
* RAOF → Drs appointment00:30
desrtpitti: good morning01:13
desrtRAOF: good luck!01:14
RAOFdesrt: Good morning01:25
desrtRAOF: how was the doctors?01:26
RAOFWith bonus repeat appointment for a week's time.  Yay!01:26
desrti can only assume that you're back in australia :)01:27
RAOFThis is entirely true.01:29
desrtdid they put you up somewhere nice, at least?01:29
RAOFNot terribly nice in Heathrow; much nicer in Melbourne :)01:30
desrti guess it caused a sort of cascade failure01:31
desrtcan't reboot that many people that quickly...01:31
RAOFWell, in my case it was because we got into Melbourne only an hour before the last plane to Hobart left.01:34
RAOFAnd there was no way for them to know that I'd pass through immigration, get my bag, and go through customs in under 10 minutes.01:37
RAOF…and there's the second projector.  Sweet.01:55
lifelesshey, is unity5 meant to be fugly? like my theme has gone awol ...02:04
lifeless(I have a grey top bar, fonts and widgets are looking very 1990's ...)02:05
lifelessI figure something is broke, but I can't tell02:05
lifelesstell what, I mewan.02:05
RAOFlifeless: Sounds like gnome-settings-daemon has crashed?02:13
lifeless ps fux | grep setting02:14
lifelessrobertc   2348  0.0  0.1 383396 11872 ?        Sl   Jan21   0:05  \_ /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon02:14
lifelessrobertc   2363  0.0  0.0 241652  8000 ?        Sl   Jan21   0:00  \_ /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-fallback-mount-helper02:14
lifeless(no :P)02:14
RAOFHuh.  That's the normal cause of fuglies.02:14
lifelessGLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_value_get_uint: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (value)' failed02:14
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:14:16 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'user-trash-full' from icon theme:02:15
RAOFMaybe Unity's not picking up when gsd comes back?02:15
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:14:16 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'workspace-switcher' from icon theme:02:15
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:14:16 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'folder' from icon theme:02:15
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:14:16 unity.glib.dbusproxy GLibDBusProxy.cpp:275 Calling method failed: Timeout was reached02:15
lifeless.xsession-errors has stuff like that02:15
lifelessthis all happened on friday/sat in budapest/02:15
RAOFCan you try restarting unity (just ‘unity’ on the cmdline will work)02:16
lifeless'sorry compiz closed unexpectedlyt02:17
RAOFHas compiz come back?02:17
lifelessstill the fugly02:18
RAOFSo it just crashed on shutdown.  Superb.02:18
RAOFDo you have “light-themes” installed?02:19
lifelessii  light-themes                                                                              Light Themes (Ambiance and Radiance)02:21
RAOFAnd if you go into System Settings→User Interface and select a different theme, what happens?02:22
lifelessthe color of the active window title bar changes02:24
lifelessand WARN  2012-01-23 15:23:49 glib <unknown>:0 Unable to fetch children: Method "Children" with signature "" on interface "org.ayatana.bamf.view" doesn't exist02:24
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:23:49 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'user-trash-full' from icon theme:02:24
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:23:49 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'workspace-switcher' from icon theme:02:24
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:23:49 unity.launcher LauncherIcon.cpp:413 Unable to load 'folder' from icon theme:02:24
lifelessWARN  2012-01-23 15:24:02 unity.glib.dbusproxy GLibDBusProxy.cpp:275 Calling method failed: Timeout was reached02:24
RAOFWell, that sounds like Unity's actually picking up the theme change at least.02:25
* RAOF is out of obvious candidates.02:28
lifelesswould you like a baargh ?02:29
RAOFNot particularly :)02:36
RAOFI suggest prodding and probing at DX :)02:41
lifelesssmspillaz: ^ oh hai02:42
smspillazall I see is that you want to probe me02:54
