
hiltonmagkneed some help with x11vnc I get get connected after a reboot with no monitor, but before it worked00:25
hiltonmagkcan't get00:25
hiltonmagkneed some help with x11vnc I can't get connected after a reboot with no monitor, but before it worked00:31
hobgoblinno monitor at all ?00:34
hiltonmagkI'm running security onion on it00:41
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NQTropichow can I change the login manager wallpaper in xubuntu 11.10 ?01:23
metasansanais php5 on xubuntu by default?03:40
jordanmytehey when xubuntu982its installing does it only show the page were it tells you about the things it has?04:30
jordanmytewhen its*04:30
jordanmytewhy isnt anyone talking?04:31
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combHey, if I had a wifi issue when i installed v10. will i get same issue with 11.10?06:08
nanotubemaybe... <_<06:22
slaptmandoes anyone knoe how to get compiz working on xubuntu 11.10???06:38
Marzatathat early?06:42
nanotubeslaptman: if you google for compiz xubuntu, you'll get some tutorials06:45
nanotubebasically, just install the compiz packages, and run compiz --replace, and it "should work". you may have to twiddle around with some window decorations or some such...06:46
=== Pieman is now known as Paimun
suddenmovesMorning :)08:21
shadowcryHey, are there any good themes yous know of that look similiar to Windows 7 for the bottom bar?08:42
shadowcryLike the transparency and glass effect?08:43
Sysiyou can just create/find fitting image and set it as background08:44
shadowcrySysi: Thank08:44
shadowcryThanks* I will try08:44
SysiI think .png transparency should work if you have compositing enabled08:45
shadowcrySysi: where would i enable compositing?08:45
shadowcrySysi: I'm new to XFCE been on GNOME for a while08:45
Sysisettings -> window manager tweaks08:46
shadowcryOk thanks08:46
shadowcrySysi: Would you be able to recommend any themes?08:48
SysiI like xubuntu default one08:48
Sysignome-look.org has plenty og gtk3 themes, window manager themes can be found in xfce-look.org08:49
sagaciwhere is the xubuntu icon stored on the filesystem?09:09
baizonsagaci: /usr/share/icons ?09:13
SpiKe_Spiegeloops, i'ts [...]/elementaryXubuntu/panel/xfce4-menu09:15
qmrany fix for this 'the location isn't a folder' nonsense?09:21
SpiKe_Spiegelis your location a folder ?09:23
Evolusionhello - i need to add LD_PRELOAD in desktop activator12:23
Evolusionwhen i do that in exec line , the activator doesnt start12:23
Evolusiononly opens in leafpad12:24
Evolusionany ideas?12:24
Sysiyou maybe should make script for that .desktop file to launch12:26
Evolusiongood idea thanks12:28
Evolusionthats quite smart :)12:28
badbytehello people, i have freshly installed xubuntu onto my laptop, but the brightness is low. how do i change that in xubuntu13:25
badbyteanyone here??13:48
TheSheepbadbyte: you might try looking for your laptop's make and model on the forums13:49
SpiKe_Spiegelbadbyte, there's an applet to control your screen brightness13:49
SpiKe_Spiegelbut I don't know if it's installed by default in Xubuntu13:49
dannyhello i would like to know if any can show me hwo to use the advanced partition tool used for ubuntu 11.10 install the is /dev/sda1 fat16 41mb . /dev/sda2 ntfs 12287 mb . /dev/sda3 ntfs 307742 mb, i would like to install on sda 3 but during reg instalation it with only give me sda2 to install to so can someone tell me how to split sda 3 so i dont lose windows and can duel install ubuntu onto half of it14:01
manuel-gonzohey people! one question: I have trouble connecting a USB wireless network (TP-LINK RT2501/RT2573) disconnects every few minutes if you connect a peripheral to a USB port.14:37
manuel-gonzohelp me, please!14:37
adam___Hello all -- I'm having YouTube playback issues (choppy video). I've got Xubuntu 11.10 running on an old ThinkPad T42.18:08
adam___I just ran Flash-Aid to no noticeable effect18:08
levlazinskiyadam - are you using firefox and what driver do you have installed for your video card?18:09
levlazinskiyIs this a new problem or has it always been like this?18:09
adam___yes, I'm using FireFox and yes, this is a new problem -- I used to have Ubuntu 11.04 on this machine and video played smoothly. How do I identify my driver?18:10
