
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
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Psi-JackWell, blasted.00:19
Psi-JackI have my 6to4 working from each of my firewalls directly facing the internet, which does my IPv4 NAT, SNAT & DNAT too, for my LAN.00:20
Psi-JackBut, I can't seem to get the systems behind it to use that IPv6 IP address as a gateway.00:20
Psi-JackAnd I don't want to use radvd or something.00:22
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DanaGhmm, whenever I open a shell on my ubuntu server, I get stuff like this:01:56
DanaG                                                                                                                     r01:56
DanaGesize: unknown character, exiting.01:56
DanaG^[[47;157Rdana@microserver:~$ ;157R01:56
uvirtbotDanaG: Error: Missing "]".  You may want to quote your arguments with double quotes in order to prevent extra brackets from being evaluated as nested commands.01:56
DanaGAnd it eats whatever letters I was pressing.01:56
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lifelessDanaG: over ssh or locally ?02:07
chelzDanaG: yeah there's something wrong in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile02:14
chelzDanaG: you figure out the line that's to blame and you fix the problem02:15
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=== Hetep is now known as DarthCaeduces
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== smb` is now known as smb
Cariboumorning, anyone familiar with debian-installer ?11:12
Cariboufirst question is : Is Ubuntu's implementation of d-i modified wrt the original debian's d-i ?11:13
koolhead11it be same i suppose11:14
Cariboukoolhead11: thanks, this is what I thought11:14
CaribouI'm trying to use the "auto url=" boot parameter from a CD install & I'm getting nowhere11:15
Cariboudoesn't seem to take the param into consideration11:15
txomon|homeCaribou, I think that is because the first steps, must be in the launch arguments too, till the network configuration12:15
Cariboutxomon|home: that's what I thought too, but the doc says that if 'auto' is used, it postpone the first steps 'til after network is up12:16
Cariboutxomon|home: but I might be onto something12:16
txomon|homeI saw some examples, and they solved it till the network stuff12:17
Cariboutxomon|home: yeah, you can pass the first steps as boot params, I'll look into that after lunch.12:21
* Caribou is off to food now12:21
Trx_does anyone know which programm writes /var/log/wtmp12:43
ikonianormally "login"12:47
urthmoverholy c**p  tmux is the KING!!!!13:29
pmatulisurthmover: in general or in comparison with screen?13:56
urthmovercompared to screen I'm really liking it ...maybe its just that it's different  time will tell....I do like the multiple panes and vertical resizable nature of it though....its like having a tiling wm without devoting my desktop to a tiling manager like xmonad14:00
urthmoverguess it's time set mutt back up14:05
* zul is on a merge rampage14:36
smoserDaviey, bug 920474 is *one* reason it didn't work14:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920474 in python-novaclient "nova client does not work on ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92047414:39
Daviey"oh well]"14:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #920474 in python-novaclient (main) "nova client does not work on ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92047414:45
ppetrakiqlogic sold it's infiniband business unit to intel today14:58
rbasakjamespage, do you happen to have access to your panda? I'm after the boot arguments you're using - there's a regression in precise, and I want to see if the boot args the installer is using have changed.15:18
jamespagerbasak, I do15:19
jamespagefunny you should say that - I had some issues on thurs/friday getting armhf to install15:19
jamespagerbasak, I assume you want the args from cobbler?15:19
rbasakjamespage: no, I want boot.scr from your sd card15:20
rbasak(just the text part)15:20
jamespagerbasak, right-oh15:20
hallynstgraber: do you know offhand, does 'update-binfmts' use /sys/module/binfmt_misc ?15:23
jamespagerbasak; http://paste.ubuntu.com/814372/15:24
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jamespagerbasak, ah - now I see what you mean15:24
rbasakjamespage: binary pastebin fail :(15:24
jamespagetake 215:24
