
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
LarstiQexarkun: generate_schedule.py looks nice. Do you run it with pypy?17:57
exarkunLarstiQ: Yes17:58
LarstiQyay :)17:58
exarkunindeed :)17:59
* LarstiQ looks at some more testsuite failures under pypy18:00
wgzLarstiQ: time to fix the last bug you filed then I guess18:14
wgzI don't really want to explictly check for pypy there, but if they're going to supply ctypes.pythonapi in some form I guess that's the cleanest way18:16
LarstiQwgz: is there another way of checking for the presence of a symbol than catching the ValueError?18:23
wgznope, but it's not too much worse18:40

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