
bkerensaoh darn... I just get on IRC and now I gotta run off and work00:48
MarkDudebkerensa, PING01:03
MarkDudeAny news on cheaper Linux laptops?01:03
MarkDudeWhen does CTL expect their machines to hit- end of Feb?01:04
c_smithhmmmm, wonder what GPU those come with.01:05
c_smithgot 15 minutes until I head to the Ubuntu Hour for today.01:05
c_smithheaded there gives me 10 minutes leeway.01:06
MarkDudeIntel Core i3-2330 2.2GHz, 3M Cache01:06
MarkDudeTello Ben I can check later01:06
MarkDudeSomeone at the conference was interersted01:07
MarkDudehave fun c_smith01:07
c_smithMarkDude, I wasn't talking CPU, but GPU: Graphic Processing Unity, commonly known as a Graphics Card.01:08
c_smith*Unit, not Unity01:08
c_smithany clue what the graphics card is?01:09
bkerensaMarkDude: Beginning of March01:34
* bkerensa is likely going to be a contractor setting up SVN/GIT/Trac for them and some other work to make their Ubuntu product development better01:35
albrighabkerensa: cool awesome!01:49
* c_smith is at the Broadway Commons Coffeehouse01:50
c_smithstill trying to find a better place to host these Ubuntu Hours in Salem.01:50
c_smithbleh, Plasma Shell keeps crashing......01:54
c_smithso, is anyone here at Broadway Commons?01:54
c_smithif anyone is here, I'm 2 tables away from the door facing Broadway.01:55
albrighaI can't make it down there tonight I'm afraid01:55
albrighabut where on broadway is it?01:55
c_smithit's on the corner of Broadway and Gaines.01:56
c_smithreally easy for me to get to.01:56
c_smithCherriots and monthly bus pass from school ftw!01:56
c_smithbkerensa, any clue what GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) those CTL laptop have?01:57
albrighaOh, you are in salem--that's right.02:01
albrighaI kept thinking you are in portland >_<02:01
c_smithI have doctors in Portland (OHSU) and I go to Portland for some of the Ubuntu Oregon events, I'd love to attend OSCON.02:02
albrighayeah I'm planning on going this year02:09
albrighaI've been before and tons of swag02:09
albrighagot even02:10
albrighait's good fun02:10
albrighaI think there will be a loco booth?02:10
albrighabkerensa would know better..but I think he said osmething about that02:10
c_smithjust wish I knew where it was (street address) so I could start planning.02:10
albrighausually convention center I think02:14
albrighayeah convention center02:14
c_smithnice, now I can actually start planning for it.02:16
albrighaglad I could help :)02:37
albrighawell how'd the ubuntu hour go then?03:51
c_smithnobody showed up, dunno if I turned any heads to FLOSS either.03:52
c_smithbut it's only the 3rd meeting (second one I didnt't make, 1st one I hosted, might have those numbers wrong, too) so it's to be expected.03:52
c_smithheh, I posted about that on #ubuntu-offtopic by mistake. meant to say what I said there here.03:53
albrighahate it when that happens04:08
c_smithwell, back to marking software to install04:09
albrighaso what do you do c_smith?04:56
albrighaschool, work? etc?04:56
c_smithSchool, working on getting in Chemeketa.05:11
c_smithI help out here in my spare time (which is getting less and less these days)05:11
c_smithplus I have an operation on my jaw coming up (which I wish I could just forget until I have to go in for it)05:12
albrighawhat do you want to learn at chemeketa?05:19
albrighaI have an operation on my wrist soon >_<05:19
albrighanot looking forward to it either05:20
albrighawhat do they have to do with your jaw, if you don't mind?05:20
c_smiththey're breaking it and reconstructing it, similar to what they did to my nose, this will be operation twenty-something, I lost count at 20.05:20
albrighadamn man05:21
albrighathat sounds harsh >_<05:21
c_smithScholiosis, Cleft Lip AND Pallet.05:21
albrighawell..hopefully everything will work out this time!05:21
c_smithgot the short straw in that sense in my family, but I haven't had a broken bone that didn't need to happen.05:21
c_smithboth my brother AND sister have had broken bones due to accidents.05:22
albrighaman that sucks05:22
albrighaI'm sorry :(05:22
c_smithyep, at least I haven't broken a bone in my body myself.05:22
albrighabut..you seem pretty positive05:22