smspillazI kind of half awake right now02:54
smspillazand may have only slept 2.5 hours02:54
smspillazand I don't really know anything about unity's dbus stuff02:54
smspillazI fix stacking bugs02:55
lifelesssmspillaz: heh. I have no idea wherin the fail exists03:03
lifelesssmspillaz: just know I have the fugly UI03:03
smspillazprobably gsd crashing03:12
lifelessyou know, thats what I thought at first03:13
lifelessand RAOF asked the same thing03:13
lifelesssmspillaz: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/01/23/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t02:0403:13
smspillazRAOF: oh you had travel fun too ?03:27
smspillazRAOF: I find it slightly concerthing that the nvidia driver has a race condition where sometimes03:34
smspillazit will return NULL from glXGetProcAddress03:35
RAOFThat, um, sounds rather bad.03:35
RAOFOnly *slightly* concerning?03:36
smspillazonly slightly03:36
smspillazmy other concern is greater03:36
smspillaznamely that when I hit alt-tab, I get a gpu lockup03:36
RAOFI can see why that would be a problem.03:37
smspillazback from freedom hating to freetardery03:38
RAOFOh, while I'm here, the new Unity doesn't like me alt-tabbing on the second head (sandybridge).  It briefly flashes up some other framebuffer contents.03:38
smspillazwhy are framebuffer objects so broken everywhere I wonder03:39
smspillazRAOF: if I remove nvidia, I'll just go back to nouveau right ?03:40
RAOFThat should work, yes.03:40
smspillaztime for slower shaders03:40
RAOFThe postinst should remove the alternative, which should drop you back to mesa.03:40
pittigood morning06:01
pittidesrt: I haven't replied yet; I honestly think we'll just embarass ourselves more with every reply06:01
pittidesrt: it's not credible for us to claim that we didn't knew this was coming; we did, through multiple sources06:02
pittibryce: oh, nice! I don't think it's just "our" interest, though, as lcms1 has quite a few bugs and zero upstream support any more06:03
pittibryce: so, nice to hear!06:03
BigWhaleWhat am I doing wrong? Is this a bug in introspection?07:00
didrocksgood morning07:03
BigWhaleHello didrocks.07:03
didrockshey BigWhale07:03
TheMusopitti: Ok, just confirmed that java-atk-wrapper works as a drop-in replacement for java-access-bridge.07:09
pittiTheMuso: yay!07:31
didrocksgood morning pitti, how was you week-end?07:33
pittihey didrocks, good morning07:35
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! nothing extraordinary, we went to the mineral museum and some long-needed shopping, otherwise were pretty lazy :)07:36
pittididrocks: how was your's?07:36
didrockspitti: pretty quiet week-end as well, a lot of walk through Lyon and restaurant/bar with Julie. Apart from that, still catching up on my 7 years of video game backlog (as it was rainy outside) ;)07:37
rickspencer3hi pitti and didrocks07:37
didrocksah, and also, put the broken heater back to the store07:37
didrocks3 weeks to get it repaired :/07:37
didrocksbonjour rickspencer3, how are you?07:37
pittithey don't give you a new one instead?07:37
pittididrocks: video games> that sounds like fun! head2head with Julie?07:38
pittibonjour rickspencer307:38
rickspencer3bonjour mes amis07:38
didrockspitti: no, apparently, it just go back to the manufacturer for repair, then they will decide. For video games, yeah playing with Julie (or sometimes alone, when she is painting)07:39
didrocksand we made some okonomyaki, first trial :)07:39
didrocksnot looking that bad: http://latolo.didrocks.fr/post/2012/01/22/ce-midi%2C-on-cuisine-jap-%21 :)07:39
pittididrocks: ah, never heard about that one; vaguely looks like something we made before, but it was much less sophisticated07:41
didrockswe regularly had some in traditional japanese restaurants, quite easy to do :)07:41
czajkowskididrocks: looks rather nice07:49
didrocksheh thanks czajkowski ;)07:50
ricotzhello desktopers07:50
didrockshey ricotz07:51
didrockshum, I'm sure bug #916780 is a dup07:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 916780 in compiz "unsnapping a snapped window causes incorrect mouse placement" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91678007:51
