I'll check it out. that's strange to me that it is just a file because I am getting the boot options at startup then at grub before I ever get to xp splash06:31
elpiratedechronthere must be a way if it's not in a text file it's in a reg key... I HIGHLY doubt windows encrypts or otherwise hides whatever stores your resolution :)06:31
elpiratedechronActionParsnip: exactly what I thought.. Thank you.. If +rep existed here I'd totally give you one :D06:32
ActionParsnipelpiratedechron: np man, just be cool :)06:32
elpiratedechron... and -1 from almoxarife :p06:32
TRAVISg_urlin2u, yeah it is a testdrive I have got my girlfriend testing the waters I'll get her switched over:)06:32
urlin2uTRAVISg_, grub when booting before a XP ubuntu choice?06:32
ActionParsnipelpiratedechron: you can setup a virtual desktop in winecfg which your apps will run in and you can set the res there. I had to do that to get Postal2 to run06:32
TRAVISg_urlin2u, no boot choice between xp and ubuntu. which now that you say it is windows huh? I am fairly new myself.06:34
TRAVISg_urlin2u you know what they say you want to learn something teach it06:34
thechad90000Does anyone know how I can customize my Gnome 3 Ubuntu desktop. I just got it and I don't know where to go to find cool themes and what not.06:35
hexacodehey you guys. i need some help with ubuntu. I use a netbook and it has a small screen. and some programs need me to stretch the window but i cant stretch it past a certain point. Eclipse for example requires that when i create a new class, i have to click on some other buttons on the gui, but i cant even see the buttons because they dont fit on screen06:35
LoRdRapTuReZelpiratedechron. i manage to setup my fixed ip on the ubuntu but when i restart my server or when i enter " sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth0" its still goes to the dhcp... how to make it permenanatly06:35
metaspikehexacode: you mean increase the window size?06:36
metaspikecant you just maximize it or something?06:36
LoRdRapTuReZcan u help me on this?06:37
hexacodemetaspike: i maximize it but some portions need me to stretch the window more vertically06:37
LoRdRapTuReZi manage to setup my fixed ip on the ubuntu but when i restart my server or when i enter " sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth0" its still goes to the dhcp... how to make it permenanatly06:37
hexacodeand i cant stretch it past a certain point because the mouse gets to the end of the screen06:37
metaspikeLoRdRapTuReZ: well, first step would be to disable any dhcp clientstuff from interfering, dhcpd for instance.06:38
metaspikeyou could use bum or rcconf for that.06:38
ActionParsniphexacode: you can use ALT to drag a window from ANY point06:38
hexacodethanks ActionParsnip  i think thats what i need06:38
intokanyone got experience with HFS+? I accidentally reformatted my usb flash to HFS+ on a Mac I was selling, now on Ubuntu I can read the flash, every file checks fine, but I cannot write to it anymore and it wont reformat with GParted to Fat3206:39
skilzWhy when I do 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' if I login to a tty console it shows security updates and such availible?06:39
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: you can use /etc/network/interfaces  to manually define it with a config file, or install wicd-curses    and you will get a nice curses based GUI to configure interfaces06:39
skilzWhy is aptitude not updating?06:39
ActionParsnipskilz: can you ping
metaspikeLoRdRapTuReZ: what ActionParsnip said.06:39
ActionParsnipskilz: is apt-get any different (just to test)?06:39
urlin2uintok, the usb mounted in gparted when you try to format it?06:39
LoRdRapTuReZwill it works on ubuntu 10.04 server ?06:40
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/06:40
thechad90000Sorry to ask again but I'm really looking for a good place to find themes for Gnome3 desktop and Ubuntu 11.10. Any help would be great.06:40
skilzActionParsnip: What do you mean is apt-get and different?06:40
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: the interfaces file works on all linuxes, even worked on Mandrake 7 back in 2000/200106:40
skilzand of course I can ping googles dns server06:40
metaspikeintok: it's probably being automounted or such, there's always sudo cfdisk <be careful though>06:40
LoRdRapTuReZinstalling it now ....06:41
ActionParsnipskilz: try:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade      is it different?06:41
LoRdRapTuReZand how to activate it? or is it run by default06:41
skilzOh yeah I done that also but still says updates availible06:41
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: activate what?06:41
ActionParsnipskilz: can you pastebin the output please06:42
LoRdRapTuReZhow to on GUI mode after install it06:42
intok urlin2u metaspike GParted sees it, will let me go through the usual setup of whipeing and formatting a drive06:42
urlin2uintok, you see a little key icon on the usb?06:43
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urlin2uin gparted intok06:43
hot_wheelzI have a question with regard to http://www.ubuntu.com/tv06:44
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: wicd-curses gives a text based UI, so no need for GUI...06:44
hot_wheelzi'm guessing it could become like an officailly suppported mythtv distro right?06:44
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: I thought you were on server?06:44
hot_wheelzbut built into tv's06:44
urlin2uhot_wheelz, lol if you say so.06:45
metaspikehot_wheelz: just plug your computer into TV :)06:45
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: it possibly could, why not06:45
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: there is a PPA for the TV interface if you want it, there is a how to on omgubuntu...06:46
ActionParsnipmetaspike: +106:46
hot_wheelzActionParsnip url to article please06:47
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-install-ubuntu-tv-right-now-via-ppa/06:47
hot_wheelzActionParsnip thanks man06:47
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: all you had to search for was: ubuntu tv ppa06:47
seshagiriHey... I just want to know whether there is any MYSQL-C++ connector for Linux which supports Ubuntu 11.10 32 bit? I have come across few like mysqlcppapi, SQLC++ API etc.. But none of them are working for the latest version of Ubuntu. Any idea?06:47
skilzHow do I stop checking /dev/sda1 for errors at next boot, it does it every boot06:48
ActionParsnipskilz: usually means the file system isn't healthy. I'd check it fully in liveCD06:48
intokurlin2u tosses this error http://pastebin.com/3p9AZjAc06:49
skilzActionParsnip: It's an old IBM Thinkpad G4 Pentium 4, so not much I can do about it really..06:49
ActionParsnipskilz: boot to liveCD then read:  man fsck    you can then tell the checker to check the partition and repair the errors06:50
ActionParsnipskilz: the model of system is irrelevant06:50
urlin2uintok, honestly you are yet to answer my questions, so I quit.06:50
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intokurlin2u Oh, I don't see a lock, just an orange square with what looks like a comic strip voice bubble, but the image it otherwise too small06:54
virtuapostathis might not be right place to post this but if anyone faced this issue : I have configured openvpn+openldap using openvpn-auth-ldap, but while connecting from client, server complains that user not found. Any guidance please. Here are the logs : http://pastebin.com/dJtzbMJx06:55
urlin2uintok, can you take a screen shot of gparted and put it in imagebin.  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add06:57
LoRdRapTuReZActionParsnip.... i can edit but once its ask to press f10 (ok) and i reboot its stills goes to DHCP ip06:58
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: did you add:   iface eth0 inet static    as the 2nd line detailing the interface?06:59
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: I assume wired connection06:59
LoRdRapTuReZbut when i run wicd-curses ( its says that its connected to my fixed ip)07:00
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: what does ifconfig   show?07:02
LoRdRapTuReZits shows my fixed ip07:02
LoRdRapTuReZbut once i restart my server07:02
osmosisis there a way for me to make alt-tab immediate, instead of showing me icons?07:03
LoRdRapTuReZits shows my dhcp ip07:03
LoRdRapTuReZcommands to disable the dhcp ??07:04
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: dude, I'd use the interfaces file, its far easier07:07
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: plus you won't have to start the wicd service, making the OS leaner07:07
ActionParsnipLoRdRapTuReZ: you will need to specify the DNS servers manually if you use static IP07:09
skilzHow can I auto mount and unmount '/dev/sda1 /mnt/media' on boot and reboot/shutdown?07:13
skilzI've been using 'gksu mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/media' in the .fluxbox/startup file but I think it isn't unmounting propperly on shutdown07:14
anandhello i performed an update and after that i am unable to login into my ubuntu system is there any way i can rollback to previous state???plz reply soon07:16
skilzanand: Frankly, no.07:16
styelzskilz: add it to fstab07:17
anandskilz: ok i tried to login in cli mode from there i tried to run xserver using startx but it says connection to xserver is lost how to fix it07:18
skilzWhats the line I should add in fstab07:20
styelzanand: to start the server use stop lightdm or start lightdm    if you are running 11.1007:20
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:22
anandskilz: ok i tried to login in cli mode from there i tried to run xserver using startx but it says connection to xserver is lost how to fix it07:22
styelzhe left07:22
Goodguy69Tried using Update Manager and getting this error: W: GPG error: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com lucid Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> W: GPG error: http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> W: GPG error: 07:22
anandskilz: ok let me try07:23
styelzoh he back07:23
* styelz moves closer to his 42" monitro07:24
Swarnavacan anyone tell me how to install ubuntu on top of Windows 707:29
Swarnavawith dual booting and without partition07:29
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe07:30
Swarnavai have ubuntu cd already07:30
Swarnavaoverclucker: but i need the step07:31
urlin2uSwarnava, if you want a real dual boot it has to be partitioned, wubi is a file in windows.07:32
Swarnavai have 3 drive07:33
SwarnavaC D and E07:33
Swarnavain C, i have installed Windows 707:33
Swarnavaand D is completely blank where i want to install ubuntu07:33
urlin2uSwarnava, are you sure thise are drives and not partitions?07:34
skilzIf I want /dev/sda1 to mount to /mnt/media on boot and unmount on shutdown/reboot, what line do I need to add to /etc/fstab ?07:34
Swarnavaurlin2u: yes07:35
sm0ggC: will always be the name of the drive/partition the os boots from07:35
Swarnavai dont understand what are you trying to saying drive/partition, but those are ok07:35
Swarnavai had file on c07:35
Swarnavasorry D*07:35
overcluckerskilz: what filesystem is on that partition?07:36
Swarnavai move them to my external HDD07:36
llutz_skilz: "/dev/sda1 /mnt/media  ext4 defaults 0 0"         if it's ext4-fs, you could use "UUID=xxx" instead of /dev/sda1, get UUID from "blkid"07:36
Swarnavanow what?07:36
urlin2uSwarnava, drive=hard drive a partition is a area in a drive they are not the same.07:36
Swarnavaurlin2u: i have partitioned07:37
Swarnava59GB free out of 64 gb07:37
Swarnavain D07:37
urlin2uSwarnava, you have the windows backed up?07:37
Swarnavaurlin2u: nope07:38
sm0ggumm, might wanna do that before hand07:38
ublinuxlooking for audio driver for ubuntu need realtek alc8888 driver07:39
urlin2uSwarnava, do that first, I sense here your needing a bit of help anything can happen, always back up your setup before doing anything.07:39
anandhello i am using kubuntu 11.10 and after update when i tried to login nothing happend but i can login from cli ..what is the problem and how to fix it??07:39
ublinuxplease help this my first irc with linux and need audio07:40
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ublinuxanybody want to help me please07:40
urlin2uublinux, I can't really help other then to say give details of your problem.07:41
ublinuxi am running ubuntu and aparently my motherboard audio does not work in linux07:42
hexacodeanyone know a pdf reader for ubuntu that lets you bookmark the page you are on so you can continue reading later? i think document viewer(default) does this, but only if the program isnt closed properly. was wondering if theres one that lets me purposely bookmark07:42
Swarnavaurlin2u: its not possible without backup?07:43
ublinuxurlin2u can u help07:43
BesogonUbuntu users today I've faced andnoticed a problem that HPLIP doesn't work with CUPS -SAMBA printers! Is it possible to install a printer through Samba-CUPS with HPLIP07:43
urlin2uSwarnava, it is possible but I wont help without a backup being done.07:44
ublinuxneed hd audio driver for ubuntu realtek alc888807:44
ublinuxwhat do you mean urlin2u07:45
urlin2uublinux, not really, the key to this channel are details and you have given a start, it is a bit slow right now, but about the time when great helpers come on.07:45
Swarnavaurlin2u: how to backup? you mean copy all important document to removal Media?07:45
pfifoyou know what ubuntu needs? every 24 hours of uptime it automatically adds another workspace!07:45
urlin2uSwarnava, W7 has a built in imager you can make a copy of the whole thing to a set of dvd's.07:46
Swarnavaurlin2u: how?07:46
urlin2uSwarnava, go to backups07:46
ublinuxi just need a download and install fix, can anyone help, or do i have to manually do it07:46
Swarnavaurlin2u: backup and restore?07:47
edosorry, adakah orang indonesia disini??07:47
Ayuedo: ada07:47
ublinuxis that what you are talking about urlin2u07:47
urlin2uSwarnava, if you have a W7 pro or the next relese ultimate or whatever you can image the OS to  HD as many times as you want.07:48
Ayuedo: Bandung07:48
edosalam kenal..07:48
Swarnavaurlin2u: i have ultimate, and i have W7 too07:48
edoane pekanbaru.07:48
ublinuxwhat is your suggestion ?07:48
Swarnavaurlin2u: DVD07:48
urlin2uSwarnava, yea backup and restore left side of gui has a full imgae choice07:48
Ayuedo: salam kenal juga :)07:48
edoyups.., sering kesini ya?07:49
mordoftrying to find an IME to switch my qwerty to use dvorak for a bit - anyone know how? checked synaptic and couldn't find anything. my IME list doesn't have much either :\07:49
Swarnavaurlin2u: does it also backup other drive or only windows data07:49
Ayuedo: okay07:49
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ublinuxwhat is the best way to fix this problem07:50
Ayuedo: mksdnya "baru masuk hari ini nih" hehe07:51
llutz_!en | ayu edo07:51
ubottuayu edo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList07:51
Ayullutz_: okay, so sorry07:52
ActionParsnipublinux: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh07:52
edoayu, ya ane juga pertama kali...07:52
edollutz, sorry bro...07:53
urlin2uSwarnava, when I said ultimate I meant the next higher W7 release after pro. If you have W7 pro or ultimate you can save multiple partitions and drives07:53
ublinuxdont know07:53
Swarnavaurlin2u: save to where?07:54
Swarnavaremoval media?07:54
urlin2uSwarnava, a HD07:54
ActionParsnipublinux: its a big terminal command, run it and select to upload to the server, it will generate a URL. What is the URL? Of course you won't know the output, its massive and complex07:54
ublinuxdont understand. Sorry.07:55
Swarnava!seen arrbee07:55
ActionParsnipurlin2u: like make an image, or copy data 1-to-107:55
ubottuI have no seen command07:55
ActionParsnipublinux: have you ever used terminal, to type commands??07:55
urlin2uActionParsnip, it is a full image clone07:55
Swarnavaurlin2u: is there any chance to remove all my hDD Data?07:56
ActionParsnipurlin2u: I see, linux has had that for years...Windows only just caught up ;)07:56
urlin2uActionParsnip, the user wants to install ubuntu I was hoping to get them backed up.07:56
ublinuxok, are you asking for a copy of my cd that came with my motherboard to send you?07:57
ActionParsnipurlin2u: makes sense, Win7 can also resize its own partitions but backing up before is wise07:57
ActionParsnipublinux: when did I ever mention a CD?07:57
ublinuxsorry. did not know what you are asking07:58
ActionParsnipublinux: copy the long command I gave, open a terminal and paste the command in, hit ENTER and the script will download and run, press Y to upload to the server and a URL will be generated. You can then paste that URL in here07:58
urlin2uSwarnava, when you say remove all your media you mean by mistake?07:59
ublinuxvery sorry still dont understand.08:00
Swarnavaurlin2u: no they give me the list to choose which drive i want to install? :O08:00
urlin2uSwarnava, you have lost me and it is late here, so I will let others help. :D08:00
auronandaceActionParsnip: you sure he isn't doing that on purpose? your instructions are very clear08:00
llutz_ublinux: what is your native language?08:01
ublinuxauronandace, i am not swavay with linux or its command line08:02
ublinuxllutz, english08:02
ActionParsnipublinux: its a copy and paste, that's all08:02
ActionParsnipublinux: you can copy and paste text,right....08:02
ublinuxi know copy and paste, but what info are you requestin and what will it do?08:03
ActionParsnipublinux: its nothing to do with being savvy with ubuntu. I'm sure you can copy and paste text08:03
ActionParsnipublinux: it will give us the sound information of your system08:03
mordofnevermind... i found it..08:03
ActionParsnipmordof: sometimes stuff is hidden or hard in many OSes08:04
mordofActionParsnip: no, i'm using the dvorak layout at the moment08:05
mordofActionParsnip: it's just painfully slow for me until i get used to it, lol08:06
ActionParsnipmordof: the new keyboard layout, you mean?08:07
mordofActionParsnip: yes08:07
ActionParsnipmordof: sounds painful indeed08:08
urlin2uActionParsnip, generally I use clonezilla though it saves the mbr, I hardly use my W7 except for doing uplaods to my colleges online class stuff, it wont read linux.08:08
mordofActionParsnip: i've swithced over to dvorak08:08
DarkColdI used ubuntu... untell I TOOK AN ARROW TO DAH KNEE!!!!08:08
ActionParsnipurlin2u: whatever works dude :)08:08
mordofActionParsnip: i heard it was better08:09
ActionParsnipmordof: better how?08:09
Peppe__Hi, I have managed to F***Up my grafics drivers in ubuntu. I had a problem with ubuntu not detecting higer resolutions than 640x480 for my new Marantz AV receiver, so I got a bit carried away and removed the the current nvidia drivers in synaptic, (and rebboted). Now i obviosly don't have any driver for my grafics card, is there an easy way to completely reinstall the default ubuntu grafics drivers, so i can start from a clean slate?08:09
mordofActionParsnip: less limitations once you're used to it.  it won't slow you down as much.08:10
ActionParsnipPeppe__: what is the output of:   sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a     please use http://pastie.org   to host the output (or similar)08:10
ActionParsnipmordof: I use a tonne of shortcuts, scripts and aliases, makes typing faster08:11
mordofActionParsnip: yeah same08:11
mordofActionParsnip: but that still has it's limits08:11
ActionParsnipseems fine here :)08:12
mordofActionParsnip: what's your WPM?08:12
ublinuxgive me the text to copy and paste again please and we will try it.08:12
ublinuxgot terminal open08:13
ActionParsnipmordof: lastI checked (about 10 years ago, was about 24 or some)08:13
ActionParsnipublinux: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh08:13
mordofActionParsnip: .. really?08:13
mordofand you think it's still near that?08:13
ActionParsnipmordof: not sure, I don't type long pieces of text much nowadays08:14
mordofActionParsnip: ah, alright then08:14
mordofActionParsnip: well in that case, it's not that pertinent for you to switch xD08:14
mordofActionParsnip: (switched back to qwerty for the conversation, lol)08:14
ublinuxi did it and it said no such file08:14
mordofActionParsnip: that was just.. painful.. but i want to learn it anyhow08:14
ActionParsnipmordof: I launch my browser by typing:  chr   and it runs, that sort of thing08:14
mordofActionParsnip: ah08:15
Peppe__ActionParsnip I'm currently at work, I was hopping that you could run something like, remover xorg/drivers etc and then use apt-get to reinstall default ones, i.e to get back to default ubuntu drivers. (Could you enable additional drivers from commandline?)08:15
mordofActionParsnip: most things are faster for me to type them in full because i don't have my brain programmed for the shortcuts08:15
osmosisany git experts around?i just did a   git add myfile;   git commit -m 'a msg';     and now myfile has disappeared. nowhere to be found08:15
ActionParsnipublinux: ok try: wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh08:15
osmosisgit filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm get_flo.py' HEAD; git add get_flo.py; git add get_flo_privateinfo.py; git commit -m 'adding files'08:15
ublinuxtell me what to type in terminal08:15
mordofActionParsnip: i'm capped out at about 110WPM average, dvorak is supposed to make key transitions easier08:15
mordofActionParsnip: hence why i want to learn it08:16
ActionParsnipPeppe__: if you can give the output of the command, we can advise08:16
ActionParsnipmordof: makes sense08:16
Peppe__ActionParsnip, okay, I will have to get back to you later, I don't curently have access to the computer..08:17
ronhi. I know this is not strictly an ubuntu question, but maybe someone could assist. lately my computer gets stuck fairly often, not entirely sure why (running ubuntu 11.10). there's no way to switch to a different terminal, and I can't connect to the computer remotely. I suspect this could be due to faulty hardware but I'm not sure. are there any tools that can assist me to find out what goes wrong?08:17
ActionParsnipPeppe__: I'd suggest you try:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    as a first call08:17
ActionParsnipron: I'd test RAM first. You may be able to press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in there if it is only the X server which has hung08:18
ronActionParsnip: no, like I said, I can't switch to a different terminal, the computer is completely unresponsive.08:19
ActionParsnipron: test RAM is a good first move then08:19
ActionParsnipublinux: output something like this: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cd396c8cb9d1a70d76a5c9f43ad1449aa1c3154008:19
Peppe__ActionParsnip, thanks i will try it. One more thing, i guess that apt-get install nvidia-current will give my x-swat version of nvidia, has this repo is enabled in synaptic. I would really like to try the additional/restricted drivers that comes with ubuntu 11.10, can i install these from commandline as well?08:21
skypentI'm having trouble with ggnfs giving me errors (when i'm pretty sure I have all the prereqs) with a make command.  Wondering if anyone experience with msieve/ggnfs could help me out with this one.08:22
ActionParsnipPeppe__: not by default, if you added the ppa then yes08:22
ublinuxi did it and nothing08:22
ublinuxwhat now?08:22
ronActionParsnip: sorry, my computer hang right when I was here.. and my bouncer is on that computer. now connected directly instead.08:24
ublinuxneed audio driver for ubuntu, realtek alc888808:24
urlin2uublinux, in the terminal after that command is run is a http address post it for ActionParsnip08:24
ronActionParsnip: not sure if and which of my previous messages went through.08:25
ActionParsnipron: hold shift at boot and select memtest from there. If you see RED then the RAM is faulty08:26
ublinuxurlin2u, sorry i closed terminal and restarted it08:26
ronActionParsnip: will try that, thanks.08:26
ActionParsnipublinux: when you run the command, read the output...08:26
ublinuxdont know how to post url08:26
urlin2uublinux, run it again open the http then post its http address08:26
Peppe__ActionParsnip, maybe you could advise me on how to solve my first problem, i.e. the one that made me become stupid and remove the driver in the first place. I just received my new marantz-reciver yesterday, and connected the hdmi, and i could only select 640x480 resolutions. I tried adding resolutions with modline xrander, but only got could not read gamma -something something. Is there a way to enable the the option to choose from a08:28
LoRdRapTuReZi have done to change ip address.08:28
ronPeppe__: congratulations on the receiver ;)08:28
Swarnavaurlin2u: backed up, now what?08:28
Peppe__ron, thanks =) I would just like to be able to use a resolution higher than 640x480 ;p08:29
ActionParsnipPeppe__: nvidia-settings will let you set resolutions. You should be ableto use the nouveau driver or even the nv driver, both are in a default install.08:29
ronPeppe__: don't be petty ;)08:29
ActionParsnipPeppe__: you could even blacklist the nouveau driver and use the nv driver08:29
ublinuxurlin2u, i did it and it said to inform the person helping me.08:30
ActionParsnipublinux: yes, copy the red URL in the terminal08:31
ActionParsnipublinux: what is the URL?08:31
Peppe__ActionParsnip, the problem was that i really could not set any resolution higher than 640x480 in nvidia-settings, no such options in the dropdown, and xrander stated the same..08:31
urlin2uSwarnava, it is really late here I would hate to make a mistake helping you so I will let others do that, good job on getting backed up.08:32
ActionParsnipPeppe__: install nvidia-current and you can set higher resolutions. If your monitor is cheap and not reportin EDID, you may need an xorg.cof file08:32
ActionParsnipublinux: not hard huh, copy and paste :)08:32
Peppe__iActionParsnip, i guess ubuntu does not understand the info sent by the av, could this be disabled so i can choose without restriction?08:32
ublinuxis that correct, i just copy and paste?08:32
ublinuxso now what?08:32
ActionParsnipublinux: ok, run:   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable;  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*         Then reboot08:33
ublinuxI apreciate your patience.08:33
ActionParsnipublinux: that will get you to alsa 1.0.24 which may help08:33
ActionParsnipublinux: also, just so you know, Maverick is no longer supported in any way after April this year08:34
Peppe__ActionParsnip, the strange thing is that my TV/monitor is crapy, but if i had it connected to the computer directly i could choose among many more resolutions. But when i connected it through the new av (marantz 1602) i could only set 640x480...08:35
ActionParsnipPeppe__: once you get the nvidia driver in, you can run:   sudo nvidia-xconfig    and it will make an xorg.conf file for you, you can then run:  gksudo nvidia-settings  and set a resolutions. if one you desire is not present just set it to something then click 'Save to X config file', you can then run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and change the resolution as you wish08:36
gregory_what interface are you using?08:37
ublinuxgreat now you tell me. does that mean that i need to upgrade and maybe help my situation.08:37
ActionParsnipPeppe__: if you get no desktop, simply boot to root recovery mode and rename the file08:37
ActionParsnipublinux: maverick has some old sound libs, as your output shows. The updates wil help a lot08:37
ublinuxok, but dont like unity08:38
ublinuxi will update and see what happens08:38
ublinuxThanks alot!08:39
ActionParsnipublinux: np :)08:39
ActionParsnipublinux: you do'y have to use unity you know..08:39
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Peppe__ActionParsnip, okay thanks, sorry for being a bit stupid. But by gksudo nvidia-settings  and set a resolutions, do you mean that i should have all possible resolutions in a dropdown list, or should i manually add them?08:40
Guest3663Whats the best IMAP setup to go for on a ubuntu system?08:40
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ublinuxclosing out this irc , see you later. Thanks again. Peace!08:40
ActionParsnipPeppe__: you will have some, but if not, you can manually set it in xorg.conf08:40
ActionParsnippadlefot1: there is no single best anything in any OS08:40
ActionParsnippadlefot1: do you mean for an email server?08:41
padlefot1ActionParsnip: fair enough.. never setup imap on ubuntu before and was looking for a good solution08:41
padlefot1ActionParsnip: yes08:41
Peppe__ActionParsnip, do you maybe have an example xorg that i could look at, i guess its more to it than just add 1024x768?08:41
llutz_padlefot1: look at dovecot08:41
padlefot1llutz_: thanx :)08:42
padlefot1llutz_: found some howtos on dovecot at google08:42
llutz_padlefot1: shouldn't be hard to find one for ubuntu too08:42
ActionParsnipPeppe__: I can show you mine if you want. My stupid TV sets 300 x 300 dpi and some super fine res, makes the desktop unusale. let me pastebin08:42
llutz_or debian08:42
ronActionParsnip: so I guess the list of red lines that just appeared on my monitor is a bad sign, right?08:42
padlefot1llutz_: spot on ;)08:43
ActionParsnipPeppe__: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810478/08:43
Peppe__ActionParsnip, thanks alot!08:43
ActionParsnipron: yes that's your ram being bad, if you see this: http://www.memtest.org/pics/amd64-big.gif   the ram is good, this is bad: http://www.mynetnuke.com/Portals/28/images/Articles/MemtestMNN.jpg08:43
ActionParsnippadlefot1: found this: http://lifehacker.com/5040390/turn-an-ubuntudebian-system-into-an-imap-mail-server08:44
ronActionParsnip: joy. can I tell from the test which of my dimms is bad?08:44
ActionParsnipron: if you have bad ram, try shutting down and removing a stick, then retest08:44
* ron nods08:45
ActionParsnipron: if its still bad, shove it back in then remove a different one08:45
ronI guess no point letting it carry on with the test. waste of time.08:45
ActionParsnipron: you get the idea ;)08:45
ronActionParsnip: absolutely.08:45
melvincvI wonder why the memtest is really long by default???08:46
llutz_melvincv: testing takes time, memtest <12h aren't very effective08:47
ActionParsnipmelvincv: its infinite. You have to press ESC to stop it. It does many different tests08:47
ronActionParsnip: wanna place a bet which is the faulty dimm? ;)08:50
ActionParsnipron: how many you got :D08:51
ron2 ;) good odds. 50-50 :)08:51
saladino_il gatto con gli stivali08:51
ActionParsnipcould be both :(08:52
ActionParsnipmind you ram is cheap so who cars08:52
ronmaybe I'll just replace the ram for now with the ram from my other computer since I don't use it. I don't want to be stuck over the weekend without a computer.. it's my media center.. I need my media :p08:53
Bogyis anyone here?08:55
phalaaxxBogy why not just ask? :)08:55
BogyI have a question about a boot problem08:56
triferemai have a folder that needs to owned by www-data but still allow a normal user to write to it08:56
triferemahow do I go about it08:56
llutz_triferema: are you sure it needs to be owned by www-data? group-own it  www-data and make your user owner08:57
Bogywe had a power outage last night and now my ubuntu machine won't boot. I can still see the disk and directory structures when I boot from the install cd and partition magic shows a #108 error08:57
gvaioutriferema, chown www-data.users  MYFOLDER ; chmod 775 MYFOLDER08:58
ActionParsnipBogy: boot to livecD and test the partition using fsck08:58
YozapHey guys and girls, I have tried installing counter-strike:Source, without success under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Anyone tried this before?08:58
gvaiouif your user is in the group users, he will be able to write in it, everyone else cannot08:58
ronActionParsnip: is there any point running the memtest with the new memory? it's of a much higher quality, never had problems with it.08:58
Bogynot sure what livecD is08:59
triferemallutz_: will this work chown -Rfv triferema:www-data yii08:59
gvaiouBogy, it's just the ordinary ubuntu installation cd08:59
ActionParsnipron: I'd just boot to test tbh, if its bad then memtest, could be deeper than just ram. Should be ok though09:00
Bogyok brb09:00
theadminYozap: Wine support in #winehq not here09:00
ActionParsnipBogy: the thing you installed the OS with,....09:00
ronActionParsnip: *nod*09:00
ronActionParsnip: I wonder if that would explain the other odd problems I've had the the computer.09:00
ActionParsnipYozap: check the appdb, there are usually how tos09:00
gulzarI want to download virtualbox Qt GUI source. The link I got is https://www.virtualbox.org/browser/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends . But how to download it? It is just a browser. Or any other way to download?09:00
llutz_triferema: it should. webserver (www-data) just needs to read those dirs and write to only a few files/dirs. so its always better not to have those dirs owned by www-data09:01
ActionParsnipgulzar: why not use the usual interface?09:01
Bogycan you give me an fsck command line suggestion. fsck ?????09:01
ActionParsnipBogy: have a look at:  man fsck09:02
gulzarActionParsnip: I am re creating it in other language so want to study it a bit09:02
ActionParsnipgulzar: there is also virtualbox-ose-qt and virtualbox-qt  in the repos...09:02
triferemallutz_, gvaiou:  thank it worked09:03
gulzarActionParsnip: I want the source code09:03
ActionParsnipgulzar: I see09:03
phalaaxxanyone familiar with SELinux under ubuntu?09:03
gulzarActionParsnip: any way?09:04
ActionParsnipgulzar: the source wil be in the repos too, you can make apt-get download it for you09:04
gulzarActionParsnip: Ok...09:05
ActionParsnipgulzar: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28372/how-do-i-get-the-source-code-of-packages-installed-through-apt-get09:05
gulzarActionParsnip: Thank you..09:06
skilzI installed plymouth-text-theme but I still can see the solar theme and I have to press esc to see text09:07
