
brouschyeah i spent 45mins changing all my passwords earlier today00:00
tjagodabrousch: is it just me01:38
tjagodaor have more placed been getting cracked recently01:38
tjagodaLike, are we ready to blame the North Koreans yet or something?01:38
_stink_has anyone else had the sun java plugin for firefox suddenly stop working?02:39
_stink_i have a lucid machine and a maverick machine both run into this in like the last day02:39
_stink_and dpkg -c on the .deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/ doesn't look quite right02:39
_stink_going to the plugins list in firefox doesn't even show java.02:40
_stink_i have icedtea crap totally purged.02:40
_stink_maybe it's totally deprecated.02:42
_stink_yep, the plugin is disabled intentionally02:43
_stink_</fake rage>02:43
snap-l_stink_: It's not like soemone didn't post in channel that things were changing for Java. ;)02:46
snap-lLike, oh, I dunno... me?02:46
_stink_i must be totally failing to read the scrollback!02:46
nixternalwidox: 102:47
snap-lYou should be able to recall every letter I type with crisp accuracy02:47
nixternalstupid byobu02:47
_stink_my choices are to: (1) read ubuntu mailing lists :| or (2) read all #ubuntu-us-mi scrollback for snap-l's lines02:48
nixternaldisregard that widox, didn't / before wi in irssi and hit tab02:48
snap-l_stink_: Well, since you missed it in both, you'll need to rethink your plan of attack02:48
_stink_heh, yes.  like do (2).02:48
_stink_hi, my name is Java, and I call what everyone else calls the 'JRE' by the name 'Java SE', just to mess with you.02:49
snap-lWe'll need to strategize a plan of improvement02:49
jjessehi java02:49
_stink_snap-l: you can be like my employer and ask me to write it :P02:49
snap-lWel, there's the JRE in Java SE, but then there's the JDK02:49
snap-l_stink_: But of course02:49
jjessenixternal,  how is snowmagedon treating you?02:49
snap-land then I won't read it02:49
_stink_is Java SE different in some way from just the JRE?02:50
nixternalwe got about 8 inches probably02:50
snap-l_stink_: Java SE includes the JRE02:50
jjessenice we have about 602:50
nixternalfar from snowmagedon02:50
snap-land the JDK includes the JRE02:50
_stink_oh oh02:50
jjesseplow truck just showed up at house so it must be done for night02:50
_stink_snap-l: ok, gotcha, thanks.02:50
snap-land quite frankly you're better off using OpenJDK02:50
_stink_this is why i liked apt-get install sun-java6-plugin.02:50
nixternalused the leaf blower to remove 5 inches earlier and there is anywhere from 3 to 4 inches out there again02:50
jjesseleaf blower?02:50
snap-lbecause Oracle is fat with cocks they've choked upon02:50
_stink_snap-l: openjdk barfs on our horrible VPN.02:51
_stink_that deserves to die02:51
nixternalit is light powdery snow02:51
jjesseah iterating wouldn't have thought about that02:51
nixternalleaf blower blows the snow like a champ02:51
snap-l_stink_: My condoleces both-ways02:51
jjesseco-worker drove down to chicago  for his wife's birthday02:51
jjesseand barely got there02:51
nixternalhe is stuck here tonight if he went to the city02:51
jjesseyeah he went to the city02:54
jjesseweekend get away02:54
nixternalis it still snowing by you?02:56
jjesseyeah not bad though02:56
nixternal7.5" according to our precip gauge, and that bastard is dead accurate02:58
nixternalbetter be for $75002:58
nixternalweather geeks ftw :)02:58
tjagodaI can buy a lot of things for $75003:07
tjagodaWeather Precipitation Gauges would not have been factored onto that list =(03:07
jjesselooks like all the worse came south of grand rapids03:11
nixternalheh, $3,500 just for the main weather station itself03:11
nixternalhad to pay $750 to get snowfall device03:11
nixternaland that is wired, not even wireless. though it connects to a server and we can access the data that way03:12
nixternalonly thing i am missing is my own dopplar device. one of these days03:12
nixternalthen everyone in the hood knows the local weather via wunderground and a couple of local underground weather sites03:14
greg-gthat's awesome03:18
snap-lnixternal: Yeah, JODee and I want to do that too03:19
nixternalsnap-l: dude, it is like crack03:23
nixternalif you guys do decide, research like crazy, and never go cheap03:23
nixternalcheap either leaves you wanting more (best case scenario), or leaves you having to purchase new stuff because the cheap stuff failed03:24
nixternali know we have probably paid $10k over the years because we started with crap03:24
nixternaland if you can do it, always do wired. nothing like losing a wireless connection due to all of the lightning in the area or heavy rain/snow fall03:25
greg-gnixternal: link to your wunderunground station?03:25
nixternalplus, wired is cheaper, but better in this case03:25