jamespagerbasak, setenv bootargs root=UUID=0e01e07e-0e1e-42f9-b06c-f7167356c195 ro quiet splash15:24
endzYmehi all, any orchestra people out there? I have a quick question on whether you can implement orchestra on an existing open stack environment?15:25
rbasakjamespage: and your fatload and bootm lines please, just to check?15:26
jamespagerbasak, ack15:26
jamespagerbasak, http://paste.ubuntu.com/814376/15:27
stgraberhallyn: I don't think it actually does anything in /sys/module/binfmt_misc but it definitely accesses /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc15:27
rbasakthanks jamespage15:27
rbasaklooks like a kernel regression though I'm not sure15:27
stgraberhallyn: are you planning on blocking /sys/module/?15:28
hallynstgraber: ok, so you think bug 917660 should be addressed using apparmor, or is there a better approach?15:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 917660 in lxc "Installing qemu-user-static in an i386 lxc container applies the binfmt changes to the host, breaking execution in that host" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91766015:28
hallynstgraber: we should, yeah15:28
stgraberhallyn: right, for this one, just blocking the binfmt_misc filesystem should be enough (once we can do that)15:29
hallynstgraber: well, we can do it now, we just can't enforce moutn moves :)  it's a start15:29
hallynstgraber: but,15:29
hallynthis of course applies more generally to chroots15:29
hallyndo we care?15:29
jamespagerbasak, I'm running 3.2.0-140315:29
hallynI'm not clear on whether it's possible for binfmt_misc to detect this itself15:30
rbasakjamespage: I've filed bug 920511 and there's a workaround in there if you need it - thanks15:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920511 in linux-ti-omap4 "Regression: netinst on panda armhf fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92051115:35
jamespagerbasak, nice15:35
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pmatulison a kvm host i noticed that whenever there is a dialog on a guest (waiting for user input; ex: install screen or update manager pop-up) the load goes way up.  normal?15:50
ikoniaguess it maybe locking a cpu waiting for a response ?15:51
smoserzul, ping16:25
smoserwhere did you get python-novaclient from ?16:26
zulsmoser: nova.openstack.org/tarballs16:26
smoserwhere does *that* come from?16:27
zulsmoser: its a jenkins job that generates the tarballs from git16:27
smoseris there some upstream other than https://github.com/rackspace/python-novaclient16:28
zulsmoser: there should be https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient16:28
zulit was updated like 5 days ago though16:29
adam_gzul: ive added jenkins jobs in for python-novaclient and keystoneclient, FYI16:29
zulsmoser: : i was going to update it this afternoon anyways16:29
zuladam_g: k cool16:29
adam_gzul: and i think the packages uploaded last week are all in decent shape, altho i think glance upgrades will be busted due to config changes16:30
zuladam_g: yeah ok16:31
utlemming_afkDaviey, smoser: you guys around?16:31
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Davieyutlemming: always16:32
zulquite literally16:32
utlemmingDaviey: I'm looking at the locale question for the cloud-images. Right now, as you so assutely mentioned, is that we only install en_US.UTF-8. Installing the other en locales makes sense, but do we want to install the other langugage locales too (i.e Spanish, Poortugueses, etc?)16:33
Davieyutlemming: It's suggest just engrish :)16:34
utlemmingengrish? that's what I thought, but thought it prudent to get input first16:35
DavieyIs it possible to force fallback to C ?16:35
smoserutlemming, here.16:35
smoserzul, its busted upstream also.16:36
zulsmoser: but you used it from git in that bug report didnt you?16:36
smoseri used it from old git16:37
zulah ok16:37
zulgeez that one has been updated nov 3016:39
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derjoergHi everybody17:16
derjoergdoes anybody here has experience with qvm qemu and virtfs support?17:16
koolhead17tough to say, shoot your question :)17:18
derjoergI have oneiric server as host and client running17:19
derjoergif I have accessmode "passthrough" defined I can see and DELETE all files on the share17:20
derjoergbut I'm not able to change or create new files/folders17:20
derjoergif I change accessmode to "square" I can create17:20
