
Kilosmorning everyone08:33
zeref-lappyhmmm busy playing around with this 8ta usb12:23
kbmonkeymade any progress zeref-lappy ?12:29
zeref-lappynope, busy reading diff solution on mybb forums12:31
zeref-lappytried with wine, but keep getting connection terminated when tryin to connect12:31
Tonberrysomehow I don't think drivers and wine will work well together12:32
zeref-lappyyeah, on mybb most solutions are for the E-series and not ce068212:34
zeref-lappywhat solutions did you guys use?12:36
zeref-lappyi'm also thinking virtualbox??12:37
Tonberrythat could work12:37
Tonberrybut is a bit overkill imho12:38
kbmonkeyAFAIK you cannot virtualize or emulate the connection12:55
kbmonkeydo you have a 10.10 iso zeref-lappy ?12:55
kbmonkeyto try the live env?12:56
kbmonkeyconnect the device, let it settle, run 'dmesg | tail -n 50' and copy the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com for us?12:58
kbmonkeylet's see what it says :]12:58
zeref-lappyall its saying is rejecting I/0 to dead device13:07
kbmonkeysorry, can't make any sense of that13:37
zerefgot it13:41
zeref-lappyyeah, had to install usb-modeswitch :P13:46
zeref-lappyjust have to fix settings13:47
kbmonkeygood find!13:49
Kiloshi superfly et al14:06
superflyhi Kilos14:06
Kiloshi zeref 14:07
Kiloshi zeref-lappy as well14:07
Kilosdid you get the modem working14:07
Kilosthat frightened him14:14
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 14:16
kbmonkeyet al14:16
Kiloslol hiya kbmonkey 14:17
kbmonkeyhow can I see what processes use mst memory/ram?14:17
Kilosthats gleaned from superfly 14:17
Kilosoh my there was a goodie14:17
kbmonkeyfree shows 90% ram used14:19
kbmonkeytop sorted by %mem doesn't show anything above 1.5%14:19
superflyhtop is pretty cool for viewing that sort of stuff14:19
Kiloslol ya man a thingie that puts an icon on a panel14:19
Kilossome monitor14:19
kbmonkeyinstalls htop14:21
kbmonkeyah, htop shows same info as top, with ncurses interface14:22
Kilosi had another applet once that showed kinda graphs on cpu usage inna applet14:24
kbmonkeyI don't have gnome panel Kilos 14:24
kbmonkeybut thanks for the thought :)14:24
Kilosoh you unitied?14:25
kbmonkeyI'm on Openbox14:25
kbmonkeycrunchbang linux openbox14:26
Kiloshey aquarat 14:26
Kiloskbmonkey,  http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/16851/xorg-high-cpu-usage-conky/14:29
Kiloshehe like a yoyo15:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on15:23
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:23
kbmonkeyMaaz coffee please15:25
Maazkbmonkey: Done15:25
kbmonkeyMaaz chocolate milkshake please15:25
Maazkbmonkey: Go get it yourself!15:25
Kilosha ha ha15:26
Tonberrymaaz: vim or emacs?15:26
MaazTonberry: Excuse me?15:26
Tonberryoh well..15:26
KilosMaaz, hurry15:27
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed15:27
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and kbmonkey!15:27
KilosMaaz, ty15:27
MaazYou are welcome Kilos15:27
Kilosevening all of ya18:13
kbmonkeywb Kilos18:33
Kilosty kbmonkey  wassup18:34
kbmonkeywhat are you up to Kilos ?18:40
Kilosnot much lad and you18:40
kbmonkeytired brain is in limbo. been insomiac lately.18:42
Kiloskbmonkey, what you doing18:54
Kilosthe limbo rock?18:55
kbmonkeythat's the one18:55
Kilosyou got time to look at something for me?18:56
kbmonkeysure, what's up18:57
Kilosyou got fibre so it wont help you unless you riding around again18:57
Kilosaw i only see now its for natty18:57
Kilosthats what it advertises18:58
KilosUbuntu - Fix for Slow Wireless Internet Connection Speed18:58
kbmonkeyironically that page takes a long time to load ;P18:59
Kiloshave you ever used gprs?19:00
Kilosthats slow19:00
Kilosaverage of like 4kB/s19:00
Kiloson good days19:00
kbmonkeythat fix looks like for a specific piece of hardware19:00
kbmonkeythe power management for the dongle messes with it's functionality19:01
Kiloswhat power management19:01
Kilosinternal in modem19:01
kbmonkeythe kernel pm handles external devices too19:02
kbmonkeyso if you sleep your pc, it needs to sleep your network card, or external drives, dongles etc19:02
Kilosslow wireless is very seldom the modem its always the service providers in my opinion19:02
Kilosi dont sleep or hibernate anything19:02
kbmonkeysome times the power manager doesnt know how to handle a certain hardware19:03
kbmonkeylol Kilos 19:03
Kiloshehe ty kbmonkey 19:03
Kiloshows your planning going for lpi?19:03
kbmonkeyit says, that power management gets 'confused' with certain hardware, giving that piece of device less ower than it actually needs.19:04
kbmonkeyalmost like if you swtich off your kettle before it finished boiling, so your coffee is still cold :D19:05
kbmonkeynobody likes cold coffee19:05
kbmonkeyunless it's an iced latte19:05
kbmonkeyor frozen espresso19:05
kbmonkeyhmmm, i think i want coffee now.19:05
KilosMaaz, coffee on19:05
* Maaz washes some mugs19:05
KilosMaaz, hot19:06
MaazCome on Kilos How many peeps do you know that make coffee with cold water twit!19:06
kbmonkeycoffee Maaz 19:06
kbmonkeyMaaz:  coffee19:06
Maazkbmonkey: Sorry...19:06
kbmonkeyha ha19:06
Kiloscoffee please19:06
kbmonkeyremember, you cant make your internet go any faster than your isp (voda/mtn/telkom) gives you19:06
KilosMaaz, rusks please19:06
MaazTop shelf behind the calender19:06
kbmonkeyMaaz: why is the calendar on top of the shelf?19:07
Maazkbmonkey: I already know stuff about why19:07
Kilosyeah they the bad guys19:07
kbmonkeythe calendar should be on the fridge19:07
* kbmonkey looks at the calendar of linux distros19:07
Kilosits so short peeps cant scribble all over it19:08
Kilosnormally short peeps doodle on everything19:08
Kilosi think doodle is the right word19:08
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:09
KilosMaaz, ty19:10
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:10
Kilosthere kbmonkey he moved the calender for you19:10
kbmonkeyMaaz: thanks robotic overlord friend!19:11
Maazno problem, kbmonkey19:11
Kilosi think i go off and get clean and read  some19:12
Kilossee ya morrow19:12
Kilossleep tight all of ya19:12
Kilosbe good kbmonkey 19:12
kbmonkeygn Kilos 19:14
kbmonkeyslaap goed oom :D19:14
Kilosdankie boetie19:14
WOLFEYESGood evening all.20:32
WOLFEYESIs there a place infrmation, programs etc,  can be saved with user names and passwords and then downloaded from another computer if needed.20:35

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