
=== moylan1 is now known as moylan
terranczajkowski: Doesn't matter to us! Let Ireland sink I say19:12
moylanand people in ireland will ignore it like they do any law they disagree with?19:12
czajkowskiterran: aloha there looking forward to fosdem?19:13
terranlots of Redbrick people going19:13
terranshould be good fun19:13
terranare you taking the train?19:14
czajkowskiand taking part in it19:15
terranLightning talk?19:15
czajkowskipanel discussion19:21
terranyou already linked that :p19:23
czajkowskiwellthen you know so19:23
czajkowskiterran: any Skynet folks going?19:37
terrannope, just you and me19:38
terrantyrion and davem were going to but pulled out19:38
czajkowskisad to see the comp soc so dead tbh :/19:38
czajkowskiyou know in 2012 skynet will be 20 years old 5 years since skycon :/19:38
terranyeah it's pretty shocking that it's gone from best soc in ul to nothingness in 5 years19:39
czajkowskivery sad :(19:39
moylanwhen did czajkowski leave again?19:39
czajkowskiwe worked so hard to get it whas19:40
czajkowskimoylan: it was doing well for some time after I left19:40
czajkowskijust seems like the last 2-3 years19:40
czajkowskiit's not done any big eent or travelling19:40
czajkowskiand we worked so hard to get it where it was just sad :(19:40
terransure look at the committee, a bunch of kids who do nothing19:41
terranwe have no admins who are still in UL19:41
czajkowskionce we lose the server room that soc will die19:41
czajkowskiseems fecking crazy ass to me19:42
terranthey tried to organise a Christmas party but failed to email anyone or create a facebook event or anything19:42
terranand then cancelled it on the day due to 'lack of interest'19:42
czajkowskinot making any use of past members who are in big named companies to help19:42
czajkowskiwould love a 1 hr meeting with the committee to *help* them19:42
czajkowskiand so help me they'd have some thigns on their list after 1 hr!19:42
czajkowskiwould be me!19:43
terranI said fuck it I'm still going out and I managed to get 5 skynet people to come out with me and a big group of mbul people19:43
terranin an hour of organisation19:43
terranand they said they couldn't get any interest after a month?19:43
czajkowskimaybe they just dont know how based on the last couple of years19:43
terranuseless bags of shit19:43
czajkowskido they even have a budget?19:44
czajkowskiterran: language!19:44
terranapparently the finances are in order19:44
terranbut with no events at all there's nothing to ask for money for19:44
czajkowskiI would should I reach out and offer a google hangout meeting to help19:44
czajkowskithey could get google speakers heanet redhat19:45
czajkowskimany more based on old members19:45
czajkowskiterran: think they'd like/appreciate a google hangout meeting with me19:45
czajkowskigiven they dont know me from adam19:45
czajkowskithe fear of the wrath of cypher is long gone19:46
terranI'd say join #foobar and try to get their attention first19:46
czajkowskiyou there?19:46
terranred_ is the current pres19:46
czajkowskiok you can introduce me to folks19:46
ebelsounds a lot like ucd netsoc aswell19:47
ebelthis can happen to college societies, since people leave/graduation etc.19:48
czajkowskiyes true19:49
czajkowskibut if the soc dies19:49
czajkowskithey lose their server room19:49
czajkowskiand thousands of equipment are in there19:49
czajkowskiand also my ssh connection to irc :)19:49
czajkowskiterran: that was a healthy discussion21:09
terranyeah pity it was all between us older people and none of the current UL people except for acous21:10
terranhopefully the committee will read back through it21:10

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