
TtechWhere are all the ubicon videos going?00:55
pleia2scale was awesome \o/02:44
pleia2hi Ttech :)02:44
pleia2once they're processed and stuff there will be links on ubucon.org probably02:44
Ttechhi pleia202:45
Ttechpleia2, I hope so. :)02:45
Ttechpleia2, I wasn't able to stay for the raffle. How many people actually showed up?02:45
pleia2more than we had prizes!02:45
pleia2was a lively raffle :)02:45
TtechAww. :(02:45
Ttechpleia2, I stand by what I said. It looked more like a bookstore then ubuntu group02:46
* pleia2 lurks at the airport02:48
Ttechpleia2, LAX?02:48
Ttechhopefully no delays? There is that storm coming.02:48
pleia2no delays for me so far02:49
pleia2boarding in about a half hour02:49
Ttechoh nice.  ~45 minute flight, 20~ deplane!02:49
Ttechpleia2, You did the presentations on the ubuntu in education and the opening one right?02:51
pleia2Ttech: I did the first talk of ubucon, and at scale on saturday morning I did an education one03:06
pleia2hanging out with eps :)03:06
Ttechpleia2, yeah, I was there. I always had a camera with me mostly.03:59
bkerensaI converted another Windows user to Ubuntu04:03
TtechShame, those windows user are always so much fun to watch having broken computers.04:03
Ttechphilipballew, FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET... oh forget it.04:04
philipballewthat song was a good buissness song04:04
philipballewand its not my fault i know how boogie04:04
* Ttech facepalms04:05
bkerensaphilipballew: Are you at Scale?04:05
TtechThat was a party. ^.^04:05
philipballewbkerensa, just got back 20 minutes ago04:05
philipballewits 2 hours away from me04:05
Ttechbkerensa, scale endedish I think at this point.04:05
* bkerensa is trying to get some photos and perhaps video from Scale for OMG! Ubuntu! and perhaps some insider info on anything Ubuntu related that occurred04:05
TtechI left ~6 hours ago.04:05
Ttechbkerensa, I have photos I took.04:05
bkerensamaybe I could interview nhaines to see how to Ubucon went there04:06
TtechIt was pretty nice with ubicon, the microphones never worked quite right, and everyone always had to 'project'04:07
philipballewbkerensa, I can help with that if youd need or like?04:07
bkerensaphilipballew: So is California roadtriping up for OSCON? (Largest Open Source event in the U.S.) ? :)04:07
Ttechoh I'd be down for that. even if I'm not a member.04:07
bkerensaphilipballew: Sure, I can e-mail you some questions and such04:07
philipballewI will be there yes, Ill try to see if i can get others from the bay to all carpool for the heck of it04:07
bkerensayou are coming up?04:08
bkerensaMarkDude comes up04:08
philipballewbkerensa, go for it. its my nick at ubuntu dot com04:08
bkerensaRedhat pays him to come up :P04:08
philipballewill be there04:08
philipballewprobably bum a ride like always04:08
bkerensawait.... were you at OSCON last year?04:08
philipballewno, had summer school :(04:09
bkerensaoh ok was going to say :D04:09
Ttechwhen is OSCON, its june isn't it?04:09
philipballewI thinkl?04:09
* bkerensa is having issues getting O'Reilly to give us greenlight on our booth04:09
Ttechdamn it. :/04:09
philipballewhow so?04:09
bkerensawell they do applications last minute04:10
bkerensaand if they were to decline us04:10
bkerensawell it would waste money and time on a lot of people04:10
bkerensaand last year it was so last minute we didnt even have time to request a conf kit04:10
philipballewhow much would it cost me bk to go bkerensa04:10
bkerensaphilipballew: Well if we have a booth it would cost you nothing because they pretty much give us unlimited conf passes04:11
bkerensaI think last year I asked for like 7-804:11
Ttechhook me up bkerensa. ;)04:11
philipballewThat seems like a good plan. I can speak about why Ubuntu is awesome to all04:11
Ttechphilipballew, That was an awesome presentation you did this time.04:11
bkerensaThese will get you into almost everything and for everything else they also give me a stack of these golden passes that will get you into any talk or session04:11
philipballewTtech, uhh, maybe04:12
philipballewbkerensa, Ill be there04:12
bkerensaUbuntu WA LoCo comes down too04:12
TtechI assume I would need to be a Ubuntu member to get these cool golden passes.04:12
philipballewa loco member04:12
bkerensaYou would need to be a member of a loco who contacts me or Ubuntu WA04:13
* bkerensa wonders if Jono will do a talk again this year.... His keynote last year was nice although the slides from his keynote he also presented at CLS the weekend before :P04:14
TtechNow that I have actually met some of you, I'll look into becoming a loco member.04:17
raevolwomp womp scale over06:06
XouriiHello everyone14:42
philipballewdid you make it home safely pleia2 ?19:09
pleia2philipballew: eventually :)19:12
philipballewYeah, no traffic whatsoever.19:13
philipballewIm missing a power adapter stilol so im gonna mail thee list and see who has it, maybe ill do that today.19:13
philipballewunless its berried in a bag somewhere with the tshirts pleia219:14
pleia2I didn't see anything left at the booth, I put all misc stuff at the booth in one of the boxes you and Darkwing took19:15
philipballewyeah, i think he has it, but if not i have an extra adapter. Its just for my backup router19:18
