
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
benoliver999I've been poking around for a while now, and I just can't get this set of USB speakers working, no matter what I try.08:00
benoliver999I've tried pulse audio.08:00
benoliver999Some other stuff08:00
benoliver999Nothing wants to swtich to them.08:00
benoliver999Bizarrely, the buttons on the speakers (mute/vol up/vol down), work perfectly... on the built in laptop speakers!08:01
benoliver999So right now I have a very large USB volume controller.08:01
benoliver999I've googled the thing to death, and I'm getting no luck. Maybe it's just a driver thing. Not tried them in Ubuntu yet.08:03
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=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
beparasHi, I want to give my user to admin privileges for some command, how to give that09:50
Wulongchmod +s /bin/command09:54
beparasI did chmod +s /bin/mount09:58
beparasand run "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb" command it gives me error09:58
beparasmount: only root can do that09:59
beparassdb1 is my Pendrive09:59
WulongYou know that Lbuntu autodetects and mounts these devices?10:00
WulongIt should atleast.10:00
WulongIf you ever want a regular user to use mount you will have to write this in /etc/fstab10:00
beparasI know that Lubuntu autodetevts the Pendrive, I took it as a example,10:04
beparasI want to run some admin command in my program, e.g. reboot, mount10:06
beparasI did some changes in /etc/sudoers file, but it not working,10:07
Myrttiwhy not just use sudo?10:07
Wulongbeparas: ah, yes, sudoers is the way to go. Remember to use visudo.10:09
beparasI will ask me for passwd,  It is not comfortable for me to enter password everytime, as my programme is continously running10:11
Myrttiit asks it only every fifteen minutes or so, and you can get a root terminal if you *really* *really* want it anyway10:11
bkmbut he does not want to enter a password. he wants elevated privileges on certain programs for his username.10:12
beparas@Wulong: I did some changes in sudoers: changes are, In User privilege I add following line, user1 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL10:12
WulongIf it's not working then your syntax is wrong. I've had syntax errors with this many times.10:13
WulongIt's also important to use visudo and not edit sudoers manually.10:13
beparasI use visudo10:14
beparaswhere do I find syntax error10:14
beparas@bkm: thats I want10:15
WulongI mean, if it's not working, you have done something wrong.10:15
Wulongusername ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/program10:16
beparashttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Enabling%20the%20root%20account, I get info form this link,10:16
WulongYou have to use "sudo /usr/bin/program" to make it work.10:17
beparas@ Wulong: I tried  user1 ALL= NOPASSWD: ALL10:17
beparasalso but it didnt work10:17
beparas@Wulong: is it not possible to remove sudo when entering the command10:19
Wulongsudo checks in sudoers if your user has nopasswd access.10:19
beparasok, Thanks for the information10:21
beparasone more question, If I want to run my program at boot time, which file I have to edit for it10:22
WulongIf it's your X11-user then you put it inside ~/.config/autostart/10:23
WulongIf not you should make a startup script in /etc/init.d/ maybe10:24
WulongI often tend to use crontab10:24
beparasIf I copy my program at /etc/init.d/ but, whom is going to start it at booting time10:33
beparasIs there any file where I have to say start this progam10:34
Myrttithis sounds a bit like you've skinned the catch before having caught it10:34
WulongRead about it.10:35
Myrttiif you want it to start when the system starts, you don't need to break the whole concept of sudo and user priviledge escalation Ubuntu has in place just for that10:35
Myrttiif you had asked the whole question "I have a program I need to start at boot with root priviledges" instead of "I need to run this with root priviledges without root password, oh and can I make it run at boot", it would have been easier to help10:37
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beparas@Myrtti: you are right I have a program I need to start at boot with root priviledges.10:39
Myrttibeparas: good luck with that.10:40
beparasThis is the first time I am using IRC so Little bit confused10:40
AlanBellmorning all10:47
* AlanBell reads back to figure out what beparas is up to10:47
AlanBellwhat kind of program is it beparas? I am confused10:49
AlanBellis it a gui program or a command line thing?10:52
beparasIn the program I check for Pendrive is connected, if it connected then copy some data file form pendrive to PC,10:52
beparasIt is command line program10:52
beparasIt must be start when system start10:52
beparasand it run continuously in while(1)10:53
beparasSo In my program when I run mount command it gives me wright error10:54
beparasdon't have permission to run mount command10:55
beparasAs this program is started at boot time, so It is not possible to enter passwd10:56
AlanBellok, make sure the program isn't at 100% cpu all the time just spinning10:56
AlanBellthat will use loads of power and slow things down10:56
