
=== LjL is now known as LjL-Deluxe
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
=== pangolin-Supreme is now known as pangolin
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Hacking On Accomplishments - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/23/hacking-on-accomplishments/00:15
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
czajkowskiMyrtti: anythign nice planned this week ?07:40
Myrttiwe've got a Jaiku meetup in Tampere to reminisce07:40
czajkowskicool, like meet ups always different people at them07:41
Myrttiyeah well I've met all these people before, it'll be more like a funeral wake than anything else07:41
Myrtti(Jaiku was shut down a week ago)07:42
MooDoomorning all07:49
DJonesMorning all08:23
* daubers feels like rubbish this morning :(08:31
MooDoodaubers: man flu?08:33
daubersMooDoo: Maybe. Lots of driving over the weekend + not much sleep more likely08:33
MooDoooh dear :(08:34
TheOpenSourcererMorning peeps08:34
bigcalmGood morning peeps!09:00
bigcalmI has Xoom \o/09:01
bigcalmMorning popey09:02
MartijnVdSbigcalm: xooooooom!09:10
bigcalmWow, the touch screen is so responsive. This is a completely different world from the poop cheepy tablet I bought before09:13
oimoni just discovered that sony use an ubuntu based splashtop on their laptops09:14
bigcalmWhere's a davmor2 when you need one?09:19
MyrttiI can imitate one09:20
* Myrtti pokes czajkowski 09:20
popeyoimon: interesting, got a link or anything?09:21
MooDoolol @ Myrtti09:21
czajkowskiMyrtti: oi lol09:22
czajkowskidavmor2 doesnt come on till later in the morning09:22
Myrttiand suddenly, a wild davmor2 appears.09:22
Myrttiwhen I was in school we had this theory that if you mention some of the teachers by name, they appear as if by magic09:23
czajkowskiMyrtti: ahh yes the bettlejuice effect :)09:24
czajkowskisay it 3 times and they appear!09:24
MyrttiI thought it was candyman09:25
MyrttiI don't watch horror movies at all and thrillers only at home, so I'm not sure09:26
bigcalmMartijnVdS: did you say you had a Xoom?09:29
bigcalmMyrtti: it was Beetlejuice. I think Candyman was 5 times (not seen it though)09:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I do09:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I've reflashed it with stock US firmware (there's a guide on xda-developer)09:31
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I was going to ask if you've been sent the OTA ICS update09:31
bigcalmBut you've altered it from stock09:31
bigcalmI'm in no rush, just wondering when to expect it to update in the UK09:32
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
hoovergood morning09:34
bigcalmHi hoovie09:34
JamesTaitGood morning all!09:35
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:38
oimonpopey: no, a friend got it out on the train. instant-on system. i clicked on the ackowledgements and opensource info and they use a 2.6.x kernel, some elements of ubuntu 8.10 and mozilla browser with bing search09:41
oimonSony models that have shipped with Quick Web Access (powered by Splashtop) include the following: • VAIO NW Series notebooks  • VAIO P Series netbooks09:42
oimonsource is here: http://www.splashtop.com/opensource09:43
hooverhey biggie09:45
popeyoimon: i didnt think splashtop was ubuntu powered, wondered what elements made you think it was09:49
popeyhaha the source 404's09:50
oimonpopey: it was mentioned on the acknowledgements page with a list of elements used (busybox, kernel). it may just have been the wifi drivers from ubuntu09:50
oimonpopey: yeah :(09:50
oimonmy friend wanted to change bing as search provider on the browser but didn't seem possible. the instant on was very nice09:57
popeyyeah, my acer revo came with it10:10
bigcalmInstant on? I never turned mine off to find out10:16
oimoni like to shut all my devices down at night10:18
oimonphone, tablet, laptop..10:18
popeyare you 75 years old?10:18
czajkowskiI only shut down laptop10:20
bigcalmI shut down laptops and workstations. Servers I tend to leave running10:22
Davieywho has a 'workstation', these days?10:23
MartijnVdSMy laptop auto-suspends after an hour10:23
bigcalmI do10:23
oimonit's nice to know devices are switched off :D10:23
MartijnVdSmy tablet and phone turn "off" (screen off) and are on the charger at night10:23
oimoni don't leave stuff charging overnight10:23
MartijnVdSyou must not have a smart phone10:24
MartijnVdSor not move much during the day10:24
Davieybigcalm: is this yours, http://www.chuckc.net/images/labeledsetup.jpg ?10:25
bigcalmNot quite10:25
davmor2morning all10:25
bigcalmdavmor2: welcome. No need to bring your Xoom on Thursday ;)10:25
davmor2Myrtti: you been talking about me again10:25
davmor2bigcalm: you got one then :)10:26
bigcalmYep, arrived this morning10:26
bigcalmdavmor2: have you put a non-stock rom on it?10:26
davmor2bigcalm: Nope10:27
oimonMartijnVdS: my phone still lasts more than a working day, but i don't make phone calls10:27
davmor2bigcalm: just did updates10:27
Myrttidavmor2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814138/10:27
bigcalmdavmor2: good, so have you been sent ICS OTA?10:27
davmor2bigcalm: not that I'm aware of10:28
Myrttithat's almost good enough to go into the book10:28
davmor2bigcalm: just general updates10:29
bigcalmdavmor2: ok, ta. Just wondering when I should expect ICS to be available in the UK10:29
MooDoomoring davmor210:29
davmor2bigcalm: from what I understand they are rolling out samples in the US now Scandinavia seem to get it next with the UK after that10:31
bigcalmDaviey: this is my setup: https://plus.google.com/113834766641843352499/posts/ZfAXJ1PDpWz10:32
davmor2MooDoo: me awld mukka 'ow am ya bud10:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I have :)10:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: but as I said, on US firmware10:32
bigcalmAh, I see!10:32
