
Fudgeanyone about, hoping to get some help with quilt to make a patch01:16
Fudgeor something02:00
valorieFudge: why not try #ubuntu-devel ?02:39
valorieusing quilt to make a patch is a devel thing02:39
Fudgevalorie  thanks, i got some made using diff origfile newfile > patchname02:52
Fudgehopefully it cuts the cheese02:52
valoriewell, I don't know, not being a devel03:01
Fudgeall good03:35
=== Alcine is now known as jalcine
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
Fudgewhat u workin on AlanBell 11:23
AlanBellmostly real life stuff today Fudge :)11:26
AlanBellchanging a tyre on the car in a moment11:26
Fudgecool as mate11:31
Fudgemy ride has 17 235s11:32
Fudgethink 45s11:32
phillwCan some one tell me if the WCAG v2 guidlines are now preferred over the WCAG v1 ones for new sites?13:27
=== Alcine is now known as JackyAlcine

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