
Slartdies_irae: here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtGmMsrrV-U .. the part you were looking for starts at about 6.3000:00
ActionParsnipflowerpot: using dd it can work, I'd just stick to unetbootin etc and then its less to remember..00:00
dies_iraeSlart: thanks a lot for your time.00:01
dies_iraewow, not even near the end00:02
pocopinadoes canonical-ux have its own  channel?00:03
pocopinanm, i guess they use #ubuntu-design00:04
rahdukeone of my drives wont let me just move things to the trash, it insists i permanently delete everything, and now im getting an error when configuring sickbeard that "Failed to set permission for /media/bigdrive to 777" i feel like these issues are related.... any help?00:04
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ActionParsniprahduke: are you the owner of all of your $HOME ?00:06
rahdukeActionParsnip: looks like it00:06
guy_anyone know why when running script.py I get this error : > bash: ./firewalk.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory and when using python script.py everything works fine ?00:07
guy_anyone ?:/00:08
linxehguy_: your script is in DOS format00:08
ohdaeHey im having some strange error with my PATH. I have 2 python scripts, they both identify the interpreter by using #!/usr/bin/python. Running one script by using ./script.py will say "/usr/bin/python : no such interpreter" but the other works fine00:08
linxehguy_: it has CRLF line breaks rather than unix LF line breaks00:08
ActionParsniprahduke: you can make sure with:  sudo chown -R $USER:USER $HOME00:09
linxehguy_: you can get utilities to convert it - there are some in the repos00:09
ohdaelike this for example..root@ubuntu:/home/hudson/Desktop/bindshella/Intersect# ./firewalk.py00:09
ohdae19:03:12 !<ohdae> bash: ./firewalk.py: /usr/bin/python^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory00:09
guy_linxeh, thanks00:09
ActionParsniprahduke: your trash is stored in your home folder and may be the issue00:09
linxehguy_: try apt-get install dos2unix and converting that file (make a backup first)00:09
rahdukeActionParsnip: Ok that would take care of my home folder, what about other drives00:09
ohdaebut another script that starts the same will run perfectly fine00:09
rahdukeActionParsnip: Ohhh00:09
guy_ohdae :)00:09
ohdaehey guy_ :D00:10
ActionParsnipohdae: what if you run it as your user but with sudo?00:10
guy_check other window :)00:10
ohdaehrm let me try ActionParsnip00:10
rahdukeActionParsnip: "chown: cannot access `/home/rahduke3/.gvfs': Permission denied"00:11
rahdukeActionParsnip: is that the issue00:11
ActionParsniprahduke: thats normal00:11
rahdukethought so00:11
rahdukeActionParsnip: still having the same issue00:11
dies_iraerahduke: maybe is not there do this --> touch /home/rahduke3/.gvfs00:11
ohdaeActionParsnip: The scripts actually don't run at all. I dont get the error but nothing happens at all lol00:12
dies_iraesorry this one -->  sudo /home/rahduke3/.gvfs00:12
rahdukedies_irae: no issues with that command00:12
mongyrahduke, it's normal to not access .gvfs00:12
ohdaehudson@ubuntu:~/Desktop/bindshella/Intersect$ sudo ./firewalk.py 2300:12
meerkatsin unity, alt-tab scrolls forward, which one scrolls backewards?00:12
FloodBot1ohdae: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:12
rahdukedies_irae: "sudo: /home/rahduke3/.gvfs: command not found00:12
ohdaepft that wasnt a flood :p00:13
dies_iraesorry this one -->  sudo touch /home/rahduke3/.gvfs00:13
dies_iraerahduke: that's odd cuz it's in the users dir though.00:13
rahdukemongy: well i cant seem to just move stuff to my trash folder, forced to delete everything and i think its screwing up my sickbeard installation00:13
rahdukedies_irae: agreed00:13
dies_iraerahduke: move it or delete it with sudo and as regular user do touch it.00:14
mongyrahduke, is .local/share/Trash chown to you and chmod 700 ?00:14
ActionParsnipohdae: in linux, no output is good news00:14
zak_Synaptic crashes consistently on my 11.10 box (Memory segmentation Error)00:15
rahdukemongy: ive never done that command before to that folder, should I?00:15
zak_where would I start looking to remedy that?00:15
rahdukewow whatever i just did worked, looks like chowning that folder and chmod 700 did the trick00:16
ActionParsnipzak_: are you running it with gksudo?00:17
zak_running it from terminal00:17
ActionParsnipzak_: yes but did you run:  gksudo synaptic    ?00:17
jribohdae: your "error" is because there is a ^M at the end of your line (see dos2unix command)00:18
carayay copying from windows to linux ftw :D00:18
ohdaejrib: hrm strange00:19
zak_ActionParsnip, no, just ordinary sudo. I see now that gksu package is not installed at all00:19
jribohdae: why strange?00:19
ohdaei wrote it all on linux00:19
zak_thats strange00:19
ohdaeyeah heh00:19
ohdaeWould it be because I backed up the files onto a Windows partition and then moved them back to *nix at a later point?00:19
ohdaethey werent executed or edited on Win7 at all though, just stored there fora  short time00:20
ohdaefor a*00:20
zak_ActionParsnip, same kind of error using gksudo00:20
rixter_ohdae, did you open them within windows?00:20
ohdaerixter_: no not at all00:20
zak_synaptic window pops up for a second, then disappears00:20
rixter_ohdae, use dos2unix to convert them back00:20
ohdaeI just formatted and reinstalled my Ubuntu install so maybe there's some config issue I missed?00:20
ohdaeI'll give it a shot rixter_00:21
ohdaethanks guys00:21
ActionParsnipzak_: what is the error? Use a pastebin if it is multi-lined...00:21
zak_no errormessage at all when i start it using sudo/gksudo00:21
Loloi wanna know if some of you know how to use gawk00:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:22
rixter_Lolo, I like to gawk at good looking women.00:22
rixter_Lolo, but you might check with #bash00:22
zak_if I am root already, I get a simple "Memory segmentation error"00:22
jwp121Is there a way to have one gpg key that works on two computers?00:23
LoloYeah sorry, but not easy for me to ask in english :p00:23
ActionParsnipLolo: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man1/gawk.1.html   may help00:23
caranope that I can thinking00:23
caraum think of.. wow00:23
Lolohow to catch % during extract with unrar00:23
thechad90000I'm having issues with the gnome 3.2 shell. I installed it when I was testing out Ubuntu and I really loved it but now that I have Ubuntu as my only operating system, I can't get it to work. I'm in the gnome shell right now but it's not the new type of shell. It's got Applications and Places at the top but when I put my mouse at the top right, the whole dashboard and sidebars don't pop up. Nothing happens. It's just a blank desk00:24
thechad90000top with no features that I wanted in the gnome 3.2 shell. Any help would be really great.00:24
ActionParsnipLolo: do you mean like show a percentage?00:24
Loloto use it with zenity progress00:24
BarkingFishLolo, maybe if English is not your first language, you may be able to get help in a channel where your main language is spoken :) We have lots.00:24
stahlieI installed ubuntu 11.10 from windows 7 and now I'm dual booting.  How do I mount windows 7 drive so I can have access to my pictures and videos from ubuntu?00:24
stahlieor is it already mounted?00:24
ActionParsnipLolo: I know what you mean, just not sure how to do it. The guys in #bash may know something00:24
Photon-PhoenixI don't think the Intel 82852/82855 drivers installed when I installed Ubuntu last night.  Anyway to activate those manually?00:24
LoloActionParsnip, ok, thx00:25
spacebug-zak_: have you tried to purge / reinstall synaptic?00:25
jwp121thchad90000:  Are you in fallback mode?00:25
ActionParsnipLolo: it may set a variable someplace00:25
zak_spacebug, tried a reinstall, yes.00:25
spacebug-hum ok00:26
thechad90000jwp121: I'm not sure if I'm in fallback mode or not. I'm just in normal mode00:26
caraum we're in 2012 right?00:26
caramy mind is gone seriously00:26
ActionParsnipLolo: could try piping the errors to grep etc, may be able to do it00:26
ewokbotno we are in 198600:26
rebeI forwarded a port in router settings but transmission still shows that port is closed wtf ?00:26
BarkingFishcara, yes this is 201200:27
stahliedoes anyone here know how to mount windows 7 so we can access to files from windows 7 when using ubunt?00:27
LoloActionParsnip, i'm trying to get an answer on #bash00:27
jwp121thchad90000:  try logging out and hitting the gear button, then make sure you select gnome00:27
thechad90000That's what I've already done00:28
DexterFstahlie: UUID=06EF430E44FCFBCA /mnt/windows    ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       000:28
jwp121thchad90000:  oh, gnome-shell is buggy for me, too.00:28
zak_spacebug- problem is consistent even after purge.00:28
DexterFadd such a line to your fstab. create mount point accordingly and replace uuid with the one of your win partition. blkid should tell you00:29
thechad90000jwp121: Yeah it worked so good just a few minutes ago and then when I went to only dedicated Ubuntu and now it doesn't work00:29
phillyjanyone happen to know what maximum size of the terminal will fit stuff I type without word-wrapping on A4 paper when I print?00:29
michael__if i wanted to try xfce and want it as default de instead of kde can i delete kde and only use xfce or is it best to install xubuntu ?00:29
stahlieDexterF, ok   blkid will tell me what uuid is my windows drive?00:29
DexterFstahlie: should.00:30
zak_that is, synaptic window flashes briefly on screen, then disappears, and a memory segmentation error gets printed to sderr/sdout if I am root already00:30
carafor some reason I was thinking we were in 201100:30
carato much cold meds00:30
caraI only asked because I was wondering when 12.04 was coming out LOL00:30
caraand lag00:30
FloodBot1cara: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
Photon-PhoenixIs there anyway to manually activate the Intel 82852/82855 drivers that came with Oneiric?00:30
caralol I'm lagging not flooding00:30
zak_if using sudo / gksudo to start synaptic, no error message is printed to the terminal00:30
spacebug-zak_: I think I have had that problem once but can't remember where the problem where. Maybe with some of the source-lists or something00:31
stahlieDexterF, blkid as in block device id library?00:31
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ActionParsnipcara: look at the version number, then have a wild guess00:31
DexterFstahlie: dunno. possible.00:31
zak_ok ill look into that, spacebug.00:31
caraActionParsnip, I know its coming out in April of this year00:32
caraI just had a brainfart thinking it was 201100:32
ActionParsnipcara: ;)00:32
stahlieDexterF, i've never used blkid before...how do you identify UUID with blkid?  I ran like blkid -U /dev/sda2 and nothing happened00:33
DexterFstahlie: just jun blkid00:34
DexterFliek that00:34
ActionParsnipstahlie: sudo blkid | grep sda200:34
ActionParsnipDexterF: blkid needs sudo00:34
Photon-PhoenixIs there anyway to manually activate the Intel 82852/82855 drivers that came with Oneiric? <-- They didn't install since my graphics in sysinfo are "Unknown"00:35
stahlieActionParsnip,  yes sudo helped..00:35
bluezone_wouldn't it be nice if we could install more than 1 thing at a time? :)00:35
ActionParsnipPhoton-Phoenix: you may need an xorg.conf file to make the display as you wish00:35
spacebug-zak_: of try start it with 'sudo gdb synaptic'00:35
ohdaeActionParsnip: thanks for the help, you were right about the dos2unix issue00:35
ActionParsnipbluezone_: it'd compromise the integrity of the packages. The windows installer is exactly the same00:35
ActionParsnipohdae: don't think it was me. I believe it was ikonia00:36
ohdaeAh well thanks either way heh00:36
bluezone_ActionParsnip, "integrity" ?00:36
DexterFoh, great, I upgraded to precise by accident. good thing it's only my tinker laptop...00:36
ohdaettyl guys00:36
ActionParsnipbluezone_: sure, you could install a package with one terminal then uninstall some app with another which may affect the install. It'd be a mess00:36
jwp121Is there a way to have one gpg key that works on two computers?00:39
jwp121nm I found a guide with the pros and cons through google.00:40
bluezone_ActionParsnip, hmm, well even programs like jockey-gtk will disallow installing other apps even if it's not installing (while it's downloading the driver for instance)00:40
ActionParsnipbluezone_: the semaphore is still taken, but I see your point00:41
ActionParsnipbluezone_: personally I think the packages should be extracting while the other packages are downloading too, rather than download them all then extract them all00:41
zak_spacebug-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/811345/00:43
bluezone_ActionParsnip, hmm maybe there's an underground way to do it hehe00:43
spacebug-zak_: hum.. prova dra in libc6 igen då00:45
alpha-aquilaehello everybody. I have a file in my desktop which name is written in strange characters "  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  ��� ��Ӄٴ� ������", chan i try do delete it, it says "the file or folder /home/... does not exist". how can I delete this file?00:45
jwp121bluezone_:You can download multiple DEs at the same time, with no problem.  Your just going to see all the default programs from one on the other.00:45
matti_alpha-aquilae: have you tried the -f flag?00:46
ActionParsnipbluezone_: I use apt-fast to make downloads faster. Can help things]00:47
kerintrying to set up WebDav on ubuntu 10.04, followed this set of instructions:  http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-webdav-with-apache2-on-ubuntu-10.04 but I'm getting a 403 forbidden when I try to connect. any advice?00:47
alpha-aquilaematti_: I can't write the file name (even using autocompletion)00:47
rebeis it safe to enable "in" and "out" connections in firewall settings for transmission client port ?00:47
sam___want to connect my ubuntu box to wifi in /etc/interfaces00:48
spacebug-zak_: maybe take a look at this. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/88959200:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 889592 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Synaptic segfaults when attempting to run it on oneiric with Norwegian locale" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:48
ubuntunoobfound out how to get my buttons working on my macbook00:48
matti_alpha-aquilae: it could be that you are looking in the wrong directory.  i believe the Desktop is it's own folder00:48
sam___is say a https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo00:48
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ubuntunoobbut the volume button still doesnt work correctly00:48
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sam___and it doesn't really say about WPA/WPA200:48
sam___but i say wireless-enc s:Secret_password00:49
sam___will that do?00:49
ubuntunoobwut about wpa_supplicant ?00:49
alpha-aquilaematti_: no I am lookin in the right directory00:49
matti_alpha-aquilae: what does "ls -al <filename>" say?00:49
ActionParsnipzak_: there are software centre alternatives on omgubuntu00:50
alpha-aquilaematti_: well I can't write the filename00:50
zak_spacebug-, that nailed it! Thanks :)00:50
alpha-aquilaematti_: because of the unrecognized characters00:50
zak_"LC_ALL=C synaptic" works flawlessly00:51
ActionParsnipzak_: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-easily-install-the-slickest-software-center-on-linux/00:51
ubuntunoobi used pommed00:51
matti_alpha-aquilae: interesting... would you be able to copy/paste it since the file is on your desktop?00:51
ubuntunooband it works perfectly00:51
matti_alpha-aquilae: the filename, i mean... copy/paste it into the terminal00:51
ActionParsnipzak_: could make an alias in ~/.bashrc00:51
rebeis it safe to enable "in" and "out" connections in firewall settings for transmission client port ?00:51
ubuntunoobbut for some reason the voluhme buttons dont work00:51
alpha-aquilaematti_: no, it is just visible in the desktop, I can't move it and I can't rename it00:51
ActionParsniprebe: I would00:52
ActionParsnipubuntunoob: do they make events in xev?00:52
matti_alpha-aquilae: i am not sure then, sorry :(00:52
ubuntunoobidk let me check00:52
spacebug-zak_: nice =)00:52
zak_ActionParsnip: yep, will do. spacebug-: thanks a bunch for finding that link :)00:53
ubuntunoobactionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/811354/00:54
spacebug-zak_: yw00:54
bluezone_err i'm having trouble getting the sound to output to the television via HDMI, the video works fine. My card is NVIDIA 8400M,00:55
ActionParsnipubuntunoob: in keyboard settings, click on the volume up entry then press your shortcut00:56
bluezone_the sound plays off the computer not the TV00:56
kerintrying to set up WebDav on ubuntu 10.04, followed this set of instructions:  http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-webdav-with-apache2-on-ubuntu-10.04 but I'm getting a 403 forbidden when I try to connect. any advice?00:58
Penguin9How do I know if Ubuntu is right for me?01:00
sdzCan someone here teach me how to troll with ubuntu?01:01
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bluezone_Penguin9, well, youll need a lot of patience if you're starting out01:01
ActionParsnipPenguin9: try it and see01:01
ActionParsnipPenguin9: try a liveCD or liveUSB and you can try it01:01
linxehPenguin9: what kind of things do you want to do on your computer ?01:02
Photon-PhoenixDo I open xorg.conf with gedit to change its settings?01:02
Photon-PhoenixJust making sure01:02
ActionParsnipPhoton-Phoenix: you will need to run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   to get write access01:02
ubuntunoobhey actionparsnip01:04
gerinychis it possible to set up a server that can host ubuntu for a computer without a hard drive?01:04
ubuntunoobmy macbook froze so i had to restart01:04
ubuntunoobyou said go to the keyboard settings right?01:05
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)01:06
adacafter an upgrade to 11.10 i cannot start ubuntu anymore. it hangs on boot right after starting the monit daemon... what can I do now?01:07
ubuntunoobblacklist the monit daemon?01:08
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ubuntunoobthats all i can think of01:09
Guest47126Anyone knows if there's a ZevenOS chat room up & running yet!?01:09
benccI'm using the ubuntu stun package which requires two IPs. Is it possible to use one ipv4 and one ipv6 ip?01:10
ubuntunoobthe volume works but it only adjusts the system noises and not the speaker01:10
ActionParsnipGuest47126: If you want to visit our IRC Channel goto irc.freenode.net Channel #zevenos01:11
ActionParsnipGuest47126: got that from their site...01:11
Guest47126Cool, thanks!01:11
ActionParsnipGuest47126: you could have easily found that...01:12
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adacafter an upgrade to 11.10 i cannot start ubuntu anymore. it hangs on boot right after starting the monit daemon... what can I do now?01:16
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ActionParsnipadac: what GPU do you use?01:17
adacActionParsnip, Intel GMA X450001:20
ActionParsnipadac: try the boot option: nomodeset01:22
adacActionParsnip, does this go into the line: Linux /boot/vmlinuz..... root=UUID....01:23
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | adac01:24
ubottuadac: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:24
adacActionParsnip, no luck unfortunaly :(01:28
philipgI need help I need to disable shortcut keys because it is interfering with software  i Use01:29
ActionParsnipadac: when the OS starts to boot, press ESC and you can watch the boot01:30
adacActionParsnip, yes it simply hangs after getting up monit daemon01:32
adacthere is no message what is wrong it just doesn't contiune01:32
adacca i get a full root console somehow back at least?01:32
adac*can I01:32
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ActionParsnipadac: hold shift at boot, selectrecovery mode, select root01:33
adacActionParsnip, ok I'm in it01:35
joekoI am trying to configure a desktop system using preseeding, However I need to install the thunderbird-locale-en-us package.01:38
Ribertyhow do i stop recordmydesktop?01:41
Joe50_OhmsWill the latest to be release, be having a 5-Year LTS just like Ubuntu & company!?01:41
Gregor_The_MinerRiberty you can find it in the processes bar or end it from the System Monitor.01:42
trimetaIs there a single command to remove a named PPA, as there is to add one?01:42
trimeta(I'm on Lucid.)01:42
acerimmerJoe50_Ohms: i'm pretty sure all official variants x/l/k/ubuntu will be LTS 5 year supprt01:42
RibertyGregor_The_Miner> i dont want to end the process. i want to stop the recording01:42
Joe50_OhmsI see! :-)  Thanks acerimmer!01:43
Gregor_The_MinerThen find the process (I forget where Unity stores them), right click it, and hit stop recording.01:43
* dies_irae wonders why pulseaudio is hogging 6% of CPU01:46
andreihi & bye for tonight01:49
andreigot to have some sleep01:50
andreisooo many years withour wriin a line on IRC !01:51
andreiso see you later guys01:51
dies_iraeoh 'writing'01:53
ActionParsnipacerimmer: lubuntu 12.04 isn't lts02:00
acerimmerActionParsnip: whaaa?  So the official derivatives do NOT adhere to the LTS scheme??  Good/sad to know.02:01
spacebug-acerimmer: kubuntu,edubuntu,ubuntu is LTS five years and xubuntu LTS three years02:02
spacebug-I hope I got that right02:02
Gregor_The_MinerSpeaking of derivatives, will there ever be one with Gnome-shell used as the default desktop environment?02:02
acerimmerlubuntu: y u no LTS?02:02
spacebug-Gregor_The_Miner: I've heard rumers about it02:03
spacebug-acerimmer: probably not big enough community/developers02:03
ActionParsnipacerimmer: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/lubuntu-12-04-news-roundup/02:03
ActionParsnipacerimmer: you can still install ubuntu minimal and install LXDE on it without issue though ;)02:03
acerimmerActionParsnip: will definitely consider that.  My flavor is Ubuntu Studio which is switching to XFCE.  I'd rather it went with LXDE...02:05
ActionParsnipacerimmer: you can install lxde and use all the apps you see in the xubuntu session02:05
isaac_Uhm hi, can someone help me? Ubuntu was working fine, but now when I boot up it doesn't show the grub screen and goes straight to a black terminal like screen and says "Minimal BASH-like editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device, file completions."02:14
isaac_Please and thank you :)02:14
acerimmerisaac_: is this a wubi installation???02:14
isaac_Hmm. I can't remember :< it was so long ago.02:15
isaac_I have windows on it too, though.02:15
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isaac_Ok, it's a wubi install, acerimmer02:21
acerimmerisaac_: boot windows, defrag.  BTW, the error you see is QUITE common with wubi.  Consider installing a proper dual boot.02:22
isaac_What caused it? I never use windows, so :/02:22
isaac_And the only thing I use ubuntu for is as a webserver so I can learn some website development and etc02:23
almoxarifeacerimmer: perhaps then you can lead isaac_ to the quite common fix?02:23
acerimmerisaac_: I honestly don't know why.02:23
almoxarifeisaac_: you got a grub screen and nothing else?02:23
acerimmeralmoxarife: looks like he's away.  For the record, what's the common fix for a fractured wubi install?02:26
AlexandreMBMHi! I am using 11.04 and Unity 2D. Bugs: icons GTK, launcher, slow. The 11.10 is better?02:26
almoxarifeacerimmer: rebuilding 'wubibuilder' on the win side ususally did it for me02:27
acerimmeralmoxarife: new info to me.  I'll take a look, thanks.02:27
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: Your message is to short to be comprehensible. What do you object in Ubuntu 11.04 Unity 2D?02:28
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: Your message is too short to be comprehensible. What do you object in Ubuntu 11.04 Unity 2D?02:29
wwwdCan someone clarify? When building software from source is it always possible to run said from within the build directory w/o doing an install?02:30
bassowwwd: that should be possible02:32
spacebug-wwwd: I would say it depends on the program02:32
bullgard6wwd That depends. When you build a software that needs installing then you do need installing it first before you can run it.02:33
wwwdAnd if I install with make checkinstall, will it always be readilly removable?02:34
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: sorry, I don't speak english02:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:34
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: What is your native language?02:35
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: I am brazilian and I want to know if 11.10 fix 10.04 bugs and It don't break staff others.02:35
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: portuguese02:36
ubottubullgard6: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:37
wwwdAlexandreMVM: Your speaking it, just in the wrong order. Your organization is scruwed. And my spelling sucks...and it is my native language!02:38
AlexandreMBMacerimmer: I was in #ubuntu-br just02:38
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: My experience is that Ubuntu 11.10 has eliminated several Gtk bugs which appeared in Ubuntu 11.04 but not all. On the other hand it introduced new bugs.02:38
AlexandreMBMwwwd: what is scruwed?02:40
wwwdAlexandreMVM: Wrong!02:40
thechad90000I could really use help. I'm having a ton of trouble with Gnome 3.2 desktop environment. Please check this out and let me know if there's anything you all can do to help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191255502:40
wwwdin the biblical sence...02:40
=== McPeter is now known as Noob`s
wwwdbasso: Does checkinstall always make a program "uninstallable"?02:41
zacariasi want to make a bachup in a drive where I have my Mac's backup's, but the backup apps teell me I don't have the permissions. Is it because of the ownership or of the filesystem (HFS+)?02:41
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: the dist-upgrade is worth?02:42
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: Yes.02:42
wwwdzacarias: Did you start it from a comand line or point and click?02:42
bassowwwd: that i have no idea about02:42
wwwdBuller, Buller, Anyone!02:43
RyuGunsIs it safe to remove zeitgeist?02:43
zacariaswwwd: for backing up? I browsed the hd from the browser within the app (SimpleBackup, in this case)02:43
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: do you can list the advantages?02:43
wwwdNot sure but it may work if  you start it from comandline w/ sudo simplebackjp02:44
zacariaswwwd: ok...02:44
wwwdIf not you may need to make sure you have write permission on the drive or file.02:44
AlexandreMBMThere is a collection of patches for 10.04?02:45
AlexandreMBMThere is a collection of patches for 11.0402:46
zacariaswwwd: Ihaven't. I tried to change it by cd to the media directory, then sudo chown myname -R, but it didn't work02:46
=== chris__0076 is now known as chris_0076
|Slacker|hello...is there a command to check which video driver ubuntu is using?02:46
thechad90000Can anyone help me out...I'm very frustrated with this Gnome 3.2 environment. It looks exactly like Gnome classic. The thing is I've installed it correctly from the software center and I'm logged into the right account. Anyone know what can help?02:47
wwwdzacarias: Sorry? What do yo mean "I haven't"02:47
wwwdzacarias:did you do a ls -l on it to see what the permission is?02:47
zacariaswwwd: I don't have the permissions,02:48
bullgard6AlexandreMBM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PsgE-L9XEU, http://lifehacker.com/5836779/first-look-at-ubuntu-linux-1110-oneiric-ocelot-beta02:48
styelzzacarias: chown -R name ..02:48
zacariasok maybe I was wrong with the command, I'll try again02:48
wwwdzacarias: try doing a chmod u+wr file/name.02:49
zacariaswwwd: I'll try that02:50
ArnoldMartinAddMforgive me 1st time in irc, how to bring-up ubuntu?, parted disk,installed xp, now ubuntu gone02:50
wwwdArnoldMartinAddM: Are you saying you tried to install xp after ubuntu and now ubuntu is gone?02:51
RyuGunsIs it safe to remove zeitgeist?02:51
ArnoldMartinAddMI used gparted, shrunk the disk it was installed to and then put xp in the space02:52
fman23ArnoldMartinAddM: it sounds like you wiped your mbr when u installed widnows02:53
fman23ArnoldMartinAddM: windows doesnt recognize ubuntu so it cant boot ubuntu, but ubuntu can boot windows02:53
fman23ArnoldMartinAddM: so u need to restore grub to the mbr using a livecd02:53
ArnoldMartinAddMwhat are the commands?02:54
fman23one second, im googling them02:54
bullgard6RyuGuns: I should think so, yes.02:54
wwwdArnoldMartinAddM:Can't say for sure but xp probably reformated the drive and then installed. My understanding is that you need to install MS products first, then linux. MS wants to be in the first sectors of the drive...and it is greedy and over bearing!02:54
ArnoldMartinAddMI installed ubuntu 1st then shrunk the partion then installed xp in the space02:55
DarkfrostOkay, weird question here - I had ubuntu installed to a 16gb memory stick, would boot from it fine, I cloned that to another 16gb memory stick, when I try and boot off that one, all I get is a black screen with the letter j on it. Any ideas what I broke and how to fix it?02:55
wwwdRyuGuns: The GOP has gotten away with it!02:55
RyuGunsZeitgeist is a CPU rapist.02:55
wwwdDarkfrost: Read an rsync tutorial that created a mountable backup which spoke about changing the mount point, maybe? I will try and find it.02:58
AlexandreMBMbullgard6: thank you. bye02:59
RyuGunsWhat is applet.py ?03:00
RyuGunsIt's in my process list but I don't know what it is.03:00
Gregor_The_MinerKill it and see.03:00
wwwdDarkFrost: fstab settings. Don't know if this will help but look at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Full_System_Backup_with_rsync03:00
jolihello there03:00
jolii have instaled apache and php03:01
wwwdRyuGuns: Or google it. The googles know all!03:01
jolii need to acess an mysql outside my box03:01
RyuGunsI did :(03:01
joliso i don't intend to install mysql here03:01
wwwdDarkFrost: if it helps you can come back and explain why!03:01
jolihow do i do in order to PHP work with mysql?03:01
joliin phpinfo output can't seem nothing realetd to mysql03:02
=== MJ94 is now known as BandwagonsSuck
wwwdRyuGuns: try running it from the command line and see what happens.03:02
=== auk is now known as Auk
ambadiHELLO TO ALL03:04
tmasterHi, I have this script:  http://pastebin.com/Jj4T9Esq03:04
ambadiI AM JITH 4103:04
tmasterwhen I run it, it gives an error saying that -u is an illegal option03:04
tmasterbut ulimit -u works when I try it in the terminal directly03:04
=== BandwagonsSuck is now known as MJ94
wwwdtmaster: man ulimit says it is obsolete. use getrlimit, setrlimit, and synconf but you would probably get better info at #bash.03:09
SampleQ: I don't care much for the windowed environment of linux (makes me feel like all my apps were written in Delphi), and the terminal is obviously it's strong point. I'd really like to setup xmonad on top of an Ubunto install, however I would certainly still need a Browser on a separate monitor. Is it possible to run both the xmonad windowed terminal environment AND a desktop environment with03:10
Samplea browser simultaneously on different monitors? (almost seems like it wouldn't be)03:10
hydrox24Hi guys, I am looking to stream dvb-t over the network. Anyone know how?03:11
DarkfrostThanks wwwd, I'll check it out :) (Slow reply - Sorry!)03:13
jackmanzak.lewis@cadre.net   brian.crouch@cadre.net == untouchables : we pwn U03:13
indystormWhat is the correct package to install to get Java websites working in Chromium?03:16
cipher__Has anyone attempted to install Ubuntu on a xps 15z here? (Or is the individual that was assisting me seeing this?)03:17
hydrox24indystorm: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin03:18
hydrox24indystorm: Run that install command03:18
HexaditidomHi everyone. I am so very close to connecting to the internet and would like help. Here is what I have so far. http://pastebin.com/kvHwehW103:19
hydrox24Hexaditidom: looking into it03:20
cipher__After I install ubuntu will I be given a chance to enter pre-boot arguments? Like pcie_aspm=force or acpi=noirq?03:20
hydrox24cipher__: using grub, hit e to edit the boot line on whicever entry you want.03:20
hydrox24Hexaditidom: What OS are you running?03:21
cipher__hydrox24: thanks03:21
Hexaditidomhydrox24: Ubuntu 10.0403:21
cipher__Hopefully I will not manage to semi-brick my laptop again with grub :P03:21
hydrox24cipher__: It is indeed one of the scarier aspects to computers (grub, that is)03:21
hichamhi, i like to install flashplayer03:21
cipher__here goes the install :S03:22
cipher__*which me luck*03:22
FloodBot1cipher__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:22
hydrox24Hexaditidom: right, and can you upload to pastebin the output of ifconfig once you've put the wlan0 interface "down"03:22
hydrox24indystorm: no problemo03:23
hichamhow to install flashplayer?03:23
boylovewhich distro is best for encrypting child porn03:23
hydrox24Hexaditidom: so it's an issue with an extremely premature and out of place "timout"03:23
hydrox24hicham: what browser are you using?03:24
cipher__only 7 gigs of 750gb are showing for partitioning?03:24
cipher__Do I need to go clean files and such from windows?03:24
bullgard6!ot | boylove03:24
ubottuboylove: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:24
boylovewhich distro is best for encrypting child porn03:24
hydrox24boylove: fedora provides home drive encryption and allows you to enter the password on starup, it's very secure.03:24
hydrox24boylove: no problem, but now that we have your IP, well be sending that to your local police :)03:25
cipher__boylove: I recommend truecrypt and a usb03:25
cipher__that's what my uncle uses03:25
hydrox24boylove: agree with cipher__03:25
hydrox24cipher__: 0.003:25
cipher__for work*03:25
hydrox24cipher__: aaaaah.. *breaths out*03:25
jughead88is there any difference between Xchat and Xchat-Gnome?03:25
hydrox24jughead88: not anything significant03:26
hichamcan anyone tell me how to install flashplayer?03:26
acerimmerjughead88: functionally, no.03:26
hydrox24hicham: what browser do you use!03:26
cipher__I have only 7 gb available for partitioning on a 750bg hdd. Is there an issue with Window$ Stealing my HDD space?03:26
bullgard6hicham: Do you mean that Firefox plugin?03:26
jughead88ok Thanks03:26
thechad90000I could really really use some help. I have a Gnome 3.2 installation issue. It looks like Gnome Classic but I've installed everything the way I'm supposed to. Here's the thread that details my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191255503:27
hydrox24cipher__: you may need to derag...03:27
thechad90000Someone please help me out03:27
Hexaditidomhydrox24: http://pastebin.com/f9pWPGqm03:27
hichambullgard6 yes03:27
hydrox24Hexaditidom: that shows that the wlan0 device actually is down, yet iwconfig still shows APs?03:27
cipher__hydrox24: I just want to make sure before I spend some odd hours performing this, you do mean defragment?03:28
hydrox24cipher__: yes :)03:29
cipher__hydrox24: Thank you, will do that.03:29
hydrox24thechad90000: looks like the best solution would be to do an i=unistall of gnome-shell and reinstall03:29
Hexaditidomhydrox24: iwconfig has wlan0. When trying to connect, wlan0 also lists the ESSID of access point I want to connect to. And iwlist still lists ap's03:29
thechad90000hydrox24: I've already tried that numerous times and it still doesn't help anything03:30
jughead88yeah just try sudo apt-get install gnome-shell in terminal03:30
hydrox24Hexaditidom: very strange... what sort of car do you have?03:30
hydrox24Hexaditidom: *card*03:30
Hexaditidomhahaha, was gonna say :P03:30
thechad90000jughead88: That's what I've been doing. And I'm getting the same problem03:30
hichamhow come i can t play videos like this? http://www.footytube.com/video/real-madrid-barcelona-jan18-102090?ref=hp_ozeit_mp03:31
Hexaditidomhydrox24: No card, USB device. Wireless adapter - Netgear WNDA3100. Installed ndiswrapper and it seems to work03:31
jughead88even with the complamentary files install ?03:31
jughead88sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome303:31
jughead88sudo apt-get update03:31
jughead88sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:31
FloodBot1jughead88: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
bullgard6hicham: Open Firefox > Tools  > Get Add-ons > Shockwave Flash03:32
hydrox24I suggest you use the open-source drivers or proprietary rather than windows03:32
hydrox24so uninstall the ndiswrapper stuff03:32
thechad90000jughead88: I'm giving that a shot03:33
Hexaditidomhydrox24: Hmm. I'll see what I can find then.03:33
ActionParsniphicham: can you make a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark      Thanks03:34
erasehi, installed 11.10. Previously was using 10.10. sun-java-* aren't in the repositories anymore. how can i install sun java?03:34
hydrox24Hi guys, I am looking to stream dvb-t over the network. Anyone know how?03:35
hichambullgard6 i have this plugin all ready03:35
=== THNY is now known as Heartz
thechad90000jughead88: I suppose once that is finished I should log out and log back in or restart my computer to see if it works?03:35
Gregor_The_Minererase I think that java.com has it available on the download page.03:35
hichamactionparsnip i am new at ubuntu, so this is chinese for me03:36
codazodaMy MacBook Pro (7,1) won't boot the 3.0.14 or 3.0.15 kernels. If I use 3.0.13 it boots fine.  Any thoughts on what to look for?  It stops at the ubuntu screen after all the dots fill in.03:37
ActionParsniphicham: press CTRL+ALT+T and paste the command to the terminal, copy the output and go to http://pastie.org03:37
ActionParsniphicham: paste the text there and hit paste, when the page changes, copy the new address in the address bar and paste it here03:38