derjoergthen all the files/dirs have as user libvirt-qemu:kvm from the server17:21
derjoergand I'm not able to change this on the client17:21
derjoergI'm totally stuck17:21
derjoergHow can I create files and folders with the respective client user rights?17:21
borudevHello, how is everyone? I had a quick question troubleshooting my ubuntu 11.10 server installation. I installed the same OS on 2 different servers and I'm experiencing the same problem. What happens is I turn on the server, it's ok for few hours, and then when I try to SSH to it, it get a time out, when I plug in the keyboard, and type something then I can connect to it again. Seems that17:38
borudevit's going to some kind of sleep mode. Note, no desktop was installed just pure server OS. Anyone had this issue before? what could cause it? Thanks17:38
SpamapSborudev: do you possibly have something like powernap installed?17:48
SpamapSborudev: perhaps look in /var/log/syslog after it wakes up17:48
borudevI didn't install anything other than server os17:49
borudevmaybe some kind of power management came with the os?17:49
SpamapSborudev: shouldn't.17:49
borudevI dont have direct access to the server right now, all i can do is reboot it remotely17:52
SpamapSborudev: look through /var/log/syslog .. will probably have something around the time the server becomes unresponsive17:54
Psi-JackHmm.. Anyone know a way to get a pptp connection to always try to reconnect on connection drop?17:54
Psi-JackRight now, when they change anything on their end, which is a lousy Windows server, it drops us from the VPN which causes some of our stuff not to work /for/ them, etc etc etc..17:54
Psi-JackIt'd be cool if it were able to tie into upstart to keep it persistant, but the persistant isn't working as-is.17:55
SpamapSPsi-Jack: I use an upstart job to run 'keep-one-running' to keep a few tunnels alive17:55
SpamapSsounds redundant, but keep-one-running is more heavy handed and will continue to try forever, whereas upstart will give up17:56
SpamapSPsi-Jack: but I don't do pptp .. these are just ssh17:56
Psi-JackSpamapS: Oh? Do you have any docs on how you set that up, or even a sample upstart.conf file?17:56
Psi-JackCause I can setup pptp to not daemonize itself or whatever it takes.17:56
Psi-JackI just want to be able to keep this up no matter what. LOL17:57
Psi-JackHmm, the way it seems to call it is to pppd call <name>18:02
Psi-Jackfrom pon <name>18:02
Psi-JackThink I got it.18:08
Psi-JackWas as simple as copying the rsyslog.conf and changing the "script" section to just usr /usr/sbin/pppd call <name>18:08
Psi-JackBut when I kill the pppd process, it doesn't respawn..18:09
SpamapSPsi-Jack: add 'respawn'18:13
utlemmingDaviey: do you have a bug for the cloud-image language thing? or do I need to file one?18:23
hallynSpamapS: if it hasn't already been accepted, can you reject 0.7.5-5ubuntu27.22 from lucid-proposed queue?18:32
derjoergso nobody any tips regarding my virtfs problems?18:33
eagles0513875any one manage to get virt-manager to pxe boot off of a kickstart script created in cobbler18:34
hallynderjoerg: i haven't used it myself18:34
derjoerg:( ok18:34
hallyni don't know if it's a bug in our packaging, or a bug upstream, or a feature.  you could check on oftc#virt18:35
derjoerghallyn: thanks for the tip, but I'm pretty new here. What does oftc means?18:36
hallynirc.oftc.net, another irc server18:37
derjoergok, will do. Thanks18:37
SpamapShallyn: rejected18:40
hallynSpamapS: thanks!  and so now i can re-upload with that same version?18:40
eagles0513875hallyn: any ideas as to my issue or head to oftc as well18:40
hallyneagles0513875: sorry i have no idea what you're talking about.  will read up in a bit18:41
eagles0513875hallyn: basically im trying to pxe boot a guest which i created in virt-manager using kick start script which i setup in cobbler18:41
SpamapShallyn: yes.. to be clear, you could have uploaded w/ the same version already.. though doing it this way is less confusing. :)18:43
hallynSpamapS: i see, thx18:44
hallyneagles0513875: reading up isn't helping me.  Have you posted more info elsewhere?  what is going wrong?18:52
eagles0513875basically doenst give me time to hit f12 to boot into the pxe boot menu18:52
eagles0513875just says it cannot boot from the partition on the remote machine and shuts down in 30 sec18:52
hallyndo you have ipxe isntalled?  what release are you on?18:52
