
dies_iraekubuntu install 11.10 got an effup bug00:03
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BarkingFishdies_irae: What happened?00:21
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Kurdistandoes kubuntu have kubuntu backports active by default?00:31
almoxarifeKurdistan:  dont think so, i had to check it in synaptic00:40
Kurdistanalmoxarife, thx.00:40
alpha-aquilaehello everybody. I have a file in my desktop which name is written in strange characters "  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  ��� ��Ӄٴ� ������", chan i try do delete it, it says "the file or folder /home/... does not exist". how can I delete this file?00:46
James147alpha-aquilae: anything else in teh folder?00:46
alpha-aquilaeJames147: it is in my desktop, yes there are ather folders, I tried to move it to another folr so that I can delete it with -f * but I can't move it00:48
Kurdistanhave you tried sudo su00:49
Kurdistanthen move to your directery00:49
Kurdistanrm package00:49
FloodBotK3Kurdistan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
alpha-aquilaeKurdistan: I can't write the name in terminal, even using autocompletion00:49
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, I had that problem ones. but I honestly do not remenber what I did to remove it.00:50
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, you can try do what I said from livecd with kubuntu00:51
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, you can press: alt+f2. then type: kdesudo dolphin00:52
Kurdistanfrom dolphin go to your desktop and try to remove it.00:53
Kurdistantry this before using livecd.00:53
alpha-aquilaeKurdistan: it doesn't work. what how can i livecd help me doing that?00:55
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, did you really try with kdesudo dolphin?00:56
James147alpha-aquilae: you can try "rm -i ......." (with the numver of dots being the number of chars in the file name) do an "ls ....." first to see what it will remove00:56
alpha-aquilaeKurdistan: yes, it says "the file or the folder does not exist"00:56
James147Kurdistan: sudo or kdesudo wont help, its a problem with the charaters in the name00:56
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, okey try this: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME00:57
Kurdistanmaybe you need to have owner priv. over the file00:57
James147Kurdistan: the problem isnt with permissions its with refenceing the file na,e00:57
alpha-aquilaeJames147: exactly00:57
KurdistanJames147, yes I now. I hade the exact same problem. one of the things I bring it up solved for me.00:57
Kurdistanfor me it was some pdf files that did not wanted be removed00:58
James147alpha-aquilae: have you tried "rm -i ......." ? . is a wild card for any character so put as many dots as there are chars in the name (-i means interactive so should ask you before deleteing a file)00:58
Kurdistanokey any one kubuntu-backports are it enabled by default in kubuntu?00:59
James147alpha-aquilae: sorry, its ? not .  in bash :)01:00
alpha-aquilaeJames147: ok01:00
James147alpha-aquilae: "rm -i ????????" (or how ever meny chars)01:00
Kurdistanone thing. kubuntu 11.10 with 4.7* is for me lot faster then kubuntu 11.0401:00
Kurdistanthats cred to devs01:00
alpha-aquilaeJames147: ls commands shows that name "??? ???? ?ხ??.doc",  rm -i ????????????????? did not work01:01
James147alpha-aquilae: *.doc?01:02
alpha-aquilaeJames147: yep01:02
James147what dose rm -i *.doc say?01:02
James147(or "ls *.doc")01:02
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alpha-aquilaeJames147: done the file is deleted. know I have a folder with the name "??? ??Ӄٴ? ??????/"01:03
alpha-aquilaeJames147: now not Know ^^01:03
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1236012 read this01:04
James147alpha-aquilae: "rm -i *" :) though I would make sure anything important is move out first01:04
alpha-aquilaeJames147: thanks, worked with rm -Ri ???01:05
alpha-aquilaeJames147: Kurdistan thank you guys :)01:05
James147sorry, eyah, "rm -ri *"01:05
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, did it help?01:08
alpha-aquilaeKurdistan: yes it works!01:14
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, :) nice. which of the command lines?01:14
Kurdistangood for other to know01:15
alpha-aquilaeto delete the doc file "rm *.doc", and to delete the folder "rm -Ri ????"01:15
Kurdistanalpha-aquilae, okey. so James147 tips helped.01:16
Kurdistannow bad time :)01:16
James147o case dosnt matter for -r :p01:16
alpha-aquilaeJames147: yep01:16
zacariasis it wise to install a 12.04 release? If it works, will it be possible to upgrade when the stable release coms out?01:22
dies_iraeBarkingFish: crashes during 'Configuring Hardware'01:23
mydogsnameisrudyzacarias,  it will be stable with the updates when it comes out01:24
James147zacarias: if you keep it uptodate then it will be upgraded to the final realase, however you should expect it to possibally break horribally at some point01:26
zacariasmydogsnameisrudy: ok, thanks01:26
zacariasJames147: ok01:26
dies_iraeor am I the only one??01:33
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gerihm what is causing this issue? http://codepad.org/SAeKiFJr04:21
