
balleyneI have a firewire audio interface, and have to chmod /dev/raw1394 every time I boot up. Is there a way to make these permissions permanent?06:48
ailoballeyne: What system are you on?06:58
balleyneailo, I'm running Ubuntu Studio 10.04.3 LTS06:59
ailoballeyne: Ok. So, you're running the old firewire stack I believe. Have you tried ubuntustudio-controls?07:00
ailoIt's not doing what it's supposed to though07:01
balleyneailo, hmm, when I open ubuntustudio-controls, it has 'Enable raw1394 access' checked already07:02
ailoballeyne: I can't remember whether the user needs to be in audio or video group in Lucid07:03
ailoFor firewire to work with the old stack, that is07:04
ailoballeyne: Did you mess around with the other settings on ubuntustudio-controls?07:05
balleyneailo, well, my user is in the audio and video group, but /dev/raw1394 is owned by root:root07:05
balleyneailo, other settings, nice percentage, I messed around with a year or two back to get the right balance, but haven't touched recently07:06
balleyneailo, memlock is off07:06
ailoballeyne: Those will edit the wrong file btw07:06
ailoubuntustudio-controls is buggy in this way07:06
ailojackd should install a file in /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf07:07
ailoWhile ubuntustudio-controls edits a file called /etc/security/limits.conf (if I remember correctly)07:07
ailoMake sure to remove any lines for @audio in /etc/security/limits.conf, and edit /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf manually07:08
balleyneailo, ok, thanks. I've got things set in /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf already, pretty sure I set them before ubuntustudio-controls was around (I started off maybe with 9.04 or 8.10, adjusted as I've upgraded, etc.). Things work fine on my system, it's just a bit annoying to chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394 every time I boot up, wondering if there's a way to make that automatic or to have it persist beyond reboots07:09
ailoballeyne: Yea, but if you used ubuntustudio-controls to edit memory amount, you will have edited the wrong file07:11
ailoIn which case audio.conf is overruled07:11
balleyneailo, ok07:11
ailoballeyne: So, just remove the @audio lines from the /etc/security/limits.conf file if you got them07:12
ailoballeyne: There should be a file.. /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw1394.rules for firewire devices07:13
ailoThis should add firewire devices to audio group07:13
balleyneailo, yep, removing those @audio lines now07:13
ailoballeyne: But, the 1394 rules will only work if you're running the old stack07:14
ailoWhich you must be of course07:15
balleyneailo, so, my /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw1394.rules file says: KERNEL=="raw1394",              GROUP="audio"07:15
ailoI think that should be it07:15
balleyneyet the group is clearly root when I `ls -l /dev/raw1394`07:15
balleyneailo, how can I tell if I'm running the old stack or the new stack? I do remember some things changing with upgrades a while back, but I am still on 10.04...07:16
ailo1394 is the old stack07:16
ailoI think 10.04 uses the old stack by default07:17
balleyneailo, ah, ok, yeah, definitely still 1394 then, I was thinking of the freebob / ffado driver change I think07:18
ailoballeyne: I can't help double check since I don't have my own firewire device at home. holstein, when active is the guy to ask07:19
ailoHe's on Lucid, and uses a firewire device.07:20
balleyneailo, ok, cool, thanks. I'll just chmod for now. :)07:21
=== darkmatter_ is now known as darkmatter
cbartham all set up hello studio world :D14:05
ailohello cbarth14:21
cbarthhi ailo14:37
misterxyzHi. I want the PulseAudio output to appear in qjackctr as e.g. ardour or audacious. Is there any possibility ?18:37

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