tcheck8hi everyone. would anyone mind helping me setup an ssl cert for my server? i'm following the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL but run into issues as soon as i try to create the appropriate directories18:53
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eagles0513875hallyn: do i need ipxe installed on the remote server ?18:54
eagles0513875and im on 11.1018:55
hallyneagles0513875: no, ipxe installed wherever you are running kvm18:55
eagles0513875running xen18:55
hallyneagles0513875: (what services is on the 'remote server'?)18:55
eagles0513875the default ubuntu-orchestra server stuff18:55
eagles0513875hallyn: ?18:56
zulhallyn: ?18:56
hallynzul: ^ how do users do pxe with libvirt and xen?18:56
hallyn(sorry, kbd misfire?)18:56
zulhallyn: no idea18:56
hallyneagles0513875: sounds like you should file a bug :)18:56
eagles0513875hallyn: should ipxe be installed regardless of me being on xen or otherwise?18:57
hallyneagles0513875: you could try that, but I have no idea whether xen would be able to use that or not.18:57
eagles0513875ill let you know how it goes hallyn18:58
hallyneagles0513875: thanks19:00
eagles0513875that didnt work hallyn :(19:02
tdnI have just installed Ubuntu Server. How do I get sound to work? If I install Lubuntu Desktop on the same hardware, sound works out of the box. However, with Ubuntu Server it does not.19:15
tdnHardware is IBM Thinkpad T42.19:16
=== sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
tcheck8hey everyone. i just setup a virtual host file on my sever that redirects port 80 to port 7080 (im running a package off port 7080). i'm trying to redirect port 443 in a similar fashion (except it would be over ssl), but when i try to do this, the page does not redirect properly. ideas?19:23
sconklinis there an easy way to shut down all the parts of an orchestra server, including dhcp server etc? I want to leave it configured but take it offline.19:23
pmatulisre preseed, why would someone use 'partman-auto/text/atomic_scheme' instead of 'partman-auto/expert_recipe' ?19:27
eagles0513875tcheck8: are you using ufw or iptables?19:29
tcheck8i dont think i'm using either. i created a virtual host file for the site in sites available in /etc/apache2/ so that port 80 will redirect to 7080. that worked fine. its when i added the code to forward 80 to 443 that everything got messed up19:30
tcheck8https://students.gotdns.com should redirect to students.gotdns.com:7080 (over ssl), but it's not doing that if you look19:33
=== sixstringsg|afk is now known as sixstringsg
tcheck8it looks like i managed to get it to work, i had to modify default-ssl in sites-available. it seems strange because i didnt have to modify default when i added the virtual host file for my website on port 8019:38
Davieyutlemming: sorry, missed your question.. I did not raise a bug20:03
utlemmingDaviey: np -- in talking with smoer, it looks like we need to ask foundations20:04
utlemmingDaviey: the problem the only locale that is installed by default is en_US.utf8. The other ones have to be generated or you have to use cloud-config to set it manually.20:05
utlemmingI have an idea of how to fix that such that any SSH user could get whatever locale they want, but it would require chnages to /etc/profile.d20:06
utlemmingI'll copy you on my email to foundations20:06
SpamapSIIRC there are language packs that you can just apt-get install20:06
utlemmingSpamapS: yes, but it bloats the size of the images and the SSH LANG does not override /etc/default/locale20:07
SpamapSutlemming: not arguing they'd be good on the default image.. but rather, that generating them is not necessary20:08
Davieyutlemming: sounds rocking20:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #920636 in openssh (main) "Clearing up language in man page of ssh-keygen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92063620:15
borudevHello, how is everyone? I had a quick question troubleshooting my ubuntu 11.10 server installation. I installed the same OS on 2 different servers and I'm experiencing the same problem. What happens is I turn on the server, it's ok for few hours, and then when I try to SSH to it, it get a time out, when I plug in the keyboard, and type something then I can connect to it again. Seems that20:26
borudevit's going to some kind of sleep mode. Note, no desktop was installed just pure server OS. Anyone had this issue before? what could cause it? Thanks20:26
