
knomei've been busy with money-making job, but i'm available00:00
knomeif you ever need something, just ping me00:00
lenScottL: todays (jan21) iso has the old ffmpeg extra problem. Possibly introduced by the live stuff. I'm thinking the "slide show".00:09
lenSo install fails00:10
ailoIt's Gnome3 thing - choosing which file manager manages the desktop02:08
ailoIt's also possible to have no file manager managing the desktop, if you want02:08
* micahg is fixing the libav-extra issue02:57
ailoWould be great if jackd2 1.9.8 wound up in the repo..04:43
lenDownload and install 12.04 US for today jan21 (here still)04:50
lenFound some interesting things. I don't like the kernel... it panics when I insert my sd card in it's slot... the same sd is fine through a usb converter.04:51
lenthe same sd is fine with xubuntu 11.10. I tried to install with the sd in the sd slot... booted fine but then could not "find" the "cd".04:53
lenI took the sd out plugged it into the usb adaptor and it was fine. Under xubuntu 11.10 They both put out the same logging in dmesg.04:55
micahglen: let's wait for jackd2 to migrate to testing first04:57
lenThis is still a generic kernel04:58
lenI will have to bug report anyway.04:58
lenThe install failed after setting all workflows for install because of ffmpeg extra confict again.05:00
micahgyeah, I just uploaded it 2 hours ago, it should be in the 22nd ISOs05:00
lenSo I just installed art and audio plugins and got through ok....05:01
lenJust uploaded what? Kernel or ffmpeg fix05:01
micahgthere's a 3.2.0-10 kernel for precise now as well though05:02
lenOK. Has the kernel got put in the seeds/metas yet?05:03
lenIs the lowlat kernal built on the same source as the generic?05:03
micahglowlatency isn't in the archive yet05:03
lenmight be a good thing I tested with this one so we know it is not the lowlat that is causing it.05:04
lenOnce I got it going I ran synaptic to install the metas I missed.05:08
lenthey all selected fine (promised to uninstall the non-extras) until I got to the video meta.05:10
lensynaptic would not let me select the video meta because of a dep on ffmpeg... which, it said "would not be installed".05:12
lenSo I tried to select ffmpeg... no joy it had a dep of an av* that was not to be installed...05:13
ailoThe idea with -lowlatency is that it is built from exactly the same source as -generic, except it has a slightly different configuration05:16
ailoNow, there is a difference between the current -lowlatency, and the current -generic however05:17
ailoThe have different versions I believe05:17
lenI'll file the bug against the kernel I have here.05:18
lenThe video meta seems to be bad. 05:19
len Depends: ffmpeg but it is not going to be installed05:19
len Depends: openshot but it is not going to be installed05:19
micahglen: please wait tomorrow to try the video05:23
len/usr/share/xgreeters/default.desktop is still missing (link)05:24
micahgis it not working now?05:24
lenI put it in manually05:24
lenI will try video again tomorrow.05:25
lenThe install should work if the extras have been fixed.05:27
lenOk, looks like the av stuff is in the middle of an upgrade. Some are done and others not.05:32
lenThe two packages that won't install require 4:0.8, but we have 4:0.705:33
craigs63hi kids, meeting here in 40 minutes?16:20
astraljavaNot here, but on #ubuntu-meeting.16:23
astraljavaScottL: holstein: Up for chairing? I'm a little distracted here.16:24
holsteinastraljava: i should be home by then, and i should have time to chair16:25
astraljavaThanks Mike!16:25
holsteini might be a bit late16:53
holsteinrunning home now16:53
holsteinnot bad... one minute late :)17:01
ailoI just tried out mudita2417:40
ailoOnly the levels, I/O and the meters17:40
ailoThe app is pretty basic17:40
ailoDon't forsee any problems with it17:41
holsteincraigs63: thanks for attending17:42
astraljavaailo: len: Give it a few more runs, and prepare to report your findings in the next meeting. Ok?17:42
astraljavaI'm fairly confident it runs well, so we could do it in the next informal meeting a week from now, it's not that big a deal.17:45
astraljavaBut since it's not a "stable" release from the upstream, I also don't wanna get it synced just like that.17:45
ailoastraljava: IT won't crash anyway. The questions is whether all the controls are doing what they are supposed, but I would think they do, since the changes were more of a superficial nature17:48
ailoThere is some oddity in how the volume controls are drawn17:48
ailoBut, it makes no difference17:48
ailoIt all seems to work normally17:49
holsteini just copied https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2012February5 over from todays agenda and edited times17:50
holsteinif you guys want to "have at it"17:50
astraljavaholstein: Thanks! I can edit it for actions and stuff.17:56
holsteinastraljava: thanks... i dont mind chewing away at some of it too.. im just doing the broad strokes before i need to run out the door17:57
astraljavaSure thing.17:58
ailoI'm going to sleep, at 7pm.17:58
ailoSee you guys around17:59
holsteinastraljava: i think todays page looks good18:07
holsteinif you want to go ahead and focus on the next meetings' page18:07
holsteincouldnt decide if it should be 5 or 05 ..whatever18:08
ScottLjeez, sorry for missing the meeting18:50
ScottLwife is out of town and i'm a little distracted with the two boys18:51
ScottLand completely missed that it was past 10:00 already18:52
astraljavaNo worries Scott. :)18:53
ScottLi feel bad because it's become routine for me to miss the meeting18:55
ScottLi rely on google calendar for reminders but i'm not always by a computer or with my phone18:55
ScottLwhen home i routinely put my phone on my dresser in the bedroom and only pick it up if we go out18:56
astraljavaIt's not that big a deal, really. We can work out the issues at other times. And we should, too. For instance the tasks tracking etc.18:57
ScottLi think i might buy a cheap alarm clock and put it somewhere cental that will go off on sundays18:57
astraljavaSo it really isn't an issue if one of us misses a meeting or three.18:57
ScottLbut it's not like the meeting is not friendly to my time zone, i'm available and practically always at the house during those times19:00
ScottLi just need a better system to remind myself about the meeting19:00
ScottLis anyone interested in being a 3rd maintainer for the lowlatency kernel?  this would basically be a fail-over position in case abogani or i were no longer available?20:25
ScottLi will also be creating a lowlatency kernel team under ubuntu studio, the three persons would be on this team20:26
ScottLTheMuso, can i have your advice about how to properly include sane, default jack settings?20:26
ScottLTheMuso, we have the settings and i have been told that i can place them in the /skel directory to be included into a user's home directory20:27
ScottLTheMuso, my concern is about whether they should be included in the -default-settings package or create another binary from within the -default-settings source code20:27
ScottLTheMuso, i am leaning to creating another binary for this because this would limit people's access to isntalling something into their /home directory unecessarily or unintentionally20:28
micahgif they're defaults, why aren't they set on the system level instead of a per-user basis?20:56
ScottLmicahg, i believe that jack only sets it's setting in the user's home directory, i don't know if it can be set like you are describing but i think that is a good idea if possible21:02
micahgyou might want to talk to the Debian multimedia team (#debian-multimedia on OFTC)21:03
ScottLi.e. have a default system setting, but if the user adjusts it then it gets set in the /home directory then and jack always checks for the existance of the /home directory settings first and uses the system setting otherwise21:03
ScottLmicahg, i will do that21:03
astraljavaScottL: I can be the third maintainer, sure.21:57
ScottLastraljava, sweet!  i'll make the team later this evening :)22:02
ScottL(and i can mark the blueprint as "DONE" on two more items)22:02

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