
ubottuIn ubottu, jeremiah_ said: it is a greeting that humans use when they meet each other.02:58
ubottuActionPa1snip called the ops in #ubuntu (Emery)03:44
bazhangTiMiDo, hi05:41
bazhangmay want to key an eye on Emanon ; going off on why Ubuntu is not securing against sopa etc. time for me to go to Chinese New Year dinner. back later.07:37
Myrttican we just translate the !list into italian?10:04
vibhavDo I need to say anything about ATomicSpark?11:23
vibhavPlease ask him to stop11:23
Myrttiwhich particular part?11:24
Myrttiand why didn't you tell him to stop yourself?11:25
Myrttiyou can do it you know, if you find it offensive - I just misread India as Indonesia and by that mistake didn't see anything wrong, but of course India doesn't have as harsh sharia laws as some countries - like Iran11:26
vibhavMyrtti: 1st I thought that reporting this thing to ops might be better11:33
vibhavAnd 2nd , I am not offenced11:33
MyrttiI personally would prefer if you'd tell him off yourself, some people actually do take it seriously. In theory it shouldn't matter who tells them off11:33
vibhavWell , I have done this many times but he takes no heed11:34
LjLvibhav: well, he made a "humorous" statement which i found unfortunate, but, i don't think it really crosses the line11:34
LjLalthough atomicspark often does... not cross the line, while still being... uh :|11:35
vibhavIts non family friendly, and he often insults my country11:35
vibhavSo , may I quit?11:36
Myrttiyou were free to do so after reporting your issue11:36
LjLif i had a penny for every time someone on IRC "insulted italy"...11:37
* Myrtti hangs her head in shame11:38
MyrttiLjL: will you ever forgive me?11:38
LjLMyrtti: what for11:39
Myrttifor insulting your country?11:39
LjLMyrtti: sure, i'll actually give you cement shoes as peace-making present11:39
LjLMyrtti: or do you prefer a ticket for a cruise on an italian ship?11:40
Myrttithanks, I'll send you a parcel of tasteless, brown, gloopy, insulting dessert instead.11:40
Myrttis/instead/as a peace offering/11:41
LjLtalking muffins?11:41
LjLIts laxative properties were associated with purification and purging.11:42
MyrttiLjL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4122596.stm11:43
oCeanCarmivore (~carmivmor@unaffiliated/hardfu/bot/carmivore) bot?14:11
Myrttipossibly, but if it's quiet there's nothing really to be done14:11
MyrttiLjL: you do know why he is asking in -ot, right?14:12
Myrtti- just checking14:12
LjLMyrtti: because he got no reply in #ubuntu?14:12
Myrttiafaik because he's banned there.14:12
oCeanwat if it's logging? I'm not sure but somehow I thought karmivore has something todo with karma (points?)14:12
LjLoh, that's different.14:12
LjLoCean: if not publicly logging, then i don't see the problem14:13
LjLMyrtti: i'd still tell him something more along the line of "if you're banned in #ubuntu you can't ask your support questions here instead"14:13
LjLAlanBell: can you give me your home address so i can knock at your door when i have an Ubuntu problem14:19
AlanBellsounds like a great plan14:20
LjLwhat would Alt+Z do14:34
bazhangnothing here14:35
bazhangiamfast appears to have been klined though14:35
LjLmust have had something to do with niko cycling the channel ;)14:36
bazhangso if we get some more complaints about support in -ot then ask them to stop?14:37
LjLi'm just not comfortable with people banned from #ubuntu getting support there14:38
LjL(or crossposts)14:38
bazhangbkerensa just made a comment. perhaps one or two more?14:38
oCeanI agree, support in -ot is just weird14:43
LjLthe thing is, the most trivial of things appears to have to be decided in IRCC meetings rather than just done, because process14:45
LjLexcept one day someone out of the blue puts "no support" in the -ot topic, and it starts being law14:45
LjLi didn't like that14:45
LjLpeople were redirected to -ot often when they had non-Ubuntu, but still somewhat "support", questions, where do we draw the line?14:46
bazhangwhich is why I mentioned it here first14:46
LjLstill, it *has* been longstanding tradition to deny support there to people who were banned in #ubuntu14:46
LjLi just can't be bothered to take action, but feel free14:46
bazhangsince several people are willingly helping now, I thought I would mention it here first14:46
* AlanBell has a look14:46
bazhangit seems to be a case by case thing imo14:47
LjLyes, i agree14:47
LjLmainly about banned people and crossposting, in my opinion14:47
oCeanthen what if banned in u, then asking in -server?14:49
LjLoCean: if it's a server-related question, i'd let it go. but if they're just being offtopic due to the ban, not.14:50
oCeanOk. So they're currently offtopic in -ot, and well on purpose since he states "don't want argue with them / really have not time to discuss with them"14:53
LjLas i said i agree in the case of a banned person, -ot shouldn't offer them support. i just disagree that talking support in -ot is strictly speaking "offtopic" for the channel.14:54
oCeanIf ubuntu support is not ot in -ot, then the channel would soon act as an overflow for #u, wouldn't it?14:54
LjLoCean: has this happened in the many years there hasn't been an explicit ban on support-talk?14:55
LjLi don't think it has14:55
LjLdidn't notice it14:55
LjLsometimes someone asks support questions every once in a while14:55
LjLsometimes they get answered easily and swiftly14:55
LjLother times they'll get ignored14:55
LjLsometimes the person asking will insist a lot, and then you point out to them that they shouldn't do that, or *expect* support, and that #ubuntu is the proper place to ask anyway14:56
LjLbut that hasn't happened often in the first place14:56