ricotzdidrocks, hi, you still missed one ;) DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_librhythmbox-core5 += -V07:51
didrocksricotz: yeah, I staged the change in the vcs07:55
didrocksricotz: would be awesome if you contribute to ubuntu directly rather than duplicating the work :)07:55
ricotzdidrocks, alright, i know07:58
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:21
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:22
chrisccoulsonhi pitti. i'm good thanks, how are you?08:22
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks! had a nice weekend08:23
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson08:24
pittiwe saw "Intouchables" on Friday night in the movies08:25
pittireally nice one08:25
pittididrocks: ^ I think it's from France even :)08:25
didrockspitti: yeah, it is :)08:27
agateauhey pitty, good morning08:43
agateauI get a 404 when I try to get my action item list from http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/u/agateau.html  , do you know what could be wrong?08:43
pittiagateau: hm, I'm not sure why; could you please ask cjohnston or james_w about it? I don't have access to status.u.c. any more08:51
agateaupitti: ok, thanks08:54
pittibonjour seb12809:05
seb128hey pitti, how are you?09:05
pittiseb128: quite fine, thanks! had a nice weekend, some cinema ("Intouchables", great French movie :) ), some shopping, mineral museum, and lots of idling :)09:06
pittiseb128: how was your's?09:06
didrockssalut seb128, bon week-end?09:06
seb128pitti, nice w.e, less "busy" than yours though ;-)09:07
seb128basically sleeping, some TV, some video gaming, some sport09:07
seb128lut didrocks, oui, et toi ?09:07
didrocksseb128: bon week-end, cuisine japonaise, un peu de promenade + resto/bar et beaucoup de jeux vidéo :)09:09
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czajkowskiJe vais a Paris le Vendredi09:11
seb128didrocks, ;-)09:14
seb128czajkowski, hey, en vacances ?09:14
czajkowskimon anniversaire ave mon bf09:15
czajkowskiMy french is very rusty.09:15
seb128czajkowski, you just need a bit of practice, Paris is the right place for that ;-)09:26
seb128hum, monday emails...09:26
czajkowskiseb128: had to do it to leaving cert in Ireland to get into college, well any foreign language. That's a very long long time ago09:27
seb128d-d-l turned into a troll list again it seems, now lennart give us some "you guys" and blame it on Canonical09:27
pittiseb128: can we please stop this thread? I feel we just embarass ourselves more with each reply09:33
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seb128pitti, we do people (you included) keep writting "ourselves" :-(09:33
chrisccoulsonhi seb128!09:33
BigWhaleI might have hit Gtk introspection bug or I am doing something terribly wrong, can someone take a quick look? http://paste.ubuntu.com/814034/09:34
pitti"ourselves" == "ubuntu developers" in that context09:34
seb128pitti, I wrote that email as a GNOME contributors, not as Ubuntu,Canonical, and all I ask is for them to keep a public list of platform requirement and announce them at the start of the cycle09:34
seb128seems that an honest request, not an embarassing one to me :-(09:34
pittiyes, but the "how do we make this work for us now?" parts are not really helpful for either GNOME nor Ubuntu09:35
seb128but next time I will write from my gnome.org email with a disclaimer that I write as a GNOME contributor09:35
pittithe part for officially announcing requirements is fine, of course09:35
seb128pitti, right, and I said at least 3 times that we never asked for that, it's the redhat guys who are driving the discussion on that road09:35
pittithere were enough discussions to actually make everyone aware of it, there just was no "stamped" announcement09:35
seb128pitti, there were discussion only because some people "trolled" it on d-d-l09:36
seb128without that there would have been no communication out of git logs09:36
seb128which is the part I'm trying to fix, just make them announce the new requirements09:36
seb128*shrug* doesn't seem troll worth or a lot to ask09:36
seb128 09:39
seb128pitti, btw davidz's udisk email was useful09:39
