
newmeheh, i'm new here, is this group really that active?01:08
TakyojiNot very active, at all02:02
Takyojibut we're alive through other means02:02
newmelike what?  and is there anything going on outside of the cities?02:04
TakyojiNot outside of the metro, that I know of. There's an installfest every 6 months, which most Ubuntu LoCo folks participate in02:06
TakyojiI'm pretty much by myself down in the Faribault area.02:07
newmeanyone that you know of way down southwest?  like luverne or that area?02:09
TakyojiOy, I'm not sure if there's anyone in that area, that I know of.02:13
newmeis the group growing much?02:15
TakyojiIt's a bit static, as there's been really nothing outside of installfests02:20
newmehow long have you been a member?02:22
Takyoji2-3 years or so, I think02:22
newmewhat do people do for installfests?02:25
TakyojiFirst, are you familiar with what an installfest is?02:25
newmei assume everyone parties over the new release and a lot of info gets passed around about it?02:26
TakyojiEssentially it's where those whom are curious of Linux, to bring in their laptop/desktop, to get help with installing it, and with any other help in general.02:32
newmeover irc?02:33
TakyojiIn person02:33
newmeic, so where would someone who would like to participate in one find info on it if they don't first have ubuntu? how would they know about it?02:34
TakyojiThrough promotion through friends, family, or just posters in a public setting.02:36
TakyojiIt's just a matter of someone hosting one in the area, in the first place.02:37
newmedo you think that a lot of the people that have ubuntu in MN are members of the loco?02:40

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