nixternaldon't know what i did, but wunderground is the mobile edition in my browser :/03:29
nixternalyikes, i hosed da browser somehow. greg-g does that say "Schaumburg West" for the weather station?03:31
nixternaland don't report it for bad data :D03:31
snap-lYeah: Schaumburg West, Schaumburg, IL03:47
nixternali need to change that one of these days. we haven't been schaumburg west for a couple of years now, but it doesn't matter i don't think03:48
snap-lLat: N 42 ° 1 ' 11 '' ( 42.020 ° )03:49
snap-lLon: W 88 ° 8 ' 20 '' ( -88.139 ° )03:49
snap-lAre those accurate?03:49
nixternalthey were accurate, that is the my old streamwood house03:49
snap-lYeah, you might want to change them03:49
snap-lbecause it'll report it at the wrong location03:49
nixternalit's a whopping .5 miles east of there now03:50
* snap-l hits report. :)03:50
nixternalsomeone else did that last year03:50
snap-lProbably because they wants reports. :)03:50
nixternali think they were out to steal our equipment. how else would you know that it isn't in that location unless you went snooping for it?03:51
snap-lI hovered over it,thinking it might have more data.03:51
nixternalwe have another guy in the area that has a rig that the local news could use. so with that, i was thinking to sell our equipment and get something for the car. this summer we did a couple of tornado chases with nothing more than a laptop & cell phones. it worked, but damn it was slow03:54
nixternalespecially since we were using a verizon 3g mifi device to stream the dash cam03:54
snap-lMy sister-in-law is in love with Reed Timmer03:55
snap-lReid, whatever.03:55
nixternalscrew reid03:57
nixternalhe took my girl man03:57
nixternalginger zee is a friend and she used to be fun to hang out with back in the day. then she hooked up with him & has been useless ever since03:57
nixternalso much so that she left chicago for new york and good morning america03:58
nixternalsome of the best meteorology classes i took were from her. and now we have the lame professor back after she left :D03:59
snap-lNot a fan of the hometown girl makes it big?03:59
nixternalactually she is jjesse's hometown girl03:59
nixternali am not a fan of that idiot reid taking one of the hottest women on the planet off the market04:00
snap-lDOn't trust anyone on TV anyway. They're all looking for their next big gig04:00
snap-lWell, if my sis-in-law has anything to do about it, she'll be back in Chigago04:00
nixternalactually, she wasn't. she was good and is highly respected. though that could be because of how she looks04:00
snap-llooking for some nixxie04:00
nixternali don't know what it is about nbc5 chicago and weather ladies the past 5 years, but they are all drop dead gorgeous04:01
nixternalhttp://j.mp/zXGAtH - whoa, that guy sat next to me at our high school graduation04:05
snap-lIs there anyone in Chicago that you don't know?04:05
snap-lSheesh, you hung out with Oprah, even. :)04:06
nixternalyour mom04:06
snap-lThat's eas: my mom isn't in Chicago04:06
nixternalthat was because dad had to take me and my brother to work when we were kids04:06
snap-land she doesn't even like the band Chicago, so there. :)04:06
nixternaloprah fired my dad when she did the whole "i am only hiring minorities and women" thing in the late 80s04:07
nixternalotherwise known as "when oprah switched to union workers"04:07
nixternalthis is actually no joke, but i only met her one time, and she yelled at my brother & I for running around the studio. if she only knew what we were doing when we weren't running around the stuido04:08
nixternaldid you know that if you put coffee in a stryofoam cup and put it in a microwave for 5 or 10 minutes it will catch on fire?04:09
snap-lnhttp://static.arstechnica.net/assets/2012/01/microsoft_store_at_oakbrook_mall-4f1893a-intro-thumb-640xauto-29561.jpg <- is this really what a Microsoft Store looks like?04:10
snap-lI thought they just photoshopped that Simon-ripoff on an Apple Store04:11
nixternalthat's it04:11
nixternalit is in the oakbrook terrace outdoor mall04:11
nixternalright next door to holister04:11
snap-lWow, incredibly lame04:11
snap-lnixternal: Never put styrofoam in the microwave.04:11
nixternalno, incredibly lame is when they denied me access for wearing a linux t-shirt on opening day04:11
snap-lnixternal: Haw04:11
snap-lI've been in an Apple store with a Linux shirt04:12
snap-lThey didn't say boo to me, although they did seem a bit nervous04:12
nixternali have to, also been in an apple store with a radiation suit on04:12
nixternalthey kicked me out too04:12
snap-llike I was going to suddenly don a bunny suit and start singing the FSF song04:12
nixternalthen had me arrested for sticking the "DRM Inside" stickers on their windows04:12
snap-lnixternal: Dude, seriously?04:13