DarthFroggeri:  [ 1803.802672] sysctl net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1 to enable it.04:58
DarthFrogDo that.04:58
DarthFrogi.e edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and insert the line "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1 " then try again.04:58
geriDarthFrog, i solved it now by removing the packat dhcpcd04:58
geriwhat is netfilter?04:58
DarthFrogkernel firewall04:59
gerihow is this related to dhcpcd?04:59
DarthFrogno idea.04:59
geriand my to my module?04:59
DarthFrogno idea, I just read the output.04:59
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geriDarthFrog, why do i get this error? http://codepad.org/MvmaNgMs05:13
gerithere should be a header existing?05:13
adflinuxHola q  tal!!05:48
adflinuxsaludos  a todos!!05:48
Geraldhow can i isntall linux-headers-3.0.0-14-generic ? how is this package called?06:17
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datruth_Why doesnt the windows +d shortcut work in kubuntu?07:07
hansg01datruth: many shortcus dnt work with kubuntu07:13
datruth_I see07:13
datruth_How can I configure that shortcut?07:14
hansg01datruth: assign to the app07:14
datruth_yeah I'll continue to google hopefully  I find something07:15
datruth_hrmm darn I think I'll go with whats easier and just installed the ubuntu-desktop07:21
datruth_ahh nvm07:24
datruth_hidden away in the settings07:24
fantihi! i'm looking for a repository which still has the sun's java packages?07:38
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bazhangrobbit10, whats the issue08:54
robbit10bazhang: Thanks for responding :). Atm, it's just a simple question about KDE's Activities system that I asked in #kde.08:55
robbit10But there was a problem I had a while ago with the authorization not working.. and nobody in here responded.08:55
robbit10anyway, this was my question:08:56
robbit10<robbit10> How do I make certain applications open in certain Activities by default?08:56
robbit10<robbit10> do I need to save my session?08:56
bazhangrobbit10, any specific error messages would be helpful; in tracking down the issue08:56
robbit10bazhang: Well, the authorization problem has been fixed, by getting help in #ubuntu.08:57
robbit10bazhang: It's just that I don't see myself using kubuntu for very long with it's support channels having so many idle users.08:58
bazhangrobbit10, well, what I usually do is post here, and while I wait post to askubuntu.com ubuntuforums and the like08:59
robbit10bazhang: Good idea :)08:59
bazhangsupport is likely to be more patchy on the weekends especially as this is all volunteer09:01
robbit10bazhang: What's KDE and kubuntu IRC support like on weekdays, then?09:06
liudashello could anyone help with svn+ssh09:15
liudasi can't submit translations anymore09:15
liudaseven proceed svn update command09:16
bbeckliudas: I had thought pretty much most of the KDE projects had moved to git for versioning.10:02
ralf_i'm developing an application on kubuntu using Lua and Qt and I would like to install systel wide global shortcut keys to control my app10:06
ralf_i'm looking at a number of options, such as installing it in x11, or using the KDE applet10:07
ralf_not much success so far, can anyone help?10:08
martellThere is a programm in the KDE software library that claims to do it. I've never tested it however10:10
ralf_not sure that would be what I want, i would like to avoid dependency on external programs10:14
ralf_ideally I would install an X11 shortcut from my program10:14
bazhang!info autokey-qt10:15
ubottuautokey-qt (source: autokey): desktop automation utility - QT version. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.71.2-1 (oneiric), package size 29 kB, installed size 280 kB10:15
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ralf_what about xgrabkey?10:29
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mehohi @ all11:16
mehoi have trouble with my virtual box so i want to reinstall it11:16
mehoif i use sudo aptitude remove virtualbox virtualbox-qt11:17
mehonothing will deinstall and i dont know why11:17
mehocan somebody help me please ?11:17
mydogsnameisrudymeho, what is the problem with virtualbox11:39
mehoahh its done  my mistake was i did try to delet config file with "rc " infront of the name11:50
mehothank you11:50
merlin1991Is there anything I can do about regular plasma desktop segfaults?11:56
James147merlin1991: you can try restting it to its default settings (by renaming ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*)11:57
merlin1991James147: I never touched the settings though :/11:58
merlin1991it just segfaults in my face in random intervals wihtout any logical reason11:59
James147merlin1991: anything you change in it will cause it to write to those configs11:59
merlin1991yeah but my changes I did are 2 global shotrcuts11:59
merlin1991apart from that the system still looks like it was when I installed it from the cd12:00
merlin1991looks like as in I really changed nothing neither in config files nor in the gui12:00
James147merlin1991: its still worth a try to rule out bad configs...12:00
merlin1991odd thing is that most of the crashes happen when I try to shut down12:00
