
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
albert23The x update from the staging ppa brings back bug 901959. Patch 103_fix_uxa_fill_spans.patch seems to be missing from xxv-intel.15:50
ubot4`Launchpad bug 901959 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Clipping in libreoffice welcome screen (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90195915:50
albert23Looks like xserver-xorg-video-intel (2:2.15.901-1ubuntu4) was not in git15:57
Sarvattalbert23: thanks a ton for the heads up16:56
Sarvattfixed in git, of course now i see git was out of sync with whats in the ppa17:03
FernandoMiguelSarvatt: hey17:05
FernandoMiguelany new optimizations for sandy bridge I should be aware?17:05
SarvattFernandoMiguel: heyo, not that I can think of, maybe drm.vblankoffdelay=1, thats good for ~1.9% power savings according to ckings testing17:12
SarvattRAOF: great, Rejected: PPA exceeded its size limit (2389.00 of 2048.00 MiB). Ask a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/ if you need more space.17:12
FernandoMiguelSarvatt: where?17:12
tjaaltonthat's canonical-x/staging?17:12
SarvattFernandoMiguel: /etc/default/grub17:13
Sarvattkernel command line option17:13
tjaaltonhow can it take that much..17:13
Sarvattqt it looks like17:15
tjaaltonguess I wont dput xorg then :)17:15
Sarvattasking for more space now17:17
Sarvatthopefully cnd doesn't have another qt upload queued, i'm only asking for 1GB17:17
Sarvattit keeps around the old one when you upload a new one17:18
Sarvattwill ping people monday17:19
tjaaltonSarvatt: what problems does rc6 + vt-d enabled cause? I've had two hangs within a day, thinking if it's related..18:36
jcristautjaalton: hangs.19:52
tjaaltonok then :)19:53
Sarvatttjaalton: intel_iommu is disabled completely in 3.2.0-10 if you're on that, probably not it19:54
tjaaltonSarvatt: nah, I actually booted -8 now, thought if -9 had something to do with it but doubtful19:57
Sarvatttried -10?19:58
tjaaltonnot yet19:58
tjaaltonoh, -meta _is_ bumped20:01
Sarvattyeah been using -10 all week20:02
Sarvatt..or not, uploaded thursday20:03
FernandoMiguelmy love for mplayer is lost !20:06
FernandoMiguelSource image dimensions are too high: 4096x2304 (maximum is 2048x2048)20:06
FernandoMiguelFATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.20:06
JanCwhat does GStreamer say?  ;)20:42
FernandoMiguelvlc complains , but opens20:47
FernandoMiguelI think it downgrades the video20:47

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