ActionParsnipcodazoda: what video chip dos it use?03:38
hichamaxtionparsnip whitch command?03:38
ActionParsniphicham: the one you said was 'chines'....03:39
Gregor_The_Minerhicham, when you try pasting it to the terminal use ctrl+shift+v, not just ctrl+v.03:40
codazodaActionParsnip it's using the  nVidia GeForce 320M.  I think I added ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates and then installed nvidia-current, but it was way back.03:40
hichamactionparsnip this code? lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark03:40
ActionParsnipcodazoda: I suggest you uninstall the nvidia driver then boot to the newer kernel and reinstall it03:42
ActionParsnipcodazoda: you are using a 3rd party ppa which we cannot support here03:42
ActionParsniphicham: yes03:42
hichamlsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark03:42
hichamNo LSB modules are available.03:42
hichamDistributor ID:Ubuntu03:42
hichamDescription:Ubuntu 11.1003:42
FloodBot1hicham: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
ActionParsniphicham: use the pastebin!!!!03:43
Stormx2NTFS filesystems being mounted as RO. Here's my fstab line: "UUID=6DBD943E7D19BBB4 /media/sexy     ntfs    rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0       0". What's the issue?03:43
ActionParsniphicham: I clearly stated go to http://pastie.org   didn't I..?03:43
codazodaActionParsnip: Last time I tried to remove nvidia it took a while to get it to boot at all.  What's the best process for removing it? Just apt-get remove nvidia-current then remove the ppa?03:43
ActionParsnipcodazoda: sounds like a good move, not sure what else it will remove03:43
codazodaActionParsnip: Okay, I may try that again.  If it doesn't work I'll just reinstall from scratch.03:44
hichamactionparsnip i went to pastie, i pasted, but what next?03:44
codazodaActionParsnip: Thanks for the tip.03:45
ActionParsnipStormx2: try: UUID=12102C02102CEB83 /media/windows ntfs-3g auto,users,permissions 0 003:45
Stormx2ActionParsnip, cheers03:45
ActionParsnipcodazoda: well, you added the ppa, what do you expect? Did you read all the warnings on the ppa03:46
ActionParsnipStormx2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313103:46
ActionParsnipStormx2: I'd comment your line out so you can keep it in the file03:46
ActionParsniphicham: copy the address in the address bar and paste that here03:46
thechad90000jughead88: I did what you said to do and nothing happened. My terminal went crazy for forever but I still have the same desktop environment as before03:46
thechad90000jughead88: anymore ideas?03:47
=== Bonaparte is now known as Pharaoh
ActionParsnipStormx2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18067/how-to-add-ntfs-partition-to-fstab03:47
codazodaActionParsnip: I'm sure I didn't.  Sorry, I didn't mean for my uninstall comment to sound like a complaint, it wasn't meant as one.  It's been a long time, I've got who knows what junk laying around in here...03:47
ActionParsnipcodazoda: hehe time for a clean out :)03:48
destryalhmnshow do you use the workspace?03:51
destryalhmnsi keep getting things off screen that i expect to be on the same screen03:51
destryalhmnslike this window is stuck below the window i want...03:52
CuriousXaloha =)03:54
=== eXah is now known as EzeQL
CuriousXaloha i am using ubuntu 11.10 and i thik that i installed a wrong PPA for compiz =P looks http://paste.ubuntu.com/811472/04:00
CuriousXcan help on it please ? =(04:00
hydrox24thechad90000: and you've switched to the gnome option?04:01
CuriousXi want to fix that message "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/compiz/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found"04:01
CuriousXi wish =P04:02
CuriousXi tryed doing: ppa-purg ppa:compiz but nothing =(04:02
bullgard6What precisely does output  '~$ ip route show'?  'man ip' does not seem to explain this.04:03
CuriousXi did, apt-add-repository ppa:compiz ç, is that ok ?04:03
destryalhmnshe workspace switcher has pwned my screen04:04
destryalhmnsi have porn up to but cnn on the bottom04:04
destryalhmnsthey must be united04:05
UnknownForkI have dual booted Ubuntu with Windows XP, and whenever I try to boot Ubuntu it is very slow and there is only half a screen04:05
destryalhmnssry, *up top04:05
joaquinwhats up?04:05
KeithWeissharwhich iso should i download for ubuntu 11.10, cd or dvd?04:05
destryalhmnsi dont know the anwer but... half a screen?  --hahahaha... i have two screens04:05
destryalhmnshow old is your computer?04:05
UnknownFork10 years04:06
UnknownForkMy laptop is new though04:06
destryalhmns10 years might explain it04:06
UnknownForkAnd I'm running it on my desktop04:06
UnknownForkI thought so04:06
KeithWeissharshould i download the cd version or dvd version?04:06
destryalhmnsidk though, that is just a guess, im a noob here too04:06
KeithWeisshardoes the dvd version only have language packs?04:07
zantiosxKeithWeisshar: cd if you have a fast connection04:07
KeithWeissharwhat should i use to burn the iso from windows04:08
zantiosxright click ‎it and hit burn to disc at the top of the menu04:08
Moulti've got a remote box i set up for somebody on ubuntu - they use the software center to manage their software, but i sometimes ssh in and use aptitude. do the two talk to each other and cooperate? (I assume they all use apt-get underneath)04:09
KeithWeissharwhat iso burning software do i need to burn a cd from windows04:09
Puma1337Hey, I was wondering if someone would help me real quick.  I'm trying to create a fairly simple alias: http://paste.ubuntu.com/811477/ but when I run source .bashrc I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/811478/.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.04:09
Puma1337KeithWeisshar, try imgburn04:10
MoultPuma1337: remove the spaces between the = ?04:10
zantiosxKeithWeisshar: win 7 you can just right click the iso and burn04:10
Puma1337Moult, LOL04:11
KeithWeissharthe windows 7 iso burning doesn't actually finalize the disc, it leaves disc open04:11
Puma1337Moult, thanks so much04:11
DerpyHoovyFresh dual boot install - windows 7 & ubuntu - getting error: unknown filesystem, grub rescue> - just finished installing ubuntu - my drive setup is: /dev/sda1 - Windows Bootloader; /dev/sda2 - Windows - 1.5TB; /dev/sda3 - Ubuntu - 1.5TB; /dev/sda4/ - Swap - 8GB04:11
DerpyHoovycan anyone help?04:11
MoultPuma1337: np :)04:11
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: remember to MD5 test the ISO04:11
zantiosxUltraISO is good as well04:11
KeithWeissharthe windows 7 built-in iso burner doesn't finalize the disc, it leave the disc open for additiona files the same way the burn disc from windows explorer in mastered format does04:11
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: could try infrarecorder04:12
KeithWeissharthere is a bug in the windows 7 iso burner that leaves the disc open after burning04:12
UnknownForkWubi is good04:12
Puma1337KeithWeisshar, imgburn is lightweight and really good04:12
KeithWeissharimgburn always finalizes the disc04:12
UnknownForkWubi is best04:12
UnknownForkJust install Wubi04:13
ActionParsnipUnknownFork: its ok for a quick test, as a longterm solution its not great04:13
KeithWeissharis wubi only included on the cd version of ubuntu04:13
UnknownForkWhat do you reccomend for a longterm solution then?04:13
KeithWeissharis wubi only on the cd version and not the dvd version04:14
ActionParsnipUnknownFork: true install to an Ext4 partition04:14
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: its on both04:14
KeithWeisshardoes wubi have a bug where it fails to clean up the windows boot loader after uninstall on 64-bit systems04:15
KeithWeisshardues wubi have a bug on 64-bit where it fails to remove ubuntu from the windows boot loader after uninstall04:16
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: not sure there, if you want an easy alternative to wubi, use virtualbox ;)04:16
NeuralJackHello!  I seen to have buggered up my x server conf.  I have a totally blank desktop across two monitors except for my mouse cursor.  Could somepne please help me access my config file so I can undo my recent changes?04:18
UnknownForkI wish laptop companies other than Dell (Dell sucks) had Linux Distros such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian, and OpenSuse preinstalled.04:18
ChaorainI have a small server setup but I keep getting "Index of" pages where it shows the files in that directory. I know that php and mysql work, I setup Kusaba X already.04:19
Chaorainits on a local network only.04:19
opticlovei have an encrypted home. if i delete the second OS partition and resize the one i want to use, will the space be allocated?04:19
opticloveor should i decrypt it?04:19
ActionParsnipUnknownFork: system7604:20
ActionParsnipUnknownFork: my del latitude D420 runs ubuntu amazingly and al hardware works out of the box04:20
MoultNeuralJack: are you in X right now? you can use ctrl-alt-f1 (f2, f3, etc) to escape to a console.04:21
osmosisi just did a sudo apt-get upgrade, and it wants to download a   python-lazr.restfulclient  . How can I figure out what depends on this, not sure why I have it.04:21
NeuralJackMoult: Yes, I can get a console and log in that way.04:21
MoultNeuralJack: yes, then just vim your xorg.conf manually - i don't know where ubuntu has it, probably /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:22
ActionParsnipUnknownFork: just because you aren't aware of the companies, doesn't mean they don't exist04:22
KeithWeissharwhat's the current revision of wubi on the website04:23
NeuralJackMoult:  I'm a rookie Ubuntu user.  how do i break out of my Home Directory? (username@host:~$)04:23
opticlovecd <directory>04:24
DerpyHoovyNeuralJack: cd /04:24
=== UnknownFork_ is now known as UnknownFork
opticloveDesktop is with a capital D04:24
=== KyeRussell is now known as KyeRussel
NeuralJackMoult: I navigated to the vile, how do I sieze write perms to open and edit it?04:26
MoultNeuralJack: if a newbie, i'd recommend using "nano" as your text editor. use `sudo nano /path/to/your/xorg.conf`. sudo so that you get the perms. nano is a text editor.04:27
trismosmosis: apt-cache rdepends python-lazr.restfulclient;04:27
osmosistrism, thx!04:27
opticlovei have an encrypted home. if i delete the second OS partition and resize the one i want to use, will the space be allocated?04:27
ActionParsnipMoult: I use nano as a not-so newbie ;)04:29
MoultActionParsnip: i'm hinting that there are alternatives04:29
ActionParsnipMoult: no bad thing04:30
oconnoreopticlove: encrypted home works the same way as a regular home, it's just encrypted. It is not an independant partition (unless your /home/user lives on an independant partition)04:30
opticloveoconnore: alright so i shouldn't have to decrypt it to reallocate more space to it, correct?04:31
hugenumberWhat is a good option for imaging my ubuntu?04:33
NeuralJackMoult:  Thanks for the help.  I'll be back in a few minutes to let you know if it worked or if I need more in-depth assistance.04:34
MoultNeuralJack: sure04:35
=== KyeRussell is now known as KyeRussel
NeuralJackMoult:  Looks like that did it.  It was the Cinerama switch that was messing everything up.04:38
NeuralJackMoult:  THanks again04:38
MoultNeuralJack: good to know04:38
MoultNeuralJack: np04:38
=== khader is now known as raju
mintmanwhat is the deal with cinnomon and gnome 3??? seen linux mint make the cinnamon desktop what direction is ubuntu headed in??04:40
ActionParsnipmintman: there is a ppa for cinnamon but its not supported here if you use it04:40
ActionParsnipmintman: ubuntu will probably use Unity for a long time04:40
ActionParsnipmintman: but it may change04:40
troublebrewingI have a giant black bar on the left of my screen whenever booting into xfce or lxde. can anybody assist me?04:41
troublebrewingcairo dock will still show over the black bar, but windows will be behind it04:42
ActionParsnipmintman: thats in gnome obviously. Lubuntu will look largely the same, as will Kubuntu04:44
mintmanActionParsnip: Just seeing the direction ubuntu is moving expermenting with linux mint link gnome desktop...  I plain on putting Arch linux back on system and running up Backtrack and expirement with Puppy linux intersting idea to allow all repostories to run under one linux version...04:46
needshelpwithubuI've reinstalled windows and ubuntu on top of each other many times and haven't had a problem until today.04:47
needshelpwithubuUbuntu reports that the cable is unplugged. I don't see any flashing lights on the ethernet adapter.04:47
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: means cable not recieving signal need a new Cat5 or ethernet cable...04:48
needshelpwithubumintman: I had windows 7 running perfectly this afternoon.04:49
needshelpwithubuAnd this was the second time I've had this problem, the first being a month ago.04:49
urlin2uneedshelpwithubu, does is it work now?04:49
mintmanOk, is internet connection04:49
needshelpwithubuNo, it's not.04:49
urlin2uneedshelpwithubu, in windows?04:49
needshelpwithubuurlin2u: it worked the last time I was in windows04:49
mintmancable has kink in it need a new cable....04:50
urlin2uneedshelpwithubu, boot windows and see if it does now.,04:50
needshelpwithubuAnd this came to my attention: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Configuring_Network#Realtek_no_link_.2F_WOL_issue04:50
needshelpwithubuI'm not sure if suddenly stopping windows 7 to install linux had anything to do with this.04:50
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: ur using ubuntu right???04:51
needshelpwithubuI've tried method 4 and I've had no luck, the others require me to reinstall windows.04:51
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: stopping m$$ 7?? how are you installing ubuntu??04:52
needshelpwithubumintman: i tried linux mint first and had this problem. I tried installing ubuntu and got the same result.04:52
needshelpwithubudies_irae: burned onto a cd04:52
mintmanIs this ubuntu??? unrelated to ubuntu from a arch linux page.. Arch linux is setup of from scratch not preload that is the reason for method 404:53
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: so what's the problemo??04:53
needshelpwithubuHmm, last time I've had a succesful installation I instaled from a bootable usb04:53
DerpyHoovyI still have yet to have a successful dual boot on my new 3TB hard drive.04:54
mintmanUbuntu only needs an internet connection to load updated drivers for ubuntu archlinux requires a manual setup ...  Please dont confuse the to Linux iso's04:54
babonkHey guys, I'm trying to setup Sun Java JDK and it's driving me kind of crazy.  Linux newb, but unable to find any instructions that work online.04:55
mintmanthe distros are different and ubuntu has a bigger support base for hadware04:55
needshelpwithubudies_irae: ubuntu and linuxmint both reporting unplugged cable despite windows working properly a few hours before04:55
ActionParsnipmintman: try xpud too :)04:55
needshelpwithubumintman: yes, I understand that04:55
babonkI need to install Sun JDK 1.6 (or h igher, I presume). OpenJDK is not supported by the program I'm trying to install.04:55
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: that looks like a bug. Perhaps you need to install then upgrade to latest packages versions.04:55
NeuralJackThanks again to all the volunteers.  I really appreciate you all being here to help us out.  Good Night.04:56
babonkI've tried every method listed online to no avail.04:56
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: a laptop install?04:56
needshelpwithubudies_irae: desktop04:56
mintmanneedshelpwithubu:  checked the make and model of network card for support???04:56
ActionParsnipbabonk: omgubuntu mentions a way to install it04:56
urlin2udies_irae, you need the net to upgrade04:56
needshelpwithubuI thought it was a bug with the linux kernel only having the reltek 8169 driver04:56
ActionParsnipbabonk: I have a script to install oracle (java is now owned by oracle, not sun) java 1.704:56
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: so what's unplugged?? I don't get it.04:57
babonkActionParsnip: I think that would work.04:57
needshelpwithubuinstalled the 8168 and rmmoded & blacklisted the reltek 816904:57
dies_iraeoh wireless04:57
needshelpwithubudies_irae: ubuntu and linux mint reports the cable unplugged, but it's not04:57
babonkActionParsnip: Is this your blog/script?04:57
needshelpwithubuand it's not wireless either.04:57
babonkhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/sun-still-shines-for-java-users-on-ubuntu/ ?04:57
dies_iraeethernet cable?04:58
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: what version of linux ubuntu are u running04:58
needshelpwithubuthe drivers didn't help either04:58
needshelpwithubumintman: 11.1004:58
dies_iraeneedshelpwithubu: just be specific with your problemo, ur making no sense whatsoever.04:58
ActionParsnipbabonk: thats what I was referencing, worth a shot04:58
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: is this the latest version have u done a ubuntu search forums to see if they report problem/????04:59
babonkOkay, will try this04:59
needshelpwithubuNight guys, this is giving me a headache. I've been trying to fix this for hours. I'll try again tomorrow04:59
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: good luck ...05:00
ActionParsnipbabonk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/811510/   will give 32bit Java and install the plugin to Chromium browser05:00
ljsoftnethow do i change openbox screen resolution, i tried the default Display Settings it doesn't change it05:01
destryalhmnsso, is there a way to traverse "down" the dom until you find an element with a given class?05:01
babonkActionParsnip: Running this script returns error that 'devscripts', 'unixodbc', and 'lib32asound2' have no installation candidates05:02
babonkI aw errors like that previously when trying to install Sun/Oracle Java05:02
ActionParsnipbabonk: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc05:02
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: read method 4 . but this would suggest enabling intergrated perpherals and sounds like a windows computer selling point making it impossible to load other OS due to a restart would reset the lan not to work...05:03
ActionParsnipbabonk: all I can suggest is use my script. It assumes 32bit OS05:03
Phr3d13trying to install drivers downloaded from nvidia, but i keep getting told that i have x running, how do i stop x so that i can install the drivers?05:03
babonkok will run it now05:03
needshelpwithubumintman: already enabled on the bios. I think it's windows not shuting down the ethernet adapter properly, which explains why the light doesn't blink on bootup.05:04
rainfyreHey all.  I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 to a partition on my hard drive, ubfortunately, GRUB was written to the flash drive, and the Ubuntu partition only shows up when I boot from the flash drive.05:04
ActionParsnipPhr3d13: use the xorg edgers UPDATE ppa (less fresh), you can get the 290 driver there05:04
ActionParsniprainfyre: boot with the flash stick in then run:  sudo grub-install /dev/sda     assuming sda is youinternal drive05:05
rainfyreIf the flash drive isn't there, I boot straight into Debian, Ubuntu isn't in the boot menu.  How do I fix GRUB so that it shows Ubuntu when I'm booting from my hard drive?05:05
rainfyrethank you Action05:05
ljsoftnethow do i change openbox screen resolution, i tried the default Display Settings it doesn't change it05:06
AlbucaWould someone be able to give me a quick hand? Im trying to keybind a .sh script, but for some reason it dosnt want to execute from the keybind. It does from terminal and alt-f2, but not they keybinding.05:07
ActionParsniprainfyre: you can use a chroot from livUSB / CD and reinstate the bootloader that way. omgubuntu has a guide called 'sticking it to grub' you can follow05:07
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: did u follow method 2 for driver related issue with wake on line device???05:07
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: what GPU?05:07
ActionParsnipAlbuca: under which desktop / WM etc?05:07
needshelpwithubumintman: i've already installed ubuntu over windows05:08
needshelpwithubuthat'll require me to install windows again, pita05:08
rainfyreActionParsnip: cool.  I don't know enough about chroots to try that yet05:09
AlbucaActionParsnip: Gnome05:09
ActionParsniprainfyre: the guide tells you all you need...05:09
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: does the live cd work for ubuntu?  If so I would think it is a driver related issue...05:09
rainfyreActionParsnip: /usr/sbin/grub-setup: error: cannot open `/dev/sda' while attempting to get disk size.05:09
ljsoftnetActionParsnip AMD Ati05:10
ActionParsnipAlbuca: you can set shortcuts in CCSM, you'd set a command as your script. Then the shortcut to fire the command05:10
needshelpwithubumintman: i've already replaced the reltek 8169 that comes with the kernel with 8168 so i don't think so05:10
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: don't the ati drivers have a GUI app to set resolution..?05:10
needshelpwithubumintman: the live cd works with no internet connection05:10
needshelpwithubumintman: * the live cd works, but has no internet connection05:11
ljsoftnetActionParsnip its not opening05:11
RicardoEpeople I need help with a failure in dist-upgrade05:12
RicardoEcan someone help me?05:12
bsmith093i have a bunch of numbered files 1.gif 2.gif ... 8.gif 19.gif 11.gif up to 1000.gif, im trying to a=make a cbz archive of them, and the archive is displaying 1.gif 10.gif 100.gif how do i fix this?05:12
babonkActionParsnip: it doesn't seem to like this version of java05:12
bsmith093basically there going in aplhabetical order instead of numerical ordr05:13
=== Bry8Star_ is now known as Bry8Star
babonkno clue, but the software i'm trying install gives java error messages when i try to build it now05:13
mintmanneedshelpwithubu: pin pointed out the Bios or Basic input out put is holding the nic in a wake on lan state and is looking for windows to wake the driver.... I hope the dont keep selling this motherboard I bet this board is not supported very well.. :( might want to fire over to archlinux and see what the community might be able to suggest to get ur device to turn...05:13
AlbucaActionParsnip: I dont have the CCSM, ive tried conf-editor but the command wont execute when I map it to anything05:13
htmlcan i have a archlinux base with a ubuntu overlay?05:13
ljsoftnetActionParsnip how do i run the amd software as root in the terminal, the gui doesn't open05:14
needshelpwithubumintman: lol, the mobo is discontinued, it's a gigabyte ma790x-ud4p I purchased 4 years ago05:14
mintmanhtml: what ??? hmmm what does this mean???05:14
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: use gksudo05:15
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: e.g.    gksudo command05:15
htmlarchlinux  core instaled with ubuntu packages on top05:16
=== stimpz is now known as stimpz0r
mintmanhtml: Ubuntu is a distro so is Archlinux different stratigies to setup of distro . they both use  same packages , but archlinux is not as user friendly as ubuntu .05:17
ljsoftnetActionParsnip you know the command for the AMD Catalyst software?05:17
mintmanhtml: the gears that make archlinux run are different the ubuntu.. Common sense its like asking is a porshe the same as a toyota .. both are cars...05:18
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: no idea, I don't buy ATi GPUs, Nvidia al the way here05:18
ljsoftnetActionParsnip ok thanks05:18
ActionParsnipmintman: the kernel is common though, which is why they are the same OS, just a different distro05:19
htmlmintman,  well.. im new to archlinux  but not to ubuntu ,,, so it total can NOT be done?05:19
subb1hi all. where can i possibly get some help on tcp/ip networking topic regarding NAT? got some doubts05:20
htmlActionParsnip, can it be done?05:20
subb1I mean if there is any more appropriate channel?05:21
mintmanhtml: what is the purpose of what exactly are u trying ? ur confusing me?05:21
mintmanhtml: ur archlinux runs a 100mph an hour asking it to down grade to 85 mph..05:22
AlbucaWould someone be able to give me a quick hand? Im trying to keybind a .sh script, but for some reason it dosnt want to execute from the keybind. It does from terminal and alt-f2, but not they keybinding.05:23
lotuspsychjeim looking for a fix for a corrupt mouse pointer after booting, rebooting the pc temp get rid of the corrupt mouse pointer05:23
mintmanhtml: is updating archlinux hard or what is the problem with running archlinux they have a page to explain exactly how to upgrade and request packages05:23
ActionParsnipAlbuca: I told you how, you need to use ccsm05:25
mintmanhtml its called the rossette for package requests vs the ubuntu way its a chart05:25
htmlmintman,  fast like puppylinux .friendily gui like ubuntu ... like a custom distro05:25
ActionParsnipAlbuca: same process as this, just change the command executed: http://www.khattam.info/howto-enable-altf2-in-ubuntu-natty-11-04-narwhal-alpha-1-2010-12-04.html05:25
htmlhuh ? what is mean?05:26
ActionParsnipAlbuca: that is exactly what I said to do, but you asked again...05:26
theadminhtml, mintman: Arch discussion is offtopic here... Also, there is no GUI in Arch by default :/05:26
mintmantheadmin: sorry I will make this the last post about arch linux here got to much work to do to play with this idea05:27
Besogonpeople. Is it possible to get work Samba printer with HPLIP driver?05:27
ActionParsnipBesogon: yes, works here just dandy05:27
mintmanhtml: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Rosetta follow the chart learn terminal05:27
ActionParsnipmintman: xpud is faster :)05:28
lotuspsychje!info xpud05:28
ubottuPackage xpud does not exist in oneiric05:28
ActionParsnipits another distro05:28
lotuspsychjeoh :p05:28
mintmanActionParsnip: understand just dont want to bring up offtopic conversion05:28
AlbucaActionParsnip: thanks, sorry I missed that05:29
ActionParsnipmintman: you've failed at that so far...05:29
theadminActionParsnip: Faster? Not really, I've configured Arch with minimal daemons, X, and Chromium in autostart and got it to work very fast05:29
mark_morcomPlease help me here, if any of you are web developers. I need a program that supports Image Slices for web development. Not Guillotine like Gimp. It is the one think in my Linux arsenal that is keeping me dual-booting with windows05:29
edbianI have an entry in my /etc/fstab for my usb drive so I can mount it easily.  However when I boot my system complains at me 'filesystem /dev/sdb1 not found blah blah' how can I shut it up?05:29
BesogonActionParsnip, For me not works. hp-plugin says that I need local installation of the printer. It doesn't catch samba printers. The printer is connected to Wondows computer05:29
htmltheadmin,  no what im trying to do... im looking for a ferverish fast distro as/like archlinux with ubuntu as the gui and apps05:30
mintmanActionParsnip: lol wasn't trying to go that root I came here to ask questions about ubuntu and gnome 3 not give out advise about archlinux05:30
lotuspsychjeedbian: i have good results with pysdm to automount all drives at boot05:30
edbianlotuspsychje, really I'm just looking for the mount option to put in fstab05:30
ActionParsniphtml: xpud boots in 3 seconds here on PATA HDD with 2Gb ram and 12Ghz dual core 32bit CPU..05:30
theadminedbian: Change your options to "defaults,noauto". That way you can mount the device manually by "sudo mount /dev/sdb1", but it won't automount at boot. Easy enough I think. Also, this in rc.local will save you the trouble: [ -e /dev/sdb1 ] && sudo mount /dev/sdb105:30
theadminedbian: Err, without sudo in the last one05:31
edbiantheadmin, thanks, noauto was the ticket! :)05:31
htmlActionParsnip,  12ghz?05:31
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: lol how many seconds would a 6G ssd drive boot :p05:32
ActionParsniphtml: 1.205:33
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: size is irrelevant, its a sata drive plus the access times are lower, so fast05:33
theadminhtml: Try Archbang -- it's based on Arch, is bloody fast, but comes with a GUI and commonly used applications (web browser, media player, text editor etc etc)05:33
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: check youtube etc, its fast05:34
lotuspsychjeill stick to ubuntu 64 on ssd with eyecandy stuff :p05:35
rubebrflexxhey everyone05:35
edbianwhere does xchat store it's icons05:35
rubebrflexxwow tuff crowd lol05:35
theadminedbian: Most likely /usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps05:35
edbiantheadmin, yeah, not in there :(05:36
theadminedbian: Oh, huh, weird05:36
almoxarifelets see, i dont really use ubuntu anything, i cant compete with the #linux helper kiddies, i know i am going to hang out on #ubuntu and recommend archlinux to the passing crowd, yeah, thats the ticket05:36
edbianHow can I view what files a package installs using apt or aptitude?05:36
theadminedbian: You can't use those for that, but "dpkg -L packagename"05:37
edbiantheadmin, thanks05:37
theadminalmoxarife: That's a good idea, but you're gonna be too much offtopic05:38
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse pointer on an older laptop?05:39
edbiantheadmin, found it: /usr/share/icons/xchat.xpm05:39
theadminedbian: wtf is .xpm lol05:40
edbiantheadmin, some image file type.  file command calls it this: X pixmap image text05:41
theadminedbian: Huh... okay05:41
edbiantheadmin, whatever it works and it's scalable so I like it.  Also, this is on a Debian system :P05:42
theadminedbian: Oh.05:42
ActionParsnipTheAncientGoat: its an miage format05:43
* radio_hiss RMS talk in INDIA/Kochi on Jan 24, 2012 11:00 AM <-> http://www.rmsinkmea.in/05:43
urlin2uradio_hiss, that be spam laddy05:44
radio_hissurlin2u: really sorry if guys construe that as spam05:49
* radio_hiss Richard Stallman talk in INDIA/Kochi on Jan 24, 2012 11:00 AM <-> http://www.rmsinkmea.in/05:50
=== lennyf is now known as MrSemicon
virtuapostahi all05:55
bsmith093how do i rename numerically-named files so theyll display in the proper order, instead of 1 10 100 etc05:56
virtuapostaa quick question.. how to disable local user login and force user to use openldap authentication only05:56
irelandmA quick note:  I joined this channel using my android phone.  Pretty cool, probably eats the battery.  But great for emergencies when your pc is down.05:59
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hansg01i played with my unity and crashed it06:00
hansg01the i installed ubuntu 12.04 alpha 206:00
hansg01but nw i want some stable release for work06:00
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hansg01can i downgrade back?06:00
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hansg01without losing my configs done?06:01
urlin2uhansg01, nope06:01
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.06:01
ActionParsniphansg01: you must reinstall06:01
ActionParsniphansg01: you canrestore configs from your backups06:01
irelandmHansgo1 I don't know about downgrading, but one of the previous LTS versions might be your best choice for work.06:02
hansg01ActionParsnip: how?06:02
hansg01ActionParsnip: i mean how to create backups?06:02
JDog2pt0Anyone here have any experince with the vesafb driver?06:02
LirthI'm trying to change the clock settings to show decimal time instead of standard (it's a little experiment) but I can't find anything online. Is there a way to adjust the length of hours, minutes, and seconds? I'd like to have 10 hours a day, 1000 minutes per day (100 per hour) and 100,000,000 seconds per day (100 per minute, 1,000,000 per hour). I'm pretty sure the parentheses numbers are right, but please correct me on that also.06:04
ActionParsniphansg01: copy them to a remote system or removable storage etc06:04
JDog2pt0vesafb, anyone think they can help me with it?06:04
lotuspsychje!info vesafb06:04
ubottuPackage vesafb does not exist in oneiric06:04
hansg01ActionParsnip: what i meant by the config is the tweaks and all, how to backup 'em?06:05
ActionParsniphansg01: why don't you have a backup already if your config is important?06:05
pangolinojos3: Please do not post links to illegal activities06:05
JDog2pt0@ubottu I'm getting a fatal error asking for vesafb.ko06:05
hansg01ActionParsnip: i play with unity often and i don't wanna stop it and thats too the reason for this crash06:06
hansg01ActionParsnip: i didn't thought so but how to create backup's of the configs?06:07
hansg01ActionParsnip: data i can but what with configs?06:07
ActionParsniphansg01: they are stored in the hidden folders in your home folder06:08
hansg01ActionParsnip: oh okay hw i can forgot em06:08
hansg01ActionParsnip: anything else that i should i take care of?06:09
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maZed_will I be able to install from, and to a USB drive? (using a netbook with a crashed harddrive)06:10
ActionParsniphansg01: maybe some configs in /etc  depends what you've changed and your setup06:10
ActionParsnipmaZed_: sure06:10
maZed_ok cool06:10
hansg01ActionParsnip: thanks!06:10
LirthDoes anyone have technical skills for changing/creating custom clocks?06:11
jeniahello everyone. i want to share files between two ubuntu computers06:11
jeniawhen i connect from machine A to machine B ( on which i already set a shared folder)06:11
=== Guest28964 is now known as albrigha
jeniai get a dialogue box saying 1) Username 2) Domain and 3) Password06:12
jeniawhat is the Domain?06:12
ActionParsnipjenia: leave that blank06:13
ActionParsnipjenia: if you are using the defalt sharing, you may need to run:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER     and you can log in as that user using the pass you set06:13
jeniaso i do sudo smbpasswd -a jenia06:14
jeniais that what youre saying? or literally?06:15
jeniaand you mean on the server machine?06:15
ActionParsnipjenia: literally, it will use your username06:15
jeniaokay thanks ActionParsnip06:15
ActionParsnipjenia: yes on the server, you can then authenticate as that user, yuo can tell the OS to remember it too so you don't have to enter it again :)06:16
AerosonicGuys, please think up the most expensive SSD you can06:17
pangolintry #hardware06:17
AerosonicSomething within the range of 6-8 grand06:17
theadminAerosonic: Try ##hardware , this is offtopic here06:17
pangolinthis is a Ubuntu support channel06:17
jeniaokay thanks ActionParsnip, thanks very much06:17
ActionParsnipAerosonic: there is a 1.5Tb PCI Express SSD storage06:17
AerosonicPancakez: Thanks, but you know, Ubuntu guys are quite smart ;)06:18
ActionParsnipAerosonic: I believe it's about 2,000 quid06:18
jeniawork like a charme06:18
ActionParsnipAerosonic: OCZ Z-Drive R2 PCI-Express SSD 2 TB is about 3,000 quid06:20
AerosonicActionParsnip: Perfect!06:20
ActionParsnipAerosonic: get 2 of those and you got some mad speed06:21
AerosonicActionParsnip: I don't need it. The people I'm working with do.06:22
AerosonicThe more it costs, the better.06:22
ActionParsnipAerosonic: haha then get a handful of SAS drives and RAID them up like crazy06:22
AerosonicActionParsnip: Idiots I work for want better hardware06:24
ActionParsnipAerosonic: SAS drives are what are used in data centres...06:25
AerosonicThey said they'll pay anything so that their shitty programs perform better, and they already have i7's06:25
ActionParsnipAerosonic: how many?06:25
ryannathanson gnome3, rt2800usb, how can i permanently change my mac address, every time i try to change it with the new mac it wont connect to any networks06:25
AerosonicActionParsnip: I'd need to upgrade 19 computers06:26
AerosonicAnd damn, they refuse to change their system06:26
ActionParsnipAerosonic: how many CPUs in each system?06:26
ActionParsnipryannathans: are there any mac restrictions on the interconnection device?06:26
ryannathansActionParsnip: mp06:26
ryannathansActionParsnip: mp06:26
ryannathansActionParsnip: no06:26
aeon-ltdAerosonic: i7 is not enough? wuuuuut.....06:26
theadminAerosonic: lol better get rid of Windows06:27
aeon-ltdAerosonic: what are you running?06:27
Aerosonicaeon-ltd: Sandy Bridge i7's. With mad DDR3 RAM. They have their shitty software they had some guy write for them, and it has huge leaks and redundancy errors06:27
aeon-ltdAerosonic: then fix that06:28
ActionParsnipryannathans: do you get an IP via DHCP?06:28
AerosonicSandy Bridge i7's, 16GB RAM, incredible shit.06:28
ryannathansi hate this new network manager thing in gnome 3, i have no control over anythin i used to06:28
ryannathansActionParsnip: no06:28
ryannathansActionParsnip: not even connected06:28
Aerosonicaeon-ltd: They didn't want it. That's the problem. They didn't want the program to be fixed, and they said "JUST GET US BETTER HARDWARE"06:28
theadminryannathans: Huh? NetworkManager hardly changed at all06:28
theadminAerosonic: *sigh* People are idiots... Seriously >.<06:29
aeon-ltdAerosonic: do you care about them? if not their loss, go buy some faster i7's and OC the hell out of them06:29
Aerosonicaeon-ltd: I do not. That's what we did, they said "NOT FAST ENOUGH!" "YOU"RE DOING IT WRONG!"06:29
AerosonicSo we're gonna overcharge them for some 8k enterprise drives.06:29
theadmin:P Serves them right06:30
AerosonicWe're not getting revenue from this now, we're just laughing our asses off06:30
ActionParsnipryannathans: are there any logs on the router?06:30
ActionParsnipryannathans: why are you changing mac address?06:31
excelsiorI'm having problems writing to memorex lightscribe cds, I burn to dvds just fine, is it possibly because the cds are too old?06:31
ubluntuAerosonic: I wonder if you know how unprofessional you sound06:32
Aerosonicubluntu: I am quite professional when talking to them. I really could give less crap about their money.06:32
ryannathansActionParsnip: particular network has mac filtering for the mac of my other laptop06:32