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merlin1991though I could still try, any ideas beyond nuking the configs?12:01
James147merlin1991: its could be a widget... though finding out which (if it is one at all) could be a pain12:02
merlin1991no additional widgets besides the ones that come with a default install12:02
James147merlin1991: i assume you are fully uptodate?12:03
ace_I just installed Kubuntu on my PC, and I cannot get the software center to open up. I tried to report the bug, but when I go to install the debug symbols it says "Another application seems to be using the package system at this time" But I have nothing else open. Here is the crash info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/811773/12:08
pedroalguien de españa12:09
BluesKajHey folks12:43
mydogsnameisrudymorning BluesKaj12:53
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BluesKajhi mydogsnameisrudy13:13
InvaderZimHello, I'm getting annoyed the few past months with KDE4 (kubuntu). It got ultra slow since the last major upgrade. Now almost every slick takes at least 5 seconds to display a message box. To shut down, after clicking the shutdown icon, it takes, no kidding, almost 20 seconds for the dialog to appear (the screen the ghost box fades and blur effects, but the actual window box doesn't show, and the hard drive keeps reading like hell until it appe13:15
InvaderZimars.) And this same pattern has been going on with numerous other simple message boxes, windows, etc. Getting tired of it, no minor updates are fixing it.13:15
BluesKajInvaderZim,  have you checked system monitor for any apps hogging your cpu / memory13:20
InvaderZimBluesKaj: hmmm not really lemme check13:21
InvaderZimBluesKaj: sys monitor has a gnome look to it, is that right?13:21
BluesKajInvaderZim,  kmenu>apps>system>system monitor13:23
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm funny i have 2 system moniors listed13:23
InvaderZimBluesKaj: yep that it, i have 2 too13:24
BluesKajyou guys come over from gnome ?13:24
BluesKajthat's whay13:24
BluesKajerr why13:24
mydogsnameisrudyhad to change windows manager from compiz to kwin it was acting kind of nuts too13:25
BluesKajyou're going to have quite a few apps left in the menu , some do duplicate tasks/functions13:25
mydogsnameisrudyim going to reload kde from disk someday13:26
BluesKajcompiz is hardly required anymore IMO13:26
mydogsnameisrudyah it seems to be tied in with unity?13:26
mydogsnameisrudydont like unity came to kde13:27
BluesKajunity is messy for some , works for others , depending on your HW13:27
mydogsnameisrudyim a bit lost in kde right now cant find what i want13:27
BluesKajkde is much more consistent13:28
James147but also has more options, so can take some getting use to,13:28
BluesKajthe Kmenu is your  friend , as is the command run box (alt+f2) , and the the konsole of course13:29
mydogsnameisrudyi put the terminal what it called hit f12 and it comes down from top13:30
BluesKajInvaderZim,  mydogsnameisrudy , you know about pure kde ?13:30
BluesKaj!pure kde13:31
InvaderZimBluesKaj: not really13:31
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »13:31
mydogsnameisrudyi was reading that kind of afraid to do it lol13:31
ts2mydogsnameisrudy: yakuake13:31
InvaderZimBluesKaj: no i've always used kde, and since i started on ubuntu it was kubuntu all the way. but these last months this sluggishness got to a point where I actually installed the gnome desktop as well to see if it could be faster, but i can't adapt to it13:32
mydogsnameisrudyyep ts2  thats it13:32
ts2yakuake is the best :)13:32
mydogsnameisrudyworks very well13:32
ts2!info yakuake13:32
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.8-1 (oneiric), package size 301 kB, installed size 2108 kB13:32
BluesKajts2,  best for ?13:32
ts2BluesKaj: it's like Konsole (is actually uses Konsole libs), but it doesn't clutter your task manager, and drops down from the top of the screen on F1213:33
ts2if you always want a terminal open, but don't necessarily want to _see_ it all the time, it's very nice13:34
mydogsnameisrudyya it just sits there ready to go13:34
BluesKajts2,  I just run the terminal from an panel icon when I need to13:34
BluesKaja panel icon/link13:34
ts2but, that's precious milliseconds you're wasting ;)13:34
mydogsnameisrudyi set up terminal keys ctl alt t to come up also13:34
mydogsnameisrudygot used to that in gnome13:35
BluesKajyeah , well I'm retired , not on the job , so ...13:35
ts2I have yakuage start on login, so if I ever want a terminal, I just hit F12 and it's there ready13:35
BluesKajto each his own i always say13:36
ts2it's just easier than going through the menu, or even setting a short-cut for starting konsole. plus it takes a second to actually start bash in a terminal, yakuake is already running when you login etc...13:36
ts2plus, it's funky and kool :)13:36
BluesKajhmm, funky and cool ? ... uhm, okaaaay :)13:37
mydogsnameisrudyif i  want 2 or more terminals open i use konsole13:37
ts2mydogsnameisrudy: yakuake has tabs you know ;)13:39
ts2I usually have between 3 and 5 open at any given time13:40
mydogsnameisrudyya but cant move like windows13:40
ts2I've never really needed to, shift+left/right isn't to hard13:40