n2diyHelp! Last night I installed Gnome on my box, thinking I could choose between it and Xfce at log in. That didn't happen, but what did is my panels and Xwindows are  afu.  The panel that used to display my running apps.  is now blank, and my Xwindows no longer have  their min, max, or close buttons!?18:14
levlazinskiyok - first find out what kind of video card you have by going to a terminal and typing: lspci | grep VGA18:14
adam___ok: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]18:15
levlazinskiycool - now try this page .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI18:16
levlazinskiyIts got great instructions on how to install or update the new driver18:16
levlazinskiyif you have not messed with it.. it probably installed a generic driver18:16
levlazinskiyAlso - there was a kernel update in 11.10 which may have screwed things up too..18:16
levlazinskiyLet me know if this works! (I hope it does! :) )18:17
adam___I'm on it -- back in a few. Many thanks!18:17
levlazinskiyNo problem, best of Luck! :) I just had to go through the hell of installing a video driver on an old eMac PowerPC which is a terrine experience that no one should ever go through.. hope yours is a lot smoother. :)18:18
adam___levlazinskiy - I went through the Ubuntu community site you sent to the AMD/ATI website and I can't find my video card in their drop-down menus, nor can I get their little autodetect program to run. Any ideas?18:36
adam___p.s. I'm really impressed that you dealt successfully with an old eMac PowerPC.18:38
baizonadam___: yes18:44
baizonadam___: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
baizonfor the x64 drivers18:45
adam___thanks baizon - this one works for x32 as well, right?18:47
baizoni mean yes18:48
baizonsorry :)18:48
baizonits working for x86 and x64 :)18:48
adam___right - that's what I meant ;-)18:50
adam___how do I manually install it?18:50
=== Pieman is now known as Paimun
darksteelyesterday with help from here, I managed to upgrade an old xubuntu machine19:09
darksteelbut Im having problems with PHP today. Im guessing some old extensions have changed or are no longer valid19:10
darksteelerror messages:19:10
darksteelPHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/imagick.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 019:10
darksteelPHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 019:11
darksteelPHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mhash.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 019:11
darksteelPHP Deprecated:  Comments starting with '#' are deprecated in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/syck.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 019:11
darksteelPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mhash.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/mhash.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 019:11
darksteelPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/syck.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/syck.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 019:11
darksteellooks like mhash has been replaced by mhash219:11
darksteelim not sure if I can simply remove those old config files or not19:11
darksteelis there anyway to check if any package owns those files?19:11
nanotubedarksteel: try dpkg -S <filepath>19:19
nanotubethough that'd only work if package is installed19:19
GridCubenanotube, you might get better help at ##php19:26
GridCubesince this isnt actually a xubuntu related question :)19:27
adam___what changed from 11.04 to 11.10 that screwed up my YouTube playback? Grr!19:28
adam___I'm about ready to try 10.04 LTS19:32
Thermifor anyone here: NEVER upgrade your Ubuntu19:32
Thermiit screws up your whole system19:32
adam___perhaps downgrade is the most expeditious route19:33
Sysiversion updates tend to be riskful19:34
nanotubeGridCube: you mean, s/nanotube/darksteel/ :)19:34
GridCubeah sorry19:35
Myrttidowngrade? you mean reinstallation of an older version?19:35
adam___yes, that's what I meant19:36
nanotubeadam___: youtube wfm19:36
nanotubeon 11.10 here, with firefox19:37
Sysireinstall flashplugin, check your video drivers and disable hardware acceleration for flash19:37
adam___'wfm' = 'Whole Foods Market'?19:39
adam___how do I disable hardware acceleration? right-click didn't work last time19:40
Sysitry on some other content, or reinstall plugin first (check you're not using html5 version)19:40
