
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
MooDoohello all09:00
MartijnVdS\o AlanBell09:19
=== danfish_ is now known as danfish
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:42
AlanBellbug 88467110:43
lubotu3Launchpad bug 884671 in ubuntu-community "Ubuntu IRC operator recruitment is slow and ungainly" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88467110:43
ubuntubhoy'ungainly' a word you don't see used as often as it should10:45
jacobwhey jutnux10:47
jacobwhows it going?10:47
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popeymorning all10:56
issyl0But, incidentally, good morning.10:57
brobostigonmorning popey , issyl0 and MooDoo10:57
* brobostigon installs the android wikipedia program.11:00
jacobwbrobostigon: a veiwer?11:08
brobostigonjacobw: a wikipedia page viewer, yes.11:08
* smittix is playing with KDE11:10
jacobwkate is awesome11:11
smittixHaven't used KDE since the 3. days.11:11
jacobwi used kde 3.5.x for a long time11:12
jacobwkde 4.0 took too long and gnome got much better11:12
smittixI have found myself wondering since Gnome3 was released.11:13
smittixI don't dislike it but I don't enjoy using it as much.11:13
jacobwi like gnome3 and unity11:15
jacobwi like the shell idea much better than comprehensive desktop environment idea of kde11:17
smittixUnity just feels a little clunky for me.11:18
jacobwall the shell needs to do is to switch and tile windows, provide virtual desktop and provide a way to launch applications11:18
smittixGnome3 in Fedora feels solid though.11:19
occupy64kGnome shell ftw11:20
popeydoes gnome shell have a future?11:20
jacobw-1 flamebait11:20
smittixIm moving to arch11:21
* smittix hides11:21
dwatkinsI just use GNU Screen ;)11:21
jacobwarch is the new gentoo :(11:21
jacobwdwatkins: dinosuar, tmux is where its at :p11:22
dwatkinsjacobw: heh11:22
dwatkinsI quite like the look of scrotwm, actually.11:23
dwatkinshttp://edma2.deviantart.com/art/scrotwm-dark-theme-187026267 for example11:23
jacobwbyobu has switched from screen to tmux11:24
smittixscrotwm does look good.11:24
dwatkinsI think the clock is tmux, not sure.11:27
popeyjacobw: haha11:28
gordonjcpdwatkins: the thing that always puts me off things like scrotwm is the screenshots always seem to have masses of tiny dark-grey-on-dark-grey pixelly text11:36
dwatkinsgordonjcp: this looks pretty neat and isn't dark: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10773855#post1077385511:47
gordonjcpdwatkins: it's still a wall of shitty low-contrast pixelly text11:54
* Neoti finally out of my cave!!! lol :P12:05
Neotianyone else having problems with empathy... not connecting to facebook ?12:08
SuperEngineerNeoti: no -- but, then again, I switched back to Pidgin yonks ago [smug smile] :})12:14
NeotiSuperEngineer meh!  with your smug smile!!12:15
SuperEngineer... & o/12:15
SuperEngineerNeoti:  ;})12:16
SuperEngineerNeoti:  just set up fb account on Empathy ok - no probs - connects ok12:25
Neotiwell i removed the account and readded it and i go resource is already connected to server ....12:28
SuperEngineerNeoti:  [guessing here] remove a/c again. remove permission in fb & then redo [ again, I'm only guessing]12:34
SuperEngineerNeoti:  oo a thought, is this a 1st time setup or is  it an existing ok a/c -if new,  are you using your user name or sign-in name to set it up12:42
SuperEngineerThe ultimate message to SOPA/PIPA advocates: listen to the first few secs of lastest Linux Outlaws podcast. http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxoutlaws-ogg12:48
occupy64kHave been listening to that12:48
occupy64kIt's a sign of how far things have slid that a star trek monologue now sounds quite radical12:49
SuperEngineeroccupy64k: words of real wisdom are their own definition... no matter who the script writer12:50
Laneytoday is a homebrew day13:07
SuperEngineerWhilst I had it open thought I'd just have a look at IRC in Empathy... yuk!13:12
gordonjcpin unity if I hit F2 I get a thing that will search for what I type in and then run it13:22
gordonjcpbut that's in every single case wrong13:22
gordonjcpis there a way to tell it to just run what I type, and not try to be clever?13:22
MartijnVdSwhich version of Unity/ubuntu?13:24
MartijnVdSjust alt+f2 -> type -> enter should work13:24
gordonjcpit doesn't13:26
gordonjcpif I press alt-f2 and type then it will try to guess what I want13:26
gordonjcpand then in all cases run something other than what I typed13:26
MartijnVdSWhich version? Because it works fine on 11.10 and 12.04 for me13:26
gordonjcpthis is 11.1013:26
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: what happens if you ignore the guesses, type the name of the program you want to run and then enter?13:27
gordonjcpit runs something random13:27
MartijnVdSworks fine here..13:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: that bug was fixed!13:27
gordonjcpwell, this is a fresh install off 11.10, updated about ten minutes ago13:27
gordonjcpalt-f2, type "gedit", gnome-calculator runs13:27