mydogsnameisrudybut you only see one at a time13:40
mydogsnameisrudyi want to see all of them sometimes13:41
ts2that's what I mean, I rarely if ever need to see more than one13:41
ts2mydogsnameisrudy: but still, you can also split the tab into more than one terminal. problem solved13:41
BluesKajwell, I always have a terminal open on another desktop , so a quick switch is more my style13:42
mydogsnameisrudy;) linux rules13:42
BluesKajI'm on 12.04 and it seems quite stable right now ...hope i haven't spoken too soon13:43
mydogsnameisrudyi have it running on my old laptop seems to be ok13:43
ts2it'll be an LTS release, so it will probably stay very stable (compared to other development releases)13:44
mydogsnameisrudyis there much change with kde then?13:44
BluesKajyup, but there have been some kernel panic and libreoffice dependency problems13:44
ts2I expect the Qt upgrade coming soon may cause one or two issues, but hopefully nothing to major13:45
BluesKajit's using kde 4.8 and it's more stable than 4.7.3 or4 were /are IME13:45
BluesKajhowever I'm a bit leary to reboot now that libreoffice-core has been reinstalled13:48
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InvaderZimBluesKaj:  I was using system monitor here, and tried the shutdown dialog, and both cpus went straight to 100% and while the other had spikes of 100%, the other core stood there for all the time while the hd light was continuosly on and the dialog wasn't showing. As soon as it showed, the cpu went back to normal. Also to note, is the fact that my boot time to stable "idle" processing takes almost 3 minutes, and the basic tray apps like volume an14:13
InvaderZimd klipper for instance take almost a minute to load and show the icon. This clearly didn't happen with my previous upgrade. (I'm not sure anymore if it started happening from 10.10 to 11.04, or 11.04 to 11.10)14:13
James147InvaderZim: dose it do the same for a new user?14:14
InvaderZimJames147: hmmmmm lemme try14:15
InvaderZimJames147: taking forever to load14:16
InvaderZimJames147: fiy, user management app took about 20 secs to open14:17
InvaderZimJames147: thats what i'm talking about14:17
James147first login takes alittble bit longer then normal14:17
InvaderZimJames147: i'm gonna logout here and login twice with the new user, and later get back here with the results14:17
InvaderZimJames147: the forever to load was the user mgmt app, not the actual login14:18
InvaderZimok, gone14:18
InvaderZimJames147: it still took almost 3 minutes to finish start up... and small dpi letters, wrong plastik menus, etc. I just tried disabling desktop effects (as it stops the dialogs slow display) but the boot now actually took longer, 3:35 minutes. All the time 100% cpu until the last app opens.14:34
James147InvaderZim: well something really wrong with that :p... dose "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" do anything?14:35
InvaderZimJames147: let me see, I'm really thinking about reinstalling kde/kubuntu from scratch, but don't know how to do it without formatting and losing user data. This kubuntu here has been upgraded since 7.10.14:36
James147InvaderZim: If you dont format the disk then the installer will only delete system files (from /usr /bin etc...) and leave user files (/home) intect14:37
James147best to back up first though14:37
InvaderZimJames147: so it will work?14:38
qbitmight want to see if strigi is turned off in systemsettings -> desktop search14:38
InvaderZimJames147: it will delete the system files? I thiought it would just write on top, getting a big mess14:38
James147qbit: it shouldnt be causing THAT much of a slowdown14:38
InvaderZimqbit: i tried disabling all of it, strigi and that other one i forgott14:38
James147InvaderZim: it will delete system folders to stop old files from causing problems14:38
James147InvaderZim: if you want to be extra sure you and always delete them first :)14:39
James147(the install dose warn you if you have any system folders that it will delete them)14:40
InvaderZimJames147: on the last upgrade the widget menu on top says "unnamed", but with the new user it actually says "New Activity".14:40
James147^^ though I hacent tested this with the latest version I dont see why It would have changed14:40
BluesKajInvaderZim,  James147's suggestion worked for me several times , installing the OS witout reformatting is similar an release-upgrade thru thenet .. except the OS source is a live-media14:40
James147BluesKaj: its not the same as a realse-upgrade... it will delete /etc where as a realase-upgrade should perserve changes in /etc14:41
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses ...again :)14:41
James147BluesKaj: it should be a fresh install that dosnt delete files it dosnt care about (such as /home)14:42
BluesKajbut no personal folder like media and data is lost14:42
InvaderZimI'm gonna try it then, I'm guessing i'll lose all the installed apps apart from the default ones, but its better than this...14:42
James147InvaderZim: yes, you will ahve to reinstall things, and its always a good idea to backup before ahnd incase something goes wrong14:43
BluesKajJames147,  yeah, that's why i use a /home partition , it makes for a faster less troublesome install14:43
