
jonosorry for the delay00:00
JanCthe ideas are interesting  ☺00:00
MrChrisDruifTrue, I also like responding on AskUbuntu more then the fora, one of the reasons being the rewarding system00:00
jonoJanC, :-)00:00
JanCideas about this sort of thing have been around for a long time though, and the current "karma" on LP is part of it  ☺00:01
jonoJanC, I agree, but I don't karma serves us well00:01
jonoit only covers a small range of things, and is just a number00:01
jonoI think people identify more with trophies00:01
JanCkarma is okay for some subset of contributions00:01
jonoJanC, agreed00:02
JanCwell, *I* don't care about trophies  :P00:02
jonoJanC, which is fine :-)00:02
MrChrisDruifYeah, but just "okay" isn't good enough in my humble opinion00:02
jonowe wouldnt mandate this on Ubuntu users00:02
jonoit could be an opt in system00:02
JanCI guess it could be one factor to consider to approve Ubuntu Membership too00:03
JanCas in, a positive factor00:03
MrChrisDruifWill it pull in previously gathered trophies?00:03
MrChrisDruifThere are a few things mentioned I have already done in the past ;-)00:04
JanCMrChrisDruif: you mean, like askubuntu trophies?00:04
MrChrisDruifJanC; that too ;-)00:04
MrChrisDruifBut also "Clicked a button" etc trophies00:05
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
jonoMrChrisDruif, right now it would focus on the set of trophies defined here00:06
jonoit could potentially be extended to pull in additional trophies too00:06
jonoJanC, I agree - this could be a useful means of assessing membership00:06
=== pangolin-Supreme is now known as pangolin
jonothe boards could evaluate a user's trophy cabinet00:06
JanChm, you might even want to provide printed proof of those trophies00:06
MrChrisDruifjono; I understand, but I meant that a part of the set of trophies defined here I've already done00:07
JanCfor people in countries where this is important00:07
jonoJanC, I don't understand, why would you need to print it out?00:09
jonoJanC, what page doesnt really indicate why you would need to print out content00:12
jonosorry, maybe I am just not seeing it :-)00:12
jonooh it is a video00:12
JanCit's something Hong Phuc Dang explains in that talk: people in (some) 3rd-world countries need (written) proof that their involvement in open source is not a waste of the money needed to let them attend university  ☺00:12
jonooh I see00:13
jonothat makes sense00:13
JanCas in: they could be doing a job (and make money) or being involved in in open source (and get a "diploma" for it)00:14
JanCwhere "diploma" means something that can help you make more money later  ;)00:14
JanCjono: her talk is really interesting, and she has experiance with organising open source events & communities in Asia00:15
jonocool, I will check it out00:16
jonothanks for the link JanC :-)00:16
JanCI was at that talk, after all00:16
JanCand so was akk, I suppose00:16
JanCand maybe also some Canonical people  ;)00:17
* MrChrisDruif is writing an application letter to a company in hopes to get a job and education01:15
MartynIsn't it usuall you get education, and then a job?01:17
MrChrisDruifMartyn; here in Holland we've got something called a dual education. It means you get practical experience on the job and the theoretical information behind it on school01:20
MrChrisDruifSo usually you would, but in this case I don't ^_^01:22
dholbachgood morning07:54
jokerdinogood day.07:54
bkerensagood morning dholbach07:56
dholbachhey bkerensa, jokerdino07:57
dholbachif you all want to do me a favour, please grab a developer near you and ask if they want to give a session at UDW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable - I'm struggling a bit to get people on board this time07:59
bkerensadholbach: Pinged two of the best developers I know :)08:04
bkerensaslangasek and kees :P08:04
dpmgood morning all08:04
dholbachhola dpm08:04
dpmhallo dholbach08:04
popeydpm: seen people reporting redirect loop on the chinese tour?13:25
dpmpopey, hm, no, I haven't. If it's happening, we should ping ant13:26
dpmlet me load the tour myself...13:26
popey see my G+ feed13:26
dholbachI don't get the the issue either13:27
dpmit's working fine here, let me point ant to your feed's comments13:28
dpmah, they use Chrome13:28
popeyworks fine for me in chrome13:29
dpmand for me in Chromium13:29
dpmok, poked ant13:32