MooDoodavmor2: aye not bad, can't grumble.....too much10:33
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 10:34
* MooDoo hugs davmor2 and pokes czajkowski 10:34
oimondoes deprecated code still work? i.e. is it removed, or flagged to be removed? warning: ‘gtk_vbox_new’ is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/gtk-3.0/gtk/deprecated/gtkvbox.h:62): Use 'gtk_box_new' instead [-Wdeprecated-declarations]10:35
davmor2mines looking a little too untidy for a photo op at the moment but I have 5pc and a server into 3 kvms, 2 laptops and a netbook10:35
mattioimon: Yes, in most cases.10:35
davmor2czajkowski: 'ows the back sweetie oh and err PROD!10:35
oimonmatti: hmm.. so removing Werror is bad then :D10:35
mattioimon: Yes ;p10:35
gordbigcalm, your room there looks exactly the same as the room i am in, down to the radiator and everything10:36
davmor2Myrtti: see you can get away with poking czajkowski but somehow it sounds wrong coming from a bloke Prods are the "PC" way forward ;)10:36
bigcalmgord: spooky10:36
bigcalmgord: same mess?10:36
Myrttidavmor2: I was just imitating you!10:36
MyrttiI did get an "oi" too :-P10:36
gordbigcalm, less banana's10:37
* funkyHat pokes everyone10:37
MyrttifunkyHat: I thought I already took your cake away10:37
gordand more speakers10:37
MyrttifunkyHat: don't make me come for the beverage as well10:37
* funkyHat giggles and runs away10:37
gordand more cats10:37
davmor2Myrtti: yes only czajkowski is being nice to me now as a new year resolution I might be down in London soon though so that will change :D10:37
funkyHatMyrtti: yes, the lack of cake is making me act up!10:37
gordi do have books making my monitors higher though10:37
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski?? nice??  nah that's not right :D10:38
czajkowskiMooDoo: I'm always nice ask davmor210:38
MooDoodavmor2: can you confirm that dubious statement from czajkowski ?10:39
davmor2MooDoo: her's trying but it always sounds like someone is holding a gun to her head when she says it :D10:40
MooDoodavmor2: what you given her to make her nice to you?10:41
MooDooczajkowski: is nver nice to me :( lol10:41
davmor2MooDoo: A new year apparently10:41
MooDoodavmor2: blimey.....10:41
=== Pernig_ is now known as Pernig
czajkowskiMooDoo: are you from northhampton?10:41
MooDooczajkowski: nope10:41
davmor2MooDoo: deny it and run10:41
* funkyHat is from Northampton10:42
MooDoodavmor2: damn i missed something there10:42
davmor2czajkowski: now as if he lives there10:42
czajkowskiah but you dont follow rugby and we thrashed them at the weekend :D10:42
MooDooczajkowski: yes yes i am from northampton...definately10:42
MooDooczajkowski: i'm a quins fan not a saints fan10:42
davmor2MooDoo: I thought you were in Nottingham :D10:43
funkyHatRugby is less boring than most team sports, I suppose10:43
directhexpfft, northampton10:43
MooDoodavmor2: yes but i've an affinity with quins10:43
mattidirecthex: Is that entire Mono or just this one platform?10:43
directhexas someone who went to uni in southampton, there is only one thing northampton is good for10:43
directhexwhich is Buddies USA diners10:43
directhexmatti, depends on whether boycottnovell has run a headline with the story yet10:44
davmor2directhex: is it War huuuu!10:44
mattidirecthex: Uhm.10:45
mattidirecthex: I see.10:45
MooDoodavmor2: perhaps i should be nice to czajkowski ?10:46
directhexmatti, packages.qa reports a full-package removal, regardless of the specifics. and perhaps i know from experience that readers and editors of a certain website are incapable of fact checking, so won't actually check the bug being ANAIS, not RoM10:46
davmor2MooDoo: I think she has a nicebot setup so when I say czajkowski prod! something nice is returned to be honest ;)10:47
mattidirecthex: The first thing I did was look at the bug.10:48
mattidirecthex: Does not seem like whole Mono will go.10:48
funkyHatdirecthex: I would have to agree. I was trying to think of something else but can't10:48
MooDoodavmor2: phew, well we need the real czajkowski i miss her!10:48
mattidirecthex: I was surprised as some of our internal development is making an effort to move from .NET on Mono.10:48
* funkyHat has escaped to London10:48
=== LjL-Deluxe is now known as LjL
mattidirecthex: So it would be funny thing if the support would go away :)10:48
davmor2funkyHat: that's easy just don't live, work or drive there it's a doodle to leave then10:49
directhexmatti, mono needs to be formally removed from s390, otherwise 105 other packages keep trying to build with it needlessly10:50
AlanBellI expect the user of mono on the 31bit S390 will be up in arms10:50
mattidirecthex: That's fine and more than reasonable :)10:50
mattidirecthex: I am just worried about it on x86*10:51
directhexAlanBell, let me get the stats...10:51
mattidirecthex: I rather commit sepuku than end up in a position to keep on packaging Mono for my internal team.10:51
* matti dislikes anything that touches Windows ...10:52
directhexAlanBell, well, only 15 s390 users have popcon installed...10:52
mattiAlanBell: :)10:52
AlanBelldirecthex: I am quite impressed at the 15!10:53
directhexAlanBell, so 31.6% of Debian users across all architectures have Mono installed, meaning... 4.7 s390 users!10:53
oimonnotice that 32-bit vs 64-bit is almost at tipping point on popcon.debian.org10:53
directhexi would be astonished if anyone was running s390 by choice rather than s390x10:54
directhexwe're adding s390x packages to mono10:54
oimonlogarithmic chart..hmmm10:55
AlanBelldirecthex: that is 3.7 more than I would have expected10:55
directhexAlanBell, you can prove anything with statistics :p10:55
=== georgios is now known as GiorgioShooter
directhexAlanBell, we also just fixed musicbrainz support when ripping cds with banshee on itanium. very important user base.10:56
Laneyexcept that dbus is still broken10:57