InvaderZimJames147: Is it worth mentioning that the OS partition has only 350MB left?14:43
James147InvaderZim: you should make that bigger14:43
InvaderZimJames147: swap is 1GB and is 0 used14:43
BluesKajomg , no wonder14:43
InvaderZimI guessed it wouldn't be an issue since the swap space is free14:44
James147InvaderZim: as a side note: filesystem become very inificent when more then about 80% full...14:44
InvaderZimJames147: hmm interesting14:44
InvaderZimJames147: very hard to get space here.....14:45
James147InvaderZim: how big is you os partition?14:45
InvaderZimJames147: it was 20GB but it actually reports 17.7. I know it's small but at the time I was just testing it, eventually became my main use, still resides in the same space.14:46
BluesKajInvaderZim, probly need about 5-6G for the OS , and 1.5X yoyr RAM for the swap14:46
James147BluesKaj: I would say at least 10G for OS, 15G is recomended14:47
James147more if you install lots of large applications14:47
InvaderZimHere it is: /dev/sda1              18G   17G  353M  98%14:47
James147InvaderZim: run "sudo apt-get autoclean"14:48
koleopterois that your / InvaderZim without the /home?14:48
BluesKajI have 15G / , but it used only 6G , so i wasted 9G14:48
InvaderZimkoleoptero: Yes but the home is in it14:48
James147BluesKaj: you need a small buffer of empty space to stop files from getting heavly fragmented, so 10G+ at elast for you14:49
InvaderZimI don't have aseparate partition for home14:49
koleopteroif you don't have a separate /home partition then that's the problem probably if you have lots of files in it14:49
InvaderZimkoleoptero: not really, the big ones goes to the other hd14:49
InvaderZimkoleoptero: but yeah I have a lot of files here too14:50
InvaderZimit's a mess I can tell you but I have no space left with this hardware14:50
James147InvaderZim: windows on the other partition?14:50
koleopterowell if you want to see how to save some space use baobab to see what you can remove that actually takes some space14:50
InvaderZimJames147: windows and I don't use it anymore, I use the hd just for big files14:51
koleopteroand I'd run "sudo apt-get clean" not just autoclean14:51
InvaderZimok with clean and autoclean it got me to /dev/sda1              18G   16G  671M  97% /14:51
koleopterowell at least it can breathe now :)14:52
BluesKajInvaderZim,  so you're using an 18G partition , that's not very much for a complete install , is there more space available on the drive?14:52
James147InvaderZim: has preformance improved slightly?14:52
InvaderZimJames147: I need to test it14:52
James147InvaderZim: I would see if you can remove anything else first14:53
InvaderZimBluesKaj: hmm the other partition has 1.6 gig free on it, but its fat32 very old almost unused partition with some files14:53
koleopteroInvaderZim: install and run baobab to see what takes up all that space and if it's anything you can remove14:53
InvaderZimthat's not a bad idea to use all this hd (40gb) removing the fat 32 one14:54
InvaderZimkoleoptero: ok14:54
InvaderZimmy /home takes 6.8gb14:54
koleopterothat's reasonable if you use it14:54
James147InvaderZim: if you dont need the other partition then you may as well remove it :)14:55
koleopteroI agree with James14714:55
InvaderZimuh I didn't know this baobab14:55
InvaderZimyou suggest to scan home?14:55
koleopterofor starters14:56
* James147 just uses "du -sh /path/to/somewhere/*" when he wants to know what files take up space :)14:56
koleopterovisual representation sometimes is better James147 :)14:56
James147koleoptero: "!! | sort -h"14:57
ts2you don't need the * at the end14:57
koleopteroInvaderZim: also don't forget after you're done with baobab to sudo apt-get purge it and autoremove --purge14:57
James147ts2: you do if you want a subdir listing not just what that folder contains14:58
koleopterosince you're trying to save space it'd be a shame to leave it installed lol14:58
ts2James147: du is recursive14:58
James147ts2: so you can see waht files and folders inside /path/to/somewhere takeup, no the folder itsself14:58
ts2yeah, du is recursive, no need for the *14:58
James147ts2: yeah, but -s will print a total, with * its prints a total for each folder14:58
ts2ah, ok, that's one use ;)14:59
ace_I installed Kubuntu 11.10 64 bit on my PC today, and I am having trouble importing my openvpn files. I installed openvpn network-manager-openvpn, restarted, but can't figure out the problem. Any ideas how to get this working?14:59
InvaderZimnepomuk repository takes 534mb15:03
FloodBotK1InvaderZim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:03
InvaderZimI'm gonna delete it15:03
James147InvaderZim: you may then want to turn off file indexing (which is what makes that file so big)15:04
InvaderZimJames147: it's actualy turned off but i guess its from when it was turned on a while ago15:04
BluesKajanother thing InvaderZim , if you don't use nepomuk or akonadi , then you disable them in system settings>startup&shutdown>service manager...this may help speed up your pc15:05
InvaderZimi dont because of the space issue15:06
James147Yey: du: WARNING: Circular directory structure.  :D15:06
InvaderZim18G   16G  956M  95% /15:07
InvaderZimhmm ok i guess its time to test it15:08
