
Guest4844hi 02:16
zerefok guys, here's one.  Setup ICS(internet connection sharing) on my one ubuntu box. connected to my other buntu box, and it works. connected to my debian box, not working. so i'm mising some software. does anybost know exactly what software it is??14:58
tumbleweedno, you aren't. The debian box is probably misconfigured15:03
tumbleweedyou have set it up to use dhcp?15:12
zerefon the deb box, i'm  using network-manger. so shouldn't it auto detect on eth0?15:13
zereftumbleweed: yes15:13
tumbleweedso, did it get an IP? a default route? a nameserver?15:15
zeref-lappydid not have to set those for the other ubuntu box15:17
tumbleweedI'm trying to suggest how you go about debugging this15:19
tumbleweeddid it receive a DHCP lease?15:20
tumbleweedwhat's in /etc/network/interfaces ? and /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state15:21
Kilosafternoon all15:23
zeref-lappyin interfaces: just auto lo15:23
zeref-lappythe state file: networkingEnabled, Wireless enabled, WWANEnabled, all true15:24
tumbleweedzeref-lappy: that seems good, although you should have also had "iface lo inet loopback" in /etc/network/interfaces15:25
zeref-lappyyep i do have that :-)15:26
tumbleweedzeref-lappy: do you see entries from dhclient in /var/log/daemon.log ?15:28
tumbleweedif you tail it while connecting, you should see interesting things :)15:31
tumbleweedanyway, I must run off15:32
zeref-lappynope no dhclient entry15:32
inetprogood evening17:31
Kiloslo inetpro 17:31
inetproKilos: heh, how goes?17:33
Kilosso so en daar?17:33
inetprohmm... so bietjie lyf seer maar verder ok17:34
Kiloslyf seer van wat inetpro ?17:35
inetproKilos: het Vrydag oggend saam met my bromponie so bietjie kennis gemaak met die teerpad17:35
inetpromaar niks ernstig nie, kon gelukkig opstaan en verder ry17:36
inetpronet die ego so bietjie aangetas17:36
Kilosbitjie skaam nê17:37
Kilosbietjie ook17:37
inetproai, die dinge gebeur te vinnig17:37
Kilosja jy moet wakker wees hele tyd op twee wiele17:37
inetproeen oomblik nog lekker gery teen 60km om die draai by die duikweg uit Pretoria Noord uit17:38
Kiloswas die pad nat?17:38
inetprovolgende oomblik was dit of ek op ys skaats17:38
Kilosof olie op die pad17:38
inetpronee maar ek dink daar was 'n olie kol17:38
inetpromaar ek was onvoorbereid en het betaal daarvoor17:39
Kiloseish jy kan bly wees daar was nie karre of trokke wat verby gejaag het nie17:39
inetpronet karre agter wat onmiddelik gestop het 17:39
Kilossjoe jy is baie gelukkig17:39
inetproen drie mense uit verskillende karre wat my onmiddelik opgehelp het nog voor ek behoorlik kon opstaan17:40
Kilossjoe dis gaaf17:40
Kilosmeeste ry net verby deesdaie17:41
Kilossjoe vergeet hoe om dit te spel17:41
Kiloshet jy erg seer gekry17:41
inetpronet skrapies op de enkel en op die knieg17:43
inetproen 'n skoenveter wat weggeskraap is17:44
Kilosjy moet versigtig ry man17:44
inetprogelukkig my baadjie aangehad anders was ek ene roasties aan my arm17:45
inetproja, so leer 'n mens om nog meer respek te hê vir die ding17:45
Kiloso het jy n leer baadjie17:46
Kilosbeste klere vir af val17:46
inetpronie leer nie17:46
Kiloszeref-lappy, dit you win with the modem?17:46
Kiloshoe lyk die baadjie17:47
Kiloswhat dit you need to do zeref-lappy ?17:47
inetprosintetiese baadjie17:47
inetprozeref-lappy: ehlo17:48
Kiloseks bly jy is ok inetpro 17:48
Kilosdank die groot baas nê17:48
inetproKilos: dankie, vir seker17:49
zeref-lappyhad to install us-moden app17:49
zeref-lappystop network-manager17:49
zeref-lappyrestart, than bam, working17:50
Kiloswow on maverick the modem is normally seen straight off as long as you have usb-modeswitch installed so it doesnt see it as a storage device17:51
Kilosi think i got modem-manager as well17:51
Kilosbut good to know its working17:52
Kilospoor old squirm still hasnt got his working i think17:52