directhexpfft dbus10:58
directhexwhy didn't we upload the fix for that?10:58
Laneyyou thought it might be wrong10:59
directhexi wasn't sure! i was seeking further comment!11:03
Laneywell *i* dunno!11:06
Laneyask #mono ¬_¬11:06
davmor2bigcalm: there's part of my layout http://ubuntuone.com/7KmJOHbEYZ567Q0mZZYwmV11:10
bigcalmLooks noisey11:12
* popey decides not to take a pic of his setup until it's tidied11:13
bigcalmpopey: sensible11:13
* gord is agreeing with popey 11:13
davmor2popey: that was mine pre usage it's a bit messier now bit's of paper with notes on scattered liberally :)11:14
davmor2bigcalm: the noisiest thing in that room is me :D11:16
davmor2bigcalm: I'll take that as agreement then :D11:21
Myrtti"Let this be a lesson for future generations: do not use Google Translate to translate Finnish and assume it does a good job." http://www.mtv3.fi/uutiset/kotimaa.shtml/2012/01/1482051/googlen-kaannoskukkanen-kaikista-paavoista-tuli-pesusienia :-|11:21
gordonjcpMyrtti: heh11:23
davmor2Myrtti: it doesn't do a good job on Brazilian/Portuguese?  either there were some hilarious incidents with a friends facebook comments :)11:24
gordonjcpMyrtti: I tend to work on the assumption that there are damn sight more Finnish-to-English translations than English-to-Finnish11:24
gordonjcpMyrtti: hence it probably does a better job of Finnish to English11:26
gordonjcpwhich still isn't brilliant at times11:26
Myrttigordonjcp: I wouldn't use it at all if there receiving end doesn't understand any Finnish11:26
Myrttior isn't atleast minimally knowledgeable about Finland11:27
gordhttp://ubuntuone.com/5rRghtDT2mJXGsSWbI6fXP - how gord lives11:27
dwatkinsonly two displays, gord? ;)11:35
bigcalmgord: spooky room. You even have the same web cam as me now!11:36
oimonhttp://ubuntuone.com/34gUnM0Ioa935DGnSoKWzt rather large orifice11:36
* AlanBell thinks SpongeBob would be an excellent president11:36
AlanBelloimon: I want one of those aero chair things11:37
AlanBellaeron or something11:37
oimonvery nice11:37
bigcalmAlanBell: they are worth it11:37
oimonlast chair did my back in . never have problems with this one11:37
gordbigcalm, nah, this is a playstation eye11:37
gordbigcalm, can your webcam do 125frames per second? mine can!11:37
bigcalmgord: so is mine now :)11:37
gordoooh okay11:37
bigcalmgord: that photo of mine is from a while back11:38
oimoni feel motivated to tidy my office now11:38
oimoni thought it was tidy till i looked at the photo11:38
gordbigcalm, but you surely don't have a wookie protecting your systems11:38
bigcalmgord: I have a tux and a tardis on guard duty11:39
gordthat'll never stop darth vader11:39
gordwho is an ever present threat11:39
dwatkinshttp://ubuntuone.com/1hBYg1QZHYE3kjbqNnXCL6 is where I'm currently sitting11:41
oimonthe next thread is gonna be the view from our window :D11:45
dwatkinsif you like :) I can see the Pentland hills from here.11:45
AlanBellaeron chairs are still around £400 on ebay11:46
dwatkins800 quid new, iirc11:46
oimoni always regret getting the charles eames chair from my former employer rather than the cheaper aeron type chair11:46
dwatkinshow come, oimon?11:47
dwatkinsI was lucky and managed to secure an aeron chair for working from home a few years back when they shut an office down11:47
oimonthe charles eames chair was an expensive leather one from the board room. got it for prestige value, but the aeron chair i sat on every day was incredibly comfy11:48
dwatkinsyeah, aerons are great, I'm sure my back problems would be worse if I didn't have them11:48
bigcalmAnybody here work standing up?11:48
popeyi have a friend who does11:49
bigcalmPondering if it's any good11:49
oimoni would be exhausted in 10 mins11:49
bigcalmaquarius: how did working standing up go for you?11:49
* oimon is 7511:49
davmor2bigcalm: I know a couple of people that do11:49
Myrttisaddlechairs might be a good option to standup desks11:49
Myrttiexpensive tho11:49
ikoniathere are those desks which move up and down11:50
dwatkinsI've tried working standing up, it's fine so long as the floor has some give in it11:50
ikoniayou can sit down, then stand up and move the desk up with you11:50
Myrttidwatkins: or you're wearing good shoes11:51
oimoni can't see any benefit tbh11:51
dwatkinsindeed Myrtti11:51
dwatkinsin some offices they have desks you can raise to a height you can use standing up11:54
dwatkinsmake sure the power cables are long enough, obv.11:54
christelback when my spine was shagged, i found that the cheapest solution was to use a massive gym ball as a chair11:54
christelit was comfortable and ensured good posture!11:54
ikoniadwatkins: I've just come from a site from those desks, they where very cool11:55
christel(and doubled as a toy for when bored)11:55
dwatkinsikonia: groovy, which country?11:55
ikoniachristel: I sometimes do that at home, kicks the abs muscales in11:55
ikoniadwatkins: Sweaden11:55
dwatkinsikonia: I suspected that was the case11:55
TheOpenSourcererdwatkins: I saw those at Ericsson in Stockholm in the late 90's  - a few hardcore Swedes used to use the "standing up" posture for work.11:55
ikonianote "just come back" = sometime in the last 4 months11:55
dwatkinsa colleague of mine reported the same desks in Sweden, ikonia11:55
ikoniait just seems like yesterday11:55
christelikonia: *nod*11:55
ikoniadwatkins: it was a good working atmosphere and useful way to work11:56
Myrttiback in 1999 we had those desks at school11:56
christelsaddle chairs are also good11:56
christeli have one in the garage that i no longer use11:56
Myrttisell it to me?11:57
christelyou can have it!11:57
ikoniadwatkins: gather round a desk for something, stand up, sit down working alone, stand up for a bit of creative stuff11:57
ikoniaAT&T in the states had them in their operations center too11:58
ikoniachristel: shame on you, use it11:58