InvaderZimBluesKaj: I don't see akonadi in startup&shutdown there, just nepomuk15:08
InvaderZimlet me test this, see how it goes... anyway thanks all for the help, maybe that was it after all15:08
BluesKajInvaderZim,  you can include it in the session management "apps to be excluded" textbox15:09
datruthhow can I fix my headphones when I plug them in sometimes the sound comesx from the speaker and headphones and I have to go in to alsamixxer and fiddle around to get the sound to either come from the speakers or headphones is there an easy to do this?15:11
BluesKajI'll save that suggestion for his return15:11
BluesKajdatruth,  if you have pulseaudio installed then pavucontrol is an option that will you more control over the output connecter selections15:15
BluesKajgive you more control15:15
datruthprogram not installed15:15
BluesKajwhich program?15:17
datruthso I must not use pulseaudio15:17
InvaderZimBluesKaj James147 just as info, still same sluggishness, more than 3 minutes to start up and dialogs take 5-10 secs to appear for the first time... I guess i'm going for the CD reinstall15:18
ts2Kubuntu uses pulseaudio by default in post-lucid iirc15:18
BluesKajdatruth,   look in system settings>media>phonon>...is there an audio hardware tab ?15:19
James147datruth: its a gnome util for pulseaudio, so not install on kubuntu by default... veromix (a kde widget) is a kde alternitive that might be enough15:19
BluesKajts2,  unfortunately yes15:21
datruthBluesKaj: I have that tab yes15:24
swaroophi i have a problem with opening muon software centre. every time i open it, it loads a bare screen and exits abruptly before asking the password..15:26
BluesKajdatruth,  ok, check the device preferences tab , have you set that up with the test button yet ?15:26
BluesKajaudio hardware tab indicates that pulseaudio is installed , so installing pavucontrol will give you more output selection options. A quick check by typing pulseaudio in the terminal first will tell whether it's running or not. datruth15:30
datruthnot yet I will try15:31
swaroophi can anybody please help me?15:34
BluesKajswaroop,  muon is buggy right now the devs are working on it , use a different package manager like apper or even synaptic , or the konsole with apt-get .15:36
BluesKaj!apt-get | swaroop15:37
ubottuswaroop: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)15:37
swaroopyes i love apt-get, was just wondering if it could be solved easily and i might have missed it..15:37
BluesKajswaroop,  no , right muon is basically a no go on most updated installs15:39
BluesKajerr right now15:39
swaroopk thanks15:39
BluesKajswaroop,  if you don't mind a few gtk libs on your sytem , synaptic is still the best reference for finding package descriptions and options , IMO15:41
swaroopyet i can remember it working initially after install or was it on the livecd..15:41
swaroopits ok i'll be fine with package manager for now15:43
ts2BluesKaj: recent Kubuntu's come with GTK anyway15:43
BluesKajts2,  yeah, there's no getting away from them , required ingredient in the (K)Ubuntu recipe15:45
BluesKajok , BBL ..stuff to do for a few mins15:47
swaroopso i was having this problem with my bluetooth adapter. every time i plugged it in, i had had to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart' for it to get detected. so i made a script for it and changed its icon to one resembling a bluetooth icon. Now all text files apper in that fashion. can you help me fix either of the problems?15:49
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domenichey, i was wondering if someone could help me out16:39
domenici'm trying to install the ATI video drivers from the AMD website16:39
domenicbut it requires me to input the password for su16:39
domenicwhen i type in the password i use for my account, and sudo, it doesn't work16:40
chalcedonydomenic, do you know the root pass?16:40
domenicisn't it the same password as the one when i setup this system?16:40
chalcedonymight be, did you add your current user to the sudoers list?16:41
domenicunless it does it automatically, then no, i did no such thing16:41
chalcedonythat might be the answer16:41
chalcedonyhttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-add-a-user-to-the-sudoers-list/  this is a bit generic16:43
domenicthanks for the help, i'll give this a try16:43
domenicas a side note, I am able to perform sudo16:44
domenicfor example, I can "sudo ls"16:44
domenicbut when I attempt to "su"16:44
domenicthe password I give is no longer valid16:44
chalcedonyif you have sudo what do you need su for?16:45
chalcedonysu is debianish16:45
domenicwhen I attempt to install the .run file from the ATI website, a terminal called Kate opens up16:47
domenicand it claims I need su access16:47
ts2Kate is not a terminal, its a text editor16:47
BluesKajyes su is debain root pw , on kubuntu sudo should suffice , don't bother with su16:47
ts2use "sudo bash /path/to/file/.run"16:47
BluesKaj'well, gotta run some errands ..bbl16:49
ts2chalcedony: erm, that's probably the worst possible way of getting a user sudo access, it has a very real chance of actually blocking _all_ sudo access16:50
ts2I'm talking about the the URL btw16:50