ubluntuI wish I knew who you worked for, so I could show them how much you care about their business.06:33
ubluntu /end rant06:33
ActionParsnipryannathans: could try changing the mac based on the current one, change the right most hex value by one06:33
Aerosonicubluntu: Really? Aw, that's cute.06:33
ryannathansActionParsnip: kay06:34
ActionParsnipAerosonic: buy them a cray each :)06:34
excelsiorcommand line tool to burn iso?06:34
excelsioron slowest speed possible?06:35
ryannathansactivation of network connection failed06:35
theadminexcelsior: cdrecord06:35
ryannathansi can't be bothered anymore, reinstalling06:36
excelsiorthanks theadmin06:36
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:38
ActionParsnipAerosonic: buy them a Cray XK6 each06:39
ubluntuwhy don't you drop the offtopic convo06:39
ubluntunobody cares about his arrogance06:39
Aerosonicubluntu: Hey, they are running software that is abundant with errors, has tons of redundancy loops, has countless memory leaks.06:40
Aerosonicubluntu: I told them that I can fix it, they refused.06:40
Aerosonicubluntu: They said that they just want better hardware.06:40
ubluntupoint is06:41
ubluntuso gtfo06:41
=== maxb_ is now known as Guest58959
Aerosonicubluntu: I told them that no hardware in the world will be able to deal with instantly-filling RAM. They said 'meh' and I said "Well, let's rip them off, then"06:41
=== Guest58959 is now known as road_agent
ActionParsnipAerosonic: check PM06:41
ActionParsnipubluntu: you don't have to announce your ignores...06:41
ubluntuok. ignored too06:42
urlin2u321 banned06:42
ubluntuyou should know better too since you are always in here06:42
ActionParsnipprobably not the smartest idea considering how muchI help here06:42
ubluntuyea. I won't ignore you. but you really shouldn't try to help such an arrogant person who tells us he is going to 'rip people off'06:43
ActionParsnipubluntu: then why lie?06:43
AerosonicHe didn't ignore me.06:43
ubluntuI actually didn't get to ignoring you yet06:43
ubluntusince you really aren't that important06:44
ubluntucan we get back on topic tho06:44
Aerosonic"arrogant". Coming from you that's something.06:44
ActionParsnipubluntu: so you only ignore important people? Strange policy....06:45
ubluntuActionParsnip: you are pretty important tho right ?06:46
road_agentcoming back to linux after a long hiatus, can anyone tell me what happened to beagle, tracker etc06:46
theadminroad_agent: Beagle still exists iirc, dunno what tracker even is06:46
ActionParsnipubluntu: in general, nobody really is06:46
ubluntunot true.06:46
ActionParsnip!info beagle06:46
ubottuPackage beagle does not exist in oneiric06:46
theadminHuh. Guess I'm wrong06:47
ubluntueveryone is important.06:47
road_agenthmmm metainfo desktop search kind of died06:47
road_agentit seems06:47
theadminOh, it died 2 years ago06:48
theadminroad_agent: http://alternativeto.net/software/beagle/?platform=linux06:48
theadminroad_agent: Might find something acceptable there06:48
ActionParsnipubluntu: when you die, we are all equal, when we ae born we are all equal..06:49
ubluntuwe are all always equal in the eyes of the lord. CAN WE GET BACK ON TOPIC YET LMAO!06:49
thomedyquestion.. ihave my wireless set up... i ran update and upgrade06:50
thomedybut i cant connect to a particular network06:50
thomedymy homenetwork06:50
thomedyi can however connect to my libraries or various other networks06:50
thomedymy rfkill list shows no blocks06:50
thomedyand im 99 percent sure my password is correct because i can connect to the network on my phone06:50
ActionParsnipubluntu: you started asking about importance...06:50
ActionParsnipthomedy: can you ping your router's IP?06:51
theadminActionParsnip: That wouldn't really be possible without establishing the connection to the network it's on first, right?06:52
ActionParsniptheadmin: i've heard people say 'network' when they mean 'file share'06:52
theadminActionParsnip: lol oh06:53
thomedyooh let me try06:53
semitonesi have a computer with ubuntu and windows dual booting. I want to copy this failing HDD onto a new one, and switch them. Is that possible?06:53
theadminsemitones: ddrescue06:53
semitonesit hasn't failed yet06:54
semitonesit's just making sounds that sound like it will fail soon06:54
ubluntucheck out dmesg06:55
theadminsemitones: Still ddrescue.06:55
theadminsemitones: lol06:55
ubluntuif you can hear it. thats not good06:55
ubluntualot of clicking ?06:55
semitonesdoes it come on the ubuntu live cd?06:55
semitonesubluntu: more like whining06:55
semitoneswhen the computer turns on, it makes a horrible whirring noise when the drives spin up06:56
semitonesI hard power down and hope it won't do it again when I turn it on again06:56
thomedyquick question.. i just moved to a new state with my wife and we are staying at families till we get our place... that being said the internet here i soff the landlord... and i dont have a physical machine to check ip... i ran iwlist wlan0 scan06:56
oconnoresemitones: you had better act quickly slash I hope you have backups06:56
thomedybut i cant figure out ip06:56
semitonesoconnore: the new hdd just came in the mail a few days ago06:57
semitonesi'm reading up on ddrescue now to figure out how to clone the hdd to the new one06:57
lotuspsychjethomedy: maybe etherape could help find the ip06:57
datruth_How can I map the windows key + the d key to minimize all winxows?06:57
ActionParsnipsemitones: could just use your backups. I assume you have some as the data seems important..06:58
thomedyyou know what i can find the ip on the other machine im actually connected one sec06:58
semitonesActionParsnip: the documents folders are all backed up to dropbox and ubuntu one -- i'd mostly be losing programs and media06:58
semitonesdoes the ubuntu live cd come with ddrescue?06:59
KeithWeissharwhat's the difference between wubi rev 245 from the website and rev 241 on the desktop cd06:59
GrivvelDoes anyone know anything about xdotool? I'm attempting to use it, but there's a specific program (running under Wine in case that's relevant) that it doesn't seem to be able to interact with. Am I incorrect in thinking that all displayed windows are X windows?06:59
thomedyoaky i googled it got my public ip and then pinged it and said network is unreachable06:59
lotuspsychje!info ddrescue06:59
ubottuddrescue (source: ddrescue): copy data from one file or block device to another. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.23-1 (oneiric), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB06:59
KeithWeissharthe ubuntu cd contains wubi r241 but the download version is r24507:00
KeithWeissharwhat changes were made between rev 245 and rev 24107:00
urlin2uKeithWeisshar, I doubt anyone will know here.07:00
shade34321I'm curious what make 2>&1 | tee make.log does, I like to know what a command does before I run it. While I understand part of it, enough to catch the gist of what it should do, I want to make sure I thoroughly understand it07:01
semitoneslotuspsychje: i guess that's a no then07:01
jdog2pt0Anyone here familier with vesafb07:01
KeithWeissharis it ok to use the wubi version on the cd or should i use the download version07:01
lotuspsychjesemitones: sudo apt-get install ddrescue07:01
semitonesok i can do that from the live cd07:01
gharzguys, i've installed ipython from source (not from repo)... is there anyone who can help me uninstall it completely uninstall or deleting all ipython files? please help. thanks!07:02
urlin2uKeithWeisshar, use the cd, your aware its not for long term use and just a file in windows?07:02
oconnoreshade34321: 2>&1 merges stderr and stdout into one stream. tee writes to the file07:02
KeithWeissharwhat can go wrong with the wubi installation07:02
jdog2pt0vesafb, anyone?07:03
shade34321oconnore, thanks! That's what i thought since that's what it was doing but like I said I'd like to verify!07:03
urlin2uKeithWeisshar, here is what the designer of wubi says. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/07:03
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: if the boot loader goes screwy its a bit more effort to fix07:05
rypervenchesemitones: You probably want gddrescue07:05
moonunitzappa currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system.07:05
moonunitzappadoes that mean i need to have a 32bit os?07:05
GrivvelDoes anyone know where I can get information on xdotool? It can't seem to find particular windows running under Wine, and I'm not sure why.07:05
lotuspsychje!info gddrescue07:05
ubottugddrescue (source: gddrescue): the GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.14-1 (oneiric), package size 54 kB, installed size 160 kB07:05
njathanhow can i install Ubuntu into a thumb drive? Normal install process (from CD) does not give me the /dev/sdb option :(07:05
rypervenchesemitones: The package name is gddrescue, but the command you use to run it is ddrescue. The other package, ddrescue, uses the command dd_rescue and is not the same thing.07:06
semitonesrypervenche: thanks. is the g for GNU or gui?07:06
thomedyokay now im confused again... i ran ping and got network unreachable so i wilist scanned again and now wlan0 is saying that no scan results07:06
coolstar-pcnjathan: Ubuntu with persistence, or full install?07:06
rypervenchesemitones: GNU07:06
aeon-ltd!persistent | njathan07:06
ubottunjathan: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:06
thomedyi love linux its free and i like what open source is abbout but i wish this was easier07:06
semitonesrypervenche: thanks07:06
=== acrocity is now known as Guest75108
urlin2unjathan, how big is the thumb?07:07
lotuspsychjethomedy: install etherape07:07
thomedyi can do that but unfortunately i dont have that connection right now... so i wil have to wait till tommorrow or so and i can get a hard line in07:07
thomedywhat is etherap07:08
lotuspsychje!info etherape07:08
ubottuetherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (oneiric), package size 734 kB, installed size 7072 kB07:08
thomedyi have wicd-curses\07:08
thomedyis that similar07:08
njathancoolstar-pc: i have tried the ubuntu with persistence option using the utility in the live CD, but the booting is very erratic... boots the first time.. then never does. So i am looking to do a full install on the thumb drive07:08
jdog2pt0Can anyone help me out with a vesafb error?07:08
njathanurlin2u: 2 Gb07:08
rob_pthomedy: Until you an establish the wireless connection, you're wasting your time trying to ping...It's like disconnecting your ethernet cable and trying to ping another host...The physical connection is not in place, or in this case the wireless, which acts as the physical connection, is not established.07:09
thomedyoh dug07:09
urlin2unjathan, not big enough for a full install.07:09
thomedyha ha ha07:09
thomedyokay rob_p im listening... please direct me07:09
njathanurlin2u: well i can arrange for a 8 gig one too..07:09
* coolstar-pc tried installing ubuntu on his external drive once, but it didn't quite work07:09
thomedycuz again i can connect anywhere else and my phone can connect herre07:09
njathanjust need to know if its possible at all07:10
thomedyso im not all that good yet but im getting better and you could be apart of that process do i really have to sell this... okay please help07:10
oconnoredatruth_: yeah. sudo apt-get install xdotool, then go to system settings > keyboard shortcuts and add one in "custom" that does xdotool key ctrl+alt+d07:10
urlin2unjathan, that ill work you just have to use the cutom install and make sure grub is put on the thumb.07:10
rob_pthomedy: However, if you're just trying to sniff packets, there are some wireless tools that can do it without having established a connection. What are you trying to accomplish?07:10
datruth_oconnore: hrmm let me try07:10
lotuspsychje!info xdotool07:11
ubottuxdotool (source: xdotool): simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:2.20110530.1-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 40 kB, installed size 152 kB07:11
njathanurlin2u: how to use the custom install?07:11
oconnoredatruth_: from http://askubuntu.com/questions/97219/how-to-show-desktop-from-command-line-in-unity-in-oneiric07:11
thomedywell when im out i can cconnect to random networks but id rather be able to work from home and have the convenienc e of not havoing to go to a coffee shop every day07:11
moonunitzappahow can i install 32bit lib on ubuntu 64?07:11
thomedyi cant connect at  home07:11
thomedyor at my inlaws07:11
thomedybut i can connect elsewhere07:11
urlin2unjathan, at the choice of where to install use the something other and change the thumb to a ext4 mount with / and make sure the grub dropdown is pointed at the thumb07:12
rob_pthomedy: Can you see the wireless network when you scan for it?07:13
moonunitzappaWhats the 32bit lib for intell command?07:14
thomedycurious though when i ping i get network unreachable and the scan says no scan results.. then i have to ifconfig up the wlan007:14
thomedyto get it back07:14
njathanurlin2u: I did that.. thats where it did not give me the /dev/sdb option... is there an argument i should be passing while booting?07:14
thomedywhy is that07:14
rob_pthomedy: So then you need to figure out what's different about your inlaw's wireless network... Perhaps they are mac filtering...07:14
njathanor perhaps boot into live and then try install (with out the usb recorder utility)?07:14
thomedyi have been able to connect here before then poof nothing07:15
thomedyso i upgraded to 11.04 or whatever im on prob .1 actually07:15
thomedyand got wired connection to update/upgrade07:15
urlin2unjathan, if we are talking about the same gui a 2 gig thumb may not show not sure really07:15
thomedynow i have a connection anywhere but here07:15
thomedybut i had one here before07:15
njathanurlin2u: ok.. i'll try with the 8 gb one and come back07:16
datruth_oconnore: thanks even with that installed still doesn't seem to work07:16
* datruth_ might have to install the ubuntudesktop again07:16
urlin2unjathan, if you were trying to install to a thumb while using that wont work as well.07:16
rob_pthomedy: I'd try to eliminate some of the easy possibilities like asking them if they are filtering mac addresses. It could be something as simple as that!07:16
thomedythey wouldn't  know i could tell you that right now... im the techiest guy in the family cuz i have kids and am a comp sci major in college but i havent done admin in my linux/unix classes yet07:17
rob_pthomedy: ...and I'm assuming that other wireless devices are able to connect?  The reason I ask is that some wireless routers have glitches and need to be rebooted on a regular basis07:19
thomedyyeah other machines connect07:19
thomedymy brothers laptop, my phone, my wifes phone07:20
rob_pthomedy: I'm assuming it's WPA secured...07:20
thomedyokay thats progress... but i have the password07:21
moonunitzappaanyone here ever get XAMPP to work on 64bit ubuntu?07:21
rob_pthomedy: ...and you have your WPA supplicant (or whatever is being used these days in Linux) configured?07:21
thomedyokay im goign to google wpa cuz in hearnest i dont actually know the real defination only th what it describes07:21
thomedyprobably not honestly07:21
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.07:21
thomedyi hav eno idea how to do that at all07:21
rob_pthomedy: That would be why then.  The wireless access point won't let you connect without having the key configured properly.07:22
thomedyokay if you dont mind it would be easier on me if you showed me how to fix taht but if not i can easily and have already started to google it07:23
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse pointer at boot on an older laptop?07:23
GhostWolfhi i have 2 questions. first question in 11.10 how can i change themes? second question, don't know if anyone here plays any zynga games like farmville or mafia wars or what not, but i was able to in 11.04 install zynga's toolbar for the browser, been using it for few years at least now, but when i go to install it in 11.10 it doesn't show the info its supposed to, its just blank07:23
=== vincent is now known as Guest24234
rob_pthomedy: Honestly, I haven't played with wireless under Linux since 2007.  I'm not sure what has changed since then.  But a google search should help...07:24
rob_pthomedy: Are you trying to do this all from the CL?07:25
thomedyyeah im on ubuntu forum righ tnow07:25
thomedyi like cl07:25
rob_pthomedy: bravo!  :)07:25
thomedyi dont know if i said this but im a comp sci major07:25
rob_pthomedy: Me too!07:25
lotuspsychjeGhostWolf: there are few default themes in unity, if you want more google for unity themes07:25
thomedywhere at07:25
datruth_oconnore: figured it out, dont need that program its hidden away in the settings07:25
thomedyhow far along07:25
thomedywhat languages does your college show07:26
rob_pthomedy: Weber State...long time ago, hehe!07:26
thomedyoh...me now07:26
thomedyactually i had to take time off of school for a semester07:26
GhostWolflotuspsychje, i have some already i know there are default i want to change the theme cause its a bit too bright i just don't know how to change it in 11.10 since 11.04 has unity as well and was able to change themes easily07:26
thomedycuz my wife and i have kids and we ran out of money so i have a business building websites which is another reason i need the internet07:26
thomedyand a  job07:27
rob_pthomedy: How's business in that line of work?07:27
thomedyprob 2 by the end of this week07:27
thomedyactually really really really good07:27
thomedybut i just started07:27
stevecamwhat is a good replacement for pulseaudio, i want something that allows me to control volume for digital out and allows me to have more control over the surround sound07:27
thomedyif you dont mind me saying i got much better then i thought i would much faster than i expected07:27
rob_pthomedy: I manage a bunch of servers at a co-lo facility and I play with domain hosting, web hosting, etc. but I don't make a living at it! :)07:28
thomedyand im meeting a lawyer next week to talk about what it would take to start hiring developers07:28
thomedywell my comp is a bit inconsistent07:28
thomedybut in the last 6 or so months i have seen nothing but inexplicable success in fact nov last year i almost landed a gov site07:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:28
thomedythat would have been 10000 dollors for one weeks work07:28
thomedythats crazy07:29
otkubottu: help07:29
thomedyi didn't get it but i mean really fast success fo rreasons i dont quite understand myself07:29
thomedyand i get to do art again07:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:29
=== acrocity is now known as Guest7614
lotuspsychjeotk: whats your question?07:29
otklotuspsychje: none, just wanted to see some irc bots07:30
thomedyafter i launch this second business im doing right now imextending my first business to innovative 3d front end themes with webgl and what not07:30
thomedyapparently theres lotto money in it07:30
thomedyand i get to do art07:30
rob_pthomedy: I've actually never done IT type work professionally aside from some small contract work.  I work as a Field Engineer but I have to interact with lots of Linux and embedded Unix systems.07:30
thomedywhat do you do07:30
lotuspsychjeotk: join #freenode to ask botlist07:30
thomedywhen you say fiield engineer07:30
otklotuspsychje: ok07:30
MonkeyDust!bots| otk07:30
ubottuotk: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:30
rob_pthomedy: Have you heard of Predator?  Well, I'm involved with that.07:31
otk!bots| ubottu07:31
thomedythe movie.. awesome... which one are you...07:31
rob_pthomedy: Yeah, hehe! :P07:31
otk!bots| otk07:31
ubottuotk, please see my private message07:31
thomedyi cant remember the actors in that i was trying to think of the black guy07:31
thomedybut what ever07:31
thomedywhat is predator07:31
thomedyit sounds menacing07:32
FloodBot1thomedy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:32
thomedysorry i type fast ill try to be more considerate07:32
rob_pthomedy: Predator UAVs... They are un-manned aircraft used by the military.07:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:32
thomedymy father in law is 25 years retired airforce what base are you07:32
thomedyi think they are getting mad at us... or me ill take the blame thank you for your help you can still answer cuz im super curious but ill stop after that07:33
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt mouse pointer at boot on an older laptop?07:33
rob_pthomedy: Our conversation is making others uncomfortable so perhaps we ought to put it aside for now.  But to answer your question, I work all over the world.07:33
datruth_great now my sound doesn't work07:34
* datruth_ is getting tired of this07:34
thomedythats funny i just said taht thank you again and i agree..07:34
moonunitzappaHow do i run in root NOT in terminal?  Im trying to extract a tar.gz to OPT but says i cant07:34
thomedygnight all back to work for me i would like this next business launched by feb so i have to build it... wpa_supplicant your amazing07:34
=== ETERNiTY is now known as Guest51999
moonunitzappaYou don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///opt07:34
rob_pthomedy: Anyway, good luck and I hope you get your wireless connection squared away.07:34
lotuspsychjemoonunitzappa: run sudo07:35
moonunitzappaI dont want to use term07:35
moonunitzappai know how to  with the term07:35
lotuspsychjemoonunitzappa: not sure u can extract files without the right permissions....07:36
rob_pmoonunitzappa: sudo tar -zxvf <archive.tgz>07:37
rob_pmoonunitzappa: ...assuming you are in the directory that holds the .tgz file...07:37
=== michael is now known as Guest75585
lotuspsychjemoonunitzappa: are you logged in as owner of the /home dir?07:38
rob_pmoonunitzappa: If you're asking about launching a gui app as root, look at gksudo or gksu...don't remember off the top of my head...07:39
thomedyim back on official ubuntu matters here to respect the purpose of this rom07:39
lotuspsychje!info gksudo07:39
ubottuPackage gksudo does not exist in oneiric07:39
moonunitzappayes i am logged in as root07:39
lotuspsychje!info gksu07:40
ubottugksu (source: gksu): graphical frontend to su. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-5ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 26 kB, installed size 160 kB07:40
thomedyi am on ubuntu forum and found a fix for the wpa supplicant and am following it... however after i do the wpa_supplicant [network] [password] it tells me to edit07:40
thomedyit tells me to edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf but that doesn't exist so i ran locate wpa_supplicant.conf07:41
thomedyand found one in etc/dbus-1/system.d/07:41
fanti hi! i'm looking for a repository which still has the sun's java packages?07:41
thomedyi dont want to edit it and screw myself is this the correct conf07:41
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.07:42
rob_pthomedy: You could grab an example off the 'Net and tweak it for your needs:  http://linux.die.net/man/5/wpa_supplicant.conf07:42
thomedyokay let me try that... i might be back ... ? maybe07:42
rob_pthomedy: Just make a backup of any file you mess with and you'll be relatively safe...07:43
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
lotuspsychjethomedy: you have linksys network wifi card?07:43
rob_pthomedy: One of the first habits I got into was doing, "cp file.conf file.conf_orig" before touching it! :)07:43
i42nrob_p: git might also be a good idea07:45
rob_pi42n: Yeah, there are plenty of places...07:46
rob_pthomedy: According to one Ubuntu page on the subject, it looks like the file lives here: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf07:46
X3l3r0nhi all07:49
rob_phi X3l3r0n07:50
thomedyyou know what thats what my tut said but i didn't think it was right because i dont have a file there07:54
thomedyso i can make one and then add that07:54
thomedydoes that sound like good advice07:54
Zimm3rQuick question, is it safe to delete usr/lib/python3 in ubuntu 11.04?07:55
i42nZimm3r: rename it and try?07:57
Zimm3ri42n: I am not sure if an app depends on python3 or if it will revert to using python2.7 (which is what I use)07:57
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
rob_pthomedy: Sorry for the delay...I'm actually at work so when duty calls, I have to attend to it!08:01
rob_pthomedy: Anyway, if the file isn't there, then I'd first make sure you have the wpa supplicant package installed.08:01
rob_pthomedy: If it's installed and the file still isn't there, then the package maintainer may have just been lazy and didn't put it in that location.  But usually you can find an example in the docs.08:02
rob_pthomedy: ...and I don't mean the, "lazy" comment in a derrogatory way when referring to the maintainer...perhaps there's a reason they did what they did, if they did!08:04
damo22anyone got a midi keyboard hooked up to their computer?08:06
=== jack is now known as Guest90383
dicecan't update to 11.10- -08:22
bullgard6What precisely does output  '~$ ip route show'?  'man ip' does not seem to explain this.08:22
thomedyokay i went to that to set up my wpa supplicant08:28
thomedybut the last step doesn't work08:28
thomedyit all seems good can someone let me know whats wrong08:28
bullgard6!enter | thomedy08:28
ubottuthomedy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:28
thomedysorry force of habit i will def try08:31
bullgard6dice: Do you mean dist-upgrade?08:33
diceit says downloading files   then nothing happens08:33
bullgard6dice: Please report the complete command and answer.08:34
bullgard6What precisely does  '~$ ip route show' output?  'man ip' does not seem to explain this.08:39
wwwdHey All! I am trying to get my mind around building and installing software from source. If i do make and then make checkinstall is it allways the case that the package will then be easilly removed/uninstalled?08:44
nanoguyQuestion: Help me how to get system tray restored no ubuntu 10.10 maevrick. Because i lost it last week08:44
damo22wwwd i wouldnt build from source unless the prepackaged bundles dont have all the right flags for your needs08:45
_rahmat_nanoguy could you right click on the panel?08:45
damo22thats what packagers spend all their time doing, building the debs08:46
magnus_wwwd, it depends on the makefile, but if the developers wrote it in a standard way, then yes. you can also pass a PREFIX to configure to have "make install" put it in a custom location where it's more easily removed, if you want to be able to uninstall easily08:47
ljsoftnetwhat does openbox controls made of, qt or gtk?08:47
wwwdUnderstood. Two points. First I want to use Erlang R15B. And I am interested in learning to do admin and this seems like important stuff.08:47
theadminljsoftnet: gtk08:48
wwwdmagnus: I thought it was best to use make checkinstall instead of make install now.08:48
ljsoftnettheadmin how do i make a system wide change of gtk theme in openbox?08:49
theadminljsoftnet: There are apps for that, try lxappearance08:49
theadminNot so sure I spelt that right08:49
ljsoftnettheadmin i did but its not system wide08:49
theadminljsoftnet: What do you mean, "system wide"? For all users?08:50
theadminljsoftnet: No real idea how to do that, but I guess copy the files over08:50
magnus_wwwd, i think the general way is to just run checkinstall manually, i.e. not use a makefile target08:50
magnus_so, ./configure, make and finally "checkinstall"08:51
ljsoftnettheadmin i mean, i want all the apps to have one theme08:51
theadminljsoftnet: Supposed to do it... Not sure why it doesn't work for you. Huh.08:51
ljsoftnettheadmin ah08:51
theadminljsoftnet: There is some tool for Openbox specifically which handles appearance, let me look the name up08:52
ljsoftnettheadmin ok08:52
theadminljsoftnet: Oh, no, sorry, that *was* lxappearance lol. Just thought it's something specific to Openbox, it looks so native >.<08:54
magnus_wwwd, really, the best way to admin apps on a system is to use the debian package system, which is also used by ubuntu. see man apt-get08:55
nanoguyi have panel but system tray only lost containing network applet manager and hp toolbox08:57
nanoguyyes i could right click at panel08:59
wwwdmagnus: Sorry about that my connection is acting up. I am aware of08:59
wwwd       apt-get but it does not get the most current software, and in some08:59
wwwd       cases for instance erlang I would like some of the features in the new08:59
wwwd       release.magnus: Sorry about that my connection is acting up. I am aware of08:59
wwwd       apt-get but it does not get the most current software, and in some08:59
wwwd       cases for instance erlang I would like some of the features in the new08:59
FloodBot1wwwd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
wwwdsorry! Thought I had been dropped. As I said my  connection is acting strange. Was trying to repost109:00
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paulus68after upgrading from karmic to oneiric on my server I get this error message error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found09:11
buttigodd morning09:11
buttii also have boot problems, guyes...the boot progress hangs , also keyboard is dead in the boot manager09:12
buttii have fresh installation of 11.1009:12
theadminpaulus68: From Karmic to Oneiric? How does that work?09:13
paulus68theadmin: I just entered sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and went on from there09:15
theadminpaulus68: That won't upgrade you to Oneiric...09:15
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.09:16
thomedyokay im setting up the wpa_supplicant in my linux, machine... im having  a hard time... i followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313609:16
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111009:16
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paulus68theadmin: I upgraded to something new however I get the above mentioned error and don't know how to get arround this09:17
wwwdmagnus: So anyway, as I was saying I am trying to use the most current version of erlang which is not in the repositories. Hence the need to build. So my understanding is the steps are tar -xzvf package.tar.gz; cd package; ./config; make; checkinstall. I think this results in a some/dir/package where all the information about the software is the software is also added to the package manager. Is that your understanding?09:17
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=17624a1ae0146cc071093da2ba087254&t=1397629&page=2 paulus68 check here09:19
ljsoftnethow do i make a system wide change of a theme in openbox?09:22
ljsoftnetplan to use a theme for all apps09:22
bazhangcheayuncho, stop that09:26
totesmuhgoatsis /var/log/syslog the same thing as /var/log/messages in other distros?09:30
theadmintotesmuhgoats: Generally, yes09:30
totesmuhgoatstheadmin: thanks, good to know09:31
paulus68bazhang: question I am able to launch this pc with a live cd and running gparted, I can see the hardrive that is causing problems and it's giving me the error that LVM is not supported any thoughts09:32
bazhangpaulus68, so your issue is somewhat similar to the forums post, in that you have multiple installs, or on different drives?09:33
cipher__Hi I am installing Ubuntu 11, and during the partitioning of the hdd, sda1 (my main partition) is being eaten by Window 7 (loader). Can I remedy this?09:37
paulus68bazhang: as far as I know I have 1 install but not able to tell if it's on multiple drives09:37
cipher__I defragged, and deleted temp files.09:37
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hot2trothow can I tell the UUID of a new external hard drive I just formatted and mounted.  I did 'blkid' but I can't really tell which drive is which.  In fact it seems to me the drive isn't listed at all09:50
hot2trotin fact, it does not show up in blkid, I am certain09:51
zlszkhot2trot: ls -l  /dev/disk/by-label ?09:53
hot2trotzlszk: yes, thank you!09:55
zlszkhot2trot: you are welcome09:55
Dixie_-_- can someone please expain what "sudo -i" does.10:00
zlszkDixie_: does it change the usr to "root" ?10:02
ubuntu_hi does any body no how to use std volume button on a laptop using a sound blasyter usb soundcard10:02
pnormanDixie_: It simulates logging in as root, changing the env. variables10:03
Dixie_simulates logging in as root? is that why i cant view any other directories other than whats on my desktop10:04
pnormansudo -i is run within a terminal10:04
Dixie_but if it simulates root, whats the difference between sudo -i and sudo su10:05
Dixie_when i sudo -i the only listed directory after enterting an ls command, is Desktop10:06
pnormanEnvironment variables are set correctly with sudo -i, with sudo su you can do stuff like make your user's .nano_history only readable by root10:06
pnormanDixie_: Check where you are with pwd10:06
glebihanDixie_, that's because when you use "sudo -i" it creates a new login shell, which means it goes to the root user's home folder, ie /root10:10
Dixie_ohhh ok, so essentially, if i were to sudo su, i'd would essentially be root, in my users directory. and i'd have to cd, to find myself in /root10:11
glebihanDixie_, if you want to get a permanent login as root and stay in the current folder, use "sudo -s"10:11
Dixie_and if i just sudo -i, i'm automatically in /root10:11
glebihanDixie_, just don't use "sudo su"10:12
Dixie_oh ok10:12
glebihanDixie_, "sudo -i" or "sudo -s" are the good ways to log in as root10:12
Dixie_gotcha, thanks guys, for being helpful lulz10:13
Dixie_i was expecting some "gtfo noob" response10:13
pnormanI don't think sudo -s correctly sets the environment variables10:13
glebihanpnorman, yes it does10:13
pnormanWhat's the difference between it and sudo -i?10:14
glebihanpnorman, "sudo -i" creates a login shell, "sudo -s" doesn't10:14
Dixie_oh, all i see is that sudo -i, puts me at root, in /root. and sudo -s puts me at root, when whichever directory i was in after issuing the command10:15
Dixie_lol, idk what this environment variable talk is10:15
drzeropnorman, it does indeed10:15
dns_your extra variables are set such as $PWD that contains your current directory10:15
dns_ -i starts again10:15
drzeroarebrik@locnar:~$ set > test10:16
drzeroarebrik@locnar:~$ sudo -s10:16
drzeroroot@locnar:~# set > test10:16
drzeroroot@locnar:~# diff test ~arebrik/test10:16
FloodBot1drzero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
drzerooh 'cmon 5 lines isn't a flood :)10:16
wilburhey whats the thing like lcpsi10:17
wilburto figure out my wifi driver10:17
bazhanglspci wilbur10:17
bazhangwilbur, for the driver? or the nic10:17
wilburidk trying to get wireless wokring on lubuntu10:18
bazhangwilbur, whats the nic chipset10:18
drzeroBTW hi everyone - long time no see10:18
wilburha no clue whats that mean10:18
bazhangwilbur, the internet wifi chipset.10:18
ubuntu_any idea how to get volume buttons to work in xfce using alsa and a sound blaster usb card ?10:19
wilburum ill pastbin the output ?10:19
cristian_cI installed Lazarus, but when I open it or open a project. lpi I got errors10:19
drzerowilbur, I'm /MSG-ing you10:19
Dixie_probably working with an atheros chipset10:19
drzerowilbur, talk to me in that window - I'll help10:19
cristian_cthe problem is due to not installing some components10:20
pnormanSo, my ubuntu server crashes, but only on its side10:20
navais canonical writing a sdk ? (for tablet , tv ,smartphones and also desktop)10:20
drzeroDixie_, there is a solution for atheros :)10:21
drzerolike "there is an app for that" :) but not exactly10:21
dns_nava what is your question?   the source code for ubuntu tv has been released10:22
cristian_cI downloaded bgrabitmap and I ran the steps to install the .lpk file in the package10:22
drzeroDixie_, or even more fun http://www.qsl.net/kb9mwr/projects/wireless/modify.html if you're a HAM :)10:22
navano for SDK10:22
navai wanna know what is SDK language10:23
cristian_cI've compiled through its lazarus window reached by one of its menu, but after it completed the installation of the component it has failed and an error box appeared10:23
wilburbut yeh my comp is very old and unity ubuntu wasnt running to well (not trying to bash unity i use it on my main computer i love it but for old comps not the way to go )10:24
dns_SDK, Software Development Kit,   usually a compiler tool chain, source code, libraries etc10:24
wilburso im trying this lubuntu so far i like it jsut would be sweet to get wifi working10:24
navayes and i want to know what is it language10:24
bazhangwilbur, show us the pastebin please10:24
dns_i am not sure, i have not yet looked at the code but i would guess it is c / c++ and python10:25
navabut i  heard Qt 5 and html 510:26
dns_it might be, go to the project page and look10:26
nyancatttis there a announcment that say ubuntu not going to support netbook ?10:27
eugenmayerhaving this http://pastie.org/3224028 in my sudoers file, i still cant su -s chiliproject and then "sudo gitolite mysql" …any ideas?10:27
bazhangnyancattt, no of course not10:27
Dixie_oh broadcom10:28
cristian_cThe popup window says: 'The package bgrabitmappack does not have any "Register" procedure, which typically means, it does not provide any IDE addon. Installing it will probably only increase the size of the IDE and may even make it unstable. Hint: if you want to use a package in your project, use the "Add to project" menu item'10:28
Dixie_what is the broadcom STA driver? wl?10:29
bazhang!broadcom | wilbur have a look here10:29
ubottuwilbur have a look here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:29
cristian_cwith two buttons: Cancel and 'Install it, I like the fat'10:29
bazhangDixie_, see above please10:29
drzerowilbur, what you pasted to pastebin as lspci output doesn't match what you pasted to our /MSG chat window10:30
nyancatttwhere's the link to official ubuntu for netbook ?10:30
wilburhmm maybe it didnt put it all the lines10:30
bazhangnyancattt, its the same for all. there is not a une anymore10:30
