
exiliobhi all, got some questions - trying to record some original compositions with ubuntu studio....03:03
exiliobI'm "lost in the sauce", so to speak...03:04
exiliobCould somebody give me a rundown on how I can educate myself on home recording, specifically with the tools in ubuntustudio?03:04
exiliobI plan on making a comprehensive tutorial on the subject, using 10.04 LTS03:05
exiliobbe back in 30 minuntes...03:09
holsteinexiliob: sure03:42
holsteinyou can try #opensourcemusicians03:42
holsteini dont think anyone will argue that JACK + ardour is a very professinal way to go03:42
holsteinthough, there are simpler ways to get started03:42
holsteinif you'd like to just use audacity for example to "get your feet wet"03:43
exiliobyeah, i'm on your page now. I guess I'm missing the "start here, finish there" comprehensive tut.03:54
holsteinits more like, "if your doing A, you *can* start here.. but i start here... and here's why you should/shouldnt"03:55
holsteinAND, it depends on your hardware03:56
holsteinanyways... learning JACK is a trick all on its own03:56
exiliobwell, i've got an older pavilion dv6000 (missing an alt key), would that someone recording just solo guitar pieces, cause that's what i'm doing. I just want some reverb as fx03:57
exilioboh yeah, ext. recording with audiobox usb03:57
holsteinyou can do that as simple or as complex as you want03:58
holsteini did that with ubuntustudio 10.04 and KXstudio packages added03:59
exiliobdo have a link for the specific packages on that page (thx for the link,btw)03:59
holsteinnot specifices04:00
holsteinnot specifics*04:00
holsteinmostly just upgraded custom versions04:00
exiliobok, thanks, bbl04:01
holsteinyou dont nee dthem so much if you are on 11.10 though04:01
holsteinnot that you need them with 10.0404:02
holsteinjust to get newer versions past the LTS release04:03
exiliobi just read that my external audiobox isn't working so well wit 11.1004:04
holsteinexiliob: check the alsa site04:05
holsteinand theres also no reason to not just plug it in04:06
holsteini mean, it either works or it doesnt04:06
argesis there a way to disable pulseaudio so jack can take over? 'pulseaudio -k' seems to kill it and then jack takes over and works, but then it respawns .14:38
holsteinarges: when i run jack, pulse suspends14:45
holsteinrunning qjackctl should be all you need to do14:46
argesholstein, hmm. are those modifications for ubuntustudio? or should be normal behavior for pulseaudio/jack?14:47
holsteinarges: AFAIK, thats what happens with JACK in ubuntu, and other distros as well15:25
holsteini believe its called pasuspender15:25
argesholstein, found this: " echo "autospawn = no" > ~/.pulse/client.conf"15:25
holsteinyou can try it for yourself, but it shouldnt kill pulse, just suspend it15:26
holsteinremove pulse if you like15:26
argesyea i'm going to keep it15:26
argesand use the pulse jack sing15:26
holsteinyeah, i dont do that15:26
holsteini dont want/need pulse in my studio15:26
argesbasically I want to have a studio by night... coding music / mumble machine by day15:26
holsteini actually rarely use pulse on my studio machine, but i still just have it there15:27
holsteinso far, i prefer having pulse15:27
argesdoes it add to latency too much?15:27
holsteinarges: i just dont need it... i would expect similar performance15:27
holsteini start JACK, pulse goes away... i do my work, i stop JACK, and pulse makes it like a normal ubuntu destkop15:28
holsteini have been running crunchbang linux without pulse for about 6 weeks now15:28
argesok well i just reinstalled the full 'ubuntustudio-audio' package.  so maybe i missed a few things15:28
holsteinarges: no reason to install those at all if you just need a few things15:29
holsteinshould be fine though15:29
argesgot plenty of disk space15:29
arges: )15:29
holsteinfeel free and try #opensourcemusicians too for tips and whatever15:29
holsteinlots of dev's hang there, and users of all distros15:30
argesblah. pulse mixer at 100% distorts the audio15:30
argesyea adding15:30
holsteinarges: check out pavucontrol too15:31
argesahh cool15:31

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