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: even if you wait a while before pressing enter?13:28
gordonjcpalt-f2, type "evince", it tries to run evince-previewer13:28
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: yup13:28
gordonjcpbut that's sort of the point, I don't want to wait13:28
MartijnVdSis the -proposed repo enabled?13:28
gordonjcpI want it to run the program I typed the name of13:28
MartijnVdSand -updates?13:28
gordonjcpit's a fresh-from-the-installer install of Ubuntu13:28
MartijnVdSplease check13:28
gordonjcpI haven't even installed build-essential yet13:28
MartijnVdS-updates should be on, I guess13:28
gordonjcp-updates is on13:29
gordonjcp-proposed is not13:29
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I'm searching for the bug number and package13:29
MartijnVdSit might be in proposed only atm13:30
jonsainthi all. i want to put a film (avi film) on to a dvd. i used to use something to convert it then i then had to burn it to dvd. can anyone tell me what i would need to use o do this?13:30
MartijnVdSjonsaint: converting should be automatic, as long as you use a program like "Brasero" to burn the video DVD, I think13:30
jonsaintcheers. il try that13:31
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/85620513:32
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 856205 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu Oneiric) "run the wrong command if enter is hit before the view is refreshed" [High,Fix released]13:32
jonsaintMartijnVdS, tried to use it, when i click burn it tells me somethings not implemented???13:33
MartijnVdSjonsaint: converting, I guess13:33
MartijnVdSjonsaint: you'll have to convert the video to MPEG-2 yourself then. If you want to use a graphical tool, you can use "avidemux"13:34
jonsaintit says installing packages by files isnt supported13:34
MartijnVdSjonsaint: That sounds strange, what's the exact message?13:34
jonsaintexactly that, installing packages by files isnt supported, then it says a the bottom about it not being implemented13:35
MartijnVdSjonsaint: does it tell you what kind of file it needs?13:36
MartijnVdSjonsaint: even better, can you make a screenshot (alt + printscreen) of the Brasero window?13:36
lubotu3Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:36
MartijnVdSthat doesn't do images.. hmm13:36
lubotu3Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.13:37
jonsaintgive me 10 mins, trying to do this and cook dinner lol13:37
jonsaintim trying to use devede now to see what thats like13:38
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: interesting13:40
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: it runs one that hasn't even been typed, I've found13:41
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I can only suggest filing a bug (or subscribing if it already exists)13:41
popeydamnit, stupid keyboard layout13:44
MartijnVdSWhat's up popey13:44
popeynone of the keyboard layouts in ubuntu match the one I have13:48
popeymacbook pro 7,1. uk layout13:48
popeybug 63020313:51
lubotu3Launchpad bug 630203 in xkeyboard-config (Ubuntu) "Macintosh keyboard layout is wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63020313:51
MartijnVdSNot even mostly?13:51
popeymostly isnt enough13:52
popeyi had a fiddle with some of the xkb files in the last release and couldn't get the layout right13:53
popeyshould forward that bug upstream13:53
penguin42popey: Marked it as 'High'13:57
* popey files it upstream https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4508014:05
lubotu3Freedesktop bug 45080 in General "UK MacBook Pro keyboard layout incorrect" [Normal,New: ]14:05
* SuperEngineer wonders if czajkowski will be setting up a Six Nations rant channel?14:06
czajkowskiswat_: #rugbyrants exists14:07
czajkowskiSuperEngineer: ^^14:07
* popey wonders if anyone can suggest a source for a _cheap_ AGP based 3d card that will work with compiz/unity?14:07
penguin42oh AGP - hmm14:07
SuperEngineerczajkowski:  cool14:07
popeythis old celeron D of my sisters14:08
* popey asks on askubuntu ☺14:08
popeysee how that pans out14:08
SuperEngineerczajkowski:  ooo - so it does [adds to favs] ;)14:08
penguin42popey: How about something like: http://www.amazon.co.uk/VTX3D-512MB-Radeon-3450-Graphics/dp/B003WW5ZMG/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1327241305&sr=8-414:08
penguin42popey: The HD 3xxx should work (I have the HD4xxx works fine on open drivers - but PCI-e)14:09
MartijnVdSYou won't get _stellar_ Unity3D performance mind14:11
MartijnVdSespecially compared to the latest few generations of GPU14:11
penguin42popey: Avoid the Radeon 9xxx and 7xxx14:11
MartijnVdSThis one looks like it landed on an alien space ship: http://www.amazon.co.uk/HIS-Radeon-HD-4670-IceQ/dp/B002EL4PIG/ref=sr_1_22?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1327241422&sr=1-2214:12
MartijnVdSATI HD 467014:12
popeyoooh that radeon looks decent14:12
MartijnVdSpopey: the 3450 or the 4670?14:13
sagacii've got a pci 4670 in my desktop computer, 1GB, pretty decent14:13
sagaciI paid $70AUD a year ago14:13
popeymentions the 345014:13