bazhang!une | nyancattt10:30
ubottunyancattt: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.10:30
wilburor maybe i just messed up sry running on low fuel its late getting sleepy10:31
cristian_cI have clicked on 'Install it, I like the fat' and another popup window appeared: 'The package "bgrabitmappack 5.5" has been marked for installation. Currently supports only lazarus packages with static links. The installation has real need to do a rebuild and a reboot of Lazarus. Want to quickly rebuild Lazarus?'10:31
wilburbut ima look at that site i think i can figure it our from there10:31
wilburif not ill be bothering ya again but thanks for the help :D love buntu support kicks butt10:32
nyancatttooohhh i see thakns10:32
drzerowilbur, there is no network interfaces at all in your latest paste to me - perhaps you're correct and sleep messed it up10:32
drzerowilbur, check you killswitch for wifi10:32
cristian_cI clicked Yes, and I think it did not seem to have happened at all. But then all the lazarus windows have gone to freeze not showing more their content. Finally, the program is closed, but then reopened. But reopening continued to require automatic lazarus components despite I had just installed one10:33
wilburyeh did that and when i look at the network manager when i manually click the buttom it will either say device not ready (firmware missing)10:33
wilburor dissabled by hardware swicth10:33
cristian_cHow do I understand something more? Did something go wrong in the installation of the component?10:34
wilburill stick here but ill be right back10:37
wilburgonna give it a shot myself just to see something10:37
drzerowilbur, k10:38
Huffameggood morning! I have a problem making my cabled computer an hotspot so that I can connect with my phone. I've followed this recipe: http://freshtutorial.com/create-your-own-wifi-hotspot-in-ubuntu-11-10/ but the only thing that happens is that the "connecting to wifi"-symbol is active, until a dialogue box asking me to give the password again pops up. someone who can help?10:39
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theadmin!ics | Huffameg - follow this10:40
ubottuHuffameg - follow this: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing10:40
FredNHow can I start a program running in the terminal at startup?10:40
MyrttiFredN: after you've logged in, or before that?10:41
theadminFredN: gnome-terminal -e 'progname'10:41
wookienz.j #plex10:41
ariesim trying to get sound through my normal sound card but the only device listed is the hdmi sound through the nvidia card10:41
FredNwhen I log in,10:41
FredNOK thank you10:42
scarleoFredN, you mean like autostart it? Add it to startup applications10:42
drzerook - now I'm gonna ask for a little help too10:43
drzerosince #xubuntu seems dead10:43
drzeroanyone using Thunar?10:43
theadmindrzero: Yes?10:43
FredNyes, that's what I mean...but it is a command...I want it to list my tasks, with the command 'task'10:43
theadminFredN: gnome-terminal -e 'task && read junk'10:44
drzerotheadmin, Thunar + PTP camera -> clue me in?10:44
scarleoFredN, yes you can add any command to startup applications10:44
theadminFredN: The "read junk" will stop it from closing10:44
FredNokey good, thanks!10:44
theadmindrzero: I don't even know what a PTP camera is10:45
wilburdrzero, so i pretty much just ran lcspi and then saw bcm4318 and then went to synaptic searched bcm4318 and found a package for it and im installing it right now and uh gonna restart and see what happend10:45
drzerotheadmin, one of those digital cams that when connected to USB does not present itself as mass storage but rather uses PTP protocol10:45
ariesaplay -l does not display inernal sound card10:46
wilburdrzero, guess what better news i didnt evan have to restart its working right now10:46
drzerowilbur, excellent :)10:46
theadmindrzero: Oh... no idea10:46
wilburdrzero, thanks for the help and if u havnt u should check this lubuntu stuff out its not half bad brnag this old comp back lol looks liek crap though but runs smooth10:47
drzeroanyone have an idea how to make Thunar see PTP camera as a volume / filesystem of sorts?10:47
MonkeyDustdrzero  "PTP on Linux and other free software/open source operating systems is supported by a number of libraries, such as libgphoto and libptp, libraries used by applications such as digiKam and F-Spot."10:50
drzeroMonkeyDust, thanks - I know - it is just that I've heard of people being able to integrate it with Thunar and I wasn't able to figure out how - as far as getting pics off it is not a problem with Gtkam10:52
drzerobut it would be nice to see it as a volume10:52
MonkeyDustdrzero  try mounting it somehow10:53
ariesi don't know why ubuntu isn't dtecting my soundcard only my nvidia card10:53
theadmindrzero: ptpfs can help (just found it, not sure if it's in the repos)10:54
theadmin!find ptp10:54
ubottuFound: network-manager-pptp, network-manager-pptp-gnome, pptp-linux, pptpd, gosa-plugin-pptp10:54
theadmin...not that10:54
theadmin!find ptpfs10:54
ubottuPackage/file ptpfs does not exist in oneiric10:54
MonkeyDusttry again theadmin :p10:54
theadminMonkeyDust: Well, it's not there lol10:54
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drzerotheadmin, ptpfs is dead10:55
theadmindrzero: Oh, well, then no ideas.10:55
drzeroI can mount with fuse gphotofs10:55
drzerojust want to automate :)10:56
chex_Hello, I'm having troubles installing a new version of LibRTMP. When trying to delete the old version it complains about dependencies.10:56
cipher__Is there anyway for me to open a shell up without/before using the gui login?10:56
JOhny doesnt any1 talk 2 me!!10:56
theadmincipher__: Ctrl-Alt-F210:56
MonkeyDustcipher__  ctrl-alt t10:56
cipher__I swear I tried that10:57
bazhangJOhn, whats the support question10:57
drzeroJOhn, perhaps cuz you haven't asked?10:57
cipher__maybe it doesn't recognize my keyboard either :(10:57
JOhnim just being friendly10:57
theadminMonkeyDust: C-M-t will only work if you already logged in10:57
bazhangJOhn, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic  here for ubuntu support10:57
cipher__thanks. I am going to give that a try.10:58
JOhnme 210:58
HuffamegI tried to do what is said on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing but when I change the setting to "share with other computers" i can't connect at all..10:58
iNeedHelp-2how to JB ipod touch 2g 4.2.111:01
MonkeyDustwhat's JB?11:01
oCeaniNeedHelp-2: how is that an #ubuntu issue?11:01
MonkeyDustiNeedHelp-2  wrong channel11:01
iNeedHelp-2i dont know11:02
iNeedHelp-2i'm newbie11:02
LjLiNeedHelp-2: try #jailbreakQA11:03
drzeromaybe iNeedHelp-2  got one of the first UbuntuTV's on the market :)11:03
wilburok this migh tbe a question for #lubuntu but anyone here know how to install lubuntu restrcted extras?11:03
theadminwilbur: There aren't any, just install "ubuntu-restricted-extras" like usual11:04
wilburah was spelling restricted wrong ha way to late i need to leave my computer11:05
athena_I have a question: can thunar coexist with gvfs-backends?11:06
MonkeyDustathena_  what do you want to do?11:06
athena_I use blue-fish for html edit and it depends on gvfs-backends11:07
athena_my desktop is xubuntu11:08
theadminathena_: Doesn't Thunar use gvfs for automounting?11:08
theadminathena_: Either way, it shouldn't hurt thunar11:08
cipher__I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu on a xps 15z laptop. On the live cd wireless, the keyboard, and trackpad worked well. Now that I am on the installed version non of those seem to work. Also before booting I have to add the flag --acpi=noirq before it will boot. The login screen comes up and i am unable to do anything.11:08
athena_may it be, but if you install both of the packages, thunar will show on after 0.5 min when you launche it11:09
AxonetBEis it bad to call a file like this    app_name_namespace:task11:10
theadminAxonetBE: Why not? : is not a special character in Bash so it should be okay.11:11
AxonetBEtheadmin: ok, but just to check because I guess on windows it is not possible :)11:11
theadminAxonetBE: Yeah, you won't be able to open the file on Windows until you rename it11:11
AxonetBEtheadmin: but don't need it on windows, it is just a temp file on ubuntu so perfect11:12
MonkeyDustAxonetBE  in windows, a dot is meant for extensions, in linux, it isnt11:12
cipher__*same question, browser crashed.11:12
laplinkerhello all11:14
laplinkercan ne1 help me with some command line fu?11:15
theadminlaplinker: Yes?11:15
laplinkeri want to emulate a disconnection and then a connection of a device using the usb port, thought is to cut power to the port and then turn power back on. so far no success. any tips/thought?11:16
laplinkerforgot to mention:starting point is device connected and mounted via the USB port11:17
Ben64laplinker: can't cut power to a port11:17
theadminlaplinker: What is it you want to acheive anyway? Why do you need to disconnect it?11:17
laplinkeri have an open source forensic project i use with iPhones, the problem is that in iOS>5 (as far as i know) it will only allow access to 5 folders on the device FS, I can choose which 5 but only after i unplug+plug the cable to the mcahine11:19
wookienzteam, my permissions theory is rubbish. if i mount a nfs share, should i chmod 777 the .avi files so i can mke changes on the nfs client side. Or do i really need to change how i mount it so not everything is executable?11:19
Coldkey21anyone able to answer a question on getting dual monitors working off of a gtx 550?11:21
MonkeyDustwookienz  it's an /etc/exports thing, you can set it to rw, but not to rwx11:23
Coldkey21how do i get to /etc/exports11:24
Ben64Coldkey21: i don't think that was meant for you, and have you tried "nvidia-settings"11:25
Coldkey21there is an nvidia serever settings11:26
mxjhi, http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/ is broken11:26
MonkeyDustmxj  yes11:26
mxjThe error message `This webpage has a redirect loop` Chrome11:27
MonkeyDustmxj  same here11:27
loconuthello. I upgraded from ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10. I've installed gnome-shell and gnome and no matter whether I select gnome or ubuntu classic, i always get stupid unity11:27
wookienzMonkeyDust: so no fstab entry fo mapping to UId of 1028 for example?11:27
loconuti put in user name, click the sprocket, select ubuntu classic, enter password, login11:28
loconutget unity.11:28
MonkeyDustwookienz  cant say, doesnt ring a bell11:28
robin0800loconut: you need gnome classic and normal gnome gnome shell that is is probably crashing and using fail safe to load unity11:30
loconutok so how do I get from here to there11:31
robin0800loconut: install gnome-panel or try and find out why gnome shell is crashing it might be graphic drivers11:34
loconutaptitude install gnome-panel says zero will be installed11:35
dns_loconut gnome 2 has been removed11:37
loconutok well this stupid unity thing that I cant even find terminal in has to go. I'd really like my menu back at the top.11:38
loconutare you telling me I need to go back to 11.04?11:38
jribloconut: use something like xfce if that's what you want11:38
loconutthanks canonical!11:39
loconuthas the suicide rate gone up since 11.10?11:39
jribloconut: please stay on-topic...11:39
loconuti was a convert from RHEL11:39
sh96dowhai guys11:39
kvarleyHow can I extract a the contents of a subdirectory within a tar archive without it creating the parent folder?11:39
jribloconut: GNOME 3 uses gnome shell by default; it doesn't have the menu you are used to either11:39
loconutif you think 11.10 being a pain is not on topic in #ubuntu, we must not be on the same planet.11:39
jribloconut: this channel is for support only11:40
loconutwell fuck11:40
dns_kvarley tar -tvf (to display the files in the archive)   tar xf  filename11:40
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kvarleydns_: Doing "tar xzf archive.tar.gz parentfolder/" extracts all the subfolders of parentfolder/ but it outputs parentfolder/subfolder1/. How can I stop it making the parentfolder?11:42
jribkvarley: grep the man page for the word "strip"11:42
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kvarleyjrib: Thank you so much!  I was stuck because I didn't know what to search for. I now have it working. I do tar --strip-components=1 to remove the parent directory from the filenames before they are extracted =D11:47
cipher__Has anyone here have experience with "ironhide"?11:47
cipher__or bumblebee11:48
XinulHi everyone, is it possible to let x-applications run using ssh -X, then stop the connection (but let the applications still run) and later restart it (with the applications still running)?11:49
blackarchanHi people.It is normal for chrome to use more than 1.5GB of ram with 11-15opened tabs?11:50
scarleoXinul, guess it depends on what app. I would also guess that most X-apps would require a display to run11:55
bullgard6'~$ pgrep -l wibb: 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. How to properly restart the Gwibber GUI part in this situation? [GNOME Shell 3.2.1]11:56
aesHi, got a little question .. How can i desactivate my firewire port?11:59
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cipher__for some reason this package won't delete12:03
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Doxinis it possible to check if a package is installed from a bash script? i know dpkg -s <package> checks for a package, but it doesn't return machine friendly output. any pointers?12:04
cipher__I installed the package by apt-get about 15 minutes ago12:05
cipher__Package: ironhide Status: deinstall ok half-installed12:05
mellowmattererror on my harddisk. but cant move files without system crashing. so when I try to move them, I lose files.12:05
mellowmattercant reparir disk because system i busy.12:06
mellowmatterthese are my own photos. gone forever.12:06
scarleocipher__, http://askubuntu.com/questions/76070/i-cant-uninstall-ironhide-or-install-any-other-packages12:06
mellowmatterhow can I save the rest ?12:06
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andyhuzhillzentaur: hi12:08
cipher__scarleo: wow, thanks :p12:08
mellowmatterhow do i safely move files from an encrypted account ? I use Nautilus run as root right now.12:08
Zentaurcould someone help me with the permissions of /var/www to use it with vsftpd?12:08
Zentaureverything works but i can't upload files12:08
sattu94Zentaur: Are you trying the Uploading anonymously ?12:11
sattu94Zentaur: Because iirc you have to enable uploading even for logged in users.12:12
Zentaurno, im uploading as a logged user12:13
Zentauri do't want it to log anonimously12:14
Zentaurexcuse me for my bad english12:14
asainthey guys is there any spore like game for ubuntu12:15
LjLasaint: doubtful12:16
MonkeyDustgames are beyond me12:18
wirelessasaint: not many good games for linux....I play ALL KINDS of games through wine though12:18
wirelessespecially games that are 4 or 5 years old12:18
wirelesswine has gotten SO much better with gaming12:18
wirelessmore games work than dont12:18
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scarleothere a re a lot of good games for Linux :)12:19
rigvedwireless: there are many decent native linux games which will soon be released. they are based on the unigen engine. example OilRush.12:19
wirelessrigved: really? sweet!12:20
wirelessmy favorite linux games are: armagetronad, supertuxkart, and open-arena12:20
asaintthe way i see it "linux" is getting better in many ways thanks to the developers and stuff12:21
rigvedwireless: check out OilRush. there are many others based on the same engine. also, now that Id Tech 4 engine and Doom3 are also open-source, many of the current linux games will improve (eg. Open Arena).12:21
asaintgames is no exception12:21
MonkeyDustthe future is open12:22
wirelessrigved. DOOM#3 is free and open source now!>!>!>!>!?!??!12:22
wirelessyou rock12:22
wirelessGuest33297 just PMed me and wants to know why he was kicked12:22
wirelessnevermind his name was cipher12:22
asaintopen arena is one good game12:23
wirelesswhy was cipher kicked/12:23
wirelessyea open arena is fun! I'm naturally good at it too12:23
oCeanwireless: he can ask/discuss in #ubuntu-ops12:23
wirelessoh okay12:23
wirelessi'kll tell him12:23
scarleowireless, also checkout Alien Arena, Ryzom, Crayon Physics12:23
rigvedworld of goo12:24
wirelessI never liked Alien Arena12:24
Benkinoobywireless, or teeworlds... a nice but funny 2d comic-style shooter12:24
wirelessomg how do I get oilrush beta?12:25
wirelessit looks so cool!12:25
scarleowireless, Oh, and Defcon12:25
scarleowireless, Software Center12:25
sstathe humble bundles generally look quite good12:25
zelluzwoot, Defcon?12:25
wirelessnone of those games are in my package manager12:25
wirelessugh it costs 19.9512:26
wirelesshopefully someone will pirate it12:26
prouterHi ok, I have a problem - I installed a new package "python-pastebin" and I've no idea how to run it now.12:26
sstathat's not that much for a game is it?12:26
oCean!piracy | wireless12:26
ubottuwireless: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:26
asaintnexuiz is good too12:26
SoulShadowwhat costs $2012:26
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prouteryou would think, "python-pastebin" in the terminal but nope12:27
wirelessoilrush costs $2012:27
SoulShadowhumble bundle costs whatever you pay for it12:27
scarleozelluz, http://www.introversion.co.uk/defcon/downloads/12:27
SoulShadowi've never heard of oil rush12:27
SoulShadowsounds dumb12:27
wirelessSoulShadow its noT!12:27
wirelessit allows you to play killer games on linux12:27
sstaprouter: python-pastebin is a library for python, not an application12:27
zelluzscarleo: thanks!12:27
prouterssta: oooOOOOOOOhhhHHH woops.12:28
prouterssta: Thanks12:28
sstaprouter: what are you looking to do exactly?  Would pastebinit be what you want?12:28
prouterssta: that's exactly it - thanks12:28
asaintit shows on ubuntu software center(oil rush)12:29
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wirelessit costs money though12:29
oCeanwireless: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat (also games etc) and leave this channel for tech support.12:30
sstaumm, many things cost money.12:30
asaintoCean my bad am the one who started this12:32
oCeanasaint: np, but the -offtopic channel is just the right place for that12:33
collageshow to install google earth into 10.04?12:33
asaintoCean will remember this for next time :)12:33
collagesfk!send a wrong url12:33
collagesbut it's need rpm and alien?12:34
LjLcollages: uh no, they have a .deb12:34
collagesyes,i download the deb packages12:35
collagesbut dpkg -i *.deb ,it's need alien and rpm12:35
LjLcollages: oh... well, if you don't like that, maybe there is a PPA, let me look12:35
collagesok tks12:36
LjLcollages: uhm not really. best bet seems to be to install it from that .deb, sorry.12:36
bullgard4What is the function of the file ~/.ICEauthority?12:38
collages..... ok....12:40
Indiana 12:42
sstabullgard4: it's a mechanism for storing authentication tokens for the ICE interprcess communication protocol12:42
sstabullgard4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Communications_Engine12:44
VectorX10.10, with the dash, how do i open multiple instances of the same app ?12:47
VectorXim trying to open the Remote Desktop Viewer for instance12:47
VectorXkeeps going to the original instance12:47
Gentoo64vector, can you right click and choose new window?12:48
Gentoo64or maybe try ctrl + click or shift + click or alt + click12:48
scarleoVectorX, Never used RDV but maybe there is something in program menu that let's you open a new window?12:48
VectorXscarleo  well anything even firefox12:49
scarleoVectorX, in Firerfox do ctrl + N12:50
bullgard4ssta: What is an »uthentication token«? RFC2828 does not know such a term.12:50
bullgard4ssta: What is an »authentication token«? RFC2828 does not know such a term.12:50
northernenIs there a way to mount a NTFS network share?12:51
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txomon|homehi, can anyone help me setting bootp and tftpd at the begginning?12:51
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txomon|homenorthernen, yes12:51
txomon|homeits name is samba12:51
northernentxomon|home, isn't that the other way around?12:52
txomon|homenorthernen, ?12:52
scarleo!samba | northernen12:52
ubottunorthernen: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:52
txomon|homeIf you have X, then it usually gets mounted when you click on it12:53
northernentxomon|home, thought it was used for Windows machines to read Linux partitions.12:53
LjLnorthernen: no12:53
paulus68I try to repair my grub from point 15 using this guide however I get the message that insmod linux no such file or directory what can I do to solve this?  ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159929312:53
LjLnorthernen: the partition type (filesystem) is irrelevent with network shares12:53
LjLnorthernen: what matters is using a common protocol (like SMB)12:53
txomon|homeso anyone can help me setting up bootpd and tftpd12:53
northernenLjL, ah yeah. Cheers, will take a look!12:54
VectorXis there a benchmark app for display and hdd speeds gui based?12:54
bullgard4VectorX: Yes.12:54
bbhow can i install grub .deb packadge from the chrooted console if the packadge is on live usb system?12:55
Gentoo64vector, for graphics glxgears can give you a rough idea but its sort of console12:55
Gentoo64hdd speeds idk a gui12:55
Gentoo64hdparm can be used12:56
VectorXbullgard4 thats great12:56
VectorXGentoo64 im mainly trying to get and idea of ubuntu performance on the hardware12:56
Gentoo64you might as well just run the cli commands12:57
Gentoo64hdparm -Tt /dev/sda will check read speeds12:57
txomon|homedoes anyone know about xinetd? I don't understand it12:57
Gentoo64for graphics theres benchmarks like heaven but ive never used them12:57
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VectorXok ill check it out12:58
Gentoo64ive never used it (dno how it works) but i think theres a phoronix test suite with a load of different benchmarks in it12:59
Gentoo64no idea if its in repos or not12:59
scarleotxomon|home, WHat is it you don't understand?13:00
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txomon|homescarleo, how can it work without a /etc/inetd.conf13:00
VectorXim in a vnc from win7 to ubuntu, and switched to a fullscreen of winserver 2008 which is a rdp of the ubuntu, how can i switch back to the main ubuntu desktop ?13:02
scarleotxomon|home, I don't know, maybe someone designed it that way :)13:02
txomon|home... XD13:03
txomon|homeI have to suppose so13:03
txomon|homethe other problem, is that there is another version, xinetd,...13:03
txomon|homewhich seems the one being used currently13:03
scarleotxomon|home, sorry, I don't understand, yo have two versions of xinetd installed?13:05
txomon|homescarleo, one of inetd and other xinetd13:05
txomon|homedon't know why, are dependecies of bootpd and tftpd13:05
txomon|homeI am trying to make netboot13:05
MetaliinuxiteWill the live distro automatically detect my two monitors se'tup?13:06
sstaprobably not13:06
scarleotxomon|home, doesn'tsound like a good plan too use them both, I don't think I can be of much help with that, sorry13:06
Metaliinuxitessta: im struggling with my xorg.conf...13:07
JoknWhere is the option to change the view to "list" in the default file manager on 11.10 ?13:07
Joknit seems to be stuck in icon mode13:07
txomon|homescarleo, it seems like I can't choos13:07
bullgard6'~$ pgrep -l wibb: 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. How to properly restart the Gwibber GUI part in this situation? [GNOME Shell 3.2.1]13:07
txomon|homechoose* xinetd seems to be the v213:07
scarleoJokn, View->List13:07
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JoknI don't see a view option13:08
scarleoJokn, take the mouse all the way up to the panel when nautilus is active13:08
meerkatsin unity, whats the shortcut to open a terminal?13:08
Joknah, tricky13:08
scarleomeerkats, ctrl +alt + T13:09
LjLJokn: that goes for all programs, it's the way to show their menubar.13:09
JoknYea, I see how it works now. Thanks.13:09
ryannathans after changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects,  connects fine with the box left empty though... i keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg13:10
Joknryannathans: is there mac filtering enabled on the wifi network?13:11
insectatoriousGuys, in Ubuntu 10.04 I'm trying to make the 'nomodeset' option permanent on grub. There is no file at '/etc/default/grub'. WHat do I do now?13:11
ryannathansJokn: no13:12
pkugHi there! I'm experiencing problems with Slim (also XDM) and Consolekit, XSession seems to start consolekit session but it's inactive and non-local.. anybody else had this ? can it be a permission problem ?13:12
robin0800insectatorious: perhaps its menu.1st in your case13:13
LjLrobin0800: you don't mean menu.lst?13:13
bullgard4insectatorious: Please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2.13:13
robin0800LjL: not sure13:14
insectatoriousrobin0800 and bullgard4 thanks13:14
Joknryannathans: So everything is working then?13:15
LjLinsectatorious: is the package "grub2-common" installed?13:15
ryannathansJokn: everything works fine until I put a different mac in the cloned box13:15
LjLinsectatorious: (type "apt-cache policy grub2-common" to know)13:16
ryannathansJokn: then it doesn't connect, it just sits there, gets auth and after a while a deauth.13:16
Joknryannathans: why change the MAC address?13:16
insectatoriousLjL: Unable to locate package13:16
ryannathansJokn: there is another network i need to access but has mac filtering13:16
ryannathansJokn: if i can't get it working here i can't get it working there13:16
ardronei have question too :)13:16
insectatoriousI did an upgrade from 9.0413:17
LjLinsectatorious: then i guess maybe that left GRUB version 1 installed, not sure, but in that case, you'd want to change /boot/grub/menu.lst (i think that's the path, anyway) like robin0800 says.13:17
Mike90-Hi someone use amd e350 zacate platform ? when i play a totem video xorg crash, in gnome3shell13:17
insectatoriousLjL: thanks :D13:18
Joknryannathans: when you do a ifconfig, does it show that MAC ?13:18
ardroneLjL i have notebook with 8 gb issd and 750 gb 7500 rpm hdd... i need to install ubuntu on 8 gb hdd but i will seperate home directory in 750 gb hdd... how should i configure to get fastest boot? regards :)13:19
insectatoriousLjL: I run sudo update-grub after I'm done adding the line to menu.lst?13:19
ryannathansJokn: yes, when i put in the cloned one, while connecting it has the new one13:19
LjLinsectatorious: uhm, i don't remember anymore whether that's required... i suppose it can't hurt13:19
LjLardrone: root on the SSD and home on the HDD sounds fine, except 8GB is a bit tight for root.13:20
insectatoriousaccording to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#A.2BAC8-boot.2BAC8-grub.2BAC8-grub.cfg that's what I have to do...but its for GRUB 213:20
ardronewhat about sepearet prog files to hdd?13:20
ryannathansJokn: i keep getting de--authed while connecting13:21
LjLardrone: that's not strictly possible, as program files are scattered around the directory structure. but you could make a /usr partition in the HDD13:21
Joknryannathans: If the MAC shows correct with ifconfig, then I'm not sure what's going on with the auth on the wifi side.13:21
ardroneor i should i buy at least 16 gb issd?13:21
HyperJapanHey guys13:22
ryannathansJokn: it worked fine before i upgraded to 11.1013:22
ryannathansJokn: was working on 10.1013:22
LjLardrone: your choice. /usr in a separate partition should leave you with enough space on the SSD.13:23
HyperJapanI'm on Ubuntu 10.04, and every time I run any dpkg process it goes to configure a partially installed package which I want it to forget. The configuration process never finishes.  I tried removing the package to no avail. Anyone know how to make dpkg/apt forget the package?13:23
LjLHyperJapan: it's not easy. usually it's better to try solving the problem with the package. which package is it, and what happens?13:23
ardroneok... thank you LjL for your advice. I will test it with /usr and /home on hdd and /root on issd and one last question :)13:24
LjLardrone: not /root, but /13:24
HyperJapanLjL: It was the "Deepin Software Center", but it turns out a dependency is GTK 3. When I run any dpkg process it just sits on "Setting Up packagename"13:24
LjLardrone: /root is a different thing13:24
ardronewhat about /grub ? should i seperate a partition13:24
ardroneoh sorry i got :) I mean /13:24
Vardanhi all13:24
HyperJapanVardan: Hello!13:25
LjLardrone: i don't consider that necessary or particularly useful, but again your choice13:25
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LjLHyperJapan: can you give me a link to the exact package you used? i'll have a look at what it does13:25
llutz_ardrone: i'd prefer to put /var on HDD not /usr, because /usr holds most of the applications and benefits most from being on ssd13:25
Vardanpeople I have tried to find the application which will allow me to start music and video via web-interface13:25
LjLllutz_: but 8GB...13:26
Joknryannathans: I'm not sure what changed between the versions to make it work.  I'd say a driver issue, but I believe you stated that it works fine if you don't clone the MAC.13:26
llutz_LjL: more than enough _here_ :) depends always on usage13:26
HyperJapanLjL:  http://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/deepin/pool/main/d/deepin-software-center/deepin-software-center_2.0.5_all.deb13:26
LjLllutz_: i guess13:26
VardanI have some, but they start music/video on my current machine not in the host machine13:26
meerkatsin unity, I want to add more locations to the clock. It seems its not enough with writting the name of the city you want the time  from, tips?13:26
ryannathansJokn: correct13:26
Vardanany suggestion?13:27
LjLHyperJapan: uhm, it's slow to download, will take a few minutes.13:27
HyperJapanLjL: Yeah its a mirror in china13:27
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Joknryannathans: so yea I don't think that's a driver issue then, most home routers aren't going to provide much useful information as to what's going on that side either =\13:28
ryannathansJokn: that's why I came here13:28
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ryannathansJokn: it's happening on linux mint 12 and ubuntu 11.1013:29
ryannathansJokn: works find on linux mint 1013:29
ryannathansAKA 10.1013:29
HyperJapanLjL: I have things to do atm, would it be OK if you could pm me your findings and I'll get back to you in a few hours?13:31
LjLHyperJapan: ok13:31
Joknryannathans: yea not sure what changed between the versions, sorry13:31
HyperJapanLjL: Thank you.13:31
ardroneok.. all i need to fast booting time. the rest is not so important.13:31
HyperJapanLjL: I will be offline so if need be take note of my nick.13:31
llutz_ardrone: 28 sec from power on to kdm :)   worth to buy a bigger faster ssd13:31
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ardronellutz_ it is alreay on it. i had'nt bought it... it is samsung 7 series chronos notebook13:34
ardronewith 8 gb ddr3 ram13:34
ardrone750 gb hdd + 8 gb issd13:34
llutz_ardrone: oh ok13:35
ardroneand dual graphich card on it... etc...13:35
ryannathans after changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects,  connects fine with the box left empty though... i keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg13:35
paulus68after upgrading my server I get this error message error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found I got  this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=17624a1ae0146cc071093da2ba087254&t=1397629&page=2 earlier however I am still encountering problems is there a way to mount that drive through a live cd and get my stuff off or is it a waste of time?13:36
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ghabitHello. I have installed minidlna server and started it. 'sudo /etc/init.d/minidlna start'. How I can make it automatically? (Autostart)13:40
paulus68also not  able to launch reach this drive through gparted get as error there that lvm is not supported13:40
HeGurughabit: update-rc.d minidlna defaults13:41
ryannathansis mac spoofing in 11.10 borken?13:42
MonkeyDustryannathans  what?13:42
ryannathans after changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects,  connects fine with the box left empty though... i keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg13:42
SomelauwHi, is there a way to download without a browser?13:43
LjL!info wget | Somelauw13:43
ubottuSomelauw: wget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.12-3.1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 262 kB, installed size 580 kB13:43
MonkeyDustSomelauw  donload what?13:43
scarleoSomelauw, torrent?13:43
SomelauwLjL: Is there also a way to browse the files13:43
player3Sorry to ask in wrong channel, but does anyone know a channel with people knowledgable on pdf metadata?13:43
SomelauwThe thing is I need to download a lot of files at once and I am to lazy to right click a lot13:43
LjLSomelauw: well no, to "browse" a file on the web you need a "browser". there are non-GUI browsers though.13:43
drzerohi again13:43
Somelauwscarleo: No, things that are actually on a website13:43
LjLSomelauw: wget can download recursively from links13:43
scarleoSomelauw, write a script that wgets the files13:44
SomelauwLjL: I mean browsing the internet like a filesystem. Using cd and ls to find the files that I need and using wget on them.13:44
LjLSomelauw: that's not possible, because the HTTP protocol doesn't really support it.13:45
SomelauwCan it be done by ftp?13:46
LjLSomelauw: if the server you want to reach has FTP, then yes, that sounds very much like it.13:46
kldfndcan i delete an account that of a user logged into my machine?13:47
llutz_Somelauw: theres httpfs2, dunno if you could use that for your task13:47
LjLSomelauw: just "ftp ftp.site.domain", and then you can more or less use the standard commands like "cd" and "ls"13:47
kldfndLjL: ?13:47
SomelauwOkay, so it actually needs to be builtin by the server? That's a pity.13:47
LjLkldfnd: i don't know, probably yes, but then weird things will happen to the user13:48
allen_chanhi, guys13:48
kldfndhow can i force the userdel command to get rid of this guy?13:48
Somelauwllutz_: I'll check that out13:49
LjLSomelauw: well FTP is an entirely separate protocol from HTTP, they don't go together. thing is, theoretically you could have something that downloads a webpage and presents all of the links it contains in an "ls" fashion, but i wonder what happens with JavaScript and all that stuff. maybe try that virtual filesystem that was suggested.13:49
kldfndLjL your words confused my eyes, make use of pastebin13:50
LjLkldfnd: sorry?13:50
kldfndhow do i force the userdel command to get rid of the account in use?13:51
zelluzkldfnd: reboot then delete?13:51
kldfndi don't want to lose my session.13:51
kldfndlogged into my server via ssh13:51
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kldfndand working on some things13:52
LjLso kill the user's processes first.13:52
llutz_kldfnd: kill the users login shell, deluser user, done13:52
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kldfndthe user is actually logged into irssi13:53
kldfndon the machine13:53
SomelauwBy the way, this is the website. Opening it in firefox alreasy shows it kinda like a filesystem:  http://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl/~wb2207/transp/13:54
llutz_kldfnd: sudo pkill -U users-id13:54
ghabitHello. I have installed minidlna server and started it. 'sudo /etc/init.d/minidlna start'. How I can make it automatically? (Autostart)13:54
bullgard6'~$ pgrep -l wibb: 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. How to properly restart the Gwibber GUI part in this situation? [GNOME Shell 3.2.1]13:54
zelluzSomelauw: I think that is Apache listing the directories and folders on the web server13:55
LjLghabit: scroll up, you got a reply to that question13:56
ghabitLjL, i had one highlight, but after using it, i have a message 'System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/minidlna already exist.'13:56
paulus68after upgrading my server I get this error message error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found I got  this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=17624a1ae0146cc071093da2ba087254&t=1397629&page=2 earlier however I am still encountering problems is there a way to mount that drive through a live cd and get my stuff off or is it a waste of time?13:57
paulus68also not  able to launch reach this drive through gparted get as error there that lvm is not supported13:57
LjLghabit: then that means it's already supposed to start at boot.13:57
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ghabitLjL, but: 'etc/init.d/minidlna status' - 'is not running'13:57
LjLghabit: if you start it manually, does it stop saying that?13:58
Erealzhello everyone i need some quick help im useing ubuntu 10.10 and you know how there an applet on the top dock control email and chat i accidently deleted it and i like to get it back ,but it not in the applet menue there gotta be a command or somthing can anyone help get it back?13:58
ghabitLjL, if i'm doing '/etc/init.d/minidlna start' and status after that, it says 'is running'. And it is running (I can see it on my TV)13:59
LjLghabit: interesting... if you do "find /etc/rc* | grep minidlna" i assume you get a few entries?14:01
Erealzcan some help me with applets ? im looking for an applet that not in the applet menue how else can i find the applet that im looking for?14:02
ghabitLjL, there are 7 files14:03
ghabitk20, s20, etc14:03
ghabitrc1...till 614:03
ghabitLike this: /etc/rc3.d/S20minidlna14:03
_skplErealz, the applet you are looking for, with the mail icon and volume, is 'indicator applet'14:04
