
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
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* thumper hunts for fud00:07
bschaeferthumper, hey another update on the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/71119902:40
bschaeferthumper, mhr3 finished the work in the lenses and I have the code set up for unity. Whats left is the HomeView which is getting reworked atm02:41
[reed]where does the unity launcher save the things that are stored on it? documentation seems to say ~/.local/share/applications/, but that's not true in my case06:12
tsdgeosSaviq: answered your question about if we need C++ for https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_no_dbus_to_ourselves/+merge/89247 Basically with the current status of the rest of the code, yes09:01
nerochiaroSaviq: do you know what's supposed to set the DASH_MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH and DASH_MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT env variabled that the dash uses in trunk to choose if to go always fullscreen ?09:08
nerochiarotsdgeos: dyams: ^09:08
Saviqguys, I don't have power, trying to cope on 3G, but I might not do well09:10
tsdgeosnerochiaro: no idea09:10
nerochiarogreyback: do you know ? ^09:11
greybackcan you repeat? I just joined09:12
nerochiarogreyback: do you know what's supposed to set the DASH_MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH and DASH_MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT env variabled that the dash uses in trunk to choose if to go always fullscreen ?09:12
greybacknerochiaro: no I don't. I didn't even think they were env vars, I thought they were constants09:13
nerochiarogreyback:     static int minHeight = getenvInt("DASH_MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT",09:13
nerochiaro                                     DASH_MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT);09:13
nerochiarogreyback: i'll try to look who did the commit then09:13
greybacknerochiaro: yes just grepped :) No idea09:13
nerochiarogreyback: wow it's from agateau at the end of february last year. it's the commit that introduces the non-fullscreen dash :)09:15
nerochiarolet's check what unity3d does...09:15
greybacknerochiaro: interesting. Might make testing the maximize stuff easier??09:16
nerochiarogreyback: i was actually thinking if it's possible to remove the conditional on that env var ;)09:16
greybacknerochiaro: :)09:17
nerochiarogreyback: i just grepped in unity and they don't seem to read that env anywhere09:17
nerochiarosmells like dead code to me09:18
greybacknerochiaro: then I don't really see why we need it.09:18
greybacknerochiaro: OEM never used it?09:18
nerochiarogreyback: no idea09:18
greybacknerochiaro: either way, I doubt removing the code would set them back09:19
nerochiarogreyback: yeah, i'll zap it09:20
greybacknerochiaro: great, thanks. Another nice all-red qdiff to look at :)09:20
nerochiarogreyback: nah, just less stuff i am bringing back from trunk to shell09:21
nerochiarobut same effect09:21
greybackak oh09:21
dyamsnerochiaro: lemme check09:21
dyamsnerochiaro: Didi you check this ?  DASH_MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH = 1280;09:24
dyams DASH_MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT = 1084;09:24
nerochiarodyams: where ?09:24
nerochiarodyams: oh, seen it09:24
dyamsnerochiaro : DashSettings::09:25
nerochiarodyams: i still don't see that used anywhere in unity-3d though09:26
dyamsnerochiaro: then how they find out if the screen is wide enough to display dash in desktopMode? Just asking09:27
nerochiaronjpatel: do you know if the dash in unity has a feature where if the screen resolution is below a certain threshold it will always display fullscreen ?09:28
nerochiarodyams: better to ask ;)09:28
dyamsnerochiaro: As I remember class DashSettings itself was an import from 3D though :)09:28
nerochiarodyams: it might be that i'm not good enough at grepping, then09:29
njpatelnerochiaro, yes, it should, I believe it checks height < 800px09:29
nerochiaronjpatel: any idea where that check is in the code ?09:30
njpatelnerochiaro, DashController.cpp or DashView.cpp would have that code09:30