ronActionParsnip: well, for now the computer runs properly, so I'll retest the memory if something goes wrong and if it's not the memory, I may come back to bother you ;)09:07
ActionParsnipron: sounds good though :)09:07
ronActionParsnip: thanks for the help :) laters!09:07
profesorsomebody knows the exactly date to be released the new version of ubuntu?09:09
gulzarActionParsnip: Thank You ..09:10
ikoniaprofesor: not until closer to the time as problems can make it change, it will be 04 2012 though09:10
ikoniaprofesor: does the exact day matter at this point ?09:10
ActionParsnipgulzar: np :)09:10
Nomadzhttp://beforeitsnews.com/ Later09:10
DJonesprofesor: If tehre's no problems, 26th April according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule09:10
profesorthank you so much09:11
ronokay fine, another question. how would I go about installing the beta release of the nvidia drivers (295.09)?09:13
=== ron- is now known as ron
BogyI ran fsck /dev/hda0 1 2 and got a superblock read error09:14
alumn_me podeis da las ip09:14
skilzI installed plymouth-text-theme but I still can see the solar theme and I have to press esc to see text09:14
Bogysuperblock could not be read or does not describe or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem09:16
dydguys the xorg process is taking 40% of my cpu09:18
dydi don't want to reboot09:18
dydsudo killall xorg won't fix the problem09:18
theadmindyd: You probably need to restart your display manager09:18
theadmindyd: /etc/rc.d/?dm restart09:19
dydforgot the case sensitive :)09:19
theadmindyd: lol oh09:19
BogyActionParsnip:  I ran fsck /dev/hda0 (and hda1 and hda2) and got a superblock read error09:20
ActionParsnipBogy: doesn't sound good dude, copy the exact error and use the web to see what it means09:20
BogyI can still see the files and such from the live cd boot and would like to copy my data to my backup disk /dev/hdb/0 but can't get permission to enter the dirs09:21
dydtheadmin: yes09:22
Bogyis there a way to get the permissions I need09:23
ParkerRBogy, try running it as root or sudo09:24
Bogyleme try that09:24
ActionParsnipbogy: why don't you have a regular backup anyway?09:24
llutz_Bogy: "sudo mkfs.ext4 -n /dev/hda1"  gives you a list where superblocks would be stored. use one of those, to feed fsck -b <block-no> with09:25
ActionParsnipBogy: if you run:  gksudo nautilus     you will have full access09:25
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ActionParsnipBogy: the power outage could have damaged the drive IDE, then where is your data/?09:25
BogyI did a complete backup 5 days ago09:26
Bogybut I have a lot of new stuff I would like to save before I reload09:26
ActionParsnipsweet, should be good to go then09:26
ActionParsnipin 5 days, yikes. I'd change your backup regime if your data changes that much09:26
Bogysu asks for a password which I don't have09:26
Bogyand I can see the directories etc. I just can't copyi them to my backup disk09:27
Bogydo I run the gksudo nautilus from a termianl?09:28
ActionParsnipBogy: yes, or ALT+F209:29
Bogyhey taht seems to work09:29
Bogylet me get back to you and thanks for this much.09:30
ActionParsnipnp :)09:30
undecimIn what log file should I see times that SSHD has started?09:30
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llutz_undecim: /var/log/auth.log09:32
Bogyoops  false alarm it opened a gui but not to my files09:32
undecimllutz_: That will include the daemon start at boot time?09:32
undecimllutz_: it seems so... ty09:32
harleystrazHello people09:32
skilzI installed plymouth-text-theme but I still can see the solar theme and I have to press esc to see text???????09:33
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ghwhow to remove the message of someone quit or join the channel09:35
BogyLLutz: I will try your idea next thanks09:35
urlin2ughw, what is your irc hist?09:35
ronhmm.. I had to stop x server to install the nvidia drivers, and after a reboot it doesn't start it... what did I break this time? :p09:35
MonkeyDustghw  depends on the irc client you are using09:36
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pnormanghw: look for ignoring parts and joins, but it'll depend on your client09:36
PseudoephedrineHow do i remove Ubuntu from bootloader on my old system?09:37
urlin2uPseudoephedrine, what OS'S do you have?09:37
harleystrazIm trying to mount a internel ide drive and when i try to mount it i get this error message: "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:09:37
harleystrazmount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /"09:37
ronActionParsnip: please, be my savior again ;)09:37
Pseudoephedrineurlin2u: Ubuntu11.10 and Windows Vista09:38
ghwi use xchar for windows09:38
ronActionParsnip: installed the beta nvidia drivers in hopes to solve a different issue. it told me to stop x server, so I did. now after a reboot, x server doesn't seem to start. I see lovely text on my TV, no prompt.09:38
undecimharleystraz: then /dev/sdb1 is your root partition09:39
ghwi use xchat for windows09:39
ronActionParsnip: wonder what I broke this time :)09:39
ActionParsnipron:  how did you install the driver?09:39
urlin2uPseudoephedrine, you want another bootloader or remove kernels or a older ubuntu?09:39
harleystrazokay. so how do i mount the drive so i can access the files on it. Ubuntu is installed on my sata drive09:39
ActionParsnipharleystraz: you mout partitions, not drives09:39
undecimharleystraz: then your sata drive is sdb. Try mounting /dev/sda109:40
ronActionParsnip: downloading and running ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/295.09/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-295.09.run09:40
undecimharleystraz: Or better yet, if you're on stock ubuntu, just go click on the drive in your file browser09:40
ActionParsnipharleystraz: there is a PPA with that driver, it will gel better with your OS09:40
Pseudoephedrineurlin2u: I want to completely remove Ubuntu11.10 from the system, and leave only Windows Vista09:40
* melvincv is now using Chatzilla.09:41
urlin2uPseudoephedrine, you have a vista recovery or install disc?09:41
harleystrazIt doesnt show up in my file browser. it only shows up in the disk utility09:41
ActionParsnipron: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates09:41
Pseudoephedrineurlin2u: I have Lenovo recovery button, all i used to do was press the button while it was turned off and it would boot into recovery, but now it takes me to the boot menu for Ubuntu or Windows09:42
urlin2uPseudoephedrine, to just have vista you have to reload the MS bootloader with a vista install or recovery disc in repair with this command bootrec.exe /fixmbr  then make sure vista boots straight in them delete ubuntu.09:43
ronActionParsnip: that's awesome! what do I do with it? :p09:43
Pseudoephedrineurlin2u: Ok, i will try it now. thanls09:44
urlin2uPseudoephedrine, no problem.:D09:44
harleystrazso...how do i mount the volume?09:44
undecimharleystraz: try mounting it as /dev/sda109:45
harleystrazI dont know how to do a manual mount in ubuntu09:45
undecimharleystraz: Go to a terminal, and use "sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1" to make a folder for it, then "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" to mount it09:46
Pseudoephedrineurlin2u: If i format my whole computer, will it remove Ubuntu?09:47
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Pseudoephedrinejatt: was that to me?09:48
harleystrazThank you sososo much.09:48
ActionParsnipron: add the PPA and update. Its rare to actually go to nvidia's site09:48
AdvoWorkdont suppose anyone knows anything available that could help detect hard or soft bounces from email headers?09:49
harleystrazOn another issue that has just come up. im getting static at random times true the sound. It only happens with ubuntu09:49
ronActionParsnip: I don't get any updates on the nvidia driver with it though.09:50
ActionParsnipron:  run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current09:51
hellfireI desperately need help, I installed ubuntu on my laptop and it just wont boot09:51
hellfireit goes to this grub loader menu09:51
llutz_AdvoWork: there is Bouncestudio, but it isn't free09:51
Bogyllutz: I did the gksudo nautilus thing again and it got me into my file system  thanks09:52
rigvedhellfire: do you see a blank screen after the grub menu?09:52
hellfirerigved: yes09:52
rigved!nomodeset | hellfire09:53
ubottuhellfire: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:53
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rigvedhellfire: basically, when you reach the grub menu, press tab or e (which ever it is) to edit the menu entry. add "nomodeset" (without quotes) at the end of the line and press enter.09:54
ronActionParsnip: it tells me I already have the latest version installed.09:55
hellfirerigved: I have been looking over that stuff and tried. I tried setting that mode when I installed and the same thing happened09:58
hellfirerigved: Can you please help me a little more? I am very new to this09:58
ActionParsnipron: tell it to reinstall the package then, may help09:58
msterbreweri have the latest version of ubuntu on a dual boot machine09:58
ronActionParsnip: I tried removing it and reinstall it, but it seems to get the latest stable release, not the beta one.09:58
msterbrewermy windows stopped working so i only use ubuntu09:59
msterbrewerhow do i find out how much memory is free on the windows partion09:59
Bogyllutz: oops again    I got in    but still lack permissions to read09:59
ActionParsnipron: no bad thing, how is it?09:59
rigvedhellfire: sure. what happens when you use the nomodeset parameter?09:59
msterbrewerif i go to system settings it only tells me of thelinux partion09:59
ronActionParsnip: no, but I do have a problem related to the video driver and it was suggested the the latest beta may help.09:59
hellfirerigved: black blinking screen. If i restart the computer q lot and manage to get past the live cd screen and install with the nomodeset on then ultimately it winds up at the black blinking screen. I know it has something to do with my graphics card10:00
rigvedhellfire: which graphics card do you have?10:01
owenllmsterbrewer: gparted should help you to view and manage all partitions10:01
hellfirerigved: not sure, how do I find out?10:01
hellfirerigved: it's a newer asus laptop. got it for christmas10:02
suppli've got some strange problems with unity, if you guys could help me?10:02
rigvedhellfire: type this in the terminal: lspci -v | grep -i vga10:03
suppli changed the wallpaper and the bar is still "colored" like the old wallpaper... also, the dash doesnt want appear when i use firefox10:03
supplwant to*10:03
supplnot just firefox, anything that's in fullscreen10:04
ActionParsnipsuppl: what hide option do you have on Unity?10:04
hellfirerigved: I got it to boot...I didn't press ctrl-x when i edited grub10:04
suppli dont have anything ActionParsnip10:04
ActionParsnipsuppl: you will have something set, the default install sets something. Check in ccsm what the hide setting is and try the different settings10:05
hellfirerigved: thank you a lot though10:05
rigvedhellfire: oh. ok. so you wrote nomodeset at the grub menu and then booted using Ctrl+X.10:05
rigvedhellfire: you are welcome. sorry my mistake earlier. I told you to press Enter instead of Ctrl+X.10:06
supplActionParsnip, ok, will try. thanks10:06
suppli didnt use ccsm at all, ever10:06
BogyAnyone know how I can become su in the livecd trial option?10:07
jrib!sudo | Bogy10:07
ubottuBogy: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:07
skilzI installed plymouth-text-theme but I still can see the solar theme and I have to press esc to see text???????10:08
ActionParsnipsuppl: install compizconfig-settings-manager10:08
supplhmm i enabled "blur windows" for fun and now it reloaded unity completely (everythings working)10:08
skilzI'm trying to remove the graphical boot, I've edited /etc/default/grub and I installed plymouth-text-theme but I still can see the solar theme and I have to press esc to see text???????10:09
ActionParsnipskilz: run:   sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth10:09
supplActionParsnip, yes, i have it installed. For some reason some weird session is being loaded.10:09
suppli guess ill have to reset it each time10:09
skilzActionParsnip: Thanks10:10
Bogyubottu: I did a gksudo nautilus and I still can't drag and drop my files to my backup drive10:10
ubottuBogy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:10
jrib!plymouth | skilz10:10
ubottuskilz: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »10:10
skilzso I have to do this also: sudo update-initramfs -u10:11
ActionParsnipskilz: can't hurt10:11
skilzcryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/sda710:12
skilzwhats that mean?10:12
ActionParsnipskilz: not sure, should be ok thouogh10:13
ix_shouldn't the verbose option work for text boot?10:13
ActionParsnipmay help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1825712.html10:13
hellfirerigved: ok so here is another problem now, i just rebooted and now my computer is stuck on a blank purple screen10:14
rigvedhellfire: you will have to enter the nomodeset parameter everytime that you boot. this is because whatever changes you make in grub are not saved. they only apply to the current boot cycle.10:15
hellfirerigved: thanks10:16
spacebug-you have to type /join before that mrd_10:16
rigvedhellfire: which graphics card do you have?10:17
ActionParsniphellfire: or log in to Unity2D session...10:17
rigvedhellfire: once you boot, run this command in the terminal: lspci | grep -i vga10:17
rigvedhellfire: it will tell you which graphics card you have.10:17
rigvedhellfire: then, you can move ahead to find a permenant solution.10:18
hellfirerigved: alright i will do that here in a min. the nomodest isn't doing anything this time10:19
ronActionParsnip: well, X is working again, but my original problem still isn't solved. I'd really like to try with the beta drivers. any suggestions how to do that?10:19
hellfirerigved: i am just getting the blinking screen again10:19
rigvedhellfire: so, you entered nomodeset at grub and booted (using Ctrl-X), right?10:20
hellfirerigved: correct10:20
hellfirerigved: before it worked, now it doesn't10:20
ActionParsnipron: no idea. I'd stick with the stable.10:20
ronActionParsnip: okay, thanks :)10:20
rigvedhellfire: try again. this time do a cold start. shutdown computer. then after 10s start it and use nomodeset.10:20
hellfirerigved: alrighty, stand by10:21
hellfirerigved: nothing happened again10:24
hellfirerigved: OH WAIT the guys screenshot has a typing error. let me retry10:25
ActionParsniphellfire: does the system have a make and model?10:25
hellfireActionParsnip: ASus10:25
ActionParsniphellfire: asus make about 400 different systems...10:25
kandinskiwhen you encrypt a partition with Disk Utility, what difference is there with a Truecrypt encryption_10:26
ActionParsniphellfire: which model?10:26
hellfireActionParsnip: U46E10:26
rigvedhellfire: oh ya. i see it. it's "nomodeset", that is literally "no mode set".10:26
ActionParsniphellfire: its some intel thing, you may need the nomodeset option tll you get fully updated10:27
hellfireActionParsnip: the system wont boot with nomodeset now though10:27
ActionParsniphellfire: which release did you install?10:28
hellfireActionParsnip: the most current10:28
ActionParsniphellfire: what codename did you install though?10:28
=== butti is now known as list
hellfireActionParsnip: I am not sure? I am new to this.10:29
ActionParsniphellfire: was it from ubuntu.com ?10:29
hellfireActionParsnip: yes10:29
ActionParsniphellfire: probably Oneiric then.10:29
hellfireYes thats it10:29
rigvedActionParsnip: maybe hellfire can get into init 1 and find out which graphics card and release he has. maybe something from there can be done. just a suggestion.10:29
ActionParsniphellfire: I suggest you get a wired connection and get fully updated in a root recovery console (with networking)10:30
ActionParsniprigved: I just checked the Asus website10:30
hellfireActionParsnip: should i continue a normal boot or what10:31
sriram_123why is ubuntu often called the most unstable version in  whole of linux10:31
hellfireActionParsnip: i chose the recovery mode10:32
listi am right now by installation of ubuntu system on my machine. im doing that from usb. error on boot: unknown keyword in configuration file. boot:10:32
ActionParsniphellfire: get a wired connection, boot to recovery mode then select netroot10:32
=== list is now known as butti
ActionParsnipsriram_123: that is offtopic here10:32
hellfireActionParsnip: I am not given the option10:32
rigvedActionParsnip: and does it list any problems with Ubuntu? maybe Ubuntu friendly has hellfire laptop's specs? if it's a nvidia problem, hellfire might need the nvidia-current blob.10:33
sriram_123what is the best version of linux acc to you10:33
hellfireActionParsnip: I see root as an option10:33
melvincvsriram_123: where did you get that info?10:33
sriram_123some of my seniors in using ubuntu10:34
sriram_123actually i am a newbie but an aspiring linux enthusiast10:34
melvincvsriram_123: Did you face any issues with Ubuntu?10:34
hellfireActionParsnip: Hello? Are you there?10:35
rigvedhellfire: yes. choose the root option.10:35
hellfirerigved: ok10:35
ActionParsnipsriram_123: for me, xpud but it suits my needs well.10:35
rigvedhellfire: did you get the # promt?10:36
hellfirerigved: yes10:36
rigvedhellfire: type ifconfig10:36
sriram_123some of my friends told me about banshee not working10:36
hellfirerigved: done10:36
rigvedhellfire: what do you see in the output? do you see a eth entry?10:37
hellfirerigved: nothing10:37
ActionParsnipsriram_123: tried rhythmnbox?10:37
sriram_123rythmbox is a good alternate10:38
ActionParsnipor deadbeef :)10:38
sriram_123as such even my data card doesnt work10:38
sriram_123seems to be an error with the dpkg-i stuff not able to real archives10:38
ActionParsnipsriram_123: what data card?10:38
sriram_123netword data card10:38
hellfirerigved: them command was entered and no response was given, just another blank life of # for me to type on10:39
sriram_123for the internet10:39
ActionParsnipsriram_123: what network does it connect to?10:39
ActionParsnipsriram_123: 3G Wifi?10:39
rigvedhellfire: one moment.10:39
ActionParsnipsriram_123: its either 3G or wifi....10:39
rigvedhellfire: have you plugged in a network cable?10:40
hellfirerigved: yes, but let me try doing it somewhere else10:40
rigvedhellfire: wait.10:40
sriram_123its wifi basically10:40
sriram_123ActionParsnip: its wifi10:40
ActionParsnipsriram_123: then why not say "It's not picking up my wifi card" instead of network data card which could mean loads of things10:41
rigvedhellfire: type ifconfig eth0 up10:41
rigvedhellfire: then type sudo dhclient eth010:41
ActionParsnipsriram_123: how does it connect to the system?10:41
JoostHi guys. I'm using Backtrack (an Ubuntu-based distro) and was wondering if any of you could help me out10:42
ActionParsnipJoost: ask in #backtrack-linux10:42
Joostah, thanks10:42
JoostI checked #backtrack but it was empty10:42
CaptAnonHey people, Is it possible to open A program in any tty except tty7?10:43
noodlesporigved: ok i lost connection10:43
noodlesporigved: i got a big response10:43
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: sure, you can drop to tty1 and run nano without any problem10:44
rigvednoodlespo: hellfire?10:45
noodlesporigved: now it wont even complete booting into recovery mode10:45
noodlesporigved: sorry, yes10:45
rigvednoodlespo: when you reach the grub menu, instead of typing nomodeset, type "init 1" without quotes.10:46
noodlesporigved: stand by10:46
noodlesporigved: same response, blinking screen10:47
CaptAnonI was thinking a little bit more then nano, ActionParsnip10:47
CaptAnonBut thanks anyway10:47
CaptAnonLike a regular program like firefox and such10:47
rigvednoodlespo: ok. one last try. use nomodeset at the recovery entry. then choose root shell.10:48
noodlesporigved: stand by10:49
_Ethan_can you recommend me any software for creating isos¿?10:49
_Ethan_(free software for ubuntu and windows)10:49
noodlesporigved: the computer stops loading after [0.520341] #310:49
noodlespoin recovery10:50
FloodBot1IVOOO: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
_Ethan_IVOOO please stop acting retard.10:50
noodlesporigved: did you mention earlier there was a more updated version out that wasn't official or something? maybe just trying a beta version will work better10:50
buttihiw much space should i add for root partition if i want to have dual system and work with vm?10:51
rigvednoodlespo: you are using 11.10 (oneiric), right? the latest one available on ubuntu.com.10:51
imihow can I list installed locales?10:51
=== dengar_ is now known as d3ngar
noodlesporigved: yes.10:52
rigvednoodlespo: the next version is Ubuntu 12.04. it is currently in alpha state and scheduled to be released in April 2012.10:52
noodlesporigved: is there a beta release for it? does it fix my issue?10:53
hubxhi, how do I install a package with apt-get without installing its dependencies?10:53
rigvednoodlespo: i am using 12.04 and it is stable. but since you are new to linux, i would suggest that you stick to the 11.10 release.10:53
hubxI want to install vim-rails with depends on ruby1.8 but i need ruby1.910:53
noodlesporigved: could I please have a link to at least try it?10:53
rigvednoodlespo: your problem can be fixed if we know what hardware you have.10:53
noodlesporigved: the OS won't boot into recovery mood anymore, why would this be?10:54
rigvednoodlespo: well, your screen is blank. this indicates a graphics problem. do you have any other OS installed on the said machine?10:55
rigvednoodlespo: installing 12.04 should be your last option.10:55
noodlesporigved: uhm, I tried to do a clean install but in grub it for some reason gives me an option for a later version of linux that is installed (ubuntu)10:56
rigvednoodlespo: there is an alternate CD available for Ubuntu 11.10. this can be used to diagnose problems.10:56
=== lance is now known as Guest43411
Guest43411guys I want to know If I have a x64 iso of ubuntu desktop10:56
Guest43411will it work with any computer10:56
Guest43411or will it work only with a x64 motherboard?10:56
=== Guest43411 is now known as lanceo
rigvedlanceo: you need a x64 CPU.10:57
lanceorigved do you mind telling me how do I find out whether I have an x64 or x86 computer?10:58
phalaaxxlanceo, uname -m maybe?10:58
ponrajuganeshI am not able to install any app using apt-get install command nor the synpatic package manager. It says some repository not found what could be the problem10:58
ponrajuganeshcould any one please help solving it10:59
rigvednoodlespo: which laptop did you say you have? you should download and use the 11.10 Alternate CD for installation. download from here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.10/release/11:00
ponrajuganeshwhen given apt-get update I am facing the same problem, at one stage it says tat the repository 404 not found. Should we change any of these11:00
rigvedlanceo: which OS do you have installed currently?11:00
LjLhubx: you can't11:02
ponrajuganeshcould any one figure out what could be the possible problem.11:02
hubxLjL, wtf? so dependecy are alway figured out correcly?11:03
ikonia!wtf > hubx11:03
ubottuhubx, please see my private message11:03
LjLhubx: if a package depends on [a given version of] another package, it better really need it. if it doesn't, that's a packaging bug. you can always (at your risk) modify the package manually to depend on other stuff.11:04
zerefhi guys, i've setup internet connection sharing through my debian box to my ubuntu box, but there is no connection on my ubuntu box11:05
triferemai am looking c++ library language, there is one 'encursers', but i can not seem to get something11:05
zerefif i plug in a win box it works11:05
hubxLjL, yes I could. But as I don't know how Ubuntu packing works it is 10x harder than provide a convenient way as --ignore-dep dependency11:06
ikoniawhy would you want to ignore a dependency11:07
ikoniathe phrase "dependency" meants it depends/needs it11:07
LjLhubx: and then we'd have tons of people complaining about their broken packages ;) anyway, what version of Ubuntu are you on and what vim-rails are you trying to install?11:07
Ludo___i changed the time of server using date functionality but on rebooting server it again retains its actual time ,i want to change the time for temporary ,how would i accomplish my task11:09
ikoniaLudo___: you are changing it temporary, just don't reboot11:09
Ludo___ikonia: i want to change it permanently so that when i reboot my date time should be what i have set by myself11:10
hubxLjL, 11.10, vim-rails is basically a vim-plugin which doesn't depend on a specific ruby version... but depends on ruby1.8 which is not ok with the latest rails 3.x11:10
Ludo___ikonia::- please help me to do this11:10
hubxbut thanks for your help :), installed it mannually now11:10
wooterLudo___: change the time in the bios11:10
ikoniaLudo___: you just said you wanted to change it temporary, not perm11:11
lanceorigved right now im using ubuntu11:11
lanceobut I want to install x64 on another computer11:11
Ludo___wooter :- but how ,sorry i didnt know11:11
lanceono wait11:11
lanceoI want to install it in this computer11:11
LjLhubx: what depends on ruby1.8 exactly? because http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/vim-rails has no such dependency, i guess it's comes from one of its other dependencies?11:11
Ludo___ikonia read it again i said i want to set it permanently but using date functionality it is setting temperorily11:12
ikoniathe easy way is to change the bios clock as suggested11:12
lanceoI can install a x86 operating system on a x64 platform right?11:12
Ludo___ikonia:- ok how? what command i should use to do that11:13
lanceomostly i'll use i38611:13
lanceois that ok?11:13
ikoniaLudo___: you do it in the bios, not ubuntu11:13
bal_I wants to install phonatical key board for indian languages how can i do that ?11:13
zerefhi guys, i've setup internet connection sharing through my debian box to my ubuntu box, but there is no connection on my ubuntu box11:13
melvincvI see that Empathy 3.2 in Oneiric does not allow me to edit custom messages in my status? Till Natty there was no issue with that... How do I solve this?11:13
zerefbut there is connecitons if i plug in a win machine11:13
ikoniazeref: what gateway is the ubuntu using11:13
LjLLudo___: sudo hwclock -w11:13
ikoniazeref: what is the ubuntu machines ip address11:14
bal_i installed scims but not foud phontical key board11:14
mndoi am trying to backport from precise mysql-5.5,but when building it fails because of some dependencies11:14
zerefikonia: am i supposed to assign it one?11:14
ikoniazeref: errr how else do you expect it to be on the network ?11:14
mndothen i backport the dependencies to the same ppa,but the build still fails11:14
mndoany ideas on how to solve this?11:14
zerefthing is when i connect the win machine it auto does it11:15
* butti is installing system and need help for partition label11:15
ikoniazeref: ok so the ubuntu machine should also get one, so what is the ip address of the ubuntu machine11:15
Ludo___LjL:what will it do11:15
LjLLudo___: "man hwclock" will tell you11:15
Ludo___LjL .thank u11:16
bal_how to put inidan languge with ubuntu ?11:16
zerefikonia, k, i've give it one in the same subnet as the gateway11:16
ikoniazeref: what is the current IP address11:16
bal_how to put malayalam in my ubuntu?11:17
ikoniazeref: is that the one you gave it, or the one it got on it's own11:17
zerefi gave it, it does not give me one when i connect11:18
ikoniazeref: ok, so there is your real problem, your ubuntu machine is not getting an IP address from dhcp11:18
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: nano is a regular program....11:18
ikoniazeref: however I find that hard to believe, if it's getting the gateway on its own, it should get an IP address too11:18
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: I believe you can use CTRL+ALT+F6 too afaik11:18
zerefok, should i use the interfaces file, or network manager?11:19
ikoniazeref: if I where you I would not touch the interfaces file (leave it default) and just use network manager11:19
bal_is there any  methode to instll keyman in ubuntu11:19
zerefikonia: so in the manager, do i have to set any settings in auto eth0?11:20
ikoniazeref: shouldn't need to, no11:21
bal_how to use key man in linux11:21
zerefikona: k just restarting11:22
bal_how to start sicm in ubuntu11:22
ActionParsnip!info keyman11:22
ubottuPackage keyman does not exist in oneiric11:22
LjLbal_: Ubuntu uses ibus now by default. go into the Language settings and enable your language11:23
zerefikonia: still nothing :-(11:23
ikoniazeref: did you make sure the interfaces file was default11:24
bal_ language i don that but i need phonatical key maping11:24
ActionParsnipbal_: some debs here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmfl/files/kmfl/kmfl-0.9%20deb/      those instructions don't look too bad11:24
bal_LjL: phonatical key pad is it avileble11:24
LjLbal_: maybe it would be better if you went to the channel for your language. what is your language?11:25
ActionParsnipbal_: hasn't been updated since 2006, I wouldn't bother. Seems like a dead project11:25
bal_ActionParsnip:  ya11:25
bal_LjL: malaylam11:25
ActionParsnipbal_: http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmfl/files/kmfl/0.9.9/   has 2010 files but you'll be compiling. Its still quite old11:26
zerefikonia: nothing....11:26
LjLbal_: there is #ubuntu-in, they speak english there, but maybe they know better about making Indian languages work11:27
ikoniazeref: then you either have a problem with your ubuntu machine not being on the correct dhcp network, or your dhcp server is not offering it an IP address11:27
bal_LjL: thank you i may try there11:27
virtuapostahi all, is there any way so that we can VPN in between same LAN networks, for example road warriors utilising connecting through VPN to office with network
bal_Actionparsnip i dowloaded but i don't know how to install it11:28
CaptAnonActionParsnip What is special about tty6?11:30
bal_LjL: there is no one in that channal11:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:32
skypentcan announce the use of 2 cores for a factoring program in linux: nfs-cado if i'm using a Intel® Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz × 2 ?  Would there be any drawbacks to this?11:33
Laykeow can I kill all proceses where the name features something.11:36
Laykeie> ps -aux | grep gearman11:36
LaykeI want to kill all of them.11:36
SolverLayke: killall on Linux11:38
Solvereg, killall gearman11:38
_furyHello, I got glxgears running but don't have any stereo effect. The refresh rate is set to 120Hz. Can anyone help me?11:38
LaykeHow do I know what the process name is though? I tried killall gearman, but it says no process.11:38
Layke11:37   0:00 php dispatch.php FeaturedImage gearman11:38
melvincvI see that Empathy 3.2 in Oneiric does not allow me to edit custom messages in my status? Till Natty there was no issue with that... How do I solve this?11:38
Laykegearman is just the option i pass to the php script.11:39
RJ-tng2 11:39
jdc4hi, kinda new to ubuntu, would anyone be able to help me with a "package operation failed" problem?11:41
royhjdc4: don't ask to ask. just ask :)11:41
jdc4well ive been getting "package operation failed" whenever i try to update or install something, it installs but yeah i just keep getting this error. in the details: it mentions dpkg having errors processing couchdb-bin, desktopcouch, and desktopcouch-ubuntuone11:42
jdc4any idea whats wrong and how to fix it?11:42
ponrajuganeshhere is the issue I am facing could any one pls get me a solution for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/810599/11:43
LjLponrajuganesh: pastebin the entire output of "sudo apt-get update"11:44
MK`What file extension can I use that defaults to running a command in a terminal?11:45
virtuapostahi all, is there any way so that we can VPN in between same LAN networks, for example road warriors utilising connecting through VPN to office with network
LjLMK`: Linux has mostly no concept of file extensions11:46
melvincvjdc4: Try disabling the extra features in Ubuntu One, or removing the package desktopcouch-ubuntuone11:46
LjLMK`: what do you want to achieve exactly?11:46
jdc4ok one sec11:46
MK`I am moreso asking, I use a terminal command to run a program, but that command didn't work when I tried to make an application launcher in the panel11:46
LjLMK`: is the command's file executable? "ls -l filename" will tell you. it should have an x.11:47
melvincvjdc4: also try to paste the exact error that dpkg give you...11:47
ponrajuganeshBRB 5 mins LjL11:47
mfaroukghello, can I know how to get the tempratur of the CPU?11:47
LjL!info lm-sensors | mfaroukg11:47
ubottumfaroukg: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.3.0-4ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 476 kB11:47
MK`Ljl: the command is "XMODIFIERS= java -Xmx512M -cp minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame"11:47
LjLMK`: i know nothing about panel launchers, but you can try putting that command into a file, making the first line of it "#!/bin/bash" and making it executable (chmod +x filename). then create a launcher for that file.11:49
NimeshNeemahow do i get back the button to go back to Home Folder on my Launcher11:49
mfaroukgLjL, please the command to install the package !!11:49
LjL!software > mfaroukg11:50
ubottumfaroukg, please see my private message11:50
adacguys, my network interface keeps getting renomed from eth0 to eth2 see: http://pastie.org/3218529 how can i make this stop?11:50
LjLmfaroukg: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors11:50
ikoniamfaroukg: https://help.ubuntu.com - good introduction on how to use ubuntu11:50
jdc4ok so i tried running "dpkg --configure -a" and heres what i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810603/11:50
