
=== os2mac is now known as os2mac|away
=== McPeter is now known as Noob`s
TiMiDohey when can i get my mail forward.?07:00
AlanBellhave you set up your email address on launchpad?08:55
TiMiDoyeah i just did right now09:01
TiMiDoI Confirm, the address. already,09:02
AlanBellTiMiDo: you only just set it up?09:08
TiMiDoright now,09:08
AlanBellyou have to set up your forwarding address on launchpad as your primary address09:08
AlanBellyou have hidden it so I can't see what you have done09:09
TiMiDoYour preferred contact address for all Launchpad e-mail is: aaronfarias@att.net09:09
TiMiDochange it to timido@ubuntu.com?09:09
AlanBellok, so you should get emails to that address sent to timido@ubuntu.com from other addresses09:10
TiMiDolet me check09:10
AlanBellyou can't test it from you att.net email, it won't send it straight back to you09:11
AlanBelland it might not start working for a few days from getting membership I think09:11
TiMiDooh okey09:11
TiMiDothen, i live it to rest09:11
TiMiDofor the night since here in Miami, is 4:12 AM09:12
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
bastidrazorhello, i'm trying to get an Ubuntu cloak.   my launchpad page is : https://launchpad.net/~kentuckydon21:48
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:49
k1lbastidrazor: you need to be an ubuntu member to get a ubuntu cloak21:49
bastidrazori see. i am an end user and that about sums it up. :)21:50
bastidrazori do contribute some knowledge in #ubuntu at times21:51
k1lthe wiki pages describes the way to become an ubuntu member. read it and setup the requirements21:51
bastidrazorokay, thanks k1l21:52
k1lno problem. you will need to participate in a meeting. but all that is described in the wiki page.21:53
bastidrazoryes, i have read the page. thank you for your time.21:56

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