
=== elmo_ is now known as Guest53104
lifelessoh hai02:04
pooliehi nigelb02:44
nigelbHey poolie02:52
nigelbBack to normal after Budapest? :)02:53
poolieslept til 11 :)02:54
pooliesomething about this trip really messed me up02:54
lifelessflacoste: bug 77295403:21
_mup_Bug #772954: "Opinion" bug status causes user confusion <opinion-status> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/772954 >03:21
nigelbWould that bug be marked as opinion?03:22
* nigelb runs03:22
poolielifeless, the plan is to delete it?03:23
poolieor that was the plan?03:23
lifelessthat was jml's intent03:25
lifelessI believe it needed a sign off that didn't happen before he moved on03:26
lifelessflacoste and I were talking about it with the Ubuntu qa folk in Budapest03:26
pooliea 'lock' flag still seems attractively simple to me03:26
poolierather than having policy per state03:27
pooliei think there were some arguments against it though03:27
lifelessthats a rather separate discussion03:29
lifelessopinion has no policy associated with it - it is identical to invalid and wontfix.03:29
pooliehm, really03:29
pooliei thought the point of it was unprivileged users could not move things out of that state?03:30
lifelessit was purely a different way of saying wontfix / invalid03:30
poolieah ok03:31
poolieso bug 772954 could probably be low, unless you still want it high03:34
_mup_Bug #772954: "Opinion" bug status causes user confusion <opinion-status> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/772954 >03:34
poolieit causes some noise edits but it's not that much of a problem03:35
lifelessI think it is still high, as it speaks to the usability of LP and is shallow (barring political aspects)03:35
lifelesswgrant: bug 767258 - got 2c?04:13
_mup_Bug #767258: weird PPA stats before Feb 10 <ppa> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/767258 >04:13
wgrantlifeless: 'sup?04:28
lifelessdo you have any idea what the story is?04:29
wgrantNope :/04:30
wallyworld_StevenK: your lp meta deps changes mean that convoy is installed automatically when upgrading launchpad-dependencies, tight?04:51
StevenKwallyworld_: It should be, yes.04:56
wallyworld_StevenK: to test, i uninstalled convoy and reinstalled lp-deps (after apt-get update) and it's didn't install convoy04:57
wgrantwallyworld_: launchpad-developer-dependencies04:57
wgrantNot launchpad-dependencies04:57
* wallyworld_ headdesks04:57
wallyworld_ok, sorry04:57
StevenKSo I can cause an oops by browsing to "launchpad.net/~/+archivesubscriptions/foo", but if I attempt the same thing in a test, I get a much different traceback?05:02
wallyworld_how different?05:03
lifeless919 high bugs; only have to get 2/3 more05:07
StevenKwallyworld_: OOPS-1ff1f2efe2aad173a4eb3eb85bdd679d versus http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/813964/05:07
* wallyworld_ happy that lp-oops login is fixed05:08
wallyworld_StevenK: apart from the test browser setup difference which is explainable, they both enter publish at the same point and  barf on traverseName differently. i have no idea why05:14
wallyworld_perhaps devel trunk has changes not yet in prod05:15
* wgrant slays the inventor of timezones, and the author(s) of Python datetime handling.05:58
wallyworld_wgrant: if it's any consolation, it's also broken in Java :-/06:24
nigelbwgrant: Isn't part of python datetime handling written by stub? :D06:51
wgrantnigelb: pytz is his, yes.06:54
wgrantIt's not terrible -- it has to work around the horror that is the standard library's datetime handling.06:54
nigelbHeh, yeah.06:55
wgranthttps://github.com/elasticinbox/elasticinbox appeared about two weeks before we started grackle, but after I last looked for similar things :/07:25
wgrantAlthough it doesn't seem to do much yet.07:25
lifelesswgrant: hah!08:09
adeuringgood morning09:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
Laneycan somebody help me unbrick qastaging? :-)10:15
Laneyfor example https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/quilt10:15
cjwatsonthere was activity on the ops channel that suggested StevenK/spm already did?10:24
Laneyworks now10:26
Laneydidn't when I pasted it ...10:26
Laneybut regardless, yay, thanks.10:26
Laneycan someone accept one of the banshee syncs in qastating/oneiric/unapproved? Didn't realise it was frozen.11:14