MK`I see, that worked, thanks LjL11:51
ikoniajdc4: sudo11:51
jdc4oh right yeah i put sudo in there too forgot to mention that11:51
cire_workHi, is there a tool to model networks? I know dia, but what I need is devices with named connections, switches with numbered connections, and routers. I do not think dia is enough to represent all properties.11:52
llutz_MK`: also use the full path  to minecraft.jar, else it won't work if not called from that dir11:52
MK`I'll edit it later, yes, thanjs11:52
NimeshNeemahow do i get back the button to go back to Home Folder on my Launcher.11:53
LjLjdc4: does the file /etc/passwd.lock exist?11:53
ikoniaLjL: normally /etc/passwd~ not .lock11:54
ikoniasame for groups11:54
ikonialsof /etc/passwd11:54
ikoniasee what's using it / stopping it getting a lock11:54
ikoniaprobably can't get a lock as the user already exists11:55
LjLikonia: uhm, vipwd creates an /etc/passwd.lock here11:55
ikoniaLjL: never used vipwd, so don't know if that is vipwd specific11:55
LjLikonia: vipw*11:55
ikonianever use it, so don't know11:56
jdc4LjL: yes i see my etc/passwd.lock file11:56
llutz_adac: remove  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules11:56
LjLjdc4: do what ikonia said, "lsof /etc/passwd", does it return anything?11:56
llutz_adac: or edit the MAC-adr in that file11:56
adacllutz, edit liek how?11:56
llutz_adac: check if the MAC in the file equals your  eth0-MAC11:57
jdc4LjL: heres what it returns: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810610/11:57
ikoniaI see win11:58
adacllutz, ok. this is a virtualbox guest, so i guess I just have to add the eth0 mac to the settings of the guest system11:58
freedvdhello, which dvd player is best suited to read interactive DVD's on ubuntu?11:59
adacllutz, yes perfect, did the trick!!11:59
adacthank you!!11:59
LjLjdc4: ok i don't know what those two processes are... you don't happen to have any clue? are you able to shut down GNOME and stay connected from IRC from the terminal?12:00
UbuntuNeedHelpCan someone help me please?I got problem in fetching when I run sudo apt-get update12:00
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: pastebin its output12:01
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: ok just moment please12:01
jdc4LjL: i'm on unity and running irc within chomium :/12:01
LjLjdc4: ok. well, if it were my system, honestly, i'd just try removing the lock, but i can't guarantee that won't cause issues.12:02
=== uncia_ is now known as uncia
ponrajuganeshLjL this is what I get "W: GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AAFF4A5B336064B5 "12:02
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: http://pastebin.com/hv63KBNV thanks for helping12:02
LjLjdc4: to be safe, you should shutdown GNOME and see if the lock is still there. if it is, remove it (remove /etc/passwd.lock and /etc/passwd~). then dpkg again.12:03
LjL!gpgerr | ponrajuganesh12:03
ubottuponrajuganesh: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »12:03
ponrajuganeshLjL dint get U boss what should I do?12:04
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: the error is below12:04
LjLponrajuganesh: you should add the key for the Opera repository. but i don't think that should cause problems, anyway. are you sure you don't have *other* errors?12:05
jdc4LjL: gotcha, one sec12:05
ponrajuganeshya W: Failed to fetch http://install.egi.ericsson.com/natty32/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found LjL this follows taht12:05
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: i don't know, i'd just try switching to a different mirror, maybe "il" has problems. edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all the "il.archive.ubuntu.com" into "archive.ubuntu.com"12:05
LjLponrajuganesh: please, pastebin the whole thing. then also pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list12:06
=== jesus is now known as Guest3177
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: can you paste on pastebin how to change it?I have ubuntu 10.10  I think12:06
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: sure, but fir st you need to pastebin your current /etc/apt/sources.list so i can change it12:07
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: ok :)12:07
ponrajuganeshhttp://pastebin.com/zWCXv4jK here U go LjL12:08
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: here : http://pastebin.com/tnUeYaZ512:08
ponrajuganeshand the file info /etc/init.d/source.list http://pastebin.com/EtUhH2TE LjL12:10
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810628/12:10
AnonACShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ELTZxwUnE4 GO GO anonymous12:10
go8765_hello. how i can understand what eat my traffic? nethogs saig that this is apt? but i dont install anything and autoupdate is off too..12:11
Gentoo64go8765_: anyone else on the network?12:11
LjLponrajuganesh: you're using a non-standard mirror. are you very sure you're using official Ubuntu?12:11
go8765_Gentoo64, no12:11
LjL!ot | AnonACS12:11
ubottuAnonACS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:11
go8765_Gentoo64, i use dial-up12:11
ponrajuganeshyup I am using the official ubuntu , this problem came to me after I tried to install the wput Ljl12:12
ponrajuganeshnot sure what happened there LjL12:12
Gentoo64go8765_: you could leave wireshark on, or run the command ss12:12
LjLponrajuganesh: ok, i'll give you a new /etc/apt/sources.list to replace your current12:12
AnonACS ^.^ sorry12:13
Gentoo64go8765_: is ir just slow?12:13
jdc4_LjL: when i try to remove in terminal it says command not found12:13
ponrajuganeshyup thanks a lot :) LjL12:13
LjLponrajuganesh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/810632/12:13
LjLjdc4_: what are you typing exactly?12:14
meerkatsI just updated kernel to 3.0.0-15 generic, I am using not Unity, but the fallback version in 11.10. In the bottom status bar I should see markers for the windows I am using atm, but I dont see any,12:14
freedvdi added the package sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc but now sudo apt-get update fails; how can i remove it?12:14
jdc4_"remove /etc/passwd.lock"12:14
meerkatsthere is just an empty bar,12:14
LjLjdc4_: it's "rm /etc/passwd.lock"12:14
LjLfreedvd: remove the relevant file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:14
jdc4_LjL: ah sorry im kind of a noob at linux, thanks12:15
freedvdLjL: thanks12:15
meerkatswhile using fallback, how do I activate unity?12:16
LjLmeerkats: i doubt that's possible without causing a mess... you should logout and in again from unity12:16
mfaroukgmy laptop is very hot, what to do ???12:17
freedvdin which ppa package can i find XBMC player?12:17
meerkatsLjL, will the password screen allow me to choose?12:17
LjLmeerkats: yes, there is a button to select the kind of session you want (unless you actually removed unity)12:17
mfaroukgmy mouse freezes, what to do?12:17
LjLfreedvd: https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/unstable has packages for up to Oneiric but, as the name says, it's an unstable version12:21
ponrajuganeshthanks a lot LjL it is working perfectly fine :)12:22
LjLmfaroukg: have you checked with lm-sensors whether the fan is running?12:22
freedvdLjL: so i'd better compile it myself?12:22
ponrajuganeshupdate successfully . what was the problem I did face actually LjL?12:22
LjLfreedvd: i wouldn't know, i don't use it. i'd personally try with that "unstable" version first, but that's just me12:22
mfaroukgLjL; yes but I used the psensor instead12:22
jdc4_LjL: shit i think i did something bad. im getting "sudo: unknown uid: 1000"12:22
LjLponrajuganesh: i don't know, you had some repository mirrors i never heard about before, but no idea *why* you had them12:23
LjLjdc4_: (language please) are you in GNOME now?12:23
mfaroukgLjL; my fan is continuously running and was cooler on the win712:23
jdc4_LjL: my apologies. yes.12:23
ponrajuganeshreckon since the company had some internal repository mirrors when I got my lap configured I got it only like that LjL12:24
mfaroukgLjL; seems some loop in the Kernel !!12:24
LjLjdc4_: pastebin your /etc/passwd if you don't have any sensitive information there (it doesn't actually contain passwords, those are in /etc/shadow, just usernames)12:24
LjLponrajuganesh: maybe those mirrors aren't up anymore. better to use the official mirrors i think12:24
ponrajuganeshfine LjL thanks a lot for your help12:25
mfaroukgLjL; surfing through some bugs about that but they are old12:25
jdc4_LjL: i accidentally removed it. i thought you meant to remove all files with passwd in it. my bad.12:25
LjLjdc4_: whoops, no! only passwd.lock and passwd~ :(12:26
jdc4_LjL: yikes! am i in big trouble?12:26
LjLjdc4_: i think so. do you happen to have an "/etc/passwd-" file?12:26
LjLjdc4_: also i reckon you can't access root now?12:27
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: thanks alot !!!!!12:28
LjLjdc4_: by the way, don't reboot or logout for any reason now12:28
meerkatsI just switched to GNOME, which I assume is Unity, right?12:29
* Solsun_ is away: Away12:29
meerkatsnot GNOME classic, but GNOME12:29
LjL!away > Solsun_12:29
ubottuSolsun_, please see my private message12:29
LjLmeerkats: no, i think Unity is called "Ubuntu"12:29
meerkatsanyhow, In GNOME I dont see a bottom status bar, is that normal?12:30
LjLmeerkats: the Unity session, it was my impression they called it "Ubuntu" in the login manager12:30
LjLmeerkats: it's normal both in Unity and in GNOME-Shell i think12:30
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: more one question please12:30
phibxrmeerkats: do you have a panel to the left? if so, you are using unity, and then it's normal.12:30
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL: is there plugin for mms in ubuntu12:30
meerkatsLjL, I havent read any entry with that name12:30
LjLmeerkats: Unity has a sidebar instead, and GNOME-Shell, if my memory doesn't fail me, simply allows you to switch windows by moving the mouse to the top left corner, or something like that12:31
meerkatscrap, where did the minimize button go?12:31
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: i don't know what mms is12:32
LjLmeerkats: there is no minimize button in GNOME-Shell12:32
phibxrmeerkats: sounds like you're running gnome-shell if you've only got a close button.12:32
meerkatsim officially 100 years old12:32
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL:  mms: // -> links like this12:32
LjLmeerkats: heh12:32
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: i suppose VLC would open them12:32
LjLjdc4_: still alive?12:32
meerkatsphibxr, must be12:32
UbuntuNeedHelpLjL:  I try to open it by vlc but without success12:33
LjLUbuntuNeedHelp: well i have no idea, i found a downloader for them though12:33
LjL!info mimms | UbuntuNeedHelp12:33
meerkatsin gnome-shell, is there any shortcut to access the multi-windowed screen, instead of moving the mouse to "activities"?12:33
ubottuUbuntuNeedHelp: mimms (source: mimms): mms (e.g. mms://) stream downloader. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-2 (oneiric), package size 10 kB, installed size 112 kB12:33
meerkatsWhy did they move the shut icon to windows position?12:34
phibxrmeerkats: press your super/windows/meta-button.12:34
LjLmeerkats: or Alt+F112:34
LjLmeerkats: there is a cheat sheet at http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet12:35
Mart_iniI have a problem with Windows Theme.... Here is a screen shot with current look: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/209/zrzutekranu201201201327.png/ ... is there any posibility to change it?:/12:35
LjL!it | ale160012:35
ubottuale1600: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:35
mfaroukghow to solve the touchpad freezing ?12:36
TheRandomHi, having an issue in terminal, whenever I type sudo x (where x is any command) it goes to a new line, but doesn't then respond. CTRL+C doesn't break it. All other commands run fine.12:36
TheRandomIt doesn't prompt for password either.12:36
LjLTheRandom: did you perchance change your machine's hostname?12:37
TheRandomLjL, not knowingly?12:37
LjLTheRandom: well let's see anyway, check if /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname match12:38
TheRandomhosts gives localhost12:38
TheRandomhostname gives ubuntu12:38
LjLTheRandom: only localhost in /etc/hosts? there isn't a second line saying something else (like ubuntu)?12:39
TheRandom2 secs, let me paste bin12:39
TheRandomyeah sorry12:39
TheRandom127.0.1.1 ubuntu12:39
TheRandomand then some lines about IPv612:39
LjLTheRandom: uhm then that's apparently not the problem.12:39
LjLTheRandom: try giving "sudo -k"12:39
LjLTheRandom: does it return?12:40
TheRandomit goes to new line12:40
TheRandomand now i can't break out of it12:40
meerkatsabout the windows super/mega/button, or however it is called, I want to replace it with a linux or ubuntu sticker of that same size, where do I get those?12:40
TheRandomi can type all I like, but terminal won't respond to anything.12:40
meerkatsId like to get rid of the windows logo12:40
phibxrmeerkats: I think Canonical sells stickers with the Ubuntu-logo. A big sheet with lots of stickers, two of them for the superbutton.12:41
petsoundsmeerkats: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1612:41
phibxrmeerkats: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71812:41
phibxrmeerkats: I could be wrong about the size though. Never bought them myself.12:42
mfaroukgno use here :(12:42
TheRandomLjL, any bright ideas?12:42
LjLTheRandom: not particularly. but try "strace sudo -k" and pastebin the output, i'll see if i can make heads or tails of it12:42
TheRandomTwo seconds, seperate machine.12:43
meerkatshas any of you ever erased a key with any chemical product?12:43
TheRandommeerkats, get a sticker printed or something.12:43
LjLmeerkats: this is veering a bit offtopic, i suggest you ask in #ubuntu-offtopic12:44
petsoundsmeerkats: no get real.12:44
mydogsnameisrudyi have a 4inch grinder you can use12:44
TheRandomLjL, are there any important lines? My wireless is being intermittant.12:46
LjLTheRandom: no, i wasn't looking for anything in particular, just wanted to see at which point it would lock up...12:46
TheRandomSure, found a pen drive.12:47
phibxrTheRandom: just checking, did you try this with another terminal emulator? does alt+f2 and running "gksudo gedit" or something work for you?12:48
TheRandomLjL: http://pastebin.com/iTaE4VTT12:48
LjLTheRandom: wait, there is "tom@ubuntu:~$" at the end, does that mean it exited this time?12:49
TheRandomphibxr, alt+f2 brings up the "run a command"12:49
TheRandomLjL, it did exit after running strace sudo -k12:49
TheRandombut then running sudo -k fails12:49
LjLTheRandom: wonderful, heisenbug :|12:50
TheRandomAs a physicist this appeals to me.12:50
LjLTheRandom: but it says something interesting nonetheless12:50
LjLTheRandom: output of "ls -l /usr/bin/sudo"?12:50
datruth_I am having an issue resuming my computer from sleep mode in 11.10 on as asus g74s anyone have this issue?12:51
TheRandom-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root 168768 2011-09-11 20:09 /usr/bin/sudo12:51
LjLTheRandom: that's correct, so apparently it's not that either, even though strace says it's trying to write that it's not suid root...12:52
LjLTheRandom: which version of Ubuntu are you on?12:52
TheRandomLjL, 11.10, which seems to be incredibly slow on my netbook.12:53
TheRandom(seperate issue I suspect)12:53
hariomWhere can I find httpd command on my ubuntu installation?12:54
LjLTheRandom: i386 or amd64?12:54
TheRandomLjL, u386.12:54
LjL!cn | ye12:54
ubottuye: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:54
TheRandomLjL, Intel Atom N45512:54
LjLTheRandom: ok, just going to check something12:54
TiMiDocheers TheRandom12:55
TheRandomTiMiDo ?12:55
datruth_anyone know?12:55
hariomWhere can I find httpd command on my ubuntu installation?12:56
LjLTheRandom: do you have any way to access root now (i'd need you to install a package)?12:56
Humbedoohhariom, it's called apache2 on ubuntu default12:56
TheRandomLjL, not unless you know of a way to do it without sudo12:56
Humbedoohor at least on ubuntu server :>12:57
LjLTheRandom: output of "uname -m" please12:58
LjLTheRandom: then you're not running i386 ;P12:59
msterbreweris it possible to transfer files using a lan cable from my computer that is running ubuntu to my new windows 7 computer12:59
seshagiri_Hey could some one help me out of the problem while installing man-db. I have pasted the error report  here -> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/537758/12:59
TheRandomI thought i386 were intel chips12:59
msterbreweri have no idea what the lan is called in english12:59
msterbrewerbut its the one for connecting 2 computers without a router12:59
LjLTheRandom: no i meant 32-bit vs 64-bit. anyway it doesn't matter, it was just puzzling me that the filesize for "sudo" didn't match12:59
TheRandomah sorry.13:00
LjLTheRandom: well i'm stuck, have a look maybe at the logs, "dmesg" might tell you something... i'm out of ideas13:00
midiberndi have a radeon 6950 with 3 displays connected, but I can't get my catalyst control center to make them extend my desktop. I'm running it as root, but when I click apply it closes out and nothing happens .... any hints?13:01
TheRandomle sigh :P13:01
TheRandomthanks LjL13:01
ridolienjoin #sql13:01
LjLTheRandom: also how long have you waited for sudo to return? if it were a hostname problem (even though it doesn't seem to be), it'd probably respond after a minute or so13:01
TheRandomOk I'll run a sudo apt-get update and leave it13:02
LjLTheRandom: maybe output of "lsof" as well, to see if sudo is trying to access something and gets stuck on it13:02
TheRandomLjL, lsof output gives a list longer than the terminal output :P13:03
LjLTheRandom: well "lsof | grep sudo" then13:04
hariomHi, I am getting following error while using command "apache2 -S":  apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}13:04
seshagiri_Well thanks i fixed it myself!13:05
jribhariom: use: apache2ctl -S13:05
TheRandomLjL, da nada13:05
LjLTheRandom: no output?13:06
TheRandomstill running13:06
TheRandombut nothing currently13:06
LjLTheRandom: wut... "lsof" got stuck too?13:06
TheRandomah here we go13:06
TheRandomfinally finished13:06
LjLTheRandom: it's weird, it should take a split second13:06
TheRandomA whole bunch of Permission denied13:06
TheRandomTook atleast a minute13:07
TheRandomAll the errors give 'Permission Denied'13:07
LjLTheRandom: nothing other than errors?13:07
LjLTheRandom: look, call me paranoid but i don't like this very much. see if we can use the strace trick to run sudo, and install a rootkit checker. "strace sudo apt-get install chkrootkit rkhunter"13:08
=== oyvind is now known as Guest32744
hariomjrib: http://pastebin.com/UWgL7UHC13:09
melvincvIs there something that can turn my Windows button into an Ubuntu button? ;)13:09
TheRandomOk gimme 5 LjL13:09
enchiladomelvincv: a sticker.13:09
=== Effex is now known as E
Guest32744Anyone familiar with COurier-Imap ?13:09
=== Guest32744 is now known as padlefot
TheRandomNope LjL13:09
padlefotI need to know how to put the webmail files in the right place so i can reach them from Apache (webinterface)13:09
enchiladoI believe I saw a website advertising them once, but I didn't get one because they only shipped to America.13:09
=== E is now known as Guest43729
TheRandomSame as before with strace sudo -k13:10
padlefotI tried a symlink action similar to the one used with phpmyadmin but is says it needs cgi-bin files13:10
LjLTheRandom: it exited successfully, but installed nothing?13:10
melvincvcool, but I'm in India. I'd prefer an Ubuntu sticker.13:10
jribhariom: yes, that's your expected output, no13:11
hariomjrib: any idea how to fix this?13:11
midiberndi have a radeon 6950 with 3 displays connected, but I can't get my catalyst control center to make them extend my desktop. I'm running it as root, but when I click apply it closes out and nothing happens .... any hints?13:12
LjLTheRandom: ah, actually "sudo" doesn't really work under "strace" for me either.13:12
jribhariom: fix what?  I don't see anything wrong13:12
=== mk is now known as Guest41973
chrispincould someone help me initialize Kgeography in Ubuntu 10.1013:13
melvincvAny leads on the Ubnntu sticker, to stick to the Windows key on my keyboard? :)13:13
ikoniamelvincv: linux emporium, for generic linux stickers13:14
LjLTheRandom: well if you want to stick around and see if someone else has a clue... otherwise i'd boot from a live cd and do a sanity check of your installation, using "debsums", "rkhunter" and "chkrootkit", as well as maybe testing your hardware with "smartmontools"13:14
TheRandomLjL, I'm tempted to do a new install.13:15
melvincvikonia: Thanks :)13:15
LjLTheRandom: you could do that as well, though it would be interesting to find out what happened13:15
TheRandomInteresting as it is, it's not helping my masters project.13:15
TheRandomIs there a neat way to uninstall ubuntu, if I used the windows installer?13:15
datruth_if my computer does not want to wake from sleep mode an my only option is turning the pc off my holding the power button by doing this am I hurting my hard-drive?13:15
LjLTheRandom: Wubi you mean? not sure13:15
LjLTheRandom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation i guess13:16
TheRandomSo, typing su13:17
TheRandomprompts for password13:17
TheRandombut then rejects what i definatley think my password is :P13:17
LjLTheRandom: well, that's normal, the root account is locked in ubuntu...13:18
ro0otHas anyone tried to get vmware to work in ubuntu 12.04? I just installed it but I can't complete it13:28
ro0otseeing if anyone else has had these issues before.13:28
icerootro0ot: #ubuntu+113:28
finish06ubuntu 12.04 is out?!?  HUH???13:28
icerootfinish06: no13:29
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:29
finish06iceroot, ok, thanks! :) lol13:29
ro0otfinish06: its available for download. its amazing imho 11 was broken like hell13:29
yumboCan I run Gnome Shell without effects/corruption ?13:29
icerootfinish06: ro0ot its not stable so its not recommened to be used on important systems, also its offtopic in this channel13:30
ro0oticeroot: Oh ok13:30
ikoniayumbo: what effects ?13:31
ikoniayumbo: gnome shell doesn't use things like compiz by default13:31
yumboikonia, it uses mutter, I know13:31
ikoniayumbo: ok, so what are you actually asking ?13:31
yumboikonia, but Gnome Shell gives huge corruption with the proper. AMD drivers13:31
ikoniayumbo: ok - so are you using amd drivers ?13:31
yumbois there a way to have it not give display corruption?13:31
alabama-manHow do I access the repository using terminal?13:32
ikoniayumbo: not if there is a bug in the amd drivers13:32
yumboikonia, it's not a bug in the amd drivers13:32
ikoniayumbo: what is it then ?13:32
yumboikonia, I asked the devs, they said Gnome Shell had something wrong in the rendering process13:32
icerootalabama-man: for installing? for reading package-status?13:32
zombie_monkeyI just changed the port that my desktop in another place is listening on for incoming ssh, and the restarted the service; then when I exited and immediately reconnected I get a "changed RSA key" warning13:32
yumboikonia, but Im not sure, it could be a biased view13:32
yumboikonia, I wanted to know if there is a workaround13:33
yeyou dong zhong wen de ma13:33
ikoniayumbo: that seems unlikey as it works with other video cards, and the ati component has lots of problems with lots of applications (compiz used to be a problem for example)13:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:33
ikoniayumbo: very unlikley13:33
alabama-maniceroot: I am wanting to edit the repository, that's all. However I want to see if I can do it in terminal.13:33
icerootalabama-man: edit?13:33
icerootalabama-man: edit what? the repo-list? the packages in a repo?13:33
alabama-maniceroot: the repo list13:34
yumboikonia, ok, thanks for answering13:34
icerootalabama-man: edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list13:34
yumboalabama-man, "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"13:34
zombie_monkeyis the RSA key based on the contents of /etc/ssh/sshd_config somehow so that's why the key changed?13:35
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?13:36
slakcphilok, weird toshiba satellite C655d problem, it freezes after boot, on the login screen, as soon as I move the mouse or press a key, I can reproduce it on every boot after it first happens(i have done up to 7 reboots)... now get this, the only time it does not it when i boot to windows7 login screen and then reboot!13:36
jattthe (old) key on the client is different13:36
misterx_245а русские есть13:37
auronandace!ru | misterx_24513:37
ubottumisterx_245: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:37
=== lapawa is now known as Zarquon_
SLayeRDK!dk | SLayeRDK13:38
ubottuSLayeRDK, please see my private message13:38
zombie_monkeyjatt: yes, I know?13:38
slakcphilso to be clear, i can boot into ubuntu from a cold start most times without fail.. when it does freeze up.. the only way i have stopped it from reproducing is from choosing win7 from grub and waiting till the login screen to select reboot, then it will boot fine all the way without freexing13:39
zombie_monkeythis is the first time I sshed in this desktop, I added the key I was sent, then edited sshd_config, disconnected and when I immediately reconncted the key was different13:39
ikoniaslakcphil: if you boot into ubuntu - what happens13:39
slakcphilwhen ubuntu freezes, i do not get any error logs in syslog, nor do I get the blinking caps lock like I do when getting a kernel panic13:40
ikoniaslakcphil: if you boot into ubuntu - what happens13:40
slakcphilikonia, most times it is fine, then sporadically it will freeze(only at the login screen when i move mouse or type)13:40
ikoniaslakcphil: sounds like a hardware error13:41
ikoniaslakcphil: when it freezes try hitting the capslock key, see if the light goes on/off13:41
slakcphili have seen this ==> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/toshiba-satellite-c655d-s5210-freezes-under-kubuntu-and-linux-mint-892628/13:41
slakcphilikonia, i have and it does nothing, i have to press and hold the power button13:41
ikoniaslakcphil: sounds like a hardware issue then13:41
slakcphilikonia, yeah but just what is it that windows is doing to the BIOS to where i can fix by only starting to boot into windows and then properly rebooting from win?13:42
ikoniaslakcphil: I don't think it's doing anything to the bios13:43
slakcphilikonia, maybe acpi?13:44
ikoniaslakcphil: doubtful13:44
slakcphilikonia, i am afraid to let the win7 partition go since it is now somehow required to fix this problem.. I have not yet tried, but will try to next time boot into scientific linux and see if it still freezes after the ubuntu freeze13:46
ikoniaslakcphil: I'd start running the hardware tests to be honest13:47
ludo___i change my bios time through command sudo hwclock --set --date "01/25/12 18:24:00" but though after rebooting server my time is been reset to original time .i want to set it permanently .how should i do that13:47
ikonialudo___: just change it through the bios as I told you13:48
ikonialudo___: enter your bios and set the block13:48
LjLludo___, is the time simply incorrect or is it off by some specific number of hours? if the latter, you might have the wrong timezone set.13:49
ludo___ikonia :- sorry to ask such a stupid question but how to do that13:49
ikonialudo___: when boot the machine you will see something like "press F12 to enter bios" - press that key and then use the menu13:49
ikonialudo___: this is before ubuntu even boots13:49
ludo___ikonia -ok got it13:50
libnotifyhow can i make the motd changes permanent on my machine13:50
slakcphilikonia, what hardware tests? i can boot into win7 every day for 6 months at work and never have a freeze or any issue at all :/13:51
slakcphilikonia, the hardware seems fine13:51
ikoniaslakcphil: that doesn't mean you don't have a hardware problem13:51
ikoniaslakcphil: start looking at tools like memtest or cpuload13:51
slakcphilikonia, i have not tried cpuload...13:51
gwelterludo___: or use hwclock --systohc13:51
ikoniaslakcphil: have you tried memtest ?13:52
LjLlibnotify: you can make an /etc/motd.tail file and edit it to your liking13:52
slakcphilikonia, yes13:52
libnotifyLjL: says no such file13:52
LjLlibnotify: that's why i said "make". it doesn't exist by default.13:52
ikoniaslakcphil: how long did you leave it running for ?13:52
slakcphilikonia, about 20 :) not the whole way..13:53
ikoniaslakcphil: 20 what ?13:53
libnotifywill it overide the default /etc/motd?13:54
slakcphilikonia minutes13:54
LjLlibnotify: no, it will add it to the end of it13:54
ikoniaslakcphil: that's no way a test13:54
ikoniaslakcphil: you'll need to leave it running for a good 12 - 24 hours13:54
ikoniaslakcphil: 20 minutes is a pointless test13:54
libnotifyi want to override the default13:54
slakcphilikonia, :/ i suppose.. now how do I do the cpuload?13:54
ikoniaslakcphil: do memtest first, as that's the most common issue13:55
slakcphilikonia, ok see you guys tonight or tomorrow, thx ikonia13:55
slakcphiltime to memtest13:56
libnotifyLjL: not possible>13:58
LjLlibnotify: not sure, i suppose you *could* try making a static motd in /etc/motd and then "chmod a-w" it, so that the update scripts can't touch it13:59
* Solsun__ is away: Away14:00
LjL!away > Solsun__14:00
ubottuSolsun__, please see my private message14:00
|Anthony|Using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. How can i change the default audio input device?14:01
alabama-manWhen I try to run an update from other repositories ubuntu chooses to ignore them rather than downloading their packages, why would this be and how can I stop it?14:01
sipiorlibnotify: you can modify the files in /etc/update-motd.d to do as you please.14:01
|Anthony|or maybe a way to do it via cli so i can script it14:01
phgrauUps. sorry.14:02
LjLalabama-man: define "ignore them"14:05
libnotifyhow do i make /etc/motd static14:05
slakcphilikonia, ok so memtest says cached ram is 1639 MB, windows properties says 2GB(1.6 usable) is that a problem?14:06
LjLslakcphil: shouldn't be, i imagine the rest is used by a shared-memory video card14:06
ikoniaslakcphil: no,14:06
ikoniaLjL beat me to it14:06
phalaaxxlibnotify, maybe edit scripts in /etc/update-motd.d?14:07
slakcphilikonia, ok so now i can sit in front of memtest all friday..14:08
ludo___ikonia -f12 key is not working to get into bios14:09
libnotifycan't get a location for that phalaaxx14:09
ikonialudo___: it may not be the F12 key - you have to read your screen to see what key it is14:09
mie_nobody here?14:10
ikoniamie_: yes, 1400 people are14:11
LjLmie_: only 1520 people14:11
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ikoniamie_: normally people ask a question to get a response, rather than stating "no-one here" 45 seconds after entering the room14:12
phalaaxxlibnotify, i'm not sure what you mean... i think probably need to edit scripts in /etc/update-motd.d directory and remove parts that generate dynamic content in motd on every login14:12
mie_i have a problem with my ubuntu14:12
libnotifyi can't locate that directory, that is what i meant14:12
phalaaxxlibnotify, i meant to say "i think you probably need..."14:12
phalaaxxoh i see14:12
ikoniamie_: again, people normally ask a question14:12
mie_about my audio doesn't work14:12
mie_wait,,,q change my account14:13
ikoniamie_: let me give you an example "I'm using ubuntu 10.04 32bit, and my sound isn't working, I can't here any sounds at all"14:13
ikonia"hear" sounds14:13
ludo___ikonia-dear frnd it was del key and f1214:17
ikoniaI don't care, it's different on every machine14:17
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phalaaxxlibnotify, try  grep motd /etc/init/*  <- this may give you a clue how motd is generated dynamically on your system14:18
ludo___ikonia- sorry i mean to say and not f12,thank u14:18
datruth_I've gotten a new system and have been having an issue on resuming from sleep but thats fixed now in the proccess of finding the resolution ive had to power cycle my laptop by holding the power button down14:26
datruth_how can I check if I dxmanaged my disk?14:26
loganrunI get the following error when I start vlc: "Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.", anybody know how to fix this?14:27
xinglehi. I accidentally disconnected my computer from the power source while it was running, downloading, writing to, and reading from the disk. All seems to be fine after a restart, but should I run some diagnostic programs for missing files, disk corruption, etc?14:27
xci've a problem with my firefox, it's doesn't work,,how i can fix it?14:30
auronandacexc: thats rather vague, doesn't work how?14:30
LjLxingle: it should check automatically, but if you want to make sure,14:30
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot14:30
RiXtEr-homexc, firefox -safe-mode from a terminal might be a good start14:31
LjLsame to datruth_14:31
juruahelp squid + squidGuard14:31
xcXPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox-10.0/libxpcom.so:14:32
xclibxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:32
xcCouldn't load XPCOM.14:32
=== pldpld_ is now known as pldpld
LjLxc: did you install some non-standard version of Firefox?14:33
jorgeHi, someone can helpme please, yesterday I read on Gawker.com14:33
jorge“Anonymous members are distributing a link that ropes internet users into an illegal DDoS attack against these websites simply by clicking it.” I was on twitter and I think, without know all of this,  it's possible that I click in a few ones, how do I do to know if my pc is a begin used as a zombie for an Ddos attack ?14:33
xingleLjL: thanks14:34
xcLjL : i have an update for firefox 1014:34
auronandacexc: we can't support that14:35
LjLjorge, seems highly unlikely it would manage to actually *turn* your machine into a zombie. i think at worst, it'll attack those sites *while* you keep the page open.14:35