nixternalchicago cops took me a couple of the other chicago lug guys around the corner and released us04:13
nixternaltemporarily arrested just to satisfy the mactards04:13
snap-lYou are insane.04:13
snap-lso are you banned from the Apple store?04:13
nixternalwish the chiglug site was still up and the photo gallery. good pics of me in the yellow FSF radiation suit in the store, outside of the store, in teh back of a police car04:14
nixternalthat thing sucked. i smelled like stallman when it was all over with and i took it off04:14
snap-lWell, yeah04:14
snap-lthey're not designed for comfort04:14
snap-lor breathability04:15
nixternalit was a fake one, but still, it was really a yellow rain suit with the helmet thing04:15
nixternalit looked real at a distance04:15
nixternalbut up close you can tell the FSF only paid like $3 for each kit to send out to all LUGs who were GLUGs. had to be a GNU Linux Users Group04:16
nixternalwe changed the name just to get the suits04:16
nixternaland to get stallman to come to chicago and hangout for a weekend04:16
snap-lMan, we're just way too laid back up here04:16
nixternalthat dude is a ripoff. he doesn't believe in anything except expensive ass hotels04:16
nixternalheh, we are so laid back we don't even have a lug anymore04:17
snap-lWell, he lives in hotels, afaict04:17
nixternalthere is nothing opensource/linux wise anymore. nobody cares04:17
nixternalit is all programming languages now. pretty much either ruby or python with a large ios and android community04:17
snap-lWe still have a thtiving UNIX grou04:18
nixternalyeah, you won't find that here anymore. not that many linux users anymore04:18
nixternalmost switched to macs04:18
nixternaltime 4 bed. g'nite04:25
mydogsnameisrudy-5 this fine morning11:53
brouschi'm sitting across from my son at the table. he dropped a cheerio and it fell on my foot. it is very cold and wet12:04
brouschhe is cracking up12:04
mydogsnameisrudyhmmm you got a dog?12:07
mydogsnameisrudythe dog might want it ...12:08
brousch2 dogs12:13
mydogsnameisrudyoh now what need more cheerio's12:13
* Wolfger crosses his fingers...15:38
Wolfgerjust applied for that LP position15:38
snap-lWolfger: Awesome!15:45
snap-lI wish you the best of luck!15:45
tjagodaYay snow15:51
Wolfgertjagoda: you like snow so much, I'll let you come shovel mine16:32
* Wolfger is in a hibernating mood.16:32
Wolfger... and right on cue, without knowing what I'm typing, wife say "you gonna go out and do the snow?"16:35
Wolfgertjagoda: you every put in your app for that LP job?16:36
tjagodaI did16:36
tjagodaI have not heard anything16:36
WolfgerWell, good luck. I just submitted this morning as well.16:36
tjagodaUbuntu-us-mi shall dominate the canonical employment scene.16:48
brouschdon't we already?16:53
tjagodaWe have two16:54
tjagodaI dont know if that counts as dominate?16:55
WolfgerI thought we had 317:20
Wolfgerjcastro, rick_h, and smoser?17:21
tjagodaI dont know who/what smoser is17:26
rick_halso have DBO17:29
snap-ltjagoda: If you wnt to MUG you'd know who smoser is17:32
snap-lat least, when he shows up. :)17:32
jrwreni sure hope all those LP people transform LP into something that is better than github.17:57
nixternaljust use github :p18:09
jrwrenme too18:17
jrwrenbut i have some old junk on LP. maybe I should move it.18:17
nixternalor ignore it, you did call it "old junk"18:32
nixternals/ignore/forget about/18:32
rick_hheh, LP isn't going to get turned much any time soon18:59
rick_hbug fixes, couple new features18:59
brouschdid you see what sourceforge is doing now?19:05
brouschscraping other places and hosting mirrors of things?19:05
brouschLaunchpad could one-up them by paying each person to host code with launchpad19:07
brouschinstead of bitbucket's unlimited free repos, launchpad pays you $1/repo and $0.10/commit19:10
rick_hyea, but we already do mirroring and you can do things like export your github repo and build a ppa package with it19:14
rick_hI'm going to try to get that process down and do an open space on it at pycon hopefully19:15
tjagodaI like that we demand that rick_h single handedly fix everything wrong with Launchpad19:18
tjagodaMy largest annoyance was always its slow page loads19:19
jrwrenits not that anything is wrong with LP, its just that github has stepped things up with new features and raised hte bar.19:20
jrwrenLP was excellent a few yrs ago.19:20
jrwrenit was top notch.19:20
jrwrennow that top notch is much higher than it was.19:20
jrwrenrick_h: you playing with that pgsql9.2 json yet?19:24
jrwreni'm salivating at the idea of indexing that json based on selectors :)19:25
rick_hjrwren: not yet. We're still on pgsql 819:30
rick_hjrwren: I like the idea though, curious to see real performance numbers of dumping query results into json at the db side without pulling results and then doing it in the server side language19:30
