
vadi2Is anyone else extremely bothered by 2D unity refusing to hide from the mouse if there is a pending notification - forcing you to click on the notification first if you want to see the content the panel is hiding?00:36
BerndSch_hi, what's the best way to debug Lenses? Where can I find which lenses are loaded? Where can I find why the search signal don't trigger for my lens?10:56
mhr3BerndSch_, debug prints + running the lens from console works fine14:02
Petko10hey guys , I don't see too much action going on , but I'll guess I'm in the right place . I want to get some feedback on my idea for the calendar applet here : http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/29130/15:02
Petko10if anyone would be kind enough to review it15:02
mhall119Petko10: I've been wanting an indicator for notes/tasks for a while now15:07
mhall119I'm not sure the clock applet is the right place for it though15:07
BerndSch_mhr3: no, sadly not. The lens+scope works fine. I see the debug output in the init method. But I see no lens (no icon) and there is no debug output from my search method (enabled global search)15:18
BerndSch_mhr3: I think this all has something to do with the apparmor stuff I integrated in my source because I submitted my lens to the Software Center. This all works fine with 11.10, but don't work now with 12.0415:19
Petko10mhall119: well the applet now has some sync with mail clients (frankly I haven't tried it :?) so I guess it has some functionality like that . all I really want is to make it big , so it's more usable than a pocket calendar (and that one could annotate in it)15:24
mhr3BerndSch_, if you dont see the lens in the bottom bar of unity that's pretty bad16:17
BerndSch_mhr3: yes, and so I would like to know how I can debug wich lenses are loaded at startup and how I can debug the search behaviour. My lens connects to the search signal, but why the callback method get never called?16:33
mhr3BerndSch_, running unity itself in console might reveal something16:34
BerndSch_mhr3: I think debugging lenses and scopes are a mess at the moment?! Why is there now documentation how to debug them? Gnome it's easier with this think. There you can see why an extensions isn't loaded and it's easier to see the debug output16:34
BerndSch_mhr3: I think it's the apparmor think that blocks my lens, but how I can debug that?!16:35
mhr3sorry i know nothing about apparmor16:35
BerndSch_mhr3: ok, no problem16:42
Saviqthumper, it's monday already?20:25
Saviqyou guys have it tough...20:25
thumperSaviq: yes... yes it is20:29
smspillaz thumper morning20:30
smspillazSaviq: its uh20:30
thumpersmspillaz: hi20:30
smspillazearly here20:30
smspillazhey hey20:30
thumperbschaefer: feel free to chat about normal untiy stuff here :)20:52
bschaeferthumper, alright20:53
bschaeferthumper, so sam and andyrock both reviewed the alt+f1 nav mode bug so I would say that bug looks fixed20:54
bschaeferthumper, and the ibus problem is slightly weird. I am not sure how far I should be going on it20:55
thumperis it unity specific?20:55
thumperor ibus in ubuntu in general?20:55
bschaeferthumper, well if setting IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE causes the problem but the problem is that the IMs can't handle all the input20:56
bschaeferso it gets sent to gtk then it commits the letter but there is still preedit left around so that is a bug in the IM20:56
bschaeferinput method20:57
bschaeferlike hangul or pinyin20:57
bschaeferumm so if the IM cant handle an input char such as space it returns FALSE and lets gtk handle it; the bug is it leaves the preedit around20:58
bschaeferIt is not unitys problem; but im not sure who to blame20:59
bschaeferbecause I don't know the specs for what an IM should do. Should it be able to handle all the input? Or is that ibus problem? Or should ibus not even offer IBUS_ENABLE_SYNC_MODE21:00
bschaeferthumper, sorry, spent a while digging though ibus, ibus-hangul and libhangul code. I was able to get the space working correctly though; in libhangul21:02
thumperI'll escalate this through the distro21:03
bschaeferthumper, alright. I just wish ibus and unity could be friends :)21:04
bschaeferI need to talk with jay about how far he has gotten on the TextEntry in nux. With ibus support21:04
thumperbschaefer: do you have the bug number to hand?21:05
bschaeferthere is more info from me in there too21:06
bschaeferthumper, also to prove this isn't unitys fault you get the same results in GNOME if you set the env var21:09
bschaeferor force ibus to set it to true. So it is a bug with that env var and ibus and the specific IM engine being used21:10
* thumper nods21:10
thumperI've asked for some distro help on the ibus stuff21:10
bschaeferif it isn't in unity fault should I set the bug to invalid for unity of leave it? As it does effect unity but it isn't unitys fault21:11
bschaeferthumper, and thanks21:11
bschaeferhey mhr321:41
mhr3sup bschaefer21:41
bschaefermhr3, I did some testing21:41
bschaeferand when you kill the say the applications daemon and then search (it restarts it self) the init does nothing21:42
bschaeferit still has a problem when you kill the lens and then your next search does nothing21:42
mhr3bschaefer, init?21:42
bschaeferit comes up empty21:42
bschaefersorry, umm in LensView the initial_activation_ bool21:43
bschaeferthat is used when a lens connects and it calls Search("");21:43
bschaeferbut that Search(""); does not actually reset the lens21:43
mhr3yea, there's something odd21:43
mhr3i'll have to look at it closer21:44
bschaeferalright, because that line of code causes a problem with my branch for the no-results-hint21:44
bschaeferbut cool, let me know if you find something. Another thing I noticed was unity --reset does not cause the problem. Only on a fresh login or reboot21:45
bschaefermhr3, with the Search (""); call emitting OnSearchFinished with 0 results.21:46
mhr3i also noticed some problem with models, when lens restarts they sometimes dont see to work properly21:46
bschaefermhr3, let me know if you find something :). Ill leave my branch as is because I still need to wait for mikkel to finish the new home view.21:48
bschaeferalso it is looking a lot nicer, the home view21:48
mhr3bschaefer, sure, i hope we'll merge his branch soon, the diff is becoming too huge21:50
bschaefermhr3, haha. Yeah. I  might want to split mine up into one for LensView/DashView and one for the HomeView...21:50
bschaeferI dont like getting the diff to large21:50
bschaefermhr3, I also added a manual test for it in unity. Not sure how you would test for this else where...21:53
mhr3yea, good idea, the lens tester will probably test it too, but sending the hint doesn't mean that unity is displaying it, right? :)21:54
bschaefermhr3, correct :) It sends it when it is == 0 then unity does a check because the lens might not have a no-result-hint21:54
bschaefermhr3, but if you emit the OnSearchFinished with 0 results unity should always display something21:55

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