LaneyI need the SPPH.11:14
cjwatsonLaney: done11:16
cjwatsonhmm, oops, rejected11:17
cjwatsonI'll accept the other one :)11:17
cjwatsonLaney: hmm.  I think, queue or not, you need to sync it into the Proposed pocket, not Release11:18
cjwatsonactually no, sorry11:19
cjwatsonit's in accepted now11:19
Laneywaiting for it to appear on https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+publishinghistory11:20
cjwatsonqastaging's oneiric is only frozen not current11:20
cjwatsonyou won't get an SPPH until process-accepted runs, and I'm not sure that will ever happen on qas11:20
cjwatsonbigjools: ^ ?11:21
Laneymaybe I won't bother QAing the non-sponsored case ...11:21
bigjoolsthe PCJ has to run again11:21
Laneyis it all going to happen automatically?11:22
cjwatsonoh, it doesn't require process-accepted?  curious11:22
bigjoolsp-a is not used for syncs11:29
* bigjools otp, soryr11:29
cjwatsonLaney: ah, it was rejected because it's older than oneiric's version on qas11:29
cjwatsonLaney: https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+publishinghistory - you tried to sync 2.1.4-111:29
Laneyoh, I fail at comprehension11:33
Laneycjwatson: for some reason I always get banshee versions out-of-order in my head. Anwyway, synced ghc which should be OK to accept.11:37
cjwatsonLaney: done11:44
cjwatsonLaney: https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ghc/7.2.1-111:47
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Laneycjwatson: great, thanks: http://paste.debian.net/153313/12:14
Laneyshould I do the non-sponsored case to make sure it is None? I guess so.12:17
wgrantcjwatson: I'm not sure that copyPackage likes binaries very much.12:20
wgrantIt certainly hasn't been tested with them to any significant extent.12:20
wgrantWhich may be relevant.12:20
Laneyargh, forgot to remove sponsor. If someone could accept the more recent mono-uia sync from https://qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text= that'd be great.12:23
cjwatsonLaney: done12:25
wgrantrick_h: Can you organise an ndt once you QA your regression fix?12:27
rick_hwgrant: sure, is there a doc for that? /me hits the wiki12:28
rick_hwgrant: if not I can get abently to walk me through it as I'm sure he's done it before12:29
StevenKrick_h: Add a line to the Requested Deployments table on LaunchpadProductionStatus12:29
StevenKrick_h: The fields should be self explanatory, and the docs are the paragraph before the table12:30
rick_hStevenK: ok thanks, and then ping a webops?12:30
StevenKrick_h: Right12:30
StevenKrick_h: Are you good WRT the NDT?12:35
rick_hStevenK: looking/reading12:35
rick_h_not to self, you can't 'undo' in irssi with ctrl-z...that will just kill irssi12:37
rick_h_StevenK: I think I'm ok.12:37
=== rick_h_ is now known as rick_h
cjwatsonctrl-z will suspend irssi, not kill it, surely ...12:43
cjwatsonuse 'fg' to get it back12:44
rick_hah, nice12:45
rick_hok cool12:45
rick_hStevenK: ping, still around? With the use-convoy I should be able to remove your ppa, uninstall convoy,and get it picked up from the lp deps repo?12:57
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: benji | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
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bigjoolscjwatson: any ideas what might be wrong with this build? python setup fail...   https://launchpadlibrarian.net/90814529/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.maas_0.1-0%2B36%2B4~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:33
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cjwatsonbigjools: looks like a package bug to me - have you tried in an up-to-date sbuild?15:19
bigjoolscjwatson: we figured it out - unicode issue...15:20
bigjoolswhen I say "we" I meant allenap of course :)15:20
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
rick_hanyone familiar with the db error handling here: b/lp/services/webapp/tests/test_error.py ?15:26
rick_hwe've got a failing test: (at the end of this very very long test report) https://pastebin.canonical.com/58603/15:26
rick_hadeuring: so this is the bit that's doesn't like the feature flag in some of the oops blocks "Expression: <NotExpr u'request/features/js.combo_loader.enabled'>"15:29
rick_hit's in the features/flags.py and works when running.15:29