MartijnVdSpopey: it doesn't have AGPWpcie at all?14:13
MartijnVdSpopey: it doesn't have pcie at all?14:14
sagaciare you seeing how low you can go14:14
popeyno, sisters computer14:14
popeydont want to spend lots on it14:14
penguin42must replace my dad's P3-40014:14
penguin42popey: Mind you I built a complete machine for my mum for about £22014:14
popeythe other option is to let her have one of my revos14:14
sagacipenguin42: what kind of fps do you get for solitaire :)14:15
popeyI'm not about to build a machine14:15
* popey looks at super cheap pre-builds tho14:15
popeyor a 'just add a disk' type thing14:15
MartijnVdSRazPi :)14:17
popeyneeds a parallel port - old printer14:17
MartijnVdSpopey: Parallel ports are easy -- USB and PCI(e) expansions exist for that14:17
penguin42actually, a Celery D should be fine14:17
penguin42(or b&w USB lasers for £40)14:18
popeyMartijnVdS: more moeny14:18
MartijnVdSpopey: £3 isn't a lot though14:18
penguin42popey: Having said that, Unity2d will run on junk14:19
MartijnVdSpenguin42: S3 Savage?14:19
popeyyeah, i have it running here14:19
penguin42MartijnVdS: I'd be surprised if it didn't14:19
popeypondering what the best way forward is14:19
popeythey dont tend to use this pc much, they all have laptops14:20
MartijnVdSpopey: Fixing it as cheaply as possible, tell them to start saving money for a new revo?14:20
popeyits mostly just for printing14:20
popeytempted to get them a networked laser14:20
popeyrather than a computer upgrade14:20
MartijnVdSpopey: you can buy boxes with a parallel port and a network port14:20
MartijnVdSto make a printer into a network printer without needing a PC14:21
penguin42popey: http://www.itcsales.co.uk/acatalog/ATI-Radeon-X300-128-MB-PCI-E-Card-DMS-59-Full-Height-H3823-1409.html?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=cpc ?14:24
popeyel cheapo14:25
MartijnVdSpopey: it's pcie, pcie != agp :(14:25
MartijnVdSit says PCIe in the description, twice14:25
MartijnVdSand "AGP" at the bottom14:25
penguin42MartijnVdS: Hmm yes - best ignore that one14:26
popeyneed to call sister see what she really wants14:26
MartijnVdS<popey's sister> Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want14:27
MartijnVdS<popey> So tell me what you want, what you really, really want14:27
penguin42http://www.itcsales.co.uk/acatalog/11-x-Mixed-second-user-CRT-Monitors-6296.html  is funny14:28
MartijnVdSpenguin42: ...14:28
Neotianyone tried Ubuntu TV yet ?14:45
popeyyup ☺14:48
penguin42popey: I guess it's a hard life having to test it thoroughly14:48
Nafallopopey: how many movies did you watch on it this last week? ;-)14:49
mattiHi Nafallo14:50
Nafallohi mat14:50
Nafallohi matti14:50
mattiMartijnVdS: ;]14:50
Nafallodear tab, meet anger. no love, /N14:50
tony_Hi all - quick question - fresh install of 11.10 alongside xp however the grub menu is giving me a video out of range message - is this the correct link to fix it? http://askubuntu.com/questions/52910/signal-out-of-range-when-starting-grub-after-server-installation15:02
penguin42tony_: On what hardware?15:06
penguin42tony_: That seems a reasonable fix15:07
tony_its just an old-ish packard bell desktop that was starting to run a bit slow in xp15:08
tony_its an intel p4 which is about all I know15:08
tony_Ive managed to boot into ubuntu ok - and I think xp is still there, I just cant see the menu15:08
penguin42yeh, give that one a go15:08
tony_sorry for what is probably a stupid question but how do I know my root is /dev/sda115:09
penguin42tony_: If you have one disc and it's the 1st partition it probably is15:09
penguin42tony_: the 'a' is 1st disc, the '1' is 1st partition, the 'sd' is most discs, although very occasionally you'll find an hd15:10
tony_theres only 1 hdd in there (there were 2 but 1 broke so I unplugged it)15:10
* gord thinks about making an "EggWatch" google plus circle and putting certain people in it15:12
Nafalloif you're in it youhave to stare at an egg for 10mins a day.15:13
Nafalloand then report what the egg was up to for the group15:14
penguin42Nafallo: Some report on the egg during that time15:20
tony_hello - sorry trying to get my grub screen working - is there a simple walk through anyone can point me towards?15:21
penguin42tony_: I think those instructions in that page you found should work - they seem to be working around a bios bug (or difference between Grub/bios)15:25
tony_was just trying that startup manager as I cant seem to run those commands from the walkthrough - I just get an empty file.  Will give this a go, be back shortly peeps! :)15:28
tony_Hi All - just reporting back - startup manager let me change the boot menu to 1024x768 and it now works perfectly.  would recommend for anyone else who has the same problem!15:34
penguin42tony_: How did you get to startup manager?15:36
tony_had to install it from the software centre15:39
tony_but after that it was easy peasy15:39
penguin42tony_: I didn't realise from your original description that it eventually booted OK15:39
tony_sorry yeah - it booted up but I just couldnt see the menu15:39