LjLghabit: yeah sounds right. afaik that means it's at least *supposed* to start by default, so something must be preventing it. see if /var/log/minidlna.log says anything relevant14:04
icathey, can anyone tell me which package provides /usr/bin/X in oneiric?14:04
Joostif I were to use arpspoof to sniff my network, how would I go about undo-ing the forwarding? :P14:04
LjLicat: "dpkg -S /usr/bin/X"14:04
icatit should be xorg-server, but i can't find that on packages.ubuntu.com14:04
Joostlike.. when I'm done and I don't want everything running via my netbook anymore xD14:05
jo13maybe you can find on pkgs.org14:05
LjLicat: xserver-xorg14:05
icatty, much appreciated14:05
Erealzyour were right14:05
Erealzthanx man14:05
icatdidn't know about dpkg -S, helps me out a lot14:05
pepp-elitoHi i have managed to fuckup my ubuntu installation and must reinstall. But i would like to backup things in my home folder before reinstall. I have booted into live-cd but i'm not allowed to move my files in my previous homefolder to my other usb driver.  How could i make ubuntu live understand that this is truly my files. I have username and password14:05
icatthanks LjL14:05
Erealzbut it just me or is the network manager not there?14:05
LjL!language | pepp-elito14:05
ubottupepp-elito: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:05
LjLpepp-elito: doesn't work if you use "sudo"?14:06
jo13try su14:06
LjLjo13: "su" doesn't work in Ubuntu.14:06
=== ewokbot is now known as haylo
LjLjo13: not to get root, at least.14:06
x_pepp-elito, you have to do it as 'root', open the folder as 'root'14:07
Erealzis it just me or is network-manager applet not in the applet menue?14:08
pepp-elitosry it did.. i feel so stupid...14:08
pepp-elitojust sudo start nautilus14:08
LjLpepp-elito: though, use "gksudo" for GUI apps like nautilus, not "sudo"14:08
jo13or try su and then nautilus14:08
LjLjo13: once again, "su" doesn't give you root in Ubuntu. please stop suggesting that.14:09
MonkeyDustsu = switch user, not super user14:09
pepp-elitoLjL, I have never understood the difference, could you explain.. Trying to learn. (gk = ui things but what is different)14:09
jo13oo sorry14:09
CharminTheMooseYou could do 'su root' though?14:09
llutz_CharminTheMoose: you can't14:10
Erealzsudo = switch user do?14:10
LjLCharminTheMoose: no, the root account is simply disabled14:10
llutz_su only works with enabled root accounts14:10
reactorErealz: super user do14:10
LjLMonkeyDust: who said it stood for super user?14:10
reactorhow could you not know it?14:10
LjLpepp-elito: it's just that "sudo" is liable to mess up some config files when used with GUI apps. "gksudo" sets up the environment correctly.14:10
CharminTheMooseLjL, not on my system at least. Then again, this is a HD install14:10
LjLCharminTheMoose: then you enabled it yourself at some point.14:11
paulus68when installing ubuntu server 10.11 I get the question no auto updates /update security automaticly or manage through landscape what is the best option here?14:12
tigermattIf you don't have Landscape then that option is of little use to you. I generally opt for no automatic updates, especially on any standalone production systems, since I prefer to ensure changes are audited and properly tracked.14:13
jasonmsphey all.  Any suggestions for a good html/js/php/etc...  editor?14:14
Somelauwvim, emacs14:14
debian_noobjasonmsp,  GUI?14:15
paulus68tigermatt: thanks14:15
jasonmspdebian_noob: yes14:17
paulus68tigermatt: do you know what ubuntu desktop usb does? does this mean you get to launch your server in desktop mode? or am I wrong here14:17
debian_noobjasonmsp, bluefish14:18
DreadtowerDoes anyone here know how to get Wine to see Program Files (x86)?14:18
bullgard6'~$ pgrep -l wibb: 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. How to properly restart the Gwibber GUI part in this situation? [GNOME Shell 3.2.1]14:18
jasonmspdebian_noob: thanks14:18
DreadtowerI can only ever see Program Files :(14:18
debian_noobjasonmsp, if you need a WYSIWYG html editor then komposer14:18
debian_noobbut it messes up the code a lot14:19
debian_noobi prefer bluefish14:19
jasonmspdebian_noob: yeah, not WYSIWYG..  Thanks.14:19
tigermattpaulus, I can't say I've ever seen or used that option. Anyone else here used it?14:19
jo13what is the best webcam software for ubuntu than cheese?14:19
LjL!best | jo1314:19
ubottujo13: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:19
LjLjo13: lots of programs *support* the webcam, it depends on what you want to do.14:20
jo13i want anothe program like cheese14:20
jo13and i don't know the name14:20
jo13that why i asked14:20
LjL!info camorama | jo13, maybe this14:21
ubottujo13, maybe this: camorama (source: camorama): gnome utility to view and save images from a webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.19-2.1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 166 kB, installed size 1316 kB14:21
jo13i will try that.. thank you Ljl :D14:21
haylojo3 it is the best program for photos14:22
haylodont let the name deceive you. i used to feel the same way14:22
hayloremember a lot of things in linux have been named as jokes14:23
haylopartially to make them more "free" in so many ways14:23
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jo13camorama now working.. just installing this from synaptic.. really cool..14:24
jo13beside cheese.. this is heeeeemmmmm14:24
haylojol3 does it work?14:27
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jo13camorama working.. this program detect my webcam on acer aspire 4740g14:28
anadonunity is messed up and resets/reinstalls won't fix it.  https://imgur.com/88QaK14:28
fil_a question... does the system variable $DISPLAY change each time you boot the pc ? ubuntu 10.1014:29
LjLfil_: it's generally just ":0"14:29
fil_LjL: because yesterday it was :0.0, today :1:0 and after reboot :0.0 again... do we know why ? it can create problems in scripts i have, so my question is why it happens, or how to prevent it.. mainly my question is concernig why14:31
LjLfil_: not sure. it's supposed to happen when you start a second graphical session, then the second user gets :1 as the display, but i've no idea why it would change on boot14:33
hayloi installed camorama jol3 but it sux. cheese is better. are you to manly for cheese?14:33
LjLhaylo, no need to word things like that, what does being manly have to do with anything?14:33
anadonunity is messed up and resets/reinstalls won't fix it.  https://imgur.com/88QaK14:34
fil_LjL: start a second graphical session means? second monitor, second logged in user ?14:34
fil_anyone else who might have an idea?14:34
LjLfil_: not necessarily second monitor, just "switch user"14:34
fil_LjL: ah ok, i think i got it ... thanx man!14:35
fil_but it happens on boot... and changing scripts is not a big issue, but the fact itself is strange, and thats why i would like to know why14:36
jo13haylo. i use cheese too and camorama..  both are working14:38
rymate1234I'm having a problem with mozilla firefox 1114:38
=== root is now known as Guest99140
Guest99140im alex14:40
Guest99140i like this room14:40
Guest99140i love my wife14:40
MonkeyDustGuest99140  wrong channel14:40
rymate1234my firefox isn't integrating with the unity interface14:40
rymate1234I still have the addon installed14:40
Guest99140my wife looks like japanese girl14:40
Guest99140i like her14:40
iceroot!ot | Guest9914014:41
ubottuGuest99140: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:41
iceroot!rootirc | Guest9914014:41
ubottuGuest99140: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:41
Guest99140hello algo214:42
bazhangGuest99140, did you have an ubuntu support question14:43
Guest99140yes i get it14:43
Guest99140i want know why i have not wlan014:43
Guest99140i install  a backtrack414:43
bazhangGuest99140, then go to the backtrack support channel14:44
MonkeyDustGuest99140  type /join #backtrack-linux14:44
bazhangGuest99140, #backtrack-linux14:44
hayloi install a backtrack why i no see your files yet?14:44
bazhanghaylo, thats not helping14:45
anadonunity is messed up and resets/reinstalls won't fix it.  https://imgur.com/88QaK14:46
tolohi, I am unable to locat #include <linux/config.h> where is it?14:46
MonkeyDustanadon  you question being...?14:47
asmcmnemonicHello, Ubuntu community.14:48
sri_hi everyone14:48
asmcmnemonicHello, @sri.14:49
anadonMonkeyDust: I need help fixing it.14:49
sri_my 3-g usb modem doesnt work in ubuntu14:50
sri_it shows there is an error reading archives14:50
sri_what to do?14:50
MonkeyDustanadon  start from the beginning, what have you done and tried before you came for advice14:50
MonkeyDustcame here*14:50
gmachine_24I have a home network with several Linux/Ubuntu computers and several Windows computers. The Windows comps can see all shared devices and other comps on the network; the Ubuntu comps can see the network but cannot get a list of the network computers nor interact with them. However, I am able to play my music library, which is on a Ubuntu comp, using Squeezecenter software from any computer.14:52
gmachine_24I often get an error message to the effect that the networked computers cannot be mounted.14:53
sri_j c14:55
sri_join c14:55
anadonMonkeyDust: having some problems with synaptic crashing, which I traced back to a conflict with unity.  I ran reset and reset-icons on unity and the resulting is my desktop.  keep in mind full HD screen, so the fonts are gigantic.14:56
MonkeyDustsri_  try /join #c14:56
anadonthough, synaptic now works :P14:56
sri_join #c14:57
LjLsri_: with a /14:57
sri_doesnt work14:57
sri_tried that14:57
sri_redirects back to this page14:58
LjLsri_: well maybe that's because the channel is ##c not #c14:58
sri_still not14:58
LjLsri_: also you need to be registered to join it14:58
LjL!register > sri_14:58
ubottusri_, please see my private message14:58
sri_i am registered-how to login14:58
MonkeyDust##c Channel is open14:58
LjLsri_: /msg nickserv identify password (in the status window)14:58
sri_is the password which we have set or the verification one15:00
LjLsri_: the password you have set, but you do need to verify the account first if you haven't15:01
sri_i tried that-does not work15:01
LjLsri_: ask in #freenode, they should be able to help better15:01
sri_join #freenode15:01
* LjL rolls eyes15:01
MonkeyDustsri_  with /15:01
johnguys when I open ubuntu software center it automatically gets gray and I have to force quit, I've tried reinstalling it, what do I do?15:06
murfiedon't open it15:06
LjLmurfie: that's not helpful15:06
johnI need to install a deb, how do I do that without software center?15:06
LjLjohn: use "dpkg" or "gdebi"15:06
debian_noobjohn, dpkg -i15:06
LjLjohn: "gdebi" will handle dependencies, "dpkg" will not15:07
debian_noobjohn, yeah gdebi15:07
gmachine_24what is the command (CLI) to restore GRUB or GRUB2 please?15:07
LjL!grub | gmachine_2415:07
ubottugmachine_24: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:07
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 gmachine_2415:07
xrdodrxHow can I view Japanese characters in virtual consoles? I've tried sudo setupcon but they still come up as diamonds...15:11
xrdodrx(Ubuntu Server 11.10)15:12
Dj_FlyByis there anything on the LiveCD that will allow me to recover outlook email files from a defective windows installation that wont boot?15:14
LjL!info readpst | Dj_FlyBy15:14
ubottuDj_FlyBy: readpst (source: libpst): Utilities to convert Outlook .pst files to other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.41-0ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 50 kB, installed size 172 kB15:14
Dj_FlyByhmmm... don't need to convert it; j ust recover it15:15
LjLDj_FlyBy: uh, if you want to "recover" the files, you just need to mount the drive and copy them over.15:16
LjL!test | rezar15:17
ubotturezar: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:17
=== dan__ is now known as Guest19083
Guest19083My LibreOffice spell check isn't working, any sugestions?15:25
darbeafter ubuntu update all webmail settins are gone15:26
darbehow can I fix it?15:26
jolicloudmake setting aghen15:27
spacebug-Guest95420: Go to Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Languages. See if you have choosen your langauge under "Default language for documents", and that it is a blue check mark next to that language15:28
jolicloudagain yeap15:28
akemanyone using Tuxguard on 11.04? i was able to build it but i had to disable capability related stuff...so it's not functional / or maybe if someone can suggest me another app based firewall?15:28
darbeall email accounts15:29
collisionsystmjust use GUFW15:29
darbei don't remember pass15:29
collisionsystmOR use Firewall Builder15:29
LjLcollisionsystm: gufw is not app-based, is it?15:29
akemcollisionsystm, it is not application firewall is it?15:29
jolicloudpass for your email acont? darbe?15:29
akemcollisionsystm, i need that for win32 applications that tends to connect everywhere without asking, on regular ports http etc.15:30
darbei can remember emails but i cannot remember passwords of all15:30
spacebug-sorry I menat to Guest1908315:30
collisionsystmah gotcha.15:30
LjL!info apf-firewall | akem, i see this in the repos but i can't say i've tried it15:31
ubottuakem, i see this in the repos but i can't say i've tried it: apf-firewall (source: apf-firewall): easy iptables based firewall system. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.7+rev1-3 (oneiric), package size 90 kB, installed size 440 kB15:31
joliclouddarbe this is bad15:31
darbeit is on my computer i guess15:31
darbebut it need some settings15:31
collisionsystm@akem is this for your home or business15:31
darbeI don't konw where I can find it15:32
darbethat's the problem15:32
akemcollisionsystm, both15:32
jolicloudwhat setings?15:32
darbewebmail looks empty15:32
darbenothing in it15:32
akemLjL, ty but i think it's regular fw as it is based on iptables too, will check a bit more15:32
akemi means it's not application fw.15:33
LjLakem: but in the description it says "application based network filtering"15:33
jolicloudcloud distro its the besst15:35
akemLjl hm yea, strange.15:36
collisionsystmakem  I think one of these can help you. http://alternativeto.net/SearchResult.aspx?profile=all&search=application%20firewall&platform=linux15:38
AlinaHi all!15:39
Erealzwhen is the new long term support due out?15:42
MonkeyDustErealz  april15:42
Erealzgive me the option to move the dock15:42
Erealzkinda lame it stuck on the left15:43
MonkeyDustErealz  you need a PPA for it, moment15:43
=== butti__ is now known as bb
MeowmeowHi all! Who knows a program for Linux to emulate hardware?15:45
auronandaceMeowmeow: virtualbox15:45
Meowmeowauronandace no it bad and slow15:45
auronandaceMeowmeow: qemu15:45
MonkeyDust"bad and slow"15:45
Meowmeowauronandace: it's all wrong15:46
compdocvirtualbox is best when you need video performance, qemu is better for server. neither is bad nor slow15:46
auronandaceMeowmeow: you are not easily satisfied are you?15:46
MonkeyDustMeowmeow  please don't reject every advice you get here15:46
Meowmeowneed layer like wine15:46
auronandaceMeowmeow: why don't you use wine then?15:47
DaekdroomWine is not a hardware emulator.15:47
compdocif you have an old computer that doesnt have VT built into the cpu, nothing will run well15:47
Meowmeowthere is adequate guru?15:47
auronandaceDaekdroom: i'm well aware of that15:48
MonkeyDustMeowmeow  if you first told us what it is you want to do15:48
MeowmeowAdequate and competent ...15:48
Daekdroomauronandace, but he wasn't.15:48
DaekdroomHardware emulators are nowhere near being layers like Wine.15:48
bazhangMeowmeow, specify exactly what you need15:48
auronandaceMeowmeow: to get a good answer to your query, you'd need to be adequate and competent in defining your problem :)15:49
compdocbazhang, sounds like he needs to troll a bit15:50
skilz_Hi I want to use this mirror, what lines do I have to put in /etc/apt/sources.list ?? http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/15:50
MeowmeowI want to run the program in a "closed bank / bottle." It gathers information about the system, I want to replace it.15:50
DragonSlaycan i view pdf files in command line15:50
Meowmeowabout sistem and computer...15:51
oCean!info evince | DragonSlay15:51
ubottuDragonSlay: evince (source: evince): Document (PostScript, PDF) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 199 kB, installed size 1088 kB15:51
DaekdroomMeowmeow, replace what?15:51
DaekdroomThe program?15:51
MeowmeowI want her to slip their names to devices.15:52
smulcahyhi, just installed 11.10 on a machine with existing windows 7 and after successful install, on reboot it goes straight to windows15:52
MonkeyDusti guess wants an isolated environment, from where he can monitor the system15:52
Meowmeowreplaced by my values.15:53
bazhangMeowmeow, for what purpose. be very clear15:53
MonkeyDustMeowmeow  ^15:53
DragonSlayoCean, in console15:53
smulcahyare there are any known problems with grub in 11.10?15:53
smulcahytrying https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair atm but no joy so far15:53
compdocyou cant monitor the actual system from within a virtual system15:53
smulcahyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/811962/ if anyone is interested15:53
MeowmeowCan you please tell this program.15:53
skilz_Hi I want to use this mirror, what lines do I have to put in /etc/apt/sources.list     http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/15:54
bbmay ask for help for my freezing grub in fresh 11.10 install?15:55
MeowmeowNAME OF PROGRAM!?15:55
AirBenderMeowmeow: is probably running  a program which gathers information about the system and machine, to validate its license or whatever15:55
AirBenderand wants to replace rel values by custom ones15:55
oCeanMeowmeow: stop that15:56
ryannathans after changing cloned mac address to connect to a wifi network it never connects,  connects fine with the box left empty though... i keep getting deauthenticated according to dmesg15:57
MonkeyDustwhat happened?15:57
pangolinMonkeyDust: Commenting on spam, making random unhelpful comments and so on are not acceptable or welcome in #ubuntu.15:57
=== Plinker__ is now known as Plinker
pangolinPlease read those guidelines ubottu linked you to familiarize once again with the rules.15:58
MonkeyDustpangolin  ? i was analyzing the guys problem15:59
liheralguien sabe si se pueden quitar los paneles en ubuntu 11.10 y dejar solo un dock?15:59
bazhangMonkeyDust, lets move on15:59
smulcahyso no known issues with 11.10 grub so?15:59
pangolin!es | liher16:00
ubottuliher: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:00
smulcahyseems like its either not installing or not being picked up at boot-time16:00
dbuggerHey guys. How could I disable the confirmation page in powermail?16:02
edu-rocha23Hello guys, i need help with ubuntu 10.04 lts installation16:05
JelouIn Avidemux, when i configure settings for Xvid codec, in "motion search" can't go above of 3 - Hight, instead of 6 - Ultra high. Does anybody know why? (ubuntu-lucid)16:05
RiXtEr-homeHey all, Is there a way to setup a network bridge inside of unity (specifically the Network Connections dialogue box) instead of /etc/network/interfaces.16:05
RiXtEr-homeedu-rocha23, if you don't ask a question it won't get answered.16:06
edu-rocha23Im trying to install ubuntu 10.04lts 64-bit on my pc from an usb stick and the installation simply freezes after keyboard layout selection, i have no other usb components other than the mouse and the usb stick wich im booting the system connected...i dont know what to do alredy...can someone help me ?16:06
pepp-elitoHi I have some problems with driver resolution for nvidia, the drivers does not use edid info correctlly resulting in max resolution of 640x480. Could someone supply a step-by-step how to force nvidia/ubuntu to not use edid info and  show more resolutions in nvidia-settings. Have tried for days now...16:07
Barbariandude*starts headbanging* http://www.jonobacon.org/files/freesoftwaresong/jonobacon-freesoftwaresong2.ogg16:08
edu-rocha23Im trying to install ubuntu 10.04lts 64-bit on my pc from an usb stick and the installation simply freezes after keyboard layout selection, i have no other usb components other than the mouse and the usb stick wich im booting the system connected...i dont know what to do alredy...can someone help me ?16:08
mugenwe are legions16:08
bazhangBarbariandude, dont paste that here16:08
=== Jackneill2 is now known as Jackneill
compdocits:  "we are legion"16:08
bazhangmugen, actual support question?16:08
Barbariandudebazhang, Fair enough. Just thought someone would appreciate it, I'll be quiet now16:09
bazhangedu-rocha23, how did you install it? unetbootin?16:09
raven11.10 booting seems to spend a lot of time on "waiting for network configuration" - how to debug boot-process?16:09
edu-rocha23im actually running ubuntu from the usb stick right now16:09
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, is this a dual monitor setup?16:10
bazhangedu-rocha23, the part where you enter the user name?16:10
edu-rocha23i simply booted the system from the usb...im sorry, but im very new to the linux universe and my knowledge is somewhat limited. Its my 1st time experience with linux16:10
edu-rocha23i dont enter any user name, i select the language, it sets up the clock and then goes to the keyboard layout selection, after i press next, it simply hangs there forever16:11
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, no just a single monitor connected via a marantz nr1602 receiver using hdmi16:11
bazhangedu-rocha23, but as a live usb it works fine? no problems?16:11
edu-rocha23yes, no problems16:11
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (http://paste.ubuntu.com)16:11
bazhangedu-rocha23, you did md5 the iso before "burning" to usb?16:11
edu-rocha23im actually running ubuntu from the usb now as i talk with you16:11
edu-rocha23yes, i cheked the hash, its perfetly fine16:12
javier_Hi! I have Atheros AR9287 Wireless and internet works very badly in ubuntu (not in windows). Extremelly low connection (but not always, sometimes it's just slow) and no internet at all other times. I've google it, but couldn't make it work. Someone knows how can I improve my connection? Thanks a lot16:12
xgt001hi, i need ubuntu font configuration , could you help me with a pastebin/pastie of your ~/.fonts.conf file?16:12
RiXtEr-homeedu-rocha23, it has something to do with your motherboard i think, I had an issue like that but can't for the life of me remember how I fixed it.16:12
edu-rocha23my mobo ?? geez....guess i wont be able to do anything about then...im gonna have to try to install de 11.10 then16:13
RiXtEr-homexgt001, I don't have a .fonts.conf file, I have a .fontconfig directory16:13
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, i will. will take some time.. using different computer as i have such low res on the ubuntu one16:14
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, alright16:14
u235sentineledu-rocha23. Just noticed the thread...  perhaps the mobo needs to be flashed to the latest firmware.  I've run across problems like that and was able to fix it with a firmware update16:14
edu-rocha23hmmm, thx for the tip u235sentinel. I`ll reboot as windows and try do download a firmware update ! Thx for the tip !16:15
RiXtEr-homeedu-rocha23, I might have added acpi=off and noapic to the bootup options (i just can't remember for sure) :(16:15
u235sentineledu-rocha23. hope it helps.16:15
edu-rocha23acpi off...hmmm16:15
edu-rocha23ill see something about that16:15
edu-rocha23thx guys, ill come back to tell u if it worked or not16:15
HyperJapanLjL: Back16:17
jeeves_mosswhere does bind9 log to?16:20
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, pastebin.com/Mmnw4yE616:21
quatchihi all16:21
javier_on this website I've found Marko's answer which I would like to try, but can't follow the instructions to fix my problem. Someone could help me knowing my ubuntu and kernel version? http://askubuntu.com/questions/58704/how-do-i-get-an-atheros-ar9285-working16:21
HyperJapanjavier_: Your ubuntu and kernel versions are in the System Monitor in GNOME/Unity16:23
bastidrazorjavier_: lsb_release -d  for the Ubuntu version and   uname -r   for kernel version16:23
HyperJapanjavier_: And what bastidrazor said16:23
javier_HyperJapan, bastidrazor thanks. I found it know (didn't see the space in the command in askubuntu16:24
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, did you see my paste?16:24
javier_If I download that compat-wireless Linux modules... from Ubuntu's software center, I'll still have to compile it?16:25
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, yes i seen it, just now stepped back in16:26
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, what resolution are you wanting to display?16:26
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, np :) very thankful for any support i have spent 12 hours on this including fresh install..16:26
pangolinjavier_: no16:27
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, also, what monitor do you have16:27
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, 1280x1024, and some standard 720p 1080p etc16:27
javier_HyperJapan, bastidrazor: also, beeing my ubuntu oneric and kernel, I find there "linux-backports-modules-cw-3.1-3.0.0-15-server" and "linux-backports-modules-net-3.0.0-15-generic". Which one should I get?16:28
bullgard6'~$ pgrep -l wibb: 2319 gwibber-service; 2378 gwibber-service; 2379 gwibber-service'. How to properly restart the Gwibber GUI part in this situation? [GNOME Shell 3.2.1]16:28
pangolinjavier_: the -generic16:28
javier_pangolin, and uninstall the server?16:29
pangolinjavier_: if you want to, but it does not hurt to leave it installed16:29
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, monitor7tv is a crapy viewsonic n3260w, connected via marantz nr1602 to an zotac nd-22 with nvidia ion. I have not had these problems before connecting via the marantz receiver16:29
javier_pangolin, and, as said in http://askubuntu.com/questions/58704/how-do-i-get-an-atheros-ar9285-working, follow the rest of Marko's answer and compile the thing?16:30
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, change this Option         "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0" to Option         "metamodes" "1280x1024 +0+0; 1920x1080 +0+0; 1280x720 +0+0"  should get you where you want to be16:31
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, after changing you will want to either restart or /etc/init.d/lightdm restart (restart X)16:31
TwoDI'd like to try the latest version of ntfs-3g in oneiric, but there doesn't seem to be a package available. Is there a way to try the package for precise pangolin?16:31
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, or if you are wanting to just check it16:31
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, thanks will try16:32
RiXtEr-homepepp-elito, startx would work as well (it will give useful errors)16:32
TwoDWhen attempting to install the latest ntfs-3g from the PPA, it just complains about fuse not being installed.16:32
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, now i have tried somethings like this before but no luck.. one minute..16:32
pangolinjavier_: that is for a machine that has no internet connection. you can download the .deb packages you need and then move them to the machine you want to install on. .deb packages don't need to be compiled, just double click on them and ubuntu will take care of the rest.16:32
javier_pangolin, thanks. Shall I restart my laptop to make it work?16:33
pangolinjavier_: after you install the .deb packages yes16:33
javier_pangolin, ok, thanks!16:34
RiXtEr-homeTwoD, do you need the 3g package, there are a few others out there, ntfsprogs might be what you need.16:35
calmpitbullim trying to change panel color in ubuntu 11.10 and i cant do it16:35
bullgard6calmpitbull: You better tell us your GUI too.16:36
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calmpitbullbullgard6: unity16:36
TwoDRiXtEr-home: from what I can tell, ntfs-3g contains the FUSE integration in addition to what's in ntfsprogs.16:36
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bullgard6calmpitbull: I am using Ubuntu 11.10 but I amnot using Unity. I cannot help you.16:37
calmpitbullim makeing my own theme and did every thing but i cant change panel colot16:38
RiXtEr-homeTwoD, I just looked at mine, the ntfs-3g stuff is installed already... not sure what I have thats different16:38
RiXtEr-homeHey all, Is there a way to setup a network bridge inside of unity (specifically the Network Connections dialogue box) instead of /etc/network/interfaces.16:38
dreamon__Hello. using ubuntu on different pcs. my samsung.router shows pclist with all its pc names and ips. If I do a "ping dreamon-laptop". It brings an error. unknown host. If I start windows in Virtualbox (on same pc) do the same "ping dreamon-laptop" it shows acknowl. Same with all my ubuntu pcs. any idea?16:38
bucaneirosome day I will have my software available as a ubuntu package16:38
TwoDRiXtEr-home: I have ntfs-3g 2011.4.12AR.4-2ubuntu3, I want ntfs-3g 2011.10.9AR.1-1ubuntu316:39
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n1c0-nuXI'm looking for the command to allow me to see the processes in background ! (sorry for my english, I'm french :-S )16:40
clipzipps aux16:41
TwoDRiXtEr-home: There's talk about recent performance improvements when writing large files. I'm writing a 1TB file at approx 32Kb/s...16:41
pepp-elitoRiXtEr-home, sorry to say after restart i still dont have more resolutions in nvidia-settings16:41
mugencomo uso tork16:41
TwoDn1c0-nuX: "ps -A" or "top" or "htop"16:41
sstathat's a huge file.  Why so big?16:41
pangolin!es | mugen16:41
ubottumugen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:41
TwoDssta: HDD image16:42
n1c0-nuXOk thanks everyone !16:42
sstaTwoD: not worth splitting the file up?  Will make life simpler if you can16:42
TwoDssta: that'd make the image useless16:43
sstadepends what you want it for16:43
mugenel ingles es una mierda16:43
sstaif it's for a backup then you just restore the chunks.  Unless you want to actually mount it, there's no real need to store it in one file usuallyu16:43
=== francisco is now known as Guest63972
Guest63972Alguien de Chile o qie hable español por aqui16:43
mugensabes votar paginas web16:44
bucaneirono espanol16:44
TwoDssta: it's a clone of an HDD with a few broken sectors, I intend to mount it to extract files once ddrescue has completed.16:44
Guest63972que ip vamos?16:44
sstaGuest63972: try #ubuntu-es16:44
mugenalgun tutorial16:44
oCeanmugen: english only, or /join #ubuntu-es16:44
Guest63972es facil, pero aqui me enrredo16:44
Guest63972nos echan amigo16:44
Guest63972dame tu msn16:44
sstaTwoD: ah, fair enough then.16:44
mugenwe are legions, we are free talk16:44
bucaneirono msn here16:45
xanguaGuest63972: mugen english only, please stop16:45
mugenwhat happend with spanish16:45
jeeves_mosshow do I grep my entire drive looking for a string?16:45
mugenyou are discriminator16:45
bucaneirothis is  valid question16:45
bazhangmugen, thats enough16:46
Guest63972amigo recien empece con irc, no entiendo nada16:46
mugenmueranse gringos culiaos16:46
sstajeeves_moss: grep -r string /16:46
TwoDssta: it started cloning at about 30MB/s, but dropped drastically after about 100GB was done. If things don't work out, I'll reformat the 2TB drive I'm writing to as Ext4 and start over.16:46
jeeves_mossssta  thanks.  I can never remember16:46
sstaTwoD: good luck...I don't envy you16:47
TwoDssta: I've been at this for a couple of weeks so I'm getting used to it by now heh16:47
pangolinmugen: Please /join #ubuntu-es if you want help in spanish16:48
pip__I'd like to know if I'd see any benefit from running 10.04 rather than 11.10 on an old Compaq TC1000 tablet.  Both would be mini installs plus  wm & a few packages.  It runs on a 1GHz transmeta Crusoe CPU.16:48
bucaneiroCrusoe was a good idea...16:48
pip__Just to add: it's working ok now so maybe if it's not broken I shouldn't fix it...16:48
pip__pen & touch aren't woking they'd just be a bonus16:49
MyrttiGuest63972: just english.16:51
DexterFI'd like to install 11.10 on a laptop with a broken optical drive - any other options?16:52
auronandace!usb | DexterF16:52
ubottuDexterF: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:52
adrianpolak ?16:52
bazhangDexterF, how old16:53
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:53
bazhangadrian, #ubuntu-pl16:53
carlosquem ta ai16:53
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:53
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DexterFbazhang: thinkpad r51, 6 years i guess. will have to check if it bbtos usb at all.16:53
bazhangDexterF, if not you could possibly use wubi; is there any os on it presently?16:54
DexterFbazhang: yeah, a 10.04 that hardly does anyhting but crash to busybox after I tried upgrading to 12.04alpha :D16:54
auronandaceDexterF: your r51 should boot usb, my t40 does16:55
bazhangDexterF, the 10.04 still works?16:55
DexterFauronandace: ah, then ill go for the usb option...16:55
DexterFbazhang: not really. took a beating on the upgrade. ill just install 11.10 over /16:56
bazhangDexterF, I'd check the usb option as auronandace suggests, I have the r60e not much older and it works a treat from usb16:56
DexterFcan oen16:56
DexterFwhoops. can one use a usb disk? i dont have a stick around16:57
bazhangunetbootin would be one method16:57
bazhangexternal usb hdd?16:57
DexterFuh huh16:57
bazhanginstall from where though16:57
bazhangthe external already has the OS on it?16:58
DexterFI'd liek to use a usb hdd as install medium as the optical is broken, but the installation is suppossed to be in the r51's interneal disk16:58
DexterFbazhang: no it hasnt. empty16:58
DexterFwhoah, scuse my typing... arms bent round that laptop :}17:01
pangolinDexterF: should work the same as installing from a usb stick but I believe that unetbootin will format the entire drive so if you have any data on that external hdd it will be lost17:01
DexterFpangolin: that's ok. under win last time unetbootin wouldn't accept the hdd as flash but  gues ill just feed it the dev name17:03
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pangolinDexterF: with the 11.10 iso you can dd it17:03
auronandaceDexterF: if you already have grub2 installed another option is to boot the iso from grub217:04
DexterFmmh... not sure, could be legacy. ill check on that.17:04
DexterFpangolin: dd where?17:04
pangolinDexterF:  dd if=/11.10.iso of=/externall/hdd - or are you doing this in windows?17:05
pangolindon't think windows has dd :/17:05
DexterFpangolin: nah, 10.10 on the machine I trype from. just dd, huh? too easy, ill give it a shot :)17:07
pangolinstarting with 11.10 iirc you can dd, maybe it was starting from 11.04 not sure, but it works with the 11.10 iso17:08
PrinceKapHotHi there ! I'm trying to create a folder in a folder that belongs to my users group, but I get a "permission denied" error.. ?17:12
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=== bil21al_ is now known as bil21al
nyancatttwhat could be the problem when using the updtare manager to update , even after download and update17:13
nyancatttthe next when you start the update manager again it ask to downlad the same thing again17:14
Hilikusany good CLI script to convert flac to ogg?17:15
HyperJapanLjL: I managed to fix my issue, although it was a rather crude and dangerous method. I just removed any details of the package from my /var/lib/dpkg/status file and rebooted.17:16
francisco_Someone speak spanish?17:16
HyperJapanfrancisco_: Hello!17:16
pepp-elitoHi I have some problems with driver resolution for nvidia, the drivers does not use edid info correctlly resulting in max resolution of 640x480. Could someone supply a step-by-step how to force nvidia/ubuntu to not use edid info and  show more resolutions in nvidia-settings. Have tried for days now...17:16
CaptainKnotscan anyone tell me how to put 'build-essential' for 10.04 on a USB drive? I have to take it to a friend to install his wireless card since his building only offers wireless internet17:17
oCean!es | francisco_17:17
ubottufrancisco_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:17
HyperJapanfrancisco_: I'm afraid my spanish is limited to Ola comistda and un cerveza perfavor17:17
pangolinCaptainKnots: download it from packages.ubuntu.com17:17
CaptainKnotsHyperJapan: s/un/grande/17:18
HyperJapanCaptainKnots: What?17:18
francisco_Someone speak spanish?17:18
CaptainKnotsfrancisco_: asi asi17:18
pangolinfrancisco_: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:19
HyperJapanfrancisco_: Join the #ubuntu-es channel17:19
ts2Hilikus: install ffmpeg, then "ffmpeg -i some.flac -acodec libvorbis some.ogg"17:19
ariesAfter installing a clean install of 11.1 my computer doesn't detect the audio controller only the hdmi nvidia audio controller17:19
HyperJapan!es | francisco_17:20
ubottufrancisco_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:20
francisco_Hola hola hola17:21
CaptainKnotsthanks oCean17:22
generatedwhen I try to boot into ubuntu, it says "can't write disk full press any key", but is frozen17:24
DiamondciteDisk full?17:25
DiamondciteDid it used to work?17:25
generatedyes. shortly before, it went readonly while ubuntu was on and running fine17:25
sstayou may need to boot from a rescue CD and delete some files to make space17:25
generatedI was able to mount it in windows to dump all of my important files17:26
DiamondciteIs this an SSD drive or a normal magnetic hard drive?17:26
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generatedbut I was unable to mount it for reading17:26
generatedeither in windows17:26
generatedor through booting into a command line17:26
generatedI would get a large stream of errors when I tried to mount -t ext4 .....17:27
sstacould you be any more specific?17:27
generatedyes, at the top it would say something about the journal, and then there would be a blur of repeated error messages - something about failing to write. I don't have them handy at the moment17:29
