
scott-workcan anyone give guidance to helping me get some default and sane jack settings placed in the user's /home directory during installation?14:35
scott-workspecifically, i only need the mechanics of installing the file during installation; the sane defaults have already been defined14:36
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mr_pouitscott-work: drop a dotfile in /etc/skel ? (it would probably be better if the app had supported the dxg base dir spec though)15:31
mr_pouitmicahg: mmh, I think your images might be broken by lightdm ;>15:31
mr_pouits/your/our/, ha15:32
scott-workmr_pouit: is it really as easy as that?15:32
scott-workmr_pouit: i thought someone had told me that moderating a user's home directory was somewhat verboten15:32
scott-workand i figured there were more hoops to jump through15:32
scott-workperhaps this was post installation15:33
scott-worki.e. a package that had a reasonable chance of installation after the OS install that would moderate the user's home directory15:33
mr_pouitmicahg: Bug #918401 for lubuntu, maybe we have that too (precise-desktop-amd64.manifest shows too many unity-* things here)15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 918401 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91840115:33
mr_pouitscott-work: it's just used at user creation time afaik15:34
scott-workmr_pouit: i don't know if this will help but astraljava found out that mousetweeks was bringing in unity stuff as well15:34
scott-workjust look at the note in our seeds; apparently mousetweaks brings in gnome-session which then pulls in a bunch of unity packages15:35
scott-works/just look/just looked15:35
scott-worknot sure if that is helpful15:36
scott-workmr_pouit: but thank you for the information about /etc/skel :)15:36
mr_pouitscott-work: huhu, we don't ship mousetweaks by default :P15:38
mr_pouitmicahg: erf, nevermind, I was looking at the ubuntu image >.>  Ours seem fine ;-)15:39
scott-workoh, i thought that was brought in from the xubuntu seeds, sorry15:39
knomemadnick, going to send the mail to the release ML? :)16:42
madnickknome: we already had the meeting16:49
knomemadnick, okay20:37

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