nerochiaronjpatel: looking. thanks09:30
mhr3kamstrup, btw there's an issue - when i was doing the music-lens branch i noticed that unity doesn't care about position of an item in the model - so whenever you add something to the model unity just appends it to the result list (and it's understandable, the splitting to categories doesn't make this easy), this makes MergeStrategy a bit useless, you can't really sort the results with it09:37
tsdgeosSaviq: do you think you'll be able to have a look at the MR i put you in with your power issue or you prefer me to bug someone else to have a look at them?09:37
dyamsnerochiaro: :)09:37
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kamstrupmhr3: :-(09:37
kamstrupmhr3: we can look into it when we've landed the home-lenses branch09:38
kamstrupmhr3: I had the same issue with categories, but I fixed it in unity09:38
mhr3kamstrup, right, it's doable, but not exactly trivial09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, might be better if you bug someone else, I can't be sure I'll make it09:38
kamstrupmhr3: hehe, wait till you see the home-lens, you'll redefine trivial ;-)09:39
Saviq3G doesn't work, either, I'm on EDGE now, and not going to be here long09:39
mhr3kamstrup, i'm worried already :P09:40
tsdgeosSaviq: okidoki09:40
tsdgeosnerochiaro: added you to the 3 MR that were on Saviq in case you have time09:42
Saviqtsdgeos, I might be able to do the BFB one09:43
Saviqwas already on it before09:43
nerochiarotsdgeos: i'll get one after i'm finished with the tests for this task i'm doing09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, approved09:47
tsdgeosSaviq: cheers09:47
Saviqtsdgeos, do you have an idea about testing the root qml selection?09:48
tsdgeosactually did not think about that09:48
tsdgeosshould not be that difficult to do, just put a dummy .qml in the testing repo, point it there and then check via testability that the contents of the qml file is there09:49
tsdgeosi'll give it a go09:50
Saviqyup, I was thinking similiar09:50
nerochiarogreyback: is there any special way to set env vars with testability ?09:53
greybacknerochiaro: set them in the @app.run method09:54
greybacknerochiaro: like :environment => 'LC_ALL=en SPECIAL_VAR=value'09:55
nerochiarogreyback: awesome09:55
=== dyams|lunch is now known as dyams
Saviqsorry all, I'm going offline, not sure I'm gonna make it for the standup, hope you boys will be good10:01
nerochiaroSaviq: good luck10:02
greybackSaviq: ok so10:02
tsdgeosgreyback: there?10:14
greybacktsdgeos: yep10:14
tsdgeosgreyback: i'm very confused, i am putting a printf inside the "if (arrayContains(argv, argv + argc, "-testability")) {" and it never gets there10:15
greybacktsdgeos: I know the qt libs look for -testability switch before we do, but I hope they don't remove it from argv10:16
tsdgeoswell that is the "standard" QAppplication behaviour10:17
tsdgeosthey eat the args they know10:17
tsdgeosthat's why the check for style is done in earlySetup10:17
greybackah in which case, there's your answer:(10:17
greybackI see10:17
tsdgeosinstead of on the constructor10:17
tsdgeosthen it means we don't really need that code?10:17
greybacktsdgeos: where is it? Did I put it there by accident?10:18
tsdgeosgreyback: Unity2dApplication::Unity2dApplication10:18
greybacktsdgeos: oh feck, I thought I removed that.10:19
greybacktsdgeos: yes all that is not necessary, as is testabilityinterface.h10:19
tsdgeosok :D10:19
* tsdgeos was getting increasingly confused by that10:19
greybackqt since 4.6.4 (I think) does all that already10:19
tsdgeoscan we kill it?10:20
greybackWhen I started playing with Testability, I didn't realise it was built into Qt10:20
greybackdocs didn't make it clear10:20
kamstrupdid nux or compiz break abi or something recently?10:21
* kamstrup getting weird segfaults10:21
nerochiarodyams: i'm looking at your review on https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-dash-panel-buttons. regarding this comment: "2) In future, Dash mode needs to be persistent. It should remember fullscreen/desktop mode across login/logout.10:21