LjLxc: what sort of update?14:35
loganrunI get the following error when I start vlc: "Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.", anybody know how to fix this?14:35
xcso,,,what must i do?14:35
LjLxc: uninstall that "update", and go back to the official Ubuntu package, most likely.14:35
auronandacexc: why don't you use the firefox that is in the repos?14:35
xcmmm,,,ok, i'm trying14:36
loganrundoes anyone else have this issue14:36
sten_somewhere there?14:36
ikoniamany people14:36
LjLloganrun: what does "echo $LANG" say14:36
sten_the problem is14:36
sten_i got a ubuntu lts server14:36
xcthx LjL & auronandace14:36
sten_I need to instal tcl14:37
LjL!enter | sten_14:37
ubottusten_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:37
sten_but 32bit version14:37
LjLloganrun: that sounds quite reasonable, i don't know why VLC would say that.14:37
sten_i got a ubuntu lts server, 64bit, unfortunately I need a 32bit version of tclsh there14:37
loganrunLjL: I assume it is probably any Gtk app14:37
jorgeLjl: Ah, ok, sorry ahaha, I have no idea about this, so, it's safer then ?, Its necessary to check the open ports ?, I reapeat SORRY to ask this stupidity, but I don't know about this stuff14:38
xcLjL : mmm,,how to uninstall that update?14:38
LjLxc: i don't know, tell us how you installed it.14:38
xcjust klik the update icon14:38
RiXtEr-homeloganrun, that is a warning, i see that with gparted all the time, not an error, if its not working its likely broken after that.14:38
buttiauronandace: back14:38
LjLjorge: i wouldn't worry, but if you want to check open ports, try "nmap"14:39
xcwait,,,i forget it14:39
timmythow to merge ttf files?14:39
auronandacebutti: hi14:39
LjLxc: ok look, what does "apt-cache poloicy firefox" say14:39
LjLxc: ok look, what does "apt-cache policy firefox" say14:39
sten_i got a ubuntu lts server, 64bit, unfortunately I need a 32bit version of tclsh there14:39
loganrunRiXtEr-home, yes it is a warning, but how does one fix it?14:40
LjLsten_, others may easily know better, but all i can say is i don't think it's very easy, with no multiarch support14:40
xcInstalled: 10.0~b4+build1-0ubuntu0.10.10.1~mfn114:40
xcCandidate: 10.0~b4+build1-0ubuntu0.10.10.1~mfn114:40
LjLxc: put the whole output in http://paste.ubuntu.com/ please14:40
dimas_could someone suggest me a good application or way to keep my ip (location) private?14:40
loganrunit says before the error: Blocked: call to setlocale(6, "")14:40
LjLdimas_: you would need some kind of proxy server for that, but it's bound to slow your connection.14:41
dimas_LjL, is that the only way?14:41
icerootdimas_: not using the internet, tor, proxy  (in that order)14:41
LjLdimas_: that i can think of. but i'm pretty sure there is no other way, because servers need to know your IP to communicate with you.14:41
LjLdimas_: either yours, or that of an intermediary (proxy)14:41
timmytdimas_, tor14:42
loganrunmaybe it is a but with vlc14:42
LjLdimas_: tor can be very slow.14:42
dimas_but the proxy is when you use the browser only?14:43
LjLdimas_: no, you can use a proxy for other things to14:43
winnie666Hello! I happened to loose SSH connection to my server while doing apt-get install a bunch of programs that take a while to install, Upon reconnection and doing "ps aux" i see apt-get is still running, will apt-get still be allowed to finish?14:43
icerootwinnie666: no14:43
LjLdimas_: there are programs that let you wrap any other program around a SOCKS proxy, for instance (which you can use with tor)14:43
icerootwinnie666: always use screen in the future for that14:43
winnie666yes i found out about that now14:44
dimas_LjL, which one? tor?14:44
winnie666i didn't loose the connection intensionally14:44
LjLdimas_: no, tor itself doesn't do that. you can use "tsocks" for instance, with tor+privoxy.14:44
winnie666why is apt-get still in the process list though?14:44
LjLdimas_: also if you're looking to hide your IP on freenode, you can request a cloak.14:44
winnie666should i kill it?14:44
LjLwinnie666: if you kill it, do it softly, not with -s 914:45
icerootwinnie666: never kill something with -914:45
xcLjL : An error has occurred in the Pastebin software. Please notify the administrators.14:45
xcwhat happen?14:45
winnie666LjL, if I don't kill it, it will never finish?14:45
sacred_coderi have a problem with gnome graphics14:45
sacred_codermy screen has become shaky14:45
LjLxc: it works for me, try again14:45
sacred_coderplease hep me14:45
Jimuis there a performance benchmark tool for Ubuntu? Or just like SiSoft Sandra?14:46
winnie666i am aware of the consecuenses of -9, but thank you14:46
LjLJimu: there are several programs that can measure the performance of various components. what are looking for in particular?14:46
xcLjL : http://paste.ubuntu.com/810746/plain/14:47
dimas_LjL, and the rest thank you very much for the info14:47
greg_hi folks, where would i need to start looking if a i can ping to an external domain name and ipaddress (such as yahoo), but can't browse via ff (either the domain or ip address)? The only bits i've found on the net so far refer to AV on windows boxes (but i'm not running windows). any help appreciated where i should start digging. thanks.14:47
JimuLjL - I'm trying to compare performance of a VBox install to a HD vs. a VBox install to a USB flash drive14:47
LjLxc: first, delete any file having to do with firefox/mozilla from /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:48
LjLJimu: so you mainly want to measure the performance of the root drive?14:48
xchow to delete it?14:48
LjLxc: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*firefox*   (type this carefully)14:48
JimuLjL - i guess, yes14:48
LjL!info bonnie++ | jimu14:49
ubottujimu: bonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive benchmark suite.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.96 (oneiric), package size 69 kB, installed size 236 kB14:49
dimas_LjL, how you request a cloak in freenode?14:50
LjLJimu: a *very* simple way to measure the disk throughput is to use hdparm/sdparm with "-Tt"14:50
auronandacedimas_: first /join #freenode14:50
LjLdimas_: first you need to register and identify14:50
LjL!register > dimas_14:50
ubottudimas_, please see my private message14:50
LjLdimas_: then ask in #freenode14:50
hdpbWhat is the best way for my wife and I to share media folders? We don't need the whole Home folder...14:51
xcLjL : done,,,14:51
xci have rm it14:51
LjLxc: now type "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get remove firefox; sudo apt-get install firefox"14:51
auronandacehdpb: a seperate storage partition maybe?14:51
dydmy desktop has crashed14:53
dydhow can i restart it without reboot?14:53
dydi can't click any icons14:53
LjLdyd: ctrl+alt+f1, login, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ; sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart"14:53
sacred_codermy screen has become shaky please help me to fix this. I use ubuntu and gnome314:57
h00ksacred_coder: do you have a CRT monitor?14:58
nc__Hey everybody! Does anyone know why the backspace button doesn't work in Chrome on Lubuntu 11.10? :o14:59
MonkeyDustdyd  there's a magical key combination - R E I S U B - try that15:00
davey22i lost the ability to left and right-click on the desktop... cant select or modify, why?15:00
MonkeyDustdyd  http://kember.net/articles/reisub-the-gentle-linux-restart/15:01
sacred_coderu r being mean15:01
hdpbauronandace: could I then link to it from both ~/Music folders?15:01
auronandacehdpb: i suppose so yes15:02
auronandacehdpb: i've never setup a symlink though15:02
Slartsacred_coder: it's "you" and "are".. using weird shortlanguage makes it very hard for people that are having problems with the english language to start with15:03
pinguywhy does my external hard drive keep getting removed and recognized ?15:03
ryannathansorionvm, anyone recognise this?15:03
metap0dJesus, ubuntu has grown since the last time I was here : /15:03
pinguydoes any one know ?15:03
Slartpinguy: have a look at your syslog.. see if it mentions anything interesting "tail -f /var/log/syslog" will give you a running printout of the syslog15:04
xcauronandace : http://paste.ubuntu.com/810769/plain/15:04
pinguythanks slart :)15:04
=== Mud is now known as Guest53480
xchow i can fix it?15:04
ryannathansmy question is too large for here, so I posted it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1911531  what do you people think?15:04
Slartnc__: doesn't work at all or doesn't do what you expect it to do?15:04
nc__Slart: Sorry, it doesn't go back one page as i expected it to15:05
auronandacexc: that takes me to a login screen15:05
xcand how i must put it?15:06
Slartnc__: are you sure it's supposed to do that in linux? afaik it only does that in windows.. try ALT+LEFT ARROW instead15:06
gwelterryannathans: thee iss a tool called the apt proxy i think15:06
soulux0-usbwhere is a french server please15:06
ryannathansgwelter: thanks15:06
Slart!fr | soulux0-usb15:06
ubottusoulux0-usb: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:06
nivyaji'm new to ubuntu15:07
gwelterryannathans: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy15:07
nc__Slart: Tbh I don't know (I am a complete noob at this I'm afraid). I wanted a windows like behaviour though. ALT+ arrow keys works though it isn't very optimal15:07
Slartryannathans: can't you set the computers to autodownload and install updates either using crontab or update-manager and then use one of the many apt proxies that you can find in the repos15:07
nivyajcan someone help me with a q?15:07
MonkeyDustnivyaj  if you're sweet15:07
Slartnc__: I'm not really sure if there is a way to set that shortcut somewhere.. firefox does the same thing15:07
xcauronandace : i put pulseaudio on terminal and show like this >> E: main.c: Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.15:08
xcwhat happen?15:08
Slartnc__: this doesn't really sound good.. http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=0d0b8fe5807559c615:09
ryannathansSlart gwelter: I couldn't find any apt cache software, thanks for the pointers15:09
nivyajMonkeyDust:  haha. I downloaded dropbox and installed it. How do i run the program? eachtime do i need to do a command ?  https://www.dropbox.com/install15:09
Slartryannathans: hang on.. let me name some of them for you15:09
nc__Slart: Okay, thanks :) Do you by any chance know how to make the middle button click on the mouse _not_ paste the item in the clipboard? :o15:09
nc__Slart: I'll have a look15:10
metap0dnivyaj: I downloaded it and it showed up as an application with an icon in my  menu without a problem?15:10
auronandacexc: no idea, i don't know much about pulse audio15:10
MonkeyDustnivyaj  an ico should appear in your taskbar15:10
Slartnc__: hmm that might be a gnome-setting.. but I haven't really seen any settings for it. sorry15:10
xcok,,,thanks,,, :)15:11
nc__Slart: Okay, how would I go about finding the right place to look? E.g gnome settings15:11
ojoshey alguien en español15:12
LjL!es | ojos15:12
ubottuojos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:12
Slartryannathans: I see three after a quick search..   approx, apt-cacher and apt-cacher-ng . I think I've used apt-cacher in the past and it was pretty simple to setup and didn't really require a lot of maintenance15:12
Slartnc__: I would try googling first.. something like "gnome mouse button setting" or something like that15:13
xcmaybe LjL know about it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/810769/plain/15:13
dlentzxc, get a verbose log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log15:13
ryannathansSlart: thanks15:13
=== matriz_activa is now known as MatrizActiva
dlentzand maybe attach to a bug report15:13
nc__Slart: Ofcourse, cheers :P15:13
Slartnc__: you're welcome15:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:14
LjLxc: nope, no pulseaudio used here15:14
cordovalwhat does it mean in terms of ubuntu commands to install this requirements? PHP >= 5.3.4 with : +Dom +exif +ftp +gd2 +hash +iconv +xml +mbstring +mysql +pcre +SimpleXML +sockets +xsl +zlib +mail +mcrypt +pdo +CURL +JSON +gettext ?15:15
=== administrator is now known as Guest74721
cordovalsudo apt-get install pcre SimpleXML and so on?15:15
nivyajmetap0d: it didnt15:15
nivyajMonkeyDust: no dice.15:16
MonkeyDustnivyaj  odd, maybe the windows trick helps: reboot15:16
=== chris is now known as Guest81536
nivyaj'will try it15:17
root____what is the backtrack room?15:17
MonkeyDust!backtrack| root____15:17
ubotturoot____: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:17
xcLjL : i don't understand about mecanism audio,,how it work?15:17
xcwhat i need to play a music n hear a sound15:18
MonkeyDustxc  open a terminal and type alsa, if you see MM somewhere, type m15:19
Zuloanxeshi, any windows channel?15:19
MonkeyDustxc  correction: open a terminal and type alsamixer, if you see MM somewhere, type m15:19
cordovalwhat does it mean in terms of ubuntu commands to install this requirements? PHP >= 5.3.4 with : +Dom +exif +ftp +gd2 +hash +iconv +xml +mbstring +mysql +pcre +SimpleXML +sockets +xsl +zlib +mail +mcrypt +pdo +CURL +JSON +gettext ?15:19
MonkeyDustZuloanxes  try ##windows (double #)15:19
cordovalsudo apt-get install pcre SimpleXML and so on?15:19
Zuloanxesok thanks15:19
dlentzxc, you can try playing a sound with aplay to workaorund pulseaudio issues15:20
xcmonkey dust, it's showing an error15:20
fellayaboyis it possible to use vnc on a server with a different username15:20
xcdlentz : how?15:20
cordovalI dont even have cc or gcc15:21
cordovalis there a package that can have all of this?15:21
fellayaboyi have my mother whos using the machine almost all the time...i want to vnc into the machine but i dont want to see her screen..i want a screen just for myself....is that possible15:21
nivyajMonkeyDust: no dice.15:21
MonkeyDustnivyaj  no further advice15:22
nivyajMonkeyDust: how do i delete it and re-install?15:22
dlentzaplay -vv /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav15:22
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:22
fellayaboycoudl someone answer that for me..is it possible to use a different screen/username to get a fresh vnc session while someone else uses another username on ubuntu???15:22
xcmonkeydust : http://paste.ubuntu.com/810792/plain/15:22
MonkeyDustxc that launchpad15:23
dlentzxc: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libasound215:23
dlentzthen, log out and back in15:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:24
=== simpleirc1 is now known as simpleirc2
xcok,,i'm trying15:24
=== simpleirc2 is now known as simpleirc3
domedagenI'm using 11.10 and having trouble installing Spotify.15:25
=== Pseudoephedrine- is now known as Pseudoephedrine
domedagenAnyone in here know why it isn't working as usual15:25
dlentzdomedagen, is there as specific error?15:26
xcmonkeydust : where i found the launchpad?15:26
xchua,,,i don't know anything about my os,, :((15:27
domedagendlentz: Couldn't find ... I followed the instructions: https://www.spotify.com/se/download/previews/15:27
domedagendlentz: I edited software repositories using Software Sources GUI15:28
domedagen sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt15:28
domedagenE: Unable to locate package spotify-client-qt15:28
dlentzthat repo is for Lucid (is that what you're running?)15:29
xanguadomedagen: sudo apt-get update ; and try again15:29
MonkeyDustdomedagen  spotify is not in the repos, it's from a third party15:29
Roji went to share my internet15:30
Rojservice iptables stop15:30
dlentzi guess the repo is for all ubuntu: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/12/install-spotify-client-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/15:30
Rojin my terminal answer service: no such service iptables15:31
MonkeyDustRoj  try ip-tables15:32
Rangowhat's the the best repository for the latest stable gnome3 and gnome-shell installs? I'm using webup8dteam, but they don't seem to be interested in updating their repository15:32
dwrightsonlooking for infor on what Bus Master Arbitration failure means on boot15:32
dwrightsonubuntu 9.0415:32
nivyajwhich directoy are programs stored in ubuntu? in windows it was program files15:32
xanguadwrightson: 9.04 is no longer supported15:33
dwrightsonrunning in a vmware15:33
gwelterRoj: stop ufw15:33
ikonianivyaj: doesn't work like that in linux15:33
ikonianivyaj: what do you actually want to achieve ?15:33
MonkeyDustRoj  or try sudo ufw stop15:33
dwrightsonyeah, I know 9.04 is not supported.  trying to find info on what that error means.  is it a network card issue?15:34
domedagendlentz: Still not working but I'll have to AFK. Thank you for trying to help me at least15:34
domedagenMaybe I'll figure out what the problem is later15:34
napsterWhat you guys use for making screencasts? Please don't tell me some cli tools with 100+ switches ;)15:34
ikonia!screencast > nivyaj15:34
ubottunivyaj, please see my private message15:34
popeynapster: kazam15:34
Roji use suse and ufw stop15:34
RojIf 'ufw' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:15:34
Roj    cnf ufw15:34
napsterpopey: ok15:35
nivyajikonia: i downloaded drop box. it works, but i have to use the command line. i want an icon. (it might be useful to know that during install i was asked for my password and i put my dropbox pass word instead of my pc password and i got an error.... that might have something to do with it)15:35
gwelterroj: ufw is the ubuntu firewall15:35
jeagleGreetings all! I like most, have a dilemma! :) I wrote a script that will successfully convert jpg, tif, word, excel files and merge them into one pdf masterfile. Only problem is I use Ghostscript to perform the merge, and it is supposed to create bookmarks, however, it does not. I am trying to automate this process, is there any suggestions out there on how to automate the bookmarking section of my script? :)15:35
ikonianivyaj: ok, so could you expand a little about "have to use the command line" 1.) why ? 2.) is it just one command or a few arguments ?15:35
gwelterroj: are you running suse?15:35
Rojopen suse 11.315:36
nivyajikonia: i don't know how to run the program otherwise. here is the argument15:36
ikonianivyaj: you should be able to just open a terminal and type the command15:36
gwelterRoj: sorry for asking, but why are you asking the question in the ubuntu channel?15:36
nivyaj ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd15:36
gwelterRoj: i assumed you were running ubuntu15:36
ikonianivyaj: ok, so cd ~/.dropbox-dist15:37
ikonianivyaj: and then ./dropboxd15:37
nivyajikonia: so you don't get icons ?15:37
ikonianivyaj: how did you install it ?15:37
nivyajikonia: https://www.dropbox.com/install15:37
=== simpleirc3 is now known as simpleirc4
ikonianivyaj: one moment while I look15:37
jeagleIs anyone familiar with Ghostscript? :)15:38
dwrightsonAnyone have a one sentence explanation on what the error "Bus master arbitration failure" means?  Is it an issue of network card failure?  I am running this in a VMWare host.15:38
ikonianivyaj: so you didn't install the "deb" package, you did the "wget" thing ?15:39
Slartjeagle: assume we are and just ask the real question =)15:39
unopdwrightson, some context would be nice - where do you see this error, what do you do to cause it, etc15:40
jeagleSlart I did  earlier :)15:40
gener1cgoogle is adding offline ads to chromium :S15:40
Slartjeagle: oh.. sorry.. missed it then =)15:40
ikoniagener1c: nothing to do with ubuntu15:40
nivyaji did cd ~ && wget -O - http://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=lnx.x86_64 | tar xzf -15:40
ddp23hi anyone recognise an error along these lines: W: Failed to fetch copy:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk_pub_linux_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_i18n_Index  Encountered a section with no Package: header and know where to look for a fix please?15:40
ikonianivyaj: ok, may I suggest using the "deb" package that is build for ubuntu15:40
nivyaji dont know what deb and wget are yet15:41
ikonianivyaj: that will lay it out for you and most likey give you a menu item15:41
ikonianivyaj: ok - first thing https://help.ubuntu.com this should help you with the basics of using ubuntu15:41
jeaglebasically I have PDF files with multiple pages that need to be combine with bookmarking.15:41
nivyajok. so how do i delete what i have installed?15:41
jeagleI can combine them fine w/o bookmarking15:41
Slartjeagle: hmm.. haven't used ghostscript to create bookmarks before.. do you get any bookmarks at all? or malplaced bookmarks?15:41
jeagleI get none. :(15:42
ikonianivyaj: also on https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx you should see packages built for ubuntu (they say ubuntu and have a logo next to them) download the correct one for your OS, and if you double click it it "should" install15:42
jeagleyou have to use pdfmarks w/in ghostscript15:42
nivyajikonia: ok. so how do i delete what i have installed?15:42
=== xc is now known as mie_maniez
Slartjeagle: does this solve anything? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154506415:42
ikonianivyaj: don't worry about that at this time, the deb package should overwrite that15:42
jeaglehow do I turn your name to orange haha ? :)15:42
slakcphilikonia, the memtest made 2 passes with no errors :)15:42
ikoniaslakcphil: what did I tell you15:42
nivyajikonia: thanks :)15:42
ikoniaslakcphil: how long did I tell you to run it15:43
slakcphilikonia, :)15:43
ikoniaslakcphil: I'm not laughing, you ask for help, I spend time giving you information on how to diagnose/resolve the issues and you seem to just be trying to ignore it / short cut it15:43
dydMonkeyDust, thanks for the link15:43
Slartjeagle: just write my nickname before your message.. you can probably use TAB to autocomplete when you've written Sla  .. ,colour, sound and whatnot is created on my end by my client15:43
jeagleSlart: I have seen that, however, here is my problem, that guy looks like he used pdfmarks by hand, and each page is just one page. How would one get the page numbers programmatically and add them in to that pdfmarks file.15:43
slakcphilikonia, memtest said no errors, press esc to reboot15:44
dwrightsonunop: machine worked fine yesterday.  vmware did auto auto update (sorry don't know details of that).  now ubuntu machine starts and I can login though console but no network.  upon boot, the message "eth1: bus master arbitration failure, status 9cf3" appears on console over and over.  try to ping anything from root and get "Network unreachable"15:44
ikoniaslakcphil: no it didn't15:44
ikoniaslakcphil: it doesn't end15:44
B0naparteHello everyone. I'm new to IRC, can anyone tell me how to hide my IP?15:44
Slartjeagle: ah.. I see.. tricky15:44
ikoniaslakcphil: how long did I tell you to run it for15:44
ikoniaslakcphil: it ends when YOU tell it to15:44
auronandaceB0naparte: ask in#freenode15:44
ikoniaB0naparte: www.freenode.net look for a cloak15:44
jeagleyep! I'm on the verge of automating this entire process but that is my only road block :)15:44
B0naparteThank you guys!15:44
ikonia!cloak > B0naparte15:44
ubottuB0naparte, please see my private message15:44
B0naparteMan, people are more friendly here than #2600.15:45
jeagleSlart: forgot to add your name :3 yep! I'm on the verge of automating this entire process but that is my only road block :)15:45
Slartjeagle: this sounds interesting.. I'll look around and see what I can find.. I'll get back to you if I find something interesting15:45
napsterpopey: I couldn't find kazam in the repos. I see a launchpad ppa. Did you fetch from there?15:45
slakcphilikonia, how can you be so sure when I could run scientific linux with no freeze issues, you must be a canonical cronie15:45
popeynapster: yes, there is a kazam channel also, worth joining15:46
ikoniaslakcphil: how long did I tell you to run it for15:46
jeagleSlart: Thank you! ^-^ All it needs to do is for each file that is combined... Create a bookmark. I was hoping that was standard in ghostscript but I was wrong. :(15:46
napsterpopey: ok, ty15:46
slakcphilikonia, get off you high horse!15:46
ikoniaslakcphil: no, you ask for help, then ignore the help,15:46
popeynapster: its under active development, developer appreciates feedback and bug reports ☺15:46
ikoniaslakcphil: if you are not willing to follow the advice, what is the point of asking for help15:46
juruaalguem poderia da uma ajuda?15:46
slakcphilikonia, i do not appreciate your tone15:47
slakcphilikonia, i thought you were taller than a troll15:47
ikoniaslakcphil: I don't appreciate you wasting my time asking for help then ignoring it15:47
juruana minha configuração de MAC para o serviço da net15:47
Slartjeagle: I'm guessing in a worst case scenario you have to figure out how many pages each pdf/image contains and calculate the page numbers to input in the pdfmarks file.. but perhaps there is an easier way15:47
slakcphilikonia == troll15:47
somsipslakcphil: ikonia = op. Bye15:47
ikoniaslakcphil: then I suggest you find your own way to resolve the problem, best of luck15:47
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nivyajikonia: it didnt show up after doing the deb install15:48
napsterpopey: ok, I would like it. Does it work without glitches now?15:48
nivyajikonia: but i saw it NOW in the application listings15:48
jeagleSlart: I agree! However, programmatically (I am using bash scripting) that might be a little tough haha! or I should say, I have no idea how to do it. :)15:48
Slartjeagle: are you first converting xls and whatnot to pdf and then merging the pdfs?15:48
ikonianivyaj: ahhh great, they did,15:48
popeynapster: its pretty reliable, yes15:48
ikonianivyaj: that's dissapointing, I was hoping they had put an icon/launcher in for you15:48
jeagleSlart: Correct!15:48
napsterpopey: ok, then expect another active tester :)15:48
nivyajikonia:  so can i justdrag and drop it into my ribbon?15:48
Slartjeagle: bash can do some wonderful things.. you just have to threaten it in the right way =)15:48
BussDriverhi everyone, I'm afraid I've horribly broken my AMD driver install.. thankfully, I managed to boot with the open-source drivers again just now, but compositing isn't working - I'm getting libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:49
ikonianivyaj: honestly not quite certain as I've not used it, only going from reading the instructions, but I'd guess so, yes15:49
jeagleSlart: I like the way you think! :)15:49
slakcphilikonia, i should almost let it run for 3 days, just to prove you wrong15:49
ro0otwhat is the backtrack room?15:49
ikonianivyaj: please note "just a guess"15:49
ikoniaslakcphil: that's not what I told you to do15:49
ro0oti know i was here before....sorry15:49
ikoniaro0ot: #backtrack-linux15:49
nivyajikonia: it worked. thanks15:49
ikonianivyaj: excellent, well done15:49
ro0otI got banned for some reason....15:50
ikoniaro0ot: contact the ops of the channel, the guys in #freenode maybe able to help if you are not sure how15:50
ro0otIs there anyone here who could help me...I know this isn't the right room but I would greatly appreciate it15:50
BussDrivercan someone help me manually remove fglrx (the uninstall scripts aren't working), and then ensure I have the open-source drivers installed properly again?15:50
slakcphilikonia, you should not be so arrogant, there are enough arrogant people in this community, I had thought better of you..15:51
ikoniaslakcphil: please find your own way now15:51
ikoniaslakcphil: I gave you advice, explained why your previous test didn't show any errors, and you've ignored it and called me names for advising you correctly, so best of luck15:51
mndojurua, nem toda a gente fala portugues aqui / not all knows portuguese around here15:51
slakcphilikonia, you did not say why the two memtest passes told me wrong!15:52
ikoniaslakcphil: I explained to you about you need to leave it for at least 12 hours (when you told me you ran it for 20 minutes)15:52
ikoniaslakcphil: good luck, I don't wish to discuss this further15:52
slakcphilikonia, don't be such a fool15:53
juruamndo, mas você poderia da esta ajuda15:53
ikoniaslakcphil: please stop calling me names15:53
xangua!pt | jurua15:53
ubottujurua: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:53
juruapois não sou bom em15:54
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia15:54
ro0othow do i find my wireless card in ubuntu?15:54
ikoniaro0ot: please ask in #backtrack-linux15:54
ikoniaro0ot: you are not using ubuntu15:54
ro0otikonia: please i just need the one command15:54
LulzCatikonia: racist.15:54
jeagleSlart: Hey Slart, did you want to see my script? :) Don't make fun of me though, this is my first program with Bash lol. :)15:54
ro0oti will leave after that15:54
ikoniaro0ot: you are not using ubuntu15:54
LulzCatro0ot: lsusb15:55
ro0otthey dont help in that channel and bt5 is based on ubuntu15:55
ro0otthank you lulzcat15:55
ikoniaro0ot: they do help, please use the channel correctly15:55
ro0otthey dont15:55
ro0otits one fucking answer15:55
FloodBot1ro0ot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
Slartjeagle: not necessary.. I'm just banging something up that creates that pdfmarks file for you.. then you can use that like in that example I sent the url to.. would that work?15:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:55
jeagleSlart: OMG I LOVE YOU! :D15:55
jeagleSlart: I really appreciate the help! You are awesome! :)15:56
Slartjeagle: I'm not awesome.. I'm bored and I don't want to do the dishes.. this is the perfect excuse =)15:56
jeagleSlart: haha great! :D15:57
almoxarifei am guessing #backtrack eats its own15:57
meerkatsin GNOME GUI, where do I find the trash?15:57
mndo /msg ubottu !alis15:58
SmartToweli need to use wget to download a dir from a ftp.  but i only want to download the directory with ##### as the directory name.  any suggestions?15:58
ts2SmartTowel: what's the problem then?16:00
OerHeksSmartTowel, what ftp accepts ###### ??? never heard of that.16:00
p3rroranyone experienced with screen16:00
p3rrormultiuser on16:00
SmartTowelsorry, i just mean a number16:00
epodmeerkats: you can turn on 'display trash on desktop' in the nautilus control centre, or you could just manually empty your ~/.Trash directory16:00
p3rrori get this error message Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/8' - please check.16:00
SmartTowelmaybe i should of put 12345 instead16:00
SmartToweli think -A option is what i need.16:00
WintersVsUbuntuhello, how can i install 'telepathy -idle' for InstantMessenger to use IRC in Ubuntu 11 (in this momment im in windows)16:01
compdocwhen you do a sudo apt-get upgrade from the command line, it doesnt tell you that you need to reboot even after a kernel upgrade. Is there some info out there on the web that can tell me what packages require a reboot when they're upgraded?16:02
gulzarThe command {ps -e} lists all the running apps. How to save this list in variable or array and add it in listbox? c , c++ or python any language example will work. Don't know where to ask such question so asked here..16:02
Slartjeagle: it's looking good.. just some small things left now16:02
xanguacompdoc: the indicator session icon gets red when you need to restart16:03
ikoniagulzar: #bash16:03
jeagleSlart: Thank you so much Slart^-^ Take your time, I am in no hurry. :)16:03
gulzarikonia: Ok16:03
xanguacompdoc: well when you have to apply the changes, not Need ;)16:03
compdocxangua, well, I'm doing this via ssh, so Im not seeing any icons. I know a kernel update requires a reboot, but I was wondering what other updates would require one16:04
epodcompdoc: generally a kernel update is about it.16:05
xanguacompdoc: if it has to do with the hardware it needs a reboot16:05
meerkatsshould I assume most of ubuntu users use the ubuntu GUI? no gnome nor kde?16:05
compdocok, thanks16:05
dlentzmeerkats, no16:05
xanguameerkats: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu kde16:05
dlentzxangua, he meant unity vs. gnome-shell16:05
meerkatsa crap sorry16:06
meerkatsyes, I meant unity16:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:06
epodmeerkats: gconf-editor used to have the setting you want to put trash on desktop, but I don't know if it's still in gnome3.16:06
BarbariandudeGood evening ladies and gentlemen16:07
dlentzBarbariandude, good morning ;)16:08
BarbariandudeAwfully quiet. Has the impossible happened and ubuntu is now bug-free?16:09
=== Ramon is now known as anonACS
OerHeksBarbariandude, well, bug1 not solved yet.16:10
anonACSNew: Reports that http://www.anti-piracy.be is Tango Down | #Anonymous #OpMegaupload16:10
ikoniaanonACS: that's nothing to do with ubuntu16:10
BarbariandudeTrue that :P Windows in decline as of MS' latest quarterly earnings, so there is hope16:10
LJN5Guys movie player opens up when I insert a DVD. How do I change it to VLC?16:11
ikoniaanonACS: you where told to stop doing that earlier by ljl16:11
style_hi community !16:11
Barbariandudestyle_, o/16:11
style_yeah ! barbar !16:11
jeagleAnonACS; You are attaching ACS to your "Anon" name so you are not actually anonymous... :P16:11
BarbariandudeLJN5, Right-click on the file you want to auto-use VLC with, hit use with another application, select VLC and make it the default16:12
LJN5Ah thanks16:12
BarbariandudeMy pleasure16:13
Slartjeagle: have a look at this.. worked for me when I tried it   http://pastebin.com/MGeFwaTP16:13
molgrumhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/810822/ does anyone know which libraries i'm missing?16:13
style_insomnia with my scanner configuration !16:13
style_any help !16:13
style_any help ?!16:13
Barbariandudestyle_, whats going on exactly?16:13
Slartjeagle: save it into a file called something.sh .. keep the pdf's in the same folder and then run it "sh something.sh"16:13
konserwjoin #Megaupload16:14
Barbariandudebrb, making coffee, will read it when I get back style_16:14
jeagleSlart: Thank you, give me a second to review. :) I might have to add on to it. I have several folders that has several pdf merging files that it might have to itterate through.16:14