DarkRyumaybe someone could help me. i was updating the kernel on the xubuntu 10.04 and now i can not install the broadcom-sta anymore19:40
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Myrttiadam___: works for me19:54
adam___ah -- I see. I'm trying to disable hardware acceleration for Flash -- I found the right-click pop-up but I can't click anything inside it.19:56
mongyright click a video, choose settings, it's the first thing you see.20:03
mongyhey Myrtti , circled you earlier :p20:04
mongyDarkRyu: did you have the package installed previously?20:05
Myrttimongy: alright :-)20:06
mongyrebuilding my linux circle after removing 500 people from a shared linux circle where no one in it ever spoke the linux, ever.. arghh20:07
adam___what happens if I've got HTML5 version of Flash?20:09
mongyadam___: it's not flash.  check if you have html5 enabled for youtube from youtube.com/html520:11
mongyadam___: which flash did you install?  adobe-flashplugin from the partner repo or flashplugin-installer from (I forget repo)20:12
adam___I went to Restricted Extras in the Ubuntu Software Center and ticked a box there.20:13
mongyyeah, remove it and try installing adobe-flashplugin instead.  enable the partner repo first.20:14
mongyI had that restricted extras version installed on my amd64 install and it installs a bunch of 32bit crud..  the other one does not20:15
adam___should I opt out of the YouTube HTML5 trial?20:15
mongyplus you get a menu entry for settings..20:15
mongyadam___: why not.  you can opt back in again20:15
DarkRyumongy: yes and not it ends with error 1020:30
mongyDarkRyu: tried purging it and installing it again ?20:31
DarkRyumongy: i did and now it ends with error 1020:32
DarkRyumongy: whatever error 10 is20:32
mongywhat model broadcom is it20:33
DarkRyubroadcom 4727 it is the sta driver because on the old kernel it runns with the broadcom-sta and under gentoo also with the 3.1.6 kernel20:34
DarkRyumongy: broadcom 4727 it is the sta driver because on the old kernel it runns with the broadcom-sta and under gentoo also with the 3.1.6 kernel20:35
mongyis it an lpphy model?20:35
DarkRyumongy: yes it is from a asus 1015px20:36
mongyI know when I had 10.04 I used the 10.10 package which was newer and worked ok, so maybe the same would apply with 11.1020:36
mongyhave you tried using the firmware-b43-lpphy-installer package instead?20:36
mongynot even sure it exists in 10.04 mind.20:37
DarkRyumongy: hmm sorry i readet something wrong befor i do not know if it is a lpphy model20:37
DarkRyumongy: how do i find that out ?20:37
mongylscpi | grep Network20:38
mongyMyrtti: thought you said you were going to help out on irc more :) lol20:39
DarkRyumongy: Network controller: Broadcom Corperation Device 4727 (rev 01)20:39
mongyyou could try a newer version.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/bcmwl-kernel-source20:41
mongyalso, I'm not sure which firmware-b43 package would apply to that model.20:42
DarkRyumongy: i can not compile it, it tels me a few errors and ends with error 10 $20:42
knometen dollar error? that's quite expensive :)20:42
DarkRyuknome: the $ is a typo20:43
mongyDarkRyu: would it be best maybe to run your older kernel20:43
knomeDarkRyu, i'm just kidding :)20:44
DarkRyumongy: yes but howto downgrade :P this system is sooo stupid, it is not able to handle a new kernel :P sorry.. hmm20:45
mongyhold shift at boot and boot to older kernel, then remove newer20:45
mongyit *should* be installed still.20:45
DarkRyumongy: let me try20:46
mongy# is it20:46
mongyforgot you are on 10.04.20:47
DarkRyumongy: no 2.6.32-??20:47
mongyyou have newer kernels available in 10.04 you know20:47
mongy2.6.35 (maverick) and I think 2.6.38 (natty) may be available20:48
mongyjust thinking maybe that will help20:48
DarkRyumongy: yes but they al do not run :P it is like my old suse do not tuch anything :P20:48
mongyok, go back to your old kernel then.20:48
DarkRyumongy: how can i set the actual kernel as the original ?20:49
mongyreboot into it and remove the newer one you don't want.20:49
DarkRyumongy: how can i remove the new ? sorry i am not used to ubuntu, xubuntu20:50
mongyuname -r20:51
mongywhat is your current20:51
mongybtw, not interested in using 11.10 ?20:53
DarkRyumongy: 2.6.32-37-generic20:53
DarkRyumongy: 11.10 is not running correctly it sometimes find the network then it is losing it, and so on20:54