generatedI'm able to plug a usb cord into the disk, so I'm purportedly able to mount it to this current system17:29
bluenemowhen i invoke ubiquity --automatic, where does the .seed file has to be? can i give a path to it as some kind of argument? please help me i'm desperate :)17:30
sstasounds to me like the filesystem is corrupt, but without seeing the actual errors I couldn't be sure17:30
sstatried to fsck it?17:30
sKewhi all17:31
generatedthe filesystem is apparently entirely readable through windows17:31
=== sKew is now known as Guest5762
generatedyes, amusingly, fsck generates this huge stream of messages, just as mount does17:31
exalthello, after updating my mother's system, it has this lockups17:31
exalthow can i fix this ?17:31
maZed_dumb question, i just put ubuntu on my usb stick, booted up just fine, on the desktop of ubuntu it says, install ubuntu 11.10, do i run this?17:31
generated(this is all through the command-line boot disk)17:31
pangolinmaZed_: if you want to install it to the hard drive, yes.17:32
generatedexalt: you can be much more specific17:32
maZed_ahh ok, the hdd is crashed on this net book17:32
generatedanyway, at the moment, I have essentially a usb drive that I need to mount17:32
Guest5762Can some one pls Ban PooBuck he is auto MSG'ing new connectet users whit a Crapy ass MSG17:32
Guest5762G-line him pls17:32
exaltgenerated: well without any warning the mouse is unmovable but my keyboard still reacts, thats how im now able to type17:33
maZed_any ops in the channel? PooBuck just sent me a untasteful message..17:33
generatedwhen I attempt to mount it through nautilus, I get nothing17:33
exaltby irssi in a tty17:33
DexterFpangolin: ah, dd to disk worked indeed. nice. thanks :)17:33
pangolinDexterF: glad i could help17:33
=== Guest5762 is now known as sKew^_-
generatedwhen I try to "safely remove drive", I get the popup "unable to stop n GB Hard Disk Daemon is inhibited"17:34
piercedwaterdoes anyone know how i can rsync by file modification date?17:34
sKew^_-pangolin, Thanks, wanna know what he wass saying? ;P17:34
MK`how do I check a disk for errors?17:35
pangolinsKew^_-: nope I got it, thanks.17:35
pangolin!fsck | MK`17:35
ubottuMK`: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot17:35
sKew^_-pangolin, okok, NO THANK YOU! ;)17:35
generatedhow can I mount a usb drive through the terminal?17:36
MK`does that work for ntfs, pangolin?17:36
pangolinMK`: no, see ##windows for help with ntfs17:36
generatedMK`: read the man file, at the bottom there's a "see also"17:36
MK`ok, thanks17:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:36
kwrigh01@seek manual17:36
kauhello everybody!!17:40
kauI accidentally removed the .cabal folder...17:40
kauDo you know what to do?17:40
DexterFkau: there are unerase tools for ext3, i think. make sure you dont write any more to the disk. boot a rescu system.17:41
DexterFkau: with xfs you're hosed tho17:41
kaui use ext317:42
kaubut I think it's too late :)17:42
kauI just want to reinstall cabal & packages17:42
troubledhola o/ Quick Q: is there a reason why none of the ubuntu iso's for i386 desktop have jigdo files? :(17:43
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sstakau: deleting .cabal probably didn't remove the cabal program17:44
kauif I unregister every package and reinstall, it should work?17:44
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DexterFkau: if you just rm'ed the .cabal folder inhome you only deleted settings and such. just start the program.17:44
fedemy notebook don't connect wifi :(17:44
kaussta: no cabal works17:44
generatedI'm getting the following errors when I try to mount a usb'd hard drive: http://pastebin.com/H5tiGJep17:44
generateddo any of them look familiar, or, which ones should I attempt to search?17:45
sstatroubled: probably because jigdo is complex and the powers at canonical didn't feel it matched the current target audience? </cynical>  In fact the precise daily images DO have jidgo files...17:46
kauDexterF: when running cabal install on my own program, it's complaining that files are missing in the dependencies (which I can understand)17:46
DexterFgenerated: can you try a different usb port?17:46
DexterFgenerated: and try without -t ext4, maybe it really isnt ext4 and nees to be auto detected17:46
troubledssta: so complex that every other iso image does have it for every release of ubuntu? :)17:46
maZed_where could i find the firmware at for my dell mini? dells website just has windows drivers17:46
troubledjust seems to be i386 desktop only that is missing them17:47
DexterFkau: well, then purging the package and reinstallign might help indeed17:47
LjLHyperJapan: uhm, i was thinking it would be better to tweak the prerm script and remove the culprit lines...17:47
generatedDexterF: sure. Highly unlikely that it's the usb port, since the disk is having problems (became read-only, failed to boot giving "full", was mountable readonly in windows...)17:47
wildc4rdJust a quickie, I am running a Windows XP VM on my Ubuntu box, is there any way I can filter/manage the network trafic to and from the VM?17:47
sstatroubled: maybe it's just an oversight... There are jigdo files for alternate, and server, just not for desktop17:47
propokr.nick BamBamPRO17:47
troubledssta: ya, saw the alternate iso jigdo and was considering it. thought I would bring it up out of curiosity and just in case, like you say, it was an oversight17:48
generatedI'm pretty sure it's ext4, since this is what some command told me it was17:48
sstatroubled: personally I like my cynical idea better :)17:49
generatedbut I'm trying to mount it now on a different usb port. there's a long delay at the moment, like last time17:49
troubledssta: :)17:49
propokrHello guys. I wanna sync my BlackBerry device on Ubuntu: But I cant find a Desktop Manager version for Linux. How I can do it?17:50
sstatroubled: ah...according to a post by Kamion, it's because the desktop image was moved to hybrid images rather than plain iso to make them easy to put onto USB17:51
DexterFgenerated: you tried mounting it as ext4, how could windows access ext4?17:51
troubledssta: tell me what you think of this definition of irony: Having a scratched i386 desktop iso that is only bad for 2 or 3 files that you want to repair via jidgo only to find out that is the exact iso that is missing jidgo :D17:51
generatedI get exactly the same errors as in http://pastebin.com/H5tiGJep , except on sd 10:0:0:0, and the last line is missing17:51
generatedDexterF: unsure - it was readonly, though, and trying to make it write gave me unsupported extension messages.17:52
troubledssta: tyvm for looking into it though. makes more sense when you put it that way I suppose17:52
DexterFgenerated: most likely because windows cant read ext417:52
Pancakezgenerated, maybe try mounting it as ext2, readonly?17:52
DexterF(or any other ext for that matter)17:52
DexterFgood idea17:52
KarmaonStrange, why does ubuntu automaticly deselects text for me?17:52
generatedDexterF: at the moment, doing a "what sort of fs is this" command, as well as the current error stream (865] EXT4-fs (sdf1): error loadin) gives me ext417:53
sstatroubled: well, I'd have preferred if someone had fixed jigdo to cope too...it's a very useful tool (well, was more so when I didn't have a 50M pipe, but still useful now)17:53
KarmaonI couldn't highlight anything without it being deselected.17:53
generatedDexterF: windows was able to read, and I was able to save all of my files17:53
generatedPancakez: alright. any specific way to mount it readonly?17:53
=== erry2 is now known as erry
DexterFgenerated: then it's not ext4. leave out the -t ext4 or try -t ntfs-3g or -t vfat17:54
Pancakezgenerated, can't remember, probably doesn't matter really17:54
troubledssta: ya, a shame more people don't use it. it is definetly a very nice tool all around. although I just noticed the zsync option. never tried it, but it does sound like its capable of similar feats (assuming I spend the time to dd the scratched iso back to a file etc)17:54
generatedDexterF: it is 100% an ext filesystem. it hosts my main ubuntu system, and had to be loaded using specific ext3 drivers for windows17:54
DexterFgenerated: did you install ext drivers on said windows?17:55
generatedI did, yes17:55
sstatroubled: well, getting a little offtopic now, but I can dl an iso in like 2 minutes, so I guess it becomes less useful at that point17:55
generatednumerous, in attempts to get it to write (so that I could delete some files, to try to overcome the disk full boot errors)17:55
troubledssta: true, but 4mbit dsl != 50mbit cable :)17:55
Pancakezmaybe I'm out of date, but I think those windows ext drivers actually mount it as ext2, which doesn't have journaling.  Could be the problem17:55
troubledssta: anyways, download is about done now. thanks for the help and the polite conversation. take care o/ :)17:56
generatedPancakez: that's probably correct. they gave me "unsupported feature flag" errors when I tried to mount them writable17:56
sstatroubled: good luck :)17:56
troubledthx :)17:56
generatedbut at the moment, I'm just trying to mount it on this current ubuntu system through the usb17:57
Pancakezgenerated, did mounting it as ext2 not work?17:57
generatedreadonly or not. windows was able to mount readonly, so the idea is I should be able to17:57
generatedPancakez: it's currently mounting. there's some delay...17:57
mugennecesito hackear paginas alguien sabe?17:58
Myrttimugen: English please17:58
mugenno se ingles17:59
generatedmounting it using -t ext2 -r  produces EXT2-fs (sdf1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (244) ... among unimportant others17:59
acovrigI just installed kubuntu (am in a recovery console now) and am getting grub err 17 on boot...17:59
phaedra!es | mugen17:59
ubottumugen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:59
mugenno se ingles17:59
bullgard6!es | mugen17:59
mugeny no me interesa aprender17:59
maZed_how can i install ubuntu to this usb stick? it seems as if i make any changes and reboot, it goes back to the default image?18:00
mugenpor que no se pueden hablar dos idiomas aca18:00
maZed_ie, i deleted the Install Ubuntu icon from the desktop, rebooted and it is back..18:00
mugenlinux es libre. libre de idiomas no discriminen18:00
auronandace!usb | maZed_18:00
ubottumaZed_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:00
DreadtowerHello :)18:00
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:00
rodrigosomebody knows if there is a channel for xubuntu?18:00
bullgard6mugen ¡Que ruego!18:00
DreadtowerHas anyone used Virtual Box from ubuntu with a guest Windows 7 running18:01
generatedso it does seem to be ext4. but of course, when I try to mount it, I get the messages here: http://pastebin.com/H5tiGJep18:01
auronandaceDreadtower: yes18:01
DreadtowerI'm trying to set this up and it is asking for my hard drive device driver18:01
mugenno pueden pensar asi que les pasa, ba en contra de todo lo que el software libre promulga18:01
generatedI'm not sure which of these I should try searching, and all that18:01
=== siric_ is now known as siric
DreadtowerGreat auronandace18:01
acovrigmugen, escribe /join #ubuntu-es18:01
mugenen esa sala no hay nadie18:02
mugentodos entran a aca18:02
auronandaceDreadtower: it never asked me for any drivers18:02
mugenquien me ayuda a votar una pagina web18:02
mugende una pequeña empresa que trata mal a las personas18:02
Pancakezgenerated, when you tried to mount it as ext2 it gave similar errors?18:03
generatedno, it produced EXT2-fs (sdf1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (244)18:04
ilovedasimpsso my mic doesn't work in skype, put pulse audio detects it wtf else can i do?18:05
KarmaonDoes anybody else have the problem of not being able to select text in the terminal? It deselects immediately.18:06
ilovedasimpsnobody's gonna help me here either18:06
auronandaceilovedasimps: you've barely waited a minute18:07
sKew^_-ilovedasimps, have you changed the outline? in skype?18:07
ilovedasimpsall it says is PulseAudio server (local18:08
Pancakezgenerated, I'm not sure what else you can try, sorry18:08
generatedwhen I try mount -t ext4 -r, it gives me a different set of errors, including: hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 618:09
rana__ hi, my sistem now opensuse, i want to make a live ubuntu live pendirve, which software i could use?18:12
pangolinrana__: unetbottin or dd18:12
epodrana__: unetbootin18:12
KarmaonSo no one here has my problem?18:13
Puma1337Karmaon, it might be copying the text you selected, have you tried pasting after doing that?18:14
rana__unetbootin not worked for me properly18:15
Tgonza11.10 s video detecting but not displaying on an intel 965gm graphics card I read the bug with no solve thought I would try here18:15
bluenemowhen i run the ubiquity installer from a live cd system (not from boot), how can i tell the installer where a preseed file is / or where do i have to put the .seed file that it finds it automaticly? i cant boot directly into installation as i have to run several scripts before that for which i need a fully working system18:15
generatedI'm getting: fsck.ext4 for device /dev/sdf1 exited with signal 11.18:18
generatedwhat else can I do to repair this file system?18:18
ganimedei need an opensource program in c/cpp for wave recording from a microphone, under ubuntu. can someone help me?18:19
tripelbhello! for Xubuntu - for an older dell laptop, do I want the desktop or the alternate release (lucid longterm)18:19
mang0I think I'm going crazy. I've added a ppa for a program, but I can't seem to find a way to add the actuall program itself O.o I tried doin sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install appname, but it didn't work. It's all on launchpad, but I can't seem to download the .deb?18:20
auronandacetripelb: desktop, unless you want to install via ncurses18:20
Webis it possible to install the adobe master collection on wine under ubuntu18:20
Seveasgenerated, oooh, that looks like it's properly hosed. You say it was mountable under windows, I'd say back up and replace18:20
bluenemoor when i start ubiquity --automatic, where does it look for the .seed file?18:20
auronandaceWeb: better check the appdb18:20
Webwhats appdb18:20
auronandace!appdb | Web18:20
ubottuWeb: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:21
cyborg_join #backtrack-linux18:21
cyborg_join /backtrack-linux18:21
assasaintje connais rien a irc  help?18:21
Seveasmang0, look at the _Packages file in /var/lib/apt/lists for that ppa and see if it's in there at all18:21
bluenemocyborg_, you want /join #backtrack-linux. and this chan is invite only18:21
Seveas!fr | assasaint18:21
ubottuassasaint: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:21
mang0Seveas: Okay.18:21
generatedSeveas: I backed up as soon as I was able to mount. In what sense hosed? (it went read only, unbootable due to "disk full", but as I said mountable)18:21
Seveasgenerated, hmm, ok I must have missed some of your messages then. Try this: sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mountpoint18:22
Seveasand then deleting some files18:22
cyborg_bluenemo:i need to remove the welcome screen in bt5 which show the default root password,can u help me?18:23
mang0Seveas: Ah. The ppa isn't there! I used sudo add-apt-repository ppa:/blahblahbal is that right?18:23
generatedit's not currently mounted, but it was the main host filesystem (and it went readonly)18:24
bluenemocyborg_, no i dont use backtrack sry18:24
Seveasmang0, ppa:blahblah -- no /18:24
generatedI think I may have tried that message before I attempted to simply reboot (which turned out impossible)... I don't recall what it returned18:25
generatedperhaps something to do with permissions18:25
Seveasgenerated, try it again :)18:25
generatedthe device isn't currently mounted (it's plugged in as a usb) so I don't know the mountpoint - I'm on a different system18:26
WebAdobe and other games really need to support ubuntu ffs :<18:27
mang0Seveas: I just went to software sources and tried to add the ppa, and when I ran sudo apt-get update it said that it had failed to update the ppa I'd tried to add....why might this be?18:28
underioneHi. Ubuntu cant mount my Samsung Galaxy S2. Why?18:28
sstait mounts mine just fine18:29
sstaare you getting an error?18:29
underionedo you just plug in?18:29
underionenou, nothing happens18:29
sstayes, I just plug in and it asks me what I want to do18:30
mang0Tried a different USB port?18:30
underionemang0, yes, same thing18:31
tripelb<auronandace> tripelb: desktop, unless you want to install via ncurses --- (looked it up) nope. Thanks.  Do you know will xubuntu handle wireless on a Dell laptop (older, 504 MB RAM, works on Windows - when Windows works)18:31
sstadoes lsusb show it?  Mine shows as: Bus 001 Device 010: ID 04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd18:32
underioneit does18:32
nova_hgi wanna install grub & i untar it but when i enter the ./configure it says: bison is not found & it cant find the make file18:32
nova_hgwhat should i do?18:32
auronandacetripelb: what wireless? (it should work)18:32
kauDexterF: OK unregistering everything and reinstall solved the problem (as usual with cabal :)18:32
sstaunderione: any errors in /var/log/syslog when you plug it in?18:32
auronandacetripelb: though you may want to try lxde with just that much ram18:33
kauDexterF: OK unregistering everything and reinstall solved the problem (as usual with cabal :)18:33
underioneshould I cat it?18:33
sstaunderione: tail -10 /var/log/syslog|pastebinit18:33
mang0nova_hg: Install bison!18:33
sstaunderione: you may need to install pastebinit18:33
trism!info bison | mang018:34
ubottumang0: bison (source: bison): A parser generator that is compatible with YACC. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1.dfsg-3 (oneiric), package size 456 kB, installed size 1768 kB18:34
tripelbauronandace, thanks. -- I looked up xubuntu and lubuntu and it said 256 for X and 113 for L. So I chose one. -- It's for "friend" who is difficult. So It's my curiosity. She likes drama in her life.18:34
mang0trism: thanks18:35
mang0!info bison > nova_hg18:35
lorranalguem br?18:35
tripelbauronandace, This is interesting. "The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 64 MB RAM at install time."  http://www.xubuntu.org/get18:36
tripelbauronandace, This is interesting. "The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 64 MB RAM at install time."  http://www.xubuntu.org/get oops-- now I see " but it is strongly recommended to have at least 512 MB RAM."18:36
saberjrjust did an 4 updates ubuntu 11.10 when i restarted wnet black screen and cursor static, tried to boot form live cd, nothing?18:37
underionessta, you there?18:37
undriedseaWhen creating a SW RAID4 using mdadm, is it possible to specify which disk should be the parity disk?18:38
sstaunderione: hmm, not enough output there.  ttyACM0 is for pretending your phone is a modem (sort of).  Doesn't say anything about the sotrage18:38
sstaunderione: http://paste.ubuntu.com/812143/ is what I get when I connect mine.  Is there a line like that in yours, and does it have any related error lines around it?18:40
generatedfsck gives me signal 11, what else can I do to repair a filesystem?18:41
underionessta, ok, i solved: i had to able usb storage from PHONE, thanks18:41
LjLgenerated: what filesystem?18:41
sstagenerated: seriously?  fsck should NOT be segfaulting!18:42
generatedLjL: ext4 (certainly an ext, in any case)18:42
sstagenerated: do you have a known-good filesystem to try fsk on?18:42
generatedit's my main drive on another computer, went read-only, then couldn't boot "no space", mountable in windows!, mount in ubuntu produces http://pastebin.com/H5tiGJep18:43
sstaif fsck is segfaulting when asked to check a drive that's either a bigtime bug in fsck, or a hardware fault18:43
sstagenerated: looks like a dead drive to me18:43
generatedssta: yes... but it's currently mounted18:43
LjLgenerated: to me to. it says I/O error. that usually means bad drive.18:44
generatedssta: it reads just fine in windows (using ext2 drivers)18:44
LjLgenerated: well, ext2 drivers don't try to read the journal18:44
LjLgenerated: have you tried mounting it *as* ext2?18:44
LjL(read-only, please)18:44
generatedyep. with -r -t ext2 (and ext3) gives me  EXT2-fs (sdf1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (244)18:45
sstaeven if there's a hardware issue in the drive, fsck shouldn't segfault imo.  Not helpful to you of course.18:45
LjLgenerated: have you run smartctl to see if the drive is faulty?18:46
sstagenerated: imo, get the data you care about it off in any way you can (on windows if you have to), and then reformat it (personally I'd bin it, but I'm paranoid about HD failures)18:46
generatedI haven't - do you have a suggested usage?18:46
LjLgenerated: sudo smartctl -A /dev/sdf, pastebin the output18:47
sstathere's a gui tool gsmartctl that might be easier to use too18:48
generatedssta: thankfully I was able to get all my data off when I mounted, but if if the drive is broken, my main computer will be unusable for the next while (it's a laptop drive)18:48
sstagenerated: my take is usually: hard drives are cheap, losing data I care about can be *expensive*.  As soon as a drive shows any hint of failure, it gets binned and replaced because that's cheaper than risking failure.  Your mileage may vary though18:50
generatedLjL: installing the package now. do I want sdf, or sdf1?18:50
HyperJapanOn Ubuntu 10.04, is there much of a performance difference between the stock 2.6.32 kernel and something a bit later? (2.6.35/38/3.0?)18:50
DexterFhow can I check if home is encrypted? I wanted to try that, then remembered that I wanted to keep the exiting home and unchecked "format" in the installer. do I have a crypted/unencrypted mish mash?18:50
LjLgenerated: sdf, smartctl doesn't operate on partitions18:50
LjLHyperJapan: i recommend sticking with the kernel that came with your Ubuntu release.18:51
generatedssta: I agree, but I can't replace, so I'd prefer paranoid levels of backup on a failing drive while I look for a new one to being unable to use the laptop at all18:51
sstagenerated: fair enough :)18:51
thomedy859okay im on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo and ists not working18:52
HyperJapanLjL: Thanks18:52
thomedy859when i run the wpa_supplicant command i get invalid argument18:52
generatederr, that seems to be for /dev/sda18:55
HyperJapanSystem update tells me there is no updates available, yet I am using an out of date kernel, as I had issues with the new one earlier for Lucid (2.6.32-37), mostly because the update process was interuppted. Anyway I can get the update to come back through without searching for the packages in Synaptic?18:55
LjL!list | Guest9208418:55
ubottuGuest92084: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:55
generatedwhat is the command to list the current disks?18:56
LjLgenerated: i was going to say, it seems in not-ideal conditions but not broken either :P18:56
sstagenerated: it was reported as an error on sfd, so I am guessing that sdf is the one18:56
LjLgenerated: "lshw -C disk" sghould work18:56
generatedI plugged it in to a different usb slot18:56
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:57
LjLGuest92084: stop it with the "list"18:57
generatedI simply get /dev/sdf: Unsupported USB bridge [0x152d:0x0602 (0x100)]18:58
LjLgenerated: ah, maybe it won't work then. :\18:58
generatedwhat's the issue?18:58
LjLgenerated: not sure but seems your USB drive doesn't quite talk a standard enough protocol for SMART to work18:59
generatedah. that makes sense, since it's a usb wire plugged into the back of a laptop ssd drive18:59
DexterFGuest92084: this is no warez channel. go to dalnet.18:59
slicknick5181does ubuntu 10.10 support wireless during install?19:00
cheese1756slicknick5181, Why are you installing 10.10?19:00
cheese1756And not 11.10?19:00
cheese1756I know 11.10 does, not sure about 10.1019:00
DexterF11.10 does, just did that couple minutes back... doesn't answer the question tho, I admit19:00
generatedother than smartctl and fsck (which gives signal 11), what else can I do to repair or check this drive?19:01
cheese1756I think parted might do something, generated19:01
slicknick5181cheese1756: I absolutely hate the changes in 11.10 :/ reminds me of windows and mac19:01
cheese1756slicknick5181, Use Xubuntu19:01
generatedcheese1756: suggesed usage?19:01
DexterFslicknick5181: use xubuntu like me OR: trinity desktop (kde3+)19:01
LjLgenerated: i'm not sure how parted would help tbh19:01
cheese1756generated, No idea, honestly. Never used it for that. Check the man pages19:01
premanhow are u19:02
cheese1756Hi preman19:02
premanhay cheese19:02
=== MJ94 is now known as MJ94_
slicknick5181cheese1756: I'm trying to start an LTSP server for testing of machines and such.. I was under the impression I would be limited on xubuntu19:02
premancheese burger19:02
cheese1756slicknick5181, I just installed the normal Ubuntu install then did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:02
LjL!ot | preman19:02
ubottupreman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
cheese1756You still have the command line :)19:03
generatedI've opened gparted. gives a bunch of nice information, but analysis seems limited to (I'd guess) fsck19:03
premanya i have many command line19:03
premannetstat -at19:03
generatedto the disk's credit, all partitions are detected, though that's not surprising since I managed to mount it read-only under windows ext2 drivers19:04
slicknick5181cheese1756: How would that effect my ltsp install19:04
cheese1756slicknick5181, You can do everything from the command line19:04
cheese1756So Xubuntu wouldn't limit you19:04
ozeernoob cherche #aide : où y a-t-il des salons francophones sympas ?19:04
LjLgenerated: to be honest i doubt you'll be able to mount this disk19:04
LjL!fr | ozeer19:04
ubottuozeer: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:04
cheese1756Xubuntu wouldn't really affect anything, except you might be using less RAM19:04
LjLgenerated: i'm really not aware of other tools than fsck19:04
bahamashello. the sounds is not working when trying to play something with a media file, but it works in the browser. any idea how I can troubleshoot this?19:04
slicknick5181I would prefer a GUI for testing machines19:04
cheese1756Xubuntu should be quite good, then19:05
cheese1756It's like GNOME, but more lightweight19:05
generatedLjL: I was able to at the very least mount readonly under windows - but then why isn't ubuntu able to?19:05
cheese1756Still GTK based19:05
slicknick5181OK cool Thanks :)19:05
cheese1756No problem19:05
LjLgenerated: i'm still thinking it's because Windows manages to mount it as ext2 and thus skip the journal... while apparently, Linux refuses to mount as ext2 because it sees it's not really19:05
propokrHello.. Guys there are a channel for support in spanish?19:05
bahamasthe sounds played at computer startup also can't be heared19:05
bahamas!es | propokr19:06
ubottupropokr: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:06
Erealzwhat the fastest xwindows manager go!19:06
LjLErealz: no polls19:07
generatedLjL: the error I'm getting for -t ext2 -r (EXT2-fs (sdf1): error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (244)) is very similar to what I got trying to mount it readwrite under windows19:08
generatedit's strange that I'm unable to force a mount...19:09
thomedy859im sorry to but in again bu ti really need help... no googling has helped me man pages either19:09
thomedy859i cant figure out my wpa_supplicant19:10
Erealzwhat a supplicant/19:10
thomedy859i have followed ubuntuforum no good19:10
Erealzwhat you trying to do?19:10
thomedy859i have followed help.ubuntu also no good19:10
thomedy859i have my wireless and it works everywhere but in my home... im only staying here cuz my family and i just moved into town so until we find a place we with family19:11
cmannscan the gparted/gpart on ubuntu be used to fix GPT partieioned disk that got mesed up19:11
thomedy859that being said i have no access to the modem for ip or anything i do believe however since i can connect everywhere but here it is wpa_supplicant19:12
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
cmannsI tried the find filesystems utility in gparted but its still running since last night on the usb 2.0 500gb external19:12
thomedy859but i have never done that and truthbetold it intimidate dme at first now it just irritates me..19:12
khamerI installed a i386 package on my amd64 machine, and now I can't install the amd64 version because it thinkgs the i386 version still is, any help?19:12
Erealzoviously your network-manager i working19:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:13
thomedy859i have my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf  file set up but the different forums say to set it up differently so id ont know if it is right19:13
thomedy859yeah my network manager is working i can scan for the networks with iwlist scan and they show also they are available on the network manager gui19:13
khamerI removed the package with dpkg, but it still thinks its installed19:13
Night-hackswhy /var/log/dmesg doesn't have time column as in syslog ?19:13
ppqwerqq23e2hi, why is ulimit -n not change after i set /etc/security/limits.conf nofile to 65536?19:13
PseudoephedrineHow do i ZIP a folder that i have on my desktop?19:13
Erealzi you can i connect everywere else19:14
Erealzi suspect it the router/access point19:14
khameroh, ha, it was still installed via apt-get, and dpkg just didn't know19:14
ppqwerqq23e2i add '<username> hard nofile 65536' and '<username> soft nofile 65536' ulimit not change19:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:15
thomedy859wne i run wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf i get errors19:15
thomedy859if you are recommending router/access points wouldn't that be the wpa19:15
ppqwerqq23e2some plz help19:15
Erealzno could be the router config has some ristrictions on it19:15
Erealzhell could be set to just give only 1 or 2 ip out on the network19:16
Erealzjust dosnt make sense you can connnect everywere else except at your fams crib.19:16
thomedy859context... i can connect on with my phone... i have connected before but i moved up to 11.119:16
thomedy859now i cant19:16
thomedy859unfortunately i cant work from my phone19:17
Erealz11.1 sucks dunky nuts19:17
Erealzstick with longterm support19:17
thomedy859im assuming thats unpleasent19:17
Erealzim still 10.1019:17
thomedy859i had longterm support and then all of a sudden no network i couldn't figure out why. at all19:17
thomedy859and in tryiung to figure it out i made it worse19:18
Erealzyour better off19:18
=== go8765 is now known as Guest42094
Erealzlong term is always better19:18
thomedy859theres no way im done reinstalling... in california before i moved here i tried 11.1, 11.4, 10.4... and 10.4 was where i stuck to for until last month or so19:18
Erealzwell go back to long term support19:19
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Trubble
thomedy859okay thank you anyway....19:19
thomedy859ill figure it out... im so tired19:19
Erealzanyways check the router and make sure you have it configured19:19
sKew^_-thomedy859, what network card u got?19:20
HyperJapanSystem update tells me there is no updates available, yet I am using an out of date kernel, as I had issues with the new one earlier for Lucid (2.6.32-37), mostly because the update process was interuppted. Anyway I can get the update to come back through without searching for the packages in Synaptic?19:20
thomedy859i found taht with lshw19:20
=== Trubble is now known as NoTrubble
thomedy859is that the answer to the right questoin19:20
Erealzim just saying iv never ever had to edit config files unless im patching the driver for packet injection19:20
thomedy859i honestly wish it was that easy for me... but there is a contextual level of complexity unknown to this conversation taht im unwilling to traverse19:21
sKew^_-thomedy859, kk, i see, well i only got a guid for Broadcom if you got it, its not me who maked it.... i wass AndyCC all props to him!!!19:21
thomedy859i went to help.ubuntu and i went to ubuntuforum and they are similar but both dont get me there19:22
bburhanssimone3334: not here.19:22
thomedy859one says i can find my dirver with wpa_supplicant -h but -h takes me to the help19:22
thomedy859and the other one doesn't get me there at all19:22
thomedy859i was able to do some educated guess tweaking and when i run the wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 i get errors from tsomewhere19:23
thomedy859i dont want to have to go out evertime i want to work19:23
studioxpsMornin Ububtuians19:23
HyperJapanstudioxps: Evening :P19:24
studioxpsor Ububtians19:24
=== nyuszika7h is now known as partyline
sKew^_-thomedy859, well have u tryed to download the driver and all packages to you HDD then unstall the drivers and install em again?19:24
studioxpsHyperJapan how are you today?19:24
sKew^_-i dont know if its gonna work19:24
thomedy859when i got the 11.1 i update/upgraded cli19:24
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HyperJapanstudioxps: I am not bad, yourself?19:24
thomedy859thats how i get any network at all19:24
studioxpsFor a cold, windy, rainy day here in otherwise warm and sunny Las Vegas, not to shabby :)19:25
SimeonKhi, i have a windows xp installation on drive C:\ and a windows 7 installation on drive E:\ Is it safe to format drive E:\ so I can install Ubuntu on it (do i need to edit some boot files or something)?19:25
sKew^_-hmm kk i dont know what to do then, etc google ""networkcard" ubuntu install guid"19:25
HyperJapanstudioxps: Good to here :)19:25
ts2SimeonK: as long as you have nothing on the partition you want to keep, it's safe just to let the installer format it19:25
studioxpshear* ;)19:26
SimeonKok thanks19:26
sKew^_-SimeonK, you will need a bootloader, but ubuntu is gonna install one for you so u cane dual/multi boot19:26
studioxpsIm installing Ubuntu and have a hell of a time with my partions19:26
d3enizWhats the problem?19:26
studioxpshopefully I have straightened it out19:27
studioxps<----- Learning mode :)19:27
d3eniz:) awesome!19:27
studioxpsif this doesnt work I plan on formatting. installing win7 then ubuntu then re arranging my partitions19:28
x_chrI seem to be unable to download ubuntu using torrents. Looking for help getting Transmission working. I am "connected" to 60 peers, but downloading/uploading to/from 0.19:28
studioxpsadding, tweaking etc19:28
SimeonKso will my pc boot using windows xp's bootloader or ubuntu's bootloader?19:29
studioxpsx_chr have you considered http://www.ubuntu.com/download ?19:29
x_chrstudioxps: That's where I got the .torrent file.19:30
studioxpsIve always gotten *.iso files there19:31
studioxpsunless its wubi19:31
x_chrstudioxps: Full version: Name: ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso19:31
studioxpsI dont use transmission for my ubuntu stuff19:32
HyperJapanIf you compile your own kernel, is there actually a performance difference or is it a placebo effect?19:32
studioxpsbut I am pretty new to all this19:32
dmtarmeyhello i would like to update from 10.10 to 12.04 can i update in stead of installing over19:32
allu2dmtarmey: i'd think its better to upgrade first to 11.04 or 11.1019:33
* studioxps scratches his head19:33
dmtarmeysorry iv got 11.1019:33
HyperJapandmtarmey: You would have to update-managaer -d to 11.04 then to 11.10, then change your update settings to update to 12.04. Just reinstall.19:33
* studioxps heads for the coffee pot19:33
HyperJapandmtarmey: Change your update settings to Testing releases and do update-manager -d19:34
studioxpsHyper there is a 12.04?19:34
HyperJapanstudioxps: Sounds like a plan19:34
HyperJapanstudioxps: Is Alpha 1 out yet?19:34
sKew^_-SimeonK, you will use linux boot loader, Grub or lilo then u can multiboot19:34
dmtarmeycan i set up a rolback like on suse19:34
studioxpsI need to find a kid to come over and fixx this damn thing LOL19:35
HyperJapandmtarmey: I don't believe so, If you wanted to roll back all you have to do is not format your partitions but install on top of the system (Not recommended)19:35
mkquiststudioxps: must be in his universe...19:35
studioxpsmkquist lol19:36
studioxpsand my world is closing in on me19:36
dmtarmeyis 12.04 stable enough yet19:36
HyperJapandmtarmey: It's Alpha 1, so its not ment for every day use19:36
studioxpswow 12.04.... whoda think it ;)19:36
dmtarmeyok cheers maybe all wait a little longer19:37
studioxpsHyperJapan: any idea whe that might be released?19:37
HyperJapanstudioxps: Alpha 1? Its out now19:38
studioxpsHyperJapan: a regular release for us knuckle heads :P19:38
HyperJapanstudioxps: Well final will be out april time (As in the name, 04)19:39
studioxpsahhhhh thats what that means .... see learn something new every day19:39
HyperJapanI'll be staying on 10.04 and other GNOME 2 distros for some time yet19:39
studioxpsIve been wondering why I need windows 7 when I already have windows 200019:39
HyperJapanThen I'm going back to KDE19:39
HyperJapanstudioxps: Driver support, software support, security, better DOS support :P19:40
studioxpsHyper it was a joke ;)19:40
HyperJapanstudioxps: I know, thats why I put :P19:41
* studioxps pours HyperJapan more coffee19:41
* HyperJapan adds cream and slurps it19:41
CPhoenixMilk. Only milk19:41
drwormVery general question: if I'm using a recovery disk to copy files to an attached external hard drive as root, why would the permission to copy the files be denied?19:41
DragonSlayThis is a Coffee Partieee..19:41
HyperJapanCPhoenix: You have a point, I ment whipped cream :P19:41
drwormI know there are *a million* answers.19:41
drwormI'm looking for ideas.19:41
studioxpsBlack baby.... black19:42
drwormHint: The files may or may not be encrypted.19:42
HyperJapanstudioxps: Too bitter19:42