seb128it makes me want to maybe update gvfs and nautilus09:40
pittiyeah, found that as well; haven't looked into recent udisks2 commits, to see what else is missing09:40
seb128new nautilus has some nice things, including a dbus service for opening the file browser on a directory with a file selected that some applications start using, and a undo,redo feature09:40
didrocksoh, great :)09:41
pittinow that udisks2 has a release, I guess we can start packaging this into experimenta09:41
seb128pitti, in fact looking at gvfs, davidz just added a new monitor for udisk209:42
seb128so we can probably update gvfs without issue09:42
pittiright, the old gdu one should continue to exist09:43
seb128pitti, do you want to have a look to the new gvfs as well when you look at packaging udisk2?09:43
pittidoing patch piloting this morning, but added to my TODO09:44
seb128pitti, danke, and happy piloting ;-)09:44
* pitti goes into Kamikaze mode09:44
seb128jbicha, hey, thanks for the webkit build fix09:49
pittijbicha: hey Jeremy, how are you?09:49
jbichaI was running nautilus 3.3.3; 3.3.4 reuired a bit more refactoring for our desktop menu patch09:49
jbichagood morning09:49
seb128jbicha, oh ok, well still it might be worth the work09:54
seb128but I will probably wait GNOME feature freeze to have a clear idea of the state and depends09:54
seb128jbicha, do you run the new webkit?09:54
pittijbicha: do you still plan to do an upload for disabling the startup sound soon, or want me to reassign that work item to someone else?09:55
jbichapitti: I did that before Christmas09:56
pittijbicha: oh, thanks! setting to DONE then09:58
seb128pitti, did you see my webkit question? ;-)09:59
pittijbicha: so that wasn't in libcanberra then09:59
jbichapitti: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libcanberra/0.28-3ubuntu110:00
pittiseb128: the "do you run..." to jbicha?10:00
pittijbicha: ah, thanks10:00
seb128pitti, ups, sorry, it was a question for jbicha10:00
seb128jbicha, ^ ;-)10:00
jbichaseb128: yes I'm running webkit as of this weekend, I confirm that software-center doesn't like it10:01
seb128jbicha, ok thanks10:02
seb128jbicha, did you test on other softwares, find other issues?10:02
jbichanot yet, we should test it with ubiquity though10:04
kamstrupseb128: It appears that the new nux packages dep on glew1.6?10:38
* kamstrup be toast10:38
seb128kamstrup, yeah, we switched to glew1.610:38
seb128kamstrup, the intel issues we were having are fixed somewhat, we did testing in a ppa to see the current situation and update the bug10:39
seb128kamstrup, turned out that it works fine in precise so we switched, no complain in a week seems good ;-)10:39
seb128kamstrup, I'm inclined to think that your issue was because you managed to mix 1.5 and 1.6 abis in your build10:40
kamstrupseb128: ok... let's see :-)10:40
kamstrupmhr3: perfect, thanks10:41
BigWhaleI've been told that this is a bug that needs to be fixed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814034/ can someone confirm?10:42
BigWhalebefore I file a bug report10:42
seb128pitti, ^ seems for you10:43
BigWhaleGtk introspection is apparently missing something10:44
pittiBigWhale: it's cairo introspection missing something, yes10:46
pitticairo is quite hard to introspect10:46
BigWhalealso related to this10:46
ubot2Freedesktop bug 44336 in general "missing support for cairo_region_t" [Normal,New: ]10:46
pittimight be better to use python-cairo for now10:47
BigWhaleso import cairo instead of from gi.repository ...10:48
kamstrupseb128: I see both glew 1.5 and 1.6 in the rdepends of libnux-2.0-0. Is that expected?10:50
seb128kamstrup, rdepends?10:50
kamstrupor the converse I mean10:50
seb128kamstrup, you mean glew depends on nux?10:50
kamstrupin the rdeps of glew1.{5,6}10:50
seb128kamstrup, if you have different apt sources, i.e oneiric and precise, yes10:51
seb128kamstrup, or if you dpkg status still has infos about the old version10:51
seb128kamstrup, the current precise packages only use 1.610:51
kamstrupseb128: I meant "apt-cache rdepends libglew1.5 | grep nux-2.0" sorry :-)10:51
kamstruplet me double check my sources lists10:51