penguin42is it on an LCD or CRT?15:40
Neotianyone know of some IP TV stations/channels that i can put in to TVheadend as im building a minimumpvr15:41
AlanBellgord: eggs ftw15:44
oimon1trying to compile something pulled from git, no idea how the author gets it to work , loads of errors :(15:45
AlanBelloimon1: missing dependencies probably, what is it?15:45
oimon1cinnamon desktop15:45
oimon1wanted the latest git version15:45
gordpopey, nvidia 7000/8000 series cards, they support the feature set and some of them (less 8000 series, more 7000 series) support AGP. about £20 new. problem with getting older than that is the nvidia driver will start to not support them at some point15:48
gordthere is always the open source drivers though i guess15:48
jacobwoimon1: can you use the ppa?15:48
oimon1jacobw: i wanted to try some newer features than the ppa that are in git15:49
SuperEngineerhmmm... BT [or BT router} appears to be  having a minor prob.  signal = 82%, download speed now  varying betwwen 2 & 10 KiB/S15:58
* SuperEngineer checks outside for cracker in car with laptop!15:58
tony_ok next question - does anyone know how to get an ipod touch working in ubuntu?16:01
SuperEngineerbbs... logging off to switch to 3GS mobile dongle16:02
Neotilittle help needed... just installed ubuntu 11.10 mini and i only choose to install open SSH, and on the screen i just have a blinking courser... i can SSH to the box and do stuff but on the computer monitor i just get a courser in the top left hand corner ... what have i go to install to get a login screen ?16:26
Myrttidoes it say login tho?16:30
Neotinope... just a blinking courser on the screen.... i just connected to it via SSH and installed xorg to see what would happen and still nothing on screen even after a reboot16:30
Myrttiwas xorg the only thing you installed?16:31
Neotiopen ssh server : xorg and the ubuntu base thats it ...16:31
Myrttiwell xorg doesn't do much on it's own16:31
penguin42Myrtti: On the box can you do an alt-ctrl-f1 ?16:32
MyrttiNeoti: ^16:33
Neotiits in virtual box... how do i send that command to it with out going to term on my linux box ... lolz16:36
penguin42Neoti: If you can ssh in, then do sudo chvt 1   from the ssh16:37
Neotiexcellent.... awesomeness!!!! thank you16:38
penguin42Neoti: So my guess is that lightdm isn't starting for one reason or another16:39
Neotii was using the mini CD install thingy here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD as i dont need a full desktop gui just terminal goodness but SSH was fine... was just nice to have the vm show my a login...16:40
penguin42Neoti: check /var/log/lightdm.log (or something like that) - is this a fresh install or upgradE?16:40
Neotinext.... how do i use the IPTV option of tvheadend as there website documents all but this tab... lolz,,, thanks16:41
smittixhmmm, I have just dragged an app to the launcher and its left a blank space.16:58
jacobwdamnit, i can't download the sopranos as fast as i can watch it :(17:01
jacobwsmittix: if you click the space, does the app launch?17:01
dwatkinsjacobw: netflix?17:22
jacobwdwatkins: in gb now?17:22
dwatkinsjacobw: yep, and the first month is free, otherwise 6 GBP a month.17:23
dwatkinsYeah, I watched all of Prison Break on it in HD, works very well (but uses a huge amount of bandwidth).17:24
dwatkinsI have no idea if there's a Linux client which will work with it, not tried. I had to install Silverlight on OS X and Windows to use it.17:24
lubotu3For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.17:25
Pendulumdwatkins: I'm not sure if it's still true, but at least for a while Netflix was using DRM which meant that Moonlight wouldn't work17:26
Cameronthanks, alanbell, everything is working perfectly :)17:26
dwatkinsPendulum: ah ok, that kinda makes sense, shame as it is.17:26
* dwatkins tries from Ubuntu 10.10 and chrome17:27
AlanBellhi Cameron :)17:27
AlanBelland hi Pendulum o/17:27
Pendulumo/ AlanBell17:27
Pendulumdwatkins: I haven't looked at it for at least a year, though, so could have changed. I do know at one point it did work for a short time.17:27
Pendulumon the other hand, there is http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/native-netflix-client-coming-linux-in-12-months/17:28
dwatkinsI get a compatability message stating I need to be running Windows, OS X or Chrome OS, interestingly.17:29
dwatkinsThis is the compatability message, for reference: http://rowla.dyndns.org/Netflix.html17:30
penguin42meld in 3 way diff mode is pretty neat17:34
jacobwi can't use pay for netflix if it uses silverlight17:53
jacobwtoo many potential problems17:53
popeyyou dont have to use silverlight if you have a supported device - like a ps317:54
jacobwi don't have a ps317:57
jacobwi'm unwilling to pay for something that using silverlight in any case17:58
gordalso works on wii iirc17:58
gordi have netflix and lovefilm atm, can't decide which one to keep17:59
smittixjacobw: No can't click17:59
smittixs-fox: o/18:00
s-foxHello smittix, how're you doing this evening?18:00