Slartjeagle: ah.. noticed an error.. an empty rm.. try this file instead http://pastebin.com/Cjqs8RuS16:14
style_i can't scan on epson sx130 !16:15
=== federico is now known as Guest52225
Barbariandudestyle_, You're using simple scan?16:16
NelsonManyone know the modern solution for the realtek r8169 vs r8168b ethernet driver problem? Lots of web pages about it, but old data. I'm running ubuntu 11.10 and its 3.0 kernel.16:16
jeagleSlart: This looks like it will work! I believe I can incorporate it into my code. :)16:16
style_yeah !16:16
jeagleso at the end16:16
Slartjeagle: ah.. then you would have to do some magic on line 11.  $(ls *.pdf)  should return the full path of all the pdf's you want to process.. you can change it to some other command like $(find /somefolder | grep -i pdf) or similar16:16
Slartjeagle: or just use the loop in your own script16:16
=== chris is now known as Guest66218
NelsonMapparently most linux distros install the wrong ethernet driver on this very common realtek 8168b chipset. it's kind of a crazy big bug16:17
jeagleSlart: So at the end of my script, I have it itterating through each folder, I think i can squeeze this in. :)16:17
jeagleSlart: yep! :)16:17
jeagleSlart: I'll stick around here and see if I can get it working. I'll let you know upon my success thanks again so much! :)16:17
Slartjeagle: you're welcome.. hope you get it working16:18
compdocNelsonM, Ive seen issues with some realtek nics16:18
Zurosxeayhello, what i can do to restore mbr?16:18
Zurosxeayi lost it16:18
jeagleSlart: I will! I will not give up! I have gotten this far with your help! :D16:18
Zurosxeaybecause it´s complaining with Read error, ideas??16:18
NelsonMcompdoc: the problem here is the wrong driver gets loaded. it's almost compatible, but not quite. ie: eth0 takes 100+ seconds to initialize on boot16:18
compdocZurosxeay, boot the Live CD, and check the smart data with the disk utility16:19
style_when using simple scan , no device is listed !16:19
Zurosxeayyes, i did, and im on lcd16:19
style_hey barbarian ! any help !16:19
compdocNelsonM, I've never realized it actually works after a while. When I have the issue, I use a different nic16:20
ryannathanshow can I edit the timeout for apt-cacher16:20
compdocZurosxeay, open the disk util then. does it see the drive?16:20
t4untHey guys. I'm trying to load ubuntu onto my newly-built computer via bootable usb.16:20
NelsonMcompdoc: yeah, understood. unfortunately this NIC is the built-in one on ASUS Sandy Bridge motherboards. it'd be nice if Ubuntu worked out of the box16:20
NelsonMt4unt: I just did that, worked great!16:21
Zurosxeaycompdoc: currently smart haves 150 bad clusters, yesterday it was 133 after cleaning ubuntu fs, and before that, 66 bad clusters16:21
=== Guest52225 is now known as effex89
Barbariandudestyle_, Try some of the stuff here: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.ubuntu-fr.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fpid%3D6164631&act=url16:21
t4untNelsonM, great! maybe you could help me out a bit16:21
compdocZurosxeay, you mean reallocated sectors? and the last value is the important one16:21
style_I will ! many thanks !16:21
Zurosxeayhmm yeah, that, itś id 19716:21
compdocZurosxeay, you need to recover what data you can, and get a new drive16:22
Zurosxeay150 bad clusters it says16:22
Zurosxeayumm, oh well, is alot of info :(16:22
t4untthe BIOS recognizes that the usb is connected. I selected "Enter boot menu" (is that was I was supposed to select? and now It is taking quite a long time. Is this normal? Did I approach this correctly?16:22
compdocthey never go bad when its a good time to go bad16:22
Zurosxeaycompdoc: ok, so i need to replace this disk?16:22
h00kt4unt: Your BIOS is entering the boot menu, it's trying to figure out devices it can boot from. It hasn't gotten to the USB device yet to even boot Ubuntu16:23
h00kt4unt: it isn't quite there yet.16:23
compdocyes, if you are reading the data right. does Disk Util say the disk is healthy?16:23
compdocZurosxeay ^16:23
Zurosxeayand what i do with the backup? because of corrupt sectors....16:23
compdocwhatever files are on those bad sectors is going to be corrupted16:24
t4untSo should it take quite a while? and what happens after It enters the boot menu?16:24
t4unt^ h00k16:24
Barbariandudet4unt, if your BIOS' boot menu doesn't work right for whatever reason, you could try just changing the boot order (should be a seperate section somewhere)16:24
h00kt4unt: When it enters the boot menu, it'll show you devices you can boot from.  There you'd pick the USB drive16:24
compdocZurosxeay, whatever files are on those bad sectors is going to be corrupted16:25
molgrumhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/810822/ does anyone know which libraries i'm missing?16:25
ryannathanshow can I edit the timeout for apt-cacher16:25
t4untthe boot menu worked quickly when I tested it BEFORE the USB was connected. Should I keep waiting or try another menu?16:25
NelsonMt4unt: when you get it booting Ubuntu correctly, the first thing you'll see from Ubuntu is a language selection screen16:26
ryannathansapt-cacher is the biggest crap out16:26
t4untthanks NelsonM16:26
Barbariandudet4unt, boot menu shouldn't be taking that long. I'd say try looking for boot order elsewhere in BIOS16:26
Zurosxeaycompdoc:  yeah, it says that the disk is healthly(smart green circle) and it says, Disk has a few bad sectors16:27
DarkfrostStill no luck getting Wi-Fi working, been trying for 3 days now ;_;16:27
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jAyenGreen_Confused. Using 11.10. Installed LAMP. Was trying to find why apache error file says no such function as mysql_connect. I see that the extensions directory only has pdo.so, the config.d file only mentions pdo.so, and the php.ini file doesn't list any extensions at all16:28
PhonicUKhey all, for some reason my post-up lines in /etc/network/interfaces aren't running on 11.10 Server16:28
Zurosxeaycompdoc: only, the read error rate is non-zero vaule and it says  good? lol why? and yes, id 197 says warning16:28
compdocZurosxeay, ok, but if the numbers of sectors is growing as you say, it will be showing red soon. In any case, I replace the drive if there's more than one or two bad sectors. The drive is going bad. I repair computers for a living, and Ive seen this a lot16:29
BarbariandudejAyenGreen_, you might have more luck in #apache16:29
jAyenGreen_Barbariandude: perhaps... but I was thinking it might be a package issue16:29
jAyenGreen_seems to be a php problem, not an apache problem16:29
jeagleSlart: Well, it looks like it is working, however, It appears as though the chapters might be a little off, for example each starting file the chapter goes maybe +1 or +2 pages ahead, It could be that my pdf view sucks lol16:30
Zurosxeayok,how it can be that the disk is corrupted too soon??16:30
jeagleSlart: Instead of chapter names, I need them to be the filenames, is that possible? :)16:30
mang0Empathy messenger tells me I have a new contact request for my MSN acct. How do I accept it from Empathy? I can't find it listed anywhere!16:30
Slartjeagle: hmm.. you can check with "pdfinfo  somefile.pdf" and see how many pages it reports.. see if it matches the actual number of pages you see in a pdf viewer16:31
compdocZurosxeay, in Disk Util, youre reading the Value data? And not Normalized or Worst?16:31
Zurosxeaycompdoc yes, \16:31
jeagleSlart: ok I'll check! :)16:31
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
compdocits going bad16:31
medflyI am trying to install ubuntu on an eeepc and it goes to initramfs when I boot up with the usb stick.16:31
medflywhat am I supposed to do with that?16:31
WintersVsUbuntua useless question, what is the meaning of 'sudo'16:32
Slartjeagle: sure.. change   [/Title (Chapter $ChapterNumber)   to   [/Title ($ChapterNumber. $f)  or something else..($f was my variable for the filename).. you can add other stuff if you want.. just be careful with weird characters like åäö and such16:32
Zurosxeaycompdoc: ok, i got to go, i come later, ok?16:32
jeagleSlart: So far it's looking good! woot! I'm excited about this! I couldn't have done it without you! :)16:32
compdocgood luck16:32
Zurosxeaysee you :)16:33
jeagleSlart: RIght, I have another script that replaces any odd characters and empty spaces :)16:33
compdocWintersVsUbuntu, runs commands as root, and elevated permissions16:33
compdocSU = super user16:33
PhonicUKHey all, can anyone help with a networking issue? My post-up lines in /etc/networking/interfaces aren't being run and I can't find out why - this is on Server 11.1016:34
guest1234Is ndiswrapper wi-fi specific or can it be used tolaod windwos driver for audio, printers etc?16:34
mang0Empathy messenger tells me I have a new contact request for my MSN acct. How do I accept it from Empathy? I can't find it listed anywhere!16:35
Slartjeagle: I have to go now.. I'll be back later tonight. Catch me then if you have more questions or just ask in the channel... there are more bash-nerds sneaking around16:35
jeagleSlart: ok Slart! Thank you so much again, I appreciate it! :)16:35
Slartjeagle: you're welcome.. it was fun.. and I didn't have to do the dishes =)16:36
jeagleSlart: A symbiotic relationship! :P16:36
ampharosI lost my sound this morning - any ideas what happened?16:36
ryannathansampharos: have you checked under the couch?16:37
ampharosI'm not getting audio out of my speakers plugged into the rear or a pair of headphones in the front16:37
guest1234Is ndiswrapper wi-fi specific or can it be used tolaod windwos driver for audio, printers etc?16:37
binarykingplz help16:38
binarykingI can't record my voice on Ubuntu16:38
RiXtEr-Homeis there a faster way than du -hc to check the size of a directory?16:39
RiXtEr-Homenon gui that is.16:39
t4untI only have 2 USB ports right now. Before I get a splitter.....is there a way I can use my keyboard as my mouse, so that I can use 1 port for the OS USB and one port for the wifi adapter?16:39
epodt4unt: some keyboards have usb ports built in them for mice, etc.16:40
t4untMine doesn't, it's an older molde, epod.16:40
t4untI'm not sure if Ubuntu supports keyboard as mouse,  as windows does.16:40
epodt4unt: then all you could do is get a hub or new keyboard, or use accessability settings to use keyboard keys to move your mouse pointer, but... that's inefficient.16:41
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epodt4unt: oh if thats what you want, yes, its in accessability settings I do believe16:41
t4untthat's where I looked earlier :\16:41
style_hi barbarian !16:41
style_it's me again !16:41
style_i tried what you advise but no results !16:42
Francis_Alberthi, how are you ?16:42
style_i think that there is superstition !16:42
style_no problems , many thanks !16:43
GonBluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick16:44
GonHow install it?16:44
datruth_how can I set my windows + d key to min all windows ?16:45
compdocdatruth_, you do know about the spot you can click that does that too?16:46
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick16:47
fellayaboyCan someone help me16:48
GonPlz hlp...16:48
v2Hi, i have to do a 6 screen desktop on linux with a macpro whose have 2 ati, i works fine on the second card so to make a three screen but not with the second.16:49
datruth_compdoc: yes but I want the windows +d key to work16:49
premananybody here16:49
compdocdatruth_, understood16:49
ryannathanshow can i search each file in a large repository for the regex .*\.ogg.*   ?16:49
ryannathansin file content16:49
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick. How install it . No need this package in maverick??16:50
fellayaboyI have a vnc server desktop ..someones always using it  ...can i log in using a different name so i coukd get my own session rather than sharing.or looking at thiers?16:51
llutzryannathans: grep -r yourregexp /path/16:52
ryannathansllutz: thanks16:52
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick. How install it . No need this package in maverick??16:52
AelingilA Coworker of mine recovered a botched 11.04 to 11.10 upgrade and lost his var/www folder after the recovery. I've used GDDRescue to image the hd, and then used scalpel & foremost and tried to pull the info from there. However it put everything into file type folder instead of the tree it was originally.  Is there a program that will let you view the data in the Tree it was original in?16:53
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick. How install it . No need this package in maverick??16:54
ryannathansllutz: in that case, why does .*\.ogg.* select words like logging   it should select .ogg16:54
GonAnyone... Plz hlp me.......16:55
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick. How install it . No need this package in maverick??16:55
ryannathansGon: what are you asking o.016:56
GonWhen using hcitool , bluez-utils not installation candidate in maverick. How install it . No need this package in maverick??16:56
ryannathansGon: that makes no sense to me16:56
GonHow to install bluez-utils in maverick16:57
AsterAlffWhere does Software Center save program directories in 11.10?16:57
auronandaceAsterAlff: i think you are thinking in terms of windows16:58
pip__is it safe to shutdown my rig using "sudo shutdown -h now" from terminal?16:58
AsterAlffI probobly am.16:58
ryannathanspip__: I hope so, i have been doing that all this time with my server16:58
AsterAlffBut where does it have directories then?16:58
pip__lol, thanks16:58
overdubpip__: yes, that's an acceptable way to shut down your computer16:58
auronandaceAsterAlff: all over the place16:58
AsterAlffI wanted to add a library to Code::Blocks, but I can't find the place where it's installed.16:58
AsterAlffHow do I know where?16:58
pip__thanks I'm being very minimal & dont have a graphical option16:59
auronandaceAsterAlff: what are you looking for specifically16:59
ryannathansGon: what command do you need?16:59
AsterAlffCompiler directories.16:59
Gonryannathans: how install bluez-utils in maverick16:59
ryannathansGon: when I need something bluetooth related and it's not installed I just install the bluetooth package and whatever bluez I can if it's still not working17:00
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Gonryannathans: no need of bluez-utils package in maverick???17:01
ryannathansGon: I don't know, you're hard to understand17:02
WordpressNoobhey guys, i just installed ubuntu server 11.10 and tried to install a basic gui. now my system seems to hang and i can't do anything17:02
GonDo you know hcitool?17:02
ryannathansGon: yes17:02
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WordpressNoobany ideas on what i should do next? i don't see a command line or any gui17:03
ryannathansWordpressNoob: what is it hung on17:03
WordpressNoobryannathans: i'm a noob to linux to bare with me, but it seems to say Mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth. Then next line *PulseAudio configured for per-use sessions17:03
WordpressNooband that's it17:03
ryannathansWordpressNoob: booting the gui eh, push up or down arrow, does anything happen?17:04
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GonOk, i trying to pair my mobile to computer via bluetooth using hcitool in maverick. Do you understand?17:05
ryannathansGon: without gui? never tried, is the command missing?17:06
Ivoz_how can i make SMPlayer the default player for media files?17:06
Ivoz_I've tried setting it as the default in System Info, it doesn't seem to have any effect17:06
WordpressNoobryannathans: when i push up or down it prints ^[[B17:06
WordpressNoobor ^[[A17:06
sobakabobikwho can help ma with hybrid graphic?17:07
ryannathansWordpressNoob: there's a key binding that will give you a console, i forgot, maybe alt+f2 or something17:07
heloi created a live cd using unetbootin, and then installed ubuntustudio packages. now when it boots it drops to console and shows several lines with only "Authentication failure"17:08
ubuntu1234Hello world17:08
AsterAlffAnyone know where Code::Blocks is installed in 11.10?17:08
helo"a live cd on usb"17:08
Ivoz_ryannathans: in ubuntu you need toconfigure it in keyboard shortcuts17:08
sobakabobikheeelp plz17:08
[u]serwhat kind of package do you need to install to get db_load working on ubuntu? its supposed to be somekind of db*-util17:08
Gonryannathans: yes without gui. hcitool need bluez-utils. In maverick when i trying to install bluez-utils that not installation candidate17:08
theadminAsterAlff: "where" in Linux doesn't make sense, we don't have program files or somesuch. The binary would be /usr/bin/codeblocks17:08
newtonbonjour à tous17:09
ubuntu1234I have some serious problem17:09
WordpressNoobryannathans that works, thanks17:09
AsterAlfftheadmin, Oh, I see.17:09
WordpressNoobryannathans any recommendations on how i can repair the boot?17:09
ubuntu1234I have no iso image for Ubuntu 11.0417:09
theadmin!fhs | AsterAlff17:09
ubottuAsterAlff: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier17:09
ryannathansGon: sudo apt-get update17:09
ryannathansWordpressNoob: not off the top of my head, try a reboot?17:09
na3rhow can i connect ssh through socks5 proxy?17:09
na3ri'm newbi17:10
sobakabobikhelp me plz with hybrid graphic17:10
ubuntu1234I have only a Ubuntu 11.04 DVD from which the ubuntu installer crashes17:10
ryannathansna3r: there's some connector .c program you need to compile and use yourself, nothing native17:10
Gonryannathans: there is no.17:10
sobakabobikhelp me plz with hybrid graphic17:10
WordpressNoobryannathans all right wel thank you very much for the CLI. at least i can play with it17:10
ubuntu1234What can be a fast solution for fast installation of ubuntu 11.04 onto my machine?17:10
Ronis_BRhi all, is there a way to buy music in linux being outside USA?17:10
ryannathansGon: have you   sudo apt-get update17:10
na3rryannathans, where can i find that?17:11
sobakabobikhelp me plz with hybrid graphic17:11
ts2Gon: why do you think hcitool needs bluez-utils?17:11
radekBHi, I installed Unity 5 from PPA on Oneiric. Everything went fine, until I wanted to run deja-dup tool from the Dash. It launched System settings tool instead and this window keeps reappearing after closing. It steals focus until logoff17:11
Gonryannathans: in maverick no need of bluez-utils package??17:11
ryannathansna3r: google around17:11
CharminTheMooseDoes the initrd ramdisk get removed after the change to the real root or does it sit in RAM forever?17:11
ryannathansGon: idk what you are asking17:11
CharminTheMoose*init ramdisk even :P17:11
theadminradekB: Unity 5 is unstable and currently unsupported. See #ubuntu+117:12
radekBthe admin: OK, thanks17:12
sobakabobikhelp me plz with hybrid graphic17:12
t4untI was wondering which bitcoin mining software I should use with Ubuntu17:13
ryannathansanyone know how to unset RF-KILL via console17:13
ryannathanst4unt: cgminer17:13
ubuntu1234I am now using the ubuntu 11.04 DVD as a running live CD.17:13
sobakabobikhelp me plz with hybrid graphic17:13
zagibuRonis_BR: http://arts.guardian.co.uk/netmusic/page/0,,1127237,00.html17:13
Gonts2: hcitool no need bluez-utils ??17:13
theadmin!patience | sobakabobik17:13
ubottusobakabobik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:13
ts2Gon: no, it's not required17:14
ubuntu1234Is there a way to copy the squashfs image onto my target partitions without the need to the installer?17:14
Ronis_BRzagibu: but I mean something software-integrated, like iTunes17:14
ubuntu1234Oh God.17:15
ubuntu1234Ok I will try to do things my own way.17:15
t4untHow do I download cgminer? I'm new to Ubuntu....but there are many dl links on the page17:16
Gonts2: oh!. But can't pair with my mobile. Showing input/output problem17:16
auronandace!software | t4unt17:16
ubottut4unt: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:16
ts2Gon: well it's not due to bluez-utils, it's another problem17:16
Gonts2: what problm17:17
ts2Gon: I don't know what the problem would be, I don't use bluetooth17:17
zagibuRonis_BR: https://one.ubuntu.com/music/#toc_417:17
ryannathansrfkill is the biggest bloatware17:17
Gonts2: any tutorial??17:19
blitzI'm not very good at installing things still, can't someone help me through the process to correctly install http://c758482.r82.cf2.rackcdn.com/Sublime%20Text%202%20Build%202165%20x64.tar.bz217:20
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ts2Gon: the only guide I know of is the Ubuntu one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:21
blitzI downloaded, and tar'd it17:21
zagibuthere is either an install script, a ready executable, or you have to compile and install manually17:21
Gonts2: this tutor telling to install bluez-utils17:22
blitzit's a ready executable, where should I put it17:22
ts2Gon: no it doesn't, it says "bluez python-gobject python-dbus"17:22
CJRamzeHi All, I have a problem and I was wondering if anyone could help Its Java related if there are any experts out there?17:24
blitzjust ask17:24
Gonts2: ok, this is automatically install in maverick??17:25
ts2Gon: all those things should probably already be installed, yes17:25
auronandaceGon: you may want to install blueman too17:26
CJRamzeI've installed Ubuntu on my work machine as basically I want to move away from Windows and the servers we support use have an IPMI interface (Like KVM) that uses a Java applet to connect. It downloads a small file which you then open, it will open a java based window and connect through that. However under Ubuntu it seems to get stuck at 0% when opening and (I assume) authenticating and I suspect its a java issue but I'm not sure what to check or how to17:26
CJRamze check java logs17:26
blitzdo you have openjdk17:27
ryannathansCJRamze: are you using openjdk or sun java17:27
CJRamzeOpen JDK, I've not tried official Sun Java. Should I try that first?17:27
ryannathansCJRamze: well, removing openjdk and installing official has fixed all my problems17:28
Daxterim trying to upgradea corei5 machine that previously used 9.10 to 10.04, but it has random keyboard and mouse freezes. I tried disabling irqbalance but that didnt work, suggestions?17:28
CJRamzeAh I see. Ok, I'll try that first. Probably should of tried that before bothering peoples :) Be right back. Thanks17:28
blitzCJRamze, http://paste.ubuntu.com/810897/17:28
auronandaceDaxter: fresh install instead of upgrade17:28
Daxterauronandace: loling... i DID do a fresh install17:29
Gonaouranandace: this automatically install in maverick??17:29
Daxterhate ubuntu upgrades17:29
blitzthat's how to install the sun jdk using apt-get by using another repo17:29
auronandaceGon: no, sudo apt-get install blueman17:29
CharminTheMooseDoes the initrd get removed after the change to the real root or does it sit in RAM forever?17:29
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theadminCharminTheMoose: You don't understand what initcpio/initrd does, do you17:31
theadminCharminTheMoose: initrd is loaded in order to load the proper kernel modules, i.e. device drivers, after which it's gone from the RAM pretty much17:32
CharminTheMooseI get what the initrd is for, I just didn't know it magically removed itself afterwards.17:33
theadminCharminTheMoose: Well, some distros keep it forever (becuase they intend to run from RAM)17:33
theadminCharminTheMoose: Not the case with Ubuntu17:33
CharminTheMooseAh, that's cool, cheers. :)17:34
Daxteranyone know the tweak fgor getting hidden menu working in grub on multi-os systems? i did this before in 9.1 with someone threadd but he updated it and now the tweak he lsits is garbage for 10.0417:35
jrib!grub | Daxter17:35
ubottuDaxter: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:35
t4untHi, I just got Ubuntu loaded about half an hour ago, and it's I'm new to this OS. I'm using this newly-built computer for Bitcoin Mining, and I was told to use either poclbm miner or cgminer, but I'm having difficulty installing either of them on my machine.17:35
macroevolvehi guys - i was looking at scraping loads of information from the web.  I am new with all of this and am not very familiar with how Ubuntu works, etc..  Currently, the way I scrape is that I have 5 PCs (windows based) just running the scripts.  I want to scle up and have two servers sitting here unused (each have 10 1TB drives, 16GB ram, and quad core processor)... Unfortunately I don't know17:36
macroevolvewhere to begin, or even what to ask someone I want to hire to do.  My intention is to have each virtual machine created be under a VPN to hide my personal IP address.  Hopefully someone could point me int he right direction on what I should be looking for/best way to do this17:36
m4kauronandace: sorry. N/W problm17:36
auronandaceDaxter: i think you just edit /etc/default/grub17:36
auronandacem4k: ??17:36
philipballewmacroevolve, your running a server?17:36
Daxterthere was a script conditional you had to disable to get it to work... jusat which one now....17:37
macroevolvephilip:  yes I have 2... they are kind of just sitting here doing pretty much nothing17:37
m4kauronandace: sorry, n/w problem. I'm Gon17:37
auronandacem4k: oh17:37
macroevolvephilip:  i have 6 pcs at home.. one i am using now.. the other 5 are scraping data.. i am thinking that there must be a better way to do this then to have my scripts run one per physical PC.. it takes a lot of space too17:37
m4kauronandace: yeh, i will contact you later. Now im not in computer room. I'm chatting from my mobile17:39
DragonSlayi've installed enlightenment recently and didn't like it. so unistalled it. how can i get back my previous window manager in gnome?17:39
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auronandaceDragonSlay: unity? gnome3? or gnome2?17:43
theadminDragonSlay: Metacity (or Compiz) should autostart in Gnome.17:43
DragonSlayauronandace, gnome217:43
DragonSlaytheadmin, it didn;t,17:43
auronandaceDragonSlay: compiz --replace17:43
auronandacei think17:43
zagibublitz: if the software extracts to a self-contained folder, and there is no install script, simply move the folder wherever you want17:43
theadminDragonSlay: metacity --replace &disown17:43
auronandacesorry, metacity for gnome 217:43
theadminauronandace: Compiz works with any desktop, so that would do17:44
auronandacetheadmin: if he has it installed17:44
zagibublitz: and if you want the executable to be globally available in the console, place a softlink to it in /usr/local/bin or so17:44
theadminauronandace: Ubuntu used to default to Compiz if drivers were working properly iirc17:44
theadminauronandace: At least in 10.0417:44
DragonSlaytheadmin, thanks, it worked.17:46
alteregodso again17:46
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mielotanyone having problems with rtl8191se in oneiric?17:49
macroevolvehi guys - wanted to see if anyone might have an answer to the above17:49
* mielot 17:49
Daxtermielot: i use rtl8192su (iirc) seems to wrk fine (i say this cause in 10.04 i use rtl8191se drivers for it)17:50
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p1k3Hello! I installed Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity, however I didn't like it and wanted to remove it and install XFCE using this guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce . There weren't any error messages but when I rebooted, the desktop doesn't load. Stucks at Checking battery state...17:57
Tixoshi, can someone explain how i can see /.marcomedia/Flash_player17:57
Tixosi cant open the DIR, and i cant SU to root frmo ubuntu ?17:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:58
auronandace!root | Tixos17:58
ubottuTixos: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:58
Tixosyes i know that17:58
Tixosbut you cant 'sudo cd'17:59
ubuntu1234If I need to manually setup the /etc/fstab, the third entry which points to the fs-type can be entered as defaults?17:59
auronandaceTixos: have you enabled seeing hidden folders in the file manager17:59
p1k3Tixos: sudo su17:59
jasefTixos, or sudo -i17:59
gui113Tixos: just try "sudo su", and the make the "cd..."17:59
auronandacep1k3: please don't advise that17:59
rcmaehlI have a question. I have 2 network cards in my PC. One is intergrated, the other is an expansion card. Is it possible to allow the expansion card to be used so taht I can hook another pc to the expansion card via ethernet and taht pc will have internet access from the ethernet cable that is connected to the intergrated card. Basically can I use the expansion card to hook another pc to the network through my pc?17:59
Tixosshh auronandace17:59
Tixosnot everyone is incapable18:00
Daxterrcmaehl: set the cadr you want to shar enbet access with ,the method so "shared with other computers" in network manager settings18:00
Daxterbad grammar day18:00
ubuntu1234Please guys answer my question18:00
auronandaceubuntu1234: pastebin your fstab18:01
Daxterright click network icon, chosse edit settings, the card you want to share access with set its method to shared with other computers18:01
Daxterubuntu1234: question was?18:01
rcmaehlDaxter: O_O is it really that easy>?18:01
Daxterrcmaehl: yes i do this myself actually18:01
ubuntu1234auronandace: I am setting it up now18:01
ubuntu1234I am reading the fstab man page and doing it manually18:01
ubuntu1234I have encountered a problem with running the installation scripts through the 11.04 DVD18:02
rcmaehlubuntu1234: DVD or liveusb?18:03
ubuntu1234I have manually completed the copying of the filesystem18:03
ubuntu1234rcmaehl: DVD18:03
auronandaceubuntu1234: so essentially you now have a frugal install?18:03
ubuntu1234I am completing the setup of the /etc/fstab manually18:03
rcmaehlauronandace: what's frugal mean?18:03
blitzthanks zagibu, and if I wanted to be able to run it via a command how would I put in on my path18:03
ubuntu1234and I will install grub on the MBR of the first HD manually too18:04
Daxterso rcmaehl set your expansion card to to 'shared with other computers'... they will be named as eth0 and eth1, use ifconfig in terminal to figure out which card belongs to which eth*18:04
rcmaehlDaxter: I know which card is which18:04
zagibublitz: like I said, put a softlink in /usr/local/bin18:04
ubuntu1234auronandace: What is frugal ?18:04
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blitzthat'll do it automatically?18:04
rcmaehlDaxter: the card that is the expansion card is not connected to the internet18:04
mie_maniezpulseaudio ----- >> E: main.c: Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.18:05
mie_maniezhow i can fix it?18:05
rcmaehlalso is there a linux distro that is small enough to run from a floppy disk?18:05
Daxterjust figuring out which card is which eth* is the trick... as networkmaanger goes by eth* not 'interal' and 'expansion' card18:05
DragonSlaytheadmin, when i log out and log in , metacity won't start by default, is there any option to set metacity to default18:05
auronandaceubuntu1234: you copied the live environment to a harddrive instead of installing normally (using a live system as a harddisk install is frugal)18:05
theadminDragonSlay: Just add "metacity --replace" to startup apps18:06
rcmaehlI got to go18:06
KrenairHow do I install OpenJDK 7 on Ubuntu 11.04?18:06
ubuntu1234auronandace: That is exactly what I have done18:07
KrenairLooks like it wasn't added to the natty repos...18:07
t4unt091Is there a guide to how I can install a bitcoin miner on my Ubuntu machine?18:07
ubuntu1234I have some experience with installing gentoo and lfs so It is not a problem for me to do it.18:07
DaxterKrenair: i thought v7 isnt released yet you have to add it manually18:07
auronandaceubuntu1234: why didn't you install like normal?18:07
DragonSlaytheadmin: ok..18:07
ubuntu1234auronandace: the installation process crashed.18:07
auronandaceubuntu1234: at what point?18:08
ubuntu1234auronandace: In copying the filesystem18:08
ubuntu1234It asked about the user information18:08
KrenairDaxter, JDK 7 reached General Availability on 28 July 2011.18:09
ubuntu1234and started to copy the filesystem18:09
ubuntu1234but it didn't finish18:09
ubuntu1234I had to manually do it.18:09
connor_Sup, I'm using XFCE and I accidentally stopped xfwm4 from starting when I log in, as a result, I can't focus any windows to type in a terminal to start xfwm4, how on earth would I get it started?18:09
Daxterhmm but still i thought java7 was still in testing..hmm have to look again18:09
auronandaceubuntu1234: hmm, odd, have you checked the harddisk for faults?18:09
KrenairDaxter, I was pretty sure that oneiric users can get it from the repos...18:09
ubuntu1234I have done mount -o bind /dev /target/dev and mount -o bind /proc /target/proc18:10
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.18:10
ubuntu1234auronandace: I have no HD errors18:10
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ubuntu1234It has completed the process normally with the bare cp CLI18:10
KrenairDaxter, that does not cover OpenJDK 718:12
connor_Got it restarted, I was able to type into firefox so I typed xfwm4 in the search bar, pressed alt f2 and copy pasted the text into there and had it run from a terminal18:12
ubuntu1234I need to manually setup 3 things: 1- the /etc/fstab, 2- Manually add my user information, 3- Manually install the boot lader.18:12
Daxteri typed that for myself lol18:13
ubuntu1234auronandace: Am I right?18:13
auronandaceubuntu1234: if you have experience with setting up gentoo and lfs i find it rather difficult to believe you are stuck on setting up fstab18:13
ubuntu1234I am not stuck, I am trying to make it like professional that is all.18:14
ubuntu1234auronandace: see?18:14
ubuntu1234so are the 3 steps right?18:14
auronandaceubuntu1234: i understand, but if the installer didn't finish i get the feeling that apt is going to be royally messed up18:15
ubuntu1234auronandace: so how to correct the apt problem from the chroot?18:15
auronandaceubuntu1234: i have no idea sorry :)18:15
acuIs anyone using BackupPC ? _ I wonder if there one can Search for a specific file which was backed up - Fom the cgi-bin (web interface) - by choosing the host of interest - there is a Browse Backup option which allows you to browse through the name of folders and files backed up - but I am looking for search function - I want to find a file and I do not know where it is ? Can anyone help ?18:16