seb128kamstrup, you better apt-cache show libnux-2.0-0 | grep glew"10:52
seb128kamstrup, or | less and look into what version depends on what10:52
kscloudHey, I've found a bug in Update-notifier/manager, but launchpad won't let me report it10:53
kamstrupah, it's all precise, but I have an old nux version from a ppa in the cache it seems10:54
kscloudWhere should I take it to?10:54
seb128kscloud, hi, can you define "won't let you report it"?10:56
seb128what is it doing?10:56
kscloudseb128: The option in Launchpad is greyed out. says LP needs to know where to report a bug for both update-manager and notifier10:57
seb128kscloud, do you use Ubuntu?10:57
kscloudseb128: Yes, I do.10:57
seb128kscloud, use "ubuntu-bug update-manager" then10:58
kscloudseb128: Thank you10:59
seb128kscloud, you're welcome11:00
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BigWhalepitti, out of curiosity ... is it possible that pycairo is missing surfaces too?11:11
pittiBigWhale: could be11:11
pittiI don't know either, I'm afraid11:11
BigWhaleif this is the correct reference documentation, then there is none http://cairographics.org/documentation/pycairo/3/reference/index.html11:12
BigWhaleand dir(cairo) doesn't say anything about regions :/11:13
BigWhaleI'm stuck in a nightmare!11:14
ricotzpitti, hello11:30
pittijbicha: do you want to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~tkluck/ubuntu/oneiric/gnome-shell/fix-bluetooth-device-switch/+merge/89040 ?11:30
pittihey ricotz, wie gehts?11:30
ricotzpitti, do you know if bumping libgnome-keyring to compat 9 is a typo while the changelog says 811:31
ricotzpitti, mir geht's gut :), ich hoffe dir auch11:31
pittiricotz: right, seems it's a typo in the old changelog11:32
pittithe package is multi-archified, so it does need 911:32
ricotzoh, i thought 8 was enough for multiarch?11:33
ricotzi only noticed the hardening rules are needing 911:33
pittino, 9 introduced that11:33
tjaalton9 is finalized, btw11:33
jbichapitti: sure, that's fine, maybe we should go with gshell 3.2.2 now too? or wait for it to be packaged in Debian?11:34
ricotzPici, this mean the libdir flag is obsolete there too now?11:34
jbichapitti: I don't have bluetooth on my normal computer11:34
pittijbicha: I guess 3.2.2 should go into Debian either way11:35
pittiricotz: oh, how? does debhelper now default to this? I wasn't aware of this11:35
ricotzpitti, i am not sure but i think it does11:35
ricotzjbicha, hello11:36
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nessitahello all!12:09
pittihey nessita12:09
nessitaquick question: last Friday I had keyboard issues (dead keys are not " working" as dead), and I was suggested to upgrade unity-greeter. I did the update, and I assumed I would be able to choose the proper keyboard layout from there, but I can' t see a layout option... any ideas?12:11
seb128nessita, hey, with the update you should be back to what you had before the buggy version12:12
nessitaseb128: so, under keyboard layout in system settings, I have a "english international (with dead keys)", but that' s not working: the dead keys are alive! :-) 'a'e'i12:13
seb128nessita, no idea then12:14
seb128I don't know a lot about keyboards12:14
seb128nothing changed recently though, it should work as it was working on Oneiric12:14
pittinessita: what's the output of: xprop -root _XKB_RULES_NAMES12:14
pittiI'm off to lunch now, happy to debug in a bit12:14
nessitapitti: ack! thanks12:15
pittinessita: still here for a bit12:17
nessitaok, I deleted the keyboard preference, added again, relogin, and is working now!12:22
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nessitahas anyone reported any issue with dbus services in precise, with updates since last Friday?13:31
seb128nessita, what sort if issue? nothing reported no13:36
nessitaseb128: is hard to explain, what I'm seeing is that the ubuntuone control panel is not being able to talk to sso thru dbus. And we did not land any related code...13:37
seb128weird, dbus or similar didn't change since oneiric13:37
nessitaseb128: and the same packages that we build from trunk, which are delivered to us via PPA, are working on O but not in P13:37