smittixGood thanks, and you?18:00
s-foxNot bad thank you, been working on my PHPOO18:01
s-foxMainly in preparation for an interview on Wednesday. They said something about a test.18:02
smittixWell good luck on that!18:03
s-foxHaha, thanks. I'll need it  :)18:03
smittixjacobw: A unity --reset-icons sorted it.18:09
smittixAnyone else experience a real slow down when dragging icons from the dash to the launcher.18:10
gordsmittix, nvidia by any chance?18:20
smittixgord: No, Intel HD18:23
smittixJust tried dragging another icon and it's fine.18:24
gordmaybe you just had a high load from something the first time18:24
smittixAye, could be18:24
Nafallomaybe the icon is buggy. replace it with another icon!18:25
smittixIt was the terminal which I was dragging.18:25
Nafalloah. that makes sense then. Ubuntu is supposed to be useful without terminals :-)18:26
Nafalloit was clearly the systems way of trying to tell you so.18:26
smittixtrying to perform sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' *.desktop'' is kind of hard without it.18:27
gordanyone know where the disable touchpad when typing thing is configured? seem to have lost mine18:33
Nafalloisn't that just the mouse settings?18:34
popeysuper -> mouse -> Mouse and touchpad -> Touch pad (tab)18:34
smittixMouse and touchpad settings18:34
Nafalloif not, I'd go for dconf-editor ?18:34
smittixTop of the list on the tab.18:34
gord"disable touchpad whilst typing" is enabled :( doesn't work!18:38
smittixI have just tested mine too as I have never noticed it.18:38
gordi really need to get a new laptop, one just for work. so i can keep this laptop on the last ubuntu release, not the development release18:38
smittixOn and off mine works.18:39
Nafallogord: just get a netbook? :-)18:39
gordi have several :)18:39
Nafalloso use one for non-work stuff.18:40
Nafallothat said. I tried to do that.... and now my netbook is my work machine too :-P18:40
gord1.6ghz ooold atom or 1ghz arm machines aren't enough for my internetting anymore18:40
Nafallowhat do you do on the Internetz? taking down gibsons?18:41
smittixI don't bother trying to seperate the two anymore. Everytime I try they end up merging anyway.18:41
gordeverything loads slow, can't open a browser and <other> app at the same time, the entire thing is a pain18:41
Nafalloehrm. weird. my N450-based one works just fine :-)18:41
gordi'd rather sit on my i3 2ghz dual core laptop with 8gb ram18:41
Nafallojust had to upgrade to 2GB memory when I started using it for work, and that was it.18:41
* smittix has something similar18:42
smittixi5 quad, 8gb ram  ;)18:42
Nafallohrm. we clearly use computers in different ways :-)18:43
* penguin42 pats his i7/8GB18:43
smittixI don't have a desktop. So I got this laptop to do what I want.18:43
penguin42smittix: I used to have that setup; and actually you are on my old laptop - which mostly just does IRC18:44
Nafallowell, same here :-)18:44
Nafalloand a tiny mips-based media player attached to the TV :-)18:44
smittixpenguin42: huh?18:44
penguin42smittix: I have two machines here; an i7 desktop and an older laptop that was my previous main machine18:45
penguin42smittix: The irc window that you're in is on my old laptop18:45
smittixOk heh18:45
smittixI do miss my desktop.18:45
smittixBut I never had time to actually sit at it.18:45
ubuntuuk-planet[Gareth France] Tolworth  22nd January 2012 - http://cliftonts.co.uk/cubuntu/?p=5919:14
AzelphurHow do I give a user permission to set niceness without root?19:27
AlanBellin openoffice calc how do I get the stuff I want to print out on one page?19:36
czajkowskiis it like excel where you select the area ?19:36
AlanBellI seem to recall some options in the print area saying fit to n pages wide by m pages tall or something, but I can't find them now19:36
AlanBellI have selected the cells I want to print, but they spill onto two pages19:37
czajkowskican you change the layout like portrait to landscape19:37
AlanBelltried that, still doesn't fit19:38
czajkowskiyou *have* to have it all on one page?19:39
AlanBellfound something in format-page I think19:40
AlanBellok, got it19:42
AlanBellformat-page then on the sheet tab at the bottom set the scaling mode to fit on one page, and on the page tab set it to landscape19:43
AlanBellif you don't set it to landscape there, but try to change to landscape at the time you print it then you get it scaled down to fit on a portrait width, but in the middle of your landscape page19:44
czajkowskigood to know19:45
AlanBellreward chart printed19:46
AlanBellnow it just needs filling up with happy face stickers19:47
czajkowskibest of luck with that19:47
AlanBellI will try to be a good boy ;)19:48
jacobwanyone know how to scrollback in tmux?19:49
Laney^b [19:51
Laneysame as scren19:51
jacobwthanks, page up/down also seems to work as a suffix to ^b19:52
intelhunterany1 here?19:59
intelhunteri need help.19:59
Azelphur!anyone | intelhunter19:59
lubotu3intelhunter: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:59
daubersintelhunter: Ask away :)19:59
intelhunteri messed up, i need to know how to set settings to default...19:59