auronandaceubuntu1234: i'm more of an archlinux guy so pacman is more my style than apt18:16
ubuntu1234auronandace: your point can be right and can be wrong though since the db would be copied.18:16
b1tbktin ubuntu livecd, what's responsible for creating the "install ubuntu" desktop icon? specifically, if I want to modify the RELEASE var that is called in the corresponding .desktop file, where would I do that?18:17
auronandaceubuntu1234: that is done after the user info, if i recall correctly, so if you need to manually add users chances are you'd need to fix apt18:17
auronandaceubuntu1234: if i were you i'd start over again and try with the alternate installer if the gui one is giving you trouble18:18
guntbertubuntu1234: did you md5sum check the iso?18:20
ubuntu1234It is correct since it was downloaded by torrent.18:21
auronandaceubuntu1234: so you did ms5sum the iso?18:21
phwHow can I get a serial console (server) on ubuntu?18:22
ubuntu1234auronandace: It is a recent problem and I didn't encounter this problem except today and I didn't md5sum the iso image.18:23
ubuntu1234It is on DVD now and I don't have the iso image anymore.18:23
zgrguys what key reveals grub menu? shift?18:23
ubuntu1234zgr: Esc?18:23
ubuntu1234zgr: Any key?18:24
auronandaceubuntu1234: have you installed it from that dvd before without problems?18:24
ubuntu1234auronandace: Yes18:24
auronandacezgr: yes, shift18:24
ubuntu1234I have checked it too through the Menu.18:24
auronandaceubuntu1234: oh, then the image is probably ok (unless the disk has been badly scratched since)18:25
zgrok thanks18:25
ubuntu1234auronandace: I honestly don't know.18:25
auronandaceubuntu1234: how many times has the gui install failed?18:26
ubuntu12343 times18:27
auronandaceubuntu1234: ok, i'd try the alternate installer18:28
ubuntu1234auronandace: I am having trouble with booting with the DVD though. I have done another way of downloading the CD isoimage for 11.04 and will put it on a usb flash.18:29
ubuntu1234and will use it for installation if the problem persists.18:30
auronandaceubuntu1234: sounds like the dvd is rather bad18:30
ubuntu1234auronandace: That is what I thought.18:30
graftubuntu1234: did you checksum your DVD image after downloading?18:31
ubuntu1234I wonder why do non-brand DVD get scratched and the ones used by good companies don't do so frequently.18:32
ubuntu1234graft: I didn't need to do so since I have downloaded it via torrent.18:32
proozWhat is wrong when i get Playback open error: -2,No such file or directory when i try to send sound through my device as a regular user, but it works fine with root? Yes, the user is in the audio group18:32
ubuntu1234which does the checking automatically.18:32
jutnuxubuntu1234: Why not put it in USB?18:32
ubuntu1234jutnux: I don't have the iso image anymore.18:33
grendal_primehey guys18:35
grendal_primehey...i got a pcmcia nic...it does not want to work..dmesg shows it pluges in..but nothing after that18:36
grendal_primeits for an older machine laptop and umm its a intel nic18:36
grendal_primeis there some package i need to install for....pcmcia?18:36
grendal_primewhat i get here in the middle of  a cycle dump?18:37
duryhurra for linux !!!! hi there all :)18:38
grendal_primewhats linux?18:38
alteregodsoccer league18:38
grendal_primeahh...ya i like soccer18:39
duryeverything you want18:39
alteregodbend it like grendal18:39
grendal_prime*&^% a right18:39
grendal_primedury, i need something that tells me the preasure of my tires...18:40
grendal_primelinux do that good?18:40
durythe more I use the more I like it :)18:40
k3s0A mechanic!18:40
Mark__Why is sudo bash harmful?18:42
edfeda lot of softwares have disapeared18:42
duryencourage yourself to use it :)18:42
sskalnikgrendal_prime:  http://www.obdtester.com/pyobd18:43
Mark__install gentoo18:45
grendal_primewait tell dury finds out he can use his old pent2's for router/vpn concentrators18:45
grendal_primeall hell is gonna break loos in here18:45
sskalnikgrendal_prime:  I think there is an OBDII logger in one of the official repos. To, you know, answer your rhetorical question. ;)18:45
grendal_prime? you mean the tire preasure joke or the actually pcmcia card probalme?18:46
sightlightim in ubuntu 9.04 and im trying to find drivers for GMA 500 GPU18:46
sskalnikgrendal_prime:  The tire pressure joke. No idea on the actual problem you need help with, unfortunately.18:47
jasef!language | Mark__18:47
ubottuMark__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:47
grendal_primeahhh  nothing like gay bashing to start the day out18:47
apsuvaMark__ get out #gentoo18:47
auronandace!9.04 | sightlight18:47
ubottusightlight: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.18:47
grendal_primeya sightlight good distro...but ummm might want to go with 10.04 at least18:48
sweb1my cron not work every minutes18:48
sweb1crontab -e18:48
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jasefThanks, Myrtti. I didn't want to pull the ops trigger in case I wasn't supposed to :) you saved me the trouble18:48
theadminsweb1: You need "/usr/bin/wget", not just "wget"18:48
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llutzsweb1: "1 * * * * .."  is h+01 every hour, not every minute18:49
theadminsweb1: Also, that's not every minute, that's "every first minute", which is pretty much "every hour"... Every minute would be */118:49
mang0I'm trying to set up gwibber on ubuntu 11.10, but I can't seem to add an acct correctly. When I try to add my twitter acct, I put in my user/pass to authenticate etc, but then I don't get any updates on my timeline, just a blank screen. The same with Facebook. What'm I doing wrong?18:50
sweb1*/1 * * * * is correct ?18:50
jribsweb1: the /1 is redundant18:50
theadminsweb1: Yes, that will do -- you want something like */1 * * * *  /usr/bin/wget --spider http://localhost/action18:50
theadminjrib: Oh, indeed, lol18:51
jasefWhat is libreoffice-l10n-common? I'm getting an autoremove option for it.18:51
asainthello guys I updated to 11.10 recently and I want to use the old gnome desktop ........... how can i do that?18:51
theadminjasef: As the name suggests, common files for libreoffice localiztion.18:51
auronandaceasaint:you don't18:51
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auronandace!gnome2 | asaint18:51
ubottuasaint: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.18:51
theadminasaint: You can't. Try Xubuntu.18:51
mang0asaint: sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback iirc18:51
mang0check online though18:52
theadminmang0: Doesn't work in Oneiric18:52
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:52
theadminmang0: Gnome2 ain't supported you know18:52
jaseftheadmin, so is it safe to perform autoremove on it? It's also suggesting I remove libnl2, and flashplugin-downloader, but I know what the last one is.18:52
sweb1jrib, theadmin, llutz: ty guys18:52
theadmin!info libnl218:53
ubottulibnl2 (source: libnl2): library for dealing with netlink sockets. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0-1 (oneiric), package size 159 kB, installed size 452 kB (Only available for linux-any all)18:53
theadminjasef: Eh... might be a bad idea to remove that one18:53
mang0theadmin: Ah, oky18:53
jasefThen... I wonder why it's letting me auto-remove it.18:53
asaintis there anyway to have the look at least like customizing the start menu ......... etc18:53
theadminjasef: Some dependency mess. Do: sudo apt-get install libnl2 flashplugin-downloader (you sure it's "downloader", not "installer"?)18:54
grendal_primeok pcmcia started working?18:54
grendal_primebut ill take what i can get18:54
t4unt091install python-pyopencl subversion.  --- what does this mean?18:54
grendal_primei did install some laptop utils18:54
grendal_primemaybe it was in there18:54
FloodBot1grendal_prime: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:54
theadminjasef: That will make it marked as "manually installed", and as such apt won't autoremove it18:54
jasefNope, it definitely says downloader. Is that plugin just for Firefox, btw?18:54
theadminjasef: Any browser with NPAPI support (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface). That means Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, Opera, many others.18:55
asaintrepeating >is there anyway to have the look at least like customizing the start menu ......... etc18:55
auronandaceasaint: in unity and gnome3? don't hold your breath18:55
jaseftheadmin, oh... I thought Chrome had built-in flash. Ah well, the dependency problem is probably because I'm on 12.04, thanks for your help18:56
theadminjasef: Chrome does have built-in flash, but it still supports NPAPI18:56
theadminjasef: So I have no reason to take it out of the list18:56
asaintauronandace so the alternative is KDE18:57
jaseftheadmin, okay, I just didn't know, that's all. Didn't mean any offence.18:57
auronandaceasaint: my favourite is xfce (lxde is rather nice too)18:57
theadminasaint: XFCE is closest to Gnome2.18:58
theadminjasef: None taken\18:58
asaintauronandace never logged on to any of the one you mentioned before I will try them ..... am not a fan of KDE18:58
theadminBah, damn backslash key >.<18:58
jaseftheadmin, =) alright, cool.18:59
t4untis this reversible ?  -sudo apt-get remove nvidia-common18:59
jasefI hate asking another question so soon, but was just updating and got an error at the end that said "WARNING: gnome-keyring:: no socket to connect to", is this something to worry about?18:59
jaseft4unt, sudo apt-get install nvidia-common18:59
asaintauronandace - theadmin thanks18:59
theadminjasef: Probably yes, if you DO use gnome-keyring. By the way, Precise is not supported here, go to #ubuntu+119:00
auronandaceasaint: no worries :)19:00
jaseftheadmin, alright, thanks. I'll go ask them to make sure it's all working. Sorry for posting here, just did it because I did notice it in 11.10 when I had it too19:01
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Ivoz_how would you find out which users are in a particular group?19:04
theadminIvoz_: groups USERNAME19:04
theadminIvoz_: Oh, sorry19:05
Ivoz_theadmin: no, I want the other way around19:05
grendal_primethis is why i lover ubuntu...19:06
Ivoz_users GROUP doesn't work though, I don't think :P19:06
grendal_primesearch for the word Joke in there19:06
grendal_primeor better yet pencil19:06
theadminIvoz_: lid -g groupname19:06
WinnerForEverHow do  I get the free deskspace and information about my partitions from the terminal?19:09
graftgrendal_prime: wtf19:10
graftWinnerForEver: df19:10
graftWinnerForEver: or df -h19:11
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carbon_If I needed the dependency libqtcore4.  What would the full library package be.  Or where could I look it up to specifically say this dependency is in this package. Install this (x) developer package19:11
graftgrendal_prime: that pencil thing...19:11
grendal_primeoh the line about the nic not working19:11
graftgrendal_prime: yeah i read it, that's why i said wtf :)19:12
grendal_primeon that page there is a diagnostic error19:12
grendal_primeits funny hu19:12
oCeangraft: please don't use such language/acronyms here19:12
grendal_primei mean where use but ubuntu man pages to you get that sort of honesty19:12
grendal_primethey should actually put the wtf in the manual19:12
RF14what is ubuntu ?19:12
grendal_primeoops sorry19:12
oCeangrendal_prime: not laughing, stop it19:12
grendal_primeok sorry19:13
WinnerForEvergraft: Thanks, it worked!19:13
grendal_primehey RF14 i was told you can check your tire pressure with it19:13
t4unthey guys I just made a good deal of changes in terminal19:13
t4untbut i'm running ubuntu from a bootable usb. one of the commands called for sudo reboot19:13
MonkeyDustgrendal_prime  wrong channel19:13
t4untwere all my changes lost?19:13
graftcarbon_: you probably want to install the package libqtcore4, eh19:13
carbon_rf14: I thought it was a rectal exam19:13
RF14i'm serious what is ubuntu ?19:13
graftt4unt: what kind of changes?19:14
carbon_ graft:  Thats the package name itself.  Oh19:14
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dlentzcarbon_, libqt4-dev19:14
MonkeyDustRF14  ubuntu is an operating system that makes your hardware work19:14
user1Hey, how are you19:14
RF14MonkeyDust: ok19:14
tensorpuddingmost of your hardware works most of the time, anyway19:14
tensorpuddingubuntu makes no guarantees19:14
ix_how do I check a liveusb for defects? made with unetbootin19:15
carbon_dlentz: much obliged19:15
tensorpuddingunless your hardware was certified to work with ubuntu19:15
t4unttrying to install a miner19:15
user1Anybody can help me? i try to RUN MS-DOS application netword under ubuntu19:15
t4untsudo apt-get update19:15
grendal_primeRF14: if you want to use linux start with ubuntu.. it will probaly handle what ever you want to do...including desktop publishing and media editing..but there are several linux distrobutions if it does not focuse on what yo uneed19:15
t4untsudo apt-get install libqtgui419:15
graftt4unt: a bitcoin miner?19:15
t4untthen installed some drivers19:15
t4untgraft, yes19:15
user1Anybody can help me? i try to RUN MS-DOS application network under ubuntu. I can't :(19:16
t4untok well, I guess everything was lost19:16
MonkeyDustuser1  try wine19:16
t4untbecause "fglrxinfo" returns "command not found"19:16
sdferfxHello. I am trying to run KGPG from Unity. It doesn't seem to be working. It doesn't add a tray icon and I can't see it. Can you please tell me how to make KDE apps work correctly with Unity?19:16
user1I have wine, but it not work for me :(19:17
RF14grendal_prime: i'm not using linux19:17
carbon_user1:  try dosbox.  As for networking threw it.  Never tried.19:17
theadminuser1: Uhhh, dosbox?19:17
theadminuser1: Works well for DOS stuff19:17
user1MonkeyDust, Dosbox too19:17
user1and dosemu19:17
tensorpuddingapplication network?19:17
tensorpuddingwhat does that mean?19:17
user1the error for dosemu its: ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM19:18
tensorpuddingyou can use virtualbox or qemu to virtualize a pc, and install ms-dos in the machine19:18
user1I have a server WINServer2003Pro19:18
user1And a unit shared19:18
user1I mount thah unit in Ubuntu, i can read dis partition mounted19:19
user1but when i try to run msdos application19:19
tensorpuddingthey both have a not-too-hard-to-set-up NATed networking option that allows one-way access19:19
graftt4unt: why would everything be lost?19:19
t4untCan anyone help me? Is it possible to run a bitcoin miner on a Ubunut machine which is running on a bootable-usb?19:19
graftt4unt: oh, if you're running from USB, yeah, you probably lost it19:19
tensorpuddinguser1, "partition mounted" being some kind of SMB share?19:19
t4untgraft, becasue the OS isn't saved to a hard disk?19:19
t4untdamn :\19:20
graftt4unt: unless you setup your USB disk to have some save space19:20
Daxtert4unt: with bootable usb you can set it to save changes with the usb creator app in ubuntu19:20
sdferfxAnyone? It has to be a common question. I need KGPG tray to work in Unity.19:20
graftt4unt: which you can do, the USB creator will guide you through it19:20
user1The partition i mounted with SMB19:20
t4untok thanks I'm going to try taht now19:20
tensorpuddinguser1, have you tried running dosbox with the partition that you mounted using SMB being the C: drive?19:20
user1thensourpid, yes19:21
tensorpuddinguser1, what happened?19:21
user1not show me nothing in terminal19:21
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user1with dosemu: Show me -- ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM19:23
dlentzsdferfx, do any other kde/qt apps work with unity tray?19:23
user1i can change this path?19:23
tensorpuddinguser1, shows you nothing?19:23
tensorpuddinguser1, so the program crashed?19:23
tensorpuddingreally, the simplest way, if you have a license, is to virtualize some OS that the app is known to run on19:24
graftuser1: yeah virtualbox is free and works great, if you have a windows license19:25
sdferfxdlentz, yes, odesk team works with unity tray19:25
sdferfxI have not tried any other Qt/KDE apps19:25
grendal_primegrendal_prime: = vcp  (just incase you are looking for advice on virtualization)19:25
user1tensorpudding: when i try this: mount c /mnt/cres show this message. Directory /mnt/cres doesn't exist.19:25
user1graft: i have licence19:26
grendal_primewhat is the app you want to run?19:26
jdiggyI want to check whether Upstart is installed with a script. Any ideas? So far, my best idea is to check the output of `init --version`19:26
user1i try to run a aplication for bussines. It's very simple19:27
graftuser1: yeah just go with virtualbox, the networking should work seamlessly, uses native libraries, much better than trying to get dosbox or wine working19:27
graftuser1: what's the application?19:27
user1one time ago run good19:27
graftuser1: wine is unreliable that way, they're always fiddling with the libs19:28
user1my english is bad :(19:28
sdferfxhow do I get unity to tile?19:29
sdferfxi try dragging window to the left edge of screen and it just sits half off-screen19:29
user1all libs?19:29
tensorpuddinguser1, does that directory exist on your system?19:30
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graftuser1: never mind... just try virtualbox19:31
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grafthuh... grooveshark runs in HTML5 now?19:32
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user1thank you19:33
user0i installed ubuntu 10.4. i put my usb on my computer it does not appear to open it???19:36
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graftuser0: you might have to change your boot order in your BIOS19:37
dlentzsdferfx, do you have appmenu-qt package installed19:39
dlentz..and sni-qt?19:40
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sdferfxdlentz, no19:42
sdferfxunless they were installed automatically when I installed either odesk team viewer or kgpg19:42
sdferfxappmenu-qt is already the newest version. sni-qt is already the newest version.19:42
sdferfxso yes19:42
dlentzsdferfx, this is the closeest thing i could find19:45
ShishKababI think something on my network is messing with my DHCP. Weird addresses which don't work are handed out. If I take a static address, everything works. Does anyone know of a tool I can use to send a fake DHCP request so I can check with Wireshark who responds?19:45
regedareki`m looking for the cheapest VPS19:45
renemoraesmy print screen is returnin only a black screen with the mouse cursor... can anyone help me?19:46
northernenMy Unity sidebar only covers half the screen (height wise). What can be the issue?19:47
regedarekreinstall ubuntu19:47
renemoraesi'm using ubuntu 11.10 gnome 319:47
InventorHay alguien en español19:50
Inventorestoy intentando instalar ubuntu19:50
Inventorsobre windows19:50
Inventory mi ignorancia me rebasa!!!!19:51
Inventorresulta que descargué19:51
Inventorel wubi19:51
renemoraes@Inventor cual verson? y cual maquina?19:51
Inventorla máquina es armada19:52
Inventory el procesador es un atlhon II19:52
Inventor3.0 G19:52
renemoraesqueres intalalo sobre windows?19:52
InventorDe cualquier forma19:52
Inventorde haecho intenté bajar varias opciones19:52
dlentznorthernen, see if playing with this key in gconf-editor helps /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options/launcher_hide_mode19:53
Inventordice en la página que se puede hacer un CD de arranque19:53
dlentztry setting to 119:53
Inventorparece que además del Wubi19:53
Inventorhay que bajar una imagen del programa, es asi?19:54
Inventoral arrancar el wubi19:54
Inventordice que no hay nada en el disco 1, 2, 3 y 419:54
renemoraessi, un instante19:55
Inventorno te preocupes19:56
Inventorvoy escribiendo el relatorio y luego lo ves de un solo jalón....19:56
Inventortampoco soy muy rápido con el teclado19:56
Inventorel punto es que me generó un archivo de registro de error19:57
renemoraes@Inventor - Nunca he usado wubi. La mejor manera de instalar Ubuntu para mí es hacer un CD de instalación. descargar la versión de ubuntu y grabar en un CD con Nero o cualquier programa de Windows. Luego, inserte el CD y reinicie el equipo.19:58
Inventory lo que pude entender es que está buscando un CD o una imagen (archivo19:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:58
Inventorahora las descargas estan super lentas (5 horas dice el sistema)19:59
Inventorlo intentaré19:59
InventorGracias ubottu19:59
Inventorlo tendré en cuenta19:59
Slartthis channel is english only.. go to #ubuntu-es if you want to use spanish19:59
jdiggyI want to check whether Upstart is installed with a script. Any ideas? So far, my best idea is to check the output of `init --version`19:59
Inventorhave you some problem with spanish19:59
Inventormake some strange in your sistem???20:00
renemoraescan anyone help me with a print-screen problem?20:00
jribjdiggy: why do you want to check that?20:00
SlartInventor: I don't have a problem.. but the channel policies says "english only" for this channel20:00
jrib!ask | renemoraes20:00
ubotturenemoraes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:00
Inventorthanks bye20:00
Daxterrenemoraes: state question20:01
renemoraesmy print screen is returning as a black png file with the mouse cursor... i dont know why20:01
EzeQLhi , how can i check if i do have zlib installed?20:01
renemoraesit was working... after an update its start to work like this20:01
jribEzeQL: why do you need to know?20:01
EzeQLjrib, because a app keeps telling me that i dont have it20:02
renemoraesDaxter: do u know anything about it Daxter?20:02
EzeQLbut i think i do20:02
jribEzeQL: what app....?20:02
EzeQLIm trying to compile something20:02
jribEzeQL: right.  What are you trying to compile?20:02
Daxterwhat app you using renemoraes ? also what os version..never heard of this before20:02
jribEzeQL: haxe is in the repositories, install it using APT20:03
jrib!info haxe | EzeQL20:03
ubottuEzeQL: haxe (source: haxe): Web-oriented universal programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.7+20110131-3 (oneiric), package size 1162 kB, installed size 6196 kB20:03
renemoraesDaxter: i think its new... i'm using Ubuntu 11.10 Gnome 320:03
EzeQLjrib, i dont want the ver form the repo20:03
jribEzeQL: why?20:03
EzeQLi do want latest ver from svn20:03
EzeQLbecause its not updated20:03
renemoraesDaxter: i use the gnome-screenshot tot take the picture20:03
TucksHey guys.20:03
jrib!compile > EzeQL20:03
ubottuEzeQL, please see my private message20:03
angelo_Hello :)20:03
angelo_How can i download with irc?20:04
jdiggyjrib: I'm making a Ruby gem that has an install bin that installs an Upstart script. I want to check for Upstart before installing it. :)20:04
TucksI need some advice20:04
jribEzeQL: you need -dev versions of libraries if you want to compile with them, you should look into apt-get build-dep, more info at ubotut's link20:04
regedarekanybody knows where i find cheap VPS20:04
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angelo_How can i download?20:04
jribjdiggy: try #upstart maybe20:04
jdiggyjrib: there's an idea. Thanks. :)20:04
northernendlentz, it's not auto-hiding. It's just the bottom part seems to be missing, so the top half thinks it's at the bottom.20:04
Daxterweird renemoraes not sure what to tell you? did you update your graphics cdrivers( if any)20:04
jribregedarek: not here20:04
renemoraesDaxter: I guess i did an update this morning... it was a kernell-header update... didnt u get this one?20:05
Daxterrenemoraes: i dont use 11.10 so dont know about update20:06
bullgard6[Ubuntu 11.10, GNOME Shell 3.2.1] How can I determine if Gwibber is running or not?20:06
renemoraesDaxter: well.. thanks anyway... i will try to find something on askubuntu20:07
renemoraesDaxter: i really apreciate ur help Daxter20:07
chrstphrhrtanyone know how to change the screen brightness control step? i find that only having 5 steps is not fine-grained enough20:07
mithrophi here20:13
shizuo16Hello ubuntu community20:17
shizuo16Some one know how can i install windows in my disk without deleting ubuntu ?20:17
shizuo16Some one is here ?20:18
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
dimas_i did install more ram and now when i am looking at a video on youtube the computer goes to black screen with some codes but doesnt allow me to do nothing so i try check the ram and in the live cd doest show the check memory option in the grub menu so what should i do?20:19
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A|i3Nquestion... trying to install ubuntu 11.10 on a computer with 4 monitors, and a FirePro 2450 video card. Every time I load the proprietary driver, it'll boot to the ubuntu background and do nothing. No login box. I've even tried with just one monitor. Anybody have experience with this issue on this video card?20:19
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downbeamhey room20:19
downbeami'm new to this can someone help me?20:20
bullgard6!ask | downbeam20:20
ubottudownbeam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:20
shizuo16helllo some here ?20:20
bullgard6shizuo16: Yes.20:21
shizuo16well some one can tell me how can i install windows without removing ubuntu ?20:21
bullgard6!multiboot | shizuo1620:22
shizuo16bullgard6: well i can't install he told me to remove partition20:22
dimas_shizuo16,  install wine and then from wine you can install windows in ubuntu20:22
shizuo16This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.20:22
shizuo16dimas_: install wine then ..?20:23
bullgard6!dualboot | shizuo1620:23
ubottushizuo16: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:23
dimas_shizuo16, then when you open wine you will have the option to install windows20:23
shizuo16bullgard6: i'm asking how can i dualboot20:24
Humbedoohand he's giving you the answer20:24
shizuo16ubottu: page not found20:24
ubottushizuo16: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:24
Humbedoohshizuo16, there's something wrong with your browser then20:25
bullgard6shizuo16: And I gave you an answer through ubottu.20:25
Humbedoohall the pages you have been linked work just fine20:25
Humbedoohunless you are being censored20:25
KashyapGadahow to save a file edited by vim in terminal20:25
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EzeQLusr/lib/libz.so.1 , what doesnt that .1 means?20:25
EzeQLwhats the difference between .so and .so.1?20:26
trismKashyapGada: :wq20:26
Humbedoohit's a version number20:26
Myrttidimas_: please don't give bad advice20:26
shizuo16well thanks i'm tying to read the web page and i'll came back ^_^20:26
mithrophi here (again)20:26
mithropI'm looking on a way to simply give a try to Gnome. I'm in XFCE right now.20:27
HumbedoohEzeQL, libc is called libc.so.6 fx, if it is version 620:27
dimas_Myrtti, wine is not a good option to install windows inside ubuntu?20:27
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mithropIf I install ubuntu-desktop, I will have a lot of useless packages, isn't it ?20:27
Humbedoohwine isn't windows20:27
Myrttidimas_: no. it's impossible to install that way.20:27
LjLdimas_: WINE doesn't let you "install Windows in Ubuntu". it lets you run some Windows programs from inside Ubuntu.20:28
EzeQLHumbedooh ty20:28
dimas_Myrtti, sorry then as i thought i had done it before20:28
DJonesshizuo16: There's a section in the ubuntu documentation on how to install windows after you've installed Ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot20:28
DJonesshizuo16: About 2/3rds of the way down the page, hopefully that will help you get going with that20:29
allu2could someone using gnome-shell try to run "teeworlds" game in full screen and see if i'm not the only one it doesn't work as should.20:29
shizuo16DJones: going to read it thanks20:29
DJonesshizuo16: Your welcome20:30
redlegorengHi ! How can I do to rename my 2nd partition ? (ntfs, shared with windows) I managed to set another auto mount point using fstab but it still appears as "200 gb files system"20:30
dimas_could a browser problem crash the entire system?20:30
bullgard6EzeQL: The .1 means the interface number 1.20:30
shizuo16DJones: nothing found they dont talk about my problem20:30
shizuo16DJones: Cause i need to install windows after ubuntu but i can't cause windows dont know the partitions20:31
DJonesshizuo16: I thought you wanted to install windows after installing Ubuntu?20:31
vanmoving coursor around takes cpu usage up to 100%. is it normal?20:31
KashyapGadatrism: doesn work20:31
shizuo16DJones: YEP i already have ubuntu in full disk20:31
andy4hello there, i need some real help. i found a very old HD (after 20years) and i plugged it and the bios finds it, however, ubuntu on boot looks like it tries to mount the hd and return an error, then leaves me a command line. how can i disable this disc check so i can copy the disk using ddrescue touchin it ass less ass possible?20:32
vanits some old pentium 1,7 ghz btw20:32
downbeamis there a list of terminal terms somewhere?20:32
shizuo16DJones: and ican't install windows cause he dont know the partitions he sad that i need to remove partition20:32
DJonesshizuo16: You need to create a partition for windows to install to first using gparted etc and format it as NTFS20:32
shizuo16DJones: got it ?20:32
shizuo16DJones: ahha20:32
downbeamis there a list of terminal terms somewhere?20:33
trismKashyapGada: press Esc first20:33
andy4i just don't want ubuntu to mount or even search for other disks on boot time20:33
DJonesshizuo16: You'll need to boot up with a livecd first to so that you can shrink your ubuntu partition and create the NTFS partition in empty space, BUT I'd recommend a backup first before modifying your partitions20:34
trismKashyapGada: although if you are editing a system file, you may not have write access so you will probably need to use sudo vim /path/to/file20:34
downbeamis there a list of terminal terms somewhere?20:34
bullgard6downbeam: Hardly. You better look out for a similar subject's list of terms.20:34
KashyapGadatrism: Thanks i was not pressing esc20:34
KashyapGadanow it works20:34
shizuo16DJones: Easy for me please20:34
auronandace!terminal | downbeam20:34
ubottudownbeam: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:34
shizuo16DJones: WHY should i boot up with a live cd ? and i already have ubuntu installed ?20:35
shizuo16DJones: AND how can i backup20:35
DJonesshizuo16: You can't modify your partition table if the drive is in use, so you need to use an ubuntu livecd or a gparted livecd to boot from before doing the changes20:35
DJones!backup | shizuo1620:36
ubottushizuo16: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:36
Slartandy4: ubuntu doesn't, by default, mount anything but the system drive on boot.. if having that hard drive connected keeps you from booting it's not that.. perhaps it reorders the hard drives or something else20:36
shizuo16ubottu: well thanks Mr ubottu20:37
ubottushizuo16: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
shizuo16DJones: So i have to reboot with liove cd and install gparted  and modify20:38
ManDayWhich command allows me to install a .deb file?20:38
SlartManDay: gdebi might work.. if I remember correctly20:39
auronandaceManDay: where did you get the deb file from?20:39
shizuo16!backup | DJones20:39
ubottuDJones: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:39
ManDayIsn't apt capable of that, or one of its cousins?20:39
ManDayauronandace: propritary software, teamviewer.com20:39
DJonesshizuo16: gparted should be included on the livecd by default20:39
auronandaceManDay: i think you need to use dpkg20:39
ManDayauronandace: ill try20:40
DJonesshizuo16: Possibly called "Partition manager"20:40
ManDaydamn, no manpags installed20:40
shizuo16DJones: Xd UBOTTU IS a real bot i tought he was kidin20:40
ManDayanyone know the dpkg command by heart to install a .deb?20:40
SlartManDay: didn't even find gdebi on my system any more.. so dpkg it is then.. command line only20:40
alkafooManDay: -i20:40
alkafoofor i-nstall, I dare say20:40
ManDayalkafoo: I would never have guessed...20:41
shizuo16DJones: well i have to delet a partition with gparted20:41
=== Santorum is now known as Smegma
alkafoopretty easy to find from man dpkg, too20:41
ManDayalkafoo: Happen to know how I make dpkg automatically resolve deps?20:41
ManDay(of the deb)20:41
DJonesshizuo16: There should be an option to resize/shrink a partition rather than deleting one20:41
alkafoobut why are people installing something from a deb?20:41
guntberthow can I access the indicator area (unity) without a mouse?20:41
alkafooManDay: not sure that's dpkg's job20:41
KerdniI have tiny problem!20:41
KerdniI want join that server:  irc.rizon.net20:42
KerdniBut I do not know how?20:42
ManDayoh, great, yet another dependency unresolvable20:42
alkafooKerdni: hit CTRL+s20:43
ManDayWhat the hell does that even mean:20:43
=== wolf is now known as Guest79121
jutnuxKerdni: This is not a place for IRC support20:43
robbit10Just switched over to Kubuntu but made the mistake of doing an apt-get autoremove inbetween the removal of ubuntu-desktop and installation of kubuntu-desktop.. now the authentication part is broken. What package do I need to install to fix it? kdesu?20:43
alkafooKerdni: look for it on the list on the left, if it isn't there make a new entry20:43
SlartKerdni: depends on what irc-client you're using.. try reading the help file/man page or similar for it20:43
ManDay"It's required but it's not going to be installed?" Apt-get really is a pain in the arse20:43
alkafoojutnux: and your next message is going to explain to him how to join the right channel? =P20:43
SlartManDay: apt usually has a reson for doing that.. perhaps not a good reason but still a reason20:43
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shizuo16DJones: didn't really understand20:44
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ManDaySlart: apt-get doesn't tell me its reasons though20:44
ManDayIt just says "cant"20:44
ManDaythats why I hate it.20:44
