
damo22anyone awake?09:03
damo22i wonder if midi can be transmitted over the net and synced to jack09:05
damo22at both ends09:05
astraljavaAhh... good question, and one that I don't have an answer to, unfortunately.09:06
damo22ive been playing with rtpmidi and Mac OSX CoreMIDI network09:06
astraljavaHang around for a while, if someone else shows up who does, however.09:06
astraljavaAlso, you could try #opensourcemusicians, they're a great bunch.09:06
damo22cool thx09:07
ailodamo22: jack has some tools for that I believe, and there's also OSC09:33
ailodamo22: You could try checking out #jack for jack specific stuff09:34
ailodamo22: This might be what you are looking for http://qmidinet.sourceforge.net/qmidinet-index.html09:35
ailoYou can find it in the Ubuntu repo as qmidinet09:36
damo22wow nice09:36
damo22except its multicast09:36
damo22so you cant use it over a WAN09:36
damo22im looking for the equivalent of "rtpmidi" but for linux09:38
myrmidettefor all you artists out there- does anyone know of a viable alternative to gimp?18:08
myrmidettemust be free as in beer, available for linux18:08
holsteindepends on what you want to do i suppose18:08
holsteini cant imagine not getting what i need done with GIMP18:08
holsteinbut, i dont need CMYK output18:08
myrmidettesomething with similar functionality, specifically the ability to rotate the canvas18:08
holsteini think you'll find that GIMP is the best, and most supported and actively developed18:09
myrmidettegimp has an annoying bug where every one once in a while it won't let me undo a change18:09
holsteinand arguably with the most functionality18:09
myrmidettedrives me crazy18:09
holsteinmyrmidette: i would say report that bug and work with the developers to fix it18:10
holsteini doubt you will find a more capable application with less bugs18:10
myrmidettesure holstein18:10
myrmidettewell, strictly speaking I lied. The one being driven crazy was my little sister, but her screams were loud enough to annoy me18:11
holsteinyeah... and thats not a bug i have encoutered, so i cant speak about it18:11
myrmidetteshe's not a very 'computer literate' person and she doesn't know how to file a bug report18:11
holsteinnot to be rude, but it sounds more like user error to me18:11
myrmidetteand she doesn't really want to learn, but  I can understand that18:12
myrmidetteno, it was pretty obvious. She makes a stroke, presses ctrl z, nothing happens18:12
myrmidetteshe starts screaming18:12
holsteinthat literally *never* has happened to me18:12
holsteincould be the keyboard18:12
holsteincoud be focus related18:13
holsteincould be somethig in the config18:13
holsteinyup.. the focus is not on the gimp window you think its supposed to be on18:13
holsteinthere are typically 3 windows18:13
holsteinmaybe she would prefer using it in 1 window18:13
holsteinnot sure when that is happening18:13
myrmidetteoh that sort of focus18:13
holsteincould be that she is focused on the tool palette18:13
holsteinthus control+z'ing over there18:14
holsteinand not where she expects18:14
holsteini mean, it could be that she is the only person to find such an obvious bug, and again, not to be rude... it really sound like user error, or config18:14
holsteinthe GIMP is quite well maintained18:15
holsteinone of the big ones18:15
holsteinregardles... you wont find a better graphics application18:15
holsteinthere are several really nice photo management applications, but i dont think that will get you what you want18:15

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