dakerdpm, Erreur 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS)  - Chromium 18.0.997.013:33
dakerand the url is something like this : http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/zh-CN/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/index.html/13:33
dpmdaker, ah, thanks! what steps do you follow, starting from www.ubuntu.com, to get into that loop?13:34
dakeryes i clicked the "中文" button13:34
dpmand then you get the loop straight away?13:35
dholbachmaybe an issue they fixed which might still be hanging in some caches/proxies?13:35
dpmgood point. daker, if you refresh the page with shift+F5, do you still get the issue?13:36
dakersame thing13:36
nigelbI can't reproduce with Firefox13:37
dakerdpm, it works now13:40
dpmhm, might have been a temporary issue?13:43
ts2the first time I clicked the link I got the redirect error, but not the second of subsequent times13:46
scott-workgood morning everyone13:53
mhall119good morning14:24
nigelbMorning mhall11914:24
balloonsmorning :-)14:31
mhall119morning balloons, nice weather isn't it?14:32
balloonsSO nice!14:33
mhall119I may be working from the hammock this afternoon :)14:33
balloonsthe forecast says perfect weather here all week. I'm guessing it's the same for you14:34
mhall119yup, upper 70s all week14:34
nigelbthere needs to be an irssi plugin to convert F to C.14:35
nigelbWhy don't y'all use C like normal people :P14:35
mhall119because we're Americans!14:35
nigelbProudly using the imperial system :D14:36
balloonssorry nigelb .. highs are 27 c all week14:36
nigelbyeah, I converted :)14:36
mhall119next he's gonna want us to talk meters and grams :(14:36
nigelbBut I try not miss a chance to make fun of Fahrenheit14:36
balloonswe're just trying to give legacy to that kings foot14:37
balloonswe could move to kelvin...14:38
nigelbwhich is not bad.14:39
dpmmorning  balloons14:39
dpmmorning mhall11914:39
balloonsmorning dpm14:39
snap-lHey, I'll give you the whole length and mass thing14:39
balloonserr well, afternoon dpm :-14:40
snap-lbut you'll take my Farenheit from my cold, 32F fingers.14:40
nigelblol, that was a good one14:41
balloonsI was not alive the last time the us tried to convert to metric.. funny thing is I can see how companies would simply use it to cheat consumers, and people would feel ripped off even if the prices stayed consistent throughout the conversion14:42
snap-lWEll, what's funny is most things are already measured in litres14:43
snap-lliquor: 750ml, 1 litre, etc.14:43
balloonsyes -- try selling gas in liters and see how that goes for you14:44
mhall119morning dpm, dholbach and jcastro14:44
snap-lballoons: They do that in canadia. ;)14:45
balloonsyep.. been there, bought that14:45
snap-lWe 'merkins gotta have our mpGs14:45
mhall119soda is about the only thing most people think of in terms of metric measurements14:45
balloonseverything would look good on paper tho.. cheaper prices, more miles per X :-)14:46
mhall119unless it's small amounts, then it's still ounces14:46
mhall119http://xkcd.com/526/ is a good conversion guide14:46
snap-lmhall119: Most of our baking goods are still in ounces14:46
mhall119most weight measures are still pounds/ounces14:47
mhall119try coming up with something like "a pint's a pound the world around" in metric14:48
ahayzenWhy can't everyone just adopt SI units? Only 3 countries in the world haven't officially adopted SI (Myanmar (Burma), Liberia, and the United States)14:48
mhall119ahayzen: the same reason some people like bright-pink hair14:49
ahayzen@mhall119: lol... but it makes things much easier for Physics :)14:50
meetingologyahayzen: Error: "mhall119:" is not a valid command.14:50
mhall119I'm *always* a valid command!14:51
balloonsahayzen, that's interesting... only 3 places left..14:52
ahayzenballoons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units14:52
ahayzenballoons: Under 'Cultural issues'14:52
dholbachhey mhall11914:57
dholbach ./mhall119 fill up UDW schedule14:58
nigelbnow you'll get "Bad command or filename"14:59
mhall119dholbach: hey, I've already filled several slots for you14:59
dholbachI know14:59
* dholbach hugs mhall11914:59
dholbachmhall119, let me know if the pilot scripts work for you :)14:59
mhall119dholbach: will do14:59
dholbachmhall119, it's just what I'm still struggling with right now :)14:59