albrighaso that's good :)05:22
c_smithyep. sometimes I get somewhat negative, but with this type of stuff, I find it's easier to look at it in a positive angle.05:23
albrighayeah...can't really control it. sadly05:23
c_smiththere are things I tend to look at negatively though.05:23
albrighaI'm sure, it happens :/05:23
albrighawhat are you wanting to do at chemeketa?05:24
c_smithbut most things are easier to look at in a positive light.05:24
albrighathey do emt/fire stuff there, I think?05:24
c_smithsomething that will help me at least get in to a better college for programming classes.05:24
albrighaah cool!05:25
albrighahave you learned any programming, by chance?05:25
c_smitha bit of Python.05:25
albrighaI've been working on python myself05:25
c_smithstill working on it in times I'm bored.05:25
albrighaif you want to do some collaboration I'd be down05:25
albrighait's nice to work with someone, I feel05:25
albrighalittle motivation, etd05:25
c_smithwhen I get bored, I put my effort to learning it. or reading a book.05:26
albrighahave you looked at..05:26
albrighait's great!05:26
albrighaI also found some MIT classes online! :O05:26
c_smiththat looks like it would be better than the book I'm using.05:27
albrighaI've had a hard time with books..05:27
albrighaI mean I have a great book too05:27
albrighabut the learnpythonthehardway is great05:27
albrighaI learned a lot05:28
c_smithI myself have a good time with books when I can practice it while reading it.05:28
albrighait's just hard that, at least my python book, is 3" thick05:28
albrighait's hard to prop that thing up so I can read it while typing05:28
albrighaI have a music stand..but it sort of falls over05:30
albrighawell check it out, let me know what you think05:30
albrighaI'm no expert, but I'll help if I can05:30
albrighaI know some super python programmers though05:31
c_smithI will, currently working on marking stuff for installation, and then am going to sleep, I'll look at it tomorrow then let you know. k?05:31
albrighayeah cool :)05:31
albrighattyl :)05:31
c_smithalso, was it you I was helping with the znc server?05:32
albrigha no, I haven't tried connecting yet05:32
albrighamy configuration is..complicated.05:32
c_smithI'm not going to sleep yet.05:32
c_smithah, ok05:32
albrighabut..actually I'm going to get xchat working though05:32
c_smithstill have quite a bit to mark for installation.05:32
albrighawhat are you installing?05:33
c_smitha bunch of games, and some stuff for compiling different programs, and Chromium.05:33
albrighaah fun stuff05:33
albrighawhat do you use ubuntu for anyway?05:33
c_smithMy only OS, which means pretty much everything, the only thing that held me to Windows I found out worked better on Ubuntu about two years ago.05:34
albrighawhat version do you have installed now?05:35
c_smithKubuntu 11.10 x86_6405:35
albrighaah cool05:35
c_smithKDE really looks nice, and is really functional.05:36
albrighayeah..and unity is looking better :) at least..with 12.04 it seems better. or maybe I just get it more05:36
albrighaI hated it for awhile though05:36
c_smithlooks like I might try 12.04 beta, but the alpha doesn't want to work for me.05:37
albrighawhat issues are you having?05:37
c_smithKernel Panics galore on startup.05:37
albrighaI load up the daily..almost daily05:37
albrighawhat sort of system are you on?05:37
albrighahave you tried recently?05:37
c_smithjust yesterday.05:37
albrighait ran fine in my VM..I'm curious what panics you are getting?05:38
albrighadid you run it on a real system or vm?05:38
c_smithVM worked, got a good look at it, it doesn't like being installed on the real system.05:39
albrighaah hm05:39
albrighawell my test box sort of crashed05:39
c_smithI'll likely do the VM for a while until Beta comes about.05:39
albrighawhat sort of system did you try installing it on?05:40
c_smithCompaq Presario CQ60-420US05:40
c_smithsystem is about 3-years old.05:41
c_smithnow here's a sad thing: many children in the US are unemployed illegally.05:43
c_smithnot unemployed.05:44
albrighaI don't see any defects for your system with kernel panic05:44
albrighawould you be willing to do some testing for me?05:44