davmor2christel: do you own the side saddle variety, being as you are a LADY11:58
christeldavmor2: hahaha11:58
christelikonia: nah, i no longer "need" to use it so it's been "retired" :)11:58
ikoniachristel: there is no need, push further11:59
MyrttiI have gym ball in my "chicken coop"12:00
dwatkinsI had a knee chair once, you kneel on it12:00
awilkinsMy mum has one of those, which I had when I was a teenager12:00
MartijnVdSyes it cuts off circulation to your lower leggs12:00
MartijnVdSfor me anyway12:00
awilkinsIt makes my shins ache12:00
Myrttiyeah I tried to use a knee chair, my knees didn't like it :-|12:00
christeldwatkins: ooh i used to have that when i was Much younger12:00
awilkinsGymball might be OK12:01
davmor2Myrtti: when you say gym ball do you mean a balance ball or a heavy gym ball?12:01
dwatkinsyeah, it's fone for a bit but gets a bit tiring after a while12:01
awilkinsEspecially if I can get Jessica Biel to come and sit on it (like in "Stealth")12:01
christeldavmor2: a swiss ball12:02
Myrttidavmor2: huge inflatable thera-band fitness/excercise/gym ball12:02
ikoniaI want a Bosu12:02
ikoniabut they are a real rip off12:02
davmor2christel: but those are made from chocolate surely12:02
christeli used a 75cm (30") as a "chair"12:02
ikoniaI sit on a spike12:02
awilkinsI have an Ikea "Magnus" I think12:03
awilkinsWas about 80-90 quid12:03
awilkinsIt has the mesh back, a leather seat, lumbar support12:03
MartijnVdSI have one of those as well12:03
awilkinsSometimes I use the floating back mode which does tone you up12:04
davmor2awilkins: I have a huge leather chair from stapples iirc that cost about £100 more than that but is still comfortable 5 years in12:04
MartijnVdSawilkins: Markus I think? http://www.ikea.com/nl/nl/catalog/products/40103100/12:05
awilkinsdavmor2, My office is also like a chicken coop12:05
christelikonia: i get bosu's pretty cheap12:05
awilkinsMartijnVdS, That's the one12:05
christelas it's considered a "rehabilition product" so it's sold by several of my suppliers at cost12:05
davmor2awilkins: mines an entire room I guess that is the difference :)12:05
awilkinsMy only gripe is the left armrest is wobbly but I can't find the allen key to tighten it up12:05
awilkinsdavmor2, My office is also an entire room, but it's a really tiny one12:06
MartijnVdSawilkins: any hardware/tool store has them12:06
ikoniachristel: I'm interested12:06
dwatkinsawilkins: I find those sets of hex-bits invaluable for many things12:06
christeli bought an extreme balance board not long ago, but david thinks it's a miniature zee-zaw12:06
davmor2awilkins: mines not huge 4x3 ish12:06
awilkins4x3 m?12:06
awilkinsI'd KILL for a 4x3 m office12:07
davmor2awilkins: Yeap12:07
dwatkinshttp://www.maplin.co.uk/33-piece-security-bit-set-11520 is what I have12:07
awilkinsI think mine is more like 3x212:07
oimoni'm thinking of moving to a smaller office :D12:07
oimoni feel guilty having so much room12:07
davmor2oimon: I don't quite have enough I don't think.  /me need MOAR!12:10
christelikonia: that can be arranged!12:10
christeli need to order a portable ultrasound unit thing so i can grab a bosu at the same time!12:15
dwatkinsdo you sit on a ball or a half-sphere with the Bosu?12:22
dwatkinslooks like something I should get to improve balance and general core muscles12:23
christelthe bosu (BOth Sides Up) can be used for a variety of execerises (stable or unstable depending on which way up you've got it) it#s also great for just adding some challenge to your normal excersizes -- but yeah, it's a balance training tool :)12:26
dwatkinsnifty, looks like something I've used before in pyhsio for my back, will look into getting one12:27
christelyeah quite possibly, it's used a lot for rehab stuff by physiotherapists :)12:27
christeli do unstable squats on a bosu (so ball side down, flat bottom up) :)12:27
dwatkinsyeah, my physiotherapist also suggested getting on of those big rolls12:28
dwatkinsseeing the price of these, I think I'll wait a bit ;)12:28
Myrttibosu? I need one12:28
MyrttiI was told by my physio years ago I need to a) get a better balance b) strengthen my ankles12:29
christelah, a big foam roller? they are great!12:29
christeli use a rumbleroller (a bumpy one) now and again12:29
dwatkinsI started doing Capaoera recently, but can't go at the moment having broken a toe (!)12:29
dwatkinsthat and swimming and cycling to work should sort me out in time :)12:30
christelwhat problems do you have with your back if you don't mind me asking?12:31
dwatkinsmainly just stiffness, probably due to sitting and not getting a lot of e?cercise for the past 25 years ;)12:31
dwatkinsoccasional twinges, I gather it's quite common in people who work at a desk for a living and don't get a huge amount of excercise12:32
christeli used to have serious issues with my lower spine and found that weight training helped a tremendous amount as it built up sufficient muscle to keep stuff "in place" for longer :)12:32
MyrttiI feel so blessed for not having my back problems anymore12:32
dwatkinsyeah, I gather strengthening the core muscles will help a lot12:32
oimoni slouch a lot, but seem to get away with it12:32
gordbigcalm, davmor2 - also in the vein of showing pictures from before, i feel the need to show off how nice and tidy my PC internals are ;) http://ubuntuone.com/2xQunhiHcLv5PUgXxepzMW - i can actually get at stuff without digging through cables!12:33
bigcalmIs there a need to open up your system that often?12:34
dwatkinsI like cases with the PSU out the way12:34
oimonSATA improved things a lot in that area12:34
popeygord: your computer is upside down12:35
gordbigcalm, nope, but when i do i don't hate life12:37
gordpopey, "better airflow" or something, there is a fan that pipes the bottom compartment into the main one, then there are three fans at the top to get rid of air in the main compartment12:37
