
jonohey, anyone here used WebKit for their UI of an app?20:41
JanCjono: rickspencer3 did20:48
jonoJanC, yeah, I showed me a while back, I am just trying to figure it out myself now20:48
jonoI wish I remembered what he did :-)20:48
jonoI created http://askubuntu.com/questions/97430/connect-webkit-webview-form-to-a-python-callback to document this if people know20:49
JanChe uses webkit + HTML5 + CSS + JS + JQuery20:49
JanChonestly, I don't think it's really a good idea (yet?) to write apps like that20:50
JanCbecause I'm pretty sure it has usability & accessibility issues20:50
JanCbut if you are just doing a "quick port" of a web app/game to something more standalone...20:52
JanCthe "obvious" "easy" solution to handle this is to run a local HTTP server, of course  ;)20:55
commandolineIn Qt it's possible to call python methods from javascript (QtWebKit), no idea on GTK though. http://pysnippet.blogspot.com/2010/01/calling-python-from-javascript-in-pyqts.html20:55
JanCthis looks like it might have useful info: http://www.aclevername.com/articles/python-webgui/ (although might be outdated...)21:05

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