
directhexi'd do whatever jtaylor says, he's good at this stuff00:00
CoreyHmm.  Looks like it'd make more sense for me to do it after setup.py runs, before the install is done.00:00
technovikingwhy do I get this error Could not find a signing program (pgp or gpg)!01:25
directhexyou don't have gnupg installed?01:27
technovikingdirecthex: never mind I'm an idiot01:32
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jfiHello, bug 919959 is a trivial one to review and avoids a systematic crash on startup. It will be nice if someone can sponsor it. Thanks!11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 919959 in psensor (Ubuntu) "psensor crashed with GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91995911:43
jtaylorI can't reproduce it11:49
jfijtaylor, with precise and psensor package?11:50
jtayloroh it got an update today11:50
* jtaylor updating11:50
jfiyes, there is an update which is introducing gtk3 instead of gtk2 (and appindicator has been kept in gtk2 flavour)11:51
jfiyou also need to run psensor with a DE with appindicator gtk3 like unity11:51
jtaylorgna 15mb translation update ...11:55
jtaylorand another python update, this will still take a while12:07
jfisorry about that:(12:08
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bkerensanom nom12:19
jtaylorjfi: confirmed and fix appears to work12:20
jtaylorI'll upload it12:20
jfijtaylor, thanks for your very fast sponsoring!12:21
jtaylorthanks for your contributuion12:22
bkerensajtaylor: Quick question if your around..12:50
jtaylorbkerensa: ?12:50
bkerensajtaylor: I submitted two patches for some typos to upstream but I just remembered that I used my precise chroot to do all the work... Should I redo or does it matter?12:52
jtaylorwho would typo fixes be affected by the distribution you used?12:53
bkerensahmm? Both Upstream and Ubuntu12:54
Laneyyou mean they may have since been fixed upstream or?12:54
bkerensaIm a bit confused12:54
bkerensajtaylor: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=60864712:56
ubottuDebian bug 608647 in a2ps "Typo in package description: "down loading"" [Minor,Open]12:56
bkerensaIt originates from Ubuntu though and was forwarded12:56
LaneyI don't think you should imply that you'd NMU for that :P12:57
Laneyprobably best to leave the changelog out12:57
bkerensait added it automatically12:58
jfimicahg, Hello, I have a comment about your psensor patch (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/psensor/precise/revision/8#debian/patches/drop_g_thread_init.patch), my understanding of the glib documentation is that g_thread_init is useless since glib 2.32 but precise is using glib 2.31. Did I miss a point? Precise is going to move to glib 2.32?13:01
micahgjfi: 2.31 is the devel branch for 2.3216:29
jfimicahg, ok, I did not know. I have changed the source code to call or not g_thread_init depending on the glib version, so it will avoid the need of your patch in the ubuntu package.  Thanks for the information16:33
micahgjfi: wfm, thanks16:34
micahgjfi: here's the API doc link in case you're interested: http://developer.gnome.org/glib/2.31/glib-Deprecated-Thread-APIs.html#g-thread-init16:35
jfimicahg, yes, that's the piece of doc that made me think that g_thread_init should not be called since 2.32 and not 2.31:)16:37
jfiI was just missing the information that 2.31 is dev branch for future 2.3216:38
bkerensaHaving some issues building a package if anyone wants to have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/813287/17:04
micahgbkerensa: more context please17:06
bkerensamicahg: I'm packaging something from scratch and when I do debuild that error is emitted17:08
bkerensasomething about illegal PACKAGE name character17:08
micahgbkerensa: do debian/changelog and debian/control have a source package name in them?17:09
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bkerensamicahg: Yes17:14
bkerensamicahg: tada :P I forgot to finish changelog17:14