directhexi need to go & shorten my hair.12:49
oimonjust slopped pasta sauce on myself before a big meeting12:49
directhexclaim it's the latest fashion12:50
oimonin attempting to clean it, the resulting wet patch is even worse12:50
oimonnear my groin area12:50
oimonmember of staff trying for 10 days to get a password reset with central helpdesk..pure dilbert12:51
MartijnVdSStill claim it's the latest fashion. With a straight face12:51
Laneyjust got some epic screen corruption13:02
czajkowskiLaney: I did up to last week then upgraded to lastest kernel and it was perfect again13:03
czajkowskiLaney: mine last week http://twitpic.com/85czwx/full13:04
Laneyconsistency :P13:04
Laneyguess i should restart X ...13:05
awilkinsLaney, Looks like a corrupted font table13:20
awilkinsLaney, The same block of corruption r13:21
awilkinsepeats for the same letter each tine13:21
awilkinsI just have a corrupted touch-typing table, it seems13:21
popey新春快乐 \o/13:22
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | "Where we're going, we don't need roads." | 新春快乐
AlanBellhappy new year to you too13:23
bigcalmGoogled it?13:23
MartijnVdS茶 ?13:23
bigcalmLooks like a UFO13:24
MartijnVdSbigcalm: it's "tea"13:24
bigcalmI see13:25
bigcalmmmm, tea13:25
AlanBellit is a simplified form of 樂13:25
MartijnVdSAlanBell: uhm.. I posted http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%8C%B6 you posted http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%A8%8213:27
MartijnVdSAlanBell: none of those is http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E4%B9%9013:27
AlanBellso you did13:27
MartijnVdSoh wait, that's the last word in /topic13:27
* MartijnVdS is stupid13:28
AlanBellgoogle translate doesn't do the last one, I thought thats what you were querying13:28
MartijnVdSno, I was saying "tea" :)13:28
MartijnVdSAlanBell: 檸檬水13:30
oimonjoin #ubuntu-jp13:30
oimonchomps on a mandarin13:31
MartijnVdSpoor man13:31
* popey fancies chinese for tea, bet they're all closed13:31
popeyhow dare they!13:31
MartijnVdSChinese bank holiday? ;)13:31
* AlanBell has crispy duck in the freezer, might have to get one out13:32
oimonshow it to the chickens13:33
MartijnVdS"Lay eggs or else.."13:33
oimon"that's what happens if you mess with me"13:33
* oimon was excused from the meeting, the stain was unrelated13:34
MartijnVdSoimon: "This is what happens to poultry that crosses an Alan"13:34
* TheOpenSourcerer just had yesterday's left-over homemade Chicken Dhansak, Saag Aloo, Basmati Rice and Naan :-D Sprinkled with a Bhut Jolokia to give it some kick.13:34
TheOpenSourcererIt was lovely. Even if I say so myself.13:35
oimonwere you playing jelly botty?13:35
* daubers has almost finished the awesome Hackspace door authorisation system13:51
MartijnVdSOyster cards13:52
Laneyelaborate randomly generated maze13:52
czajkowskinever leave home without one13:52
bigcalmKnock 3 times?13:52
MartijnVdSLaney: nethack? :)13:52
daubersrfid cards13:53
daubersBut I've built a rotating sign thing with GTK3 to have at the door so we can show what's going on and who's in the space \o/13:54
daubersall works with some mqtt based magic13:54
davmor2MartijnVdS: Oyster Card saved me a fortune in London travel13:54
MartijnVdSdavmor2: by not working?13:54
davmor2MartijnVdS: nope worked fine13:55
AlanBelldaubers: london hackspace lets you register oyster cards with the rfid reader14:08
daubersAlanBell: I know. We're doing it a bit different14:10
daubersMore because we want people to have a token to show they're a member14:10
AlanBelldaubers: purely out of interest what is the approx cost of the rfid lock?14:11
daubersAlanBell: In total about £50-60 ish14:11
daubersThat's for one unit14:12
daubersWe're putting in 2, so is twice that (ish)14:12
daubersIf we were making 100 it would be much much less :)14:12
daubersalso would be cheaper if it was a standalone unit, and not networked14:13
* daubers makes some coffee14:46
smittixGnome-Tweak-Tool really needs options for changing desktop font15:29
* daubers needs to figure out the best pay and go sim for a 3g dongle sending sms's once every few weeks15:43
bigcalmSounds like a embedded security system15:44
daubersbigcalm: Ish, more for temperature/humidity monitoring. Want warnings on set levels15:47
ahayzen*** ahayzen changes theme and Pidgin crashes =-O15:59
d3ngarI seem to have a major problem with my laptop monitor: it doesn't show anything. It is connected and recognised though. Once Ubuntu boots, I can see stuff on the second screen16:08
d3ngarAny ideas?16:08
directhexd3ngar, at all? not even whilst booting?16:09
d3ngarThe BIOS boot sequence is displayed fine16:09
d3ngarEverything thereafter is rubbish16:09
d3ngarAlso, my system keep crashing because of a Kernel Module16:10
d3ngarI don't know what it does, but I keep getting an error in dmesg16:10
d3ngarCan I somehow disable the module?16:10
kvarley"No caching mode page present" <--- I get that message on my netbook while doing an install from my SD card prepared by unetbootin. Any ideas?16:13
christelthe ocado man looked exactly like AlanBell today!16:36
christelonly he had a scottish accent16:36
DJonesThat could have been AlanMacBell16:36
AlanBelldid he deliver some eggs?16:39
czajkowskichristel: did you order 24 eggs16:41
christelhe did deliver eggs!16:42
christelczajkowski: only 18!16:42
christeli didn't order ANY flour :p16:42
popey18 eggs!16:43
czajkowskiohh we're having pie tonight16:45
d3ngarHow can I change the default kernel to load?16:46
gordeh, its not pie night16:50
gordits chinese night16:51
christelnooo it's ovenbaked rainbow trout night!16:56
christelwith lots of yummy veg and herbs and creamy saucy goodness16:56
gordnoo, its chinese night16:59
* gord looks at the day16:59
gordchinese new year for those that don't know ;)16:59
* popey points to the /topic16:59