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ts2the correct way would just be to add the user to the admin group, that's what it's there for :)16:51
domenicyour advice worked flawlessly16:51
domenicthank you chalcedony16:51
chalcedonyts2, sometimes we find better things than others with google ;)16:52
chalcedonyts2, do you have a link for admin group?16:52
ts2well, from a user with sudo access, you open System Settings -> User Management, then just add the user to the group16:53
chalcedonyts2, thank you16:55
ts2there's probably a more complete guide on help.ubuntu.com somewhere16:55
BentFranklinI read somewhere someone talking about editing /etc/hosts as old-school or deprecated.  Someone please tell this dinosaur the new right way to tell my box who's who on my LAN?  (I don't use network manager because it mangled my box once.)18:07
BluesKajBentFranklin,  maybe you /etc/hosts.allow if your managing your network with /etc/network/interfaces18:15
BluesKajBentFranklin,  my example of /etc/hosts/allow ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/812117/18:17
James147BentFranklin: as far as I know, and from waht I can find /etc/hosts hasn't been deprecated18:18
BentFranklinJames147: BluesKaj: Cool, thanks18:19
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BluesKajBentFranklin,  my example of a static IP for LAN setting in /etc/network interfaces , http://paste.ubuntu.com/812121/18:20
BluesKajerr etc/network/interfaces18:20
BluesKajthis a great tutorial for static IP on /etc/network/interfaces, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html18:22
BluesKajBentFranklin, ^18:22
BentFranklinI'll check that out.18:31
mansoorHello all. What version of KDE is in Kubuntu 11.10?18:49
ts2mansoor: 4.7.318:50
mansoorWhy is 32-bit of Kubuntu  "recommended" over the 64bit? my computer supports both18:51
James147mansoor: all 64bit computers support both, no 32bit computer supports 64bit18:53
mansoorJames147: right18:53
ts2trying to run (third-party) 32-bit applications on 64bit OS can be a little bit touchy at times18:53
James147mansoor: so 32bit will work with just about everything, "recomended" if you dont know which yours is... if you do then use that18:53
ts2unless you have >4GB RAM, then there's not really much point in going 64bit quite yet. and even then, there is the -pae kernel18:54
James147^^ however if you have more then 4gigs of ram you really should be using 64bit18:54
mansoorI'll try my luck with the 64bit18:54
mansoori have 4 gigs but only 3 gigs register18:54
ts2if you got that information from windows, don't trust it...18:55
James147mansoor: then use 64bit or use a pae kernel (i think the server one is)18:55
mansoorohh wait >_>  on mint it says 3.918:55
mansoorI guess i'll go with 32 bit then18:56
ts2a portion of RAM will be reserved for the kernel, and won't normally show in system tools18:56
ts2also, sometimes when the box says "4GB RAM", they are rounding-up18:56
James147mansoor: I would recomend 64bit, its less hassel if you ever decied to upgrade your ram and there arent really any downsides to useing it now18:56
mansoorJames147: I would have distro hoped many times by the time I decide to upgrade my ram :p18:57
James147ts2: they dont generally round either way ^^ they just misslead with the bases18:57
James147though not normally in ram, more so with hdd18:58
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cetonyalguien de mexico????20:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:32
jbehlingwhat does it mean when it says "driver activated but not in use" in 11.04 hardware manager when it comes to the nvidia driver20:54
jbehlingi want to use it, and i thought i was using it...20:55
BluesKajjbehling,  it may be a small bug , open a terminal and run, if it gives a detailed output then you're fine21:02
BluesKajsudo apt-cache policy nvidia-current21:02
jbehlingBluesKaj: ok, what should I run in the terminal?21:03
BluesKajjbehling, run that command ^21:03
jbehlingBluesKaj: run the additional drivers dialogue?21:04
BluesKajno run this : sudo apt-cache policy nvidia-current21:04
BluesKajin the teminal21:04
BluesKajthe reason I'm asking you to run the command is that for some reason there's a bug in that gui and it doesn't se the installed nvidi-current driver21:07
jbehlingBluesKaj: according to the output i have it installed21:07
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jbehlingBluesKaj: seems like you're right, bug in the gui21:07
BluesKajok then you're good to go, just ignore that gui indication21:07
BluesKajI had the same indication , but i knew the the nvidia-current driver was installed21:08
BluesKajjbehling,  np21:09
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benbloom_ok. I've been working on this problem for a long time and tried many solutions to no avail: I need help with RAM... I've got a 64b Acer M3100 running 64b Kubuntu 11.10. I use the builtin ethernet port and a GeForce 220 PCIe Video card. Apparently the MoBo is limited to <=4G but when I try to install >2G both the PCIe video card and my builtin ethernet jack stop working. I've tried using many different configurations to get >2G21:44