rick_htjagoda: well the speed issue is getting a ton better19:30
rick_hand once my JS rework lands here in the next week/two I'll let you beta test if you want19:31
rick_hthe JS changes make it feel a lot faster as well19:31
rick_hjrwren: the github thing is that it's great for the code hosting19:31
rick_hit's bug tracker has gotten better19:31
rick_hbut LP has a MUCH bigger feature set and has been tring to evolve for a lot longer19:31
rick_hdon't get me wrong, I'm not rushing to my my stuff off github, but the direct comparisons are a bit tough19:32
brouschtjagoda: that's because we know rick_h is the only man who _can_ fix it19:38
rick_hit's tough though. LP is so big. I actually wanted to work with the U1 team, but this came open and took it19:40
rick_hnow I'm in I see the LP team is a bit of the model for others19:40
rick_hand of course now U1 is hiring a dev :P19:40
rick_hanyway, if there are speicific bugs let me know. For the next few months my job is to work on bugs I find interesting that are high enough priority19:41
rick_hso might even be able to fix a thing/two :)19:41
brouschrick_h: well now that you're in, i assume it's easy to move to different departments19:43
rick_hbrousch: you need to stick in one place for a year and you can do rotations, but I want to stick here for sure since it's a bit of the gold standard for teams19:43
rick_hI mean I've been here two months and I feel I'm already a better dev than I was by a significant margin19:44
rick_hso not unhappy at all, just funny19:44
rick_h"i'll sneakin through LP and do cool stuff eventually...oh wait this is kind of cool here"19:44
brouschwhat team is foord on?19:44
rick_hhe's on a platform team that does other things like the hardware site, the software center paypal integration, etc19:45
rick_hmainly works on django sites we pop up forthings19:45
brouschwho is the rockstar at canonical i can't remember?19:46
rick_hhe is and barry warsaw19:46
rick_hhonestly we've got a bunch of python rockstars including one guy who's nick is rockstar :)19:46
brouschyeah, warsaw19:47
rick_hyea, he's a python core guy working on the py3 stuff and side by side python installs19:48
rick_hhis goal is to have 2.7 and 3.2 side by side coming up all generating their own .pyc and such so you can truly run code on either19:48
brouschubuntu does that very well19:48
rick_hright, but there's limitations due to how python works that need rework19:49
rick_hsee http://www.wefearchange.org/2012/01/debian-package-for-python-2-and-3.html19:49
brouschi like how deadsnakes works19:50
brouschkeep doing whatever that does19:50
rick_hif barry gets his stuff working and in you won't need it any more19:51
rick_hyou'd just apt-get install each and could pick the same script and run it on any version any time19:51
brouschshut up!19:52
rick_hyea, each version would store it's own .pyc, have it's own site-packages, etc19:53
brouschdoes it use the __pycache__ thing i've seen from python3.2?19:56
rick_hand PEP written by Barry Warsaw.19:57
rick_hright after that19:58
brouschheh. chrome just crashed and freed up literally 4GB of RAM and swap20:10
* greg-g only has 4g of ram20:12
brouschme too20:16
greg-gwhen chrome runs, nothing else does.20:19
tjagodayay firefox20:19
brouschi should set up two profiles for firefox so i could use it for work and persona;20:19
tjagodarunning firefox + pidgin, using ~875MB20:20
tjagodafirefox only has two tabs up however20:20
brouschmy chrome had been running for 6 days i think20:21
tjagodaI put kubuntu on my desktop20:21
tjagodaEvery time I reboot it forgets how I want the dual heads to work, but remembers all the desktop UI settings as soon as I turn the right head back to extension instead of mirror20:22
tjagodaYay open source =P20:22
WolfgerHuh. I wonder why it doesn't remember your dual head settings20:22
WolfgerFile a bug20:22
Wolfgerthen tell rick_h about your LP experience. :-D20:23
tjagodaI should have namedropped rick_h in my application.20:24
tjagodaAdded a line item "Willing to personally harass the residence of rick_h for the purposes of supporting critical deadlines."20:24
tjagodaI look at the canonical applicatoin status and it says Status "Open."20:25
tjagodaI dont think there's a way to figure out what the possible statuses are20:25
WolfgerDid you get an auto-reply on your submission?20:38
WolfgerI got one that said "we're too busy to respond to every app individually, but you can update your stuff at [url]"20:39
Wolfgercouldn't decide if that was a "we got your app" or a "foad". It didn't actually say either.20:39
tjagodaI got the auto reply.20:40
jrwrenbrousch: about:plugins and disable flash. then crhome will use much less ram.21:12
tjagodaparty party?23:54

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