zeref-lappything is that there are so many solutions, is usb-modem method is not working17:53
Kiloslo sdehaan 18:22
Kilosnuvolari, lewe jy nog?18:25
Kilosnight guys sleep tight18:27
tumbleweedzeref-lappy: right, do you have dhclient installed?19:20
zeref-lappywait, wait, before we continue. i initially wanted my debian box to be a dhcp server. so i've gone back to that19:31
zeref-lappyits setup up correctly if i connect a win box to debian19:32
zeref-lappynow the conectins for ubuntu box19:32
tumbleweedif it is the dhcp server, shouldn't it also be the gateway?19:33
tumbleweed(it's generally sensible to keep networks simple)19:33
zeref-lappywlan0 is on 192.169.1.xx, the eth0 is on 192.168.0.xx19:34
tumbleweedwhere does the internet connectivity come from?19:34
zeref-lappydebian, managed by the interfaces file19:35
zeref-lappywhen i tail messagaes file i get eth0 link not ready19:39
tumbleweedis the cable plugged in?19:41
tumbleweeddoes the cable work? :)19:41
tumbleweedif it says the link down, then it's either the cable or the interface at one of the ends...19:42
zeref-lappyummm, must be the buntu box, cos when i connect a windows box all is good.19:43
zeref-lappyi put the details in the interfaces file instead of network-manager, same thing19:44
tumbleweedlet me just see if I understand19:45
tumbleweedyou have an ADSL modem or something connected to eth0 of the debian box19:45
tumbleweedok, it connects to the router by wifi19:45
tumbleweedand eth0 is a local LAN that this machine will be the gateway for?19:46
tumbleweedbut you don't want the LAN and wifi network to be bridged?19:46
zeref-lappyummm, i read around and most sites said that bridging was not a good idea19:47
tumbleweedit's utulaly the simplest solution19:48
tumbleweedbecause you don't need another layer of NAT, another DHCP server, etc19:48
tumbleweed(assuming a small home network)19:48
zeref-lappy+ for wlan0 i'm using ndiswrapper, and with niswrapper you can change the mode to master, needed for bridging19:48
tumbleweedndiswrapper, urgh19:48
tumbleweedhrm, can a wifi client not be bridged?19:49
tumbleweedmaster is for making the machine an AP19:49
superflysurely you can just shut down dhcp on the wireless router, and then the server will hand out ip addresses there too?19:51
superflyyou manually set the ip address of the router itself, so that you can route internet through its modem, but the rest of the network gets their addresses from the server19:52
zeref-lappyummm, i'll read up on: http://wiki.debian.org/BridgeNetworkConnections19:53
zeref-lappysuperfly: i dont have access to the router..19:53
tumbleweedsuperfly: I'm suggesting the other way around, having the router handle everything, but yeah, same thing19:54
tumbleweedzeref-lappy: aah, someone else's router?19:54
tumbleweedin that case maybe you don't want to bridge19:54
superflytumbleweed: yeah, I'd do something like that19:54
zeref-lappytumbleweed: yeah, res..19:55
tumbleweedzeref-lappy: aah, yes you don't want to bridge then19:55
tumbleweedyou want your own network19:55
tumbleweedso, what's plugged into eth0? a switch?19:55
zeref-lappyjust a eth cable19:56
tumbleweedrunning to another machine?19:56
tumbleweedis it on?19:57
tumbleweeddo they show link lights?19:57
Tonberryany of the two still 100mbit?19:57
tumbleweedmaybe you need a crossover cable (if both of them are oldish)19:57
tumbleweedyeah, gigabit interfaces have auto-crossover, many 100mbit interfaces don't19:57
zeref-lappyno, link lights only go on with windows box connected19:57
tumbleweeddebian<->windows = link,  debian<->ubuntu = no link?19:58
tumbleweedis the windows box newer?19:58
tumbleweedright, you need a crossover cable :)19:58
zeref-lappywin dox is new19:58
Tonberryor at switch19:58
zeref-lappythanks guys20:01

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