DJonesshizuo16: I've got to go away from the computer, good luck getting your dual boot system working, if you have problems, ask generally in the channel, I'm sure people will be able to help you20:44
hatebubuntu 12.4 will require new install or upgrade from previous version gone be possible ?20:44
SlartManDay: nope.. it's usually very vague.. but digging around in the dependencies usually reveal something.. something that doesn't work out or similar20:44
alkafoohateb: theoretically from upgrade20:45
shizuo16DJones: all right thanks mr DJones20:45
jutnuxalkafoo: No, it isn't.20:45
alkafoojutnux: no what isn't?20:45
robbit10Just switched over to Kubuntu but made the mistake of doing an apt-get autoremove inbetween the removal of ubuntu-desktop and installation of kubuntu-desktop.. now the authentication part is broken. What package do I need to install to fix it? kdesu?20:45
shizuo16DJones: only last thing i have to resize partition then deleted with ntfs20:45
shizuo16DJones: right ? ..20:45
alkafoorobbit10: what's the error you get?20:45
trismManDay: apt-get -o=Debug:pkgProblemResolver=yes install foo; gives a bit more info and can sometimes be useful20:46
DJonesshizuo16: resize partition, then format the empty space as NTFS for windows20:46
vanmoving coursor around screen takes cpu usage up to 100%. is it normal? lubuntu, installed yesterday, cpu 1,7ghz pentium 4.20:46
shizuo16DJones: ALL right ty again ^_^20:46
ManDayMy freaking goodness, what the hell is "teamviewer6"20:46
alkafooshizuo16: if you're going to install Windows, you don't necessarily have to format it just make the space and Windows' installer will be able to format it20:46
ManDayIt is a windows executable?!20:47
ManDayIncluding wine!?20:47
alkafooManDay: =)20:47
robbit10alkafoo: Something along the lines of "Not authenticated"20:47
ManDayI thought there was a teamviewer linux version?!20:47
auronandaceManDay:  that is the linux version20:47
trismManDay: sorry forgot a colon, Debug::pkgProblemResolver20:47
ManDaysick, its just sick. it disgusts me...20:47
alkafoorobbit10: from what command?20:47
auronandaceManDay: it uses its own version of wine20:47
guntbert!enter | ManDay20:47
ubottuManDay: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:47
alkafooauronandace: and sometimes it even works =)20:47
auronandaceManDay: i agree, it is awful20:48
robbit10alkafoo: For example, the Additional Drivers application.20:48
alkafooalthough I've never actually had any problems with it if you install wine20:48
zhownxhello... I want to use wget to download files recursively... say that http://foo.bar/abc1.html and I want to download all files from abc1.html to abc30.html... any idea?20:48
robbit10alkafoo: but other applications as well, hold on, let me check20:48
robbit10alkafoo: The firefox installer20:48
RandLATBanging my head against the wall setting up "java" in Ubuntu 11.10, or more precisely openjdk-6-jdk and maven2. What are the correct JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME?20:48
alkafoozhownx: curl 'http://foo.bar/abc[1..30].html' -o 'abc#1.html'20:48
bullgard6[Ubuntu 11.10, GNOME Shell 3.2.1] How can I determine if Gwibber is running or not?20:49
guntbertzhownx: this is not really an ubuntu problem, is it - and you might want to read      man wget...20:49
shizuo16alkafoo: sorry was reading in the web site20:49
Rod_Gnome masked as Unity = pain20:49
Rod_How dare the Canonical Team make this available...it's HORRIBLEEEE!20:49
alkafoopsycko: yo20:49
alkafoobullgard6: pgrep -l wibb20:49
zhownxalkafoo, thanks.. I'll try it... =)20:49
shizuo16alkafoo: thanks for info20:49
alkafooRod_: most distros customize GNOME, and have for some time20:50
auronandaceRod_: don't use it then20:50
zhownxguntbert, sry... I'm just newbie, and try so far with wget, and someone give me solutions with curl20:50
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robbit10alkafoo: Additional Drivers and the firefox installer.20:50
guntbertzhownx: :)20:50
=== Guest32249 is now known as bluj
Rod_@alkafoo Exactly, but to bring it together with Unity is not customizing..it's called D E S T R O Y something  good and turning it into something HORRIBLEEEARGH >.<20:51
malkuthI am attempting to install the 11.10 version of ubuntu, and am having a problem with the display.20:51
youngIs it possible on 11.10 to move the unity side bar, and make it a bottom bar20:51
zhownxguntbert, I have no curl installed... do you have any idea with wget?20:51
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zhownxguntbert, or just curl can do it..? :D20:51
bullgard6alkafoo: '~$ pgrep -l wibb; 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. This means that Gwibber is running. Right?20:51
alkafoobullgard6: I'd say so20:52
Rod_A taskbar that does not move = windows 95's epic error. thanks canonical for bringing it back one more time ¬¬20:52
alkafoobullgard6: though it doesn't guarantee it's performing properly20:52
northernenIs there a way for tee to direct stdout to one file, and stderr to another?20:52
bullgard6alkafoo: Thank you.20:52
auronandaceyoung: possible yes, advisable no, it will break things20:52
alkafooRod_: what you don't like about Unity you probably really don't like about GNOME _3_20:52
KerdniI tryed to add rizon.20:53
youngauronandace thank you, was just curious20:53
Rod_alkafoo Speak it OUT I didn't get it.20:53
KerdniBut every time I add server there is balnk after i click close.20:53
malkuthIs there a configuration file for lightdm to select display mode?20:53
guntbertzhownx: wget will do fine,     wget -r   URL       (for recursive) but you really should look into the manpage   - thats why I said 'man wget'20:54
alkafooRod_: what you don't like about Unity is in reality almost certainly stuff you don't like about the new version of GNOME, version 320:54
alkafooRod_: so to complain only about Unity and not about GNOME is not particularly useful20:54
alkafoozhownx: sudo apt-get install curl, done20:54
robbit10alkafoo: It goes wrong when something called qapt-batch is executed20:54
robbit10alkafoo: It gives the error "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"20:55
alkafoorobbit10: ok, hold please20:55
Rod_alkafoo Nah man it's not that...I used to use Ubuntu 9/10.xx Interface and I love the GNOME way. Also, what I don't like is the KDE way, that's for sure.20:55
Rod_kde = too much make-up-based-UI20:56
tessarakt2I don't like the bullshit way20:56
tessarakt2all this desktop bloatware20:56
tessarakt2network managers storing their settings in an SQL database via a config daemon20:56
LjLRod_, alkafoo, tessarakt2: please tae the non-support talk to #Ubuntu-offtopic20:56
alkafooRod_: I'm afraid it is that, those version of Ubuntu used an older version of GNOME, 2 not 320:56
bullgard6!language | tessarakt220:57
ubottutessarakt2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:57
Rod_LjL how dare you talk like that? UNITY HAS TO DO WITH UBUNTU, so this is not off-topic...20:57
robbit10alkafoo: I found a thread that might have the solution: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3119488.0 -- brb, logging out and in.20:57
hexacodehey you guys. how do i use --print-uris  in apt-get ?  i want to check the md5 of certain packages20:57
hexacodei tried apt-get install --print-uris apache20:58
LjLRod_: this channel is strictly about Ubuntu *technical support*, not anything that "has to do with Ubuntu"20:58
LjLRod_: so please calm down and either continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic, or don't20:58
alkafoo--print-uris is the right param20:58
robbit10alkafoo: Yup! That solved the problem :)20:58
alkafoorobbit10: what did?20:58
hexacodealkafoo:  but what if i dont want to install. i just threw install in there to get the command to work20:58
robbit10alkafoo: It's a dependency problem in hte kubuntu-desktop package. The package "polkit-kde-1" should be installed, but it's not.20:59
hexacodei just want to check the md5's of the packages at the specified uri20:59
mongyRod_, try xfce then. (xubuntu)20:59
alkafoohexacode: it doesn't work without 'install'?  Hopefully it will block 'install' from actually installing, then, that's what the man page suggests20:59
LjLRod_: ok, i see you aren't listening. see you in #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss your ban20:59
alkafoorobbit10: ah, okay good to know21:00
hexacodealkafoo: thanks21:00
hexacodeill try21:00
alkafoohexacode: should ask you for confirmation even if it does try to install21:01
malkuthAm I actually posting here?21:02
LjLmalkuth: yes21:02
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alkafoomalkuth: good question21:02
gripI love watching noob questions scroll by in a swift manner.21:02
hexacodethanks alkafoo  lol i thought it was gonna download it lol but it showed me what i needed. thanks21:03
LjLgrip: which is made swifter by irrelevant commentary... :|21:03
gripit's wonderful21:03
malkuthBasically, when lightdm attempts to start up, it flashes the screen and eventually presents the login prompt. When I log in, it flashes the screen a few more times and presents the login prompt again.21:03
guntbert!noob > grip21:04
ubottugrip, please see my private message21:04
malkuthI can go into a tty (ctl/alt/f1) and get a cli window so I could make changes, if I knew what changes to make.21:04
gripLOL NICE BOT21:04
robbit10malkuth: I had that 30 minutes ago, after an install of Kubuntu. What did you remove/install?21:04
alkafoomalkuth: try choosing the failsafe graphical boot option from the login screen21:05
LjL!caps > grip21:05
ubottugrip, please see my private message21:05
malkuthThis is a new install.21:05
gripthese bots21:05
gripso good21:05
robbit10malkuth: of Ubuntu or Kubuntu?21:05
LjLgrip: please keep this channel about Ubuntu support *only*.21:05
malkuthUbuntu 11.1021:05
gripif jesus made irc bots, they would be the exact likeness of ubotu21:05
malkuthI had to use the alternate install, as live cd and webu would not work.21:06
fil_hello .. is this the right place to ask some questions about the 'at' scheduler ?21:06
gripmy programs arent working help21:06
malkuth(same problem)21:06
alkafoofil_: there are worse places21:06
carbon_does anyone know if clonezilla will clone easily an image to different sized hard drive.?21:06
griphelp help my programs arent working, woe is me21:06
robbit10malkuth: It's probably an error in the configuration for LightDM. Other than that, i can't help you further. Sorry. Ask the others in this chat.21:06
alkafoocarbon_: #clonezilla might know21:06
alkafoogrip: ?21:06
gripyes hello21:07
carbon_yeah good call21:07
LjLgrip: if you want to be at least a little bit serious with your trolling, then ask a specific question.21:07
gripi really dont21:07
gripits just that you guys get so serious and tight21:07
fil_does anyone hava an idea on why the scheduler 'at', though it accepts the command to be run and the time, the command is not run as scheduled?21:07
fil_also, the name 'at' makes it quite difficult to really check the web21:08
archcubI'm going to be installing Ubuntu on my desktop that's primarily going to be functioning as a server(LAMP, uPNP, file/print, etc), but I also will be using it to play media(both videos and music). It's an old system and want to be able to run Blackbox as my WM. Would it be easier to user Server Edition and install X and Blackbox or Desktop and put all the server stuff on there?21:08
alkafoofil_: only because search engines suck =)21:09
alkafoofil_: what command did you run?21:09
fil_first command : at 23:15 , i press enter, it shows at> , i write vlc , enter, control+D, everything ok... then i type atq and the job is listed as : 10Fri Jan 20 23:04:00 2012 a fil ...but it never starts21:11
guntbertfil_: have a look at http://aplawrence.com/Unixart/cron.html21:12
alkafoofil_: 23:04 is before 23:15, isn't it?21:12
alkafoooh reversed =P21:13
alkafoofil_: I usually do echo 'some command' | at 231521:13
alkafoofil_: also for VLC you'd have to specify DISPLAY to get it to work, since it's a GUI app21:13
alkafooprobably your issue21:14
fil_alkafoo: wrong copy paste.... the times were correct (thats not english but you get the point)21:14
alkafooDISPLAY=:0 vlc21:14
fil_alkafoo : i also tried it with scripts commands like 'date'21:14
alkafooright, but it just runs the command, it doesn't output to some random terminal you have open21:15
alkafooyou'd have to tell it to do that21:15
alkafootry an audio command21:15
alkafooyou will hear it happen regardless of where the output is21:15
alkafooregardless of whether X is running, etc.21:15
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fil_alkafoo: let me check21:15
malkuthNote, the system (syslog) reports segfault in metacity and libXi.so.6.021:15
malkuthSo, am I just out of luck with running 11.10 of Ubuntu?21:16
fil_alkafoo : sh*t, the display thing worked with vlc... much appreciated... any idea, perhaps, on how to run a script ??21:16
alkafoomalkuth: unless you can fix it21:16
alkafoofil_: sure, if you want to explain just what it is you mean to accomplish21:17
zhownxalkafoo, guntbert, thanks I got it with wget... wget url/abc{1..10}.txt ... thx =)21:17
guntbert!yay | zhownx21:18
ubottuzhownx: Glad you made it! :-)21:18
alkafoo!yay | ubottu21:18
ubottualkafoo: Glad you made it! :-)21:18
pedzai need help21:19
JimuIs there a command I can give to determine if I'm currently using Gtk 2.0 or Gtk 3.0?21:19
pedzaim trying to set up a wireless hotspot for my android mode21:19
fil_alkafoo : i have written a C program that prints on screen data from imdb, it works in a terminal.. i have put it in usr/local/bin so it will be executed as a command.. and in general i would like to run scripts with console output at specific times...21:19
pedzaand its not visible to my phone21:19
guntbert!enter | pedza21:20
ubottupedza: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:20
alkafooJimu: dpkg -l | grep -i gtk, probably21:22
alkafooJimu: if you're using Unity or GNOME 3, you will definitely have GTK+ v3, AIUI21:22
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Jimualkafoo: thanks!21:23
pedzaim trying to set up a wireless hotspot for my android phone and when i do its invisible to my android phone.21:24
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alkafoopedza: using what device?21:24
pedzasamsung galaxy mini21:25
alkafoowhat's the point in giving one phone wifi from another phone?21:25
pedzai have a wired connection and i want to create a wifi hotspot with my laptop so i can have wifi on the phone21:26
Night-hackswhat's the ls -c  ?21:26
Night-hacksinfact whats status change time ?21:27
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alkafooNight-hacks: I believe that is explained in man ls, next to -c21:27
Night-hacksalkafoo: really dont understand what it means !!21:28
jocke-lNight-hacks: it IS explained in man ls21:28
black-riderc isn't count?21:28
alkafooit's explained in plain English, is what I meant21:28
Night-hacksalkafoo: i mean so what's difference with ls -l !21:29
black-riderit  count the number of repertory no?21:29
Night-hacksand ls -c ?!21:29
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Guest17231siema wszystkim21:30
buttican somobody give me recipie for permission to write on one partition?21:30
buttisie ma21:30
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alkafoobutti: sudo chown username:username /some/partition/mnt/point21:30
buttithank you :)21:31
Guest17231pierwszy raz zainstalowałem ten system i sobie patrze co tu mamy xd21:31
buttialkafoo: thnx thats it :)21:31
alkafooGuest17231: #ubuntu-pl21:31
buttiGuest17231: nie mysle ze cie ktos tu zrozumie poza mna21:31
Pepp-elitoHi I,m having some problems with resolutions in ubuntu I have a new marantz receiver with hdmi, but nvidia/ubuntu will only let me set 640x480 as max res. anyone who knows how to fix this?21:31
TimmmmHelp! I've run out of disk space and when I tell nautilus to empty the rubbish bin it does nothing.21:31
graftbutti: sudo chown -R21:31
Guest17231no widze własnie hehe21:31
graftbutti: sudo chown will just change the root directory, you want to change the whole thing presumably21:32
Myrtti!pl | Guest1723121:32
ubottuGuest17231: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:32
TimmmmEven worse, the growl notification thing is saying something, but it isn't aware of multiple monitors so it is off the screen and I can't see what it says!21:32
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TimmmmA bug twofer.21:32
buttigraft: i have one patrtition which is my storage partition but i have no permission21:32
graftTimmmm: can't you just use rm in the shell?21:32
Timmmmgraft: Yeah, but I can't remember where the trash is. The internet says ~/.Trash but that isn't right.21:33
ubottuYour GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.21:33
auk sudo chown -R  = Dangerous command when used in a certain directory.21:33
aukbutti: Just so you know.21:33
graftbutti: yeah... so if you want to be able to use some directory, you need to do chown user:group /directory/where/its/mounted21:33
TimmmmMyrtti: Haha, thanks. The bug is so common that you've made an IRC shortcut.. :-P21:33
graftbutti: but, yeah, don't do that on the root directory or anything21:34
aukgraft: What directories?21:34
graftauk: he has some mounted partition he wants to be able to write to21:34
buttigraft: no..that is no root directory. so: chown -R?21:34
aukI would just write using a root user...21:34
Pepp-elitoHi I,m having some problems with resolutions in ubuntu I have a new marantz receiver with hdmi, but nvidia/ubuntu will only let me set 640x480 as max res. anyone who knows how to fix this?21:34
aukThat's extremely weird.21:35
graftauk: maybe he wants to be able to write there as a regular user, that's a perfectly acceptable use case21:35
graftbutti: yeah sudo chown -R etc.21:35
graftbutti: err, to be clear, sudo chown -R user:group /mount/point21:35
alkafoosometimes you only need to chown the directory you're going to mount to21:35
fil_alkafoo: any ideas on what i want?? or perhaps a link somewhere??21:36
aukgraft: Not exactly, on the condition it's an operating system directory (external os assuming it's unixish),21:36
alkafoofil_: must've missed it can you resend?21:36
aukHmm, I just know theres a better safer way to do ths. Lol/21:36
pedzaany idea for the hotspot thing?21:36
buttigraft: thank you!21:36
graftauk: well, if there's no permissions in that filesystem it shouldn't matter anyway21:37
fil_ alkafoo : i have written a C program that prints on screen data from imdb, it works in a terminal.. i have put it in usr/local/bin so it will be executed as a command.. and in general i would like to run scripts with console output at specific times...21:37
v2how can i remove "-r" file with rm command please ?21:37
aukgraft: On that condition, yes.21:37
TimmmmOk, well I found where all my disk space went. The following file is 62 GB! Wtf?! /lib/modules/3.0.0-15-generic/modules.ccwmap21:37
theadminv2: rm ./-r21:37
graftfil_: you're familiar with cron, right?21:37
v2theadmin: ty21:38
urlin2ufil_, where were you when I took the 7 film classes, and used IMDB alot, lol.21:38
aukThe reason I prefer to just write as root is because... I will not need to worry about permissions and such, knowing that "Writing as another user does not change ownership OR permissions".21:38
melvsterwhat the ... i just updated my system and ive lost half of my workspaces and my screen resolution is broke :(21:38
alkafoofil_: which specific times?21:38
fil_graft: 'at' is better suiterd for what i need...21:38
alkafoofil_: you using libaosd or something?21:38
graftfil_: okay, so use at21:39
fil_urlin2u: lol...21:39
fil_alkafoo: by specific times i mean when the user wants.. the display and vlc advice was perfect.. but for a console command/app ??21:40
melvstersome kind of unity update?21:40
alkafoofil_: where is the output meant to show?21:40
fil_alkafoo: in a terminal21:40
meerkatsin ubuntu GNOME GUI, not classical, I cannot turn off the machine, there is no "shut down" option, just a "log out". This "log out" effectively shuts the laptop. However, next time I turn it on, I will only get a black screen. I must then reboot the machine to be able to log in again21:40
alkafoofil_: maybe tail -n 1 -f a log file?21:41
meerkatsplus, in GNOME classical, the bottom bar wont list the programs I use, thus, changing from one app to other is impossible21:41
alkafoofil_: why in a terminal, that seems less useful21:42
MadHaTTrrHow would one upgrade GRUB from 1.98 to 1.99?21:42
MadHaTTrrand aptitude is broken21:43
jocke-lalkafoo: the terminal us unix strongest tool21:43
richi want to buy a tablet, but first i was wondering can ubuntu run on a tablet.21:43
fil_alkafoo: sorry, but what u just wrote made no sense to me ... as for the terminal, well, because i have scripts which need to be run with user input at times21:43
alecbrooksMadHaTTrr: Is apt-get working?21:44
fil_alkafoo: for the gui apps, i suppose display works for most of them... (i am checking now)21:44
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bluenemo_do i have to use the alternate cd to automize installation via preseeding?21:45
urlin2urich, you might want to find tablets and check ubuntu capability is ease, but yes ubuntu can.21:45
alkafoofil_: okay, well you'd either have to run the command from an open terminal, or I suppose you could have an at job that will _open_ a terminal _and_ run a specific command21:45
TimmmmDammit, Ubuntu is being full-of-bugs today. So modules.ccwmap is meant to be a one-line text file, but had somehow grown to 62GB. I deleted it, and now du / says I have plenty of space, but df -h still says I have 0 bytes free. W. T. F.21:46
alkafoojocke-l: not for viewing metadata while you watch video it isn't21:46
alkafoootherwise I agree21:46
guidolis it me, or are the update/upgrade servers down?21:47
richurlin2u_ so you can actually interact with it by touching the screen, you wouldnt need a keyboard or mouse21:47
alecbrooksMadHaTTrr: The easiest solution is probably to fix apt-get, then update GRUB.21:47
fil_alkafoo: so, if i got this right, you suggest to schedule a script which opens a terminal and runs the command i want21:47
alecbrooksMadHaTTrr: Or is there some reason that would be especially difficult?21:47
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jocke-lalkafoo: what kind of metadata21:47
graftTimmmm: if there's open file descriptors df won't report correctly...21:48
graftdang, just missed him21:49
crazybytehi! tonight I updated a server that has ubuntu 11.10 (server edition) installed on it. all the storage is on lvm. for some reason (until now unknown for me) i cannot boot it any more. it complains that one of the lvm volumes that contains the mai system is degraded and cnnot be booted, but when i boot from a sysresc cd everything seems find (all the lvm volumes are active and functioning and all the fs (ext4) are fine). can somebo21:49
crazybytedy be so kind to help me figure this out because i'm fresh out of ideas.21:49
ploufferich, this guy seems to be doing it http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&v=MErL7FslBjU21:49
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alkafoofil_: that's one option21:49
alkafoofil_: maybe if you said a little more about what you're doing we could come up with something better21:49
ploufferich, at about 3:0021:50
ploufferich, or check this (no mouse or keyboard) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEhetGMWVdI21:52
enikm4how do i get my wireless card to work?21:53
enikm4i can see it if i use lspci21:53
mrdebhi all21:54
enikm4Intel Corporation Pro/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2]21:54
mrdebwe notice ubuntu 1110 is much slower  on netbook pc tahn ubuntu 110421:54
Phun5tarapt-get isn't the only thing broken, but I need GRUB to work properly first so I can use an ext HDD to fix the rest21:54
Pepp-elitoHi I,m having some problems with resolutions in ubuntu I have a new marantz receiver with hdmi, but nvidia/ubuntu will only let me set 640x480 as max res. anyone who knows how to fix this? e.g how to add resolutions in xorg.conf, i have trieed but they wont show...21:54
urlin2umrdeb, not here.21:54
enikm4Pepp-elito, you have your graphic driver installed and configured properly?21:55
Phun5tarand by "broken", I mean it's useless because that partition is unable to access the network21:55
Pepp-elitoyes ubuntu 11.10 with nvidia 280.??21:56
enikm4Phun5tar, i don't understand what grub has to do with mounting an external HDD21:56
RandLATBanging my head against the wall setting up "java" in Ubuntu 11.10, or more precisely openjdk-6-jdk and maven2. What are the correct JAVA_HOME and M2_HOME?21:56
enikm4Phun5tar, unless you need to boot from that HDD21:56
Phun5tarwhen I use my ext HDD, it uses GRUB 1.9921:56
Phun5tarmy internal has 1.9821:56
Phun5tarand each time I boot to my ext, my linux partition is gone on my internal21:56
enikm4Phun5tar, so either boot to your external and downgrade your grub21:57
enikm4Phun5tar, or do the opposite and upgrade your internals grub21:57
Phun5tarthat's my question21:57
urlin2uPhun5tar, have you run update-grub on the external OS?21:57
alecbrooksPhun5tar: You could try using a livecd to update GRUB.21:57
Pepp-elitoenikm4, yes ubuntu 11.10 with nvidia 280.?? and nvidia settings but no option for resolution over 640x48021:57
richplouffe_ thanks21:57
Phun5tarupdate-grub does not fix the problem21:57
Phun5tarI could use a LiveCD, but I don't want to waste another CD as I'd have to redownload/burn21:58
urlin2uPhun5tar, so how are you booting the external?21:58
Phun5tarI'm in a situation where I don't have spare CD's21:58
alecbrooksPhun5tar: What about booting from a flashdrive?21:58
Phun5tarplug it in, poweron21:58
enikm4Phun5tar, can i ask why you have 2 separate boot partitions?21:58
urlin2uPhun5tar, please tab nics so we know who your answering,21:59
=== ISK_ is now known as ISK
Phun5tarI used to be able to boot to Windows/Ubuntu 10.04, or 11.10 if I have my ext plugged in during boot-time22:00
ISKHi all22:00
meerkatssince my upgrade to 11.04 libreoffice icons are gone, how do I get them back?22:01
zhownxhi all, I got problem with gwibber... it cant write new message... any clue?22:01
urlin2uPhun5tar, it sounds like just some basic understanding of grub 2 is needed here, you can use the external to boot the other if set up correctly, if you run te bootscript with the external plugged in we can see whats up, pastebin the results.txt. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:01
antoniuAnyone here know how to upload to a ppa, I'm having trouble with iy22:02
enikm4Pepp-elito, its been a while since I've had to configure a nvidia device but it seems like from my memory you have to do 2 separate configs22:02
urlin2umeerkats, gone from where?22:02
jeagleI think I am going to turn around 360 degrees and walk away from my computer. brb ;)22:03
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enikm4jeagle, bad troll22:03
jeagleI know. :(22:03
urlin2ujeagle, don't spin to fast you will get dizzy.22:03
meerkatsurlin2u, from my menus22:04
jeagleThat is definitely something easy for me to do. :322:04
urlin2umeerkats, this unity or gnome 3?22:04
meerkatsurlin2u, In fallback, or GNOME classic, I dont se them anymore22:04
jeagleDoes anyone in here know Aikar? :322:04
meerkatswhatever GNOME classical is...22:04
meerkatsgnome 3 I guess22:05
urlin2umeerkats, I think you have gnome classic not gnome 3 they are not the same gnome 3 is not run in natty, without a hack.22:07
phoenix_firebrdany security expert here?22:08
Phun5tarwhat kind?22:08
urlin2u!ask > phoenix_firebrd22:08
ubottuphoenix_firebrd, please see my private message22:08
meerkatsHow do I know for sure? I thought it would automatically upgrade to GNOME3 after the upgrade to 11.1022:08
guntbertphoenix_firebrd: you could try  in ##security22:08
urlin2umeerkats, this is gnome 3 it has to be installed to run in 11.10. http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/22:09
pepp-elitoHi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings?22:10
urlin2umeerkats, as of now the unity desktop is the default in natty and oneiric and precise.22:10
meerkatsurlin2u, I have gnome3 in my machine, I recognize that layout, but it gives me problems, If I "Suspend" from gnome3, next time I turn it on, it will only show a black screen, and I must reboot the system22:11
meerkatsurlin2u, unity is that ine with the bar that appears to the left of the screen, right?22:12
phoenix_firebrdurlin2u: one of the lines in my wifi router log says "[DoS attack: STORM] attack packets in last 20 sec from ip []" is my system used for a ddos attack without my knowledge?22:12
amk12i have ubuntu 10.04...22:12
urlin2umeerkats, hmm what is your ram amount and how  much swap do you have?22:12
cartoonbarsmarsis there a general linux channel, i use ubuntu on desktop and want to hear the opion of android by ubuntu/linux users22:12
meerkatsurlin2u, and I have problems with the names: in my machine I dont see unity or gnome3, I see gnome, gnomeclassical, ubuntu, ubuntu2d, and custom AFAIR22:12
Phun5tarI like android22:12
urlin2uphoenix_firebrd, I have no security experience per-say22:13
phoenix_firebrdurlin2u: ok22:13
guntbertcartoonbarsmars: #linux22:13
urlin2umeerkats, ubuntu and ubuntu 2 are the unity desktop.22:13
meerkatsurlin2u, I can have up to 5.6 GiB swap, but I've never needed that much, Iǘe never had problems with that. Now I have about 50 Mib swap22:13
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meerkatsram = 2 GiB22:13
urlin2umeerkats, make the swap equal to your ram and see if the black screen persists.22:14
cartoonbarsmarsuntil ubuntu is designed for tablets, is android a proper alternative? meaning will it have all the accompanying free software like open/libre office, etc.?22:14
urlin2ucartoonbarsmars, android is not supported here.22:14
meerkatsurlin2u, afraid I cant. I only have 500 MiB free space. Increasing swap to 2 GiB would mean Im 1.5 GiB short, aint I right?22:14
Phun5tarit's not as fully loaded as Ubuntu, as it's geared for phones22:15
urlin2ucartoonbarsmars, there is a #android channel though.22:15
Phun5tarI haven't played with ICS yet, though22:15
urlin2umeerkats, when you say free space you mean the hd is full except for  500 MiB?22:16
Phun5tarcartoonbarsmars: check out the Android market if you're curious about software that you'd want22:16
meerkatsurlin2u, yes22:16
urlin2umeerkats, bad idea having it that full.22:16
FredNWhat language is going to be used in the Ubuntu Phone and Tablet?22:16
GomoXI'm runnign 11.04 and my "monitors" app isn't showing up on the unity search box22:17
GomoXI can't change the resolution22:17
GomoXDo you know how to start it from a shell?22:17
meerkatsurlin2u, not what I planned, I was waiting to get a 1 TiB external HD for like 100 euros, but then those floods in thailend fukked it all up...22:17
urlin2uGomoX, tery display22:17
GomoXI tried display, monitor, screen22:17
GomoXA google search shows it should be called "monitors"22:18
GomoXIt's missing somehow22:18
GomoXWhat's the name of the command?22:18
urlin2umeerkats, please don't swear this is a world wide family friendly channel, so the black screen may be fixed with the proper swap per ram, the icon problem I'm not sure really.22:19
Humbedoohxrandr ?22:19
GomoXThis question is suprisingly hard to google for.22:19
pepp-elitoHi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings?22:19
carbon_how does the ubuntu vpn client know what port to use ?22:19
urlin2uGomoX, you missing any other icons for other known installed apps.22:20
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mithropthere is somebody who deploys Redmine on Heroku servers ?22:20
GomoXI haven't noticed anything in particular22:20
GomoXJust this22:20
urlin2uGomoX, you can reset unity to the stock setting this may have the displays show unity --reset22:21
fil_alkafoo: are you still here?22:21
GomoXDidn't work22:22
carbon_client.conf.   Guess I knew already.  where can I see where the connection fails.  In my log files obviously. Other then messages log is there anywhere else that will give more detail22:22
GomoXCan you tell me the name of the binary from your matchine?22:22
GomoXJust start it and then grab it from "ps"22:23
meerkatsbeing in unity, is there any way I can import the menus as I have them in gnome?22:23
urlin2umeerkats, you can use a usb thumb for swap though, if you have one laying around.22:24
urlin2umeerkats, menus transfer not really.22:25
pepp-elitoi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? I'm using hdmi to a marantz av, i guess ubu22:25
meerkatsurlin2u, USB for adding swap memory??22:25
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urlin2umeerkats, yeah I do it at times.22:25
meerkatscan I say crap, or would it be too unfamiliar and offensive?22:26
papabeszél valaki magyarul?22:26
guntbert!hu | papa22:27
ubottupapa: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál22:27
urlin2umeerkats, use your own thought here the channel has links in the channel topic on these issues.22:27
carbon_i'm offended.  I prefer the word  excrement!22:27
urlin2u!topic > carbon_22:28
ubottucarbon_, please see my private message22:28
meerkatscan I make the icons in unity smaller or bigger?22:28
urlin2umeerkats, you can install the compizconfig setting manager and in the unity plugin in shrink the left panel.22:29
pepp-elitoi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? Must i reset the xserver in someway to make22:29
urlin2u!repeat > pepp-elito22:29
ubottupepp-elito, please see my private message22:29
GomoXThe app is gnome-control-panel22:29
GomoXI seem to be missing that package22:29
meerkatsurlin2u, do most ubuntu users use, or have you seen a trend in that direction, to use unity instead of gnome?22:30
urlin2uGomoX, gnome-control-panel also called advanced setitngs you have to install it22:30
guntbert!ot | meerkats22:30
ubottumeerkats: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:30
GomoXI get "broken packages" when trying to grab it22:31