* adeuring is looking15:30
rick_hadeuring: I think it's this part: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58605/15:31
rick_hsome how the feature flag bit is getting traversed?15:31
adeuringrick_h: so this is not the regular context but an error, right?15:32
rick_hright, this is an error that comes out of a test checking if the db disconnect handling is working right15:33
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rick_hso somehow in the process of trying to handle this error, and respond with a noce 503, it blows up on the feature flag bits and instead returns a 500 with the oops dump it looks like15:34
rick_h /noce/nice/15:34
adeuringrick_h: I am not very familiar with LP's error handling -- but it could simply be that this error is raised even before the feature machinery is configured.15:34
rick_hyea, that's what I'm beginning to think. Ok, so the *fix* would be to add some logic to check for the feature flag exists before checking the value I suppose15:35
adeuringrick_h: so, a possible fix would be to check if request/features exists.15:35
adeuringrick_h: the test is about a broken database, and we store feature flag values in the database15:39
rick_hadeuring: right, I gotcha. Took me a bit to go through all the traceback info and put it together. Thanks, I'll look up the tal to do a pre-check and see if that's enough to bypass that logic in the base-layout-macros.pt15:39
adeuringrick_h: yes, you could do something like <tal:condition request/features ¦ nothing" -- but that is a bit ugly because it can hide other errors15:40
adeuringrick_h: something like a property "features_are_ready" would be more clean15:41
adeuringrick_h: or even an empty features object that is later replaced by the "real one"15:43
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rick_hbenji: ping, wonder if you can give me a hand.16:34
benjirick_h: sure, what's up?16:34
rick_hbenji: so first I'm trying to fix test failures from wallyworld_'s branch he tried to land. I'd like to get them reviewed on their own without tying you to his full branch16:34
rick_hbenji: but then once I get past that, I'm trying to figure out how I can get the branch through ec2 land. I'd need to either do a new MP? or can I somehow try to land his branch?16:35
rick_hI supposed I'd just have to do a new MP, get a new sign off, and then run the land command from there?16:35
rick_h /supposed/suppose16:35
rick_hbenji: here's basically would I would do as a MP description for my changes if that helps: https://pastebin.canonical.com/58616/plain/16:38
benjirick_h: looking now16:39
benjirick_h: I think the best approach would be for you to do an MP for your branch, making his branch a prerequisite so the diffs show just your changes.  Then you can EC2-land your branch.16:44
benjigiven your description of the changes, the review should be quick and easy16:44
rick_hooh, I cna make his a pre-req? ah cool I've not used that.16:44
rick_hok, will do thanks.16:44
benjigary_poster: file_append adds a line at the end; that's what "append" means ;P16:50
benjipfft!  wrong chan16:50
benjiI can blame sleep deprivation this time.16:51
rick_hbenji: ok, here you go when you get time: https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/updated_wally_use_convoy/+merge/8973216:58
rick_hbenji: I'm in particular wondering if I should do the change for the feature flag issue differently16:59
benjirick_h: cool, I'll take a look in a little while17:01
rick_hbenji: ty17:01
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nigelbmrevell: Happy Birthday!19:26
nigelb(off all the things, skype reminded me its your birthday)19:26
nigelblifeless: Morning!19:27
mrevellnigelb, Oh thanks. Not til the 25th :)19:38
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wallyworld_sinzui: hi, did you see my email?20:38
sinzuiwallyworld_, I did, I guess this means you did not get my reply20:50
sinzuibenji, do you have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/export-private-bugs-0/+merge/8978420:51
benjisinzui: sure20:51
sinzuiwallyworld_, to repeat my reply, I like your suggestion, but we track access to bugs and branch by subscription to those objects, and in the future, in the accesspolicyartefact table for reporting in the disclosure pages. I do not think we should introduce a change to how we grant access to things now. We need to talk to wgrant about the time to start switching to the new rules20:57