nessitaseb128: I will keep debugging then...13:41
dobeyseb128, nessita: python-dbus has changed13:44
nessitadobey: lovely (not). Any idea what changed? control panel can no longer retrieve credentials from sso :-/13:45
nessitaon P, that is13:45
dobeynessita: no idea, but i saw an update for it the other day13:45
desrtpitti: that's not why i poked you13:45
nessitadobey: the other day would be a couple of days ago or more? because on Friday it was still working for me13:46
dobeynessita: the last upload was 6 days ago. but maybe you didn't get the update installed until after that?13:46
nessitadobey: I should be able to tell by looking at the apt log, right?13:47
dobeynessita: yes. and you can install the old version to test, as well13:47
dobeynessita: if python-dbus is the problem, you probably want to talk to barry13:47
nessitadobey: confirmed I updated python-dbus on Friday13:48
nessitadobey: can you please confirm control panel is not working on P? it will not pass thru the first screen, you will get "credentials error"13:48
dobeylet me make sure i'm up to date13:49
dobeybecause it worked for me this morning13:49
nessitadobey: thanks13:50
dobeyit's working for me. shows my total storage and everything13:51
dobeyso perhaps not python-dbus :)13:51
nessitadobey: you have the latest python-dbus?13:51
nessitadobey: you using amd64?13:52
dobeyi'm using i386 build13:52
desrtseb128: so interesting question13:58
desrtseb128: if there is libfoo1 and we have soname bump13:58
nessitadobey: installed 0.84.0-2ubuntu2 (amd64), rebooted, and control panel is working for me13:58
desrtwhat causes the upgrade to libfoo2 to happen?13:58
seb128desrt, hey13:58
seb128desrt, things depending on the new version13:58
chrisccoulsonlots of rebuilds ;)13:58
desrtthe -dev package on the pbuilder upgrades, pulling the new soname package, and then sodepends pulls it in for everyone else on the distupgrade?13:58
seb128desrt, no point updating a not-used-lib13:59
nessitadobey: you rebooted after python-dbus update?13:59
seb128desrt, no, usually we just transition stuff to the new version by doing rebuilds13:59
desrtseb128: right.  that's what i mean13:59
desrtin that case it would be perfectly possible for the soname to actually decrease, i assume13:59
desrtcool.  jbicha was asking.14:00
seb128numbers don't matter, as long as they are different14:00
desrtthat's what i told him :)14:00
seb128what project went backward in numbers?14:00
ubot2Freedesktop bug 45062 in gtk-client "spice-gtk 0.8 breaks soname version numbering by using lower version number" [Critical,Reopened: ]14:01
dobeynessita: i don't know. last reboot was sometime friday14:01
nessitadobey: would you be willing to try a reboot? I would like to know if it's an arch-related thing before pinging barry14:02
dobeynessita: sure14:02
dobeynessita: still works for me14:06
nessitadobey: thanks14:07
dobeyseb128, pitti: hey, i want to change the source package for the u1 rhythmbox plug-in. best way to do that is a needspackaging bug for the new source? or something else?14:32
seb128dobey, you mean you want to rename it or...?14:32
pittidobey: can't we keep the source package name, and just update it to a new upstream versin?14:33
dobeyseb128: yes. i've renamed the upstream project14:33
seb128dobey, just open a bug on the old name requesting sponsoring for the new version I guess14:34
dobeyseb128: hmm, ok14:36
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jbichaseb128: ubiquity seems to work fine here with new webkit; I booted today's live CD, added the desktop PPA, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade and then ran the install14:40
seb128jbicha, great, thanks14:40
seb128jbicha, did you try banshee btw?14:40
seb128seems it's only s-c so far14:41
dobeyhyperair: hi. are you working on a banshee 2.3.4 upload btw?14:42
hyperairdobey: ah, crap, i forgot to merge it.14:50
hyperairdobey: i'll work on it14:50
cyphermoxdidrocks: how would you start a unity-2d session if that option doesn't show in lightdm?14:50
cyphermox(or how can I make it show up in lightdm -- unity-2d is installed)14:51
didrockscyphermox: do you have the session installed as well?14:51