Azelphurwhat settings?19:59
intelhunteri f*** up my sound, now my audio is dead.20:00
Azelphurwhat exactly did you do?20:00
jacobwwhat did you do before?20:00
lubotu3Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:01
intelhunteri were trying to make my headphones to work, so i went to audio settings and i did somethin(cant remember exactly what) and now i have no sound.20:01
intelhunterbtw i installed ubuntu for about an hour ago.20:02
penguin42intelhunter: Check the output settings aren't set to mute and are in the middle20:02
penguin42intelhunter: Also check the 'connector' on the output page20:03
jacobwtry changing the output device20:03
intelhunterok, wait a minute...20:03
jacobwperhaps you changed them20:03
penguin42intelhunter: Also, on hte hardware tab there is a 'profile' like Analog Stereo Duplex  etc - try different ones of those20:03
intelhunternothing has changed.20:05
intelhunteris there any command to reset everything?20:05
intelhuntermaybe if i re-install everything...20:07
intelhunteri havent installed it completely, i'm just trying it out.20:08
jacobwconnector is what i meant by output devices20:08
jacobwi forgot how the gui looked20:08
jacobwintelhunter: so you haven't installed to disk?20:09
jacobwintelhunter: i.e. you still using the live image?20:09
intelhunteri did it to a CD, and i booted it up.20:09
intelhunterso i still have windows.20:09
jacobwin that case you're running ubuntu from the CD, do you plan to install or not?20:10
intelhunteri plan to install, but not untill i have found out more.20:10
Azelphurall you need to do is reboot to reset the entire live session20:10
jacobwif you've changed something it the gui it won't persist through to the installation20:11
AzelphurliveCD doesn't save anything xD20:11
jutnux70% encrypted20:11
intelhunteri still have some questions....20:11
jacobwwhat are you encrypting?20:11
intelhunteris there a spotify for linux?20:11
intelhunteri found some bits of it...20:12
daubersonly if you have a premium subscription20:12
intelhunterbut does it work?20:12
jacobwit can run under wine20:12
jacobwi don't know anything about premium subscription20:12
jacobwwine is a program that runs windows programs in linux20:13
jutnuxjacobw: My HDD20:13
intelhunternow, i have a challange for you, can you convince me to installing linux instead of windows?20:13
Azelphurintelhunter: installing instead of is a bad idea, especially as a brand new user20:13
jacobwi don't know20:13
Azelphurdual boot.20:13
intelhunterpros and cons...20:13
jacobwall i can say is .. "if it's not fun, why do it?"20:14
Azelphurthere's no reason you can't have both20:14
Azelphurand remove windows later if you feel the need to20:14
jutnuxintelhunter: If you want a system that runs faster, has next to nil viruses and pretty much the same software as Windows, wy not?20:14
Azelphurthat's what I did, I dual booted for like a year20:14
intelhuntersounds fair...20:14
Azelphurand then I realised I never use windows any more, so just removed it20:14
jacobwwhat do you use windows for?20:14
intelhunteri tried to learn programming.20:15
jacobwif there's no windows specific programs you need then there's no reason not switch to a better operating system20:15
Azelphur^ that basically20:15
intelhunterbut python was bad...20:15
jacobwpython is great :)20:16
Azelphurdon't hate python :o20:16
Azelphurpython is awesome20:16
jacobwwhere you using idle?20:16
jacobwdon't use idle20:16
intelhunterit gave me error messages in wondows, and i was told to use it in linux.20:16
jutnuxMake sure you follow a styling guideline too20:16
intelhunteri was using the GUI20:16
intelhunterwut is that?20:16
Azelphurjutnux: haha, a noob so doesn't need to worry about clean code20:17
jutnuxA styling guideline for Python20:17
jutnuxAzelphur: Well he's better off learning it now rather than when he is acustomed to the code20:17
jacobwthere's no difference between python on windows and python on linux except the development environment20:17
Azelphurjutnux: 100% wrong. When starting something new and complicated like that it's information overload that alienates 99% of people20:17
* popey points intelhunter at http://codeyear.com/20:17
intelhunteri know some of python, like while and if and elif...20:17
AzelphurIf you actually want to help, avoid information overload like the plague :)20:18
daubers\o/ my wifes cousin is being tought to code at GCSE lavel20:18
jutnuxdaubers: I'm still doing the generic Microsoft Office. Glad I taught myself.20:18
jutnuxAzelphur: Well if he develops a way of doing things and continues it's going to be harder to get out of that habit than it is to learn this one.20:19
Azelphurintelhunter: but yea, Ubuntu offers the option during the installation to install alongside Windows, so you can just do that, and see how you go :)20:19
intelhunterok, i will.20:19
Azelphurjutnux: and if you information overload, your not going to learn anything at all, ever because you'll just give up :)20:19
