
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Deluxe
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
=== pangolin-Supreme is now known as pangolin
=== LjL-Deluxe is now known as LjL
felipealmeidaHello, does Ubuntu TV uses gstreamer with TI codecs?22:38
robclarkfelipealmeida, on pandaboard I'm using it w/ gst-ducati (TI gst plugin)22:56
robclarkso it is using hw decode22:56
felipealmeidarobclark: I see, but it is not the TI-dmai plugins is it?22:58
robclarkno..  although I suppose hypothetically whatever gst plugins should work..  you just need to have a way to get the output of the decoder into an eglImage..22:59
felipealmeidaI'm asking because I can't seem to be able to play almost anything in beagleboard with these codecs22:59
felipealmeidathese = TIViddec223:00
robclarkwell, assuming the gst plugins basically work (which I'm not really familiar w/ the dmai stuff), then it shouldn't be too hard to make qtmobility (and therefore ubuntu-tv) work..  with one caveat..23:01
robclarkyou need someone who can give you pvr/sgx libs w/ an eglImage extension that works with your decoders23:01
felipealmeidaIs it possible to use gst-ducati on beagleboard?23:03
felipealmeidaor does it require a OMAP4?23:03
robclarkwell, it is designed around viddec3... although that isn't completely different from viddec2..23:03
robclarkbut the dsp{bridge,link} vs syslink might be a bigger difference..23:04
robclarkif you use omap3, I would recommend gst-dsp23:04
felipealmeidaI see. Thanks robclark !23:04

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