
Silverliongood night every one!00:00
dholbachgood morning07:54
akgranerHi all I won't be able to write summaries until tonight sometime - so if someone else can take a stab at it that would be great13:24
akgranerpleia2, I'm ok with publishing Wed if we need to so we don't rush and miss something13:24
pleia2akgraner: wednesday sounds good18:25
pleia2I'll finish gathering news today18:25
akgranerpleia2, great - then let's plan on that18:25
akgranerI'm catching up with work today18:25
bkerensaI can write some summaries19:01
bkerensaakgraner: still needed?19:01
akgranerbkerensa, thanks - just take a look at the gdoc19:01
akgranerpleia2, will be adding more links throughout the day - I won't get to write any summaries until tomorrow sometime - pleia2 and I both were at SCALE all weekend19:02
pleia2was pretty impossible to do anything on the hotel wifi :)19:03
pleia2bkerensa: just added dev news to the doc, wanna write a summary for that one? :)19:39
bkerensayes well... assuming my other summaries passed muster?19:39
pleia2I didn't actually read them, I'm sure they're fine, we do editorial review anyway if you're worried19:40
pleia2MrChrisDruif: can you update the doc for the flavor meetings (I updated for xubuntu, no meeting)21:36
MrChrisDruifpleia2; will do21:38
MrChrisDruifpleia2; did we ever get any notice from mythbuntu? I can't remember, not find any meeting links21:51
pleia2I don't know, sorry :\21:52
MrChrisDruifAlright, then I think all the links are up-to-date21:53
Silverliongood evening everyone22:27
MrChrisDruifAloha Silverlion23:01
SilverlionMrChrisDruif : hoi23:01
akgranerThanks y'all - pleia2 I'll review stuff in the morning23:06
pleia2thanks akgraner23:06
pleia2I think I'm done adding links23:07
Silverlionhey pleia2 and akgraner23:07
akgranerhey Silverlion23:07
pleia2MrChrisDruif: thanks for updating the links23:08
Silverlionakgraner : got a min to talk?23:08
MrChrisDruifpleia2; no problem23:08
* pleia2 back to work23:08
akgranerSilverlion, I'm sorry not right this second - I'm finishing something for work then cooking dinner23:09
Silverlionakgraner : well not important ;)23:10
akgranerI'll come back after dinner and see if you are still on though23:10
akgranerI was at SCALE all weekend and a little behind - sorry23:10
Silverlionakgraner : most definetly not as i am facing 1am in the morning and need to sleep23:10
akgranerok get some sleep - I'll ping you tomorrow at a decent time23:11
Silverlionakgraner : copy that... have a good one23:14
MrChrisDruifbkerensa; ?23:54

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