intelhunterthat will also eliminate the need to convinse my parent why ubuntu is a safer option than windows.20:20
jutnuxAzelphur: It's not much of an information overload :p20:20
jacobwsafer is definite20:20
intelhunteryeah, i just had this PC ovehauled...20:21
intelhunterit was slow and had lotso' shit in it.20:21
jutnuxintelhunter: Language please :-)20:21
Azelphurjutnux: have you not even looked at that article haha, think about trying to read that on day 1 when you had no idea of any programming concepts at all, because that article requires that you know basic programming concepts/terminology to make any sense whatsoever :)20:21
jutnuxAzelphur: True, I see where you're coming from. But it's better to learn it sooner rather than later.20:22
Azelphurjutnux: sooner perhaps, but not until basic programming concepts are down, information overload is the #1 killer when learning a new language :P20:22
Azelphurintelhunter: as for convincing btw, no need for us to do it haha, just dual boot, give it a try, see if it does what you need it to do :)20:23
AzelphurIf you can get by without booting into windows for a month or so, you probably don't need windows any more and can safely remove it20:23
jutnuxI personally run a VM for Windows essential apps.20:23
AzelphurI game in wine :p20:24
jacobwthere's many advantages to running windows a vm if you don't have any special hardware requirements20:24
jacobwhow does that work Azelphur ?20:24
Azelphurjacobw: quite well?20:24
jacobwi tried to play counter strike in wine years ago and it didn't work well enough20:25
AzelphurI've been playing CS:S/TF2 in wine ever since I switched about 4 years ago20:25
jutnuxI don't game :P20:25
jacobwit was probably the nvidia drivers of the time20:26
jacobwi don't game either now, i keep meaning to try minecraft20:27
jutnuxMinecraft is good. I get bored of it pretty quick.20:30
MartijnVdSyou like being bored?20:38
Azelphurwhat's the "proper" way to bind additional IPs on Ubuntu server?20:39
MartijnVdSAzelphur: in add them on the :x alias interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces20:40
MartijnVdSauto eth0:120:40
MartijnVdSiface eth0:1 inet static20:40
MartijnVdSor do you mean some daemon binding to specific IPs?20:41
Azelphurnah that's what I want20:41
Azelphuroh, they already did it for me20:42
Azelphuralready set up, I guess I just have to sudo service networking restart?20:42
jutnuxMartijnVdS: Obviously not, I should've added a though to the end of that sentence ;)20:43
MartijnVdSjutnux: ;)20:44
daev_anyone here experienced with xorg.conf?20:45
Azelphur!anyone | daev_20:45
lubotu3daev_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:45
MartijnVdSdaev_: I know it's seldom necessary anymore, what do you want to know :)20:45
daev_I'm using the proprietary ati drivers at the moment and was hoping to use a different refresh rate. at the moment it's only got 60Hz available. However in windows permits higher. what would you suggest if not xorg?:]20:46
AzelphurMartijnVdS: what do I do to reload /etc/network/interfaces?20:47
MartijnVdSAzelphur: 2 options20:47
MartijnVdSAzelphur: (a) restart networking service20:47
MartijnVdSAzelphur: (b) ifup name_of_newly_added_interface20:47
MartijnVdS(ifup eth0:1)20:47
Azelphurah, B sounds good then I don't interrupt the connection20:47
AzelphurMartijnVdS: or not, doing sudo ifup eth1:0 and it's saying "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" "Failed to bring up eth1:1."20:48
MartijnVdS:0 isn't valid20:49
Azelphursame issue with :120:49
MartijnVdSyou should start with :120:49
MartijnVdSAzelphur: can you pastebin the file?20:49
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/4Nh1eU9T20:49
MartijnVdSah yes20:50
MartijnVdSyou should start with :120:50
MartijnVdSand not use :0 at all20:50
AzelphurMartijnVdS: bumped them all up 1, same issue20:51
Azelphuroh wait, didn't do it right20:51
MartijnVdSyou can use20:51
MartijnVdSifup -a20:51
MartijnVdSto do all at once20:51
MartijnVdS(all marked "auto")20:51
Azelphuryea, same issue it won't bring up eth1:*20:51
AzelphurI bumped all the auto and iface lines up 1 so there's no eth1:0 any more20:52
MartijnVdSThen you might need to restart networking (use screen!)20:52
AzelphurMartijnVdS: a little worrying, if I break networking access I have to pay for remote hands :P20:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: hmm20:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: can you pastebin ifconfig -a20:53
AzelphurMartijnVdS: also I don't think :0 is invalid, my old server uses :0 :p20:54
MartijnVdSAzelphur: :0 is specialish though20:54
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest28935
MartijnVdSAzelphur: and can your pastebin "ifup -a" ?20:55
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/813563/20:56
MartijnVdSAzelphur: what if you do:20:56
MartijnVdSifconfig eth1:1 ip.address.1 netmask net.mask.120:57
AzelphurMartijnVdS: with up on the end? sudo ifconfig eth1:1 netmask up20:58
Azelphurwithout up it does nothing, with up it says SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address20:58