christeloh fine, i'll give you that one! :P17:01
christeli will pretend that my trout is a dragon17:01
Pendulumchristel: fish is apparently one of the favoured foods for Chinese New Year so I think you're fine not pretending it's a dragon ;)17:07
davmor2christel: a fire breathing trout don't eat it become a T'interweb phenomenon17:12
d3ngarIs there a way of booting into an older version of the kernel?17:14
Pendulumchristel: you could always teach David that trout is what a dragon is. Then he'll always believe dragons are real :)17:15
davmor2Pendulum: They are real don't tell me they're not I won't believe you :P17:16
daubersd3ngar: If your after an older kernal you've installed, you can just select if from the grub menu17:27
gordits absolutely fantastic that google chrome barfs out a bunch of annoying stuff on stdout, i love that, its not like i wanted to see anything in my terminal17:55
popeyyou run chrome from a terminal?18:00
popeydon't you have some kind of launcher on your computer? :p18:00
gordyeah, but when you launch unity from a terminal, programs associate that terminal as their STDOUT18:01
gordso i get everything... very annoying18:01
TheOpenSourcererLooks fun, and it's a British company behind it. http://www.evi.com/18:04
gordonjcpwell now I have a new reason to dislike CM718:34
Hornet-waiting for CM9 tbh18:37
Hornet-or rather my touchpad is18:37
gordonjcpHornet-: doubt it'll run on an HTC Desire ;-)18:37
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
gordonjcpbut failing silently if you decide you don't like doing TLS any more isn't really acceptable behaviour18:37
* czajkowski hugs aquarius 18:38
smittixbad day today.18:40
smittixEvening all18:40
* aquarius is hugged18:40
czajkowskiaquarius: well you get a hug and a wallop, hug cause I'f found a way to entertain myself  and a wallop as there is a bug only you seem to know why it does such a thing!18:44
bigcalmaquarius: work place day this Thursday at the Light House :)18:46
aquariusbigcalm, ah, thursday's out. day of meetings18:47
aquariuswhat bug?18:47
aquariusczajkowski, ^18:47
bigcalmaquarius: poop18:47
czajkowskiaquarius: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-music-store/+bug/91092118:48
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 910921 in ubuntuone-music-store "downloading users paid music from system keeps bringing you back to page 1" [Undecided,New]18:48
AlanBellhaggis day on wednesday18:49
aquariusczajkowski, right, yeah. Sorry. That one's my fault, but fixing it is hard-ish.18:49
czajkowskiaquarius: *wallop*18:50
czajkowskido you have any idea how flipping annoying that is18:50
czajkowskiI'd 10 pages to do of 10 songs, from page 2 onwards it gets irksome!18:50
AlanBellczajkowski: middle click the links18:51
czajkowskiaquarius: the other irritation which nobody seems to understand why is when you click download a song you cant click all 10 on a page to start to redownload it doesnt recognise18:52
czajkowskiaquarius: on a track pad18:52
AlanBellleft and right click together should do a middle click18:53
gordonjcp^^ hmmm18:53
czajkowskigordonjcp: what kernel are you running ?18:53
gordonjcpLinux saito 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:50:42 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:54
gordonjcpI can't actually read that now so hopefully it'll make sense to you18:54
AlanBell13:03 < Laney> http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/errrr.png18:54
czajkowskiLinux sheldon 3.2.0-9-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 13 20:46:38 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:54
czajkowskigordonjcp: so upgrading to that kernel removes that issue18:55
gordonjcpczajkowski: I'm going to have to bounce X to read that ;-)18:57
aquariusczajkowski, mainly because I never implemented that; having to redownload is meant to be very rare, so I didn't think about it needing to poke lots all at once18:57
aquariusczajkowski, do not middle click the links. Ignore AlanBell on this.18:58
czajkowskiI'm unique :)18:58
AlanBellaquarius: I have every confidence I will be ignored ;)19:00
AlanBellseems to work for me though, I get lots of file downloads starting. I don't have two pages of music though19:01
AlanBellactually I am probably not understanding the problem19:02
czajkowskiAlanBell: when I go past page 1 I get thrown bac to page 1 each time after I hit the download button19:03
czajkowskiaquarius: can you at leas tack the bug exists :)19:03
czajkowskiso I know I'm not going insane19:03
AlanBellyeah, I don't see how you have pages of music, I have to drill down by artist and cd title19:04
czajkowskiAlanBell: music I've bought19:06
AlanBellunder the files tab?19:06
czajkowskiAlanBell: under bought/purchased music19:07
popeywhy are you visiting that page czajkowski ?19:07
AlanBellhttps://one.ubuntu.com/files/ I have a "Purchased Music" link there, but I think you are talking about something else19:07
czajkowskivia banshee I am19:08
popeythe bug isnt clear19:08
czajkowskipopey: I may ahve delete all my purchased music so trying to redownload them19:08
popeyyou dont mention banshee at all19:08
czajkowskitrue I had been discussing it hte last day in u1 channel so did leave that bit out in the bug my bad19:08
AlanBellthat will be why I am giving you crap advice about middle clicking things19:09
czajkowskiAlanBell: tis ok my fault for not being clearer to you19:11
gordonjcpczajkowski: are you on 12.04?19:19
* AlanBell hugs czajkowski, not your fault at all!19:19
AzelphurDam, Orange are really good at pulling out budget android phones19:19
AzelphurSan francisco 2 looks pretty decent :o19:19
Azelphurthe first version was always my recommended budget one, but the new one is the same price and just seems all round better :D19:20
czajkowskigordonjcp: yes19:21
gordonjcpczajkowski: ah, I'm using 11.1019:22