dholbachdpm, maybe we should merge UDW and UADW next time ;-)15:00
mhall119dholbach: yeah, I don't quite understand the difference15:00
dholbachwell there's content about developing apps for Ubuntu and there's content about how to work on the Ubuntu platform (packaging, integration, etc.)15:02
dholbachbut there's more and more overlap and it'd be just one event to plan, announce, etc15:02
mhall119yeah, I think you're right15:06
* highvoltage wants an mhall119 script too15:37
* mhall119 wants a script to build daily ISOs of qimo (hint hint, highvoltage )15:37
highvoltagemhall119: I was thinking of that just last night :)15:42
jonomorning all!15:46
dholbachhey jono15:47
nigelbHi jono15:47
jonohey dholbach, nigelb15:47
mhall119morning jono15:49
jonohey mhall11915:49
jonoahhh the sweet smell of coffee brewing on this dreary day15:49
jonothe weather is awful here15:49
mhall119it's beautiful here15:50
ahayzenjono: Hi ...'You have accomplished something! Clicked a button' ... Well done with all the work on the accomplishment system. Really liking where this is going :)15:50
jonoahayzen, getting there :-)15:50
jonothanks for the encouragement15:50
ahayzenjono: Wish i could help but too many exams at the moment though :(15:51
mhall119jono: is there an API doc for libaccomplishments15:51
mhall119or should I just browse the code?15:51
jonomhall119, no, but you only really need the one function in there15:52
jonomhall119, if you read the code it is pretty simple15:52
mhall119jono: do you want me to focus on a lens for oneiric or precise?15:53
pangolinCongratulations! You have just violated ACTA, the DoJ has been informed.15:54
mhall119that's too easy to do for it to be considered an accomplishment15:55
pangolinmhall119: it could be the 1st accomplishment15:56
jonomhall119, I think Oneiric would be cool, but if a problem, let's focus on Precise15:56
jonodholbach, all set?16:01
mhall119jono: precise would mean I have to upgrade my laptop and singlet16:05
mhall119which I want to do anyway, but would take more time16:05
dpmmhall119, I meant to ask you this last week. I'm not sure if I've asked you that already or if it's come up in a conversation already, but are you thinking of integrating singlet into quickly? e.g. creating a quickly template for lenses16:05
mhall119dpm: I'll be talking to didrocks about that later this week16:05
mhall119to see what would be the best way of doing that16:06
dpmmhall119, cool. You might want to talk to mterry too. He's the current quickly maintainer now16:06
mhall119is jcastro working today, or is he recovering from SCaLE?16:06
mhall119I heard there was a lot of people in the juju and unity talks there16:08
nigelbdid you guys see the canonicalpeoplelookingatthings.blogspot.com blog?16:12
mhall119I have a couple I need to submit16:13
czajkowskiI have a lot on pix.ie16:16
popeysubmit them!16:17
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
jonomhall119, you should be running Precise right now16:32
jonoplease upgrade16:32
jonoit is running pretty stable anyway :-)16:32
jonodpm, all set?16:32
czajkowskipopey: how does submit them ?16:32
dpmjono, yep16:33
jonodpm, hangout sent16:34
dpmjono, weird, I cannot see it16:35
dpmare you using your usual g+ account? I cannot see it in your home page either16:36
MrChrisDruifShould all the new power saving settings be applied when you upgrade to Precise?16:39
balloonsjono, our time fell off my calendar -- when do we meet today?16:43
jonoballoons, 11.30 Pacific16:43
balloonsMrChrisDruif, I'm not 100% sure but I believe they are in precise.. check colin's post16:44
balloonsjono, thanks :-)16:44
MrChrisDruifballoons; they (should be/are) in precise, but will they also apply with an upgrade?16:45
balloonsyou mean vs a fresh install?16:47
koolhead17hi all!!16:48
MrChrisDruifballoons; yes16:48
MrChrisDruifUpgrade isn't the same as a fresh install. A lot of stuff in a default fresh install isn't processed in an upgrade16:49
balloonsMrChrisDruif, I don't think I've ever understood this perception of always wanting fresh install16:49
balloonsin reality they are identical, unless you or something you've installed modifies the default, AND on upgrade you keep your old configuration16:50
MrChrisDruifballoons; see above and also with upgrades I get cruff16:50
MrChrisDruifAnd who doesn't alter the default installation?16:50