ubot5In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.10:57
ubot5Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:57
beparasno I use sleep in it10:57
AlanBellyou can have an upstart job to run your daemon at boot time, that will run as root normally10:57
AlanBelleven better, make it a udev script10:57
beparasI am using Lubuntu 11.0410:58
AlanBellthen you can have your application auto run when you insert the USB device you want it to run with10:59
AlanBellI don't think it really matters what desktop environment you are using for this, it is all low level stuff11:00
AlanBellalso, this sounds very similar to stuff like copying photos off a camera11:01
beparasIn my case I am copying *.jpg file from Pendrive to PC11:02
AlanBellyeah, that is a pretty standard use-case for this11:03
AlanBelludev is the right way to do it11:03
beparasThank you very much11:09
beparasI have one quiry, How to detect the type of USB device, whether it is Storage device, USB Bluetooth adapter, USB modem11:11
beparasI use this entry to read device node /proc/scsi/usb-stroge/11:14
kvarleyHow can I extract the contents of a subfolder to the folder which I am running the tar command from?11:15
AlanBellbeparas: that is a good question, I think udev sets some environment variables for your program to look at11:17
head_victimAh I'm too slow, was going to point out http://cafuego.net/2007/11/11/time-machine-kinda11:19
head_victimMore reading if you're interested though.11:19
AlanBellyou are checking for SUBSYSTEM=='block' I think11:19
ryannathansafter changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects13:08
ryannathansconnects fine with the box left empty though13:08
ryannathansi keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg13:10
=== Kalidarn is now known as zz_Kalidarn
AleskiCould I get some help with running/installing Lubuntu?19:48
holsteinsure... you have the ISO downloaded Aleski ?19:49
AleskiYeah. I've loaded it on a USB and upon boot it stays on a "ubuntu$" command line-esque thing. It's been a recurring problem with several Ubuntu deviations.19:50
jmarsdenAleski: Do you know what video card your machine has?  Also, try typing     startlubuntu   at that prompt19:51
AleskiI tried startlubuntu and it pretty much does nothing. I believe my netbook's video card is an Intel-something, but it's factory made so give me a second to look it up.19:53
AleskiIntel GMA 500.19:54
holsteinAleski: how about startx19:55
holsteinis it "pretty much" nothing? or nothing?19:55
AleskiIt did something (startx) , but whatever it was, it definitely wasn't a GUI.19:56
holsteini think the graphics card is not a bad route to go thought http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1746934 makes me think it should work19:57
holsteinif it were my box, i would try something like knoppix live... sometimes i grab xorg.conf files from knoppix19:58
AleskiSo there's no way I can use lubuntu without a lot of editing?19:59
holsteinknoppix is just a really good live CD.. i would want to see *any* linux boot on the hardware.. then i could poke around and learn whats going on and see what the deal is19:59
holsteinAleski: srue19:59
holsteinif you havent tested the iso image download sum, thats a good place to start19:59
AleskiI'm trying to make this as simple as it can be. I wouldn't have a clue how to do that.20:00
jmarsdenAleski: The GMA500 is mot one I'm familiar with, but some Intel chipsets do seem to have "issues" with X drivers.  Sounds like it is going to be fiddly to get Lubuntu to run on that machine, basically.20:00
AleskiI do believe I got 11.04 to run once, but it's not ideal due to limited space and computing power.20:00
AleskiAnything similar to lubuntu in the sense of power and space consumption?20:01
holsteinAleski: lets try and test with definites in mind.. trouble-shoot and make notes.. know for sure... otherwise, its just an assumption20:01
Unit193Ubuntu has problems with that one, but someone built the testing version of Ubuntu with support http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/ubuntu-gma500-live-cd/20:01
jmarsdenAleski: You may be able to write a custom xorg.conf file and get X working that way, but you need to be willing to play... ah, use Unit193's link :)20:02
Unit193That's 12.04 Ubuntu, but you should be able to do a !purelxde on it :P20:03
AleskiSo I could replace the xorg.conf in my already prepared lubuntu or should I go for that one?20:03
holsteinAleski: you likely wont have one.. you can put one in place though20:03
Aleski12.04 wasn't exactly what I was looking for...20:06
Myrttiyou were looking for stability?20:06
AleskiYes, and speed. 11.04 was horrible enough for me.20:07
Unit193I figured may as well give it as an option though20:07
MyrttiAleski: it is a dev version, I wouldn't expect miracles from it yet20:07
holsteinwhat was horrible about 11.04? i would expect performance to be similar20:08
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AleskiIt's just bad for a netbook like mine.20:08
AleskiThen again, so is everything else.20:08
holstein11.04 is bad for a netbook?20:08
WulongGMA500 is some crap. I have it in my fit-pc. You'll find how-to threads on this.20:08