guntbert!crosspost | borudev20:28
ubottuborudev: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.20:28
borudevwhat does "setterm -blank 0" mean ?20:32
borudevsomeone posted as a suggestion20:32
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guntbertborudev: I don't see that in man setterm - I'd guess he intended to inhibit the screen going blank...20:34
borudevi see20:34
guntbertborudev: for research - ssh into it immediately after the start and keep the session open, you might even have tailf /var/log/syslog running there20:35
borudevim keeping an eye on it now20:36
guntbertborudev: do the logs tell you anything?20:36
tcheck8when i login to my server via ssh i see different files and different permissions as opposed to if i just logged into the computer physically20:37
tcheck8why is this?20:37
guntberttcheck8: as what user do you perform both tasks?20:40
tcheck8the same exact user.20:41
tcheck8(not root, i use sudo when necessary)20:41
tcheck8actually, im discovering that even when i login to the physical server sometimes im not able to access certain directories20:41
JanCyou sure you are logging into the same machine?  ;)20:42
tcheck8but if i logout and log back in it will allow me to access them20:42
tcheck8yes! i know, it sounds totally bizaree.20:42
guntberttcheck8: what are those unaccessible directories?20:46
tcheck8located in /home/[user]20:46
tcheck8i cant access /home/[user]/myCA20:47
guntberttcheck8: please use the nick of a person you are talking to, see !tab20:48
tcheck8guntbert: sorry about that20:49
guntberttcheck8: is it really necessary to obfuscate your user name? please paste the output of ls -ld /home/[user]/myCA20:49
tcheck8guntbert: no its not. i just wasn't sure what was "okay" to post; i am new to this. one moment please20:50
tcheck8dr-x------ 2 tcheck8 tcheck8 4096 2012-01-23 12:34 .20:50
tcheck8guntbert: dr-x------ 2 tcheck8 tcheck8 4096 2012-01-23 12:34 .20:50
guntberttcheck8: looks sensible, please paste the output of    id20:51
tcheck8guntbert: uid=1000(tcheck8) gid=1000(tcheck8) groups=1000(tcheck8),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),110(lpadmin),111(sambashare),112(admin)20:51
guntberttcheck8: looks quite ok, please have a look at the output of those two commands when you cannot access that directoy the next time20:53
tcheck8guntbert: i cannot access the directory currently (via SSH)20:54
guntberttcheck8: what is the error message?20:54
tcheck8tcheck8@SFEServer:~$ cd myCA20:54
tcheck8-bash: cd: myCA: No such file or directory20:54
tcheck8guntbert: when i am positive that that directory does, in fact, exist20:55
JanCis that a directory or a link?20:55
guntbertJanC: good catch:)20:56
JanCwell, it says its a directory apparently20:56
JanCunless the "ls" before was done differently20:56
tcheck8JanC: myCA is a directory (if that is what you are asking), within my /home/user/tcheck8/20:57
JanCtcheck8: you mean /home/tcheck8 I suppose20:57
tcheck8janc: yes, i'm sorry.20:58
JanCand you are sure you are in that directory at the moment you execute the "cd"?20:58
tcheck8yes, i am positive.20:58
guntberttcheck8: what does    pwd   say?20:59
tcheck8guntbert: /home/tcheck820:59
guntberttcheck8: strange, try    stat mxCA      and use <tab> to autocomplete the name21:00
JanCguntbert: myCA  ;)21:00
adam_gzul: also, it seems in a previous version of that horizon package, local_settings.py was being installed alongside the example. now only the example gets installed21:00
guntbertJanC: right!21:01
tcheck8guntbert: stat: cannot stat `myCA': No such file or directory21:01
zuladam_g; k can you open up a bug21:02
guntberttcheck8: I suggest running a fsck on the partition21:03
adam_gzul: i can, i was trying to find out if that changed in the upstream tree or our packaging21:03
tcheck8guntbert: how should i go about doing that?21:03
guntberttcheck8: The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check21:03
tcheck8guntbert: doing that now...21:04
tcheck8guntbert: this is a brand new installation of ubuntu, i dont know what i could have possibly done wrong21:04
guntberttcheck8: we don't know either :)  we are working by excluding possible culprits21:05
tcheck8guntbert: haha, alright. well, i have restarted the system and the filesystem was checked. should i try to ssh back in?21:06
guntberttcheck8: of course :)21:06