cyphermoxI don't see that package in the list, hold on14:51
didrockscyphermox: ls /usr/share/xsessions/ubuntu-2d.desktop14:52
dobeyhyperair: can you please disable building the u1ms extension and drop the binary package for it as well? we've started the transition to gtk3, which means dropping the mono bindings, so it won't build with the new libubuntuone :-/14:52
cyphermoxshouldn't I be seeing a gear icon in lightdm though ?14:52
didrocksshould be in gnome-session, same for /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/ubuntu-2d.session14:52
didrockscyphermox: you should see them then, if you don't have, I would say it's a unity-greeter issue, maybe look at the logs?14:53
dobeycyphermox: i noticed it not appearing for me over the weekend, and when i switched to guest and back, it appeared14:53
jbichaseb128: banshee didn't crash for me but I don't use the app too much14:53
cyphermoxdidrocks: see, I reinstalled lucid on a desktop system I have here, then proceeded with an upgrade test to precise14:53
jbichathe online media section seems to load ok14:53
didrockscyphermox: upgrade shouldn't impact that14:53
dobeyjbicha: try browsing through the amazon store and downloading a free song or something14:53
cyphermoxdidrocks: thing is, while upgrading I lost metacity completely (no window decorations anymore) and now after, unity doesn't start its panel or launcher, all I get is the desktop14:53
didrockscyphermox: hum, what does you .xsession-errors say?14:54
cyphermoxdidrocks: actually, I wonder if it might not have been because the binary changed under its feet, but it also could have been a n unrelated bug14:54
didrockscyphermox: I already tested an upgrade from lucid there, successfully :)14:54
seb128didrocks, cyphermox: bug #91865714:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 918657 in unity-greeter "unity-greeter_0.2.0-0ubuntu2 breaks desktop-selector" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91865714:54
seb128blame mterry ;-)14:54
didrocksah :)14:54
mterrymore problems!14:55
cyphermoxdidrocks: all I get that seems related is:  WARNING:root:timeout reached, exiting14:55
* pitti gives mterry a big hug14:55
seb128mterry, hey, happy new week :p14:55
didrockshey mterry :)14:55
jbichadobey: yes, downloading a free song from Amazon's MP3 store works14:56
seb128jbicha, thanks14:56
seb128so we are down to basically s-c, is there any other python-webkit user we can easily test?14:57
* kenvandine hides :)14:59
kenvandinegood morning pitti!14:59
pittiit's a Ken!15:00
pittikenvandine: good morning, how are you? had a nice weekend?15:00
kenvandinesorry, had to get a battery in my car this morning... woke up to a dead car :/15:00
kenvandineyeah, and you?15:00
seb128hey kenvandine15:00
pittikenvandine: quite fine, thanks!15:00
kenvandineawesome weekend actually, my son's pinewood derby car did great :)15:01
* kenvandine is a proud dad :)15:01
pittithat sounds exciting!15:01
kenvandineit was a blast15:01
pittikenvandine: FYI: gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0 |    3.2.2-2 |       precise | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc15:01
* kenvandine does a dance15:01
pittikenvandine: please let me know if you have trouble with it15:01
kenvandinehas dobey looked at it?15:01
kenvandineif not, i'll take a dive into it today15:01
pittiwell, it's for you, not for dobey?15:01
pittiI thought you want it for gwibber?15:02
kenvandinewell, dobey started the port to gi15:02
kenvandinei do15:02
kenvandinehe started hacking on gwibber :)15:02
kenvandinewanting to help get rid of webkit-gtk215:02
dobeyi didn't look at keyring yet15:02
pittidobey: ^ before you know it you'll maintain that beast15:02
seb128kenvandine, you use webkit in gwibber still right?15:02
kenvandinedobey, plan to? or should i?15:02
jbichaseb128: I added my twitter account and posted so that looks fine15:02
kenvandineseb128, hopefully not for long :)15:02
pittidobey: err, I meant to say: "Thanks!"15:02
seb128kenvandine, ok, well in any case webkit 1.7.4 is in the ubuntu-desktop ppa if you want to give it a round of testing15:03
dobeykenvandine: i can. i need to bug you about gwibber, but maybe keyring was in fact the issuse. :)15:03