gordonjcpczajkowski: I tried 12.04 but it was worse, and my machine hasn't really got a high enough spec for 12.0419:23
* daubers tries the DVD writing thing again19:24
czajkowskigordonjcp: bummer19:26
gordonjcpI stuck two gig in it and it ran at somewhat less than 100% memory usage and about 50% swap usage19:28
gordonjcpbut the graphics corruption was worse than even in the link I posted19:29
AlanBellgordonjcp: looks more like the font corruption Laney had than graphics corruption19:31
AlanBellexcept for the black blocks on the far right border19:31
kvarleyI formatted my sd card to ext4 via gparted. Now it won't let me write/delete files/folders unless I am root. How can I change it so that anybody can change the stuff on there?19:51
gordonjcpAlanBell: it's a bit of both20:01
AlanBellkvarley: if you create a folder as root you can then chown it to your regular user20:19
kvarleyAlanBell: I did chmod -R 777 and it seems to have worked20:20
kvarleyAlanBell: Thanks though, I shall bear that in mind for future cards =]20:21
AlanBell777 is probably not a good thing20:21
* AlanBell frowns at octal permissions20:21
hamitronAlanBell, what would you use?20:23
AlanBellhamitron: well maybe chmod ug+rw or something20:26
hamitronwould that be the same as 660?20:27
AlanBellpoint being I don't like people talking about 777 or 644 or whatever because lots of people see that withough having the first clue what it means in terms of user group other / read write execute20:27
hamitronI only know the octal form, is why i asked20:28
hamitronI think the way you say is probably clearer and better to explain20:28
AlanBell110 in binary is 6 in octal, but a heap of people don't know that and don't know that it is turning on r and w and off x20:30
Azelphuryea, I tend to always use the letters it makes more sense / is human readable20:41
AlanBellyou get people saying "I just set everything to 777 and all my permissions problems went away"20:42
hamitronI tend to use 644 or 75520:42
hamitronbut I remember reading a chapter on permissions in my first book on linux20:43
AzelphurOn my desktop I don't really care too much as I'm the only user20:43
AlanBellsure, and by all means use octal yourself20:43
AzelphurOn my server, I give it a seconds thought as to who should have access20:43
AlanBelljust when explaining to other people I would always use the letters20:43
hamitronAlanBell, I will, just never thought about how it looks to someone else20:44
Azelphurwhen someone asks me about permissions I usually just explain how to read the output from ls -l20:44
Azelphurand then it becomes pretty obvious what's going on20:44
AlanBelland then chmod ug=rwx or whatever actually ties up with that20:45
hamitronisn't there a way to do it in the GUI?20:45
AlanBellyes, if you have permissions to do it20:46
AlanBellthen we get into running nautilus as root ;)20:46
AlanBellnow what should I get from the Chinese for dinner?20:46
TheOpenSourcerercurry :-D20:47
hamitronI got chicken and chips once.... well, it was called that20:48
hamitronchicken was really balls of rubber20:48
AlanBellribs with salt and chilli and plain noodles are a given, but what main dish I wonder20:48
AlanBellbeef in chilli oyster sauce perhaps20:48
hamitronisn't chinky food expensive for what you get where you are?20:49
hamitronthe helpings look so small20:50
AlanBellchinky isn't a nice word hamitron20:50
hamitronhmmm, sorry20:51
AlanBelljust ordered it, £21.15 for two people20:51
hamitronthat is my point20:51
AlanBellbut it is yummy20:51
hamitronfish chips and mushy peas for £2.2020:51
monsterwizardDo you think video and image editing should be done in media or art class20:53
monsterwizardand NOT ICT20:53
hamitronmedia I'd say20:53
AlanBellthat was the problem with sticking that C in the middle of IT20:53
hamitronbut I'd say it is nearer to ICT than something like Art20:53
monsterwizardScrew it20:54
monsterwizardJust teach Computer Science20:54
hamitronI'd just not teach it tbh20:54
hamitronwell, only to those that choose it20:55
monsterwizardAnd perhaps teach spreedsheets in maths or accounting20:55
hamitronI actually used spreadsheets most in science20:56
hamitronif you start adding computers into Maths, you end up with people who can't add up :/20:56
monsterwizardIf I were in charge, I'd teach python or something similar. Get students used to other operating systems. And I'd teach Basic csa.20:57
monsterwizardComputer Science concepts are perhaps best left for the maths classroom20:57
hamitronwhy not C?20:57
hamitrona proper language20:57
hamitronor pascal maybe for the kids20:58
monsterwizardC maybe too complicated for people who don't want to in School20:58
monsterwizardmmmmm Python is more relevant.20:59
monsterwizardAnd good at teaching the basics. Perhaps getting to algorithms sooner20:59
hamitronI've never used Python for anything worthwhile20:59
monsterwizardC maybe for A-level students21:00
hamitrontbh, do we really need all these programmers?21:00
monsterwizardNo but we need more of them :P21:00
monsterwizardSurely people should know the basics21:00
monsterwizardConsidering computers are so important.21:00
hamitronmost people I know don't know how to word process21:01
monsterwizardIt's not the intention to make people into programmers.21:01
hamitronI'd say they need to learn to type a letter, before program21:01
hamitronand the younger generation who write letters to me for work, don't know how to spell21:01
hamitronheck, most can't even talk English without some misuse of some word that totally throws me21:02
hamitron"sick init?" ;/21:03
monsterwizardLanguage evolves :P21:03
hamitronsick = bad21:03
hamitronor now it = good?21:03
monsterwizardDepends on he context.21:03
* hamitron facedesk21:03
monsterwizardSick can mean good.21:03
monsterwizardFor example, "Aww that football mathc was sick"21:03
monsterwizardSick could mean, awesome, good, cool.21:04
