
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Deluxe
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
=== pangolin-Supreme is now known as pangolin
pangolin@mark #ubuntu * [Sebastien] (~bt5@ircpros/staff/Sebastien): sent a pm asking them to disable any talking scripts they have loaded in #ubuntu, currectly they respond to !pastebin.03:41
ubottuError: Can not create a mark for '*'03:41
pangolin@mark #ubuntu  Sebastien (~bt5@ircpros/staff/Sebastien): sent a pm asking them to disable any talking scripts they have loaded in #ubuntu, currectly they respond to !pastebin.03:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:42
pangolinTiMiDo: Please don't park your client in this channel.04:33
bazhang<Juest> plustax: ubuntu haves a sucky gnome 3, use another thing, like fedora05:04
bazhangnot exactly Ubuntu support05:04
bazhang<Juest> ok, im coming back there  with RANDOM NICKS like i were doing05:29
bazhangasking about Fedora , arch, gnome3 live cd settings, asked repeatedly to stop, finally removed. now threatening evasion05:30
bazhangthe backtrack channel bans the ident root iirc07:51
bazhangyet its default on their irc client07:51
Jordan_UI was about to say.07:51
Myrttibazhang: :-DDDDD classy07:51
bazhangabout 3 student's in #kubuntu same IP misbehaving, may want t o look08:31
bazhang* tfgt (~quassel@ now a 4th08:33
bazhang<student> юра нуб   <--- you're a noob08:36
bazhangTm_T, ^08:40
Tm_Tsorry, not able to act08:55
ubottubazhang called the ops in #kubuntu (Bataysk student__)08:57
bazhangwell I tried for quite a long while.08:59
bazhangthey just dont want to listen08:59
bazhangflooding the channel from that IP and hurling invective09:00
Myrttido you want me to poke in09:01
bazhangcalling people devils etc and cursing like crazy.09:02
MyrttiAlanBell: do you want me to poke in with my allmight pink pen of poking, or will you handle it?09:03
AlanBellany kubuntu ops about?09:04
MyrttiAlanBell: I've got allmighty powers by my cloak, if you want I can do it09:04
AlanBelloh I can do that too09:04
Myrttidid they all leave?09:18
Myrttior ping timeout or whatever?09:18
Myrttidon't hesitate to poke me in the future if similar happens, apparently there's this *new* aura of intimidation, fear and reverence on me nowadays that quiets trolls and annoyances :-P09:19
* popey hides09:20
* funkyHat brashly continues to annoy Myrtti 09:21
* Myrtti takes funkyHats cake away09:22
funkyHatnuuuu ⢁ᗡ09:22
Tm_Tuhhuh, lunch eaten09:50
coolstar-ipodSome random Adildeaux guy was spamming me on IRC PM09:57
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: thank you for joining, I ask you to join and report it here as you can see by your discussion it gets other people talking about it, which isn't what the channel is about09:57
coolstar-ipodIt was on the #ubuntu channel09:58
ikoniait's being looked at now09:58
MyrttiI didn't get anything09:58
coolstar-ipodI dislike racists09:58
ikoniabut in future things like this, please report them here, as when you start talking about it in the #ubuntu channel, others than start talking about it and it takes the channel away from it's topic, which is ubuntu support09:58
coolstar-ipodHe mentioned a chimpout.com/forum09:59
bazhang* ADildeaux has quit (K-Lined)09:59
coolstar-ipodbazhang: he needs to be banned though. He can rejoin otherwise10:00
Myrttier, he was k-lined10:00
bazhangcoolstar-ipod, thats a network ban10:00
bazhangbigger than a regular ban10:01
coolstar-ipodBut I do know that on the /quit command you can use a custom message10:01
ikoniawhat are you talking about ??10:02
ikonia /quit messages ????10:02
coolstar-ipodikonia: you can use the /quit IRC command and give it a custom reason for leaving10:02
ikoniahe's just been klined though10:03
ikoniahe's off the network and a member of staff has just said he's been klined10:03
ikoniaI think it's "safe"10:03
Myrtticoolstar-ipod: those are prefixed with Quit:10:03
Myrtticoolstar-ipod: if the user / client just quits10:03
coolstar-ipodMyrtti: got it10:04
coolstar-ipodAccording to Wikipedia: The K-line is a local server ban (specific to a single server, not the entire IRC network) that bans the offensive user's hostname.10:07
coolstar-ipodBut that's local10:07
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: I think we are done here, the problem has been addressed10:07
nikoklines are global on freenode10:08
coolstar-ipodniko: ok10:08
=== LjL-Deluxe is now known as LjL
bazhang<tata> debian-ubuntu it is same14:14
pangolin/join #debian-ubuntu14:15
ubottuIn ubottu, tumbleweed said: sponsorship is You can find out about the sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess14:39
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/  - Looking to participate remotely? http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/14:41
AlanBellwell that needs an update anyway14:41