MartijnVdSno, up is not necessary20:58
MartijnVdSAzelphur: "ip addr" and "ip route"20:59
MartijnVdSwhat do thay say?20:59
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/813567/20:59
MartijnVdSyou already have the addresses assigned :)21:00
MartijnVdSon eth121:00
Azelphurhow does that madness even work xD21:00
MartijnVdSAzelphur: there are 2 ways to add addresses to an interface21:00
AzelphurI see no eth1:1 in ifconfig21:00
MartijnVdSthe old style:21:00
MartijnVdSifconfig, with alias interfaces (":x")21:00
MartijnVdSip addr, with just the normal interface ("secondary" addresses in ip addr output)21:01
MartijnVdSI don't know how the first method is supported in /e/n/i21:01
Azelphurme either o.O21:01
MartijnVdSbut the "aliases" method IS supported, using :x notation as you've added21:01
MartijnVdSAzelphur: ip addr del dev eth121:01
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I didn't add that, it was there by default21:01
Azelphurso since they appear to be there and working, I'll just guess "datacenter people did dark magic, don't touch it"21:02
MartijnVdSAzelphur: then ifup eth1:x (where x = interface alias number with that ip)21:02
MartijnVdSyou never did 'ip addr add'?21:02
MartijnVdSnothing in ~/.bash_history?21:02
AzelphurMartijnVdS: haha yea, I see them doing it :)21:03
AzelphurMartijnVdS: people using vi, I don't use vi, and messing with /etc/network/interfaces, upstream must have sorted it :p21:03
AlanBellhmm, broken my unity3d again :(21:04
MartijnVdSAzelphur: OK, so don't touch it ;)21:04
Azelphurindeed, didn't realise they'd done it, I didn't even know you could do that without it showing up in ifconfig on the :x interfaces21:04
Azelphurdark upstream voodoo >.<21:04
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://andys.org.uk/bits/2010/02/24/iproute2-life-after-ifconfig/21:06
Azelphurfun :)21:07
AzelphurSpeaking of up upstream voodoo, they just upgraded their SLA, basically it's 100% everything21:07
MartijnVdSAzelphur: even better: http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2011/12/21/deprecated-linux-networking-commands-and-their-replacements/21:07
MartijnVdSAzelphur: good guide to learn :)21:08
Azelphurhttps://www.nfoservers.com/sla.php I quite like this SLA :D21:09
MartijnVdSgamers.. ;)21:10
Azelphurwell hey, it is a game server, and they do seem to have their stuff in order21:10
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jutnux90% done \o/21:25
MartijnVdSissyl0: having an irc identity crisis? :)21:25
jutnuxpopey: That exopc tab looks nice.21:26
jacobwdoes anyone have experience with apacheds?21:28
MartijnVdSjacobw: what's that?21:30
popeynah, looks rubbish jutnux ☺21:31
jacobwapache's ldap server21:37
jacobwthe documentation for openldap is a bit sparse21:38
MartijnVdSthe documentation for any ldap is sparse21:40
AlanBellheh, thought I had some weird audio bug going on, but it turned out to be orca in scottish accent mode21:58
* AlanBell blames gordonjcp 21:59
gordonjcpwiznae meee22:06
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I've just watched a few episodes of "Burnistoun"22:07
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: it helps with reading that :)22:07
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I don't have a "Scottish accent" particularly22:08
MartijnVdSwhat do you have then? :)22:08
gordonjcpdepends who you ask22:09
gordonjcpsome people think I sound Scottish, some think I sound English22:10
gordonjcpthen there are the weird outliers who think I'm Canadian or Norwegian22:10
MartijnVdSdon't they mean Glaswegian then ;)22:12
gordonjcpI definitely don't sound Glaswegian22:14
Pendulumyou definitely don't sound Canadian either22:17
Pendulum(can't vouch for Norwegian as I'm not sure I have anything to compare to)22:17
gordonjcpwell, one of my friends who is Danish says she can see how people might think I was Norwegian22:18
Pendulumgordonjcp: Charlotte?22:18
PendulumI'm rather pleased I managed to remember that :)22:19
christelthere's apparently somewhere in scotland where the accent (and bastardisation of some words) sound very much like norwegian22:31
christeli cant remember where mind22:32
christelPendulum: i'm norwegian! :P22:32
* bigcalm runs around in a blind panic22:34
bigcalmOh, I there22:34
bigcalmIs there a reliable MS Project viewer for Linux?22:41
ali1234popey: how did you do minecraft screencasts?22:56
ali1234it just ocured to me, you said that your scripts only work with nouveau22:56
ali1234but minecraft doesn't work with nouveau22:56
ali1234it doesn't work particularly well with intel graphics either22:57
bigcalmI need to map work flows. Suggested app?23:18
bigcalmOpen Office Draw apparently23:21
mgdmhttp://pencil.evolus.vn/en-US/Home.aspx I read about this yesterday23:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 865672 in unity (Ubuntu) "Adobe flash settings 'allow-deny' dialogue does not respond" [Medium,Confirmed]23:42
ali1234everyone go click "me to" on this if you use compiz or unity 3d23:42

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