LjLi've sometimes asked the one-off "help" question (i won't even call it "support") in -ot that didn't fit in #ubuntu14:57
LjLi don't see what's wrong with that14:57
bazhanga straight out ban of it seems overkill.14:58
bazhangbut if it is over several hours, dominating the channel, is complained about by many, then it might be looked into. so far this does not reach that threshold imo14:58
bazhangthen again  it *is* alabd, so whatever intervention there will be deemed by him as "unfair", etc.15:00
oCeanAgain, I agree, but they were in -ot to avoid having a discussion about the actual ban, that bothers me. They now know they don't have to evade in #u, because -ot can be as helpful15:00
oCeanbazhang: you're being unfair!15:01
bazhangoCean, true!15:01
MyrttiI humble think you are all unfair.15:02
oCeanMyrtti: certainly not me!15:02
LjLthis discussion *does* appear to be quite open-ended, with alabd just wanting a walkthrough for everything. and once again, if you want to tell him to stop on the grounds that he's banned in #ubuntu, i have no issue with that. i already mentioned that to him, though took no action.15:03
* AlanBell would suggest talking about something else15:06
AlanBellgenerally chickens15:06
LjLyes i was indeed thinking filling the channel with other talk would help15:06
LjLi'm just not in the mood to come up with something myself atm :P15:07
Myrttichickens in one channel and cake in other15:08
Myrttiworks for me15:08
bazhang"all the guides suck"15:26
bazhangand now complaining about asking for info to help him.15:26
Myrttiin pm?15:26
bazhangryannathans in the channel. and the guide I linked was prominent linked in the earlier wifidocs ie !wifi I sent earlier15:27
bazhangerr prominently15:27
bazhang<Cameron> No, I'm in the covert console   <--- any clue what that means?15:48
bazhang<Cameron> The ifconfig outputs nothing...   <-- that makes no sense15:52
bazhangthere should be loopback at the very least15:52
Myrttimcbaine1 is a bit of a mystery16:24
bazhanghack ubuntu's website? is that a joke?16:24
Myrttiwell he just pasted even weirder stuff on #ubuntu-news16:25
LjLAlanBell: do i LART Quantum_Ion now or wait for him to say some more nonsense?17:01
AlanBelllart away17:01
bazhanghe's got a bit of a history LjL17:03
mneptok@mark #ubuntu FreeNET profane /quit17:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:09
LjL@mark #ubuntu Quantum_Ion Smart mouth after I tell him that giving someone a link three times is not going to be useful17:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:11
bazhangoh wait, he was the one I gave the link to17:40
bazhang<theadmin> firerat: Get the latest daily build of Arch. http://releng.archlinux.org/isos/17:57
bazhangthat hardly counts as Ubuntu support17:57
LjLmeh let it go, theadmin is one of the better helpers we have, and he was asking for a distro with 3.2 and he just provided it17:58
bazhanghe has a hard time with some simple commands as well.17:58
bazhanga tiny bit of research for wifi docs, for example ie dhclient17:59
LjLmaybe, i haven't noticed that. but considering the general level of knowledgeability in #ubuntu, i'd still say theadmin is in the better half17:59
topyliLjL: linux 3.2? panics on debian when gdm launches gnome-session :(18:00
bazhanghe's done it tons of times. not just that one18:00
bazhangRaymond_, hi18:02
Raymond_bazhang, are you able to unban18:02
bazhangRaymond_, from where18:02
Raymond_bazhang, ubuntu18:02
bazhangRaymond_, why were you banned there, do you recall18:03
Raymond_bazhang,  i typed n00b and then nuub18:03
LjLand also gave me back !noob when i gave it to you18:04
LjLdidn't seem constructive18:04
LjLwhy did you do that?18:04
Raymond_iwas messin around18:04
Raymond_i wont do that again18:04
LjLRaymond_: ok. although the fact that you'd "mess around" in a 1500-people support channel doesn't make me very happy.18:05
LjLbut i want you to read this first18:05
LjL!guidelines > Raymond_18:05
ubottuRaymond_, please see my private message18:05
LjL!coc > Raymond_18:05
Raymond_ljl, did you want me to sign code of conduct18:09
pangolinyou don't need to sign it if you don't want to but you do need to be aware of it and follow it while in ubuntu channels18:10
LjLRaymond_: no, that's not necessary, i just want you to follow it18:12
bazhang<aeon-ltd> stahlie: how did you use wubi? if you installed inside windows i don't think it's possible18:21
bazhangdoes that even make sense?18:21
bazhangwubi is inside windows.18:22
Raymond_LjL, i will follow the guidelines18:22
LjLRaymond_: you can join #ubuntu again18:24
Raymond_LJL, thankyou18:24
pangolinRemember to /part this channel and have an awesome day.18:24
ubottuZungo called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:38
bazhang* [randomuser] (~pete@ Pete Travis18:56
bazhangtrouble at the mill18:56
LjLbazhang: ah, is that trouble? i thought html was trouble tbh, his "support" is being terrible :(18:56
bazhangyes html is not wonderful at support. but randomuser came in with a chip on his shoulder from the get go18:59
AlanBellhtml is *dreadful* at support19:25
ikoniahe's been spoken to many times about it19:26
ikoniaeg: if you don't know - don't speak19:26
ikoniaI'm trying to think how to best deal with him in terms of useful in the channel19:26
pangolinmaybe hand a sign and he can spin that all day long19:26
bazhangspycology? ranger1234 is PM me about it20:55
bazhangerr PMing20:56
bazhangoh fgf was around yesterday using a different nick meowmeow?21:00
LjLbut he's also, Artox_21:01
LjLwhich i kicked but neglected to ban earlier21:01
ikoniaArtox again huh21:02

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