nerochiaroIn your current change is it possible to restore the previous dash mode?" i think that if it's something "for the future" it's better to worry about it later when we actually need to implement that feature10:21
dyamsnerochiaro: no prob, I was just asking10:22
nerochiarodyams: ok, i'll leave it out for now. fixing the rest of the comments. thanks for the review btw10:23
dyamsnerochiaro: no prob10:26
tsdgeosgreyback: want me to make the MR to kill it?10:26
kamstrupmhr3: did you have a branch for u-l-m with the collated categories in global?10:27
kamstrupmhr3: if so, can you attach it to https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/885738 please?10:28
mhr3kamstrup, k10:28
greybacktsdgeos: yeah please do10:28
kamstrupmhr3: works well, one thing though - the music lens should not show anything when we don't have a search in global10:33
mhr3oh, it shouldn't?10:33
mhr3easy fix10:34
nerochiarodyams: updated the MR to match your review: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell-dash-panel-buttons/+merge/8943610:34
davidcallekamstrup, does all these music lens tweaks impact the way the rbox scope should behave?10:35
dyamsnerochiaro: thx, i'll check10:35
kamstrupdavidcalle: yes10:35
kamstrupdavidcalle: when I mp the homelens branch I'll attach some screenies for design review. When we have that up we can talk it through?10:36
mhr3kamstrup, pushed10:38
mhr3davidcalle, are you doing the rb scope as a separate remote scope?10:39
davidcallekamstrup, no problem. I'm on the data fetching part, the global search part can wait. Are there changes for the lens view? Still tracks/albums ?10:39
mhr3in python?10:39
kamstrupdavidcalle: afaik the lens view is the same10:39
davidcallemhr3, yes for both. Do you hate me?10:40
mhr3davidcalle, as a default scope, i think we'll want a native one10:40
davidcallemhr3, won't this be an issue for people upgrading from Oneiric? A default scope recommending rhythmbox will install it. I don't think that's ideal.10:43
mhr3davidcalle, it doesn't need to recommend anything, it can be a local scope in the lens that will fail gracefully if rb isn't installed10:44
mhr3that's the case with the banshee scope afaik10:44
davidcallemhr3, ok. There is still an issue, afaik I'm the only person working on the Rhythmbox scope and Vala is still an issue for me. I can give it a try, but it won't be nice before feature freeze.10:47
mhr3davidcalle, no worries i can help10:49
mhr3although you'll find out that processing strings and xml is so much nicer in python :/10:49
davidcalleWell, internal vala scope it is, then.10:50
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=== om26er- is now known as om26er
dyamsnerochiaro: currently the dashmode is already saved in dconf.11:14
tsdgeosgreyback: we don't have unity-2d "staging" builds for oneiric anymore?11:15
dyamsnerochiaro: the same parameter("com.canonical.Unity.farmFactor) used by unity3D is used in 2D too11:15
greybacktsdgeos: hmmm, looks like that got turned off.11:18
greybacktsdgeos: asking about it11:18
nerochiarodyams: yes, but it's the form factor, it's not the dash mode11:19
nerochiarodyams: they are two differnt things, no ?11:19
nerochiarodyams: form factor is for saying desktop, tv, phone, tablet, and so on11:20
nerochiarodyams: while dash mode is only for saying if dash should be fullscreen or not fullscreen11:20
dyamsnerochiaro: dash.qml is using the farmfactor to set fullscreen/desktop11:21
dyamsnerochiaro: you may be right that its for saying desktop, tv, phone, tablet...and so on.11:22
nerochiarodyams: that is because only in desktop mode the dash can be non-fullscreen11:22
dyamsnerochiaro: May be they misused it?11:22
nerochiarodyams: no, it's right to have it there. but let me check again11:22
greybacktsdgeos: staging PPA is precise only now. unity-2d is building right now11:23
tsdgeosgreyback: ok, sad for us still on oneiric11:23
greybacktsdgeos: I know. See dx channel for why11:24
dyamsnerochiaro: currently, toggling the dash mode is also chaning the farmFactor in gconf.11:25
nerochiarodyams: is it ? where is the write happening?11:26
dyamsDashSettings itself11:27
dyamsnerochiaro: It is in DashSettings::setFormFactor11:27
nerochiarodyams: yes, but does anyone actually call that function ?11:27
