
Q-FUNKseems that one new package I had uploaded was rejected, except that there was no explanation other than "rejected by archive admin". what next?04:37
Q-FUNK"rejected by archive administrator" is not a helpful message at all.04:41
ScottKWhat package?04:49
ScottK(The AA that rejects it is supposed to mail you with the details)04:49
Q-FUNKI don't mind the package being rejected per-se, but it would be useful to know why, so that I can fix it.04:49
Q-FUNKlibdigidoc (2.7.0-0ubuntu1) precise;04:50
ScottKQ-FUNK: Did you upload it more than once?  There's still a copy in New: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=libdigidoc04:54
Q-FUNKScottK: not that I recall, but it's possible that I inadvertently did so while intending to upload a copy to our team's PPA.04:56
ScottKMy guess is someone saw two copies in queue and rejected the older one just to clean things up.04:57
Q-FUNKScottK: that reminds me, is there a policy for setting Maintainers to a LP team?  Ideally, the contact address for this would be ~esteid as a team, not just myself personally.04:57
ScottKMaintainer needs to be an *buntu.com address.04:58
ScottKAn LP team in launchpad.net doesn't cover it.04:58
Q-FUNKScottK: ok, that might be the reason. It just wasn't indicated, so it's hard for me to guess.04:58
ScottKXSB-Original-Maintainer can be anything.04:59
Q-FUNKalright. I guess I'll have to be the official maintainer on behalf of the team... ;)04:59
ScottKYou can make ubuntu-developers maintainer04:59
Q-FUNKright, that one can indeed be anything, but LP teams don't necessarily have any external e-mail, correct?04:59
ScottKThere's no rule like for Debian where someone in Maintainer/Uploaders needs to be an actual live person.05:00
ScottKThat's true, but you can get mailing list.05:00
Q-FUNKTrue, and it could make sense for us to have such a list. How do we apply for one?05:00
Q-FUNKThen, we could set that list as our PPA team's contact, too.05:01
ScottKIt's in the LP U/I somewhere.05:01
Q-FUNKok. I'll check.05:01
Q-FUNKThanks for the idea!05:01
Q-FUNKScottK: btw, would you happen to know how often new packages get checked? We have a suite of 6 packages that need to get into Precise to provide support for the national Estonian ID card, the added to Estonian language dependencies.05:03
Q-FUNKScottK: the first one of these (smartcardpp) finally cleared binary-new today.05:03
ScottKIt's irregular.05:06
ScottKAll the archive admins also have other duties.05:06
ScottKAnything that's uploaded before feature freeze will get in though.05:06
Q-FUNKIt was all uploaded earlier this week, pending approval and eventually landing in dep-wait.05:08
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Kanohi, just tested cloudprint 0.5 deb, it misses one depend: python-pkg-resources13:29
jtaylorKano: which distribution?13:32
Kanoboth, the same file anyway for oneric/precise13:33
jtaylornevermind, oneiric13:33
jtaylorit works in precise13:33
Kanosure, but only because  python-pkg-resources was preinstalled13:33
jtaylorclean chroot13:33
jtaylorprobably some of its depends pulls it in13:34
Kanothat a script only13:34
Kanono automatic depend detection13:34
Kanotested it on squeeze and found that13:34
jtaylorof course a script will not pull dependencies13:35
jtayloryou need a package for that13:35
tumbleweedit's common for packages to miss dependencies on python-pkg-resources, because that has to be explicitly stated13:36
jtaylorunless you use dh_python2 and it has a correct requires.txt13:36
jtaylorthat will convert setuptool dependency into a pkg-resources one13:37
Kanofeel free to change it the way it works correct13:40
jtaylorsomeone familiar with ocaml here?13:42
l3onHey guys... someone here can remove condor and classads from precise ?14:27
l3onclassads has been removed from debian because is now in condor14:27
l3oncurrent condor version in ubuntu requires classads as dep, but it does not exist14:28
jtaylorfile a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive14:28
l3onok, I'm going14:28
jtaylor+ sponsors if needed14:28
l3onthanks :)14:28
jtaylorthough if its removed from debian some script should remove it automatically14:29
jtaylorI think14:29
l3onah no ok, classads is not in precise14:29
Weasleyhi, i have a packaging related question14:30
Weasleyif i want to fork a package, can i use quilt to patch files inside the debian directory, eg. the rules file or the control file?14:30
jtaylorit might work, but you should not do that14:31
jtaylorjust use a VCS14:31
jtaylorwhy do you want to fork a package?14:32
l3onjtaylor, bug 919671 - thanks :)14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 919671 in condor (Ubuntu) "Please remove classads and condor from ubuntu precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91967114:32
jtaylorl3on: so condor is uninstallable?14:33
l3onjtaylor, yep... it's need a new version... I tried to upgrade it, but I should spend to much time to well understand how condor works14:33