hamitronthat is just wrong21:04
monsterwizardCome onnnn.21:04
hamitronit sounds wrong, is wrong and always will be wrong21:04
monsterwizardThe English spoken 500 years ago, is that wrong too?21:05
monsterwizardOr is the English we'e using now 'more wrong'.21:05
hamitronI am always right, whenever asked.... so yes ;D21:05
monsterwizardWell I'm very sorry to hear that.21:05
hamitronbut seriously, I have actually misunderstood people using "sick" wrongly21:06
hamitron"that was sick" ..... just confusing21:06
hamitronsomeone crapping their pants is sick, not good21:07
monsterwizardSick can mean bad also21:07
hamitronso it means nothing now21:07
monsterwizard"That was just sick"21:07
monsterwizardYou should speak to different types of people I think.21:07
hamitronwell, anyone who speaks stupid won't work with me for long21:08
hamitroncommunication is a key part to things working smoothly21:08
shaunoI don't have a problem with slang so much; language does change.  I just find it very difficult to work with people who can't tone it down when it's not the time/place for it21:10
monsterwizardI'd recommend adapting to peoples use of speech21:11
monsterwizardI don't mind doing tha21:11
hamitronI get told off weekly in here, for language I use21:11
hamitronbut people are weird here ;)21:12
monsterwizardI don't get it. Why don't you adapt to slang?21:12
hamitronI don't hear it21:12
hamitronor at least very rarely21:12
monsterwizardWhere are you from?21:13
hamitronEast Yorkshire21:13
hamitronbut my clients are all older21:13
monsterwizardOh come on.21:13
monsterwizardYorkshire people are the worst for this :P21:13
monsterwizardHow about local slang.21:13
hamitronlocal slang is normal and makes sense21:14
hamitronall this black rapper stuff is just, weird :/21:14
hamitronI give up with it \o/21:14
monsterwizardSo you own a business?21:15
monsterwizardor at least in managment21:15
hamitronyep, and work for another also21:15
ali1234does the guest session thing automatically clear all the cached stuff when you log out?21:46
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
Laneydid holmes go down?21:47
popeyali1234: yes, it has a home directory in /tmp which gets deleted21:49
* popey hugs directhex for http://rosskempfolds.tumblr.com/22:13
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Nicholas Skaggs QA Blog - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/23/nicholas-skaggs-qa-blog/22:15
bigcalmThere's a lot of poop in there22:21
czajkowskihttp://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/769931/  massive selection22:22
gordonjcpanyone got contact details for Andy Stanford-Clark?22:22
gordonjcphe's apparently in search of food in Glasgow22:22
czajkowskitweet him ?22:23
czajkowskiah you did22:23
bigcalmCow Bride?!22:23
czajkowskiblame jon22:23
=== Twinkletoes_ is now known as Twinkletoes
ali1234i don't understand this benefits cap thing23:38
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234specifically i don't understand the table at the bottom of this page:23:38
ali1234i don't understand how two people can get £133.91 a week JSA23:39
ali1234and i also don't understand how you could get tax credit when you are unemployed and therefore don't pay any tax23:40
Azelphurali1234: thats very high, are you sure that's right?23:42
ali1234no i'm not sure23:42
ali1234like i said, i don't understand it23:42
AzelphurI'm on ESA which is the disabled equiv and I get like £55?23:42
ali1234basically i don't understand how any household can get £500 a week in benefits unless they have 20 kids are both parents have absolutely crippling disabilities eg they are both deaf and blind and quadraplegic23:43
jimmiePossibly a bit of an odd question but does anyone here play Minecraft? Im having trouble with something on 11.1023:43
ali1234and i don't mean  i don't understand it in a daily mail sort of way23:44
Azelphuryea that's crazy23:44
ali1234i mean i don't understand how it is possible under the existing benefits system, after careful study of it23:44
ali1234jimmie: yeah loads of us do23:44
Azelphurjimmie: I play minecraft and run a big server all on Ubuntu23:44
AzelphurXUbuntu 11.10 desktop, Ubuntu 11.10 Server :)23:44
jimmieWell, I installed it using a Minecraft installer script, and I dont believe I have a minecraft folder.23:45
jimmieNot sure if that happens as a result of the script or im insane23:45
ali1234dont use that script, it is silly and messes up your java23:45
Azelphurand pointless lol23:45
Azelphurali1234: what does it do, install sun? :/23:46
jimmieI had ho. Since thewebsite was down the other day so I couldnt get the jar23:46
ali1234yeah and set it as default23:46
jimmieBut the script managed to get it.23:46
ali1234what i do is this23:46
jimmieIll try it again23:46
ali1234get the jar, and then run it java -jar minecraft.jar23:46
ali1234then quit minecraft23:47
ali1234then i put the jar file into ~/.minecraft/23:47
Azelphurali1234: great minds, did exactly the same thing23:47
ali1234whenever i play i just run it from the terminal23:47
AzelphurI have a launcher23:47
ali1234also, install optifine23:47
ali1234it makes it run much faster23:47
ali1234it's a mod23:47
ali1234Azelphur: does your launcher work properly?23:49
ali1234cos mine doesn't23:49
ali1234unity cannot differentiate java programs23:49
ali1234wait you don't use unity23:49
Azelphurhmm there was some router from buffalo everyone recommended as a nice dd-wrt box23:50
ali1234i have a DGND3700 now23:51
ali1234expensive but amazing23:52
ali1234the gbit ports actually work at full speed23:52
Azelphuryea, I have a WRT610N which is much the same, my friend wants a cheapo one23:52
ali1234and it does both ADSL and external modem23:52
ali1234WRT610N is i think the same thing but without ADSL23:52
Azelphuryea :)23:53

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