dyamsnerochiaro: currently? yes11:28
nerochiarodyams: where ?11:28
dyamsnerochiaro: from WindowHelper.cpp I believe, lemme check..one sec11:28
nerochiarodyams: i think windowhelper just change isFullScreen11:29
dyamsnerochiaro: Yes,  WindowHelper::unmaximize()11:29
dyamsnerochiaro: Currently == from unity-2d/trunk11:30
nerochiarodyams: ah, ok, i already removed that11:30
nerochiarodyams: and i think we need to remove DashClient::formFactor completely11:30
dyamsnerochiaro: You mean, DashSettings::formFactor?11:30
nerochiarodyams: yes. because it doesn't make sense in DashClient. if someone wants to read the unity form factor it needs to read it from unityConfiguration11:31
nerochiarobut it's not the dash form factor. it's the form factor for the entire unity11:31
dyamsnerochiaro: agreed11:31
nerochiarodyams: i'm gonna change it as part of that branch you are reviewing then11:31
dyamsnerochiaro: Don't we need a explicit parameter for DashMode?11:32
dyamsnerochiaro: in Dconf i mean11:32
nerochiarodyams: we need it later, when we want it to be permanent across sessions, i guess11:32
dyamsnerochiaro: ok. I'll wait11:32
[reed]where does the unity launcher save the things that are stored on it? documentation seems to say ~/.local/share/applications/, but that's not true in my case11:33
nerochiarodyams: and when it needs to be added, please let's set it from the dash itself, not in dashclient11:33
nerochiaro[reed]: in dconf i think11:34
[reed]nerochiaro: ok, thanks11:34
dyamsnerochiaro: Ok, sure11:34
nerochiaro[reed]: /desktop/unity/launcher/favorites11:35
dyamsnerochiaro: lemme check if 3D is also doing same thing... using the dconf->'formFactor' for desktop/fullscreen mode11:35
nerochiarodyams: unity-3d doesn't have all the form factors that 2d has, IIRC11:35
dyamsnerochiaro: ok.. if they are using that setting then we need to be consistent, no?11:36
nerochiarodyams: if there's a specific formFactor for the dash that means only fullscreen or non-fullscreen then yes, otherwise it seems like a bug to me11:37
nerochiarodyams: because what we call formFactor is global to the entire unity-2d11:38
dyamsnerochiaro: agreed11:38
dyamsnerochiaro: In 3D they are using it(gconf->formFactor) as a setting to store fullscreen/desktop mode11:53
nerochiarodyams: gconf or dconf ?11:54
dyamsnerochiaro: d :)11:54
nerochiarodyams: :) and what's the full path of the key ?11:54
dyamsnerochiaro: They are chaning it everytime toggle maximize is called. check here : PanelMenuView::OnRestoreClicked()11:55
dyamsnerochiaro: one sec11:55
dyamsnerochiaro: com.canonical.unity.formFactor. no?11:55
nerochiarodyams: i don't know, but if it's that key, then it's definitely wrong to use it the way they are using it11:56
nerochiarobecause that's the global unity form factor, not hte dash form factor11:56
nerochiarodyams: and we're doing something wrong too, because we're reading the global form factor from com.canonical.unity-2d11:57
dyamsnerochiaro: Changing that setting to something else might is technically correct, but that might confuse the current users11:58
dyamsnerochiaro: It was for consistency purpose I believe.11:59
nerochiarodyams: the real issue is: do we want to share that setting with unity3d ? if we don't it's fine as it is, if we do then we should come to an agreement, or just use the wrongly named setting from com.canonical.unity with comments to explain what it should be in reality11:59
dyamsnerochiaro: but sure, that could lead to confusion too11:59
nerochiaroKaleo: any input on the above ,please ? ^11:59
Kaleonerochiaro: let me read12:01
Kaleonerochiaro: 2d's semantic of the key is correct I believe12:02
nerochiaroKaleo: so we're fine with that we have and we don't want to share this setting with 3d (to have fullscreen persist between sessions)12:03
Kaleonerochiaro: yes, it's a tradeoff12:04
nerochiarothanks for the input12:04
Kaleonerochiaro: we should have a good name for that feature (dashFullScreen or something)12:04
kamstrupmhr3: there was a conflict on https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-lens-music/home-lenses/+merge/89667... not sure where that came from. I also added a small nitpick12:04