* philipballew thinks everyone needs a backup router19:18
kdub_i missed out on scale, eh?20:21
pleia2kdub_: yeah, was this past weekend21:04
pleia2aha, I figured out why our twitter posts were being duplicated - identi.ca's x-posting randomly works sometimes now21:24
pleia2I've disconnected it, posterous sends to everything21:25
=== Ttech is now known as mrmistel
=== mrmistel is now known as Ttech
bkerensapleia2: I assume California's 11.10 supply is tapped?21:30
bkerensafor printed anyways21:31
pleia2I sent them all over the state so some of the ubuntu hours may have a couple21:34
pleia2but as far as central distribution, yeah21:34
bkerensaoh ok21:35
bkerensapleia2: Well we have a talk coming up next month at Yahoo and I'm wondering if it might be possible to reach out to Jono or someone for a small dose of some printed CD's even though not a conf still good marketing op21:38
pleia2jono@ubuntu.com :)21:38
pleia2it's easier with conferences since they have a process set up to request packs even for teams that aren't approved yet21:39
pleia2tricky for small events21:39
pleia2or talks21:39
bkerensapleia2: Yeah well I have invited some Canonical folk to come and talk Enterprise at the series21:46
pleia2they might be able to bring stuff too21:46
bkerensathat would be awesome21:47
bkerensaI actually do not think any of the Canonical folks locally have any CD's they are all engineers or developers :P21:47
pleia2I don't understand21:47
pleia2does the internal process at canonical restrict who in the company can request CDs by department?21:48
pleia2(I don't know how that all works, I assumed anyone in the company could get CDs)21:48
jledbetterbkerensa: We have some CDs (Mountain View UH)22:04
paulproteuswiretapped: Good seeing you at Noisebridge last week!22:58
paulproteusIf any of you folks are interested in moving into a 4br with me and others in the Mission, do ping me (:22:59
philipballew do you think its possible to download ubuntu documentaion and view ofline, still making all links work23:12
Ttechphilipballew, httptrack or what ever that program is called can23:14
Ttechphilipballew, http://www.httrack.com/ this guy23:15
philipballewhum, is that different then wget23:15
Ttechoh yea23:15
TtechI mean it might use wget or curl backend23:15
Ttechbut it is a site archiver.23:15
TtechAlso, I finished uploading all the pictures from SCALE10x23:16
philipballewlink Ttech ?23:17
bkerensajledbetter: Oh thanks for offer I got Jono to sort it out :)23:21
Ttechphilipballew, Hold on a second, getting terrible lag.23:23
philipballewno worries!!!23:23
TtechCorey! I didn't know you were here23:23
CoreyImagine that!23:23
TtechCorey, I'd would have figured you would be still at the exhibit hall.23:23
CoreyTtech: I'm in San Francisco.23:24
CoreyWent for beer.  Got lost.23:24
CoreyTtech: Where do you live, anyway?23:24
philipballewim in san diego!23:25
TtechCorey, not to far from san diego currently.23:25
CoreyPfft, wrong irection.23:26
Coreydirection, even.23:26
Ttechirection eh?23:26
CoreyTtech: Bonarpillz from Applie.23:26
CoreyApple, even.23:26
CoreyI can't type for crap today.  It's because I'm on my laptop keyboard. :-(23:26
TtechCorey, I thought you were in the LA area normally?23:26
CoreyTtech: Indeed, I live 5 miles from the convention hall.23:27
Ttechmmm I thought you were close.23:27
CoreyTtech: But a couple weeks a month I make expense reports not suck at expensify.com23:27
* philipballew waits for link23:28
TtechCorey, You sound like an advertisement.23:28
Ttechhttps://picasaweb.google.com/102399332305331506712/SCALE10x even23:28
TtechDoes that work?23:28
philipballewthat page was not found23:28
CoreyTtech: No pictures of Salt/23:30
TtechCorey, I didn't have my camera yesterday. :(23:30
CoreyI didn't have my radio, so it happens.23:30
Ttechhaha thats true.23:31
CoreyTtech: When I'm back home we might be able to hit the same repeaternet, depending.23:31
TtechCorey, can probably hit the same repeater now. I use WIN23:31
CoreyI don't have my radio up here.  TSA and anything more technically complicated than a flashlight means... problems.23:31
TtechCorey, Really? I put my radio in my backpack and they sent it though just fine.23:32
CoreyTtech: Yes, but you don't generally pick a fight with them out of principle I'd imagine.23:32
Ttechyeah. I don't.23:32
TtechIts easier if you just let them do their thing unless you want to be on the DNF list.23:32
Ttechadded a few more photos including tux, but I got a few panoramas to stitch23:33
akkI had a box of arduino stuff with me last time I flew. But I was fairly nervous about it.23:33
akkThey didn't hassle me, fortunately.23:33
Ttechoh pretty nice!23:35
CoreyTtech: Funny story about that.23:35
* Ttech listens23:36
CoreyTtech: If you fly enough (and I do) the airlines don't like it when you're on the DNF list, according to rumor.23:36
TtechNo they don't.23:36
TtechBecause you have a special system to get screened23:36
TtechBut I have not actually been on the list, and I don't really care to be.23:37
* Ttech wonders if Corey is secretly saying he's on the dnf list. 23:39
Ttech(joking on that one)23:40
CoreyNo, no.23:41
CoreyI'm not that offensive.23:41

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