kenvandineseb128, sure15:03
seb128kenvandine, thanks15:03
kenvandinedobey, great... let me know how it goes15:03
seb128kenvandine, we aware that s-c doesn't like it and segfault with it15:03
seb128kenvandine, that's the only "known issue"15:04
kenvandinedobey, i looked at your branch, looked like it was coming along well15:04
kenvandineseb128, ok15:04
dobeykenvandine: yeah, was hitting some crashiness, but it might have been keyring causing it :)15:04
kenvandinebrb. reboot15:05
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* mterry is still getting used to new bug list look15:45
seb128there are much harder to read that the old ones15:46
seb128especially to see the status15:46
pittiyeah, a lot less fits on the page now16:25
seb128pitti, it's also that the rectangles are less easy to read and the colors don't mean a lot16:26
seb128where a column with the status was easier to parse before16:27
* didrocks +1, let's see how we can get used to that16:28
seb128well on the good side I like the columns sorting ;-)16:29
seb128jbicha, thanks for the webkit call for testing16:45
hallynhm, when unity crashes, it doesn't leave a /var/crash/16:55
didrockshallyn: you should check for "compiz"16:57
hallynyou mean in /var/crash?16:57
didrockshallyn: unity is a compiz plugin, the process crashing then is compiz :)16:57
hallynthere was nothing in /var/crash from today at all16:57
hallynbut, compiz is a new task since the crash (so compiz did go away and restart)16:58
hallynif it had done it a bit faster, and had restored windows to their original desktops, i might not have notniced :)16:59
didrockshallyn: do you have an older compiz file in the directory?16:59
hallynno compiz file in /var/crash at all16:59
didrockshallyn: we just keep the first crash in /var/crash, so if you have an older crash that you never reported, you won't get the new crashes there16:59
hallynhm,but come to think of it there may have been a crashfile for weather indicator (which i deleted) - could that hae cuased compiz to exit?17:00
didrocksit shouldn't as it's just a dbus protocol, but maybe it triggered some untested code path17:01
dpmpitti, I've just noticed we haven't had any precise langpack updates since the 4th of Jan, and I see that they are disabled in the cron job. Is it ok to enable them now?17:04
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pittidpm: ah, please do; we did that for alpha-1, I believe17:17
dpmpitti, ok, cool, let me do this now. The oneiric langpack updates were also released, so I guess I can reenable them too17:18
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pittikenvandine: did you hear other reports like bug 917460? Could you have a look? beuno is on IRC quite often for debugging, etc.17:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 917460 in empathy "empathy using constantly 100% of the CPU" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91746017:50
kenvandinepitti, i haven't17:51
pittikenvandine: I asked for an strace for now17:52
pittikenvandine: there might also be a log which shows what's happening? I haven't done empathy debugging so far17:52
* didrocks waves good evening17:56
didrockstime for port there :)17:56
pittigood night everyone!17:58
kenvandinehey BigWhale18:10
BigWhalehey ken!18:11
BigWhalehow's the car? :>18:11
kenvandinebetter... still needs an oil change and new brakes :)18:14
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BigWhalekenvandine, O ;et ,one in the show18:29
BigWhaleerr.. I left mine at the shop18:29
* kenvandine is doing it himself :)18:30
BigWhalekenvandine, awesome ... brakes I used to do, but oil change is something that is too messy for me :>18:36
nessitaoops, sorry! bad windows :-)18:58
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
FormattIn Linux, where is a good place to put a file like  registrymodifications.xcu to configure an extension system wide? - Where can a sitewide registry be located?22:36
FormattI'm asking this for a friend - don't know exactly he wants22:37
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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