HyperJapanstudioxps: All though it smells nice xD19:42
micahfhi, my macbook keeps freezing with 11.119:42
CPhoenixdragly: mounted as read only?19:42
micahfany ideas why i'd be getting random freezing?19:42
HyperJapanmicahf: When does the machine freeze? Startup? Login?19:42
micahfi think it's the video card because music keeps playing19:42
drwormCPhoenix: I assume that was meant for me.19:42
studioxpsHyper you in the service over there19:42
CPhoenixdrworm: Yeah, sorry19:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:43
drwormCPhoenix: That's a good point, I didn't specify any mount options.19:43
HyperJapanstudioxps: What?19:43
micahfHyperJapan: I haven't been able to narrow it down, it seem to happen pretty arbitrarily.  i look in the logs and can't find anything19:43
drwormCPhoenix: also don't know why I didn't think to do that...19:43
studioxpsHyperJapan: Are you in Japan atm?19:43
drwormAny other thoughts, anyone?19:43
micahfHyperJapan: I was watching dmesg once when it happened and dmesg didn't change at all19:43
HyperJapanmicahf: Have you installed any software that may be unstable and cause the system to freeze?19:44
HyperJapanstudioxps: Nah, Japan is just epic though :P19:44
studioxpsoh ok.... alright time to reboot my shiny new Ubuntu19:44
micahfHyperJapan, I could try going back to an older kernel19:44
studioxpswish me luck ;)19:44
DragonSlaymicahf, processor could be in full use, or kernel crash .. just giving you hints19:44
drwormAs I am away from the system from which I am trying to recover files, I'll go with the mount permissions approach and let you know how that goes later.19:44
micahfI think it might be the processor thing19:44
HyperJapanmicahf: Thats one thing to do, I was having kernel issues myself earlier with freezing on boot19:44
CPhoenixdrworm: good luck19:45
micahfthere are some funny errors about paging in the dmesg19:45
drwormCPhoenix: Thanks for the tip :)19:45
HyperJapanstudioxps: Good Luck19:45
micahfbut not at the moment of crashing19:45
HyperJapanmicahf: It could be many things, leave the question with us and I'm sure someone will have an answer :)19:46
micahfHyperJapan: i just installed Xubuntu and found that the freezes have been more occasional.  I'm wondering if it's something with compiz/compizconfig19:47
HyperJapanmicahf: Could you pastebin the logs you were talking about?19:47
micahfHyperJapan, I'm trying to find them now19:47
CPhoenixNow anyone know why Parallels tools gets squished every time I update Ubuntu?19:47
HyperJapanmicahf: It could be, have you tried using the propriatery video drivers? (If you havent already)19:48
maujhsnI have an mplayer install issue...."Help" http://pastebin.com/E5y7yQ6319:48
LjLmaujhsn: output of "apt-cache policy mplayer"?19:48
wildc4rdrunning a Windows XP VM on my Ubuntu box, is there any way I can filter/manage the network traffic to and from the VM?19:49
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micahfHyperJapan, let me try and track those down/see what i'm using now19:50
HyperJapanmicahf: Ok19:50
DragonSlaywildc4rd, have you checked the network adapter settings19:50
maujhsnLJL I will give it a try and let you know how things work out!19:51
DragonSlaywildc4rd, try installing traffic control application in windowsXP .19:52
micahfHyperJapan, interesting, I didn't have the nvidia drivers installed but compiz still works.19:52
DragonSlaywildc4rd, wondershaper for ubuntu will also do,19:52
micahfHyperJapan, do the open source drivers now do compositing?19:52
DragonSlaywildc4rd, sudo apt-get install wondershaper19:53
HyperJapanmicahf: On the ATi side, yes, I'm not sure about NVidia, but I believe so.19:53
micahfHyperJapan: wow, times change :D19:53
micahfHyperJapan: I had just assumed I was running the nvidia drivers because compiz worked, it's great to hear that19:54
maujhsnLJL  Check out this result:  "http://pastebin.com/9aJDfi0G"19:54
HyperJapanmicahf: Sometimes the open source drivers though are buggy, they are for me on ATi19:54
wildc4rdcheers dragonslay, I'll try wondershaper, want to control the windows network abuse from within its host, lol19:55
micahfHyperJapan: one thing that's funny is when I'm booting, the start up screen suddenly goes black with crazy colorful noise spewed across19:55
LjLmaujhsn: why do you have Medibuntu for Maverick enabled when you're actually running Lucid?19:55
micahfHyperJapan, that's why I'm suspecting there's a video issue19:55
DragonSlaywildc4rd, good luck m8. :)19:55
jwp121Does anyone know when gnome-shell 3.4 is going to be released?19:55
HyperJapanmicahf: That's what I would suspect, you could try the propriatery nvidia drivers (Additional drivers or jockey-gtk)19:56
MyrI have a question about Wubi19:56
DragonSlayMyr, ask. :)19:56
reCAPTCHAHi, how can I get a keyboard buttons to function as mouse scroll up and mouse scroll down?19:57
MyrHow can I mount a Wubi install in a new Windows installation? (The datapart of it I mean)19:57
micahfHyperJapan: well, i'm gonna reboot and try the nvidia driver, thanks a bunch for your help!19:58
HyperJapanmicahf: No problem :)19:58
maujhsnLJL "Because I assumed that it would work for 10.04 as well!19:58
micahfHyperJapan: it's great to have people to talk you through a problem.  I could have tried asking some of the people at the coffee shop here but I don't know if they'd have been nearly as patient.19:58
LjLmaujhsn: very wrong assumption. don't mess with your repositories. stick with the default/official ones unless you know what you're doing VERY well.19:58
maujhsnLJL What do I do know?19:59
LjLmaujhsn: remove every instance of Medibuntu from /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ now, then issue "sudo apt-get update", then try again installing.19:59
MyrThe reason why I need that is because my Motherboard passed away this weekend. Thus I will be upgrading my Computer and I doubt an old Ubuntu install will accept that19:59
HyperJapanmicahf: Heh, just helping :)19:59
maujhsnLJL I will follow your instructions!19:59
new2netHello, I am looking for some software that will tell me if a document is valid XML. I was thinking that because this is a common problem ubuntu may already have something installed to do it.20:00
cjnodellWhen I look at my photos by date in shotwell (using the side bar) I noticed that I have three entries for Janyary 14th. Wh is this? Can I make it just one entry for this date?20:00
new2netSo my question, if you couldn't guess, is "Does it?"20:00
mercury_new2net, you can do this online:20:01
mercury_new2net: http://www.xmlvalidation.com/20:01
LjLnew2net: i see "rxp" and "xmlstarlet"20:01
DragonSlayMyr, wait for some time, someone wil help you/20:02
MyrttireCAPTCHA: like page up and page down do?20:02
tim167hi, my system hangs at the grub menu , when i press ENTER it complains about errors on disk, if I choose fix or recovery mode, it seems to fix some things, but then on reboot it's the same, any suggestions?20:02
MyrWhat errors?20:03
LjLtim167: run smartctl from a live cd to see if your drive is faulty20:03
tim167Myr, hold on, trying again, i'll see what it says...20:03
reCAPTCHAMyrtti: for example, if I use the scroll wheel right now, I can scroll through this conversation up and down... page up and page down don't do anything.20:03
new2netmercury_, thank you :) .  LjL, thank you also I will look at those20:03
mercury_tim167:  you could spend the afternoon digging into the errors, but it would probably be faster to boot a usb disk, and check your disks from the livecd OS.20:03
reCAPTCHAMyrtti: okay.. so they do.. but in very large increments.20:03
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reCAPTCHAMyrtti: Here's the deal, I want to keymap mousescroll to buttons on my joypad..20:04
mercury_anyone know what channel I should join to find out how to boot the liveCD from pxe, the way that RIP linux does?20:05
MyrApparently someone just told me that the Wubi Ubuntu filesystem can be mounted as a loopback device, is that true?20:05
popeyMyr: sounds plausible20:05
LjLmercury_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet might help20:06
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:06
LjLDragonSlay: ?20:06
maujhsnLjL "Worked like a charm"! THANKS I am going to add you to my friends list!20:06
DragonSlayLjL, that's for Myr20:06
redrockethave a python script that when run outputs to notify-osd. Not a "hello kitty" type of message but a script that accesses an api and displays some info20:07
redrocketanyone know how?20:07
redrocketsorry my explanation is crappy. :(20:07
LirthAnyone have some technical skill to create a custom clock? I'm trying to display decimal time.20:07
Seveasredrocket, open a text editor, write script, call script =)20:07
bahamasso, sound not working when trying to play something with the media player but it works in browser. anyone have an idea why?20:07
redrocketSeveas, :(20:08
yzhd_I have been using ubuntu for a while with VM, it was very laggy so I switched to Wubi.. It heated up so fast so I had no other choice that uninstalling it. Is there anyway I can install ubuntu on my computer without formatting my hardware ?20:08
DragonSlay!who | Myr20:08
ubottuMyr: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:08
tim167Myr: it does boot when i choose "previous Linux versions"...strange20:08
mercury_LjL: well, I already have a pxe server I use to install ubuntu with.  works great.  What I need is a network troubleshooter. I need to boot ubuntu from the network as a liveCD, instead of from a flash disk20:09
Myryzhd_: You can uninstall a Wubi install using the Windows software menu or deleting the Wubi folder + bootrecord part20:09
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yzhd_Myr, that was not my question ;)20:09
yzhd_Is there anyway I install ubuntu without formatting my hard drive ?20:09
Seveasredrocket, https://github.com/seveas/hacks/blob/master/p2000 is something I once wrote. It fetches a webpage, parses it and displays notifications. Work from there :)20:09
auronandaceyzhd_: not really, you are going to need to install it to a partition if you want a native permanent install20:09
mercury_LjL: RIP linux does this, but ubuntu doesn't. I'm trying to find out where I should go to find someone who knows how to make it do that.20:09
redrocketSeveas, ty  :)20:09
yzhd_@auronandace aahh, so I have no choice that formatting my hard drive to install ubuntu ? :/20:10
auronandaceyzhd_: gparted is very easy to use to resize partitions20:10
mercury_is there a good channel to find anyone who know about ubuntu liveCD and pxe boot things?20:10
sKew^_-mercury_, i think this is a good # for asking about ubuntu^^20:11
urlin2uLirth, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/xclock.1.html20:11
Lirthurlin2u: Thanks20:11
mercury_yzhd: install = format20:11
DragonSlaymercury_, #ubuntu-devel20:11
urlin2uLirth, if oneiric http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/xclock.1.html no problem20:11
Photon-PhoenixI need to run the terminal command "alsactl restore" on startup, how would I go about doing that?20:12
mercury_yzhd: or, well, install = put somewhere on your computer, anyway20:12
studioxpsis there a beginners guide for Ubuntu Dummies online or pdf file around?20:12
auronandace!manual | studioxps20:12
ubottustudioxps: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:12
sKew^_-mercury_, send you a msg20:12
Myrmercury_:  How so, you could just install it by defragging a disk and then Gparting a part of it to a new partition right?20:12
micahfHyperJapan: the glitches at startup have disappeared20:12
urlin2uLirth, you want to be careful on asking the same thing on multiple channels people will yell at youu.20:12
HyperJapanmicahf: Great! All we need to know now is if your freezing has stopped.20:12
micahfHyperJapan: yep, i'll keep an eye open20:13
HyperJapanmicahf: You can let me know, but its good to here your glitches are gone anyway :)20:13
studioxpsis 10.04 funtionally the same as 11.10?20:13
richis rich20:14
shadowman0nice bro20:14
HyperJapanstudioxps: Well 10.04 has a lot of stable software, 11.10 has unity and the latest kernel and software20:14
studioxpswhat is unity?20:14
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity20:14
mercury_myr: yes, gparted should let you move some existing paritions to make a new space,20:14
sstait's the user interface made by fisher price20:14
HyperJapanstudioxps: Are you new to Linux?20:14
mercury_myr: usually works fine, theoretically you could lose data moving a partition20:15
studioxpsHyperJapan... Does it show?? ;)20:15
wildc4rdssta, never a truer word said in jest20:15
HyperJapanstudioxps: I thought you were just having a laugh with us! It's ok, we all start somewhere.20:15
studioxpsHyper... Ive been around computers for years.... but Linux is new to me20:16
studioxpsat my age I dont catch on as fast as I used to :P20:16
urlin2u!pm | Lirth20:16
ubottuLirth: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:16
HyperJapanstudioxps: Well it's good to have another user come over to learn something new!20:16
auronandacestudioxps: unity is the default desktop environment in ubuntu20:17
auronandacestudioxps: i prefer xfce20:17
studioxpsHyperJapan: Thanks???? please keep or fingie off the /kick and ban buttons :P20:17
HyperJapanstudioxps: I'm not an op anyway, so I can't ban you :P20:18
DerpyHoovyHey guys. I just installed ubuntu using Wubi and now i'm stuck on grub> prompt. When I try to load the kernel it returns error: out of disk.20:18
Photon-PhoenixI need to run the terminal command "alsactl restore" on startup, how would I go about doing that? <-- My external amp isn't muted by default and I have to run the command manually every time Ubuntu reboots20:18
studioxpsHyper Exactly why I said it with such defience ;) ;)20:18
LjLPhoton-Phoenix: you could put it in /etc/rc.local20:18
superlouI'm on Ubuntu 11.10, and occasionally launcher items don't have numbers when the "windows/ubuntu" key is held down.  Is this something anyone else is seeing?  I couldn't find a definited yes or no by searching20:18
HyperJapanstudioxps: I didn't even read it like that!20:19
mercury_derpyhoovy:  error: out of disk?  is it actually out of disk?20:19
studioxpsHyper: Given enough time you will understand my quirky sense of humor :)20:19
DerpyHoovyIt's on a 3TB hard drive, it shouldn't be out of disk space.20:19
supertuxhello, how to share internet connection between android and ubuntu??20:19
shadowman0is ubuntu on a computer like a custom rom on an android? at first you're all "neato" but then after a while you just keep switching roms until you go back to the default20:20
supertuxmy network manager doesn't find android usb connection...20:20
auronandacestudioxps: highlights in irc only work if you quote the whole nick20:20
HyperJapanshadowman0: Depends who you are really, Linux isnt for everyone20:20
LjL!tab | studioxps20:20
Lirthulin2u: I looked at the Xclock page but it doesn't show a way to customize what I'm looking for. I want to display decimal time (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time)20:20
ubottustudioxps: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:20
urlin2uLirth, I wouldn't pm without asking, personally i rarely pm at all, and if I get one without being asked I wont even look at it, no biggie but a matter of respect for others on their wants.20:21
studioxpsauroandace: so much to learn here :))... THANKS!!20:21
Myrshadowman0: Depends on the user and what the default OS was.20:21
mercury_<tab> is a really smart button.  I always thought it just made spaces.  wierd.20:21
rana_ hi, i have openSUSE system, is it possible to install UBUNTU without formet any existing partition as it can in Windows system.??20:22
Lirthurlin2u, sorry about that. I'm new here. Most of my Internet chat comes from MMOs where the rules are different.20:22
studioxpsLife is so complicated until I have had my 3rd cup of coffee20:22
Myrrana_: You could install it as a virtualbox20:22
rana_Myr@ no i dont need it by virtual box.20:22
crassusHi, how can I get Banshee to version 2.0.1 as is in the ppa I've added: https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa20:23
LjLrana_: if you want to replace SUSE, then you'd be well advised to format the SUSE partition. if you want to keep SUSE, then Ubuntu's installer can make space by shrinking the existing partitions without formatting them (but you should have backups)20:23
crassusI've sudo apt-get update'd and apt-get upgrade'd, but when I apt-get upgrade, apt says banshee has been held back20:23
studioxpsHyperJapan, Is windows for anyone??20:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:23
crassusI've tried sudo apt-get -f upgrade to force it, but to no avail20:23
rana_no i dont want to replace opensuse20:24
Photon-PhoenixLjl: thanks, other guides kept pointing me to /etc/init.d/rc.local and referred to the contents of the one in /etc/rc.local instead which confused me20:24
DerpyHoovyThis isn't the first time I've had install problems.20:24
HyperJapanstudioxps: No xD20:24
|_ockeanyone gotten driconf running in 11.04?20:24
HyperJapanstudioxps: I guess thats why many of us are here :D20:24
DerpyHoovyPractically every install I've ever tried had major issues with grub.20:25
rana_i have tryed that by sinking the root partition of opensuse, after the result i got that my suse not working.20:25
LjLrana_: well the installer lets you manage your partitions as you see fit, resize them and everything. just, once again, you *should* have a backup in case things go wrong - resizing partitions is never a risk-free operation20:25
MyrNothing ever is20:25
mercury_crassus:  have you done an apt-get dist-upgrade?20:25
crassusmercury_: Doesn't that upgrade the entire distro? I don't wanna upgrade from 10.04 Lucid.20:26
LjLcrassus: no, it doesn't20:26
crassusI could be wrong though20:26
crassusWhat does dist-upgrade do?20:26
mercury_crassus:  what I'm told is, Apt-get dist-upgrade'ing also installs new packages brought in the chain of dependencies, whereas 'apt-get upgrade'ing only install newer versions of packages already installed"20:26
LjLcrassus: it's like "upgrade" but tries to deal with conflicts in a smarter way, basically.20:26
crassusOk, I'll try that20:27
LjLcrassus: but remember PPAs are unsupported and could break everything, anyway ;)20:27
wildc4rdok, stupid question, how do I change the default program for opening file types under Unity?20:28
crassusI trust banshee-team LjL :)20:28
mercury_there is a way to upgrade the whole distro, I've done it from synaptics before, I think20:28
mercury_sorry, previous was for :crassus:20:28
DerpyHoovyI've found absolutely no solutions on Google.20:28
LjL!default | wildc4rd, assuming this is still current20:28
ubottuwildc4rd, assuming this is still current: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.20:28
DerpyHoovyThe ones I did find didn't help at all.20:28
* studioxps runs over and hugs Google20:28
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crassusawesome, I have banshee 2.0.1 and can now sync my iPhone :D20:29
mercury_crassus:  yay!20:29
crassusthanks mercury_ and LjL20:29
auronandace!yay | crassus20:29
ubottucrassus: Glad you made it! :-)20:29
auronandacejust missed him20:29
mercury_Derpyhoovy:  I don't know, there's a lot of things that it depends on I suppose ... grub1 or grub2?20:30
mercury_you've formatted gpt I suppose?20:30
DerpyHoovygrub2. Ubuntu 11.10.20:30
wildc4rdta LjL, sorted20:30
DerpyHoovyno, my hardware isn't UEFI.20:30
mercury_Derpyhoovy:  hmm, you have a 3tb drive though?20:30
DerpyHoovyYeah. I didn't exactly know they didn't work without UEFI before I bought it...20:31
mercury_derpyhoovy:  does grub try to install mbr?20:31
bcbc2DerpyHoovy: what's the result of "ls" from the grub prompt? it will list the drives/partitions it can see. it's not common to install on a gpt drive - not sure if that works20:31
DerpyHoovyI don't know how to tell from wubi.20:31
DerpyHoovybcbc2: (memdisk) (loop0) (hd0) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)20:31
nivyajhi- i'm new to ubuntu and need some help upgrading eclipse. I followed the directions- but there's no launcher. can someone help me20:32
nivyajI followed these directions http://crlog.info/2011/06/30/upgrading-eclipse-on-ubuntu-from-3-5-to-3-7-indigo-works-for-other-versions-too/20:32
nivyajbut when I got to here, the file was empty. sudo gedit /usr/bin/eclipse20:32
nivyajReplace old version name with the version you downloaded. E.g. If you downloaded Indigo and you have galileo installed20:32
bcbc2DerpyHoovy: that looks ok. how about "ls (loop0)/boot"20:33
DerpyHoovybcbc2: error: out of disk20:33
mercury_derpyhoovy:  huh, it kind of sounds like grub is looking for a partition that doesn't exists on the disk, ie, the drive geometry information is bad20:34
LjLwhich is not very surprising when using a >2TB drive on MBR, is it?20:35
mercury_derpyhoovy:  does it have the same problem if you were on a <2tb drive I wonder?20:35
DerpyHoovyWell, I would try it out but I don't have a spare drive.20:35
mercury_nivyaj: so first, did you already have eclipse installed before upgrading?20:35
DerpyHoovyI'm considering formatting GPT and using UEFI Duet to load Windows on it.20:35
LirthI tried to install ubuntu on a separate computer. I want to keep windows on it also. When I ran the installer it gave me two options. I could either remove Windows (bad) or create partitions myself (dangerous). When I installed it on a different computer, I got a third option. It allowed me to use an automated partition creator. Any idea why it may have happened?20:35
bcbc2DerpyHoovy: that's where it loads the kernel from, so it explains thee problem. You should be able to partition a gpt disk very easily and do a normal dual boot - rather than Wubi.20:36
DerpyHoovybcbc2: Yay. I had almost given up hope on ever having a working dual boot.20:36
mercury_nivyaj: from that page, you'll want eclipse installed already (it creates the links in ubuntu, like eclipse.desktop)20:37
=== microbe is now known as Guest50978
nivyajmercury_: i did, but i uninstalled it using the ubuntu remove application20:37
nivyajmercury_: which in retrospect is what probably caused my problems....20:37
mercury_nivyaj:  ah, hmm, yeah, you'll want it still installed as per the page's directions, as it's using the links created from the installer to edit20:38
mercury_nivyaj: if you run "which eclipse" on the command line, you should get "/usr/bin/eclipse"20:38
nivyajmercury_: so, i have indigio installed in my /usr/bin/eclipse20:38
nivyajhow can i add it to the launcher20:39
mercury_nivyaj: well, you could always create all the links yourself...20:39
mercury_nivyaj:  find a link, like firefox or something, in I think, /usr/share/applications ?20:40
epodHow would I add Option "UseFastTLS" "off" to my xorg.conf given that I don't HAVE an xorg.conf?20:40
mercury_nivyaj: create a copy, rename it eclipse, edit it in gedit.  Change all the firefox versions, references, to the eclipse ones,20:40
mercury_epod:  create an xorg.conf - in the terminal:  xorg -configure, I think,20:41
nivyajmercury_: i can do that.20:41
nivyajmercury_: this file was empty gedit /usr/bin/eclipse20:41
nivyajis that a problem?20:41
draginxHow would I go about to make a small web script to use PAM as authentication?20:41
mercury_nivyaj:  yes, you;ll want to find the eclipse binary, and symlink to it from /usr/bin, so,20:41
alexGlahey, how to remove archive file from /etc directory sudo rm -r filename doesn`t work20:42
mercury_nivyaj: looks like maybe it was moved to your /usr/lib/eclipse folder?20:42
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
propokrI'm out.. for today. See on monday. Lets do it.20:42
mercury_epod: or if you're using nvidia: nvidia-xconfig20:42
nivyajmercury_:  I'll check.20:43
propokrsyslink must be runing on friday... see u..20:43
mercury_nivyaj:  if you find the eclipse executable, first check that running it works (ie, eclipse is working)20:43
MJ94What does it mean when someone says "I don't know my Kerberos password"?20:44
mercury_nivyaj:  then, symlink to it with "ln -s <location of exclipse executable> /usr/bin/eclipse20:44
mercury_MJ94:  it means they're using Kerberos authentication,20:44
epodmercury_: ty20:44
MJ94mercury_: for?20:44
mercury_MJ94:  logging into their desktop, usually,20:45
mercury_MJ94: typically, kerberos authenticaion is running on another server somewhere, and they're authenticating against it,20:45
nivyajmercury_: what's symlinking?20:45
mercury_nivyaj:  it's a way to make one file look like it exists somewhere else, without copying the actual file20:46
KvaksIs there a program for GNU/Linux that displays info about my hardware, like CPU-ID for Windows? (I want to know about my current RAM stick configuration without opening my case.)20:46
zacariasif something happens and you have to reinstall your system, is it best to have the whole system backed up (backing up all the "/ "directory contents) or backing up the home directory will do?20:47
mercury_nivyaj: when the OS looks for the file where you've symlinked it, it's basically being redirected to the actual location, more or less20:47
nytek_I'm trying to mount a MAC OS X external drive to ubuntu but im getting a wrong fs type or bad option error20:47
nytek_anybody have any ideas?20:47
nytek_I know the drive is good.20:48
Kvakszacarias: back up /etc too, and grab a list of installed packages to batch-redownload after reinstall.20:48
mercury_zacarias:  most of your data lives in /home, lots of system configurations live in /etc, particular application data lives all over /20:48
mercury_nytek_: mac OS uses HFS+, gpt20:48
nytek_i installed hfsplus20:48
nytek_mercury_: but not gpt20:49
zacariasKvaks: thanks20:49
nytek_mercury_: installing it now20:49
zacariasmercury_: thanks20:49
nytek_mercury_: no luck :'(20:49
mercury_nytek: ah, are you getting the error in mac os, or in ubuntu?20:49
mercury_nytek: ah, ok, just a sec,20:49
nytek_mercury_: im using the command sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/sdb2 /media/MacDrive/20:50
mercury_nytek: hmm, bad option sounds like mount doesn't understand for some reason,20:51
mercury_nytek: oh, what's output of sudo blkid?20:52
nytek_mercury_: one sec20:52
nytek_/dev/sda1: UUID="02dfc124-9316-4e22-a97e-2595cf9a4036" TYPE="ext4"20:52
nytek_/dev/sda5: UUID="91ef0d4f-fda9-4ba1-8aa3-e4eb84421846" TYPE="swap"20:52
WobboI have laptop "Asus 1215N (NVIDIA ION)" with "Ubuntu 11.04". By default, "nouveau" in "3D". Then I install Nvidia, unfortunately after I get only a black screen. It succeeds in "nouveau" to get back but only in "2D". How do I get "3D" werkent again?20:53
nytek_Wobbo: Boot up in terminal and do a sudo apt-get remove nividiaProgram you installed?20:53
mercury_nytek:  hmm, any errors in dmesg when trying to mount?20:54
nytek_mercury_: yes, one sec20:54
mercury_nytek:  blkid ought to be showing you the external drive, and it's 'type'20:54
nytek_[ 1157.194655] hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock20:54
nytek_mercury_: [ 1157.194655] hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock20:54
shadowman0ive been installing ubuntu on my windows xp for the past hour or so at 18 gb. is this normal?20:55
shadowman0its got an hour and a half left20:55
nytek_shadowman0: no20:55
nytek_mercury_: the partition is /dev/sdb220:55
nytek_mercury_: ive tried mounting both20:55
jbehlingwhat does it mean when it says "driver activated but not in use" in 11.04 hardware manager when it comes to the nvidia driver20:56
jbehlingi want to use it, and i thought i was using it...20:56
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mercury_jbehling: do you have onboard video?20:56
Wobbonytek: I don't understand what you meen...20:56
jbehlingpcie nvidia card20:56
=== Guest77395 is now known as nancy---
nytek_Wobbo: there should be an option when you boot up to get to a terminal20:57
nytek_Wobbo: then run that command20:57
mercury_jbehling:  ok, you're only connected to the pcie, can you run the nvidia-settings program?20:57
Night-hacksi've installed string.h (C header files) how can i install implementations files ? (C files ).20:58
_joshhey, i kinda broke my ubuntu install by install some wifi driver from ubuntuforums... i can't boot into ubuntu anymore.  i'm booting off usb, anyone know how to chroot and make uninstall?20:58
=== philippe is now known as Guest87718
nancy---hi, i have paid for a vps and i just got an invoice copy on my email. they are not giving me any details how to log iin. i payed by visa debit card. what should i do?20:58
sln45Is there a terminal command to show/hide the unity toolbar?20:58
jbehlingmercury: yes, when i run nvidia-settings everything seems fine20:58
jbehlingmercury_: also, I have no onboard video, just the pcie card21:00
mercury_jbehling:  hmm, if the driver's not actually in use, you'll fail trying to run something like 'glxgears'21:00
Wobbonytek: I will lock around, thanks for now21:00
jbehlingmercury_: installed and ran glx gears, it's very slow though21:01
mercury_nytek: I think maybe mount needs some more info or something:  I see something about a ufstype=44bsd option,21:01
mercury_nytek:  any subfolders in /dev/sdb2/... ?21:02
nytek_mercury_: how would i give it more imformation?21:02
nytek_mercury_: many21:02
jbehlingmercury_: on the additional drivers screen i get the choice between "version current" and "version 173" there's a greenlight on version current if that means anything21:02
_joshi've tried using "chroot /mnt/sda5", then sudo make uninstall in the relevant directory, but it says it can't resolve host crunchbang (the host for my crunchbang install)21:02
nytek_mercury_: its my mac backup disk with all my data21:02
_joshand it can't open /lib/modules something or other21:02
nytek_mercury_: i dont have a mac anymore thoguh21:02
nytek_mercury_: :/21:02
mercury__josh:, yes, you need to set up some other stuff before chroot,21:03
_joshmercury_, what do i need to set up?21:03
mercury__josh:  hmm, I thik at least (sudo all these) mount -o bind /proc /(your-chroot)/proc21:04
_joshmercury_, before i chroot?21:04
mercury__josh: yeah, also,21:05
_joshmercury_, lib/modules too, right?21:05
rixter__Hey all, Is there a way to setup a network bridge inside of unity (specifically the Network Connections dialogue box) instead of /etc/network/interfaces.21:05
mercury__josh: mount -o bind /dev /(your-chroot)/dev , I think,21:05
generatedif I'm trying to back up everything from a broken disk, is it enough to copy the home folder?21:06
jbehlingmercury_: under xorg.conf my driver is "nvidia" so I'm guessing all is well?21:06
Gentoo64generated, that wont be everything21:06
_joshmercury_, what about /lib/modules?21:06
Gentoo64generated, home and etc and normally good21:06
generatedGentoo64: what will I be missing?21:06
mercury_jbehling:  that's really wierd.  maybe ubuntu's wrong - sounds like nvidia driver is activated, and being used?21:06
generatedwhat's in etc?21:06
Gentoo64global ones21:07
mercury__josh: you basically want to mount (whether -o bind or just mount) /proc, /tmpfs, /dev, that's probably all21:07
generatedis there anything else I might be missing? I believe that I have my chrome history as part of home...21:07
nancy---how do i find a vps for  $10 /month        with root access. any ideas?21:07
mercury__josh: then, finally, chroot /(your chroot), and check ifconfig21:07
_joshmercury_, it's saying things like "could not open dir, /lib/modules/2.6.39...."21:07
bazhangnancy---, thats not an ubuntu support issue21:07
Gentoo64generated, if youve never edited manually etc then you prob wont need to back it up21:07
jbehlingmercury_: I think you're right, must be a bug in the gui21:08
stavrosLinuxhello, I have a problem with automount, after upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, it doesnt wrok21:08
generatedetc contains settings, which might be slightly annoying to try to reconfigure, but no data, or anything substantial, correct?21:09
mercury__josh: do you have a single / (root), or seperate partitions for anything?21:09
_joshmercury_, single root21:09
rixter__generated, etc has all the configuration files21:09
Gentoo64generated, its msotly configs, if youre gona reinstall then itll be regenerated21:09
=== bg is now known as guth
rixter__generated, global configuration files21:09
mercury_generated: usually, correct.  most of the time.21:09
generated(given that I'm not obviously not familiar with etc, I probably haven't messed with it much myself, though I may have made minor changes)21:09
=== guth is now known as bguth
mercury__josh: are you able to cd to /lib/modules.. ?21:10
rixter__generated, usually personal config files are in /home/username/.program21:10
Gentoo64generated, just backup /home and you can tweak the new /etc21:10
mercury__josh: from the chroot?21:10
_joshmercury_, yes, but the dir it wants doesn't exist.  it wants /lib/modules/2.6.39-bpo.2-amd6421:10
generatedalright. I've backed up home. When I reinstall, is it safe to simply dump the old home onto the new one?21:10
_joshmercury_, lib/modules after chroot contains: 2.6.38-11-generic  2.6.38-13-generic  2.6.38-8-generic21:11
Gentoo64generated, yes, copy the files back as normal user though21:11
generated(also, I had to back it up onto an ntfs drive)21:11
generatedwill ntfs cause any problems?21:11
Gentoo64generated, ubuntu should read ntfs from the box21:11
generatedin terms of destroyed metadata21:12
Guest60298im trying to install a program and getting this error, can someone help me? http://cl.ly/212r3I452m323I3m1F2E21:12
rixter__generated, yes it will lose permissions across copy's21:12
Gentoo64so it dont matter21:12
ubuntu_gadacie po polsku21:12
Gentoo64generated, youll also lose symlinks but you might not have any21:12
generatedok. I'm not doing anything fancy with permissions - but the system itself does not rely on things in home having specific perms, correct?21:12
ubuntu_tu dire polacco21:12
Gentoo64generated, just copy the files back as normal user, and theyll be owned by your user21:12
generatedGentoo64: I have none in home21:12
mercury_nytek:  hmm, I've seen something like mount -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd /dev/sdb2 /(your folder)21:12
nytek_mercury_: ill tru21:13
nytek_mercury_: try*21:13
mercury_nytek:  but I don't know why, I'd assume hfsplus to be the one you want,21:13
nytek_mercury_: no luck :(21:14
nytek_mercury_: thanks anyways21:14
generatedwhat is the best way to install ubuntu via usb? I'd like to install the prior release, not the newest one, since I can't figure out how to get rid of unity...21:14
Gentoo64generated, just copy the iso with something like unetbootin and itll make the usb for you21:15
mercury_nytek:  you may need to file a bug report, actually ... the 'can't find hfs superblock' error is the useful info21:15
mercury_nytek:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/73488321:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 734883 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "mounting HFS+ volumes fails on large sector devices" [Medium,Fix released]21:16
bguthI'm having trouble with an external drive that had the recycle virus. One of the directories is now empty but it's also showing 0 in the column that other folders show 32K when I use ls -lh on the parent directory. Is there a way to change that or is the directory lost?21:17
=== jack is now known as Guest74129
callaghanToday I got aware of a folder called ~/.thumbnails which I didn't know existed. Ubuntu, why, why don't you have a sensible setting what to store there, and, above all, HOW LONG! So this is a 10.04 machine that I set up with Alpha 2 back in the days and I've been using it ever since. 3 months ago I managed to get a girlfriend and she's using the machine nearly every day to clear up her...21:17
callaghan...massive photo collection. Today she noticed that disc space was kinda low (only 40GB SSD) and decided to clean up. So she found .thumbnails, which was over 1GB in size, and in there she found thumbnails of every video, photo and whatever that was ever on or plugged into the system. EVER. Even nearly 2 year old thumbnails. As mentioned, the machine is old and I was single for a long time,...21:17
callaghan...so I got a very enraged phone call because of what she found in there. So I called my friends who also use Ubuntu and they didn't know of this folder and checked and they were like "OMG thank you (rm *) (change setting so no thumbnails are generated)". I always hated thumbs.db in Windows but now I hate the gnome way even more. Isn't this the perfect way to spy on somebody (especially...21:17
callaghan...guys)?!? Sorry it's so long but I'm in deeeep trouble now :(21:17
FloodBot1callaghan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
mercury__josh:  it sounds like apt thinks it needs files in a place they don't exist - you're trying to uninstall a package?21:18
mercury__josh:  you may need to force removal in dpkg?21:19
_joshmercury_, yeah, it wasn't a package though, it's something i make installed21:19
Myrtticallaghan: Linux is perfect for multiuser environments where each user is given their own account...21:19
_joshmercury_, some wifi driver that's not letting me boot anymore21:19
generatedhow can I find the version of a ubuntu install that is on an external disk?21:19
mercury__josh:  oh, well, you may be able to just delete the files that were installed.. if you know where they are,21:19
mercury__josh: what was the program again?21:20
_joshmercury_, some wifi driver i found on ubuntuforums :/21:20
_joshmercury_, i have noc lue where they are21:20
_joshmercury_, am i SOL? :P21:20
callaghanMyrtti: you're right. I should have done that. And I will certainly do so in the future.21:20
_joshmercury_, or is there some "safe mode" i could boot into to uninstall?21:20
kopis bluetooth fundamentally broken in 10.04 ?21:21
mercury__josh: not necessarily, there's 'safe mode', there' some recovery things you can try,21:21
generatedhow can I get a list of software / packages installed on a ubuntu system?21:21