nerochiaroKaleo: it's already called isFullScreen over DBUS, so i guess we'll use dashFullSCreen or dashIsFullScreen in dconf12:05
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Kaleonerochiaro: makes sense to me12:08
dyamsnerochiaro: kaleo: a boolean?12:09
nerochiarodyams: yes12:09
nerochiaroit's either fullscreen or not ;)12:09
dyamsnerochiaro:  no need to worry what is Netbook or Desktop mode either. Easy and Simple :)12:11
nerochiarodyams: yep12:13
kamstrupmhr3: I still get the g_variant_unref: assertion `value->ref_count > 0' error on libunity trunk when using dee trunk... I thought we fixed that with the tweak to the DeeSerializable?12:48
mhr3kamstrup, yep, it should work12:48
mhr3kamstrup, fwiw it's ok here12:49
kamstrupI think my system is hosed12:49
kamstrupunity is also crashing with no end12:49
kamstrupmhr3: argh! the i18n snuck in... :-/ *grumble*12:50
kamstrupI tried SO hard to not get it in12:50
* Saviq is back13:02
* greyback rejoices13:08
davidcallemhr3, rbox xml parsed and tracks thumbs too with gio... So, the amount of help needed should be minimal.13:09
om26ergreyback, hey bug 917458 , thoughts?13:10
mhr3davidcalle, oh wow, awesome!13:10
greybackom26er: looking...13:10
greybackom26er: could have accidentally put one Firefox on one workspace, and Terminator on the other. It would explain the behaviour.13:13
greybackom26er: I'll comment on it now13:13
om26ergreyback, ah, thanks :)13:13
kamstrupgreyback: I guess https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-music/+bug/841902 implies some work on unity-2d as well?13:42
Saviqkamstrup, ours does that already13:43
kamstrupthere was a new filter type added "filter-checkoption-compact" that assumes unity will render 3 columns13:43
kamstrupSaviq: you guys are just to hawt ;-)13:43
Saviqoh ok, so ours hacks that up13:43
Saviqi.e. "if lens == 'music': 3 columns"13:44
greybackSaviq: yep it's a hack, tiagosh has done a little work getting ready to support it13:44
kamstrupah, I don't expect many customers for the "filter-checkoption-compact" filter type though, so not big prio13:44
Saviqstill, shouldn't be a big issue13:44
* kamstrup adds a u2d task then13:44
greybackkamstrup: yep, it's in progress already I believe13:45
dyamskamstrup: filter-checkoption-compact is not in staging either..still waiting...lemme check again now13:48
kamstrupit's been in libunity and unity-lens-music trunks for a few days I believe13:49
greybackdyams: if you're on Oneiric, you may not be seeing any updates from the staging PPA. It's Precise only now13:49
kamstrupsince Wednesday13:50
dyamsgreyback: sure, am on precise13:50
dyamskamstrup: there are 4-5 branches which one is final revision13:52
greybackdyams: good. last libunity build on staging was 2 minutes ago, so that filter-compact hint should be there now13:53
dyamsgreyback : lemme refresh13:53
greybackdyams: now don't ping me for 2 minutes, it's mucking up my tests :)13:54
dyamskamstrup: greyback: yay! filter-checkoption-compact is coming to unity2d-shell14:03
dyamssaviq: ^^14:03
dyamssaviq: greyback: lemme do it for unity2d-shell.14:03
greybackdyams: it was you I gave to do it, not tiagosh. My bad. Yes please do14:05
dyamsgreyback: no prob14:06
dyamskamstrup: all renders will have two columns except "filter-checkoption-compact", no?14:18
dyamskamstrup: only "filter-checkoption-compact" have 3 columns14:18
kamstrupdyams: in short, yes14:19
kamstrupdyams: the reason we choose the "compact" moniker was to leave that a bit up to the unities rendering this. The lens can say "Like normal filters, but I have more options".14:20
kamstrupit just so happens that our Unity2/3d implementations use a 3 column layout for this :-)14:20
dyamskamstrup: Ok, thank you for the description14:21
dyamskamstrup: :)14:21
mhr3kamstrup, there's something odd with your branch - hiding the dash using super seems to reset the search string for the lenses, but it stays in the entry14:26
mhall119JohnLea: ping14:26
tsdgeosgreyback: you were planning having tests for modes != intellihide, right? how far is that?14:26
mhr3kamstrup, ie "gedit" -> see gedit in results -> hide with super -> summon again -> see "gedit" in the entry, but lenses show results for ""14:27