c_smithhmmmm, then it might be the fact that it is an alpha.05:44
albrighai'd..really appreciate it :)05:44
c_smithwhat kind of testing?05:44
albrighatrue..if I could get the kernel panics I can double check if they are already in LP05:45
albrighajust install..see how it goes. and lemme know what panics you get, etc05:45
albrighaIf you want..no pressure05:45
c_smithI've found I can get a Panic from just booting the LiveCD.05:45
albrighaare there any other messages/errors?05:46
c_smithVirtualbox doesn't do this, though.05:46
albrighayeah seems to work fine with vb for me too05:46
albrighaso I'm thinking there is a hardware issue05:46
albrighabut..it's hard to say..limited info, etc05:46
c_smithI'd need to get the CD, and the packages would take several hours to install, so I can test tomorrow.05:46
albrighaoki np05:46
c_smithtbh, don't think I'll actually install as I get the same Panic from the LiveCD as if I were to upgrade and reboot.05:47
albrighayeah that's cool05:47
albrighajust a livecd and the actual error would be great05:47
albrighais that your primary system?05:48
c_smithcool, I'll have the LiveCD ready, just need to have a way to talk on IRC on my Wii (not hard since I have it hacked)05:49
c_smithit's my only PC.05:49
c_smithI'm sure I can get an IRC client for my Wii. just would need to figure out how to get it to connect to Ben's znc server.05:52
albrighahm no idea..05:54
albrighaI've played on a wii I think once >_<05:54
c_smithyeah, doubt you have a softmodded Wii.05:54
albrighaI haven't. but I've moded lots of android phones :)05:55
albrighaI'm sure it's diff though05:55
albrighahow do you mod a wii, roughly?05:55
c_smithlol, VERY, the main I/O software is know as an IOS (Input/Output System) I usually mod it with an exploit called Letterbomb, and use that exploit to install a channel called The Homebrew Channel.05:56
albrighaover usb? a linux app?05:56
c_smithnope, front loaded SDHC card.05:57
albrighawow xchat is way better than pidgin. that's for sure05:57
albrighaah I see05:57
c_smiththat it is.05:57
c_smiththe actual exploit was found by Team Twiizers.05:57
albrighahold on, I'm going to switch completely. brb05:58
=== albrigha- is now known as albrigha
c_smithhmmm, looks like I'll have to use the Wii internet Channel to use a Browser based IRC client.06:01
c_smithMibbit Looks promising.06:02
kalosaurusrexmy other nick zombied06:04
c_smithnot sure how that happens. would a op be able to help?06:06
=== albrigha is now known as Guest18764
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as albirhga
=== albirhga is now known as kalosaurusrex
kalosaurusrexnah it's cool06:08
kalosaurusrexI think I almost have it06:08
albrighaohh okay06:13
albrighai think i got it worked out06:13
albrighac_smith, you still around?06:14
albrighaah cool06:16
albrighaworking great06:16
albrighamuch much better06:16
c_smithwon't be for much longer, though06:16
c_smithbut yeah, you see why I use Xchat now, don't you?06:17
albrighaoh yes06:17
albrighai've used it before and forgot about it >_<06:17
c_smithI use Pidgin for FB and a Gamer IM called Xfire.06:17
albrighait's much better06:17
albrighai can never get fb to keep working..06:17
c_smithXfire only has a Windows client.06:17
albrighait always seems to have some issue after awhile06:17
c_smithbut Pidgin has a plugin for Xfire called Gfire.06:18
c_smithhmmmm, I haven't run into that on Pidgin with Facebook.06:18
albrighai just stopped using it after awhile06:19
albrighai guess i could try again06:19
albrighaeh i don't really chat on fb anyway06:20
albrighaso it wasn't a big deal06:20
c_smithwell, I'm gonna go get some sleep, tomorrow I'll figure out the IRC on the Wii, as the Wii doesn't have an IRC client (not even a Homebrew app) but it has an Opera based web browser, so I should be able to get a browser based Freenode client working.06:20
albrighattyl :)06:20
c_smithand then I'll assist on the Panics.06:20
albrighaanyone around?06:36
bkerensaalbrigha Im here07:38
albrighahey hey!07:39
c_smithalbrigha, you here?17:11
=== c_smith is now known as c_smith_
c_smith_doing that so I can log into my account with a browser based IRC and help with the Kernel Panic17:13