rick_hwallyworld_: ping, you see my MP/email?21:13
lifelessflacoste: http://www.akamai.com/21:13
rick_hoooh, we getting serious about some cdn fun?21:14
benjisinzui: your branch looks good21:14
wallyworld_sinzui: what you say is true i did think along the same lines. i was trying to avoid introducing another situation requiring porting to the new methodology, and doing it in the security adaptor seems cleaner. but i'll do it the current way and we can deal with it later21:15
wallyworld_rick_h: yes, thanks. a bit of chaos in my house this morning so no reply yet sorry. but looks good. as soon as we get the rt sorted, i'll land21:15
rick_hwallyworld_: k, tests are still running. I'm going to be off to get the boy from day care soon, but will check back in after he hits bed in about 3 hours21:16
wallyworld_rick_h: given it was only 4 failing tests and you fixed those, i think we will be good :-) i may end up just merging your branch into mine and landing that, depending on timing of it21:17
rick_hwallyworld_: yea, all for that. I just wanted to get my changes reviewed because I was a little unsure of my fix for the 503'ing tests21:17
wallyworld_will look before I merge :-)21:18
rick_hso setup the MP and hit ec2 test hoping I could get a solid answer that it doesn't bork anything else before you came around21:18
wallyworld_yep, i hear ya. thanks :-) haven't looked in too much detail  yet21:18
* wallyworld_ now has to run away - raining hard here, first day of school year, limited parking, lots of books, will be chaos21:18
abentleylifeless: When a comment is too large for us to render, I plan to provide a download link instead.  Do you think that link should be the plaintext message body or the raw email text (where applicable)?21:22
lifelessabentley: I think either would be fine, but the raw email text would include email addresses which the user may have set to 'hidden' in the DB schema.21:29
lifelessabentley: so I would lean towards the plaintext version21:30
abentleylifeless: I prefer that, too.21:30
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StevenKrick_h: Yes.22:05
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 3*10^2
cjwatsonbenji: thanks for the approval of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/kill-old-switchdbuser/+merge/89459 - do you think you could land it for me?22:08
benjicjwatson: sure, let me kick it off real quick22:09
wgrantcjwatson: Ah, nice, thanks!22:13
benjicjwatson: torpedoes away!  I'll let you know how the tests turn out.22:24
cjwatsonI should get mail22:26
StevenKbenji: But so will ec2 ...22:26
benjiStevenK: I wasn't aware of that.  Cool.22:28
rick_hStevenK: did my update to convoy look ok to you? The updated url routing bits?22:31
StevenKrick_h: Ah, I was just thinking about that.22:33
wallyworld_rick_h: your mp looks good. will merge into mine and land today since i'm hopeful i can also get bb updated. wish me luck :-)22:36
rick_h_droidwallyworld tests all passed!22:36
rick_h_droidjust got the email22:36
wallyworld_rick_h: bloody marvellous!22:37
StevenKrick_h: Link me your MP for convoy?>22:37
rick_h_droidland this SOB22:37
rick_h_droidSteveK not handy. check in convoy for the latest bug with the MP against it22:38
StevenKrick_h: Did you want a small review, by the by?22:38
rick_h_droidSteveK if you've got feedback. waiting for the convoy folks to review/merge22:40
StevenKrick_h: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/better-error-+archivesubscriptions/+merge/89798 is what I was talking about ... :-)22:40
rick_h_droidah, not at the moment sorry dinner time22:42
StevenKrick_h: That convoy MP looks good -- I'd suggest you update the bug, which still has revno as the first directory22:43
rick_h_droidah thanks. updated the merge proposal but not the bug22:46
StevenKwallyworld_: Do you want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/better-error-+archivesubscriptions/+merge/89798 ? wgrant helped, so he can't really review it.22:57
wallyworld_StevenK: ok, will look23:09
=== wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld

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