RhondaI am currently building wesnoth-1.10.  It will be a new source package, but I want to have it in precise.  Whom do I have to sl... well, be gentle to for that to happen? :)19:23
Laneynobody, just sync it19:24
RhondaWhat's the date limit again?19:26
* micahg loves syncpackage19:26
micahgRhonda: Feb 1619:27
Rhondagives me some time, thanks :)19:27
RhondaI told a neighbour that I will do some special care for precise. Hope I can manage19:28
LaneyFF is fairly flexible for stuff like games anyway19:30
Rhondabackports too?  ;)19:31
RhondaPeople will want 1.10 in older releases19:31
micahgbackports is pretty easy for new sources19:32
technovikingcan someone just me some help why a package I'm working on with this control file, detect dependencies but does not install them19:53
tumbleweedtechnoviking: sorry, can you be a little clearer in your question19:53
tumbleweedwhat do you mean by "detect dependencies but does not install them"19:54
technovikingwhen I install the package I have to do a apt-get install -f for the dependencies the package needs to install19:55
Laneyinstall it how?19:55
tumbleweedtechnoviking: yes, that's to be expected19:55
tumbleweeddpkg doesn't install dependancies19:55
Rhondadpkg -i just installs what you give it20:00
Rhondadpkg isnt apt20:00
Rhondathere is … wajig? for that job.20:00
Rhondanever used it myself though20:00
* ajmitch used gdebi for that20:00
LaneyI believe the software centre does it if you double click on them too20:01
Laney(but I've never done that myself)20:01
ajmitchanything that uses libapt or similar, really20:01
jtaylorif you are willing to wait a minite for the thing to start up20:01
Laneyit's the default association for debs isn't it?20:02
bkerensablah: http://paste.ubuntu.com/813517/20:11
jtaylorthat paste is not very helpful20:12
bkerensajtaylor: What might be more helpful?20:13
jtaylorthe complete error including commandline20:13
bkerensajtaylor: http://paste.ubuntu.com/813523/20:15
jtaylor-O6 is interesting20:16
jtaylorwhich compiler has so many optimization levels? ..20:17
bkerensajoystick.h is present20:18
bkerensajtaylor: Hmm?20:18
l3onhey guys.. anjuta-extras has unmetdep in precise, due to Depends: ... anjuta (<< 3.3)20:18
l3onwhile precise has 3.3.4-0ubuntu220:18
jtaylorI see no error on the commandline, must be a missing library20:18
l3onso... what we should do ?20:18
micahgupdate it?20:19
l3onwhat do you mean?20:19
l3onI mean... we should change the ubuntu version ?20:19
l3onimporting a new diff ?20:20
micahgupdate anjuta-extras for precise20:20
l3onah ok, :)20:20
Laneynaughty of whoever updated anjuta without caring for the extras though20:20
l3onand guys.. I think I solved the FTBFS of radar2-bindings20:23
l3onI changes build-deb from python-dev to python-all-dev, including python2.6-dev20:23
l3ondo you think it is a good fix20:24
micahgpython2.6-dev will be going away20:24
l3onthe FTBFS is something like "Python.h not found"20:24
* micahg sees no such package20:27
l3onsorry, radare2-bindings20:29
l3onanyway.. seems that it builds fine in debian... I'm looking into deeper20:30
jtaylorI recall fixing radare2 a while ago20:30
jtaylor(via sync)20:30
micahgnope, didn't build20:31
jtaylorbut probably thats unrelated?20:31
l3oni'm trying a simple rebuild without anychanges20:32
l3onok it builds fine20:35
l3onradare2 I mean20:35
l3onI'm going to update a build1 version ?20:35
micahgradare2-bindings works now, I'm going to give it back20:36
l3onmicahg, are you doing that ?20:37
micahgit's been done :)20:38
micahgjtaylor: you did fix radare220:39
jtaylormicahg: fixed=I forwarded a patch to debian, the maintaienr fixed it and I syncted it20:40
micahgI was being brief about it :)20:40
bkerensajtaylor: All I can find is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94915920:46
bkerensawhich suggests just changing some code but they dont indicate which file in source20:46

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