=== c_smith_ is now known as c_smith
Tgonzahello all17:39
Tgonzabkerensa I finally have some time to try and get that ZNC thing working in Xchat17:40
Tgonzait wasn't ZNC but cant remember what the letters where17:40
Tgonzabkerensa this is TRAVISg17:41
TgonzaAnybody here this morning?17:42
TgonzaI have some questions about architectures I just realized last night that the install I did of 11.10 on My girlfiends machine is 64 bit17:43
TgonzaSo now I am researching the differences to see if I need to reinstall with 32bit any first impressions17:44
Tgonzawait a moment whats the "Kernel Panic" something I can help with?17:45
c_smithactually, unless she has more than 4GB worth of RAM, there's not much difference, 64-bit is the first architecture that can support >4GB RAM.17:45
c_smith32-Bit in general support up to 3GB RAM.17:46
c_smithand the Kernel Panic is from the Alpha version of 12.04, me and albrigha are trying to pin down the cause so a bug report can be filed for it.17:47
TgonzaI see17:47
c_smithit isn't installed, but I have the LiveCD ready.17:47
c_smiththe LiveCD gives me the same Panic as if I were to upgrade and boot up.17:47
TgonzaYou know this may sound cheesy but you guys have made learning more about my hardware and software so easy and such a good experience17:48
Tgonzathanks for all your help guys17:48
c_smithno prob17:48
Tgonza*tearing up a little*17:48
c_smithjust wish more people in Salem were interested in FOSS.17:49
TgonzaI have heard some talk here at the mission I live and work at of making a jump to FOSS17:49
c_smithhmmmm, interesting.17:52
c_smithwell, time to play some Modern Warfare 317:52
Tgonzabkerensa you here?18:13
Tgonzabkerensa, cant remember how to talk to a specific person I think that's it18:13
Tgonzac_smith you there?18:42
Tgonzaany body here?19:26
Tgonzaall right I am off to backspace then the Library. hope to catch some folks later19:29
Tgonzabkerensa really looking forward to the screencast of znc-Xchat set up thanks in advance19:29
* c_smith finished playing MW3 for now20:16
c_smithhmmmmm, kinda quiet.20:35
tgm4883There, no longer quiet20:58
tgm4883your welcome c_smith20:58
* c_smith throws confetti20:59
* tgm4883 fires guns into the air20:59
* c_smith lights helium on fire21:01
* tgm4883 pumps gasoline into the fire sprinklers21:03
tgm4883Da roof, Da roof, Da roof is on fire!21:03
* c_smith dumps Nitroglycerin on tgm4883 and throws a match on him21:10
c_smithooops, think someone killed tgm4883, better get the police in here.21:10
tgm4883(In the voice of Vader) Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!21:10
* c_smith fires a sniper rifle at tgm4883 at point blank range21:13
* tgm4883 holds up the firing pin to said sniper rifle21:14
c_smithcrap....... you beat me there. BUT! I have nuclear launch codes and a launch device! muahahahahahahahahah!!!!21:16
* c_smith launches a nuke at the middle of the pacific ocean21:16
c_smithnever said where I would have it hit, did I?21:17
* tgm4883 locks C4 to c_smith's chest and holds up a dead man switch21:17
tgm4883mutually assured destruction21:17
c_smithaw..... crap.21:17
* c_smith takes a ax and cuts off the arm that is holding up the C421:18
* tgm4883 tosses the dead man switch at c_smith 21:19
* c_smith is simultaniously blown to pieces and burned alive21:19
* tgm4883 bows and goes back to writing a unity scope21:20
c_smithmind telling me what a Unity scope is?21:20
tgm4883c_smith, do you know what a Unity lens is?21:20
tgm4883ok, so the scope is the backend portions that feeds a lens21:21
c_smithah, ok21:21
c_smithwhat is the scope for?21:21
tgm4883so you might have a videos lens, that is fed by a youtube scope, an amazon vod scope, etc21:21
tgm4883I'm writing a mythtv scope for the videos lens for UbuntuTV21:21
c_smithhmmmm, cool21:21
c_smithgood luck! :D21:22
tgm4883Thanks, I've got a bunch of it done. I need Unity to get a little more mature before I can feed the lens what I'd like to, so I'm working on some zero conf stuff right now21:22
c_smithah, cool, well, time for lunch, ttyl21:28

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