mongylittle rusty but, try sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-image20:55
mongyshould show you your installed kernels20:55
DarkRyumongy: now the old kernel does not support anything anymore. no lan no wlan :P20:57
mongyyou booted into it?20:58
DarkRyumongy: i alredy bootot to the old kernel now i need to remove the new ..21:01
mongydoes everything still work ?21:01
DarkRyumongy: no21:01
DarkRyumongy: no network at all21:02
DarkRyui realy love tose stupid systems... like suse :P21:02
DarkRyueverithing what is not in the package manager is nor running at all21:03
mongyso what kernel are you in nwo21:06
DarkRyumongy: 2.6.32-37-generic21:07
mongythat is the newer version isnt it?21:08
DarkRyumongy: no that is the old one21:12
mongyand nothing works anymore?  older kernels should still function as they were..21:16
DarkRyumongy: how can i remove the new kernel ?21:19
mongydpkg -l | grep linux-image21:20
mongythe one above 2.6.32-3721:20
mongysudo apt-get purge linux-headers-2.6.32-xx linux-image-2.6.32-xx  xx = newer version21:21
DarkRyumongy: what does the upper command do ?21:22
mongyremove the newer kernel21:22
mongyyou need to tell it which though...21:22
DarkRyupurge means remuve ?21:23
DarkRyuso for me it would be sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-3.0.0-15-generic linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic21:24
mongyer, no21:24
mongyversion 3 is in 10.04 ?21:25
DarkRyumongy: why i will remove the new one because it is crap21:25
Sysiwhy do you have backports kernel? I wouldn't wonder some proprietary driver failing with that21:25
DarkRyuSysi: the original source is runing on my notebook and i use 3.1.621:26
DarkRyumongy: hmm so is it now automaticaly making that i after can boot the old kernel ?21:31
mongythe newest you have will be booted by default.21:34
mongyassuming it updated grub.cfg after removing it.21:35
DarkRyumongy: hmm this grub.cfg looks complicated. i am use to grub.conf it is very easy to understand and self configur :p21:38
mongyyou don't need to worry about it21:40
mongyit will be updated with a list of your kernels.21:40
DarkRyumongy: but now just fo me to understand. why i can not use the 3.0.0-15 kernel ? it is not for my system or where is the problem ?21:46
mongystick to the kernel your distro was made for.. and all the packages included21:48
mongymix and match doesn't really do well on linux21:49
DarkRyumongy: hmm on linux ? you mean on specific distro21:58
mongywell, yeah22:02
DarkRyumongy: thanks a lot for the help :)22:03
DarkRyumongy: now on the old kernel everything what was running befor is now also running.22:05
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
DaMummy|PNDright so im trying to boot into liveUSB, what is it im supposed to input at the login/password screen exactly?23:13
mongyyou shouldn't get a login/password prompt23:22
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
stoicI cant get flash plugin installed for firefox no matter how hard i try23:28
stoictried every suggestion, flash-aid to manually moving libflashplayer.so and I get nothin23:28
DaMummy|PNDwell i am, after some google fu, it says to try ubuntu with no pass, but that didnt work23:28
stoictried alternate plugins and no luck there either23:28
DaMummy|PNDgonna try make new liveusb23:28
stoicive enabled all repositories but every instruction for apt-get install adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-installer etc doesnt work23:29
stoicmaybe itll work when i splatter my brains all over the monitor23:30
mongyDaMummy|PND: it can't be an ubuntu/xubuntu iso then.23:31
DaMummy|PNDi get the xubuntu login screen23:32
DaMummy|PNDand already have installed xubuntu off that usb23:32
DaMummy|PNDbut now ive got fs issues and want to boot into live so i can properly fsck the drive23:32
DaMummy|PNDim open to other ideas though23:33
mongyif your livecd won't login, I'm lost23:37
DaMummy|PNDya im creating a new liveusb now and see what happens23:39
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
DaMummy|PNDstoic, try chromium?23:40
stoichavnt yet, was just reading on ppc faq that flash is indeed not supported that i have to go with an open source alternative23:42
stoicbut ill try chromium23:42
DaMummy|PNDi use flash with xubuntu no problem23:45
DaMummy|PNDx86 though, not ARM in case thats what youre using23:45

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