greybacktsdgeos: not got ot it yet, sorry14:27
kamstrupmhr3: let me check14:27
tsdgeosgreyback: oh, i'm working on something "show-all-the-time" mode only, what's your suggestion for the test? change it forth and back manually?14:28
kamstrupmhr3: hold on, I need to fix my system. Got hit by a double whammy with nux abi break and libglew1.5->1.6 abi break as well... b000000orked14:30
mhall119thumper: ping14:32
=== dyams is now known as dyams|away
greybacktsdgeos: launcher in the fixed state? (you're doing the strut stuff). Manual is only thing I can suggest just now.14:34
tsdgeosgreyback: yes, the strut stuff14:34
tsdgeosgreyback: ok, i'll go manual then14:34
kamstrupmhr3: I get it now... trunk also has this in reverse I think. It clears the text entry but not the lenses. You just don't see it because it's hidden14:37
kamstrup(behind the home screen tiles)14:37
mhr3kamstrup, no trunk doesn't clear the search string14:38
mhr3that's the statefulness design wanted, no?14:38
kamstrupmhr3: odd... it does here14:38
mhr3kamstrup, are you hiding using super or esc?14:39
kamstrupmhr3: I know, looking at the code it looks like it doesn't, but in reality it does; somewhere14:39
kamstrupmhr3: super14:39
kamstrupplease don't say those are different14:39
mhr3afaik, yes :P14:39
kamstrupah, so Esc is "back"14:39
kamstrupmakes sense14:39
kamstrupmhr3: what do you see if you hit <super>, type "ged", <super>, and then <super> to re-show dash?14:40
kamstrupI get a cleared home screen with the tiles14:41
mhr3kamstrup, trunk or your branch?14:41
mhr3a sec14:41
mhr3i suppose "a crash" doesn't count? :)14:42
kamstrupmhr3: oh, I can add that in my branch as well if we need to mimic trunk?14:42
kamstrupmhr3: you might be hit by the abi changes as well14:43
mhr3it's the music lens and compact filter14:43
kamstrupah yeah14:43
kamstrupunity thinks it better crash if it doesn't know a filter14:43
mhr3ok, so i get the search cleared14:43
kamstrupsaw that14:43
mhr3and i see the huge icons again14:44
kamstrupthen it's the same as me14:44
mhr3nevermind then, i assumed it'd behave like lens views now14:44
kamstruphow about I just clear the entry in my branch then, and we should be equiv. to trunk14:44
mhr3better check with john what's desired now?14:44
mhr3JohnLea, ping14:44
kamstrupthen we can chat to John about what we should *actually* be doing ;-)14:44
mhr3seems like he doesn't have time14:45
kamstrupyou killed him!14:45
kamstrupbetter now JohnLea? ;-)14:45
mhr3someone resurrected him14:45
JohnLeakamstrup; hyia, out of meeting now14:46
kamstrupJohnLea: I am just discussing with mhr3 what state we carry around in the dash14:46
kamstrupJohnLea: currently trunk clears the text entry when you hide the dash14:46
mhr3which makes sense since we want to show the huge icons14:47
kamstrup(and places you back on the home screen next time dash comes up)14:47
kamstrupMy gut instinct says we should still reset14:47
JohnLeakamstrup; the state of almost everything should be retained.  text entered into search field, filters, filters open or closed, category headers expanded or collapsed, etc...14:47
kamstrupthe new home screen contains lots of useful stuff14:47
JohnLeaone sec, let me dig out a bug...14:48
JohnLeafound it.  have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/91475914:48
JohnLeathis fixes the inconsistency we have had with Dash Home and Lens behaviour14:49
JohnLeakamstrup, mhr3: ^14:49
mhr3ok, i think that clears the it, thx JohnLea14:49
JohnLeakamstrup, mhr3; thx!14:50
kamstrupmhr3: if I can easily implement it then I'll do so. Otherwise I'll just clear the entry for now and then we can add it as a later task to implement the statefulness14:50
mhall119JohnLea: I'd like to talk to you about coming up with some kind of guideline for the creation of new lenses14:50
mhr3kamstrup, ok14:51
JohnLeamhall119; e.g. what a Lens should and shouldn't do?14:51
mhall119JohnLea: yeah, since we're starting to see people make per-source lenses, not per-content-type lenses14:51
mhall119I'd like to have a wiki page or something to point them to that gives "official" recommendations about when you should and should not make a new lense14:52
