
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Deluxe
dpmgood morning all08:04
TiMiDogood morning dpm08:59
dpmmorning TiMiDo09:01
=== LjL-Deluxe is now known as LjL
artnayhi all, just found this: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-online-tour/trunk11:59
dpmhi artnay, yes, it's the tour at http://www.ubuntu.com/ :-)13:36
dpmhappy Chinese New Year happyaron, and good work with translating the tour ;-)13:37
happyarondpm: thank you!13:42
dpmTLE, now that G+ pages can have multiple admins, can you please add me to the page admins when you've got a minute?13:55
dpmin fact, we should probably add the whole ubuntu-translations-coordinators team if everyone is happy with it13:56
TLEdpm: yes, I'll add you and ask on the list who else wants to be admin13:59
dpmTLE, cool, thanks13:59
TLEdpm: done14:03
dpmexcellent, thanks TLE14:04
happyarondpm: ping15:12
dpmhi happyaron15:13
happyarondpm: I would like to ask who is in charge of input method related stuff now? it seems Ubuntu has been heavily out of sync on some of the items...15:14
dpmhappyaron, let me come back to you in a minute, I'm being pinged somewhere else15:15
happyaronI guess the problem was involved with the status of language-selector, but not very sure.15:15
happyarondpm: ok15:15
dpmhappyaron, ok, I'm waiting for someone to reply to me, so I'm shortly back. In short, there is no one in charge of input methods in Ubuntu since ArneGoetje went. A couple of weeks ago, the im-{switch,config} upstream developer got in touch with me because he wanted to upgrade ubuntu to im-config, and I got him in touch with pitti. pitti recommended him to discuss it in more detail in ubuntu-devel-discuss, but I'm not sure if he sent the e-mail to15:34
dpmthe list15:34
happyaronok, I meant for the same thing, since IME Packaging Team are treat im-switch support as first priority, and may cause some problems in ibus or other input methods.15:36
happyaronthere are changes specific to im-config in ibus, but seems not backported to im-switch.15:37
dpmhappyaron, let me send a follow-up e-mail to him and CC you15:42
happyarondpm: thanks15:43
happyarondpm: Got the mail, thanks! Actually I am one of the input method maintainers at Debian, :)16:06
dpmhappyaron, ah, then you'll probably know Osamu already :)16:06
happyarondpm: yeah, we worked closely.16:07
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
kelemengabordpm: Hi, I hate to bring this up, but according to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+language-packs there are no langpack updates lately - why is it so?16:50
dpmhi kelemengabor, looking...16:56
dpmkelemengabor, acording to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+language-packs there have been exports (last one today, previous one last week), let me check the status of the package releases...16:58
dpmlast package on the 4th of January16:59
dpmlet me check the status of the cron job with pitti16:59
dpmkelemengabor, ok, checked with pitti and reenabled Precise langpacks.17:19
dpmthanks for the heads up!17:19
kelemengaboryou are welcome :)17:19
dpmthey were disabled for alpha-1 and weren't enabled back, that's why17:19
kelemengaborI already heard this excuse earlier :(17:20
dpmperhaps we should set some kind of notification system to e-mail the coordinators list if a cron job has been disabled for more than a week or something.17:24
dpmthis would be relatively easy to implement and give us notice straight away17:25
simosxthe import queue for pulseaudio seems to be stuck since last October, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pulseaudio/+imports20:56
simosxshall we kick it a bit so the translations move into launchpad?20:56
kelemengaborsimosx: I only see two de_CH translations being stuck, this is what you mean?21:43
simosxkelemengabor: actually, my interest is for Greek, which I uploaded a few hours ago.21:46
simosxkelemengabor: I am not sure what's the status with the other two, my priority would be for the Greek translation.21:46
kelemengaborI understand :)21:46
kelemengaborthe other two is probably there because we do not have such a team/locale in Ubuntu21:47
simosxkelemengabor: ok, so shall I expect that the review will proceed as normal like with the other uploads I did?21:48
kelemengaborI think so21:48
kelemengaboryour translation was uploaded only one hour ago, this much wait should be okay21:48
kelemengaborIIRC the approver script runs once in an hour21:49
simosxkelemengabor: nice, no need for me to worry ;-).21:50
kelemengaboror so... the generic import queue for precise is operating fine, your translation should be imported by tomorrow morning21:50

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