pangolinknow the dates off hand?14:42
AlanBell 7th-11th May 201214:42
pangolin!no uds is <reply> The Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 7th-11th May 2012 in Oakland, California - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/  - Looking to participate remotely? http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/ - Need info about sponsorship http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess14:43
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin14:43
pangolinkevlar not included14:43
AlanBellum, no pangolin :)14:43
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess is different altogether14:44
AlanBellbut !sponsorship could kind of point to both14:44
pangolin!no uds is <reply> The Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 7th-11th May 2012 in Oakland, California - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/  - Looking to participate remotely? http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/14:44
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin14:44
AlanBell!sponsorship is <reply> You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess, for !uds sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/14:45
ubottuI'll remember that, AlanBell14:45
AlanBellhows that?14:45
pangolinlooks good14:45
LjL!no sponsorship is <reply> You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/14:46
ubottuI'll remember that LjL14:46
LjLdon't put commas after URLs14:46
LjLthey can confuse parsers14:46
pangolin!sponsorship > tumbleweed14:46
pangolin!no uds is <reply> The Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 7th-11th May 2012 in Oakland, California - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/  - Looking to participate remotely? http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/ -  For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/14:48
ubottuI'll remember that pangolin14:48
LjL@mark #ubuntu manny Asking something about killing their dog, after trying to obtain Windows support in #ubuntu15:47
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:47
mneptokwait ... Myrtti is staff now?15:53
bazhangDon't Blink15:54
mneptokthere goes the neighborhood. it's all fire-breathing angry sparkle-ponies now.15:54
LjL@mark #ubuntu monny Asking something about killing their dog, after trying to obtain Windows support in #ubuntu15:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:54
bazhangfuduntu is just a fedora respin. it's not a mix15:55
h00kOh that's nice15:56
bazhangwebupd8 special!15:56
bazhangpopey, other than eidet, what's the other good screencast app? kazam?18:18
popeyunder heavy development too, #kazam is worth a visit18:21
bazhangeidet is a ppa as well?18:22
popeyno idea, never tried eidet18:42
bazhangpopey, thanks, I just recall you talking with someone in #ubuntu+1 about xvidcap, and you mentioned one other than kazam.18:46
bazhangwell hopefully kazam fills the bill, seems pretty nice18:47
Jordan_UIt really doesn't sound like Ubuntu_nooblet is using Ubuntu. They may also be a troll. If not, they're very confused.18:55
oCean@mark #ubuntu Tixos abusive in pm after being told not to use acryonyms such as stfu, leaves with: ill come back later19:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:03
popeybazhang: also, I've requested thet xvidcap be removed from 12.04 onwards, which has been done, so hopefully there will be less questions about it19:05
popeywell, different questions... from "why is xvidcap broken" to "why can't I find xvidcap"19:06
bazhangpopey, thanks!19:06
bazhangI am sensing Tixos imminent departure from the channel19:06
oCeanbazhang: I sense not-so-nice pm's19:09
oCeanI was just searching logs, because somehow I think I remember that nick19:09
bazhangoCean, he claims to be too busy to discuss channel guidelines with me in PM19:10
oCeanOooh, he's to busy!19:11
oCeanMaybe -q then19:11
bazhanghe says that it's my issue, and he has done nothing wrong.19:15
oCeanbazhang: there are earlier entries in BT19:16
bazhangoCean, unpossible!19:17
oCeanmaybe he was doing nothing wrong, back then19:18
bazhangnow he says he's too busy to come here to resolve19:20
oCeanin that case, he apparently does not need #u at all19:23
bazhanghe's going to report me!19:24
oCeanoh noes.19:25
oCeanwhere? sabdfl again?19:25
bazhangwho knows. I've told him to come here to resolve it after giving him the guidelines and code of conduct links19:26
oCeanbazhang: thanks!19:32
oCeanhe might try #u again, earlier he used a different mask... Tixos (~sg@host109-152-198-160.range109-152.btcentralplus.com)19:32
bazhangnice catch19:32
bazhang* Tixos (~sg@ has joined #ubuntu+119:51
bazhanginteresting to see what happens. hopefully he behaves19:51
bazhang* [Tixos] (~sg@unaffiliated/tixos): purple   now cloaked20:35
bazhangnot joined #ubuntu yet20:35

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