
=== zz_Kalidarn is now known as Kalidarn
Tuckboroughwich version of lubuntu do you recommend?11.10?04:52
Unit193As long as your hardware doesn't require older04:54
Tuckboroughi  have core duo, but supports 64 bits04:55
Tuckboroughi runs fine arch with penbox04:55
Unit193Like the typo ;)04:56
Tuckborougharchlinux is sooo boring04:58
Tuckboroughi was wondering, wich kind of dev has so much time to spend with conf files?04:58
Unit193There are few devs for Lubuntu, but I don't think Ubuntu has a greatly limited amount04:59
Tuckboroughsure, i just came here cauze i like openbox, why not have it by default?make life easier is not a bad thing05:00
Unit193LXDE is basically default, but it uses Openbox05:01
Tuckboroughyes.that is nice05:01
Unit193I don't see how Lubuntu would be "Fun" compared to Arch (unless you just don't want to poke at things)05:02
Tuckboroughhhow do you see the "oneric" in apoint of view of ubuntu, not talking about the desktop ,xorg etc.would you rate it "stable" overall?05:02
Tuckborough"fun"...what do you mean by it?05:02
Tuckboroughi don't consider arch much fun, to be honest.everything is an issue.don't have the time for that05:03
Unit193Well, normally an LTS is more "stable", and I was just going off your.... Ah05:03
Tuckboroughalright then, so oneric will be05:06
* Tuckborough is downloading05:06
Unit193I'm on it now anyway05:06
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
ryannathansIs anyone able to help with/confirm this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/919885   I'd really appreciated just a confirmation it's a bug12:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 919885 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to wireless network after mac address change" [Undecided,New]12:45
atomarchehello / hallo!13:58
MrChrisDruifAloha atomarche13:59
Timo_hi lads14:00
=== Alcine is now known as JackyAlcine
smilehoi MrChrisDruif :)17:44
recalcat1good morning18:20
recalcat1I have installed lubuntu from the 11.10 desktop. I arrived to "installation complete", no errors, after instead some errors appear (flash) . I answered yes in order to report the bug, the text browser opened, I logged in in launchpad, but now I don't know what to do18:22
recalcat1the previoud 11.10 were broken and ran only in console mode18:22
recalcat1any help18:23
holsteinrecalcat1: i need more information18:23
holsteinconsider that its something with maybe your graphics card and linux support18:23
recalcat1maybe some info is already on launchpad (see lamiaposta71@gmail.com)18:23
holsteinrecalcat1: im confused with some of the terminoligy here... "no errors, after some errors"18:24
holsteini just need a little clarification, and feel free to link to a bug report18:25
recalcat1sorry, the actual pc is a little far. I could try irssi from the lubunut itself. anyway: where can I find the installation logs?18:28
recalcat1now I logged in with another console ALT+F2 on lubuntu pc and appear the message "restart needed"18:29
recalcat1but the point was the installing with do-release-update -d from a broken only textual 11.10 I had many errors on pixbuf (not found ...) . then it arrives to nvidia_173 installation18:31
recalcat1then with flash it has pb and asked me to send reports.18:31
recalcat1so I answered yes, it opened the textual browser and I didnd't know what to do with it18:32
recalcat1about Terminology "no errors, after some errors": reading the installation coming somewhere was written installation finished and no errors reported, but, after it, it tries to install flash and ...18:33
recalcat1holstein: if you want I send you to pastebin the log, tell me the file18:37
recalcat1so, what's going on? I save the /var/log on another pc and after I restart the lubuntu pc18:45
recalcat1guessing no insterest on this topic, I'll try to post on launchpad describing the situation, bye18:53
recalcat1holstein: here the logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/813453/19:00
=== rich is now known as rich3
rich3is there a Lubuntu-devel mailing list, or does everyone just use  lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com?21:13
holsteinrich3: mibht be on the way... try asking in #lubuntu-offtopic21:14
Unit193We just use that21:14
Unit193There was talk in a meeting, but for now anyway21:14
holsteinUnit193: and OT is the 'dev' channel kind of?21:15
holsteinthat infrastructure is forthcoming21:15
Unit193holstein: Yep, but not all devs hang out there (or do full time) as they aren't on IRC full time21:15
rich3so devs use both lists?  I was looking for the lubuntu-devel list and can't find it21:17
AmberJrich3, I guess they^ mean that there's "no" lubuntu-devel-list21:18
rich3k thanks amberj21:18
AmberJThough you 'also' might find #lubuntu-offtopic interesting as some devs lurk in there...21:19
AmberJrich3, that^21:19
rich3i'm trying to join the lubuntu dev group on launchpad21:19
rich3anyhow you answered my question thanks21:19
Unit193The dev group is for the devs21:20
rich3i want to help with development.  although i'm used to smaller teams, I hope learning the process won't be too hard.21:22
MrChrisDruifrich3; come join #lubuntu-offtopic I'd say21:23
=== robotman is now known as AlexAv
=== rich3 is now known as kanliot

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