MrChrisDruifI've got the default install modified so much you almost can't call it Ubuntu anymore ^_^16:52
balloonslol.. I understand your thought process, but I *think* it's overblown. I don't know enough to say one way or the other I suppose so I won't16:52
* mhall119 upgrading16:52
balloonssome of the changes are kernel related, so no matter what, your good there16:53
* MrChrisDruif will also see what happens when upgrading16:53
balloonsif you do like blank installing tho, dpkg makes it easy to dump your current list of packages and reinstall them again anew16:56
balloonsi dump my list and my sources.list in with my backup so I can "restore" my entire system including os if needed..16:57
mhall119the only reason I ever do a fresh install is to get rid of all the junk I've installed and never use16:59
dakerwhat do you think of this nigelb  bug #92053817:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 920538 in ubuntu-cloud-portal "Just use cloud-images.u.c instead of the AMI browser" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92053817:01
nigelbIsn't that page auto-gerated?17:01
MrChrisDruifMaybe I should install the mini-ISO some day, only install cruft I want ^_^17:01
balloonsMrChrisDruif, net-installs of only the base system work for the hardcore17:02
dakernigelb, yes17:02
balloonsi have walked that road with old hardware17:02
MrChrisDruifYeah, that's want I'm talking about...maybe even debian ^_^17:03
popeyballoons: I feel the same way about upgrades17:03
popeyit frustrates me when people just tell everyone to do a clean install and not upgrade17:03
popeywe will never get upgrades tested if those people giving support tell people not to do it17:03
popeyso the quality goes down as a result, self defeating spiral of fail17:03
nigelbdaker: To be fair, I always use cloud.ubuntu.com to find an AMI17:03
balloonsyes.. this really sounds like a experiment/post17:04
balloonsdo a little proof testing17:04
balloonsI'll diff my system now, versus a clean install ;-) hehe17:04
dakernigelb, comment on the bug17:04
MrChrisDruif"Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool or your package manager."17:04
dakerpopey, for me it takes less than one hour to a do fresh install, upgrading takes about 4/5 hours for me17:05
popeywhat else were you going to do with those hours?17:05
koolhead17guys whoever is working on UDS site please change the Budapest banner http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/community/17:05
balloonsdaker, really interesting on the time difference.. is your cpu really slow or?17:06
MrChrisDruifProbably popey ^_^17:06
dakerballoons, P4 512M of RAM17:08
dakerCPU is 1Ghz and something17:08
balloonsodd. I mean, if that's the case then yea i would wipe install.. but do you reinstall your packages afterwards? that likely takes some processing time as well17:09
dakeryou can say it will takes on other hour to install the packages17:10
daker2h < 5 h17:11
popeyplus time taken to download the iso17:11
dakerhhhh, i use the CD17:11
balloonslol.. superfast internet bandwith, but slow pc.. means it's faster :-)17:13
* koolhead17 looks at daker17:15
jonodholbach, still here?17:26
dholbachjono, yes17:27
dakersorry guys but i will delete this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/juju/small-fix/+merge/6803817:28
dakerand i will not sign any agreement17:28
dpmdholbach, say if I've written a super cool app, but a) have no idea on packaging and I'm happy for it to be packaged in Ubuntu or Debian and b) would like to have it in the archive, what's the first step I would have to do?17:31
dpm(assuming the developer of the app does not want to maintain the package)17:32
dholbachif it's not packaged yet, check out the packaging guide, then read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages17:32
dpmdholbach, ah, cool, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!17:33
dholbachde nada17:33
jonodaker, any particular reason why you don't want to sign it?17:34
dakerjono, ah i just found that they have updated the process, now i can sign it online17:37
jonodaker, awesome :-)17:37
dakerbut one thing is missing, where are the terms ?17:37
dakerjono, i can't find the terms :/17:41
jonodaker, reply to the bug to ask for the terms and I will ask Kapil to respond17:41
dakerok thanks17:42
popeyisnt that it?17:42