holsteinyeah, its the intel graphics chip20:08
WulongNo, it's not Intels work.20:08
holsteinWulong: what is your solution?20:09
AleskiGMA is really, really bad. The only OS I can find suitable is, well, XP, but I broke my hard drive so yeah20:09
holsteinwell, its labeled intel.. thats all i know20:09
WulongIt is. Intel bought it from another firm.20:09
Wulongholstein: hold on, I'll find my blog post.20:09
holsteinAleski: i actually run several linux's with no issue20:09
holsteinAleski: i just have different GMA's... i have used normal ubuntu 10.04... 10.10.. 11.04... debian ..whatever20:10
AleskiI'm saying that when it did, it wasn't nearly as smooth.20:10
holsteini would just choose the version you want to run, and tweak it as Wulong is about to suggest20:10
WulongImagination Technologies made GMA50020:10
Wulonghttp://vegard.hammerseth.com/2011/05/fit-pc-2-as-htpc-using-l-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/ this is my post on "the" subject20:11
WulongOtherwise use; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gma500/emgd20:11
AleskiNot really looking to buy a pc if that's what you're suggesting20:12
AleskiInteresting article, though.20:12
holsteinAleski: the hardware Wulong is referencing is the same as yours20:12
holsteinso the procedure will help you get support for your device20:12
holsteinthe current one you are using20:12
AleskiI have to do all this from the command line?20:13
holsteinAleski: you dont have x right?20:13
AleskiHow would I even know that...?20:14
WulongX (X11) is the graphical interface.20:14
AleskiIt's not running, I guess.20:14
holsteinAleski: i know this might be frustrating.. and it sucks when hardware is not supported, but let us know what you need help with20:14
AleskiWhich I assume everything above 11.04 uses20:14
holsteinfrom the command line, if you are online, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gma500/emgd will add a repositor to help give you access to packages that better support your hardware20:15
AleskiI can't repair it from Windows or something?20:16
holsteinwhen you say "i have to do this from the command line" i was saying, if you dont have access to X, that will be your only option20:16
holsteinAleski: you see at Wulong 's really nice post?.. there are 4 lines basically that will help you20:16
AleskiJust those four?20:17
holsteinthen, if it were me, i would test and then try adding Wulong20:18
holstein's xorg.conf if needed20:18
AleskiSo, reboot with an ethernet connection, and enter these commands?20:18
holsteinAleski: that would be what i would call step one... then you can go from there20:18
holsteinits nice that Wulong has that hardware, and has made that post, and is willing to share... that is your best resource20:18
AleskiThere isn't any way I can edit the ISO instead of doing this manually?20:20
WulongThis can be tricky if you are not used CLI before, because GMA500 is the worst hardware I've ever dealt with in my decade of Linux experience.20:20
holsteinsure, but that would be *way* more challening20:20
WulongAleski: you probably can edit the ISO, but I wouldn't know were to start.20:20
WulongHowever, computlab has an ISO for fit-pc which fixes this.20:21
WulongIt might work for your computer.20:21
AleskiIt's 11.04 right?20:21
holsteinWulong: did you try the vesa driver?20:21
WulongAnother approach would be to google "ubuntu <and your computers name>" to follow someone elses recipie.20:22
WulongAleski: I think so. You find it at compulabs pages.20:22
Wulongholstein: I tried mesa, but it sucks, as usual.20:22
WulongThis emgd driver I use today works, but I'm not happy with it.20:23
holsteinfor video playback?20:23
WulongYes, it has trouble with full HD.20:24
AleskiThat's if to say the GMA could play HD in the first place20:24
WulongI know it can.20:25
WulongGMA500 worked fine until there was a new linux kernel which broke the driver dependencies or something like that.20:25
AleskiHuh. Never ran so hot in fullscreen for me.20:25
WulongWell, Windows is greedy, but thats another subject.20:26
WulongAnyways, after this happend, Intel refused (by license) to release the code or update the driver sufficient.20:27
AleskiWould Xbuntu work or would I suffer the same issues?20:27
Unit193Xubuntu is the same at the core20:28
WulongSame issue.20:28
Unit193Wulong: Do you know at what kernel/Ubuntu version?20:28
Aleskiat what kernel20:28
WulongI think it broke in 9.10, so 9.04 should be fine.20:29
WulongI can check.20:29
Unit193Doesn't matter, that's well past EOL :/20:29
AleskiJust something that I can have a GUI on, and runs sufficiently, preferably better then the official distros20:29
WulongThe info has been removed, but I slightly recall 9.10 being the last working version.20:33
AleskiOf Xbuntu?20:34
WulongAll of them.20:34
WulongThe first letters of the *buntus only describe desktop enviroment.20:34
AleskiAh, okay.20:35
AleskiCan you believe my netbook came pre-installed with Vista Basic?20:37
WulongSure. It's how they do it.20:40
WulongThey sell you crap so you have to buy new.20:41
WulongMore money in their pockets.20:41
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti

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