JohnLeamhall119; yes, that would be very useful.  Did you see my post on the ayatana mailing list about part of this subject a little while ago?14:52
mhall119nope (not sure i'm on that ML, let me check)14:52
mhall119is it an LP list, or lists.u.c?14:53
JohnLeamhall119; that would be a really good, ping me when you have a first draft ready.  One sec, I'll dig out the post14:53
mhall119I like how you turned that back around into work for me :)14:54
kamstrupmhr3: hrm... I've started getting segfaults from unity in my branch http://paste.ubuntu.com/814339/ . The odd thing is that I don't get it when using the standalone dash...14:54
mhr3kamstrup, fun, works here though :)14:55
kamstrupmhr3: yeah, my gut instinct says it's somehow because I broke libunity-core abi...14:56
* kamstrup will never break any abis again14:56
mhr3i was just going to say that14:56
kamstrup(today. at least)14:56
mhr3kamstrup, it's almost like you didn't use jhbuild or something :P14:57
kamstrupmhr3: I use nothing else :-)14:57
davidcallemhall119, would you mind if we draft it together in a Google doc?14:57
kamstrupmhr3: btw, I looked at the lens-icon-shifting-issue you pointed out. It's present in trunk as well. So not my bad! :-)14:58
mhall119davidcalle: 50% less work for me, definitely14:58
mhall119JohnLea: what was the title of your email onthe ML?14:58
mhr3kamstrup, no it's not, sorry there's really something wrong with your unity :P14:58
kamstrupJohnLea, mhall119, mhr3, davidcalle: the per source lenses thing is probably a relic of the old libunity API where the concept of "sources" wasn't really wired up. mhr3 fixed this in trunk where it should work great14:59
kamstrupmhr3: fuuuuu!14:59
mhall119kamstrup: what do you mean?15:00
JohnLeamhall119; just pinged it to you in irc, let me know when you have a first draft available.  This is a piece of documentation that we are really missing, thanks for spotting it and offering to help15:00
mhall119JohnLea: thanks15:01
mhr3mhall119, we now have api that the scopes can use to show in the lens a "Source" that can be enabled/disabled15:01
kamstrupmhall119: I was talking in relation to the lenses-per-source vs lenses-per-content-type you mentioned15:01
mhall119ok, I understand now, thanks15:02
kamstrupmhr3: I am *quite* sure that it is in trunk. Have you tried an up-to-date lp:unity and then running standalone-clients/dash (compile it with 'make dash')15:02
mhr3kamstrup, i'm running trunk unity right now, there's no offset issue15:03
mhr3oh wait15:03
mhr3no i'm not15:03
mhr3it's the one from precise15:04
mhr3kamstrup, ok you win15:04
mhall119davidcalle: JohnLea: invite to google doc sent15:06
davidcallemhall119, thanks.15:07
mhall119JohnLea: do we have any document about when to create vs. reuse an indicator?  I think there might be some overlap in intention between indicators and lenses15:10
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
tsdgeosnerochiaro: what does "Put back in support for 4-finger slide gesture (in a way that's not tied to the panel)" mean in the MergePlan wiki?15:20
nerochiarotsdgeos: let me point you at the relevant code. hold on15:21
nerochiarotsdgeos: in short, on touch-enabled devices when you slide on the screen with 4 fingers you should "drag out" the launcher, which will then stay out if you slide past a certain "distance15:22
tsdgeosseems difficult to test :D15:22
* tsdgeos looks for something else to do15:22
nerochiarotsdgeos: :) that's the problem everyone will have with it :)15:23
nerochiaroi think it's something only Kaleo himself can do, i don't know anyone else with touch devices15:23
Kaleonerochiaro: I can indeed15:24
Kaleonerochiaro: anybody with a macbook can15:24
* tsdgeos looks around15:24
tsdgeosno macbook15:24
nerochiaroKaleo: none here15:25
Kaleonobody in the team has anything but me? :)15:25
nerochiarotough beans15:25
tsdgeosKaleo: i've a red tshirt!15:25
tsdgeosnerochiaro: you doing "When screen/desktop is resized adjust shell size accordingly and update input mask" ?15:26
nerochiaroKaleo: serves you right for buying shiny white hardware15:26
* greyback is playing it quiet :)15:26
nerochiarotsdgeos: that one is easy. try killing the panel when the shell is up15:26