dakerpopey, i think yes17:43
dakerpopey, but i can't find it here https://forms.canonical.com/contributor/17:44
jonodaker, I just pinged Kapil, he will update the bug report17:44
popeythat page links to it17:44
popeyand to the form17:44
dakerthanks jono popey17:44
jonothanka daker!17:45
dpmok, see you all tomorrow!17:51
technovikingcrap, my laptop died this morning18:02
technovikingdholbach: Do you know of anyone that could help the Salt folks (saltstack.org) get there software into Ubuntu/Debian18:03
technovikingThey gotten a package into testing, but are stuck there18:04
dholbachif it's in testing it's in Debian already and we can sync it18:04
dholbachcan you mail me some details?18:04
technovikingI updated there PPA and working to make them a juju charm18:04
dholbachI'll look into it tomorrow and see who I can find18:04
technovikingdholbach: sure18:04
technovikingdholbach: many thanks18:05
mhall119jono: I've got about 30 minutes of install left (then who knows how much cleanup), but we can try a hangout and see what breaks18:08
MrChrisDruifmhall119; same here ^_^18:15
jonomhall119, sorry, got stuck on a call18:22
jonomhall119, you free now?18:22
mhall119jono: yup18:24
jonomhall119, hangout invite sent18:30
* dholbach call it a day18:32
dholbachsee you all tomorrow18:32
balloonsbye dholbach118:33
dholbachbye balloons :)18:33
MrChrisDruifNothing broke yet ^_^18:45
jonoballoons, all set in a few mins?19:28
balloonsyou bet19:28
jonoballoons, cool man, will send an invite in a min19:28
jonojust wrapping up a few things19:28
balloonslots happening this morning :-)19:29
jonodamn, need to reboot19:31
jonoone sec19:31
MrChrisDruifjono; you reboot in 1 second O_O19:39
czajkowskiI reboot in just under 1019:42
bkerensajono: Will you be staying in Portland after CLS for OSCON or just CLS this year?19:49
bkerensawould love to have a Ubuntu Hour when you are in town19:50
jonomhall119, who is Ricky Rosario?20:00
jonois that the Sumo guy?20:00
mhall119jono: yeah20:01
mhall119chatting with him now20:01
MrChrisDruifIt might be me, but my laptop *feels* cooler ^_^20:07
balloonsdid you run powertop before/ater?20:10
MrChrisDruifNope, sorry20:44
MrChrisDruifI'll run it after at least20:45
jonomhall119, wow, it seems Sumo could be a neat fit from your notes so far21:30
MrChrisDruifballoons; does it show temps anywhere?21:36
mhall119jono: yeah21:38
balloonsohh powertop? I don't believe so, just the power usage which indirectly relates to temps21:38
balloonshowever lmsensors does show temps ;-)21:38
balloonsnot sure if there is an indicator for that? there was under gnome2.. you could even control the clockspeed and set the cpu governor21:39
jonoballoons, http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/23/nicholas-skaggs-qa-blog/21:59
jonoshould get people looking at your blog21:59
balloonsand so it begins :-)22:00
balloonsgreat, thank you22:00
mhall119so I'm switching how I use GTG, instead of tags for projects, like @canonical or @unity, I'm tagging them as people that will be involved in them22:48
mhall119I think this will work much better22:48
mhall119now I need to hack gtg to allow gravatars instead of just colors on tags22:49
balloonscall me slow, but I'm seeing the rss feed for voices.canonical.com.. is that something I can follow or not?22:53
balloonsof course.. found it22:53
balloonsit never fails.. spend 10 mins looking for something, but the second you ask you find it22:53
balloonshttp://voices.canonical.com/feed/rss/ in case anyone cares :-)22:54
akgranerballoons, "the orange notebook"  nice title!22:58
balloonsakgraner, thank you :-) it should look a bit familiar22:58
akgranerthat it does22:58
akgranerso you're wife is using Ubuntu does she want to get involved in the community?22:59
balloonsmy wife has been using ubuntu for a bit.. I think she might enjoy getting involved23:00
akgranerOh cool, that would rock.23:01
balloonslol.. I say a bit, she's been using it as long as I have, since I admin all the pcs in the house.. :-)23:02
balloonsshe enjoys using gimp, and knows more about it than me!23:03
mhall119balloons: that's why I always ask first :)23:10
balloonsmhall119, ohh.. someday maybe I'll be as smart as you23:10
balloonsohh the sunset is lovely.. I think I shall go out and watch it.. good night to you all23:13

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