generated(so that I may restore them later)21:21
boyloverwhat's the best distro for encrypting child porn21:21
mercury__josh: I think grub lets you press left shift when booting,21:22
_joshmercury_, what does that do?21:22
boyloverwhat's the best distro for encrypting child porn21:22
HyperJapanboylover: ?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?21:22
mercury__josh: supposed to let you into recovery mode,21:22
_joshok, i'll try that out and let you know how it oges, thanks21:23
mercury__josh: worst case, I think you can dpkg reconfigure all, but that's not always best,21:23
mercury_gotta go,21:23
_joshmercury_, what does dpkg reconfigure all do?21:24
mercury__josh: dpkg-reconfigure -a ,21:24
mercury__josh: forces you to reconfigure every package installed in the system.  takes a long, long time, usually.21:25
mercury__josh: resets all your settings.  might break some things, possibly.21:25
mercury__josh: there's usually better things to try first, it's not a go-to solution to anything,21:25
_joshmercury_, ok.  i'll try that "safe boot" thing first, any other suggestions for after that?21:26
Guido1Hello, I just have a short, urgend not Linux question21:26
mercury__josh : first step is to try to figure out what's failing, and how to stop it.  check the startup scripts, things started by upstart,21:26
_joshmercury_, oogh, i can't just "undo" what i did?21:27
Guido1my computer goes somtimes off without any worning. what can be the reason? what can i do? bios?21:27
mercury__josh: maybe - I'd also check the modules being loaded, if it's a driver, stuff is lsmod (modprobe)21:27
mercury__josh: sorry, that was, lsmod wlll show you if maybe a driver's being loaded into the kernel, breaking things.21:28
_joshmercury_, that's probably it, given that i was trying to install a driver.  will lsmod show what the problematic driver is? and how do i remove it once i know?21:28
DatalinkI'm having an interesting issue related to a program that's 32 bit on my 64 bit 11.10 install, is anyone here real good with sorting out library hell issues?21:29
Gregor_The_MinerGuidol, when does it shut off? Boot or during regular activity?21:29
mercury__josh: hmm, if you can find out what driver it is (usually has a relevant name, driver make or model or 'wifi'), you'll want to either blacklist it, rmmod I think it only temporary,21:29
_joshmercury_, cool, rebooting and trying all of that21:30
Datalink(SLPlugin:13790): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib32/gstreamer-0.10/libgstcairo.so': libcairo-gobject.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:30
mercury__josh: rmmod <dirvername> removes it from the currently used modules, but there should be an option to completely remove a driver,21:30
_joshmercury_, i'll look into it, thanks! :)21:30
bguthwhen you run ls -l what does the size represent on a folder and can it be changed?21:31
mercury__josh: np.  just don't remove drivers that the system needs legitamitely.21:31
_joshmercury_, haha, i'll try not to21:32
Datalinkbguth, it can't be changed, I believe it's how large the directory needs to be on the filesystem21:33
Datalinkdon't quote me on why it's that size, why would you want to change it though?21:33
spalIs it possible for Ubuntu to mess up laptop fan settings?21:33
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bguthDatalink: there are two different sizes, 32768 and 65536 so I don't think is uneditable21:33
Datalinkis one a mountpoint?21:34
bguthDatalink: it's just another folder. There's a folder that has a 0 listed and I wanted to see if editing that would recover the folder contents21:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:35
callaghanbguth: see http://superuser.com/questions/142893/why-is-the-size-of-a-directory-always-4096-bytes-in-unix top answer21:35
bullgard6What information is to be put in Banshee 2.2.1's prgram window  > Radio > Add a new Internet Radio Station > (Add a Radio Station) > Edit field »Originator of the Radio«?21:37
Datalinkbguth, depending on filesystem there may be an undelete for it, but the act of installing an undelete may cause destruction of the data through overwrite since the inodes are flagged as free, however if the file disapeared as a result of filesystem error, then an fsck may recover it in lost+found21:38
Datalinkan active GUI system makes it fairly hard to actually recover a deleted file though21:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:38
bguthIt's fine if it's lost. I'm just curious because it's behaving strangely on other OSs21:39
stavrosLinuxhello, I have a problem with automount, after upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, it doesnt work21:39
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:39
guntbert!askthebot | pippo121:40
ubottupippo1: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:40
mang0!ssh > mang021:40
ubottumang0, please see my private message21:40
Nobulhittt, How can I hide ip on freenode please? xchat.21:40
bastidrazor!cloak | Nobul21:41
ubottuNobul: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.21:41
Datalink(SLPlugin:13790): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib32/gstreamer-0.10/libgstcairo.so': libcairo-gobject.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:41
thechad90000http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1912555  .... I'm having so much trouble getting Gnome 3.2 to work on Ubuntu. Someone please help me out. Everything you need to know about my issues with screenshots are at the link21:41
Datalinkwhile I've done administration before, I don't knwo where I'm going to find this specific library for Ubuntu in apt, should I just go grab a 32 bit one and toss it in, hoping for the best here?21:42
BuddWhy does my ssh keyring in Ubuntu have six undeleteable keys that I didn't create, mostly named "eric@0" ?21:42
benbloom_ok. I've been working on this problem for a long time and tried many solutions to no avail: I need help with RAM... I've got a 64b Acer M3100 running 64b Kubuntu 11.10. I use the builtin ethernet port and a GeForce 220 PCIe Video card. Apparently the MoBo is limited to <=4G but when I try to install >2G both the PCIe video card and my builtin ethernet jack stop working. I've tried using many different configurations to get >2G21:43
benbloom_including 2*2G 800mhz sticks (same mfg) and 4*1G 667mhz sticks. I've checked the individual sticks and sockets for errors with memtest86+. BIOS is identifying them properly, I've cleaned the RAM slots .nothing seems to work! can someone help?21:43
CueI seem to be having a rather problematic issue with, well, anything that isn't RSA based login or direct console login in Ubuntu 11.10 Server21:44
eightyeighti have an .iso, and i would like to create a bootable usb with it, as well as boot other operating systems, such as fedora, opensuse, etc21:45
CueThat is, nothing can authenticate, SSHd, Webmin, etc, all fail. The password is correct.21:45
CueJan 21 21:38:30 luna sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed21:45
bastidrazorCue: there is #ubuntu-server that may be able to help.21:45
Cuebastidrazor: Ta :D21:45
eightyeighti have the usb successfully booting, and i can boot the kernel and initrd, but it fails looking for the cdrom21:45
callaghanDatalink: hmm. maybe sudo apt-get install libcairo-gobject2:i386 ?21:45
eightyeighthow can i fix thx?21:45
eightyeightdo i just put the .iso in the same directory as the kernel/initrd?21:45
eightyeightor do i unpack the .iso?21:45
bguthcallaghan: Datalink wasnt able to recover it but the folder is fixed now. Thank you for your help21:46
Datalinkbguth, alright, sorry I wasn't more help on that21:46
Datalinkcallaghan, trying that, moment21:46
mongyeightyeight, are you trying to boot an iso21:47
eightyeightmongy: i'm trying to install ubuntu from usb21:47
mongyeightyeight, the alternate installer iso or desktop21:47
eightyeightmongy: alternate21:47
mongyeightyeight, installed grub2 to the usb stick ?21:48
UnknownForkHow do you change your desktop background on Ubuntu 11.10?21:48
eightyeightmongy: syslinux. the usb stick boots fine. the ubuntu installer just can't locate the cdrom media21:49
jiffysystem settings21:49
DatalinkI really wish they'd upgrade SecondLife to pure 64bit linux, the bug's been in their jira for years21:49
mongyeightyeight, wipe it, install grub2 to it and put the iso somewhere and make a grub.cfg21:49
eightyeightmongy: no, i'm not wiping it21:49
mongyeightyeight, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860421:49
eightyeightmongy: other operating systems install fine21:50
eightyeightmongy: ubuntu and debian are the only two that aren't. yet.21:50
generatedhow can I get the version of the current os, and the list of installed packages (the os is on an external disk)21:50
* jiffy new to ubuntu21:50
bullgard6UnknownFork: You better state your GUI because the answer depends on that.21:50
eightyeightmongy: i've both spooled the media, and placed the .iso in the root of the ubuntu folder21:51
eightyeightmongy: neither work21:51
UnknownForkWhichever is the default one21:51
mongyeightyeight, oh, well.... I use grub2 to multi boot stuff.. cant help, sorry21:51
Datalinkgener1c, uname -a for kernel info, apt-get and aptitude is something I'm not sure on21:51
bullgard6UnknownFork: I do not use Unity and thus do not know the answer.21:52
Datalinkoh wait, that won't give you distro21:52
pnormanOne of theoptions for dpkg should tell you the packages, but which option it is escapes me at the moment21:52
TrDwelcome jiffy21:52
jiffythank you21:52
callaghanUnknownFork: Click with the right mouse button on your desktop and choose "Change Desktop Background". At least that works for me ;)21:53
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digital_ownagehey guys21:53
digital_ownagei have a question.21:53
digital_ownageI am trying to install xubuntu, but the installer is extremely slowly21:54
Datalinkcallaghan, well, it's not giving me the missing so error anymore, but it's giving me other grief, looks like more minor stuff21:54
digital_ownageit was the same with ubuntu21:54
bullgard6!ask | digital_ownage21:54
ubottudigital_ownage: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:54
callaghanUnknownFork: Alternatively, open any picture file in the previewer, right click on it and select "Set as Desktop Background"21:54
digital_ownageoh yes xD sorry.21:54
callaghanDatalink: yeah, there seem to be some 32 bit libraries missing in your case21:54
Datalinkcallaghan, yeah, I'm restarting Second Life to see if I can get more errors, I still have to move the link into one of the bin directories to make this easier21:55
bullgard6digital_ownage You cannot speed up the installer.21:55
digital_ownageWell when i am installing an *ubuntu distro trough usb or cd, the installer is completely slowly and after a long time it stops when it is doing grub good.21:55
digital_ownagei tred it earlier, and it was fast21:55
digital_ownagetried *21:55
digital_ownagei have 8gb ram, usb3.0 2.93 ghz21:55
jiffyi need to learn the Terminal commands21:56
digital_ownageso it need to be really fast...21:56
lynx7os5eightyeight: have you tried with a different iso? cd.iso or dvd.iso maybe? (not the alternate.iso)21:56
jiffylike sudo dpkg.. etc etc21:56
digital_ownagewell has anyone an idea?21:56
bullgard6digital_ownage It needs not --  Be happy if it does its job to the desired end.21:57
digital_ownageit doesnt21:57
digital_ownagethats it21:57
cheese1756jiffy, To install programs use sudo apt-get install (name)21:57
cheese1756Also, for any command just run man command21:57
RidDribI'm boring i'll need something to do21:57
cheese1756Replace command with the command21:57
digital_ownagefirst it was really fast with the same distro21:57
cheese1756To see details on it21:57
oscar76generated: try uname -a  and  dpkg -l21:57
bullgard6digital_ownage So please report the error message which you obtained.21:58
generatedoscar76: the OS is on an external disk21:58
digital_ownagevery hard because i can't copy it21:58
benbloom_ok. I've been working on this problem for a long time and tried many solutions to no avail: I need help with RAM... I've got a 64b Acer M3100 running 64b Kubuntu 11.10. I use the builtin ethernet port and a GeForce 220 PCIe Video card. Apparently the MoBo is limited to <=4G but when I try to install >2G both the PCIe video card and my builtin ethernet jack stop working. I've tried using many different configurations to get >2G21:58
benbloom_including 2*2G 800mhz sticks (same mfg) and 4*1G 667mhz sticks. I've checked the individual sticks and sockets for errors with memtest86+. BIOS is identifying them properly, I've cleaned the RAM slots .nothing seems to work! can someone help?21:58
digital_ownagebut fedora installs fine, but fedora is too hard for me :-(21:58
callaghandigital_ownage: Without an error message we're just guessing....21:58
digital_ownageNO errors, it just fails installing...21:59
oscar76generated: you mean it's not running actually?21:59
generatedit's plugged in on a usb21:59
callaghandigital_ownage: ok, what version are you trying to install?21:59
digital_ownagewell it is, but it is so extremely slow that it is during about more than one hour21:59
digital_ownagei tried it earlier and it worked fine21:59
meerkatsin unity, am I the only one that cannot keep the terminal icon in the launcher? I add it, but next time I log in, its gone22:00
bullgard6digital_ownage: In this case use an Ubuntu live CD and inspect the contents of the files on the hard disk.22:00
ArneyI can't connect to any VPN server. i've been trying for 5 hours straight.22:00
ArneyHello... im going insane.22:00
Slartmeerkats: it stays in the launcher for me.. do other application launchers stick?22:01
meerkatsSlart, yes, the only problematic one is the terminal22:01
digital_ownagebetween the hops i made, i "raped" many linux systems22:01
digital_ownagelike debian and fedora22:01
digital_ownageand after that, it won't install good...22:02
bullgard6What information is to be put in Banshee 2.2.1's program window  > Radio > Add a new Internet Radio Station > (Add a Radio Station) > Edit field »Originator of the Radio«?22:02
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digital_ownageso can anyone help me?22:04
callaghandigital_ownage: the only thing I ever had problems with was improper alignment (http://askubuntu.com/questions/55214/how-do-i-correctly-align-partions-on-a-hdd-with-sector-size-of-4096-bytes) and when dealing with now filesystems like btrfs and especially when UEFI comes into play...22:04
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callaghan*new filesystems, and the hdd has to be a new one with 4k sectors for the error to occur22:05
callaghandigital_ownage: But you seem to have a different problem... I would try to completely repartition the hard drive (maybe using the method for proper alignment above) and see if it works...22:06
redgetanim trying to mount my external hard drive into my mac but i dont know what the filesystem is. Is there a way to know it?22:08
callaghandigital_ownage: if everything fails, try using the alternate cd installer. It is a little more verbose and needs no graphical desktop (and what I noticed, it somehow works at times when the regular installer fails) so you can at least get a good error message from it.22:09
kcorcoranstill new (and learning) Linux (ubuntu); at my work environment we use vmware esx server to host server virtual windows servers (and desktop) computers.  does the linux world offer an open source (free) hypervisor?22:09
Diamondciteredgetan: Which ubuntu version is this? Most of the time the file system is either Ext3 or Ext422:09
redgetanubuntu 10.0422:09
Diamondciteredgetan: In that case, it should be Ext4fs22:10
callaghanredgetan: you can see the file systems in the disk utility22:10
redgetanu mean diskutil right?22:11
nivyajcan someone help me with an ubuntu- eclipse problem?22:12
callaghanredgetan: yes22:12
redgetanwhen i ran diskutil info /dev/disk3, the filesystem value is none22:12
Datalink!ask | nivyaj22:12
ubottunivyaj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:12
callaghanredgetan: actually it's called palimpsest when you want to launch it from the command line ;)22:13
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:14
redgetancallaghan: im using a mac, and im trying to recover files from my ubuntu harddrive22:14
redgetanso palimpsest is not installed22:14
Datalinkredgetan, OSX or Linux?22:14
redgetani guess there's no mac version of it22:14
nivyajI'm trying to do android programming in eclipse, and am getting an adb error. i found this solution, but i'm having problems following it. can someone help me with the parts where i'm getting lost?22:15
callaghanredgetan: oh, now I get it... sorry... although I do not have a mac and do not know how to find out filesystems there22:15
david_zagalhola alguien me puede ayudar??22:15
Datalinkredbeans, okay, OSX typically tends to be limited to Fat32 and HFS variants unless you've installed macfuse or ntfs3g and appropriate filesystem handlers, I'd suggest using a live CD for your recovery22:15
redgetancallaghan: no worries22:15
redgetanbut youre right its probably ext422:15
BarkingFish!es | david_zagal22:16
ubottudavid_zagal: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:16
redgetanoh actually diamoncite said that22:16
Datalinker, did I ping the... yeah redgetan that was aimed at you, I owe the other guy an apology22:16
BarkingFishgracias :)22:16
callaghanredgetan: hopefully :)22:16
redgetanDiamondCite: i did this 'mount -t ext4fs /dev/disk3 /Volumes/linux_hd/'22:17
redgetanbut all i get is mount: exec /System/Library/Filesystems/ext4fs.fs/Contents/Resources/mount_ext4fs for /Volumes/linux_hd: No such file or directory22:17
redgetanDatalink: oh i see ur msg now22:18
Datalinkredgetan, yeah, sorry, pinged the wrong person on it, big channel22:18
redgetanapprently, i cannot boot using the liveCD, it gets stuck in the middle22:18
Datalinkredgetan, you have to go for one with EFI support for macs, due to the boot system they have22:19
mister_mhow can I create a desktop file for an application that I launch from the command line (it is a .sh file)22:19
mister_mspecifically for intelliK22:19
mister_mintelliJ, rather22:20
redgetanDatalink: or use macfuse as you suggested earlier22:21
Datalinkredgetan, right, yeah, but you'll have to also get a ext4 fuse filesystem handler, as I said, I don't know where you'd find a decent one22:22
Datalinkredgetan, mount should have an option to show what filesystems it can mount, that'll show what handlers you have22:23
Zaoyvaxhello how come ubuntu detect as unknown an ati raedon xpress 200???22:23
ArneyHow can I fix VPN on ubuntu, I can't connect to any servers what so ever.22:23
Zaoyvaxand i have an intel chipset, but the video card is ati22:23
Datalink!patience | zaoyvax22:24
ubottuzaoyvax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:24
=== X__ is now known as FreeNET
bullgard6What information is to be put in Banshee 2.2.1's program window  > Radio > Add a new Internet Radio Station > (Add a Radio Station) > Edit field »Originator of the Radio«?22:26
Torolokohello, is there a nice 3d game to test that my graphic card works well?22:28
ZaoyvaxToroloko: try armagetron22:29
v2don't try armagetron22:29
Torolokov2, another suggestion then? :p22:30
Zaoyvaxhey why msn is impossible to login in empathy??? does this communty knows about live change????22:30
Zaoyvaxwhy nobody answers ?? :( really22:30
lynx7os5Zaoyvax: i don't know....22:31
rileypZaoyvax: hey why msn is impossible to login in empathy??? does this communty knows about live change???? what chnage?22:32
Zaoyvaxyeah, noobs,22:32
DatalinkZaoyvax, for your video issue, http://www.amd.com/us/Pages/AMDHomePage.aspx and grab the linux driver, Ubuntu does not ship with video drivers for AMD or NVidia due to license limitations22:32
Zaoyvaxyeah, noobs, Windows Live messenger!!!!!}22:32
Zaoyvaxalso the drivers are NOT in additonal hardware!22:33
rileypZao we all know what that is but if you tell us something it would be good to tell us or link us22:33
DatalinkZaoyvax, the only reason I didn't get you the actual download link is I don't know if your distro is 32 bit or 64 bit22:33
Zaoyvaxand why the system is using intel Xorg???22:34
nivyajI'm trying to do android programming in eclipse, and am getting an adb error. i found this solution, but i'm having problems following it. can someone help me with the parts where i'm getting lost?22:34
ZaoyvaxDatalink: is 3222:34
Zaoyvaxnivyaj: go #android-dev22:34
DatalinkZaoyvax, because that's the xorg default as all video cards tend to work under Intel driver specifications, while the AMD and NVidia drivers expand upon them22:34
OerHeksati 200 is not supported with the additional drivers Zaoyvax > http://askubuntu.com/questions/22111/driver-for-a-ati-radeon-xpress-200m-graphics-card22:34
nivyajZaoyvax: but it's an ubuntu issue...22:35
Zaoyvaxdudes, the msn trouble, what's the correct live server???22:35
Zaoyvaxnivyaj: sure?22:35
DatalinkZaoyvax, asking repeatedly won't fix the fact we don't know either22:35
nivyajZaoyvax: i think so...22:35
Zaoyvaxnivyaj: really, go #android-dev, they can help you :)}22:35
nivyajZaoyvax: ok, thanks22:36
rileyp nivyaj: I'm trying to do android programming in eclipse,  This is not a ubuntu issue22:36
Zaoyvaxnivyaj: told you22:36
Zaoyvaxgo there22:36
nivyajgoing, going, gone!22:37
OerHeks!language | Zaoyvax22:38
ubottuZaoyvax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:38
rileyp Zaoyvax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. HA HA22:38
ZaoyvaxSO PLEASE!22:39
rileypZaoyvax:  I stopped using msn years ago22:39
OerHeksZaoyvax, we don't know, why microsoft changes their protocol22:39
Zaoyvaxafff, im trying to use msn in empathy, why nobody noticed ms changes!?22:40
mkquistZaoyvax: maybe   http://askubuntu.com/questions/76948/problems-connecting-msn-with-empathy22:40
ZaoyvaxOerHeks: why ms changes msn protocol? IT DOES NOT MATTER!}22:40
acerimmerZaoyvax: ask ms?22:40
* tjiggi_fo detects a troll22:41
Zaoyvaxlol no, also, empathy is the only chat app which is not able to connect to msn22:41
Zaoyvaxand is the old url :(}22:42
A|i3NCan someone walk me through something/tell me the right utility? I want to resize my windows partition to give it some more room, from within ununtu but obviously I don't want to screw my ubuntu partition up.22:44
Zaoyvaxok, who can find out the live server for chat please!?22:45
acerimmerA|i3N: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoResizeWindowsPartitions22:45
Zaoyvaxbecause the old server is specified in empathy}22:45
Zaoyvaxand is not related to contact list i think22:45
Zaoyvaxplease help me22:46
acerimmerA|i3N: ignore that link.  sorry, fat finger syndrome.  try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition22:46
A|i3Nlol yea I was about to say, that one didn't really help :)22:47
Zaoyvaxok, so is ṕerfectly safe to get the linux drivers stright from ati???22:48
DatalinkZaoyvax, yes22:49
A|i3Nargh.... I'm obviously going to have to do this off of a CD or something aren't I since I can't unmount an active partition.22:49
DatalinkZaoyvax, provided you have the right one for your hardware, they are perfectlys afe22:49
acerimmerA|i3N: live CD exactly22:49
ZaoyvaxA|i3N: try livecd, is a great tool22:50
DatalinkA|i3N, your best bet is to look at the gparted live distribution, it's designed specifically for resizing disks22:50
ZaoyvaxA|i3N: warning, if anything is corrupt and get messages about that in kernel/console, then u cannot use disk tools, only fsck22:50
A|i3NOooh cool ok I'll check that one out.22:51
A|i3NI'm going to go into the live cd, shrink the ubuntu partition then finish up in windows. :)22:52
czxhow to mount swapfile automatically?22:52
acerimmerA|i3N: good luck22:52
A|i3NThanks :)22:52
A|i3N*grabs the gparted live distro* lol I think I'll go with that.22:53
Zaoyvaxwhy telepathy-butterfly is included??? and why telepathy-haze is not used!?22:54
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cipher__Can I change the gtk theme easily?22:56
NanoAnyone ever had this happen on a configure script? http://paste.ubuntu.com/812429/22:56
Nano^ sorry chose the wrong markdown for syntax highlighting.22:57
ArneyIm looking at my logs to see why VPN doesn't work, here is what I found "Could not find the pppd binary"22:58
cipher__on 11.1022:58
ArneyThing is, PPPD is no where to be found on the package manager.22:58
ArneyI didn't get that error on my live installation.22:59
BarkingFishArney: try sudo apt-get install ppp from a terminal or search it in your package manager22:59
BarkingFishppp is the ppp Daemon package22:59
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ArneyBarkingFish: According to my package manager, I have it INSTALLED!23:01
ArneyThis is confusing.23:01
ArneyI can't uninstall it since about 10 other things depend on it.23:01
BarkingFishArney: ok then, open a terminal up and try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ppp23:02
BarkingFishthat shouldn't take anything off, simply reinstall the package23:02
Arneyooooh. nice command.23:02
czxhow to mount swapfile automatically?23:02
cipher__I cannot even find the package manager :S23:02
Zaoyvaxczx: fstab?23:02
dlentzczx, in /etc/fstab.23:02
newty-ewtSystem > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager23:03
Zaoyvaxand swap partition, it does auto-mount23:03
ubuntu__does anyone know where i can find a screensaver that simply displays the time elapsed since the screen saver started working?23:03
BarkingFishcipher__: I have no idea what ubuntu uses as package manager, I'd assume it's something synaptic or aptitude or GDebi or something like that23:03
=== ubuntu__ is now known as sol
cipher__well it's aptitude I am pretty sure23:03
BarkingFishI hide in here from Kubuntu, so what we use, you probably don't have23:03
Zaoyvaxguys, the 11.10 package manager: NONE23:03
cipher__but I cannot find the gui23:03
dlentzsoftware-center is the default (muon for kubuntu)23:04
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Zaoyvaxaptitude has no gui, and is for servers mainly23:04
dlentzsynaptic works well as always23:04
Zaoyvaxjust install it23:04
cipher__well software-center is the interface for apititude/23:04
BarkingFishdlentz: Yeah, we have problems with muon in Kubuntu at the moment, I'm directing people to apper at the present time23:04
dlentztechnically, aptitude had an ncurses gui23:04
BarkingFishthe installer keeps segfaulting23:04
Zaoyvaxyeah lol, but that's a separate app23:04
cipher__How can i change the gtk theme?23:05
Zaoyvaxaptitude /=/ soft center23:05
tbruff13I need to talk to someone from Canonical about a Landscape transaction involving 15000 computers23:05
dlentzBarkingFish, yeah I've seen complaints at ubuntuforums23:05
Datalinkdoes anyone know if gstreamer's plugins are in a different location between 32 bit or 64 bit versions?23:05
Zaoyvaxcipher__: hmm, idk, try in appareance??23:05
cipher__Zaoyvax: there is Nothing in appearance23:05
cipher__let me provide a screenshot23:06
Zaoyvaxyeah, now theme tweaking sucks23:06
Zaoyvaxgnome 2 was much easier to change theming23:06
willwhhi guys - I need some assistance configuring snmp v3 - if you have done so - please pm me :)23:06
Guest59942does anyone know where i can find a screensaver that simply displays the time elapsed since the screensaver started working?23:06
dlentzi hope mint's "cinnamon" makes stuff easier to configure23:07
dlentzso much so that ubuntu adopts it in the repo23:07
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tbruff13I need to talk to someone from Canonical about a Landscape transaction involving 15000 computers23:19
Machtinsoo just a quick question: any known reason why I have 230Mbytes of updates since yesterday? o.o23:21
studioxpsMachtin, I just noticed that too23:21
UnknownForkI removed Firefox from the launcher, how do I get it back?23:21
czxand what shouldI write in fstab for getting swapfile on?23:22
Machtinstudioxps: mhh okay23:22
JohnnyDramatype firefox and re-pin it?23:22
acerimmertbruff13: canonical staff don't necessarily monitor this channel.  Try this: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact23:22
tbruff13acerimmer: i have tried23:23
acerimmertbruff13: Skype for linux and call 'em?23:23
tbruff13acerimmer: skype will let me call britian23:24
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Datalinkczx, <insert your drive ID here> none            swap    sw              0       023:24
Datalinknaturally you want either a UUID like: UUID=8c6a636f-8392-49cf-a0d1-8286c1fa7faf or the mountpoint like /dev/sda523:24
acerimmertbruff13: sure - not free, however.  You need to buy buy and load some Skype minutes to your account.23:25
czxhow the file can have mountpoint?23:25
tbruff13i will figure it out23:25
Datalinkczx, I think you'd be able to specify a file instead of a partition, though I'd initialize the file with swapon before adding it to the fstab23:27
mad_devhey, is anyone suffering from audio problems since the last update23:27
studioxpsmad_dev, I did I had to turn the volume up :)  js...23:28
mad_devstudioxps: I mean as in no audio output at all23:29
sharehow to kill a connection? => ip_address:port     FIN_WAIT223:29
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Toroloko[  421.141460] EXT3-fs (sdd1): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended23:36
Torolokowhat does it mean?23:36
OKTOKTI'm not sure what happened, but I seem to have lost all connectivity through the wired ethernet port. Network-Manager displays is as "disconnected" while there is a working cord plugged in. I get no lights ont he PC nor the router. Wireless is working fine. Also ifconfig reports eth0 (wired) as it always has.23:36
Torolokooh ok nevermind my question23:37
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TorolokoOKTOKT, you can't connect it with network manager?23:37
OKTOKTToroloko: There is nothing listed for networks upon the left-click, right-click > manage connections, lets me add options but no connection is made.23:38
mega2how do i repair the boot23:39
acerimmermega2: need more info than that ...23:39
yumboIs there a way to see total transferred data (up/down) via terminal ?23:40
mega2server 10.04 i cloned hd and put new hd into computer and it wint boot23:40
TorolokoOKTOKT no light is bad sign... i guess you tried with another cable?23:40
yumbomega2, ofcourse not, you have to re-install grub2 via a livecd23:41
acerimmermega2: not an expert but I'm pretty sure that boot is failing because grub can't find the previous HD23:41
TorolokoOKTOKT, also, dmesg | grep eth0 says something about the link being up or down?23:41
mega2if i reinstall will that del everything23:42
acerimmermega2: wrong.  you're ONLY installing the boot loader - no formatting/partitioning.  See this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB223:42
OKTOKTToroloko: I yanked the working cable from my WIN machine, so that is working. as for the dmesg output, ln3: ... ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready23:43
sharewhy am I hearing a clicking sound after I stop playing audio? pulseaudio here23:43
acerimmershare: system sounds turned on??23:44
indystormHey guys-- I've been trying to research this and come up with nothing!!! What is the video card that is best supported on ubuntu? The only thing I can find is to avoid ATI... any suggestions as to a good video card to use!? thanks!23:44
shareacerimmer: I didnt hear it before23:45
sharethis is annoying23:45
acerimmershare: try the reboot and test.  Sorry I can't suggest more.23:45
shareafter 6 seconds23:45
Guest3468indystorm: nvidia of course!23:46
acerimmerindystorm: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCards23:46
cipher__Hi, how can I install a new gtk theme?23:46
shareI hear the sound when I hit play and also 6 seconds after I hit stop-23:46
acerimmercipher__: sudo apt-get install23:46
cipher__acerimmer: what?23:46
cipher__for a downloaded gtk theme?23:46
czxhow to know the free virtual memory available?23:46
ActionPa1snipindystorm: nvidia :)23:47
ActionPa1snipczx: free -m23:47
acerimmercipher__: ah.  in that case, click on the deb and it should launch the archive manager and install...23:47
LirthWhen installing Ubuntu 11.10 onto a new computer, I have some problems. For some reason I am unable to install it along side Windows for dual boot. Any idea why?23:47
ActionPa1snipcipher__: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/4-beautiful-gnome-32-compatible-gtk.html23:47
astartothcipher__: is it a .deb file?23:47
czxand  which one is an answer?23:47
ActionPa1snipLirth: which version of Windows?23:47
cipher__since when was a theme a deb file ?23:48
LirthActionPa1snip: 723:48
astartothcipher__: it can be. All installed themes under ubuntu are .debs.23:48
* cipher__ is confused23:48
ActionPa1snipLirth: resize the NTFS in Windows 7 then install to the new free space. Be sure your backups are up to date in case of catastrophe23:48
urashima82hy guys !23:48
astartothif it isn't, you must untar it and move it to /usr/share/themes23:48
ActionPa1snipcipher__: they can be debs23:48
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OKTOKTToroloko: Got any ideas? Is there a way I can reload the default driver/configurations for the device and see if it's just the recent changes? I have no propbem reconfiguring everything again.23:48
astartothor create a dir under ~/.themes and unzip it there.23:49
LirthActionPa1snip: So it doesn't allow it because the partition for Windows 7 is too large?23:49
astartothunder your home dir: mkdir /home/cipher/.themes23:49
astartoththen tar xpvfz theme.tar.gz -C ~/.themes23:49
ActionPa1snipLirth: you probably have no unallocated space to install to23:50
ActionPa1snipcipher__: found this too: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/MalagaEasy+Gnome%C2%B73+Theme?content=13461823:50
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LirthActionPa1snip: Thanks. On this computer that I'm using it allowed me to use the automated re sizer for partitions. Do you know why it wouldn't have worked on the other one? I used the same installation disk.23:51
gadak1any one with experience with submitting patches for linux kernel i need some help23:51
shareWhy do I hear a clicking sound23:51
ActionPa1snipLirth: not sure, I don't use windows, and if I was to dual boot I'd plan my partitions so I dodn't have to resize.23:52
ActionPa1snipshare: possibly power management on the sound chip..23:52
shareit's disabled23:52
LirthActionPa1snip: sounds good.23:52
evernoobis 11.10 available for Intel 64 bit?23:53
yumboevernoob, yes23:53
evernoobcan't for life of me find it, only amd6423:53
yumboevernoob, amd64 = intel6423:53
shareERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use23:53
shareby who?23:54
Lirthevernoob: I had some trouble. Ubuntu wouldn't boot for me when I tried to install it. I had to remove and install 32 bit.23:54
yumboit's just an unlucky chosen name because of amd being the first ones to use 64bit for consumers23:54
evernoobLirth - I didn't even get that far - I thought amd was an architecture, non intel23:54
ActionPa1snipshare: can you pastebin the output of:   sudo lshw -C sound; lsb_release -a; uname -a     Thanks23:54
evernoobthanks yumbo23:54
matroskaim here now23:54
matroskaso lets get started23:55
ActionPa1snipevernoob: amd just got to desktop 64bitness sooner, the name just stuck23:55
matroskatalkin about amd23:55
matroskais it better or intel23:55
yumboevernoob, this is the download link: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent23:55
matroskai need votes23:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:55
evernoobdo I need the alternate for encrypted root install as in previous versions?23:55
Lirthevernoob: I was using the Ubuntu website and downloaded the 64 bit straight from it. I didn't see the file until it wouldn't boot and I used windows to examine the file. I talked with some friends and they recommended to use 32 bit instead because of the problems.23:56
ActionPa1snipevernoob: its part of the desktop install#23:56
yumbomatroska, this is not the place for that, go to ##hardware23:56
yumboevernoob, I think you do23:56
arthurdentis there any way to set up WPA enterprise without using know what certificate to use?23:56
OKTOKTcan I refresh the driver for my network adapter from terminal? device is eth0 and driver is reported as "sky2" v1.25 I can't seem to get it to link up.23:56
Lirthevernoob: I hope you don't have to deal with the same problems I did, I gave up after a few days of problems.23:57
yumboevernoob, the appropiate alternate download link: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent23:57
evernoobLirth - you're saying the 64 bit version is problematic of itself?23:57
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yumboLirth, I've almost never seen people have problems with the 64bit version of Ubuntu as far as basic installation goes23:57
shareparm:           power_save_controller:Reset controller in power save mode. (bool)23:57
snowrichardi'm on 64 bit ubuntu 11.1023:58
Lirthevernoob: I had problems when upgrading from 32 to 64 bit. I don't know if it is just me, I saw no complaints of what I ran into online.23:58
ActionPa1snipshare: can you pastebin the output of my command please23:58
snowrichardonly had 1 glitch with the X display, i uninstalled the propriatary nvidia driver and no more problems23:58
yumboLirth, it's never a wise idea to update ubuntu 32 bit to 64bit23:58
ActionPa1snipLirth: you canonly change arch with a clean install. You can't upgrade from 32bit to 64bit23:58
shareActionPa1snip: it has nothing to do with that23:58
yumbothat's why it didn't work ^23:59
Lirthyumbo: Ahh...23:59
ActionPa1snipshare: if you hear a clicking sound then the chip will be switching off and on. If you can give the output of the command, I can advise23:59
=== carlos is now known as Guest46305

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