nerochiarotsdgeos: fix the wrongness you see15:26
tsdgeosok, though you were doing it somehow15:26
nerochiarotsdgeos: i was "in the area", but didn't get to fix that specific one15:27
nerochiarotsdgeos: feel free to take it15:27
nerochiarotsdgeos: should be really simple15:27
tsdgeosnerochiaro: ok15:27
tsdgeosnerochiaro: with "shell up" you mean "visible" or simply "running" ?15:30
nerochiarotsdgeos: visible to notice the issue, but the fix should be the same regardless15:30
Kaleogreyback: you have it15:31
Kaleogreyback: good luck :)15:31
Kaleonerochiaro, greyback: ok, I take on the task of making the gestures work15:33
nerochiaroKaleo: thanks15:33
nerochiaroKaleo: greyback: tsdgeos: Saviq: does anyone know how to connect to QConf signals from c++ ?16:18
nerochiaromardy: ^16:24
greybacksorry, no idea16:26
mgedminvery annoying unity bug: press <Super> + g, which is my custom keymap for launching a terminal -- terminal appears, but dash also shows up17:31
mhall119JohnLea: we're going to need some official recommendations from the dx team about when a new lens should be created and when an existing one should be reused19:22
mhall119this will also be used by the ARB when evaluating new packages to be included in the software center19:22
mhall119can you or someone else on the team provide that either as text or an outline we can use to write the text19:23
davidcallemhall119, let's say there is a Canonical private project for a specific lens and during the dev, someone submits a lens for the same data type. How would you handle it?19:25
mhall119davidcalle: I guess it would be case-specific, but I'd want the canonical-private developers to see if they could use the contriuted lens, and if not can they send a patch for whatever changes they'll need to it before it gets approved19:27
mhall119davidcalle: but the policy I'm looking for is more along the lines of "Don't make a Netflix lens, make a Netflix scope for a generic Video lens"19:28
davidcallemhall119, I completely agree, nevertheless I think it would be hard to convince a dev not to produce a Netflix lens, with a very specific set of filters and features dedicated to the source, instead of a scope that will be forced to use non Netflix oriented filters/categories.19:34
mhall119davidcalle: I agree, but I still think we should minimize the number of unnecessary source-specific lenses19:35
mhall119otherwise we lose the benefit of having lenses19:35
jonoballoons, invite sent19:36
mhall119thumper: morning, I need to talk to you for a bit if you'll have time in about an hour19:53
thumpermhall119: I'll see if I can make some time :)19:55
mhall119thumper: thanks19:56
thumpermhall119: do you skype?20:30
mhall119thumper: I do, yes20:40
mhall119give me another 30 minutes or so to finish up another meeting20:40
thumperI'm on a call too :)20:41
thumperhi bschaefer21:03
bschaeferthumper, it was more concerning my contract21:03
bschaeferthumper, not as much unity stuff right now21:04
thumperok, it is the top of my todo list after calls :)21:04
bschaeferthumper, alright no worries, just wanted to check. Was going to campus to bug my professor later.21:05
bschaeferthumper, have fun on your calls :). Ill be around if you have any questions about the contract21:05
thumpermhall119: skype id?21:32
mhall119thumper: I'm ready when you are21:41
mhall119thumper: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/unity-stats/#mp_stats21:53
mhall119davidcalle: hey, I was wondering if you've started a blog for ohscopes yet22:30
davidcallemhall119, it's ready, I just need to write stuff on it.23:04
htorquehi all! is indicator-loader3 supposed to work with the appmenu right now? when i try to start it (running metacity), i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814857/ and an empty loader window.23:08
davidcallemhall119, I have some material for it actually. But it's pretty low on my priority list to be honest, I have not even sent my UDS sponsoring request yet.23:08
mhall119davidcalle: I don't think it's open for applications yet23:11
davidcallemhall119, oh, you are right.23:13

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