benbloom_including 2*2G 800mhz sticks (same mfg) and 4*1G 667mhz sticks. I've checked the individual sticks and sockets for errors with memtest86+. BIOS is identifying them properly, I've cleaned the RAM slots .nothing seems to work! can someone help?21:44
gastal_homebenbloom_: does the onboard ethernet jack have leds on it? do they light up when you connect a cable?21:50
benbloom_hey gastal_home. unsure without a reboot. are you asking to see if it's a physical problem? because it's working fine as long as I remove the addtl RAM21:52
timothyhi there21:52
benbloom_hi timothy21:52
timothymy first time here so just saying hi21:53
benbloom_cool. people around here tend to get a little snippy about non-support related posts.21:54
* benbloom_ ubottu !hi21:54
benbloom_lol oops21:54
timothysadly there is not much wrong with my kde implementation other than a little video tearing at high resolutions on flash videos21:55
benbloom_have you tried using the adobe proprietary 64b plugin timothy?21:56
timothyyes, I have. I remember seeing that flash 11(i think) actualy brought in hardware accel which was a boon! i think it  could be more hardware related. older laptop with x1200 radeon in and 720p flash is fine. 1080p little struggle BUT 1080p video is fine21:58
timothyas in a 1080pvideo file21:59
benbloom_flash is really not designed as a video streaming software. it's very resource intensive even when not streaming HD video22:02
benbloom_gastal left :( i need help!22:02
timothyyea! ref steve jobs & the flash palava!22:02
timothywhat have you got a problem with22:03
phoenix_firebrdneed a good iptables/firewall kde frontend22:03
benbloom_flash is really not designed as a video streaming software. it's very resource intensive even when not streaming HD video22:03
phoenix_firebrdbenbloom_: its because the content is dynamic22:04
benbloom_timothy, I've been working on this problem for a long time and tried many solutions to no avail: I've got a 64b Acer M3100 running 64b Kubuntu 11.10. I use the builtin ethernet port and a GeForce 220 PCIe Video card. Apparently the MoBo is limited to <=4G but when I try to install >2G both the PCIe video card and my builtin ethernet jack stop working. I've tried using many different configurations to get >2G including 2*2G 800mhz22:04
benbloom_sticks (same mfg) and 4*1G 667mhz sticks. I've checked the individual sticks and sockets for errors with memtest86+. BIOS is identifying them properly, I've cleaned the RAM slots .nothing seems to work.22:04
benbloom_yes phoenix_firebrd. i think flash could be utilized in amazing ways, but it's not optimized to be a video streamer22:05
phoenix_firebrdbenbloom_: exactly22:05
benbloom_it's all youtube's fault!22:06
phoenix_firebrdbenbloom_: yourtube is pushing html5 and webm22:06
timothyhaha they have moved to html 522:06
benbloom_yes. really looking forward to html522:06
timothysounds an odd problem that with the mbo22:06
phoenix_firebrdbenbloom_: the html5 player is not yet good22:06
phoenix_firebrdbenbloom_: needs some improvement22:07
benbloom_yes timothy. i'm beginning to think it's a defective mobo. this makes me :'( because I'd really like to have more than 2G on my dual core 64b pc22:08
timothyyes almost negates the usefulness of 64bit os22:08
timothyim trying to find specs\manual from acer website22:09
benbloom_totally negates it! i can't believe the 4G limitation to begin with. but to have an effective cap of 2G i'm living in the stone age22:09
timothyhave you tried  just the 2gb in different slots?22:12
BarkingFishright now, I'd be looking at taking your machine in to be serviced, benbloom_ - it sounds like your board is screwed.22:12
benbloom_BarkingFish, I've been afraid of that. i wonder. if i boot into windows and everything works does that mean it's a sw problem?22:13
benbloom_and yes timothy i have tried that22:14
timothyand thought you might have22:14
timothyso somehow the extra ram is interfering with the system bus esh22:15
timothyit is definiitiely an issue with just linux? are you able to reproduce the problem on different live distros, freeBSD or even windows. I would say that might work lookinng at to rule out hardware failure22:18
benbloom_I'm going to try loading Windows 7 (I have a dual boot system, just never use that part :D)22:21
timothyyea, if windows loads finds the ram and network card etc etc the hardware is functioning ok22:23
timothyi was just reading online that someone had a similar problem with a sound card on the m310022:23
timothywhen putting in more ram the sound card stopped........:-S22:24
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timothywell good luck! i am off to hit the ps3 nice chaatting22:32
timothyanother thing i would try is a live CD of kubuntu with the 4gb in. If that works your ethernet then it is your installation that would need tinkering with22:35
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javaholic5Hi all,  I have deployed a questionnaire and would appreciate it if you could take about 3 minutes of your time to complete it. You can find it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHA2UUhWSVV2WWw4M2VPNnJKNDR5VkE6MQ . Your answers will be completely anonymous. Thank you in advance for all your help23:47
roothi guys23:57
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