l3onjtaylor, bug 51884814:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518848 in condor (Ubuntu) "A new upstream release of condor (7.6.6) is available" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51884814:34
jtaylorhave you spoken to the guy you uploaded condor?14:35
l3onjtaylor, yep14:36
l3onI sent him an email 4 days ago... still waiting for a reply14:36
jtaylorhe wants it removed too?14:36
l3onI dind't talk about removal...14:36
l3onjust about new release and depends problem14:36
jtaylorthe remove reason is: ROM; No longer released separately, moved to different source package14:37
jtaylorcan't the new package be used?14:37
l3onjtaylor, of course14:37
l3onif someone starts to work14:37
l3onI tried, but it seems not too much simple14:37
l3onjtaylor, would you sponsor a merge for me ? :)14:47
jtaylorwhich one?14:48
l3onbug 91452314:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914523 in shogun (Ubuntu) "Please merge shogun 1.1.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable " [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91452314:49
jtaylorthats not nice Add mono-gmcs as build-depends to fix FTBFS14:51
jtaylorit should use the default14:52
l3onin configure.ac it looks for gmcs14:53
* Laney eyes this package14:53
Laneyno clideps?14:53
jtaylornope ..14:53
l3onconfigure:if gmcs --version >/dev/null 2>&114:53
Laneyit should use mono-csc14:53
Laneypatch it if necessary14:54
jtaylorhm ahs the hdf5 transition in deiban started already?14:54
l3onSo... what I would do?14:54
l3ontry to replace gmcs with mono-csc ?14:54
jtaylorfirst file an RC bug in debian14:54
jtaylorhm where's my template14:55
l3ondebian does not have this problem, cause they have mono-gmcs as depends in mono-devel14:55
jtaylornot anymore14:55
jtaylorI'll file the debian bugs14:56
l3onjtaylor, mmm http://packages.debian.org/sid/mono-2.0-devel14:56
Laneyit didn't even come on our transition radar because the dependencies are wrong14:56
jtaylorthey are RC, so will hopefully be fixed soon, then we look at the merge again14:56
Laneyfancy asking antlr and zeroc-ice to rebuild?14:57
jtaylorme? in debian? why?14:57
Laneyi pinged #debian-java on irc but no response14:57
Laneybecause you're filing bugs :P14:57
Laneyi'll do it later if yo udon't want to14:57
jtaylorif you tell me the reason I can do it14:57
jtaylorjust rebuildonly?14:58
Laneythey have mono bindings14:58
l3onI'm not following you :P14:59
l3onshogun has mono-2.0-devel as build-dep, which has mono-gmcs as dep15:00
l3onso, it works15:00
jtaylorthats most likely wrong15:00
l3onjtaylor, ah ok, can you file the bug ?15:00
l3onthanks, please CC me :P15:01
l3onok.. and then .. let's go on with paprefs :D15:01
jtaylorLaney: I can copy pasted your coco-cs mail?15:07
jtaylorl3on: debian bug 656756, 65675715:09
ubottuError: Debian bug 656757 could not be found15:09
ubottuDebian bug 656756 in shogun "shogun: Please use debians default csharp compiler" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/65675615:09
l3onjtaylor, thanks :D15:10
l3onif you're free... paprefs seems ready too15:10
l3onnote that I updated dsc to althiot, waiting for a sponsor there. Maintainer also hasn't yet replied me after some days.15:12
jtaylorLaney: bugs filed15:14
Laneyjtaylor: thanks, and yeah that's what I would do15:36
jtaylorsiretart: ups did not see your message on the mplayer bug17:47
jtaylorI synced the version from debian almost-testing, it fixes the issue17:48
siretartjtaylor: what version did you sync? the one from unstable?17:56
siretartokay, then please just close the bug. I would have done exactly the same :-)17:57
jtayloralready done17:57
jtaylorsorry I forgot to assign myself17:57
siretartno problem17:58
antoniuI'm having trouble packaging something into a deb file, can anyone help me out22:48
jmarsdenantoniu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete22:52
antoniuwell here's the thing I am able to package it and when I upload it to the ppa it builds successfully, however it's a dkms package that contains a post add script, I made sure to make the script executable but when I install the deb it says the script isn't executable22:57
antoniuhowever I packaged it using dkms22:58
CoreyIf I have a .install file that I'm trying to place a templated config file in, can I have .install rename the file as well?23:53
directhexdebian/install cannot rename files23:54
CoreyThen what's the proper way to have a file renamed during package creation from a tarball?23:56
jtayloruse mv in rules23:57
Coreyjtaylor: And that'll take effect after the file is copied into place?23:57
directhexit'll take place at the point you put it in in your rules file23:58
directhexi.e. if it happens before dh_install it'll happen then. after -> after23:58
CoreyHm, there's no dh_install in my rules file.23:58
Coreyis there a dh_postinstall?23:58
jtayloryou can override it23:59
jtaylor  dh_install23:59
jtaylor  #do more stuff23:59
jtaylorassuming a dh-7 like package23:59

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