
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (boylove)03:25
ubottuIn ubottu, Unit193 said: !forget vistalover04:41
ubottuError: unresolvable <alias> to nixternal04:47
bazhanganother "this is the biggest channel so I'll ask here" type11:02
AlanBellI think there should be a !udev factoid, not quite sure what it should say11:09
AlanBellmaybe link to that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto11:10
MyrttiAlanBell: you're a saint11:13
LjL!benchmark is <reply> Packages for bechmarking your system include bonnie++ (for drives), glmark2 (for 3D graphics), netperf (for networking), mbw (for memory) - For more, issue the !terminal command « apt-cache search benchmark »13:01
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL13:01
LjL!testing is <reply> To test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds.13:04
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL13:04
LjL@mark #ubuntu kldfnd Randomly tells me to use a pastebin to reply to a user, might have been in jest13:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:53
bazhangis it Troll o'clock?15:06
Myrttiyou all should have push rights now to the quotes files15:12
Myrttiso if you see anything worth noting down, feel free :-P15:12
bazhangthat was Alina from earlier as well.15:57
oCeanfrancisco_ is Guest63972 from earlier17:22
pangolinhe's in -es now17:24
pangolinso far being good17:24
oCeanstill talking in #u (it's +z) I'm not sure but don't think it's on topic17:25
pangolinprobably not17:26
pangolinhe's being helped now in -es17:28
Myrttimugen contacted me in pm, told him to join here to discuss it in English18:19
LjL[20:48:15] <maujhsn> I have an mplayer install issue...."Help" http://pastebin.com/E5y7yQ63   [20:48:57] <LjL> maujhsn: output of "apt-cache policy mplayer"?   [20:51:05] <maujhsn> LJL I will give it a try and let you know how things work out!19:51
LjL... wut19:51
bazhang<DragonSlay> wildc4rd, try installing traffic control application in windowsXP .19:52
bazhanghe seems to not make sense19:52
* LjL wonders if it's just him, or Myr hasn't actually said anything requiring a !who20:11
LjLnot to mention the irony of using !who without a recipient20:11
bazhangLjL, yeah, that was pretty funny; a !who without piping it to anyone20:13
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
pangolinMyrtti: !!!!!!!!21:38
bazhangshe can now KLINE US21:39
pangolinrww and now Myrtti. I question how sane the process of choosing new staff is.21:41
mrmisthow long have you been here that you figure the staff body to be sane?22:20
Tm_Tmrmist: too long, clearly22:21
pangolinTm_T: is right, way too long22:21
Tm_TI just came here, did I?22:22

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