tcheck8guntbert: i've logged in and ran   ls   and receive: Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop  README.txt21:08
tcheck8which is not accurate. there should be far more files.21:08
guntberttcheck8: aah, you created an encrypted home directory21:09
tcheck8guntbert: stupid me! i couldnt recall weather or not i had done this, but it only seemed advantageous to do so. is it necessary, and is it possible to unencrypt it?21:09
guntbert!encrypt | tcheck821:09
ubottutcheck8: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory21:09
tcheck8guntbert: at this point, i think i'd like to simply "unencrypt" my directory. is this even possible?21:11
guntberttcheck8: please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome21:11
tcheck8guntbert: i was reading over that now.21:12
guntberttcheck8: that was different from the first link though :)21:13
tcheck8guntbert: i managed to stumble upon the link you provided via google, but this page doesnt mention anything about going from encrypted to unencrypted :(21:14
tcheck8guntbert: also, i've gone ahead and logged into the physical server and THEN tried to ssh, but i'm still not seeing the files i should be via SSH. do i need to be doing another step? when i first setup ssh, i did move the authorized_keys file out of the encrypted directory so that i could use public keys to login.21:15
guntberttcheck8: no, that way is a little cumbersome - you open the encrypted home, save everything to another location, and then....21:15
guntberttcheck8: to be honest its getting late here, I remember a detailed howto but I cannot find it right now21:17
tcheck8that's fine, you've already provided me with some invaluable help. i'll continue to search more later.21:17
tcheck8guntbert: because, as a matter of fact, i must be going as well21:17
JanCyou can also mount the ecryptfs filesystem...21:18
guntberttcheck8: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory  too, there are instruction on removing....21:18
JanCtcheck8: you might want to check out the 2 files you see now21:18
guntberttcheck8: in any case: Good luck :-)21:19
tcheck8guntbert: thank you!21:20
JanCtcheck8: and you can add something to your bash startup scripts so that it mounts it when logged in over ssh21:20
tcheck8janC: thank you!21:20
JanC(you will have to enter your password for that though)21:20
tcheck8JanC: i dont have near enough technical knowhow to do what you describe, haha. i'm trying to run this server for a nonprofit21:20
tcheck8JanC: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#How_to_Remove_an_Encrypted_Private_Directory_Setup21:21
tcheck8JanC: what do they mean when they reference the ~/Private directory?21:21
JanCtcheck8: after ssh'ing into the server, try running 'ecryptfs-mount-private' and enter your password when asked, then do 'ls' again21:23
tcheck8JanC: oh my god. as you sent that recommendation i found it elsewhere and tried it....this is all i have been missing this entire time!!!!! such a simple and SMALL oversight!21:24
JanCoh, and after running it, je first need to 'cd /home/tcheck8' before the ls maybe21:24
tcheck8JanC: yes, i needed to do that.21:25
tcheck8but now everything works as nomral21:25
tcheck8JanC: thank you so much for your help.21:25
tcheck8JanC: how familiar are you with ssl certificates?21:28
JanCI have created and used them...21:29
JanCtcheck8: but I really need to leave you for today  ☺21:29
tcheck8JanC: fair enough :). thank you for your help!21:30
tcheck8i should be going, too.21:30
TakyojiSooo, anyone else use nsd on Ubuntu?22:29
TakyojiBecause I've installed it, and there's apparently no nsd.conf file, and I tried creating one (at /etc/nsd/nsd.conf), and restarted nsd and so on, and it doesn't seem to have taken effect. Is the real config in some hidden location or something?22:31
ahs3Takyoji: have you compiled the nsd.conf?  NSD doesn't work like BIND in that respect22:41
TakyojiI have not compiled nsd.conf22:58
TakyojiUnless if you mean 'nsdc rebuild'23:00
ahs3right.  that's the step that's required23:07
TakyojiBecause I've done that, I've restarted, I've done everything. No changes.23:08
TakyojiActually I guess nsd doesn't even have a config file anymore23:10
TakyojiOr the inverse23:11
hallynsomeone's been messing with lxc-clone upstream23:20
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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