
czajkowskiterran: howdy08:54
tdr112about 50 cd given out at campuscon over the weekend09:04
tdr112great event09:04
tdr112the wit soc did a great job running it09:04
czajkowskilooked pretty good09:05
czajkowskiterran: gonna have a come to cypher talk with skynet09:06
=== moylan1 is now known as moylan
terranczajkowski: coolbeans10:07
infoturtlewe had a bit of spam on ubuntu-ie.org over the weekend, it's been taken down now10:16
tdr112infoturtle: its an old site hard to stop10:32
infoturtletdr112: yar, just putting it on the record, can't wait to update the thing10:33
czajkowskiwhoo less than 2 weeks to FOSDEM :d12:38
terranwoo beer beer beer beer12:38
czajkowskiterran: IMMA SOO GONNA STRANGLE THEM20:33
slashtommyczajkowski: wouldn't stabbing be more appropriate?20:36
czajkowskino this is longer and will make them sit up and pay attendion20:37
infoturtlewho getting stabbed?20:38
czajkowskiinfoturtle: you in U:L20:38
infoturtle:c we don't wana be stabbed20:38
czajkowskiyou in UL or not ?20:39
czajkowskiinfoturtle: involved in skynet?20:40
infoturtleyea, we were talking today, andru18320:40
czajkowskiso you joinging the committee20:40
infoturtleI'm on it, wana move to PRO tho20:41
czajkowskiinfoturtle: from ?20:48
infoturtlefirst year rep, which is just listening to 17 year old kids begging for a minecraft server20:50
czajkowskiI wouldnt mind a mind craft server20:51
infoturtleI have a home server with one but my net is slow at the moment, upc throttle if you miss a bill20:53
infoturtleairurando: cheers for the links to the logs, they look like they'll be a big help1!22:29
moylanif you do nothing else today please support.  http://stopsopaireland.com/  sorry for the spam.22:32
czajkowskimoylan: not spam at all22:38
czajkowskimoylan: might be an idea to to to the .ie list tbh22:38
moylanwell it is offtopic so better to apologise in case of offense.22:38
czajkowskimoylan: not at all22:39
czajkowskigonna need everyone backing that22:39
czajkowskibut you culd say offtopic22:39
czajkowskibut it's useful to everyone22:40
moylanonly after i hit enter i realised offtopic rather than spam.  so bloody angry at the stupidity of it all. :-/22:40
czajkowskimoylan: post to list22:40
moylanilug and ubuntu mail list?22:41
* czajkowski hugs ebel 22:44
airurandoinfoturtle: hope they help22:54
airurandomoylan: would you believe I shared a house with Sean Sherlock while post grading in Galway.22:55
moylanoh for a time machine and a clue by four? :-)22:56
moylanthought you'd know your jargon file.  http://www.jargondb.org/glossary/lart22:57
infoturtleairurando just had a quick look, shattered from my first day back, they seem like everything I need22:57
airurandoinfoturtle: cool22:58
airurandomoylan don't ever assume I'll have prior knowledge of anything geeky22:59
moylanyou should read the jargon file.  like the devils dictionary for computers23:00

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