urlin2umeerkats,  don't know honestly, some complain about unity, no real data that I know of.22:31
JosephHarriethaHello, I've been trying to allow myself to run an program without sudo, I've tried using the visudo file and inputing the line "username ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/program" where username is my username and program is the program, yet I still have sudo asking me for a password.22:31
JosephHarriethaCould anyone tell me why?22:32
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, running without a password is generally not suggested.22:32
JosephHarriethaIts one program. I know what Im doing. Trust me.22:32
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, are you sure you need to and if you do if making your set up no password the answer.22:33
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, yeah right lol.22:33
guntbertJosephHarrietha: then do it, if you know what you are doing, but don't come asking for support22:33
JosephHarriethamaking one program able to run via sudo without a password is the right choice in this circumstance.22:33
meerkatsin unity, dash home, search, I look for "terminal" but only "xterminal" appears, what is the correct name for the common ubuntu terminal?22:33
JosephHarriethaI know what I'm doing with regards to security guntbert. Don't come to a support channel if your not willing to follow the rules and not be rude.22:34
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, a biot calling the kettle black eh.22:34
JosephHarriethaurlin2u, Now, in this circumstance, making sudo run this single program with no password is my only viable option. All I'm asking for is to tell me what I did wrong. I've verified it against the man pages, it seems as though I did it right, but it refuses to work.22:35
scarleoHi, has anyone seen if it's possible to run bitcasa client in Wine?22:36
JosephHarriethaurlin2u, I am the only sudo user on this system, it is encrypted via 256 aes. My account has a strong password. I am absolutely sure that this is the right option, can you help me?22:36
urlin2umeerkats, crtl-alt-t should bring up a a terminal if not you can set it to in the compizconfig manager22:37
DelphiWorldi wanna ask for some help22:38
DelphiWorldplease if someone want to help me, pm me22:38
JosephHarrietha!ask | delphiworld22:38
ubottudelphiworld: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:38
DelphiWorldop's, sory for that:22:38
DelphiWorldJosephHarrietha: :)22:38
DelphiWorldcause i can not read this channel22:38
DelphiWorldis a auto route of traffic22:38
DelphiWorldand tts is not well switable for that:D22:38
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, the password is for external protection as well, I just doubt you will get help here especially without actually identifying your goal by name the app, just saying, you might try ##linux22:38
JosephHarriethaurlin2u, It is a script I wrote. Not a special program, just a bash script to mount a truecrypt volume.22:39
DelphiWorldif someone used vdr, please would you mind helping me fixing mine ?22:39
DelphiWorldis not playing tv / radio out for me22:39
DelphiWorldand sory for asking for pm did to lot of traffic here :(22:39
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, cool I can't really help other then pass on the channel norms and sugetions of other channels.22:40
* DelphiWorld is blind FBI22:40
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JosephHarriethaurlin2u, Not to be rude, then why did you criticize me without the ability or knowledge to help fix my problem?22:40
pepp-elitoHi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? Must i reset the xserver in someway to mak22:41
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, you take information as criticism that s a projection, I started with that no password is not suggested you have started any rude behavior.22:41
DelphiWorldvdr is video disk recorded22:41
DelphiWorldvdr is video disk recorder22:41
DelphiWorldto play tv on linux22:41
urlin2uJosephHarrietha, don't read into others it will serve you well.22:42
RiotingPacifist_can somebody tell me where /lib64 should point on 11.10 64bit systems22:42
JosephHarriethaurlin2u, I take implying that I have no clue what I am doing as rude, I also take presumptions as rude. Regardless, have a nice day :)22:42
Aikarjetole: ?22:45
Aikarerr jetole sorry22:45
DelphiWorldanyone? vdr less i guess ?22:45
Aikartried to complete to someone else22:45
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spacebug-when I finally took time to look up what I thought could helpt someone he/she had left the channel :/22:46
SlartRiotingPacifist_: it doesn't point anywhere on my machine (64 bit 11.10 ubuntu).. just a normal folder22:47
urlin2uspacebug-, there are many more here reiterate the situation.22:47
RiotingPacifist_Slart, oh dear is there much in it or just 1 linker?22:47
SlartRiotingPacifist_: there's not really a lot in that folder though..22:47
SlartRiotingPacifist_: I can paste the contents to you in a pm, is that alright?22:48
RiotingPacifist_slart, yes please22:48
SlartRiotingPacifist_: done22:49
thechad90000I'm having some issues using the Gnome 3 shell in Ubuntu. I've used a few online tutorials on how to install it, I followed the same tutorial when I was just testing the system and I got the nice sleek gnome 3 shell but now all I've got is a tar something or other file and I don't know what to do22:49
thechad90000Can anyone help me out22:49
thechad90000I've got gnome now but it's just not the new one like I wanted22:49
pepp-elitoi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? Must i reset the xserver in someway to make22:49
pepp-elito<i have really tried everything my newbee-ubuntu brain can think of..22:50
dies_iraeI know I axed this questino a trillion times22:50
bigterdhow can one disable an EIDE channel on a motherboard? freebsd has atacontrol so you can detach channels/attach/reinitialize. wonder what the equivalent is for linux?22:51
dies_iraeduring the damn install, what comes after or what exactly does it do the stage where it goes 'Configuring Hardware'. Someone gots to know this, is not like NOBODY ever installed ubuntu succesfully.22:52
urlin2udies_irae, so whats the goal here in actuality?22:53
dies_iraeurlin2u: are u interrogating me why I have problemos installing ubuntu??22:54
dies_irae11.10 by the way22:54
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urlin2udies_irae, lol no just trying to get to the jist of what you need.22:55
dies_iraeurlin2u: the darnest goal here is to do a succesful ubuntu install. I hope dats ok with u.22:55
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Rioting_PacifistWhy would i be unable to chroot even if /bin/bash exists in my chroot (e.g /mnt/install/bin/bash is there but when i sudo chroot /mnt/install i get the error "chroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory"22:55
ratcheerToday, my system stopped automounting USB removable drives. I think it may be related to the 3.0.0-15 kernel upgrade. I tried to edit /apps/nautilus/preferences with gconf-editor, but the option for media_automount_open does not even show up.22:55
urlin2udies_irae, not for you this channel suggests a friendly interaction can you do that.22:55
dies_iraeeverything seems to be installed even grub folder and all, the installer crashes right at 'Configuring Hardware'22:55
Slartdies_irae: wow.. classy attitude there.. I was actually thinking of doing an install in a vm just to see what comes after the hardware part.. I'm not so sure I want to any more22:56
dies_iraeSlart: wow, that would actually be really helpful, cuz it would determine whether my flash drive still bootable into the installation.22:57
dies_iraeSlart: bear in mind it's been like two weeks trying to find out about this.22:57
maxhrI had kubuntu installed, then installed Mandriva, which didn't make a boot menu option for Kubuntu, so I tried adding it manually, but when it loads, keyboard and mouse don't work, any fix for this?22:58
maxhrSeems I missed an option in the boot manager setup, any ideas please?22:58
[deXter]Why are you using Mandriva?22:59
dies_iraeSlart: are you doing it??22:59
[deXter]that's a dead distro and the company has gone bankrupt22:59
Rioting_Pacifistmaxhr: does kb work in ctrl+alt+f222:59
balgarathhow to fix or troubleshoot dependency/configuration? google not helping me: http://pastie.org/322177623:00
Rioting_Pacifist[deXter]: lets not start distro wars23:00
[deXter]Rioting_Pacifist, I'm just stating the facts.23:00
Slartdies_irae: give me a second.. let me see if I can get virtualbox installed first23:00
urlin2umaxb, mandriva now has control of the boot, you could use a supergrub disc and get to kubuntu and reload grub to the mbr and update-grub and have mandriva probably, I don't know what bootloader mandrivav uses though, you might try ## linux as well.23:00
BarkingFishurlin2u: As of their last issue, it was GRUB, not GRUB223:01
dies_iraeSlart: thanks a lot!! As I said, I've checked the flash drive in order to check whether folders files partition were missing but everything is there.23:01
BarkingFishI know cause I came to (k)ubuntu from their back in June last year23:01
maxhrRioting_Pacifist: I get nada from keyboard, have to shutdown with power button23:01
alecbrooksmaxhr: Did you write to the GRUB configuration file from scratch? You might want to copy and paste from Kubuntu's /boot/grub dir.23:01
urlin2uBarkingFish, ah col thanx :D23:01
DaveWMis it possible for me to give a group I created full read/write/execute/all access recursively to a directory ?  The group I created is wwwaccess and I added everybody that is allowed to edit delete execute the web files,  including user www-data to the group23:02
dies_iraeSlart: the stage where it does the "Configuring Hardware" and lemme know whether there something else afterwards.23:02
BarkingFishand for your benefit, [deXter], mandriva is not yet bankrupt, it's in administration at this time, and an offer has been made to buy the company out.23:02
BarkingFishThat's as of 17th January, decision is delayed on what's happening until 23rd January23:03
[deXter]Ah okay.23:03
DarkSmokeIS there some verbose flag for this new bootloader configuration file? and is there some kind of splash for ubuntu which has the bootup text coming up?23:03
[deXter]Still, the stats on Distrowatch don't look good. If you're new to Linux and you depend on community support, you should stick to one of the top 10 distros..23:03
maxhralecbrooks: I didn't write manually, just added the entry using mandriva boot manager tool, specified the partition and then the vmlinuz and initrd... don't know if the fact that mandriva uses grub, instead of grub2 is a problem23:03
urlin2umaxb, you familiar with supergrub?23:03
huseyinXhello, How can i see/config my photo on Login Screen (ubuntu 11.10). thanks23:04
nookfrogcan anyone tell me where I might ask about rooting a new Nook Tablet ?23:04
urlin2unookfrog, not supported here.23:04
maxhrurlin2u: no, haven't heard of it23:04
nookfrogk ty23:04
DarkSmokenookfrog: if its android check xda-developers23:04
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alecbrooksmaxhr: I was just wondering if you based it off of the default bootloader configuration.23:05
ratcheerToday, my system stopped automounting USB removable drives. I think it may be related to the 3.0.0-15 kernel upgrade. I tried to edit /apps/nautilus/preferences with gconf-editor, but the option for media_automount_open does not even show up. Can anyone help, please?23:05
Rioting_Pacifistls -l bin/bash shows bash and it is executable but chroot ./ returns "failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory" :(23:05
alecbrooksmaxhr: I don't think grub/grub2 should make a difference. I'm not an expert, though.23:06
urlin2umaxhr, it will boot a OS that is not showing and or a borked boot, you can boot to the kubuntu with kt then load grub 2 to the mbr and then update-grub and mandriva should be in the grub menu. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:06
DexterF10.04, intel 2200BG wireless, network-manager says "device is not managed" - what does that mean and how do I get it working?23:06
almoxarifealecbrooks: it does make a diff23:06
spacebug-Rioting_Pacifist: trying it here also ang get same result. User error of course.. reading more..23:06
urlin2ualecbrooks, grub legacy just needs the right stanzas grub 2 will auto add them.23:07
DarkSmokeIS there some verbose flag for this new bootloader configuration file? and is there some kind of splash for ubuntu which has the bootup text coming up?23:07
Slartdies_irae: are you using the regular desktop install?23:07
maxhrurlin2u: is there a way to fix things from mandriva?23:08
urlin2umaxhr, probabl but I'm not a grub legacy guru grub 2 is where i have put my work.23:09
almoxarifeDexterF: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9300712&postcount=223:09
urlin2umaxhr, grub legacy is not really supported as well now, grub 2 will add a OS automatically.23:10
DarkSmokeis it posible no one can help me about this simple problem?23:10
alecbrooksurlin2u: Sorry, don't completely understand. You mean grub2 auto-adds entries from legacy grub?23:10
dies_iraeSlart: regular, yes, no server, no netbook edition etc.23:10
DaveWMcan somebody explain to me what group this is assigning the permission to "chmod g+w file         (Give write permission to the group)"23:10
urlin2ualecbrooks, grub 2 will chainload a grub legacy yes.23:10
DaveWMthat's an example of a web page23:10
DaveWMI don't get it,  cause there is no group name specified23:11
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bytesaber_workwould ubuntu 11.04 "flash" my efi of my macbook?   My macbook is black screen on power on after installing.23:11
flowerpotI'm using Ubuntu 11.10.  It came with GRUB, but dpkg -l grub shows that grub isn't installed.  How can this be?23:12
balgarathusing aptitude to install java, im getting a Segfault and error processing shared-mime-info.  any ideas how to troubleshoot this? http://pastie.org/322177623:12
maxhrurlin2u: thx, guess that is a good sign mandriva is a little in the past, and all these other headaches makes it not worth trying further23:12
bigterdhow can one disable an EIDE channel on a motherboard? freebsd has atacontrol so you can detach channels/attach/reinitialize. wonder what the equivalent is for linux?23:12
urlin2uflowerpot, 11.10 s grub 223:12
DexterFalmoxarife: yay, thanks23:12
ubuntu_ok...let me pose my problem23:12
DaveWMits annoying me that between that between reading editing and executing files from my normal account,  www-data user,  and root user,  I can't seem to have any consistency in permissions working,  so I made a group called wwwaccess and added all three to it,  now I want to give that group full access to the web directory23:13
urlin2umaxhr, there are others that use grub legacy as well, it is justa matter of underatnding how to reload the mbr and where grub is installed on installations.23:13
flowerpoturlin2u, I mean, I'm using GRUB - it's there and working, because I can see the GRUB menu when I boot up.  However, dpkg -l grub and dpkg -l grub2 both show as uninstalled.  I want the interactive grub prompt, but can't find it.23:13
urlin2uflowerpot, you removed grub2?23:13
flowerpotI did not; it came like this.23:13
ubuntu_i booted ubuntu via a usb drive, installed ubuntu, and when it restarted i did not see the option to boot into the new installation23:13
ubuntu_I am running it along side win723:14
almoxarifeDarkSmoke: what you are looing for is grub2 options, and they are spelled out in /etc/default/grub23:14
young_chookHi, I was wondering if someone can please help me with Advanced Settings in Ubuntu 11.1023:14
urlin2uflowerpot, run this command and post the results. sudo grub-install -v23:14
flowerpotgrub-install (GRUB) 1.99-12ubuntu523:14
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urlin2uflowerpot, argh that be grub 223:15
OerHeksdpkg -L grub-pc23:15
dagerikCan a shell script add data to pasteboard?23:15
flowerpotBut dpkg -l grub2 shows: un  grub2          <none>         (no description available)23:15
flowerpotDoesn't "un" mean that is isn't installed?23:15
almoxarife!info grub23:15
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu64 (oneiric), package size 321 kB, installed size 1024 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)23:15
urlin2uflowerpot, so what s the actual problem?23:15
almoxarife!info grub223:16
ubottugrub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99-12ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-amd64 any-powerpc any-ppc64 any-sparc any-mipsel i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 powerpc ppc64 sparc mipsel kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)23:16
flowerpoturlin2u, I want to use the interactive GRUB shell,  but the commands grub and grub2 do nothing23:16
DarkSmokealmoxarife: I know, thats the file to edit, but what i asked for is there a flag for verbose mode or a flag for a splash screen with verbosity ?23:16
ubuntu_simple boot question for any takers23:16
dies_iraeSlart: how's going :)23:17
dies_iraeany progress??23:17
urlin2uflowerpot, so what is your definition of the interactive GRUB shell and what do you want to do with it?23:17
dies_iraeI wish installation process was documentet somewhere23:17
Slartdies_irae: its installing.. I'm recording a video of the process.. hopefully I can upload it to youtube or something23:18
almoxarifeDarkSmoke: and you looked at the file? cause when i do i see at least the first answer to your question23:18
urlin2uubuntu_, ask your questions. :D23:18
young_chookneed help with a shell theme, there is a yellow triangle23:19
pepp-elitoi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? Must i reset the xserver in someway to make23:19
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fatihhello...nat one ?? :)23:19
ubuntu_ok...i booted via usb, then installed ubuntu to run along side win723:19
DarkSmokealmoxarife: i don't understand.. maybe in kubuntu the file it's different then ubuntu, but i don't see the answer to my question.23:19
flowerpoturlin2u, I want to practice installing GRUB natively using GRUB's command shell from inside Ubuntu.23:19
fatihany one ??23:19
ubuntu_after installation and re-boot, there was no option to start the ubuntu OS23:20
ubuntu_so i booted back into usb23:20
almoxarifeDarkSmoke: you in #kubuntu?23:20
ubuntu_but i want to see the option to boot into ubuntu23:20
urlin2uflowerpot, Do you mean installing grub to the OS and or the mbr?23:20
urlin2ugrub 2 that is23:20
DarkSmokeno one answered me there almoxarife i waited a few minutes but seems death..23:20
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Slartdies_irae: ok, configuring hardware now23:21
Ben64DarkSmoke: read the top few lines of grub.cfg23:21
spacebug-RiotingPacifist_: I got it23:21
OerHeksubuntu_ hold left shift @ boot, to enter the grub menu23:21
urlin2u!grub > flowerpot23:21
ubottuflowerpot, please see my private message23:21
flowerpoturlin2u, Yes, I want to install GRUB to the MBR23:21
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Slartdies_irae: then goes on to something else I didn't have time to read.. then installing boot loader and other stuff23:21
spacebug-RiotingPacifist_: You need to mount (using bind) the folders /lib and /lib64 to the chrooted dir23:21
spacebug-RiotingPacifist_: And you might want the whole /bin if you gana use things like ls and such ;)23:22
urlin2uflowerpot, the command is sudo grub-install /dev/sdX the X being the dives mbr not a partition you can run blkid to see the drive to see whether it would be sda or sdb etc23:22
huseyinXhello, How can i see/config  Login Screen (Ubuntu 11.10). thanks23:23
urlin2uflowerpot, sorry blkid or sufo fdisk -l23:23
flowerpoturlin2u, thanks - I understand that grub-install is just a script and that you can install using the GRUB shell if for example grub-install fails.  I was hoping to practice that method.23:23
DlabzHi, guys. Trying to install ubuntu on zbox VD01... flashed the BIOS, but install hangs -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/580643/SendTo/photo.JPG any ideas? thanks23:23
RiotingPacifist_spacebug thanks just rebooting as i tried mounting dev over my chroot :( will try that when im booted up23:23
dies_iraeSlart: thanks, that helps because it confirms that the MBR isn't installed in my case. Thanks a lot for your time.23:24
flowerpoturlin2u, it's not necessary right now, but I'm just curious since I'm looking at a set of instructions that makes use of the GRUB shell, and I'm curious as to why I can't do it in Ubuntu23:24
spacebug-RiotingPacifist_: ok23:24
urlin2uflowerpot, cool, make sure the instructions are for grub 223:24
Slartdies_irae: you're welcome.. it's still encoding the movie but it's about 40 % finished.. you want the youtube link if the video works?23:25
urlin2uflowerpot, or grub-legacy if you want that.23:25
flowerpoturlin2u, they are not...does this mean the GRUB 2 doesn't have a shell...?23:25
DarkSmokeBen64: were is that file located?23:25
dies_iraeSlart: sure why not, it'll be there for others as well.23:25
flowerpoturlin2u, another curiosity is that GRUB is installed on my MBR but dpkg doesn't think grub or grub2 is installed.  is that normal?23:25
urlin2uflowerpot, the term shell is throwing as far of what that means to you, can you give alink to the instructions.23:26
Ben64DarkSmoke: /boot/grub/23:26
ratcheerToday, my system stopped automounting USB removable drives. I think it may be related to the 3.0.0-15 kernel upgrade. I tried to edit /apps/nautilus/preferences with gconf-editor, but the option for media_automount_open does not even show up. Can anyone help, please?23:26
urlin2uflowerpot, grub 2 is called grub-common and grub-pc it is there.23:26
jwp121Anyone hear willing to help a newnie to PGP?23:26
DarkSmokeBen64: the only thing i have in the begining is not to edit the file23:27
urlin2u!ask > jwp12123:27
ubottujwp121, please see my private message23:27
Ben64DarkSmoke: it says where to edit23:27
flowerpoturlin2u, ok.  I'll poke around and see if I can figure it out - I don't wanna ask too many broad questions...the instructions I'm using are in a proprietary book on Linux system administration, so it isn't linkable23:27
RiotingPacifist_spacebug thanks that has got me in :D23:28
spacebug-nice ;)23:28
urlin2uflowerpot, I suspect it is grub-legacy you looking at.23:28
DarkSmokeBen64: yes, i already know which file to edit, that was not what i asked... already told almoxarife this.23:28
pepp-elitoi, I'm having problems with resolutions in ubuntu 11.10.I can only select max 640X480 in nvidia-settings (280, have tried x-swat aswell). How can i force a resolution to appear in nvdia-settings. Have tried get-edid and xrandr without success. Have tried xorg.conf also ut im not sure how it should be done... Anyone who can help med to get a proper resulotion availible in nvidia-settings? Must i reset the xserver in someway to make23:28
urlin2upepp-elito, =ypu might try ##linux as well.23:29
flowerpoturlin2u, thank you for the help23:29
urlin2uflowerpot, no problem grub can be a challenge that is for sure.:D23:29
LinuxApprenticei will never buy an nvidia card if i am planning to use linux on that system...23:29
almoxarifeDarkSmoke: feel free to leave me out of it, btw, stop spinning and at least try google, 'grub2 options'23:29
urlin2uLinuxApprentice, go say that in #fedora and wait for the abuse, lol23:30
LinuxApprenticeurlin2u: lol23:30
DarkSmokealmoxarife: spinning?23:30
DexterFrunning update-manager on 10.04 doesnt offer to upgrade to a newer version and do-release-upgrade says there are none23:32
DexterFhow can I upgrade from here, and can I up to 11.10 directly?23:32
atomicspinAnyone know any good games that run on Ubuntu that I could play across the LAN with my son?23:34
atomicspinHe's 9.23:34
atomicspinI do like that game.23:35
atomicspinBut...he's 9.23:35
LinuxApprenticedoom 223:35
DexterFhe totally will love it23:35
DexterFtuxracer perhaps?23:35
Pancakezarmagetron might be good, clone of that tron motorcycle game23:36
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atomicspinOh, nice.  You guys rock me.23:37
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ToBeFreeheeey what about...23:38
ToBeFreethe linux port does not work for me, but WINE is doing a perfect job23:38
chuckI'd like to reinstall Grub in order to access my Ubuntu after a install of Windows what is the most better way to do that?23:39
Guitar_glenhey all...been begging for help, and been ignored23:40
Jordan_Uchuck: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot23:40
DexterFGuitar_glen: tell what the problem is, what you tried and what happened23:41
JeruvyGuitar_glen, just ask you question in full.  If you don't get an answer in a few minutes feel free to repeat it.23:41
Guitar_glenok...i booted ubuntu via a usb to install it along side win723:41
LinuxApprenticewhat's a good program, preferably a CLI program that supports ALOT of input formats and can output to WAV ?23:41
Jordan_UGuitar_glen: If nobody know the answer to your question, nobody will answer. It's not because we're ignoring you.23:41
urlin2uGuitar_glen, black screen23:41
DexterFLinuxApprentice: check out mplayer's man page on output devices, think it has a disk writer plugin.23:42
Guitar_glenwhen it installed and rebooted, there was no option to choose os23:42
Guitar_glenso i had to boot back into usb23:42
Guitar_glenhow can i have the option to choose the new ubuntu os23:42
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: but can it transcode game-console sound files?23:42
urlin2uGuitar_glen, you boot the thumb?23:42
DexterFGuitar_glen: you need to install the bootloader grub from within ubuntu23:42
Jordan_UGuitar_glen: So when you booted from the internal hard drive it booted Windows without any boot menu?23:43
Guitar_glenblack screen?23:43
chuckJordan_U: Thanks I will do23:43
DexterFLinuxApprentice: only if it supports the format of course. what game console file type would that be?23:43
chuckJordan_U: that23:43
Jordan_Uchuck: You're welcome.23:43
DexterF!tell Guitar_glen grub23:43
ubottuDexterF: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:43
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: nsf,spc,minipsf and psf23:43
Guitar_glenwhere do i find the grub23:44
urlin2uGuitar_glen, some have graphic problems=black screen, just asking, but you confirmed not the problem.23:44
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: is there a channel for stuff like this? sound files,players, encoding ,transcoding info ?23:44
urlin2uGuitar_glen, did you boot the thumb for install or install from windows?23:44
DexterFGuitar_glen: ask the ubottu bot about grub, dive into some links23:44
Guitar_gleni booted first from usb, and installed from usb23:45
LinuxApprenticeGuitar_glen: what's the problem?23:45
DexterFLinuxApprentice: maybe at #mplayer they have clues. not the easiest people to talk to but they know a lot :)23:45
ActionParsnipGuitar_glen: there is a how to on omgubuntu called: sticking it to grub   shows how to reinstate grub from liveCD/USB23:45
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: so i am finding out, one guy is wayyyyyyyyyy out there. don't what he is talking about23:45
urlin2uGuitar_glen, try starting the computer with the thumb in and first in the bios at times it gets the grub bootloader rather then the hd you may get a grub menu then.23:46
DexterFLinuxApprentice: ask for clarification then. it's ok to point out that you're a newbie on a certain subject as long as you don't get people to think you're letting them do your homework23:46
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: i see23:47
Guitar_glenok..thanks all23:47
DexterFLinuxApprentice: and google helps of course23:47
murfiehow do I do l2tpv3 in ubuntu 10.04.2?23:48
urlin2uGuitar_glen, grub can be put in the mbr if you get in to ubuntu or from the booted thumb let us know whats up for links23:48
dies_iraeSlart: did the upload finish??23:48
LinuxApprenticeDexterF: oh but of course23:48
studioxpsHow many partitions does Ubuntu 11.10 have after install??23:48
Slartdies_irae: yes.. but it was a mess.. and I'm trying to somehow fix it at the moment23:48
urlin2ustudioxps, how did you ninstall?23:49
ActionParsnipmurfie: may help http://forums.openl2tp.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8123:49
young_chookneed help with a shell theme, there is a yellow triangle23:49
meerkatsin unity, can I use 2 app simultaneously? Im editing a presentation, with text of libreoffice writter, and I need to match the text with the presentation. In Unity, as I see it, id have to read text, go to launcher, choose the other app, like that for the whole process. Isnt there an easier way?23:49
jason_hudsonhello everyone i'd like to ask you all a question, i'm in the process of buying a netbook which will be used for very basic tasks and very "basic" gaming (the most consuming being hedgewars i suppose), of all the ones i found there are 2 that caught my attention, one having a C60 (1ghz and Radeon HD 6250)  and one having a N570 (1,6 mhz and GMA3150) do you have any idea about what one would fit best? possibly little games and23:50
jason_hudsonsome youtube without much heating or issues? thanks in advance23:50
murfieActionParsnip: I tried some of these commands but it does not work in 10.0423:50
urlin2ustudioxps, a auto install will make a ext4 and a swap with a extended around the swap or both.23:50
ActionParsnipmeerkats: try ALT+TAB23:50
cypher-neomeerkats, If you have the program open, you only need to right-click on the shortcut that appears in the Unity sidebar to open another copy of the program.23:51
murfieI think I need a newer kernel23:51
studioxpsurlin2u may I PM u plz?23:51
ActionParsnipjason_hudson: I'd shoot for the ATi23:51
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ejvnewer kernel? you're using the wrong distro buddy23:51
ActionParsnipmurfie: possibly, try Oneiric or even Precise liveCD/USB23:51
urlin2ustudioxps, sure, but we lie to keep it in the channel better help that way.23:52
jason_hudsonActionParsnip: you say that those 600mhz * 2 aren't a big difference when the graphic card is better?23:52
DexterFjason_hudson: what device has a 6 series radeon but inly 1ghz?23:52
murfieActionParsnip: ok I'll try.. can you help debugging if the tunnel doesn't work?23:52
ActionParsnipjason_hudson: If you are wanting games then GPU will help a lot23:52
ActionParsnipmurfie: not something I use or have even heard of, I just searched and found that23:53
murfieActionParsnip: it seems still experimental.. or is it production ready?23:53
jason_hudsonDexterF: asus 1015BX series23:53
jason_hudsonActionParsnip: thank you, much appreciated23:53
ActionParsnipmurfie: Precise? Its in Alpha2 but may give what you need23:53
murfieActionParsnip: but the l2tpv3 isn't very stable is it23:53
elijahIf I do a traceroute and see 17 hops does that mean that if I download a 2 GB file that all 2 GB goes through all machines of those 17 hops?23:53
DexterFwell, intel gives you open src drivers while the radeon probably performs better at 3d, has more config options. but the drivers... can be a hassle23:53
RiotingPacifist_murfie you wont need a newer kernel that is a core part of your system but wont addect you user apps much, what you mght need is an upgrade of your distro23:53
ActionParsnipmurfie: see above23:54
murfieActionParsnip: hmm ok.. so in theory we could replace you by a google bot..23:54
jason_hudsonDexterF: i can't swear that but i think i found open source ones for that card23:54
ActionParsnipmurfie: its al I seem to have to do, people don't seem to be able to fnid the guides (plus I rarely use google)23:54
murfieRiotingPacifist_: but I use LTS23:55
neuronI've got a problem with ./configure, says im missing sqlite3 (sqlite3_open in -lsqlite3)23:55
neuronbut ive got sqlite3...23:55
ActionParsnipneuron: you will need the -dev if you are compiling23:55
DexterFjason_hudson: weeeeell: there is an open src driver for radeons, hats off to the devs if they support the 6 series by now, still I'd check how feature complete that drivers is befroehand. #radeon helps. or was ist #ati..?23:55
ActionParsnipneuron: sounds good to me23:56
neuronok, thanks23:56
jason_hudsonDexterF: i think it's #radeon , i'll give all that a look, thanks for pointing that out23:56
flowerpotI've read that you can "burn" an ISO file to a USB stick by using dd.  Is that true?  Are there any implications to doing that I should be aware of...?23:57
RiotingPacifist_murfie a kernel upgrade will not change your usefacing apps at all, if you want newer apps/unity you need to upgrade the install (e.g 10.4->11.10) i'm not suggesting that, just saying that messing with your kernel is unlikely to help23:57
murfiewhat is [7108317.516452] scrab[14642]: segfault at 0 ip 0016f330 sp bf9d3f20 error 4 in libc-2.11.1.so[110000+153000]23:57
ActionParsnipflowerpot: from Oneiric onwards,, yes you can use the ISO as the if= in a dd command23:57
flowerpotActionParsnip, is that specific to Ubuntu or true to Linux in general?23:57
ActionParsnipflowerpot: some distros it will work, some not23:58
murfieI get this message few times a day23:58
flowerpotActionParsnip, is it actually making a block-by-block copy of the ISO file, or is it manipulating the data somehow?23:58
ActionParsnipmurfie: any bugs reported for it?23:58
ActionParsnipflowerpot: bit by bit ;) but yes23:58
murfieActionParsnip: don't know.. how can I check that?23:59
ActionParsnipflowerpot: dd keeps going til either the input or output are exhausted23:59
ActionParsnip!bugs | murfie23:59
ubottumurfie: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:59
murfieare there still bugs in ubuntu?23:59
flowerpotActionParsnip, the thing I was worried about is...I thought ISO files were files that contained a file system specific to a CD rom...is it OK to just copy everything onto a USB stick and expect it to work?23:59

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